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MagicShel ,

I didn’t really care who she picked to begin with. There are other people who would excite me more, but nothing excites me like the idea of beating Trump and then sending him to prison.

lemming741 ,

Honest question - what’s the mechanism to do that?

MagicShel ,

Well, first we beat him at the polls, then we finish all the prosecutions. If we don’t beat him, the prosecutions are going to be moot. The court cases will be dropped.

lemming741 ,

I understand that, what’s he done specifically that carries a prison sentence? I’m not disagreeing with you, but I’m unaware of a case waiting on a trigger that doesn’t end up in just a fine.

Just saying “she’ll find a reason to lock him up” is a terrible take. That’s what MAGA wants to do to their political opponents. It’s also what people mean when we say ACAB.

MagicShel ,

There’s the Georgia election interference case - I don’t know what the potential penalties there are, but they can only delay that one until after the election. And Jan 6. There is the fraud sentencing in NY which, you are correct will likely not result in prison time since he’s a first time offender (lol).

There are two or three pending cases about fake electors where he is an unindicted co-conspirator which could potentially be amended to include him. Apparently now a potential bribery case if that hasn’t already been completely scuttled.

I mean shit the guy has done a fuck ton of crime. He’s already a felon, which means the kid gloves can come off for future sentencing.

I don’t think any of the cases are a slam dunk victory and then prison, but there are an awful lot of options.

cabron_offsets ,

Uh, stolen top secret documents and stored them by the shitter at mar-a-fucko?

CaptainBasculin ,

Not voting, because not my candidate.

(for context i dont live in US)

Habahnow ,

… so its treason then? Worst American ever… /s

Dark_Arc , avatar

(for context i dont live in US)

The only valid reason to disengage from US politics lol

LarkinDePark ,

It being a phony charade is another important one.

Sequentialsilence ,

They could have run the actual orange fruit and I would have voted for that over the orange cry baby.

We need more than 2 parties. fml.

NONE_dc , avatar

Believe me, even with more parties, politicians would manage to monopolize the attention of voters by assimilating smaller parties into “coalitions”. Take for example my country Venezuela, there are supposed to be about 30 parties, but half of them were consumed by the PSUV (the ruling party) and the other half are barely creating an opposition coalition, bringing us closer to bipartisanship.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

30 is way too many. Ideally, you want about 4-5 parties in order to maintain a healthy democracy without getting bogged down.

Either way, the two party corporate duopoly of the US ain’t it.

dormedas ,

Only way to get to more than 2 parties is to vote for the one party that doesn’t want a dictatorship, sadly.

MrVilliam ,

Unchanged. Still gonna vote for her. I’m more enthusiastic now that she picked Walz over some of the other finalists though. I’ll probably buy some campaign stickers now in addition to voting.

Thank you for ending your 2024 campaign, Joe Biden. That was hero shit. That humility and duty to something bigger than himself is exactly what made him so much better as a leader than trump ever could’ve been. Joe has earned his retirement, and there’s a part of me that hopes that he becomes the first former president to die of badass causes, flipping his Vette doing a buck eighty or something lol. But not for another couple decades.

Moobythegoldensock ,

I was going to settle for Biden, but I am excited to vote for Harris.

BaroqueInMind ,

No conservatives browse this site, you’re only going to get Kamala voters here, including myself, telling you what you want to hear: we are going to fucking vote for any Democrat. We are what people call an echo chamber.

11111one11111 ,

Conservative as fuck but haven’t had a single Conservative presidential candidate to vote for in over 10 years. Even then I think I voted Obama twice lol.

BaroqueInMind ,

Conservative as fuck

Prove it: what’s a better caliber, .38 S&W or 9mm?

ohlaph ,

Neither. 45 all the way.

hitstun , (edited ) avatar

This is true. There are two kinds of people who would vote orange. There are those too dumb to understand that he'd make himself dictator, and consequently too dumb to use the Fediverse. Then, there are those smart enough to understand those things and evil enough to want a dictatorship, and they're mostly on those tankie/fascist instances everyone else defederated. Neither of those groups will ever see this thread.

LarkinDePark ,

You people are genocide supporters. You will always be complicit.


Fuck off.

LarkinDePark ,

Know thyself.

venusaur , avatar

This. Most people here will vote for Wilson from Castaway if he was the Dem nominee.

And they wouldn’t even say it’s because Wilson is the only Dem. They would come up with all the ways that Wilson is actually a good presidential candidate.

MagicShel ,

In comparison to Trump, I can give you a long list of ways.

tiefling ,
  • He doesn’t wear diapers
  • He’s an active listener
  • He’s never incited genocide
  • He has never told a lie
  • He’s prettier
  • He has never betrayed his friends

And most importantly

  • He isn’t a fascist insurrectionist weirdo
0x01 ,

Harris has me profoundly optimistic. She’s the most qualified candidate I’ll have had the chance to vote for in my lifetime.

Walz is fine, I was keen on Buttigieg but I’ll happily vote for Walz and let Buttigieg keep his important current position.

My biggest hope is that Kamala will draw out some of the less extreme right leaning women, nobody needs to know that they’re voting for the better candidate and God knows women need allies with the ongoing barrage.

This election cycle is not about fear for me, Harris is an easy candidate to vote for!

Don_Dickle OP ,

lol no offense you sound like her hype man.

mozz , avatar

Why would you ask the question if someone who's going to be enthusiastic about their answer is going to be confusing to you

IDK if you've noticed but a lot of people are excited about Harris, although maybe that's just happiness because it's not the guy who might have a sundown moment on stage or something

Crackhappy , avatar

Same here. I wish Buttigieg were in the running. The man is intensely smart and passionate.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

There’s very few Americans who hadn’t completely decided already, maybe a couple percent. Of those couple percent, maybe a percent have an opinion on Tim Walz. And most of them are from Minnisota.

ilinamorato ,

The polls seem to disagree with you, at least before Harris’ pick of Walz was announced. She’s peeled off a solid 5-6% from Trump in some states, turning him from a +4 favorite to a -1 tossup in some Georgia polls, for example, or turning a Trump +3 favorite in Pennsylvania into a Harris +3 favorite between Biden’s decision to suspend his campaign and late last week.

I’m not expecting to see Walz’s announcement making any big waves right away, but it gives them a chance to extend the excitement cycle for a while.

SpaceNoodle ,


DirkMcCallahan ,

I was already going to crawl over cut glass to vote for her/against Drumph. Walz doesn’t change anything for me, but if Internet comments are to be believed, picking him does make me slightly more optimistic about our chances come November.

SaltySalamander ,


Vaggumon , avatar

I would have voted for Joe’s coffin before the felon. This changes nothing for me.

Diva , avatar

I’m voting PSL because my vote has no impact on the election anyways

yuuunikki ,


  • Loading...
  • shinigamiookamiryuu ,
    WalrusDragonOnABike ,

    Or they just try to send a message to onlookers. Voting for non-right-wing presidents isn’t acceptable here.

    MerchantsOfMisery ,

    You think people use downvoting to change a person’s mind? I always felt it was mostly to express disapproval or disagreement.

    In this case, I think it’s shallow/selfish thinking that leads people to not vote or throw their vote away with a third party vote just so they can smugly say "don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for Harris/Trump 😏" like it’s the most clever thing ever.

    As a POC, I can’t help but shake at folks like this because it’s like they’d rather play these little games when shit gets real rather than ya know, getting real.

    Diva , avatar

    I think it’s shallow/selfish thinking that leads people to not vote or throw their vote away with a third party vote just so they can smugly say "don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for Harris/Trump 😏

    You’re welcome to think that, How can I throw a vote away that has literally no impact on the presidential election? I’m not in a swing state and I still vote downballot- what’s even more annoying is it’s so non-competitive many of the state level democrats are just low-key republicans running as democrats. The result is yet another non-choice of an election.

    MagicShel ,

    I only downvote when something is too stupid and pointless to comment on. I don’t do it very often, but here we are.

    Diva , avatar

    excuse me for participating in our electoral system

    DoctorButts ,

    It's like walking around with a tattoo on your forehead that says "I'M A FUCKING IDIOT"

    MagicShel ,

    Eventually they will grow up and learn, if they ever get tired of being angry and irrelevant.

    Diva , avatar

    I’ve been getting told I’m going to grow out of being a communist for over 2 decades now. Any day now I guess

    MagicShel ,

    You don’t have to stop, but you’re also politically irrelevant. I’d get tired of that myself. I did. That’s why I stopped throwing my vote away on third party. But you do you. I really don’t care since you’re a non-participant.

    Diva , avatar

    I’m already politically irrelevant, how is changing my vote going to make it suddenly matter in a non-swing state

    MagicShel ,

    Look, where you can actually achieve things is in the Democratic primaries. Find the furthest left person you can and try to make them the candidate. Move the party left. Get your brand of politician onto the ballot on one of the teams that can win. Replicate that across the country and I guess the Democrats become communists, though I can’t imagine things flipping that far. You still have to deal with swing states that will be much harder to get communist candidates elected even in a major party.

    That’s the only realistic way to accomplish your goal without either waiting for one party to commit suicide or futilely taking up arms to try to replace the whole system of government.

    That’s not even my political persuasion, but look I’ll be long dead before that ever happens so more power to you. We’ve swung way too far right and I’ll work with anyone to swing it back the other way.

    Diva , (edited ) avatar

    I have plenty of critiques of PSL running primarily national election campaigns, the whole national level election just seems like a resource sink. I guess if they get to a certain percent they get federal money for it.

    The problem is a lot of local politics are already very much on lockdown by realtor/home construction/lawyer types. They will often get unquestionably voted in by homeowners, simply by evoking the fear of housing prices going down, or taxes going up. Homeowners are often vastly over-represented in terms of voter participation, due to structural disenfranchisement of poor people.

    Most people who you could organize in a given municipality who aren’t homeowners will be under constant economic pressure to follow work or new housing, leading to a lot of churn - and often leading to people just getting unenrolled because they didn’t update their address when they changed landlords.

    (Honestly this is why I prefer to just work on non-election stuff with my time)

    SaltySalamander ,

    Communism will never come to the USA. You should probably have realized that by now.

    Diva , avatar

    I mean yeah it’s practically the 4th Reich over here

    jmp242 ,

    I mean people also say you’ll grow up from being a liberal so lol. I presume it has a lot to do with why you have a particular political position and if you’ve actually thought it out at all.

    Cephalotrocity ,

    Why do people say that? I just picked a server to join because I thought it didn’t matter. Are servers really that cliquey?

    mozz , (edited ) avatar in particular is quite bad. is a little less bad but still has some annoyances. Most of the other ones are fine.

    Of course you can participate in communities anywhere from any server; about the only thing that will impact you is reputational impacts and maybe the occasional instance block or admin fuckery. I have heard rumors of admin fuckery on (moderation actions and then editing the modlog to make it look like it didn't happen), but IDK whether that is accurate.

    Some instances block one or both of or because their users are known for being, in the aggregate, a pain in the ass.

    Diva , avatar

    It’s mostly people who are used to leftists getting banned off their corporate-owned media sites being shocked at an alternative opinion

    ganksy , avatar

    Well none of the people here are from corporate -owned sites since we’re all on Lemmy. Your world view aligns perfectly with authoritarian-right. That’s why you get so much pushback.

    Diva , avatar

    Your world view aligns perfectly with authoritarian-right

    lmao your powers of perception need work

    ganksy , avatar

    Seems pretty spot on. What’s your view on Putin?

    Diva , avatar

    I’m really not a fan and it’s embarrassing every time Russia does some cringe culture war shit. America won the cold war so it’s what we’re stuck with, sadly

    ganksy , avatar

    Is there a particular country that exemplifies communism to you?

    SaltySalamander ,


    c0smokram3r , avatar

    Yes, they are really cliquey & tbh it’s kinda sad. So much for tryna foster community or engage with other communities to learn something new.

    Diva , avatar

    oh no I’m using instance that makes nerds seethe whatever will I do

    lemmyseizethemeans ,

    I feel the same way reading a lot of users content

    Drunemeton , avatar

    I read somewhere that Biden beat Trump by 40K votes. In a country of over 300 MILLION people that’s a razor thin margin.

    Your vote counts!

    I also read this sobering fact recently: People in Germany that didn’t think they had to vote in 1932, didn’t get another chance to vote until 1946.

    Diva , avatar

    There’s no popular vote, my state is solidly blue, why on earth shouldn’t I vote for people I agree with?

    TrippyFocus ,

    I know you’ve been getting downvotes but just wanted to say thank you for voting PSL!

    Diva , avatar


    AmbiguousProps ,

    I am 100% voting for Kamala in a deep blue state. But, I wanted to point out that it’s not the popular vote that matters, unfortunately, thanks to the electoral college.

    cabron_offsets ,

    Bruh, I think you’ll find that most of us were gonna vote for the D, no matter what. For the record, I like this choice of veep and Harris has won me over. I immediately felt dejected after the debate and wished that Biden would go away. I wasn’t enthused about Harris, but I figured we have no choice but to risk it. Biden did us right in the end. And Harris has been impressive in her consolidation of support and her organization.

    mozz , (edited ) avatar

    Yeah I was a constant Biden promoter and moderately opposed to replacing him just because I thought that, as big a problem as his age was, the prospect of the Democrats figuring out a plan B without cocking it up was remote enough that it might be better to keep him on.

    Having seen the way it happened (so far) I've never been so happy to be so wrong.

    sanguinepar , avatar

    Not from the US, but if I was I’d 100% be voting for Harris.

    Sam_Bass ,

    Nothing on this planet would ever get me to vote for the angry orange. Ever.

    LastoftheDinosaurs , avatar

    I was always going to vote against Trump, no matter who the other candidate was. I’m glad it’s Kamala, though. I think most people on Lemmy see the danger and made their decision long ago. Blue, no matter who.

    Don_Dickle OP ,

    Can I quote you on blue no matter who?

    Feyd ,

    Just FYI downvotes are because blue no matter who is already a well known phrase

    Don_Dickle OP ,

    Did not know that. First time I saw it. Thanks for educating me…no sarcasm.

    LastoftheDinosaurs , avatar

    Sure, but Blue No Matter Who started during the 2016 Democratic primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters. It encourages Democrats to come together and support the nominee in the general election, no matter who they backed in the primary. I use it to highlight the importance of coming together to stand against Republicans.

    Don_Dickle OP ,

    Not pitting one side or another but kind of seems like Republicans need to purge their own House…no pun intended…I think people are sick and tired of hearing them. But that may just me be.

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