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Bonskreeskreeskree , (edited )

This shit has got to be outlawed. Companies are doing this across the board. Literally skirting labor laws, outsourcing jobs that should be going to us citizens, all to just continue pouring more money into the tops pockets. When will we have all had enough?

Rivalarrival ,

It’s a simple enough solution in this case. They are performing the work of employees, so for all intents and purposes, they are employees. They are directly interacting with US customers at a physical location within the US. Their place of work is that physical location, even if they are not physically present. They need authorization to work in the US, and the minimum wage laws applicable to that location applies to these workers.

All that is missing is the lawsuit under existing labor laws, which they will probably lose.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

So what can the citizens do to get traction on this?

sunzu ,

Good luck finding a judge taking such a position

Judiciary is just a rubber stamp for the corporate needs. Last 40 years of court rulings speak for themselves.

Courts ain't saving slaves

gerbler ,

Sounds like something the Department of Labour could legislate… Or could have.

But the supreme court just ruled that this falls under the courts jurisdiction and there’s a snowflakes chance in hell that a case pushed high and far enough will result in those ghouls will rule in favour of labour interests.

Rivalarrival ,

Yeah, I don’t think SCOTUS would side with an IRS or Labour Department rule requiring businesses pay minimum wage. But you’re forgetting the “racist” angle: the courts would love nothing more than to support a State Department determination that they are “immigrant workers” and require a work visa.

teamevil ,

Not with this fucking compromised supreme court. Nothing was capitalized on purpose.

obinice , avatar

Okay but like… how are they gonna count out my change?

Qwaffle_waffle ,

For giving you change:…/tflexsc.htm

For counting your change, probably something like this…/automated-cash-recycling-system

corsicanguppy ,

Those are awesome for the 7.2 minutes in a row they work without some intervention.

Source: McDonald’s drive-[through].

brbposting ,
The_Worst ,

In the Netherlands you have self checkout with cash. No cashier involved.

ByteOnBikes ,

In Japan, you order from a vending machine, pay the machine, get a slip of paper, and hand it to the cook.

I think that system is fantastic.

The_Jit ,

We have this in the US to. Even McDonalds does them!

LordCrom ,

Ya I hate that. I have walked out of a McDonalds and went to the drive thru just so a person would take my order.

MeanEYE , avatar

For different reasons though. In japan it’s for small restaurants which don’t employ many people or don’t have a lot of space or both. For McDonald’s it’s for pinching a dollar more for their empire.

aidan ,

In japan it’s for small restaurants which don’t employ many people or don’t have a lot of space or both.

So about saving money, which is the same reason

For McDonald’s it’s for pinching a dollar more for their empire.

McDonald’s is franchised

MeanEYE , avatar

I also love the amount vending machines Japan has. I’d love to have machine for tea or late night ramen around every corner.

aidan ,

Not what you want to hear, but it sounds like you just want a kettle

MeanEYE , avatar

Haha. If those two were the only things offered in vending machines in japan, then yes. But they don’t.

Annoyed_Crabby ,

Cashless payment, or those machine that will count the money, sorta like vending machine.

whitelobster69 ,

I hope it’s just supplemental. Like have one cashier and when it’s busy have one remote in to help for a period of time (card only payments) then log out. Could have a 3rd party company manage a group of online employees to rotate between places worldwide.

Still don’t think I’m cool with it but seems inevitable unless AI just replaces all of them quicker than expected

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

Boo for OP who didn’t name and shame

fmstrat ,

Was about to say the same. Up vote instead.

lurch ,

Zoom ID and pass are in the image tho 😄

Nelots ,…/nyc-restaurants-use-zoom-cashiers-fr…

adding that she splits tips with her manager and kitchen staff at the restaurant.

They don’t even let her keep her entire tips. The whole situation is fucked. Somebody mentioned in the article also brought up a great point…

“Today, this is a Filipino woman behind a screen, controlling a POS system — but it’s not crazy to believe that probably in the next six to twelve months, this could be an AI avatar doing all the same things,” he said.

What a shitty future we have.

intensely_human ,

Well yeah. When you eat at a restaurant, and tip, generally you’re not intending to tip the solely the cashier.

Before chanting along with the hate chant just think for a second. When’s the last time you tipped a cashier, with the intention of the tip going to the cashier and none of the rest of the staff?

sunzu ,

That's right folks, this is why you don't tip cashiers or anyone else for that matter unless they get sub min wage rate.

explodicle ,

I never intend for them to go to the manager.

Gigasser ,

Um…yes I do. If I enjoy the service of one particular waiter, I expect that the tip (at least the majority of it, let’s say around 75-90% if not 100% of it) goes to the waiter who served me. If I’m tipping a cashier, I just give him a few bucks and tell him to pocket it discreetly.

5too ,

From the article, Sansan Chicken, Sansan Ramen, and Yaso Kitchen, all in NY. (Since nobody has said it yet)

BruceTwarzen ,

Good thing they build a wall so these mean immigrants are not stealing jobs.

sunzu ,

immigrants are not stealing jobs.

I know you are being cheeky.. But you are using their lingo. It is strategic as it skips the the perp ie the rent seeker looking to underpay for labour.

You know how fake teevee always got NYC migrant bussing story?

But we never hear about migrants being bussed into the heartland to work in meat packing or some other hard work.

Who is paying to bus them anyway?

Asking for a friend

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Oops! All Plantations now!

Guess it wasn’t much of a land for the free. Unless people start pushing back, I gotta question if it’s the home of the brave, either.

sjpwarren ,

Can’t wait to hear how Trump says Philippines

NocturnalMorning , (edited )

I just wouldn’t go to that restaurant. Plenty of other places to go.

sunzu ,

Critical thinking spotted!

Whoever clicked the link drop the name of that shithole so NYC shitposters know to avoid.

Confused_Emus ,

Thankfully even without the name it’ll be pretty obvious if you stumble across it.

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

Uh huh…avoid…

tightens brick

sunzu ,

damn fed... can't folk just not spend their money at a place that devalues their labour tho

IzzyJ , avatar

That only works if consumers organize and have discipline. Like a boycott. Were talking about americans here, they wont bother unless its a trans woman

sunzu ,

You very likely very right but it does not mean that people should not do it and spread the word. Hopefully one day we can hit critical mass.

Vote with your money people, it is the most effective way to exercise of power you have. You must consume but some choices are better than others.

IzzyJ , avatar

Oh absolutely we should try, Im just a cynic

sunzu ,

me too but but got to fight the good fight.

denying corpos profits does bring some joy in life tho, the last bit of agency before the cyberpunk future.

MrSusan ,

Is this real? Is there any proof of this actually being a thing?

conditional_soup ,

I’m almost certain this has been tried before multiple times and always ended badly. I see no reason to think it would be different now.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

No one wants to see the people who are being exploited.

intensely_human ,

“Please don’t destroy my job to satisfy your desire to virtue signal”

— the person who now has a job as a cashier

IzzyJ , avatar

Sucks to be them. Stop enabling our owner class to hollow out our economy even more

Fedizen ,

this should be straight up illegal.

Wogi ,

It’s not only legal it’s effectively encouraged. Capitalism is a race to the bottom, regardless of consequences.

generichate1546 ,

When the supreme Court has their finger in the scale it makes everything feel fuckin hopeless

prole ,

They don’t help, sure, but this shit happens anyway in capitalism. It’s an inevitability.

intensely_human ,

Yeah it sucks how money flows to the people who can use it most under capitalism, without anyone having to force it to happen.

prole ,

Is this how you think capitalism works? Yikes.

IzzyJ , avatar

Capitalism is not a meritocracy the second someone fies and passes on their money

intensely_human ,

The person in the Philippines gets a good job out of this

b000rg , (edited )

They’re being paid minimum wage. It’s not a great job.

Edit: And apparently they split their tips with the people working in the restaurant too, so I really feel like this is just exploitation.

aidan ,

The minimum wage in the Phillipines is around $10 a day.

brbposting ,

If this is right:

Looks like the absolute max is less than $10, and the absolute minimum is less than six dollars.

  • $5.24 (306 PHP)
  • $9.76 (570 PHP)

How come agricultural laborers get shafted? An immediate guess is the government trying to keep food costs down.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

This should result in community violence.

And009 ,

Resulted in community silence instead

intensely_human ,

We must be mistaken

Snowpix , avatar

Why does it seem that the ones who have everything have nothing inside, nothing inside?

SeattleRain ,

I think it is illegal. I thought you had to file a W2 for anyone working in the states.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

They are not physically in the US, and probably work listed as some sort of overseas contractor. Whatever wages they earn are from their employer who contracts for the restaurant.

That’s probably how it works.

BruceTwarzen ,

People should just not go there. But it’s america and they probably have 1dollar chicken nuggets or something.

Duamerthrax ,

I would probably just turn around if I saw and understood what I was looking at. Definitely wouldn’t go back a second time.

SloppyPuppy ,

Theyre stealing our jobs without even being here! /s


Maybe someone will catch on to who the actual enemy is here…

IzzyJ , avatar

Lol. Not the hicks. Theyll see foreigner and get pissy

TheReturnOfPEB ,

This is going to be the response to “work from home”

WoolyNelson ,

Cashiers fought for WFH?

If you’re talking about other sectors, it’s been done before (off-shoring in the 2000s).

sunzu ,

Yeah but he reminding us "that daddy can do it anytime to you"

U feel me?

intensely_human ,

Yeah it’s definitely dystopian that someone in the Philippines gets to earn a living 🙄

feedum_sneedson ,

Capitalism’s spatial fix.

rozodru ,

hope your job never gets offshored

you: “Yeah I lost my job, but hey, now someone in India gets to earn a living…can you help me prop up my cardboard box to keep the rain out? thanks.”

aidan ,

I agree it sucks that anyone would lose their job, but why is the default of people in the “west” having well paid, air conditioned jobs, and other people getting those jobs stealing from them.

explodicle ,

The default is locals having the job.

aidan ,

Why should it remain that way?

explodicle ,

Because the surplus from this change is going to the owner and not the workers.

aidan ,

It’s in NYC, I would not assume the owner is financially stable. Small businesses struggle because of two main costs, rent and labor

explodicle ,

Since we’re discussing the default, I’d assume average NYC everything. If a restaurant can’t afford to pay minimum wage for the area, then I wouldn’t assume their business is a good use of space.

aidan ,


sunzu ,

How is this my problem?

Nobody ask how my budget at home work when I negotiate my salary.

Financial viability of a shiti business is the "owners" problem.

They never include me when they accounting them profits tho ;)

I wonder why dear?

aidan ,

Well, it’s your problem if they don’t employ you and you need a job I suppose. Or if you just like having non-mega corps in your neighborhood

sunzu ,

r if you just like having non-mega corps in your neighborhood

If you don't allow me to underpay workers, mega corps will ruin your neighborhoods, rheee

aidan ,

Depending on what you mean by underpay, possibly yeah it’ll contribute. Don’t look too much into the new CA restaurant worker minimum wage law.

Lyrl ,

Jobs are not a finite resource. If there is a pool of people who want to work, someone will find stuff to pay them to do.

I seriously would love for my entire current set of job responsibilities to be automated. There are a couple of value-adding full-time jobs’ worth of work I could be doing for my employer that are just being left on the table right now.

rozodru ,

Well this is just absolutely untrue. If there’s a pool of people who want to work then someone will just give them a job? what kind of magical unicorn world are you living in? So in your world unemployment rates just…don’t exist or are a fabrication? those people are just lazy?

If you got fired from your job and you couldn’t find another one, in your head, whose fault is that? yours? the mythical job provider who hasn’t blessed you with another?

If I ran a business and was provided the option of hiring you or someone in another country for peanuts, I’d tell you to kick grass.

But you want to work I hear you say! someone HAS to pay me to do something! nope, I’m not going to pay you, I’m going to pay this kid in India or his brother that just got off the plane half of what I would have to pay you.

Welcome to the real world.

match , avatar

it is not the way the world has to work just because it’s the way the world currently works

Lyrl ,

There will always be some level of unemployment (a percentage of people who want job a won’t have found one), but if automation made the unemployment rate permanently go up, all the people who used to hand knit socks who lost jobs to powered looms, all the people who used to drive plows with oxen who lost jobs to combines, all the blacksmiths who lost jobs to powered forges, and equivalent percentage of the population for subsequent generations forever would remain unemployed. And yet, somehow, subsequent generations have managed to mostly find jobs.

MystikIncarnate ,

I would not shop here. If I saw this, I would turn around and walk out. Go somewhere that they value work.

Wogi ,

BuT nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe

octopus_ink ,

BuT nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe


Obligatory -

mohammed_alibi ,

How about this one from about 2000 years ago:

<span style="color:#323232;">37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;

Matthew 9:37…

octopus_ink ,

That was awesome. Deep cut!

errer ,

Everyone in the US takes advantage of cheap overseas labor. It’s just usually not directly in your face.

treadful , avatar

It’s usually impossible not to, because we have no visibility into the supply chain or there’s no other options. In this case, it’s impossible to ignore.

werefreeatlast ,

I have bad eye sight…I read the screen behind her as “Japanese fried children” suddenly I knew I had misread that. Like there’s no way New York would stoop that low and be that cruel to children. I corrected myself before any other thought occurred actually. But it was momentarily disturbing.

feedum_sneedson ,


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