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HuddaBudda , to news in Israeli death toll passes 600, another 2,048 injured avatar

This couldn't happen at a worse time.

The Israeli President, has been doing things a bit more draconian of late. To the point he was basically invalidating the supreme court of Israel.

Because they found shady dealings in his past.

The Air force Reservists of Israel basically walked off in protest.

That was three months ago.

Now I imagine the Israeli president will use this like a smoke screen, not only to criticize reservists, but also to hide his criminal intent.

This also helps Saudi Arabia and Syria, as they will be able to hide their military operations under the guise that they are only acting on a more active Israel.

This situation only helps the people in power. It does nothing for the civilians who are going to face the pushback from this. Or already have.

Akasazh , avatar

I got sick when Bibi smugly, smilingly denounced this attack and declared war. Lacking any solemnity that a repugnant attack like this requires.

Couldn’t hide his glee.

Sad day for people of Israel and Palestine alike, this sets back any remote chance of progress for another lifetime.

letsroll , to worldnews in Defense minister announces ‘complete siege’ of Gaza: No power, food or fuel avatar

The UN loses credibility when it constantly denounces Israel while being largely mute about abuses like what’s happening to the Uyghurs

febra , to world in Zelensky: Israel has ‘indisputable’ right to defend itself from terror

I mean he does need those israeli anti missile shields so I get where he’s coming from. But this is straight up hilarious. Israel is occupying Palestinian terriroties ilegally just like Russia is doing in Ukraine.

yogo , to worldnews in Defense minister announces ‘complete siege’ of Gaza: No power, food or fuel

Fuck you, you piece of shit, the blood of thousands of innocent souls is on your useless fascistic hands. I hope you get what you deserve, you pathetic disgrace of a human. Signed, an Israeli citizen.

Phanatik , to world in Family of kidnapped Israeli shares video of her abduction by Hamas

It's interesting that they didn't take her phone.

reluctant_undrafted287 ,

Not her phone

Phanatik ,

Ah makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!

Miclux , to world in Family of kidnapped Israeli shares video of her abduction by Hamas

They even kidnapped germans. Any% loose all support worldwide.

foggy ,

GOP: hold my beer

glad_cat ,

Americans: let’s talk about America instead for no reason.

foggy ,

That you fail to see the relevancy is just a personal problem, bruv.

glad_cat ,

“Me me me me me.” I don’t have problems now, but thanks for caring.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

They didn’t know she was German, but yea that quickly wrapped up a lot of support I had for Palestine

Blapoo ,…/gaza-israels-open-air-prison-15

It’s important to remember how we got here

Eheran ,

As if 2007 was the start of issues.

givesomefucks ,

The start of the issue was when Europeans wanted Jewish people out of Europe after WW2 so they stole a shit ton of land that’s important to three different religions from the Palestinians and called it Israel…

Then Israel expanding over the decades obviously didn’t help

Lupus108 ,

The start of the issue was when Europeans wanted Jewish people out of Europe after WW2 so they stole a shit ton of land that’s important to three different religions from the Palestinians and called it Israel…

That’s not what happened. There was a strong desire for a Jewish state in Palestine for hundreds of years, in the beginning of the 20th century this was accelerated through the British mandate and immigration. The real story is way more complex and your representation of it is not only wrong but also negates the agency the Jewish population living there for centuries had in creating the Jewish state.

Of course the horrors of the Holocaust had part in the decision but it was not because “Europeans wanted Jews out”

Like I said the real history is waaaaay more complex, I suggest you read up on it - the History of the British mandate is a got starting point.

Edit: link didn’t post for some reason -

givesomefucks ,

There was a strong desire for a Jewish state in Palestine

Unfortunately a population had been living there for thousands of years…

And they weren’t stoked at being forced out at gunpoint 70 years ago.

If that was too long ago that they don’t have a claim, why was a much older one good enough to found Israel?

Hell, the Jewish texts said they moved there after Egypt, why weren’t they given Egypt? Why pick a random place some of their ancestors may have moved to that already had people living there at the time?

The formation of Israel and Pakistan was just a bunch of Europeans deciding religious segregation would be a good thing. It obviously wasn’t and there’s no reason to keep trying it. Religious ethnostates are not a good plan.

And as long as they exist (especially when one gets a mutual holy land) these wars will keep happening

nonailsleft ,

Do you think the creation of Israel and Pakistan were decided by ‘a bunch of Europeans’ without any input from the jewish, muslims or hindus? I guess you need to read up some history first if you want to discuss these issues

givesomefucks ,

Oh yeah, I’m sure those people living in India and what would become Israel loved the idea of being forced out of their ancestrial homelands of millennia…


That’s recent history, we have articles and even pictures of it happening and it was incredibly violent and people still choose death over forced removal

It was fucking ethnic cleansing.

Stop acting like those were mutual agreements

nonailsleft ,

Here’s a confronting question that might shed some light on you: who killed Ghandi and why?

sucky1983 ,

The fuck ist wrong with you people defending the abduction and Killing of civilians as revenge forna states actions?

Blapoo ,

Woah. I don’t recall doing that

FMT99 ,

They both do it. Israel a lot more so than Palestine even. It’s hard to feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for the girl obviously. But also for the countless nameless Palestinians who suffered the same but never made the news.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

I love how you got downvoted for posting hrw

ours ,

Both sides know they have to weaponize social media.

dumdum666 ,

In the context of his post, the hrw link is just whataboutism -> „but what about Israel“- and you can fuck right off with that

dumdum666 , (edited )

Edit: Shani Louk is allegedly alive in a Gaza Hospital.

They even killed them - and paraded a dead woman’s naked body around

The murdering of foreign civilians exposes the Hamas claims of only targeting „occupiers“ as a lie. They went on a murdering spree.

I agree with you, this will cost them a lot of international support.

anguo ,

They never say she was dead. Am I missing something?

GreenMario ,

Yeah why was she naked?! This is still bad, you know this right?

anguo ,

It is absolutely horrible. I’m in no way trying to diminish that.

wiki_me ,

Probably raped.

dumdum666 ,

Being dead is already implied when they say „the body of a woman“. If you are talking about a living woman, you refer to them as „a woman“.

anguo ,

It could be an unconscious body.

dumdum666 ,

Yeah of course they are blurring an unconscious person out of a video like that.

Earthwormjim91 ,

That wouldn’t be a body. A body is a corpse.

They would just say an unconscious woman if she were still alive.

anguo ,

Fair enough. I assumed her state was unknown, but I didn’t watch the video. So I was, in fact, missing something.

Cryophilia ,

She’s very dead, I saw the unblurred video. Gunshot to the head.

nonailsleft ,

Wait did you think Hamas didn’t consider the Israelis as the “occupiers”?? Then who?

dumdum666 ,

Never ever thought I would end up defending Israel like that, but to your question:

Hamas constantly claims that they do not target Israeli civilians, which is, by now, evidently a lie.

nonailsleft ,

Wut? Source?

Hamas decided Israeli civilians were fair game in the mid 90’s after a jewish extremist shot up a mosque

If you just woke up from a 30 year coma please read up before defending any side here

Telescreen ,

Thing is, I don’t think it will cost them support from anyone who’s still actually supporting them. These terrorists operate with the stated goal of provoking a war between islam and the entire western world and forcing moderate Muslims in western or westernized states to choose a side.

Aussiemandeus , to world in Family of kidnapped Israeli shares video of her abduction by Hamas avatar

Talk about a video and not even have it on the page

givesomefucks ,

It’s weird how everyone is taking Israeli media’s word on all this…

The only other country’s media I’ve seen backing up these claims is India, and they’re one of the absolute bottom countries for press reliability and freedoms. Their “journalists” get thrown in jail (at best) if modi doesn’t like what they write.

Plus there was that whole thing last year where Israel killed a journalist, blamed Palestinians, and then attacked the journalists funeral……/israeli-police-attack-funeral-…

Like maybe, just maybe, we should be waiting a second before believing everything that’s being claimed in the first 24 hours of a war…

NOT_RICK , avatar


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  • givesomefucks ,

    In general, yes, it’s a war and terrible shit happens.

    But in a war every side is going to use propaganda.

    Look at “the ghost of Kiev” obviously Ukraine are the good guys there, but that doesn’t mean blindly believe everything they say.

    When one side starts making very specific claims with no proof, and the only countries media backing it up is one of the absolute worst countries for media reliability…

    Maybe wait a day or two for facts to come out before believing every specific story.

    And can you knock it off with jumping straight to personal insults?

    nonailsleft ,

    What reason do you think Hamas has to lie about this??

    givesomefucks ,

    Again, not saying they aren’t…

    But a reason to exaggerat the numbers is pretty simple.

    Israel probably won’t flatten Gaza if they think Israeli citizens are being held throughout.

    Did that thought not occur to you yet?

    And I have no idea why your acting like no one else is saying this:…/misinformation-israel-hamas-spreadi…

    nonailsleft ,

    Not saying they aren’t… But surely suggesting they are 🙃

    If both sides in a conflict are claiming the same thing, maybe it’s not as big a conspiracy as you’re hoping it is

    Eheran ,

    What the fuck? There are more than enough terrible videos out to here. Both sides say this is happening. Why would anyone think otherwise?

    NOT_RICK , avatar

    Looks like the original tweet was deleted

    reluctant_undrafted287 ,

    Mirror it before it expires

    snek , to world in Zelensky: Israel has ‘indisputable’ right to defend itself from terror avatar

    I thought he was on the right side of history. Looks like he took one big step to the wrong side.

    jcit878 ,

    Jewish guy defending own country against terrorists makes obvious statement in regards to situation where terrorists are being armed by the same mob the clown army of Russia are being armed by, and you think this makes him on the wrong side of history?

    ComradeKhoumrag , (edited ) avatar

    Fighting against occupiers is the right side of history

    Russia trying to occupy Ukraine is bad

    Israel occupying Palestine, forcing the natives into shitty ghettos as they keep stealing land, is also bad

    But zelensky has to keep America happy for geopolitical reasons, and America has to keep Israel happy for geopolitical reasons. And so, principle and ideals stop mattering

    jcit878 ,

    Ukraine isn’t killing Russian civilians at bus stops and music festivals. hamas is. whatever your grievances and “justification”, this makes you a amd anyone who supports this a monster

    snek , (edited ) avatar

    But how is Hamas the same as the entirely of Palestine? Ukraine is a country, Hamas is a military group that hasn’t held elections in 16 years.

    Also could you explain how exactly this always boils down to Israel VS Hamas and not Israel vs Palestine? Because last time I checked, when you rape, kill, and murder people and keep them in prison with no fair trial and no means of peaceful protest, things will eventually backfire with an extremist group taking over the steering wheel. We have Israel to blame for Hamas. If they had not created such impossible circumstances for Palestinians and especially those in Gaza, no one would have to stand behind an Islamist organization that effectively detached itself of all other Palestinian resistance groups.

    jcit878 ,

    well that’s just cooker nonsense

    snek , avatar

    What does cooker mean?

    jcit878 ,

    do your own research champ

    snek , avatar

    Why not just explain the word you are using?

    hark , avatar

    If you’re pulling up (or making up) nonsense obscure terms then you have to define them, “champ”.

    jcit878 ,

    cooked brain buddy.

    very common term. not my fault you never heard of it

    Default_Defect , avatar

    Not THAT common, bucko.

    jcit878 ,

    sure is sport

    snek , avatar

    Yes, standing with an apartheid state aggressor and occupier (aka Israel) is standing on the wrong side of history. It adds to the irony that Russia is doing the same to Ukraine.

    Being Jewish doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to support Israel’s “right to self defence” which doesn’t mean what you may think it means. We discovered (over several decades) that Israel “defending its borders” means killing and oppressing disproportionately more civilians and children than it does killing “terrorists” and keeping Gazans in an open air prison. In essence, every country has the right to self-defence, this statement is true. However, no county has the right to commit one war crime after the other and get away with it.

    jcit878 ,

    “get away with it” = “murder a few hundred civilians” in your eyes. what a cooked view

    snek , avatar

    How do you mean?

    Lightrider , to news in Israeli death toll passes 600, another 2,048 injured

    Free Palestine

    probably ,

    You realize that all peace talks have failed, because the Palestinian governments refused any deal that required them to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Every deal.

    And before that, when Israel accepted the offer by the British, the Palestinians didn’t accept it because the surrounding countries essentially said they would kill all of the Jews in Israel and take the entire area. Which they tried. Twice. And lost. Twice. And in the ceasefire terms, those countries granted Israel those disputed territories. Actually much more than they currently have, as they gave back most of it to Egypt in peace talks with them.

    Palestine could have been a country many times over. But they do not want peace. They wants the whole of Israel.

    And during all of those time, things have just gotten worse. And the hatred between the two sides grows. But the only thing that has stopped Palestine from being a country is the fact that the governments of Palestine believe negotiations start and stop at having it all.

    So tell me, how does anyone free Palestine?

    Lmaydev ,

    You got any sources? I’m not that well read up on the conflict.

    Safeguard ,

    I second that request, I need to know more and read more about all of this and all of the sides, before I know what I’m talking about.

    Wahots , avatar

    (Not op)

    It’s an interesting read. I’m sure there are better sources, but the 40s-80s were a crazy time, with basically all of their neighbors declaring war on them, Israel managing to hold off five different countries, then the UN stopping the war only to have egypt or syria re-arm and try again. I didn’t know that the USSR was also helping and hindering at various points. Basically all Jewish peoples immediately fled all Arab countries, peppered with other countries whenever there was a rise in anti-jewish sentiments (eg, in Russia).

    Kwakigra ,

    This is a lie. In the late 70s and early 80s even the PLO was pushing for a two state solution and even removed “Anti-Zionism” from its official goals in the 90s. I’m not going to say everyone in Palestine has always supported one solution or another like you’re saying. I’m not going to say that everyone in Israel wants to eliminate all Palestinians from Israeli territory either, although many do, especially the political powers who blocked the two state solution from the other side during that time. This simplistic reading that Palestinians are nothing more than frothing-mouthed mass-murderers is disgusting especially considering who has had power over whom in recent decades.

    War is not a heroic struggle of good vs evil, it is a series of economic and political developments which have been transpiring for decades. There has been a lot of bad behavior generally which lead us to this point. Let’s not offer absurd ideas in times of turmoil like this. That’s not going to help any innocent Palestinian or Isreali civilians getting caught in the crossfire.

    anothermember ,

    Supposing you’re right, do you think all Palestinians should suffer due to failures of their government? I’m pretty sure they’re not a hive mind.

    Kra ,

    No, exterminate them, eradicate them. Palestine never existed and they made sure it never will

    emma , to news in Israeli death toll passes 600, another 2,048 injured avatar

    saw a translator post elsewhere for these terms as used by Israeli media - critical condition means head wounds, very unlikely to survive; seriously wounded means living changing injuries. if i can find the post again i’ll link.

    FarceMultiplier , to world in Zelensky: Israel has ‘indisputable’ right to defend itself from terror avatar

    If nothing else, Zelensky knows he has to toe the American policy line. I don’t blame him, really. It’s self-protection.

    hark , avatar

    He has to pay back the people who got him the presidency, after all.

    sparky_gnome , to world in Zelensky: Israel has ‘indisputable’ right to defend itself from terror


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  • CookieJarObserver , to world in Israel confirms people abducted into Gaza; Hamas claims to capture soldiers, civilians

    Animals taking hostages… Man these pests need to be eradicated.

    ominouslemon , to world in Outcry over official Spanish definition of Jew as ‘greedy or usurious’ person

    If people still use it that way, it should be in the dictionary. Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive

    Mothra , avatar

    This, especially since dictionaries (at least Spanish ones) have a lot of abbreviations to indicate when a term is archaic, deprecated, rude, etc. Even if nobody uses it in such way today, considering it was used not so long ago, it should remain. It’s history and evidence of the discrimination, I get that it’s offensive but erasing it from the dictionary doesn’t do anything for their cause.

    sik0fewl ,

    Here's the definition:

    1. adj. despect. Dicho de una persona: Avariciosa o usurera. U. t. c. s.

    "despect." is despectivo, which means "pejorative" or "derogatory". Also, it's the last definition given, not the first.

    driving_crooner , avatar

    What U. t. c. s. Means ?

    orosus ,

    U. t. c. s. stands for: “usese también como sustantivo” which means: “it can be used as a substantive/noun”

    Cabrio ,


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  • funkless_eck ,

    Fairy is a homophobic term. You may think it’s acceptable, but I’ve lived through homophobic abuse, so have many others but there is a very good reason I’m offended by the term.

    Homophobia has no place in modern society, and no amount of nihilistic sophistry will change my mind.

    I so I will be offended by you calling me a fairy, fag/faggot, shirt lifter, battyboy, fudgepacker…

    I’m two generations removed and on the wrong side of the family try to be considered jewish, but close enough that some living relatives are practicing Jews. I will also take offense at you using the word Jew and you using it in the way the post intends.

    Not because I’m a sissy fairy fag cocksucker, which I am, but because I’m big enough and ugly enough to tell you to go fuck yourself with your pseduo-intellectual circumlocution.

    You say yourself, “it’s not the word but how you use it” and then go on to use it as an epithet. There is nothing wrong with using the word fairy to describe Tinkerbell, or the mascot of absinthe, but when you proudly use it as an insult you’re being a hypocrite, you are using it exactly in an offensive way.

    Cabrio , (edited )


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  • keefshape ,

    Wow. You did yourself a real service with this post. I applaud.



    Cabrio ,

    If you still don’t get it let me know what you don’t understand and I’ll bust out the crayons and we can get to figuring out which ones you like the taste of. (Clue: This is offensive but uses no offensive words, because context)

    barsoap ,

    German gays call use the term “Tunte” quite a bit, somewhere in between “faggot” and “fruit”. And yes they mean it as an insult – not for being gay, but for sticking out your little finger when drinking prosecco, approximately. The polar opposite of flannel shirt.

    funkless_eck ,

    I am one of the dozens of people in the world who wasn’t educated in America, so you know what they say about assuming.

    Your first paragraph repeats my point so I’m glad we agree, and your second paragraph also mostly agrees with me. What I would say you haven’t understood is that you said you call people fairies, and indeed “r/tards”, in an offensive manner and demand we’re not offended. You can’t police other people’s reactions. What’s the difference from saying “ah yes, but when I rob a bank it shouldn’t be illegal because I’m special!”

    I see your point - again - about how it’s the usage - yes, but I’ll say, also again, that my issue is with your usage.

    It’s ironic you would complain about my education and accuse me of missing the point when it’s your comprehension that’s at issue here.

    Finally, I’d like you to explain how “r/tard” can be used in a non-offensice context.

    Cabrio , (edited )


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  • Kolanaki , avatar

    Finally, I’d like you to explain how “r/tard” can be used in a non-offensice context.

    “This new extinguisher excells at retarding a fire.”

    “The silencer retarded the sound of the firearm.”

    Its pretty damn easy to use words inoffensively if you know the definition of them. Retarded isn’t just a description of the mentally handicapped; it means to be held back, slowed down, or restrained.

    funkless_eck ,

    and which one of these did the OP mean by “is fucking r/tarded?”

    Cabrio ,

    I answered that for you 3 hours ago, now you’re just being belligerent.

    Kolanaki , avatar

    Both examples are used in the same way OP was using them. Do you have an issue with reading comprehension?

    CantSt0pPoppin , avatar

    Do you apply this logic to racial slurs as well?

    Cabrio , (edited )

    Yes. We can talk about racial slurs without directing them at anyone. We can talk about the history and origin or racial slurs like spic and wog and (dare I say it in the hopes that people actually understand my point) removed. (edit: Lol, fuck censorship, but this helps prove my point below because you don’t even need to see the word but you know what it was and what it represents due to context)

    We can talk about these words, the concepts and hate they represent, the pain they are meant to inflict and all of that context without being offensive or using those words in an offensive manner.

    Here’s a little secret to offensive words, you can make any word offensive because as stated in my previous comment, it’s not the word itself that’s offensive it’s the intent it’s used with.

    Fairy princess is offensive if it’s used to derogatively represent someone, and endearing when your 3 year old daughter wants to be one. Does that mean ‘fairy princess’ is a slur? Yes, but only when it’s used that way.

    The difference that racial slurs have over other offensive language is that they are specifically created words for being derogative, unlike other derogative speech which reappropriates existing words and medical terms as insulting metaphor. But even then you can talk about racial slurs without being offensive as previously explained. Like we’re doing right now.

    Ask yourself, is there anything in this comment you find “offensive”? Or maybe offensive words just make you uncomfortable. I’m comfortable around offensive language because I understand it and can recognise the difference between objective use of language and directed insults.

    CantSt0pPoppin , avatar

    Hey, I took some time to see things from your perspective, but I need to make something very clear.

    We have a firm policy against racial slurs, even when discussing them. This is because these words are weaponized to dehumanize people and create a sense that some people are not equal to others. This also includes when they are not used with malicious intent. We want to create a space where everyone feels safe and respected, and that includes avoiding the use of racial slurs at all times under any circumstance.

    If you want to talk about racial slurs, you must self-censor and avoid using these words. If you do not, your comments will be removed. If you are unable to abide by the rules on the sidebar, then let us know.

    I’ve heard this argument more times than I would like to admit. The idea that people who are uncomfortable with offensive language are simply uncomfortable with themselves is a blunt and overplayed strawman.

    Your arguments are ones of bad faith. For example, the word “f**ry princess” may not be offensive when used to describe a young girl who wants to be one. However, you, I, and everyone reading this very well knows it is used to belittle women and LGBTQ+ people alike. By your logic, you are clearly ignoring the fact that language can be harmful even when it is not intended to.

    The same is true for racial slurs. These words were created to dehumanize and denigrate people of color. Even when they are not used with malicious intent, they can still be harmful because they can trigger generational trauma and pain. If that was not the case, people who use the word would not still use the very word that was used while black men, women, and children met their ends hanging from a tree.

    I honestly don’t think you are frustrated but just pandering to justify the use of hateful language. I could be wrong however it makes no difference.

    Please remember as I stated in the beginning:

    Such language will not be tolerated under any circumstances and will be promptly removed. It is important to remember that these words have a real and harmful impact on people. We want to create a space where everyone feels safe and respected, and that includes avoiding the use of racial slurs.

    Cabrio ,

    This is language theory not pandering or looking to excuse the use of deliberately discriminatory language or racial epithets, but a master class on understanding the nuance between offensive language and inoffensive language and the damage that disingenuously taking offense at inoffensive language does in stifling legitimate discussion of the topics and the disingenuous censorship of legitimate inoffensive language at the behest of a failed education system.

    Case in point.

    CantSt0pPoppin , avatar

    You’re clearly not qualified to be giving any type of “master class” on anything. Your comments are:

    1. Harmful
    2. Offensive
    3. In bad faith

    You are clearly unwilling to contribute to a productive discussion that follows the community guidelines. If you want to have a legitimate discussion about the topics, then you need to start by being respectful of others. That means abiding by the community guidelines. If you can’t do that, then I suggest you find a different forum to participate in."

    Whitehat93875 , avatar

    Just a heads up, this person is a known troll across lemmy they’re well known for their hostile and inflammatory content and just saying things to get a rise out of people, this person also isn’t exactly receptive to feedback. Just wanted to let you know since trying to talk with someone like this is like talking to a brick wall.

    Kolanaki , avatar

    Yes. The way people generally use the N word with an A at the end is often used in a non-racist way.

    CantSt0pPoppin , avatar

    The word is ugly with and without the “a”. It is a word that was used to terrorize enslaved people and is still used to this day to dehumanize black people. Anyone especially black people should not be using that word.

    Kolanaki , (edited ) avatar

    It’s still a word like any other. How it is used is what matters, not the word itself; and saying black people should also not use that word is pretty racist, unless you’re also black…

    Also looking at the decimation of the comments in here, the mods and users are overly sensitive over words. Fucking pathetic.

    CantSt0pPoppin , avatar

    I’m black and I don’t use the n-word. It’s a word of hate and oppression, and I don’t want to be associated with it. I don’t think it’s possible to “repurpose” the word, and it should be buried in the footnotes of history. That being said there is a side bar with clear rules if you have any difficulty abiding by them please let us know.

    Kolanaki , (edited ) avatar

    Please; tell me what rules were violated with the comments that were removed, other than you disagreed with the opinions expressed. It’s also a shame you’re a mod when you had such a hard time even understanding simple definitions.

    Badass_panda , to world in Outcry over official Spanish definition of Jew as ‘greedy or usurious’ person

    I’m saddened to hear that there are still an appreciable amount of Spanish people talking about us that way, but I’m not upset at the dictionary for recording the way the language is used.

    I’m guessing it’s approached in something of a similar way to how English language dictionaries handle the word gyp, which is to give its definition and note that it is offensive.

    cosmic_skillet ,

    Exactly, dictionary definitions are descriptive, not prescriptive. They describe how words are used, not prescribe how they should be used.

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