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dojan , to world in Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ avatar

Wow, imagine having voted for this bucket head.

atro_city ,

That's an insult to buckethead. He's a great musician.

ubermeisters , avatar

thanks for saying this, I wad ready to Don my armor and defend him also, but you already did the Lord work

audiomodder , to world in Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

Yes yes, good to see the news from the unbiased source of…lowers glasses…Times of Israel

mwguy OP ,

Other places are reporting it too. If you have a counter source please post.

Mrkawfee , to world in IDF soldiers film themselves abusing, humiliating West Bank Palestinians

Why is American media not showing any of this? Reading or watching US news is like being in a parallel universe.

TokenBoomer OP ,

I thought about posting this to the community. Should I? It breaks my heart that we are collectively letting this happen.

1847953620 ,

absolutely should. The heinous aspect of a truth should actually highlight the importance of it being common knowledge. It is in ignoring and burying it to avoid discomfort that helps enable repeating that which led to it.

jimbo ,

Are there media outlets in other countries, other than Israel, running articles like this? It would be interesting to know what you’re comparing it to.

Chocrates ,

Al Jazeera has good reporting usually. YouTube tells me they have questionable funding, I haven’t followed up on it.

pyrflie ,

Their funding is questionable but their coverage of the region is really good. They also cover a ton of topics in SE Asia that are only really touched upon otherwise by the BBC.

Maggoty ,

Israel has specifically threatened the families of Al Jazeera’s Palestinian team. That tells me all I need to know.

antidote101 ,

Israel is really good at misinformation, disinformation, information warfare and controlled narratives.

Rolando_Cueva ,

Isn’t misinformation and disinformation the same thing?

n0m4n ,

Almost. Disinformation is lying, while misinformation can be whaddaboutisms and/or a blackout of the inconvenient truths. Misinformation can include true facts, but use outliers as proof to their veracity. Misinformation can also include disinformation, but play semantics to minimize the controversies of labeling lies as the lies that they are.

Hamas continues to send missiles and hiding in areas barred from being attacked by military attacks from the rules of warfare. IDF says that they will not hold back on their counter-attacks, that the Palestinians were warned.

I see Russia attack Ukraine with the same terrorist targeting of civilian casualties as Hamas and Israel. My fear is that this is how warfare will be fought until enough carnage is inflicted that all sides see the consequences of breaking rules of engagement.

Morally, both sides (IDF and Hamas) have been bad for decades.

Kata1yst , to world in IDF says Hamas attacked troops as they opened Gaza evacuation corridor for civilians avatar

To use an old Reddit idiom, ESH. Except for the civilians in the crossfire, of course.

The leaders of Hamas and Israel are culpable and should be held fully responsible, but chances are slim to none

athos77 , to news in Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

Serious question: what does Israel have against Ireland? Here they're saying that Hamas should go there, and earlier today there was a different article saying that Israel wasn't letting Irish nationals evacuate Gaza right now.

squiblet , avatar

Ireland has a history of suggesting Israel chills out a bit.

OctopusKurwa ,

We recognise tyranny when we see it and have a lot solidarity with people living under an oppressive regime that hates them.

HubertManne ,

was wondering the same. looks like a few folk sorta explain it.

LazyBane , (edited ) to world in Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

Isn’t it convenient how every time the US or Israel bombs civilians they automatically know they we’re secretly terrorists the whole time?

homoludens , (edited )

Almost as if they were intentionally targeting terrorists…

Not saying they aren’t lying, but this proves exactly nothing.

mwguy OP ,

Ya it’s like they’re using the multiple billions of dollars we’ve invested in spy satellites and other technologies to track people against Hamas or something…

Sarmyth ,

It’d like the largest military and intelligence network was involved somehow…

Also these guys aren’t all “secret” terrorists. They go on TV and shit.

LazyBane ,

Is the US intelligence that good?

It just seems that in USA it’s self they can know about a guy whose been calling for help because he’s on the verge of shooting up a place and they don’t do nothing about it until they start shooting things up. US intelligence seems incredibly dysfunctional and if they can’t sort things out at home I don’t know how they would figure these things out abroad.

Sarmyth ,

Internal affair with 1 citizen is a police matter. Terrorists are the intelligence community’s focus. The same organizations wouldn’t be involved in both examples.

LazyBane ,

Fair point.

Touching_Grass , to news in Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

Watch the edge on this one guys

Rapidcreek , to news in Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

Always another idiot to be heard from. Happens everywhere.

TinyPizza , avatar

Even in your neighborhood. Where there are potentially voyeurs about...
Which is a concern.

YoBuckStopsHere , to news in Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ avatar

The United States has a base near Gaza, this would be the dumbest thing ever if it occurred. Israel would have the entire planet turn on it and this would lose all rights to a nation forever.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You know what is also right near Gaza? Israel. You know what doesn’t care about borders? Radiation.

This guy is a fucking moron even disregarding the genocidal nature of the comment.

cyd , to world in IDF says Hamas attacked troops as they opened Gaza evacuation corridor for civilians

I guess it was justified because the IDF was using civilians as human shields.

Threeme2189 ,

Just terrorists doing terrorist things…

redcalcium , to world in Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

Why not allow them to pass and then arrest them at the border? Surely better than bombing random buildings that may or may not have Hamas fighters inside.

LaLiLuLuCo ,


Israel doesn’t operate the Egypt side and Egypt wants to not be an active participant beyond maintaining the crossing. They especially don’t want to run a PoW camp.

Working with the IDF directly to transfer prisoners to them would probably start shit in Egypt Sisi doesn’t want to start as it would be seen as entering the war I guess. Iran backed Houthi rebels in Yemen are already doing War Crimes on Egyptian hospitals for their current stance.

LaLiLuLuCo ,

Also allowing a war crime (using ambulances to transport fighters and/or arms) and defending it like this emboldens them to continue doing it to the detriment of civilians since they won’t face consequences.

lingh0e ,

So, blow up buildings that MIGHT have actual terrorists but also DEFINITELY have civilians is the better course of action?

wildginger ,

Arresting someone without bombing the 50 civilians nearby them is allowing a war crime?

What brand of glue do you eat?

LaLiLuLuCo ,

The kind that has a degree from a top university in engineering.

wildginger ,

Oh damn, you better not name that university. You would single handedly tank the value of their degrees and their glue

snek , avatar

Doesn’t matter, your opinion is still lame as fuck.

AphoticDev , avatar

Israel is already breaking international law and committing war crimes in Gaza, so what’s a few more?

PhlubbaDubba ,

Doing that would prompt Hamas to stop cooperating with allowing civilians to seek medical assistance outside of Gaza.

Literally every humanitarian thing Hamas permits it does so with the intention of funneling benefits to its own fighters and members.

It’s the same problem as African warlords intercepting and sitting on medical aid intended for impoverished villagers.

A system which perfectly excluded Hamas cronies and fighters from receiving the benefits is one which Hamas will begin targeting for attack because they would rather Palestinians die than be able to get aid through means outside of Hamas’ approval and exploitation

assassin_aragorn ,

Egypt doesn’t want to deal with that. That’s actually why what were reticent at first to help and why neighboring Arab countries won’t take refugees. Radical militants have snuck in with Palestinian refugees before and caused civil wars. They even killed the King of Jordan in what was eventually called Black September.

LaLiLuLuCo , (edited ) to world in Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

Edit: the sudden flux of down votes is extremely suspicious and it’s just a fact.

Reposting here

re: smuggling siege equipment (oxygen concentrators should be amongst the medical aid) amongst humanitarian aid food… at around 6 minutes you can see Hamas using concentrated oxygen in the tunnels to refresh themselves. Lot of morons with “underground mine experience” who also don’t know its a standard practice outside of Gaza.

YoBuckStopsHere , avatar

A highly divided topic is bound to have a larger percentage of downvotes, but votes don’t matter so why care?

LaLiLuLuCo , (edited )

I don’t actually care about votes it just shows how bitter some people are, and want to bury facts that conflict with whatever their entrenched position is to steer the conversation.

Believing there is a righteous cause side here (as in in Gaza) other than the actual civilians who don’t celebrate and materially support violence against other civilians is a fools errand. Also fuck settlers in the west bank and Netanyahu im not even touching that with a ten foot pole it’s just bad.

Unfortunately the situation had deteriorated to the point that Hamas is actively hurting their own people’s chances at a peaceful life directly. It’s just a tragedy.

Edit: lmfao at the salty loser who went through the entire comment history on this account and down voted every comment. That’s all you can do, along with raging online, you aren’t in the Levant. You’re not from there. We don’t care about your opinions.

YoBuckStopsHere , avatar

Sadly both governments have no desire to discuss a peaceful solution. They both just want to keep killing.

LaLiLuLuCo ,

I think the best thing to hope for is the complete removal of the governmental apparatus of Hamas and a 20 year (1+ generation) re-education campaign to “de-nazify” the civilian population. Japan and Germany are now staunch US allies despite a similar level of bombing and destruction. This should be coupled with extensive infrastructure build up to improve the life of the civilians in Gaza.

The first step there is unfortunately rooting out the governmental apparatus of the region…

toallpointswest , avatar

@LaLiLuLuCo @YoBuckStopsHere Are you delusional? Did you have any historical context for what you just said? Israel is an apartheid state, and they were that before they started the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. You can't propaganda your way out of reality

LaLiLuLuCo , (edited )

I’m from the area. Family been there for 500+ years.

If Israel is an apartheid state so is the US, Canada, and every other Arab nation that allows cross borders workers under shit conditions. It’s especially bad in the gulf states, they steal passports from immigrants and turn them into modern day slaves.

The shit in the west bank is indeed bad and a new government needs to prosecute to the fullest extent anyone participating.

I’ve lived through this conflict my entire life.

When Black September happened the Jordanian army actually Indiscriminately shelled the Palestinian refugee camps killing so so many.

Edit: It’s ok I know all the keyboard warriors from the west only want to hear from “the right Palestinians”. I have stuff my dad gave me from the 1700s Ottoman Empire before he died. His grandfather got murdered for not being down with the cause of Arab nationalism post ww1 when they started killing the local jews and dissenters, not the European zionists, the people who were local community leaders for generations.

commie ,

israel is an apartheid state. so is the usa, but not for the reason you’re suggesting. the people you’re talking about can return to a sovereign nation with borders and taxes and armies. the subjugated indigenous people are relegated to open air prisons just like the palestinians are, though.

snek , avatar

Hamas are a lot of things but they are not the Nazis. We reserve that name to Israel actually committing a genocide now.

LaLiLuLuCo ,

I popped off at the now removed comment under my other reply so this isn’t directed at you, but thought I would repost it so other people could see it. It is incredibly demeaning, infantilizing, and insulting how westerners and lefties from the rest of the global south twist this conflict and the historical context around it. My mother is actually an Afro-Cuban refugee with a family with many members who fled the Castro regime for reasons other than being white American business people. He would jail them by the thousand, rape, and beat them. My Pale-fucking-stinian dad married my mom because she had a child, my brother, who no one was going to care for. Meanwhile lefties defend the Castro and modern regime on the basis of it improving literacy and Healthcare. My now orphaned reply follows:

I’m from the area. Family been there for 500+ years.

If Israel is an apartheid state so is the US, Canada, and every other Arab nation that allows cross borders workers under shit conditions. It’s especially bad in the gulf states, they steal passports from immigrants and turn them into modern day slaves.

The shit in the west bank is indeed bad and a new government needs to prosecute to the fullest extent anyone participating.

I’ve lived through this conflict my entire life.

When Black September happened the Jordanian army actually Indiscriminately shelled the Palestinian refugee camps killing so so many.

It’s ok I know all the keyboard warriors from the west only want to hear from “the right Palestinians”. I have stuff my dad gave me from the 1700s Ottoman Empire before he died. His grandfather got murdered for not being down with the cause of Arab nationalism post ww1 when they started killing the local jews and dissenters, not the European zionists, the people who were local community leaders for generations.

snek , avatar

I’m sorry you and your family went through this. But just because Arab nationalists were not good people in a lot of situation doesn’t really have much bearing on the current reality. Whether you like the Fidayieen or not doesn’t make your views on this digestible. The one honest position you can and should now is to be opposed to Israeli oppression because you understand what it’s like to live under an oppressed system.

Edit: and yeah I will continue you downvote you and disagree because despite your personal story, your opinions honestly suck and sometimes look like they are taken straight from IDF propaganda which everyone has lots trust in.

snek , avatar

You are being downvoted because this isn’t an excuse to kill civilians either. Some military faction smugglers foods? Well fuck me sideways I’d never have guessed… Now let’s turn our eyes back towards Israel and the genocide it wants to commit.

LaLiLuLuCo , (edited )

Says the westerner to a Palestinian.

It’s a lot more than just smuggling in food.

Right now there’s videos being shared on Arabic news of Hamas gunning down their own people in the Evac corridor. The IDF is trying to clear the actual genocidal religious nut jobs out under fire. To save civilian lives.

Do I need to also remind you Hamas uses child soldiers? That half the dead kids in the 2019 protests were indoctrinated and martyring themselves?

That their fucking leaders called for my brother and sister’s blood to flow?

The IDF has been restrained and you are all blind. You don’t live there. You never will. Go read about the bombings of Germany and Japan and come back to me.

snek , avatar

Says the westerner to a Palestinian.

You’d be shocked but I’m both.

Whatever Hamas does, the way Israel responds is unacceptable. It shoots through 50 babies to get to one Hamas fighter. This isn’t self defence. This is using self defence to kill babies.

There are thousands of videos we have of Israel committing genocide in Gaza in the name of fighting Hamas. This is the pressing issue now.

snek , avatar

Share the link to the video of Hamas shooting people down the corridor, would you? Because according to Arab media no one went through and people decided not to take that road because they don’t trust Israel because Israel keeps bombing areas it declared safe. .

We don’t have any evidence that Qassam brigades or other factions do this. What we have is tens of reports confirming Israel does it again and again and again.

LaLiLuLuCo , (edited ) to world in Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

The active Astro turfing in this thread, and on lemmy in general, when facts conflict with a pro Hamas narrative is fucked up.

E: You guys are making it really obvious when 5 or more down votes are applied all at once.

snek , avatar

Quote the pro hamas narrative or are we supposed to take your vague word for it?

LaLiLuLuCo ,

It’s called checking the down vote history which is public if you run a federated instance.

Or how certain instances you frequent ban people for posting facts.

snek , (edited ) avatar

Link specifically to some that support your claim? You made the claim, you support it.

You mentioned it happened in this thread. Show me please? You also said it’s in lemmy in general, honestly please share some evidence or take your statement elsewhere where people will take you on face value.

some_guy , to world in IDF soldiers film themselves abusing, humiliating West Bank Palestinians

This sounds like when pics emerged of American troops pointing finger-guns at the genitals of Muslim men in potato sacks on baskets.

Holy shit, I can’t find the Gitmo pics of the lady doing fingerguns at their junks. I’m sure I could if I spent enough time, but 4-5 searches didn’t get their. That’s even more disturbing. This was a huge issue.

Schmuppes ,

Look for “Abu Ghraib pictures” and you’ll find them.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

It doesn’t make it right, but those were mistreated POWs who arguably didn’t have Geneva protections.

These are apparently random civilians.

Schmuppes ,

Torture is torture, no matter if those in Iraq were civilians, guerilleros, militias or regular armed forces. It does not change a thing about the crime.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

If you want to pretend it’s not worse to torture random civilians out of pure spite than militants that’s on you I guess.

Jaybob32 ,

Some of those prisoners were not militants, just random civilians. Turned in by thier neighbors for a quick buck, is what happened.

Schmuppes , (edited )

Makes no difference. If torturing enemy combatants was acceptable, there would be no Geneva conventions. The moment they are captured and seize to actively take part in the conflict, they are protected from further harm.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

So you believe that a single murder is just as evil as a genocide? That there is not a scale to evil?

That all crimes should result in the same sentence?

Because that is what you are arguing, that all evil is the same, and equally contemptible, with no shades of guilt or nuance.

I disagree, and I don’t think you actually believe that either.

meekah , avatar

Nobody is arguing that it is more or less evil. The militant POW may face their own trials after the war, where a punishment is decided. But while they are a POW, they are unable to cause any damages. So they are also not allowed to be tortured.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

You will find that the actual laws of the Geneva Conventions only protect signatories and those that agreed to abide by the rules, which Hamas and any terrorist organization by definition does not. Rather specifically does not.

But, as mentioned, irrelevant to the civilians in question as they are protected.

Random terrorists, though? Legally they can be shot and dumped in the nearest ditch.

Of course, legality is not morality.

Schmuppes ,

Where did “single murder” and “genocide” come from anyway?

DragonTypeWyvern ,

When they argued there isn’t a difference between torturing random civilians for fun and humiliating (suspected) terrorists.

Karyoplasma ,

Lynch mobs are outlawed for a reason.

Schmuppes ,

Ah, so that was just humiliation! I was not aware that that was what they were actually doing with the dogs and electric wires.

DarthBueller ,

Even I, who think the Palestinian leadership is full of shit and has been full of shit since before 1948, and think that using meat shields to protect military assets is the war crime, and that the civilian deaths that are occurring in the destruction of said tunnels are the foreseeable consequences of the aforementioned war crime, WILDLY AND ADAMANTLY DISAGREE WITH YOU. What my government did in Gitmo, The fact that there was a prison at all at Gitmo, is a shitstain on American honor. What these individuals in the IDF are doing, or are allowing fucking nut bag whacko settlers to do, is a shit stain on the reputation of Israel.

DragonTypeWyvern , (edited )

Didn’t say it wasn’t.

I said there’s a difference between that and torturing random civilians for kicks.

ThatFembyWho ,

I think this is correct.

Torture is dehumanization.

If you’re willing to torture a terrorist, or even a serial killer or something, then you have it in your nature to torture anyone for any reason.

Like people who abuse animals. It’s engaging in and cultivating a very dark part of a person’s nature, which can manifest in many different ways.

Akasazh , avatar

All pow’s are protected under the conventions…

sndmn ,

That’s why they created the “enemy combatant” nonsense, so they could “legally” torture people.

reverendsteveii ,

No no no you don’t get it. We don’t torture prisoners of war, that would be wrong. We may have subjected an enemy combatant to enhanced interrogation including intimate humiliation until the combatant achieved cessation of vitality, but that’s different because I want it to be.

reverendsteveii ,

would this be after we decided that every male over the age of 12 was an enemy combatant regardless of their actions?

DragonTypeWyvern ,

If you’ve got a picture of a twelve year old in Abu Ghraib, feel free to share.

Or don’t, because, you know.

gAlienLifeform , avatar
twisted28 ,


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  • be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

    Yes, the Capitalist are burying reports of their crimes. Several times I have searched for articles documenting their behavior only to find it’s been deleted.

    Dude it's even got a VERY LENGTHY Wikipedia page. It's not being very well hidden apparently.


    Karyoplasma ,

    Or the torture in Abu Ghraib prison. But don’t worry, the perpetrators got severely punished by being dishonorably discharged from the US Army. Then two of them married each other.

    Edit: Looks like you are already referring to the Abu Ghraib tortures.

    LifeInMultipleChoice ,

    I’m unfamiliar with that event but what does two of them getting married have to do with anything? Seems a very strange thing to include.

    Karyoplasma ,

    Tongue-in-cheek to illustrate the absurdity of the situation. They permanently damaged others’ lives and went on without repercussions other than a slap on the wrist.

    LifeInMultipleChoice ,

    Ah okay, thanks for the clarification

    Schmuppes ,

    And apparently they each found a soulmate that also enjoys torturing people, which is nice for them I guess.

    Jax ,

    Wow, I really thought “this guy just didn’t look hard enough, they’re there”.

    Uh, spoilers: I did not find them.

    erranto , to world in IDF soldiers film themselves abusing, humiliating West Bank Palestinians

    The most moral army in the world they say, Forces of Light against forces of Darkness they say

    They are reveling on spilling Arab blood unhindered, indulging in the most vicious fetish of a supremacist ideology . humanity can go fuck itself

    Karyoplasma ,

    Reminder that the West Bank is under Israeli occupation against international law (UN resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476 (not an exhaustive list); the Venice Declaration) since 1967. The only countries to deny illegality are: Israel (and the US if you believe Donald Trump lol). This is an exhaustive list.

    SharkAttak , avatar

    Disgusting to see what Israel started to do, as soon as they can unhindered.

    ThatFembyWho ,

    moral army

    Lol there’s no such thing.

    Literally every violent conflict is filled wth abuses on all sides.

    Having mercifully never been in a war, I don’t know how it feels. But it’s easy to see how individual soldiers just snap, and do completely unhinged shit.

    For example we all agree the Nazis and Imperial Japanese were despicable. Yet learning about how Allied soldiers would execute prisoners, extract body parts (teeth, ears) as trophies, and so on, really brought home to me how even the most “necessary” wars, even in self-defense, are grotesque perversions of human nature.

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