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MagnyusG , to world in El Salvador’s ‘cool dictator’ boasts country would be ‘a one-party system’ after election win

ITT: People who don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. If you’re not Salvadorean, or have no understanding of how politics in El Salvador have been for the past half-century, kindly shut up.

Diplomjodler ,

Or else they’ll be arrested and put in a camp without legal recourse?

agitatedpotato ,

Only if they try to enter the US.

Diplomjodler ,

Do you have any idea about what’s going on in El Salvador at all?

agitatedpotato ,

Yes, they voted in an authorstarian after being subject to some of the worse violence rates in the world, do you have any idea about whats going on at the US Southern border? Because one of those places has and has been for years now utilizing detention camps. Which is why it’s funny you bring up detention camps when talking about them.

Kbobabob ,

Glad you cleared that up for all of us.

fujiwood ,

We’re not allowed to have our own opinions?

How very Dictator of you.

ThirdWorldOrder , (edited )

Yeah I mean 85% of the people voted for him which is a crazy majority, so he must directing the country in the direction the population wants…

I don’t agree with it, but I’m not El Salvadoran so my opinion doesn’t matter.

Harbinger01173430 ,

Can other latin Americans who suffer under crime comment? :'(

MonsterMonster , to world in UAE defends lavish welcome of Putin

Get a grip UAE. Putin is an arse. Don’t be an arse UAE.

RvTV95XBeo ,

Reporters like Jamal Khashoggi have been showing us how arse UAE is for years. This is no surprise.

FarraigePlaisteach ,

Asking the United Arse Emirates to redefine themselves there.

andrewrgross ,

It seems these days like most of the people who run the world are massive a-holes.

FarraigePlaisteach ,

True, UAE are not exclusive that way.

Why9 ,

Everyone’s an arse at the moment. There’s zero distinction between Moscow and Washington. I don’t see why the UAE would worry about one over the other.

AlphaOmega , to world in ‘I walked out with a £150 trolley – it was so easy’: the rise of middle-class shoplifting

“Rather than artificial intelligence, we’re going for actual intelligence.” Does this guy think his customers are robots or that a standard PC with a barcode scanner is considered AI?

Nobody , to news in Iran tells Hamas it will not enter the war with Israel

Having multiple carrier groups locked and loaded right next door makes this decision pretty easy.

AllonzeeLV , to news in Israel’s ‘Teddy Bear’ armoured bulldozer is anything but cuddly

“What genocide? This is just a regular ol’ undeveloped vacant lot!

This area was empty when we got here.”

darq , to worldnews in Trans women taking hormones ‘up to 95 per cent more likely to suffer heart disease’ avatar
NuPNuA , to technology in She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil. Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter.

Ever think how ironic it is that people who didn’t care about an actual virus and downplayed it and any attempts to mitigate it for two years are now obsessed over the “woke mind virus” which is totally made up?

prole ,

I’ve just seen it as more projection on their part.

Because there is a mind-virus that’s been infecting our political discourse, but it’s not what they’re referring to.

lilShalom , to technology in She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil. Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter.

If he spent more tike with his daughter instead of running these businesses she wouldn’t have turned out like your typical alt left extremist leaning lemmy user.

Knoxvomica ,

Tell us how you really feel.

StarServal , avatar

alt left extremist

Please define this.

lilShalom ,

You already know what it is. You just want someone to spend your day arguing with. I dont have the time. You go far enough to the left or right and you end up at the same place. They want to burn things down and start over. There are tons of people like this on here. They justify their existence by making villains out of the other side.

TrismegistusMx , avatar

BoTh SiDeS bAd!

GeNoCiDe AnD gEnDeR aRe ThE sAmE tHiNg!

lilShalom ,

If you draw two over lapping circles. There is the middle that is existing and not trying to destroy society. The middle consists of people from both sides. You wont find many of those people on lemmy.

TrismegistusMx , avatar

Coasting in comfort on the genocide of others. You don’t have to kill or die, so you see nothing wrong. You’re blaming the people on the extremes for threatening your way of life, when the reality is that your way of life exists at the cost of theirs.

StarServal , avatar

So you can’t.

jerkface , avatar

If you mean he would have had more opportunities to indoctrinate and radicalize her, I can’t dispute that.

lilShalom ,

She wouldnt be trying random things to fill the void in her life of daddy not being there.

ThePantser , avatar

To be fair it’s called parenting and raising your kids in your image. It’s not always a good image but it is what it is.

jerkface , avatar

No guarantees. Sometimes parents provide an anti-example, no matter how much attention or abuse they spend on a child. But you can still pass on a bunch of pathologies.

Ubermeisters ,

What in the Muhammad are you talking about

UhBell , to technology in Elon Musk takes over @x Twitter account without paying owner avatar

Everything I read about Elon is against my will and I’m tired of being violated.

freagle , to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat

I love how it ends with a discussion of how evil emperor Xi will be gloating in his crystal palace as he plots his imperialist take over of the indo-pacfic…

The same Indo-Pacific that actual imperialists, like the UK, France, US, Holland, Portugal, Spain, and yes, even Japan, actually took over, dominated, colonized, genocided, war crimed, and broke. The same region that is still trying to recover from the long military occupations and the continuous imperialism of the North Atlantic that still to this day makes it nearly impossible for its inhabitants to govern themselves, develop their nations, and reestablish their cultures after suffering massive and extended disruption.

But, it’s Xi that’s the imperialist for daring to say the US and other North Atlantians shouldn’t be occupying, infiltrating, extracting, and spoiling the region, that war ships constantly patrolling the Indo-Pacific isn’t merely inappropriate but actually must stop for the region to be able to develop itself independently.

ninjan ,

I’m with you until that last sentence. Letting China dominate the region for untold years is not a solution. I’m not saying the US or the “North Atlantians” are angles, no one is. But I strongly believe the correct choice of action is always going to be to maintain peace if at all possible. And currently it is by deterring China from taking Taiwan and growing their sphere of influence in violent ways.

freagle ,

LOL. Maintaining peace? Like the East Turkistan project of training terrorists? Like collective punishment through sanctions? Like organizing coups, funding violent right-wing movements, assassinating political leaders? These are literally things the US has done in just the last 5 years.

The North Atlantians are literally global belligerents. They have been for 500 years, non stop. They have killed hundreds of millions of people to fuel and maintain their expansion and dominance.

The world needs to contain the North Atlantic and stop their reign of terror. Not the other way around.

ninjan ,

Not arguing against that. But guaranteeing the freedom of Taiwan is a good thing. And for that to be effective/credible you must have a military presence. Very little is black and white.

freagle ,

No, guaranteeing the freedom of Taiwan is not a good thing. You clearly have no idea of the history and politics at work.

Imagine the Confederacy, supported by France and England, managed to flee to Galveston Island off the coast of Texas. Imagine there were still Native American tribes there. Imagine the Confederates, mostly of Scottish, English, and French origin, killed most of the native people living on the island and set about building a Confederate society there that they could use to eventually attack the Union again. Imagine the Union wants to go after and get final surrender from the Confederacy, but the English and the French being their war boats in to intervene, negotiate with the Confederacy, arm them, offer them protection, and then spend decades building them up as a legitimate alternative to the Union, building their economy, arming and training them, and propagandizing them and the whole world.

That’s Taiwan. Will get incorporated into mainland China. It has to. It’s a security threat otherwise, because it’s only reason for existence as a separate entity is literally for war. And the existential belligerent enemies of China are using Taiwan to advance their belligerence. Worse, the belligerent North Atlantians are willing to send every person on Taiwan into a meat grinder if it means weakening China and advancing North Atlantic goals.

Your position is built entirely on propaganda, false beliefs, and ignorance.


This is a lot of words and still you completely botch the analogy. Instead, you might suppose that the Confederacy had prevailed in their rebellion and that the democratically elected President Lincoln and the remaining Northern army had fled.

In reality, the government of Taiwan is the real “China”. Mainland Taiwan is populated by angry traitors.

Your position is built entirely on propaganda, false beliefs, and ignorance.

😂🤣😂 Classic. I’d link you to the Wikipedia article for your own education, but I’m sure that’s blocked for you.

freagle ,

Holy shit you’re full of propaganda. Dude, I am a white settler colonist born and raised in America. Read some fucking Chinese history. The Kuomintang lost the civil war. It doesn’t matter who you agree with or who you think the traitors are. The civil war was fought and won. And if you want to figure out “who the baddies were” just look at who the Europeans supported. Because the Europeans clearly demonstrated over 200 years that their interests are diametrically opposed to the Chinese people.

Who did the Europeans support?


Just because you say it louder and more desperately doesn’t make it true 😂🤣🤣.

The civil war was fought and won.

I’m glad you feel that way. Because, by your own rule of might Taiwan is an independent country since mainland Taiwan can’t take the island. It’s been 75 years. The war is over. Get over it. You lost. Taiwans sovereignty has been decided and must be protected.

Anyway, best of luck in your future astroturfing endeavors. Maybe try and do better than impotent threats and accusations.

freagle ,


ksynwa , avatar

In reality, the government of Taiwan is the real “China”. Mainland Taiwan is populated by angry traitors.

On what basis are you claiming this?

JustZ , to world in Mexico City police chief shot dead in ‘drug cartel hit’ avatar

Jfc. The cartels have way too much power, they are Mexico’s long embarrassment. Have to go after the banks that handle the money. They know where it’s coming from.

Oh well, can’t pick your neighbors.

tal , to world in Russia finds vast oil and gas reserves in British Antarctic territory avatar

areas claimed by the UK.

Due to Antarctic treaties, the claim should be effectively inoperative as long as the UK is a member, and Russia shouldn’t be extracting mineral resources as long as Russia is a member.

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 by 12 nations and came into effect in the mid-1960s. The central ideas with full acceptance were the freedom of scientific research in Antarctica and the peaceful use of the continent. There was also a consensus for demilitarization and the maintenance of the status quo. The treaty prohibits nuclear testing, military operations, economic exploitation, and territorial claims in Antarctica. It is monitored through on-site inspections. The only permanent structures allowed are scientific research stations. The original signatory countries hold voting rights on Antarctic governance, with seven of them claiming portions of the continent and the remaining five being non-claimants. Other nations have joined as consultative members by conducting significant research in Antarctica. Non-consultative parties can also adhere to the treaty. In 1991-1992, the treaty was renegotiated by 33 nations, with the main change being the Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection, which prohibited mining and oil exploration for 50 years.[13]…/Protocol_on_Environmental_Prot…

Article 7 prohibits any activity relating to mineral resources, other than scientific research.

Wanderer , (edited ) to world in Germany may introduce conscription for all 18-year-olds

I always thought conscription had benefits. Tidy up the youth, teach them teamwork, toughen them up and give them self-reliance, will really help with the obesity problem.

narc0tic_bird ,

I don’t think there’s a large scale obesity problem in Germany.

Wanderer ,

That’s where you would be wrong.

Senshi ,

Currently, just barely under half of Germany’s population is overweight.

That’s only ten percent less than the USA, which sits at 57%.

And yes, it causes massive health problems, staining the healthcare system.

dubyakay ,

staining the healthcare system

Just need to use copious amounts of bleach then.

narc0tic_bird ,

Alright, I stand corrected.

WhatAmLemmy ,

The best argument for conscription is that, like politics or the police, the psychology predisposed to choosing it is not necessarily the most beneficial to be involved with it.

If you could choose to serve only in natural disaster relief, humanitarian, or aid operations it would make it significantly less conflicting.

Ultimately the requirement to be involved with, and potentially murder, in anti-democratic or anti-humanitarian operations, and acts of aggression, that could have been decided entirely by self-serving corporate or political interests makes conscription a dealbreaker.

Wanderer ,

Starship troopers style. Interesting.

Also with conscripts they don’t normally see fighting they are just normally ready. They tend to just be trained reserves.

Womble ,

As someone said above:

Draft soldiers of Germany are not allowed to operate outside of our own borders and are used to fill the gaps that stem from professional soldiers working abroad. The Bundeswehr and especially the draftees can only be used for peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and defense.

Which seems fairly reasonable to me

funkless_eck ,

Do the army even want a bunch of nerds, theatre kids, goths and bisexual disasters - speaking as someone who was all of those as a teen - in the army? I thought the army liked people who shut up and ran around a field.

“Oh if you don’t they put you in jail”

ok how is that good for society?

EurekaStockade ,

It’s not good at all for society. It’s slavery with the addition of a heightened risk of death, all to serve the whims of guys in suits far from the battlefield.

Previous commenter thinking it’s a good thing because it will whip the rabble into shape is delirious. These are peoples sons and daughters that we would be sending off to die in the mud. Shameful.

funkless_eck ,

even if they never see war and just do a bunch of calisthenics in a muddy field - it’s still being yelled at rudely to do push-ups instead of… working a job? Being in education?

I have absolutely no issue with OP being in the army - a good friend of mine was in the Signals. I respect him, but also, it would’ve done most of the people I know no good at all.

Wanderer ,

I wasn’t saying it for the good of the army I was saying it for the good of the people.

The army will get the best out of them that they can. Sounds like they could do with it more than most.

funkless_eck ,

why can’t I decide what’s best for me? ages 18-21 I worked for my local city in projects designed to get local young people at risk of offending into projects like (legal) graffiti, music, arts, sports and volunteering.

Surely that was a better benefit to society than learning how to walk in the same rhythm as a group of other people?

Wanderer ,

Same reason we don’t let kids decide if they want to go to school or not. Not everyone is going to make the right choice. People do things for their and societies good. You really don’t think most people are currently doing that can you?

funkless_eck ,

but we let these “kids” choose their degrees, or jobs and - indeed potentially train them for the military - at that age.

And who is to say the military is the right choice? If someone yells at me to do push ups in the mud - in any other context I am well within my rights to tell them to fuck off. Which is entirely normal behavior.

In general, yes, the majority of people are doing some kind of good for themselves, families and communities. People volunteer, raise kids, donate to charity, recycle, care for sick relatives, help their neighbors and friends…

Wanderer , (edited )

I think your right.

As much as the fat kids and the kids that have no will power and blame their lack of drive on others could benefit from structure, teamwork and exercise.

You’re right, ultimately it is too late and it just trying to fixing a failing of the state. We need to give these people more attention in school and turn them into better people than what we turn out of schools currently.

funkless_eck ,

it’s interesting to me that you see childhood obesity as “an absence of military training” and not such things as

  • lack of support for health education in schools
  • lack of health meal choices for school cafeterias
  • lack of free support materials for parents
  • subsidies and support for low income families to get access to fresh and healthy foods
  • tariffs on high fat and high sugar foods
  • regulation on grocery store prices
  • more free activities for young people
  • subsidized sports programs and facilities
  • etc etc

“oh that’s expensive”

the us military spends $64,000 per second every second.

Wanderer ,

I didn’t say that. I say conscription would help these overweight people and it would help in other ways.

Then I also said that getting to that point is a failing of the state.

You don’t know where I stand on any of those points because we weren’t talking about it.

I don’t really care what the US military spends per second.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Haven’t heard a stronger backwards boomer opinion in ages. Gheez…

Tryptaminev ,

Nothing gives people self-reliance like training them to do exactly as they are told, nothing more, nothing less and god forbid they develop a thought of their own on an issue and consider voicing it.

Wanderer ,

You don’t know how low the bar is.

TeddyKila , to worldnews in Putin’s crushing new offensive could be the end of Ukraine
crazyCat , to world in Onboard the Filipino coast guard ship attacked by China

Top of the article:

Nicola Smith, The Telegraph’s Asia Correspondent, was onboard a Philippine Coast Guard ship accompanying fishermen near the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea on Tuesday when her vessel was attacked by the China Coast Guard

I was standing on the deck of a Philippine Coast Guard shipwhen a Chinese vessel opened fire with its water cannon.

The powerful jets of water initially looped into the air – but within seconds they had begun to batter our craft, pounding down on the stern of the ship.

There were moments of chaos: Filipino crew members dived for cover, screaming instructions to each other…

doublejay1999 , avatar

Ship attacked with water ☠️

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