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freagle ,

“regenerated their forces”? The Russian military is larger than it was when they started the SMO and their shell production is higher than the entire West combined. You’re inventing narratives without basis.

freagle ,

If you lose 95% of your experienced veterans, then your military is shrinking far faster than you can replenish it. You’re imagining things in order to make the world for your required fantasy instead of dealing with reality.

freagle ,

You’re right, only the pro-genocidal white supremacist West gets to decide that Ukraine should still fight after losing 3 entire militaries, sacrificing most of their military aged citizens, and having their production decimated by a vastly superior military. Only the West gets to decide that Nazis should be funded, armed, and trained openly.

freagle ,

Enemy combatant, terrorism, terrorist, rules-based order, rogue state, authoritarian, corruption, freedom, peace, defense… The USA has been redefining things to suit their globe-dominating military adventures for a long time .

freagle ,

This is SO bold that I have to imagine it’s a sign of a very very significant intelligence advantage Russia has over the USA. They’re not going to do this in an attempt to get the US to attack the ship to escalate conflict. They’re likely prepared to lose the ship to US violence, but that contingency is likely counterbalanced by a gambit to reduce the USA’s diplomatic power by allowing it to erode it’s legitimacy. It’s also telling that this is happening at the same time that China is reported to be engaging in “intense diplomacy” in LatAm this past week. It feels like a concerted effort to significantly reduce the USA’s sphere of influence in a very short period of time, which is only something you would try if you had serious preparations, intelligence, and counterintelligence indicating that now would be an advantageous time.

One alternative is that its desperation, but I don’t see a lot of evidence for that.

freagle ,

By risking losing another ship with zero recourse?

freagle ,

Well, that’s going to force Russia to do more damage faster with less discrimination.

freagle ,

The Eurocentric world is genocidal and has been for over 600 years. Eugenics was invented in England, as was the pseudoscience of race theory.

freagle ,

With Western armaments, it’s the same thing.

freagle ,

The Chief Revenue Officer must have been angry

freagle ,

Why does America hate brown children so much? It’s almost like they are eugenicists or something.

freagle ,

Oh look, someone figured out that propaganda exists.

freagle ,

The USA has no intention of intervening to deescalate

freagle ,

One side of the moon is NOT always facing the sun. One side of the moon is always facing the EARTH. The moon rotates on its axis at a rate of one rotation per orbit around the Earth.

freagle ,

You really think that the absolutely massive output of China that is dwarfing the West’s output is because of a reduction in worker’s rights when compared to the West?

freagle ,

I have a feeling this is being reported specifically to create a false equivalency with the proposal to seize Russian assets

freagle ,

Subsidized monopolies are the dominant form of monopoly and oligopoly in the USA and Europe. Go look up how many billions in subsidies the USA provides to industries with only 3 dominant players, from fossil fuels to cars to phone companies to internet companies to cable companies to publishers to food conglomerates.

freagle ,

We didn’t de-nazify Germany. We put Nazi officers in charge of NATO and we joined the Catholic Church in protecting Nazis and distributing them all over the world.

freagle ,

Probably not. The North didn’t see enslaved people through some sort of egalitarian lens. They made their money financializing the slave trade.

freagle ,

It would have immediately created conflict over natural resources. There was no alternative. They had to unify and they had to get the capitalists on both sides into an alliance in order to proceed.

freagle ,

Give a nation of people their own state on their native land. That’s what the USSR did when it was founded. They worked to give every nation of people’s their own government and self-determination, they gave them all the right to secede, they elevated their national heritages

The USA, however, is a colony that went rogue. It’s people are not a nation - there are many nations present. The nations that were here before the Europeans arrived need to be given full sovereignty, the American descendants of slaves are a nation unto themselves and they need the right to self-determination. The many persons of the various European nations need to lose their sovereignty in this place. That national self-determination is how it becomes sustainable and effective. Letting colonists run their little fascist fiefdoms is not and will never be a solution.

freagle , (edited )

Sovereignty transfer doesn’t mean displacement. If European settlers want national self-determination, they can go back to their nation-states, or they can live under the sovereignty of another nation. Social justice requires that the colonizers cede back the power over the land that they took through centuries of genocidal violence.

Edit: also good to note, restorative justice would be for all the European settlers to return the land to a healthy state under the dominance of the indigenous peoples of the land. Retributive justice would be for the indigenous peoples to invade and violently occupy Europe for 600 years. No one is even asking for restorative justice at this point, just an end to the genocide and occupation.

freagle ,

Japan defecting from the empire is necessary. It also seems like Japan has been very very cautiously testing the boundaries. It’s incredible that this particular discourse is happening right now.

freagle ,

I think that’s a modern phenomenon. Japanese history is structured along moments of total adoption of the world dominant system as they understand it. Japan adopted much of Chinese culture very long ago and maintained it until the Europeans showed up. Eventually they saw Europe dominate China and they adopted the European system, hence the fascism. My hope is that they see the writing on the wall of China rising and they once again adopt China’s systems and reform their entire society.

My understanding is they do this because they are aware they cannot dominate the world with their limited resources and territory and therefore have adopted a millennia-long strategy of tailing the leader.

freagle ,

I don’t think they believe they can decolonize and be independent of a world hegemon. Unlike the liberal world, who can get independent and then try to navigate, I think Japan will not decolonize until they have a path charted to fully participate in the world system they think will win.

freagle ,

Anarchy?? No. That’s not the threat. These people don’t know what anarchy is.

freagle ,

The USA military is the largest polluter in the world and you want to blame Russia for a special military operation it launched to stop NATO expansion to it’s largest indefensible border?

freagle ,

Given that Russia’s military got bigger AFTER 2 years of losing men and materiel, I would say it’s not a war but rather a targeted military operation that is achieving it’s objectives.

freagle ,

Israel was formed after the anti-Semitic English decided they wanted to get rid of the Jews in their empire so they issued the Balfour Declaration to create a settlement in Palestine and declared the land Terra Nullius and English soldiers massacred the inhabitants of thr land. Those inhabitants were Muslim and Jewish and Christian. After Jews began settling the land defined by the Balfour Declaration, eventually it came to pass that a Westphalian state became a goal for some. The designation of when some group of people constitute a legal state in the eyes of the European empire has a long and racist history, with all the European chauvinism that entails, like withholding statehood until specific European behaviors were adopted. The project to convert the settlement into a state had a lot of traction with the Third Reich because it would accelerate getting Jews out Europe. A lot of political support for and a lot of money for creating a state came from the Third Reich and Nazi-aligned elite.

Since then, we have had a state of Israel, founded on anti-Semitic mass murder by English colonial forces of Jews, Christians, and Muslims (because Arabs are “uncivilized” you see), and the slow destruction by the Israeli state and its settler colonists of the lives of the people who were living there before the English invaded. The entire area has been under occupation for over a century at this point and it’s telling that there still is no official European recognition of the original inhabitants as a state.

Then of course it gets complicated. There have been half a dozen revelations that show Netanyahu and members of his cabinet explicitly supported Hamas and militant activity in the occupied territories. Literally Netanyahu asked Arab heads of state to fund and support Hamas. He was using a technique that the USA perfected - blowback. By creating conditions that cause your weaker enemy to strike, you can trigger your pre-conceived legal regimes to support an invasion that otherwise they wouldn’t. Israel continues to say the reason it expands, imprisons, and murders is because their weaker, contained enemy is lashing out, while simultaneously deliberately creating the conditions for that lashing out to occur, and they’re doing it because they know legally they don’t have the right to just invade and wipe these people out unless those people get violent.

This blowback strategy, by the way, is a state-level extension of agents provocateur, where the cops send a plainclothes officer into a protest and then that officer starts violence, which gives the cops the legal cover they need to break up the protest violently. Those cops in the USA, by the way, are trained by the Israeli military. This sort of thing is not new. When the USA occupied The Philippines, they needed to develop a new form of military policing to control the islands. That form was then brought back to the USA when the first state police brigade in history was formed in Pennsylvania, explicitly because local cops were starting to resist strike busting orders when it meant fighting their neighbors.

So anyway, yes, Israel is the problem here, but really, it’s Europe. Israel would never have been a problem if the anti-semites in Europe weren’t trying to find a way to get rid of all the European Jews and decided that they should create a Jewish concentration settlement on the blood and lifeless bodies of non-Europeans (Jews and Muslims and Christians). The USA now carries the torch of the long history of European imperialism, and being a Euro-centric state, I have no problem saying that the USA is the ultimate problem in all of these conflicts as it represents the pinnacle of the European project. And it is the pinnacle, because this is the century of the fall of that project.

freagle ,

The USA is both expanding it’s military and also has been losing enlistment for a long time. It’s not a good market. Ukraine, however, is a good example of a military shrinking because of a serious conflict. Russia is not in a serious conflict, it’s engaged in what amounts to a police action.

freagle ,

That this is a best a PR stunt and at worst an outright lie. This one shipment isn’t going to do anything to curtail Israel’s behavior and the shipment will eventually be delivered anyway.

freagle ,

Uhhh, so literally nothing but words in Israel and escalating towards world war in Ukraine? You’re a fool.

freagle ,

China is far better of allied with Russia than with Western Europe from an ideological perspective. France is still an active empire and it still acts as an administrator of neocolonial dominance. There is no reason for China to move towards Western Europe at all. It is Western Europe that must move towards China.

freagle ,

Reading comprehension fail. China has never said the Ukrainian resistance is illegal under international law.

freagle ,

Why not? They are literally founded by a journalist who couldn’t open with the main stream news outlets rejecting true stories because they didn’t fit the political narrative.

freagle ,

Turkey is such an enigma to me. Geographically it’s a major part of the Eurasian project. But the USA right wing gloms onto Erdogan. And now this move that is essentially BDS. I am very interested to see where this goes but man I need to learn more about Turkey

freagle ,

more than 100 arrested as cops break up student protest at Columbia in riot gear

freagle ,

Uhhh, Russia is a capitalist country, not a socialist one. They absolutely care about property rights because that is what capitalism requires. Russia has no intention of executing land reform any time soon.

freagle , (edited )

Who was Ukraine invaded by? Russia only? Or does it count when the USA foments a coup and even sends its regime change agents to oversee the coup, hand picks the successor, and deliberately hand picks someone that will invite the undemocratic nuclear-armed nazi-led transnational NATO to take it’s land for military installations? Because as Russia sees it, a nuclear armed military has been marching across Europe to it’s Ukrainian border across which Europe has invaded Russia twice. Is NATO allowed to move in as long as the USA coups the leaders who are against it?

Ukraine’s legitimacy in the West is founded on the narrative that it’s a white Christian democratic freedom loving bastion. When it suspends human rights, bans unions, bans communist parties, shells civilians, attacks civilians bridges with civilians on it, enlists Nazis, celebrates Nazis, honors Nazis, and then just starts grabbing men off the street and sending them to die with no training, it loses that legitimacy. Ukraine must surrender and negotiate a peace deal. The only other option is mass murder of its civilian population through forced consignment in a war of attrition that it is badly losing, has always been losing, and has never had a chance of winning.

freagle ,

Are you saying that Ukraine does not celebrate Bandera as a national hero or that Bandera was not a Nazi? Are you saying that Ukraine did not knowingly integrate explicitly neo-Nazi militias who recruited on the basis of their neo-Nazi ideology or that that those battalions are not neo-Nazis? Are you saying that the USA doesn’t vote against the resolution to condemn celebration of Nazis every single time it comes to vote or that the resolution isn’t actually about condemning the celebration of Nazis?

Just trying to figure out which “facts” you’re working with here.

freagle ,

Wow. Conspiracy mind activated. So you think all the civilians Ukraine burned to death in that office building were crisis actors?

freagle ,

LOL. What a ridiculous take. “Alliances”. You don’t have national alliances, neither do any of us, because we’re people. We have opinions. And the opinions of most of the left globally is that the USA is the greatest scourge of humanity and Russia is in a fight for its existence against an American proxy in the form of Ukraine.

It’s also such a thought terminator when you libs assume the only way people could arrive at this opinion is if you’re paid to do it, as opposed to libs who clearly are free thinkers and don’t get paid for their ideas they just arrive at them fully independently even though it completely aligns with US propaganda efforts, official State Dept narratives, and the clear oligarch-run news media consensus. You could never be paid to have your ideas, but your opponents? Of course they have nothing worthy of arguing because they are paid shills regurgitating from a script.

freagle ,

That’s literally what will happen if Ukraine keeps on fighting. They have sent literally every soldier and every piece of equipment they had into the breach. They have sent multiple times over the budget of Russia’s military in and it’s been destroyed. They are running out of everything. The average age of a Ukrainian soldier has sky rocketed.

This only stops with a negotiated peace deal.

freagle ,

But the collective psychosis from another million dead is going to be fucking wild

freagle ,

Yeah, that’s not the point. Viruses don’t respect national borders.

freagle ,

I’m not saying he’s a martyr, I’m saying he’s not doing this from inside his skull but in concert with power brokers. The same is true of Kushner. Kashoggi’s dad was likely involved with the CIA based on the history of his work and institutions. MBS is not some rogue mastermind - the USA, up to and including presidents, have publicly stated that the Royal Family is under their direct protection and a major part of US policy. The murder of a journo and the subsequent coverup happened within the context of US power brokers calling the shots. MBS is somewhat roguish as he seems he may be trying to decouple from the USA enough to save his house from the inevitable collapse of the USA, and the Kashoggi killing may have been part of that, so the USA powers got a little split over whether to threaten him or cover it up, so they did both, but ultimately Saudi isn’t buying into Twitter with Elon as some part of a scheme against America, or against American liberals or against the Ds or whatever. MBS may be trying to purge Saudi institutions of the CIA, but his foreign policy is still constrained by his country’s absolute need for American protection.

Musk didn’t buy Twitter because he loves Trump and hates wokeness. He couldn’t have because it’s far too disruptive to power. Twitter was majorly important to power. Some moron with a lot of money, mostly money from the USA war machine, isn’t going to be allowed to just go wrecking USA war machine components, especially not when there are so many controls in place. We have to see Musk not as an evil mastermind nor as a sideshow but rather as a state actor. I guarantee most nations adversarial to the USA see Musk as a state actor and not some strange independent anomaly. And if we have to see Musk as a state actor, then we have to see the purchase of Twitter as a behavior beneficial to the USA power centers and that it happened because it was beneficial to them, not simply an accident.

freagle ,

…cause I’m the king of wishful thinking

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