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avater , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’ avatar

Funny isn’t it…all the time our right wing assholes talk about foreign traitors but in the end it’s always them. I bet their Nazi grandfathers are rotating in their graves at lightspeed 😂

IcePee ,

But Erich Honecker is laughing.

kent_eh ,

They know the most about how bribery works, and just assume everyone else is as corrupt as they are themselves.

solidgrue , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’ avatar

This isn’t a uniquely German problem >.>

lurch ,

yes, but it’s important to know all details about each case, including nationality

tooLikeTheNope ,

Yep, and here in Fascistelli-d’Italia-land we’ve won the competition for the “most smartest” one I’m afraid:…/see-what-you-friend-putin-has-d…

uis ,

Do you receive national treasures? I want to ship one. It’s not very old, just 71 years, but it is most expensive national treasure.

I’m willing to ship it with Gelendzik Palace, just take it, please.

IcePee , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

It turns out AfD is the SED, Socialist Unity Party of Germany all along.

avater , avatar

It turns out AfD is the SED, Socialist Unity Party of Germany all along.

with a lot of Nazis…

DdCno1 ,

Just like the SED.

BigMikeInAustin , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

So, in Germany, does anything happen to this Russia war enabler? Or is it like America where someone just screams “both sides” and “but his tan suit” and all courts and laws get disabled?

hoshikarakitaridia , avatar

My logic says yes but mostly it’s gonna be PR issues. But reality says there won’t be any other consequences because politicians don’t like to oust other politicians and courts don’t wanna get involved with separation of power issues.

So no but yes but no.

BigMikeInAustin ,


Thanks for the info. (Not sarcasm)

GregorGizeh , (edited )

My guess is if this blows up enough and the far right can’t simply deny that it happened any more they will distance themselves a bit, perhaps throw him out.

Its just lip service though, the party is in large parts propped up by russia, and the members are all either corrupt shitstains doing the same as the guy who got caught or brainwashed idiots who themselves are the best argument against democracy and equal voices for everyone.

The same playbook as your Republicans

Jesus_666 ,

Well, his party is trying to make people forget he’s in there for fear of losing votes. Given that this party is the “presentable” face of the hard right I hope he gets as much media attention as possible.

Not sure anything is going to happen to him personally but he’s a politician and this is corruption so probably not.

SomeGuy69 ,

We call them “exceptions” here, they’ll kick him out and say everyone else of the AfD is not like that. People will believe it and keep voting for them even harder because now. It’s a shit show.

disconnectikacio , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

How surprising… not. Here in hungary also the state party (fidesz) and their puppet party “mi hazánk” is controlled by putin

Vub , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

So BIS/Czechia need to release the video to the public, not just claim they have it.

I hope there will be plenty more information on these nazis coming out before the elections.

random_character_a , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’ avatar

Before Ukraine Russia funded right-wingers because they were anti-EU. Some of them were quite open about it. I don’t think anything has changed. Money just takes a longer route and people keep quiet about it.

cabron_offsets , to world in German politician ‘filmed taking Russian money’

AfD, fucking russian stooges.

casmael ,

Of course fucking of course, I wasn’t askin’ I was tellin’

ZeroCool , to world in Farmers warn of first year without harvest since Second World War

Mr Stanley said farms were facing “an existential moment” because of the changing climate, which could put many out of business, reducing UK food security.

“The problem that we’re facing is that weather is becoming so extreme that it is overwhelming our ability as farmers to continue to grow crops at all in some places,” he said.

Yes, but let’s not lose sight of what’s really important, by sacrificing the planet we’ve successfully prevented a few billionaires from having to sell their yachts.

DrCake ,

While I’m not saying the farmer quote shares this belief but it’s hard to take when there have been so many “farmers protests” about changes to subsidies linked to reducing emissions and planting more trees

Maestro ,

I think many farmers are being played for fools. They are being astroturfed by big agri businesses run by corporate billionaires.

uberdroog , avatar

There was a Climate Town video that explains how the US tried to institute strict emissions standards in the mid to late 90s. Exceptions were given to all work trucks because it would make them too expensive for small farms. This led to car companies leaning into that form factor, and now the Yank Tanks are ubiquitous and infecting the rest of the world.

UltraMagnus0001 ,

Vehicles over a certain weight can be exempt for a farm vehicle like a suburban. Also the longer the wheelbase the less fuel economy the vehicle has to have, which is why manufacturers are making larger SUVs that can’t even pass the moose test.

loutr , avatar

Yeah we just had a huge protest here in France, except for a smaller union they all agreed that the pesky ecologists were to blame for their problems. And the government was more than willing to agree with them, better kill our remaining farming land for short term profit than reign in their buddies at Nestlé and Danone.

herrcaptain ,

I’m with you, but it’s not even about having to sell their yachts. These leeches have so much goddamn money that they could lose most of it with no materiel impact to their lifestyle. They just horde it out of a combination of addiction and lust for power.

Wanderer , (edited )

Can you provide evidence that billionaires yachts cause more environmental damage than say average people using their car.

I’d be really interested to to how billionaires are solely responsible for this mess.

Edit: Congratulations everyone. The oil and gas industries do not want individuals to feel responsible for climate change and want them to push the blame elsewhere so everyone keeps consuming. You’re doing what they want. This is bang out of the oil and gas playbook.

Chocrates ,
Wanderer ,


roughly 447 times the entire annual carbon footprint of your average American

So now back to my question does the number average Americans outnumber the billionare more than 447 times?

There are 333,300,000 people in America so that means there needs to be more than 745,637 billionaires living in America for billionaire yatchs to to more damage than the average person. There are only 756.

So the claim is wrong. People don’t like it but average people in the world do more damage to the environment than billionaires. People have no interest in changing but if they want to save the world they must change.

This deflection is not helpful.

ridethisbike ,

That is soooo far from the point that it’s not even funny. Nice straw man though

Wanderer , (edited )

by sacrificing the planet we’ve successfully prevented a few billionaires from having to sell their yachts

They are directly saying that we sacrificed the planet to allow billionaires to have yachts. It’s right there.

There is a huge danger in this world that nobody is taking action for the damage they are doing to the world. If billionaires have done no damage to the world then what? Everything is fine and we can go on living the way we are? No. The world’s fucked because of everyday people.

The average person needs to change and consume less and pollute less. Blaming billionaires for everything and acting like the everyday person is innocent is exactly what the billionaires want because then you just consume the stuff they sell and they get richer and the world gets worse.

The only way to fix this world is if everyone consumes less. Deflecting isn’t helping the planet.

ridethisbike ,

you’re a fuckin idiot

feedum_sneedson ,

Well yeah, that doesn’t even require “proper” evidence. The physical structure alone contains more materials than a car.

Wanderer ,

You think one yacht uses more material than 440,873 peoples cars?

feedum_sneedson ,

Of course not, but it’s a wildly disproportionate rate of consumption for an individual, which you’re well aware of. I agree that the ultra-wealthy are something of a totem when it comes to eco-rhetoric, but the fact is they perfectly represent human overconsumption, and acknowledging this as abhorrent and in need of curbing is the first step towards moderation in general. Also, telling the working classes they need to reduce their carbon footprint while tolerating this behaviour from the ownership class is not a coherent message. The vanishingly small kernel of a point you think you have is not contributing anything to the discussion, and I say this as a committed troll.

Wanderer ,

Billionaires should absoultely reduce their consumption and I never said anything to disagree with that point.

The issue is people are looking for any and every excuse not to do anything. That is an issue and it’s a bigger issue than overconsumption from billionaires.

Corporations directly try to convince people that there is nothing the individual can do to change the environment so they might as well just use as much oil and gas as they like.

It’s a direct play out of the oil and gas PR system and people are doing it for free. Billionaires want people to not blame the individual and it’s working.

All because people want to absolve themselves of all responsibility.

Billionaires are wasteful. But the damage to the world is coming more from the average person than from the billionaires. Misleading people on that fact is going to to more damage to the environment than anything billionaires do.

feedum_sneedson ,

I don’t think anyone disagrees with that.

foofy ,

You know, I don’t disagree with your ultimate point. But if you look through this comment chain you should recognize that the way you chose to make it is:

  1. Needlessly antagonistic, and (therefore)
  2. Not very effective

If you wanted to convince anyone or provoke interesting discussion I think you failed.

In the future, you should just make your argument/statement instead of asking “clever” bad faith questions.

Wanderer ,

Yes, but let’s not lose sight of what’s really important, by sacrificing the planet we’ve successfully prevented a few billionaires from having to sell their yachts.

This “joke” is more damaging than anything I have said and should be called out as such. Corporations directly try to convince people that there is nothing the individual can do to change the environment so they might as well just use as much oil and gas as they like.

It’s a direct play out of the oil and gas PR system and people are doing it for free. Billionaires want people to not blame themselves and it’s working.

All because people want to absolve themselves of all responsibility.

Billionaires are wasteful. But the damage to the world is coming more from the average person than from the Billionaires.

John_McMurray ,

Shut up, moron.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Yachts, on average, burn 20-50 gallons of fuel an hour.

Super yachts and mega yachts have fuel capacities of 10k-50k gallons and burn 100-500 gallons per hour.

Before I had a PEV, I would run through about 10 gallons a week. I had that car for 10 years, meaning I used less fuel in a decade than a mega yacht does in a day. I traveled around 130k miles on around 5200 gallons of gas and that car had pretty shit MPG of 25.

Cruising speed for yachts varies quite a bit, but assuming a speed of 50 mph means a super yacht gets between 0.5 and 0.1 MPG.

Then there’s the private jets, the 30k sq ft houses, and the fact that 80% of emissions can be tracked back to 57 atate-owned or private companies…none of which are owned or run by the poor or working class. All of that is only considering the western world and it’s definition of poor, the poorest 100 nations only account for around 3% of total emissions…so yes, its the rich people.

bradorsomething ,

This will not attract a female sea lion, you have to find another way to show your mating prowess.

Cosmicomical ,

Your really out of line here. I’m not the average person, but I’ll compare with myself. Taylor Swift consumed more than 16000 gallons a month (or more than 70000 litres) for at least the first 7 months of 2022, and that’s after selling one of her jets due to public exposure. Compare to me, I work from home and made 3000 kms in 2 years, for an average of 23 litres a month. So she consumed 3000 times more than me. Even if the average person does 10 times my mileage, she would still be 300x the average.

Wanderer ,

I’m not out if line at all.

People underestimate how few billionaires there are and how many average people there are.

Average people do more damage than billionaires.

Do your calculations but times it by number of average people and number of billionaires. Which is the point I have directly mentioned in each and every post.

Cosmicomical ,

No. First of all there are a lot of billionaires and orders of magnitude more almost-billionaires with the means to do that kind of damage. In second place this is just jets which are used to go straight from a place to another, but yatches are way less efficient and are used to roam freely so overall they pollute much more. And these are only two of the thousand things the rich do that create infinite pollution. But of course let’s focus on straws.

merthyr1831 , to world in Top IDF commander in aid strike wanted to block humanitarian supplies into Gaza

This is why Israel “leaked” info about its “Lavender AI”. The idea was to place the blame for genocide onto something that cannot be held accountable, and defer the humans to the “just following orders” defence.

FuckyWucky , to worldnews in Biden’s top foreign policy official ‘cancelled Cameron meeting’

British media are such cucks. They call him “Lord” Cameron.

velox_vulnus ,

Note to self: put your hands in the pocket, while meeting such inbreds. It’s an anti-monarchy gesture.

m_e , avatar

He is Baron Cameron of Chipping Norton, so he is a lord.

FuckyWucky , (edited )
ramble81 , to world in Top IDF commander in aid strike wanted to block humanitarian supplies into Gaza

Why? Give me a (good) reason for this beyond being a depraved person who doesn’t care for life.

Billy ,

most of the aid is rerouted to militants and the leftovers are mostly sold to civilians at exorbitant prices, while the hostages get crumbs.
not giving aid and attacking militant hotspots quicker could’ve ended the situation sooner and would’ve enabled direct giving of aid to civilians. in addition to securing the hostages sooner.

that’s the way of thinking from what i’ve read.

Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

That has been debunked months ago. Was just israeli propaganda.

US envoy: Israel hasn’t provided ‘specific evidence’ Hamas is stealing aid shipments

bartolomeo , avatar


On top of that, he is the child of a Holocaust survivor. They say “Never Again” but the guy is literally doing it right now.

RamblingPanda ,

“Never again to us, it’s fine if they suffer”

sirboozebum , to worldnews in Top IDF commander in aid strike wanted to block humanitarian supplies into Gaza

Is anybody surprised?

deegeese , to world in Top IDF commander in aid strike wanted to block humanitarian supplies into Gaza

IDF accidentally reveals genocide was their goal all along.

jordanlund , to world in Farmers warn of first year without harvest since Second World War avatar

To be clelar for anyone just skimming the article… It’s UK Farmers.

I guess they could have had more support if they didn’t Brexit…

Got_Bent ,

Do you think the UK sometimes sits up late at night with a bottle of whisky and stalks the EU on social media?

NegativeInf ,

Pretty embarrassing when they accidentally like a 200 year old post with bikini pics.

TheBat , avatar

200 year old post with bikini pics.

Bikini? Don’t you mean ankle pics?

NegativeInf ,

Ahh. Those foxy ankle daguerreotypes.

Worx ,

I wish people would stop going on about Brexit. It was what the people wanted. Literally every single brown “”“person”“” has left the country and we don’t have any EU overlords shoving their rules down our throats. Every other aspect of our life bring worse and facing food shortages is a small price to pay

jordanlund , avatar

“what the people wanted”? I’m going to assume you dropped the /s tag since the morning AFTER the vote the biggest Google searches in the UK were “What is the EU?” and “What is Brexit?”…/7-huge-points-google-trends-tells-us-…

Worx ,

I am being sarcastic. We have a brown person as our prime minister, after all

RunawayFixer ,

There are people who actually believe what you had posted, so without additional cues that it’s intended as sarcasm (like starting with Hur Dur or ending with /s), it’s anyone’s guess what you actually meant. In person sarcasm works better because we can easily add physical cues, but on the internet it’s best made very obvious imo.

Syntha ,

There are people who actually believe what you had posted

No they don’t. No racist person would ever say that “literally every single brown ““person”” has left the country”. If you’re not neutron star level dense, it’s pretty obviously sarcasm.

Cosmicomical ,

To be honest this was very obvious at least at the end, when they recognise life is worse. If it wasn’t sarcasm they wouldn’t admit that.

RunawayFixer ,

A recurring theme with hard brexiteers was that making “short term” sacrifices was worth it for “reclaiming sovereignty”, which would magically lead to more prosperity in the “long term”. To some, (others) being worse off than before, is a price they’d gladly (let others) pay if it would allow “their team” to score a victory.

In the Usa there’s people cheering for Russia, for the downfall of USA democracy and for Trump to be king. These are such extreme standpoints that it’s hard to believe that they would be serious, but when you see them on camera, then it’s obvious that they are true believers and that they’re not being sarcastic. If those people are real, then I can easily imagine some spiteful british person saying unironically that being worse off now, is a sacrifice that they’re willing to make for “reclaiming sovereignty”. Especially if it’s online and they actually live and work in Sint-Petersburg.

In a world where The Onion cannot make up news that is crazier than the actual news, irony is always going to have hard time.

june ,

Gotta add that /s fam

John_McMurray ,

No. If a person is that oblivious, it’s their fault.

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