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Da_Boom , to lemmyshitpost in At least you can patch bong rips... avatar

I’m guessing a rip from this is what started the denimposting?

bruhduh , to lemmyshitpost in At least you can patch bong rips... avatar

Mah hart mha sole mahjong

Zikeji , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently avatar

No, I haven’t heard this “general opinion”. Any conversation I’ve been a part of or observed (which, to be fair, is less than a few dozen) has always defaulted to the driver being at fault.

I’m not sure where you live that the general opinion is victim blaming, but it doesn’t sound like a pleasant place.

wildcherry OP ,

It’s not. I used to take a hammer in my backpack while cycling for self-defense.

dependencyinjection ,


wildcherry OP ,

Western europe.

dependencyinjection ,

And you feel like you need a hammer?

I’m just trying to gauge the roughness of your area, it seems you don’t want to be specific which is fine.

I live in Manchester in the UK, healthy level of gangs, knife crime etc. yet I’ve never felt the need to walk around with a hammer. Like I’ll walk through moss side with no issue.

I guess my point is I am wondering if you’re just being worried about nothing or you’re living in hell.

wildcherry OP ,

I mean my city is a rust belt and it’s kinda rough crime-wise. But drivers, especially, are fucking crazy. I lived in other places and people were actually quiet on the wheel. Here, I have a friend who had a case for homicide attempt after a truck rammed him “for fun”. He won. Pretty much every cyclist I know got hit by a car.

dependencyinjection ,

That sounds like a wild place bro. Some people are certifiable.

wildcherry OP ,

Yeah. The worst part is that in other context they often aren’t bad people.

cheese_greater ,

Can you elaborate why people suck that much in your neck of the woods+rust belt?

wildcherry OP ,

Political corruption is endemic and every public transportation project gets an occasion for embezzlement. I think it plays a lot.

nonailsleft ,


wildcherry OP ,

Almost :D Liege

SpaceNoodle , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently

I think you’ve gone off the rails a bit. This could have been an interesting retrospective about how jaywalking actually became criminalized, for example.

Fudoshin , avatar

…In the US.

papabobolious ,

They always miss that part

explodicle ,

We just legalized jaywalking here in California and it’s suuuuper convenient. They should legalize it everywhere.

TrickDacy ,

And that’s what it is…?

wildcherry OP ,

It’s the same principle. It’s the idea that the flow of traffic must go on and that people convenience are more important than anything else - climate, public spaces, pollution, freedom to use the vehicle you want, even people’s life.

snf ,

Just to clarify: is it your belief that the editorial position of the cartoonist is that they approve of prioritizing motor traffic above everything else?

wildcherry OP ,

No lol “apparently” referred more to my experience out there.

Lath , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently

Ask not of others what you will not or cannot do yourself.

ItsAFake ,

Too vague… ARREST THEM!

BruceTwarzen , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently

My ex girlfriend was like that. There was this piece of road when entering the city where pedestrians could cross the road. It was symbolised by some waves on the road (because it was over a bridge that's why i guess) my girlfriend would always yell at me or the pedestrians that we (in the car) come first. I don't know how true that was, she said she asked someone. And the conversation was always that i don't care, because i'm not running over people.
She would always accelerate or honk or yell out of the window. Congratulations, now you sit over there in traffic instead of back here. And you only had to endanger 10 people

wildcherry OP ,

:s I hope she calmed down. Even for herself I guess it shouldn’t be good for blood pressure

WallsToTheBalls , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently

Ya know it’s not that anyone “deserves” to get hit by a car. I will say there are definitely circumstances I’ve seen where it was an incredibly predictable outcome

Standing in a parking lot and get hit? Drivers fault.

Sprinting across four lanes of traffic on a busy street in rush hour, at dusk, in black clothing? I mean… still the drivers fault technically, but cmon.

wildcherry OP ,

I’m not talking about people who throw themselves under wheel. I’m talking about legitimately crossing the street at a stop and some asshole honks you or attacks you for being in the way. There seems to be a general consensus that traffic flow is more important than people’s life. Just see how many were begging for protesters to get run over, on reddit for example.

null ,

I’ve never seen people supporting a driver for honking or attacking someone who was legitimately crossing the street…

wildcherry OP ,

Good for you then :)

null ,

And good for you pretending that it’s the pervasive attitude, I guess.

wildcherry OP ,

“I never saw it so it doesn’t exist”.

null ,

“This totally exists, just trust me bro”

wildcherry OP ,

I’m gonna take a wild guess and imagine your’e driving a car on the daily, dont ya?

null ,

Nope, I just live in reality. You should try it some time.

wildcherry OP ,

In reality all of the people I know who are cycling got hit by a car. Hell in this very thread you can see people talking about it. What’s your point exactly?

null ,

That has nothing to do with your claim…

Your claim says that the majority of people would applaud the driver who hit them. Which is nonsense.

wildcherry OP ,

A vocal minority of people definitely would. Now if you can stop invalidating my experience both on the road and speaking to people, it’s unpleasant.

null ,

A vocal minority is the exact opposite of a majority…

Now if you can stop invalidating my experience both on the road and speaking to people, it’s unpleasant.

You’re doing that yourself.

wildcherry OP ,

Imagine siding with the polluters lmao.

null ,

Imagine being logically consistent.

wildcherry OP ,
null ,

I’m sorry, this is what you think “legitimately crossing the road” looks like?

wildcherry OP ,

Ah yes we’re only supposed to cross the road when our motorized overlord allowed us too.

null ,

Good job contradicting yourself, kiddo

KombatWombat ,

Two of the links are discussing lawful fact, not morality, and even if they were, the commenters are saying “no, you can’t use your car to ‘encourage’ people to move”. The other two have commenters saying the driver committing vehicular manslaughter is crazy and obviously in the wrong. Particularly the last link has people expressing sympathy for the victims and animosity to the driver.

Nothing here suggests that victim blaming is common when someone driving does something illegal and injures a pedestrian.

wildcherry OP ,

Yeah yeah I get it. You do not want to see the problem, so there is no problem. Again, I guess my friends getting hit by car, or the several attack I personally had been subjected too for cycling too slow or crossing the street counts for nothing.

KombatWombat ,

No it doesn’t count for nothing, and I’m sorry you and your friends went through that. But if people blamed you when the drivers were clearly in the wrong, that takes a special kind of being an asshole that the average person just isn’t.

wildcherry OP ,

Not sure. Like yeah ramming into someone intentionally is not the norm, you are right. But I have seen most of my friend and family being negligent on the road as well. It’s a norm here.

eskimofry ,

It is pervasive though.

null ,

No it’s not.

Lupus108 , to lemmyshitpost in BULLPUP

I see NCD is leaking again.

nonailsleft , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently

Hey I am a Dreamy Pedestrian. Should I be scared?

wildcherry OP ,

Yes. Always look left and right before crossing the street <3

Klear ,

Are you vague? Too vague, even?

Fallenwout , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently

My policy is: if you are weaker, you have to be extra carefull and give way to the others.

Usually in this order: pedestrian < bicycle < motorcycle < car < truck

This has served me well. No reason to risk your life in competing even if you are in the right. Being in the right serves you nothing when you’re dead.

conditional_soup ,

You must always exercise safety and pragmatism, but that doesn’t mean that the “stronger” vehicle deserves the right of way more. I’d argue that the more dangerous the vehicle is, the greater the obligation to operate it with care and due regard for others.

indepndnt ,

I think both are true.

Leeker ,

I mean I’m pretty sure this is exactly why trucks over a certain tonnage require and additional license to operate. At least here in the US they do. I’m sure many other countries have something similar.

wildcherry OP ,

I mean, it makes sense from a self-preservation point of view. Too many are upholding this exact policy while driving though, which is what I’m pointing out. One could argue that the heavier / more dangerous you are, the more careful you want to be as well.

Smoogs ,

Exactly. laws are not armour. They are simply a deterrent at best.

Moneo ,

Yes, everyone should take precautions to keep themselves safe. Everyone should also advocate for safer roads and stiff penalties for vehicular violence.

ZC3rr0r ,

“I had the right of way” makes a terrible headstone slogan.

wildcherry OP ,

What about “I almost run over a cyclist so he attacked me with a hammer?”. One can only be so tolerant toward the constant threat of vehicular assault.

Hell I almost got ran over by some bitch a couple of days ago while walking on the sidewalk.

ZC3rr0r ,

I’m not saying or suggesting that it’s a pedestrian, cyclist, driver, or anyone else’s sole responsibility to stay safe. In fact, I strongly believe the “stronger” party has an outsized responsibility to make sure they act safely and not endanger other road users.

All I’m advocating for is for all participants to be vigilant and not assume right of way will be honored by the other party.

Ultimately, only you can keep you safe. Don’t assume anyone is flawless. Regardless of where you are driving a car, walking, cycling, etc. people can and will make mistakes, miss something, or forget to check.

wildcherry OP ,

Of course. I am not disputing it. What I’m pointing out (and tbh I found it especially pernicious where I live, I did not have the same feeling in Canada or Ireland or France outside of big cities - in those places, yes infrastructure can be better, but people are actually nice on the wheel), is that dangerous behavior are normalized for cardrivers. And I would not equate dangerous behavior of a pedestrian with one of a car. In the first case, I’m only endangering myself. It’s not smart and of course people should be careful. But it’s not the same as drunk driving, for example.

Like a few days ago I was walking on the sidewalk. Some seeyouhaynetee just backdrove into me from her parking. And it’s not an isolated incident, it’s common occurrence. ALL the cardrivers in my family are taking the wheel drunk. Its normal here.

ZC3rr0r ,

I think what is considered acceptable strongly depends on where you live to be honest. Driving while druk (a felony offense in most places) is extremely frowned upon by the general public. At least, it is where I live.

Although I do get where you are coming from in terms of other behaviors, there’s a reason traffic violations are the most ticketed offenses in just about any country.

w2tpmf ,

Being in the right serves you nothing when you’re dead.

My Dad taught me this concept at a young. He called it being “dead right”.

Yes you’re right, yes they’re in the wrong. You’re still dead.

So don’t worry about other people doing it right, worry about yourself and your own safety.

EvacuateSoul ,

In the ocean, this is called the law of gross tonnage. Don’t count on the tanker yielding to your sailboat.

wildcherry OP ,

The ocean is big. How do I exercise caution when some bitch is tailing me on my bike? If I fall I die. If I side, they pass you leaving the size of an apple as security. Quit your victim blaming lmao. Ocean tankers takes half an hour to take another direction, your cars takes 1 seconds. False equivalency.

EvacuateSoul ,

I agree, and I’ve been run off the road on my bike too. I didn’t make up the thing people say. I’m not even a mariner.

maynarkh , to lemmyshitpost in Trigger a whole fan base with one easy trick

I don’t even know what an MA5 is, but bullpups are obviously superior to everything else.

Samsy , to lemmyshitpost in 1st left

The second looks like a face with the “plz kill me” mimic.

Mastengwe , to aboringdystopia in Being in the way of cars deserve to get you killed apparently

Roads are meant for vehicles. When you cross one, the onus is on BOTH parties to pay attention. This is why in many cases, BOTH parties are fined in a collision. And for the record:

Suicide is also illegal.

spez_ ,

Roads are meant for people, not your pathetic stupid death machine. Ban them

Mastengwe ,


Showroom7561 ,

My dude, pedestrians get killed by cars while they wait at bus stops. Or while using a crosswalk when they have the right of way.

Suggesting that people should jump out of the way because they have an onus to pay attention from unskilled or negligent motorists seems like victim blaming.

wildcherry OP ,

Suicide is illegal? lmao what an idiotic law is that?

Roads are meant for everybody. Thanks for proving our point that vroemers think they’re entitled to polluting they way around. Disgusting people.

Mastengwe ,

Ahhh…. You’re one of those people. Going to block you now. No time for that nonsense.

wildcherry OP ,

Feeling’s mutual buddy. I don’t know why I waste my time trying to be civil to polluters.

pelespirit , to memes in Do you find yourself residing in bygone days? avatar

I just picked a random one, but natural gardens look better and no mowing. Rain gardens are pretty cool too.

ZeroCool ,

Also, shoutout to the !NoLawns community!

Imgonnatrythis ,

I’d love my entire yard to be a zen garden. 95% pebbles and a few little shrubs I care for dearly and a manageable koi pond.

pelespirit , avatar

I think they might be hard to maintain, there’s a reason they rake it everyday. I remember seeing one at a hospital and it was dusty and dead looking. But if you have the energy, more power to you.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Huh. Maybe could mod a lawn cutting robot to rake it? I’d be happy to tend to the shrubs, but daily raking seems a bit much. I have piles of stones in yard now that never get raked and seem ok though.

pelespirit , avatar

Huh. Maybe could mod a lawn cutting robot to rake it?

That’s honestly a great idea, make it look like an air ball, lol.

I have piles of stones in yard now that never get raked and seem ok though

I don’t know your set up, but if the piles of stones are surrounded by nature, then there’s movement around it and they won’t look dusty and dead. Also, it looks different if it’s all rocks and there’s no contrast with at least equal amounts of nature. That could be it?

CaptainBlagbird , to memes in Do you find yourself residing in bygone days? avatar

I am still dressed like this though, kinda, sort of, sometimes.

But I don’t own a yard…

sukhmel ,

Maybe you own a meter then?

CaptainBlagbird , avatar

I wish… It’s only a few centimetres 🍆🤏🥲

DharmaCurious , avatar
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