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EdibleFriend , to lemmyshitpost in Sit up straight, damnit avatar


Shut up.

Cosmos7349 , to lemmyshitpost in Sit up straight, damnit


paddirn , to memes in Apple

I’m pretty much roped in at this point within their ecosystem, it all just talks together and works most of the time. Possibly I’ll regret it at some point in time when my secret history of browsing Margaret Thatcher furry porn is exposed to the world as punishment for criticizing the newest Apple Butt Plug attachment, but for now it just works better than the alternatives that I’ve seen.

BCsven ,

Oddly specific

GargleBlaster , to lemmyshitpost in Dune

The forbidden butthole

ininewcrow , avatar

It is not forbidden

metaStatic , to lemmyshitpost in Remember to raise your pinky in polite company

Capitalism is by it's definition an unjust hierarchy so you can see how anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron right ... ?

Sir this is a Wendy's

Track_Shovel OP ,
ApatheticCactus , to lemmyshitpost in Zen

Maybe this is what Apple is trying to solve with spatial computing.

Melkath ,

When the ar app drops where high score is highest volume in shortest time...

ImplyingImplications , to lemmyshitpost in Remember to raise your pinky in polite company

MRW someone starts talking about their income property

metaStatic ,

"and this is my investment tent"

LEONHART , to memes in Invest in hwat?

Crypto-whatsit? Is that something from one of Bobby’s vid’ya games?

It’s a new form of money, Hank. VIRTUAL MONEY.

Well, excuse me, Dale, but here where I live, in the REAL WORLD, we already have a perfectly fine money. It’s called AMERICAN DOLLARS and it works just fine, I tell ya h’wat.

You say that now, Hank, but wait until the cyber-swarm-uprising of 2034 comes and replaces your precious “real world” with a virtualsphere so indiscernible from what you think you know as real! Wake up and see what’s coming on the horizon!

Can you see me kicking your ass on the horizon?

MajorMajormajormajor ,

This is perfect!

Skullgrid , avatar

Are you one of the writers for the revival?


I wish.

9488fcea02a9 ,

Dude, i was also going to ask if you’re a writer on the show…

i read your post and heard hank’s voice perfectly in my head. You have talent, son.


Aw, shucks… 🙂

moody ,

Cryptocurrency, man! Money on the computer man, dang ol’ ones and zeros, onna internet y’know, pew pew pew, zippin’ on them wires…


Boomhauer, for once in my life, I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about.

pops another beer

No_Eponym , avatar

Crypto and crypto accessories.

glouriousgouda ,

Catch the new dystopian thriller, “Cyber-swarm-uprising. 2034: Book one” in theaters August 23rd, 2024!

variants ,

Rip dale

foggy ,

I like how we don’t need to be told which character is saying what. What a great show. What great characters.

TankovayaDiviziya , to lemmyshitpost in A rose by any other name

I don’t know about you, but when I hear “oligarchs”, I always get a nebulous image of faceless, rich and powerful crowd who are into sex cults like Eyes Wide Shut. I kid about the last bit but I am serious about the other descriptors

I think the reason we don’t immediately think of oligarch when we see Zuckerberg, Gates or Musk is because we see them on individual basis. Whereas “oligarch” usually refers to a faceless collective of politically influential, rich folks.

GladiusB , avatar

I think of two things. The goofy ass oligarch commercial from a few years ago and Jeremy Irons when he is monologuing about how the %1 always hides. And it’s true. The ones that really pull the strings are behind the curtain.

Excrubulent , avatar

It’s more than that, it’s that we have a very sophisticated media machine that manufactures consent for these ghouls every single day, and it never takes a break.

You think of them as just a bunch of guys, just silly beans who happened to get rich because they and their friends own the media corporations that build the narrative that we believe. We’ve got these very respectable newsreaders who give them nothing but softballs, and frame every story as favourably as possible for them.

Also I lost count of how many times some piece that was critical of US oligarchs and corporations was deleted from the reddit front page. I’m fairly certain they were either taking money for this service or just looking after their friends. Maybe a PR manager working for whoever was being criticised contacted the reddit office and asked politely and that’s all it took.

Tja ,

Because none of those pictured here are oligarchs, just the only billionaires your average teenager knows.

If you made the meme with the Koch brother(s), Paul Novelly, Harlan Crow or Michael Bloomberg it would be much closer to the truth, but not something that would get upvotes because they aren’t constantly on TV (by design).

FlyingSquid , to lemmyshitpost in Zen avatar

I dry heave pretty much every morning as if it were morning sickness. (More here if you’re curious, but please respect my wishes in that thread.)

If “please let this end quickly” is zen, I don’t like zen.

crazyCat ,

Damn that’s a crazy and tough situation. Hope you get it figured out and feel better.

FlyingSquid , avatar


Track_Shovel OP ,

Same here: I can’t imagine feeling like shit all the time

FlyingSquid , avatar

You have a similar issue? I’m so sorry.

Track_Shovel OP ,

No, echoing the sentiment of the person above.

Did I do the thing where I reply to your wrong comment? Fuck.

FlyingSquid , avatar

No, you replied to the right one, I was just confused and sad that someone else might be dealing with it too.

Track_Shovel OP ,

Honestly, dude(or dudette) I hope you find respite soon, or at least get it to a somewhat bearable level.

The histamine allergy sounds like it might be similar to what you’re experiencing.

I have a fair bit of food sensitivitiea, myself, and some are really weird, but nothing like what you’re going through

FlyingSquid , avatar


Got_Bent ,

I read your post and can’t help but notice that you haven’t tried a steady diet of calamari.

But seriously, I’ve never read or heard about anything like that, and it sounds like utter hell. I hope you’re able to find relief soon.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Thanks, I appreciate it!

And although it is true that squid eat other squid, I’m all about solidarity with my cephalopod kin! Except nautili. Those guys are assholes.

zip ,

It sounds like we’re dealing with super similar things, except sometimes I can manage to eat some solid foods, and sometimes I can even keep it down! I survive on Ensure and electrolyte drinks like Gatorade/Liquid IV/Pedialyte, too. I’ve got a low weight but kinda bloated or distended (for lack of a better word - I’ve got intense brain fog, I’m sorry) gut area, too. I’ve got some theories* but I don’t have the money or resources or energy to try the chaos of doctors throwing things at me to see what sticks, or suggesting stupid shit I already tried a million times, or blaming it on me somehow, lol. So I’m just kind of dealing with it because of a mix of lack of money/resources and being burned out by the experiences of being ‘mysteriously’ chronically i’ll and trying to seek medical care. I hope and pray you figure it out soon and don’t get burned out!

*I’d like to suggest looking further into one of my theories/something someone else mentioned in that thread, because I’ve found that the way it affects a lot of people isn’t super well reflected by the stuff you usually find when reading about it, but I don’t want to disrespect your wishes! If you’re interested, let me know, and if not, I’d totally understand. I know how people can get with their unsolicited advice and how annoying and exhausting it can be, even if they’re just trying to help lol.

I wish you all the best and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope the Mayo Clinic can help figure something out. I totally suck at replying and stuff because of my health issues, but you’re welcome to message me (or I can give you my email or number to text or discord or something, if you’d like) whenever you want to vent or anything to someone who has some understanding and overlapping experiences. Also I hope this all makes sense and isn’t too much of a mess to read - burn out and brain fog and stuff makes it tough to gather and convey my thoughts. But I wanted to at least try to say something because our experiences our so damn similar!! I really feel for you.

What’s your favorite flavor of ensure? I usually go for the Milk Chocolate (of the Plus variety since it has more calories and protein and all that.) Also I don’t know if you can stomach Pedialyte, but there’s a variety that has prevital prebiotics (or something like that - brain fog again, I apologize) and I don’t know if they make any difference, but I figure it’s probably good for my stomach issues. I dunno, just throwing that out there.

I wish you all the best and I’m sorry this comment is such a mess!! Please don’t feel any obligation to reply 💕

FlyingSquid , avatar

Thanks so much, I’m sorry you’re dealing with something similar. The only Ensure I drink is vanilla because you only have two options when you buy in bulk at Sam’s club is vanilla and chocolate and I don’t consume chocolate. There’s a John Oliver episode about the reason why on YouTube you can watch if you also never want to have chocolate again. I’ve told my chocolate-loving wife that she probably should remain ignorant of why herself. (It’s nothing that would make the chocolate itself physically disgusting, it’s an ethical issue.)

But that’s way too political for this post.

gandalf_der_12te ,

I’d like to suggest looking further into one of my theories/something someone else mentioned in that thread, because I’ve found that the way it affects a lot of people isn’t super well reflected by the stuff you usually find when reading about it, but I don’t want to disrespect your wishes! If you’re interested, let me know

I would like to know. I’ve experienced a similar thing.

zip ,

I forgot to mention in my other mess of a comment, but just in case you don’t know: a lot of times you can get Ensure prescribed and covered by insurance. IIRC there’s Gatorade-like electrolyte drink options you may be able to get covered, too. It might help free up some money for other things

FlyingSquid , avatar

I don’t think our insurance would do that because UHC doesn’t tend to do that sort of thing, but I guess it’s worth checking.

DillyDaily ,

As someone with chronic idiopathic hyperemesis, this is a mood.

I vomit too often and for too long to find anything zen about it. I spend the entire time heaving anxiously worrying over the state of my tooth enamel and trying to remember if I ate beets or chocolate last night to explain that colour or if I need to call an ambulance.

I vomit while using my phone. I’ll play a podcast, video, music, etc

If I’m going to be heaving for 20 minutes 2-4 times a day every day for a few months, I’m not doing it in silence with my own thoughts.

I’ve been dealing with this on and off for about 7 years now, twice a year I’ll just have a 1-2 months straight where I can’t keep anything down, not even water unless I’m vigilant about stretching out my water intake over a whole day one tiny sip at a time. Then just as suddenly as it starts, one day I’ll wake up and I just magically won’t feel nauseous, and it’s like I was never even sick!

Because it goes away on its own I’ve never been able to get to the bottom of it. When it starts happening, I book in with a doctor, by the time I finally see the doctor, the “flare up” has passed and any tests the doctor runs when I’m not sick are always normal. So doctors will just blame my migraine disorder for it, and move on. I recently learned about Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome so that’s something I’m going to be talking to my doctor about when I see him next.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That really sucks and I’m sorry to hear it. If you can call it lucky, I never actually vomit in that nothing ever comes out. It’s always been dry heaving. I couldn’t even imagine how hard it must be to not even be able to easily drink water. I really hope you find a solution soon and I highly recommend sending all of your medical records to the Mayo Clinic like I did (you can start by filling out a form on their website) if you think your insurance will cover it. The worst they can do is turn you down.

DillyDaily ,

I find your situation just as sucky, sometimes I find dry heaving is worth because there is no end, at least if I’m bringing something up there is an end in sight.

Unfortunately and fortunately I’m not American, we don’t really have anything like the Mayo clinic, but at least my doctors and specialist appointments have all been less than $500 out of pocket every time.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Sorry to hear that there is no specialist clinic for you, but I hope you find a solution soon!

gandalf_der_12te ,

Then just as suddenly as it starts, one day I’ll wake up and I just won’t feel nauseous, and it’s like I was never even sick!

Because it goes away on its own I’ve never been able to get to the bottom of it. When it starts happening, I book in with a doctor, by the time I finally see the doctor, the “flare up” has passed and any tests the doctor runs when I’m not sick are always normal.

Yeah, this part hits with me. Every single time I go to the doctor, the symptoms disappear, and I question whether I really need a doctor. Then they reappear again :-/

It’s like the sickness is avoiding being detected or sth… Like honestly, it stops the exact day of the appointment. And it’s worst on friday evening and saturday, where there’s definitely no impulse doctor visit. I’m being played.

Kolanaki , to lemmyshitpost in Zen avatar

Phones have definitely not gotten rid of mind shattering, other-worldly dumps that take all your concentration and make you take your shirt off after eating a big, greasy and/or spicy meal.

lemmyman ,

Hey man are you OK?

Kolanaki , avatar

I will be once I get off the toilet.

Khrux ,

Two hours on it and still going strong.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

Can confirm. I’ve been stopped up the last couple days and gave birth to a football this morning. No time for phones, just visceral panic and pleading to the almighty

BonesOfTheMoon ,

Glycerin suppositories are the best relief for that.

AlligatorBlizzard ,

And eating enough fiber to prevent it. Or metamucil, I guess.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

I’m on a medication that makes things move slowly despite fiber and water. Sometimes I just need help.

Rodeo ,

Gulping a big spoonful of olive oil does it for me. That’s if I haven’t had enough fibre. The oil lubricates things.

It’s gross, but not as gross as pushing something up your shit-clogged rectum.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

I don’t enjoy it, but unfortunately I’m on a medication that makes it necessary sometimes, and I do the olive oil trick too. Sometimes you just have to get it out from below.

Swedneck , avatar

my brother in christ eat more fibre, just get some psyllium husk if that’s what it takes

Kolanaki , avatar

I experience this more from diarrhea stomach cramps, not constipation. Or just the capsaicin from super spicy food burning my asshole on the way out.

CptEnder ,

God I do love that burn afterwards. Feels like defeating an IRL boss

jerrythegenius , to science_memes in Green Energy avatar
BautAufWasEuchAufbaut , to lemmyshitpost in Green Energy avatar


tired_n_bored , to lemmyshitpost in Green Energy

The person coming up with this must have been high af

webghost0101 , to memes in Apple

I cant be the only one who dreams of apple and all their pattents becoming foss.

Itl never happen under capitalism but damn would it be nice.

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