There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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skillissuer , to mildlyinfuriating in This website that threatens anyone who right clicks avatar

you focus on that popup and ignore all the crank shit that is on this page

yes a piece of granite (?) with $60 pricetag put on my amplifier COMPLETELY changes how my vinyls sound like

statements dreamed of by the utterly deranged

sanguinepar , avatar

A piece of granite placed on the turntable would change how his records sound, but not necessarily in a good way.

Depending on the artist of course.

teft , avatar

Does it only work for rock albums?

I’ll see myself out.

Zachariah , avatar

Hard rock 🤘

sanguinepar , avatar

You know, I considered that pun, but decided it was too obvious - I shouldn’t have taken it for granite.

PhobosAnomaly ,

Right click?? Why did we ever need a second or third or seventeenth button anyway?

They have played us for absolute fools

underisk , avatar

a single button makes the clicks sound warmer.

humorlessrepost ,

That mouse worked just fine for Crystal Quest! Kids these days.

Mongostein ,

It got me through so many rounds of Zany Golf!

orphiebaby ,

Oh my god I loved Crystal Quest. I thought everyone forgot about it

humorlessrepost ,

There are dozens of us who had no idea we heard an orgasm at the end of every wave!

humorlessrepost ,
wise_pancake ,

I wish the intended had more deranged shit like this or the time cube

Steve ,

Green Ink

st3ph3n ,

The audiophile reality distortion field in effect again.

Sterile_Technique , to lemmyshitpost in Elon Tusk avatar

My parents asked when I planned on having kids, and I answered something along the lines of “I love my unborn children FAR too much to consider bringing them into this hell-hole.”

…that was maybe 5 years ago? They haven’t TOUCHED that topic since, lol.

ImplyingImplications ,

I said the same thing to my parents and they said “Well if you enjoy life, so will your children!” They were really stumped when I told them I wouldn’t exactly say I “enjoy” life.

tpyoman ,

Man now I want these clowns to ban jacking off so I can make that joke. No wait…

blady_blah ,

That’s weird because the world is in better shape than it was when I grew up. You have drills for what to do in active shooter situations. I had drills for what to do in case of a nuclear war. I don’t think it’s as much to do with how bad the world is vs how bad the economy is for young people… and I"m not even sure if it’s statistically worse. Certainly housing is worse. Are there any other metrics that are really worse? (This is an honest question, I"m not looking for a generational fight. None of us have any control over when we were born.) Wealth inequality has gotten worse, but it was pretty bad before too.

I guess what I"m really arguing is that I think there is too much negativity and pessimism in our society especially amongst the young. Some things do suck. But finding someone who you love and then deciding to start a family with them and creating a small pocket of a better world seems 100% worth it to me.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Economy is a huge one. If minimum wage kept pace with cost of living, it’d be something like $30 per hour today. That’s one of the hardest points to drive to older folks, cuz they see shit like pushes for $15 and think it’s ridiculous cuz theirs was only $5 and think we’re asking for three times more than what they earned; and simultaneously that the difference is only a factor of three. The cost of everything has left our earning potential in the dust, so we’re having to cut things like health insurance just to keep a roof over our head. Boomers had it WAY easy financially, but so many of them feel like they have a super human work ethic cuz they paid for college by working a summer… that shit doesn’t work anymore.

Climate is another hard hitter. We’re actively watching a mass extinction event kick off, and we know what needs to happen to fix it, but the people with the power to do anything about it don’t give a fuck, so the rest of us get to just watch helplessly as our planet dies. This situation is going to be worse and worse for every incoming generation, so shouldering our potential kids with that burden would be one of the cruelest things we’re capable of.

Then there’s culture. You’d think we’d have at least made some progress here, but no. The Nazis are back, white supremacism is rampant, and christofascism is a rapidly growing cancer that our political and justice systems don’t seem able or willing to address. All it takes is a meme on Facebook for WAY too many parents to abandon their children’s safety by denying them vaccines. Women are being denied healthcare and imprisoned for things like a miscarriage.

…and that’s today. Everything I mentioned is in a nose dive, so how much worse is it going to be in 5? 10? 50 years?

Who in their right mind would look at the dumpster fire we live in and think “Yup! This is a suitable environment to raise a kid!”? I know a lot of people just want their ‘bundle of joy’ but that’s completely ignoring the kid’s perspective - damning them to all ^that is selfish to a borderline evil extent.

We’re fucked, but our kids are WAY more fucked.

EddoWagt ,

Past generations wondered “Wow, I wonder what the future will look like?”, but nowadays we only think “The world is fucked and it’s only getting worse.”

I know doom thinking is bad and all that, but there is just so little reason to become excited about what’s to come

AA5B ,

Let me suggest you find different corners of the internet to lurk in. I can’t imagine going back to a time before the internet, but one of the things it’s very good at is spreading outrage, bad news, problem after problem. If it’s getting overwhelming, maybe it would help to change your view. I’m not trying to sell you a picture of everything being perfect, just that there have always been big problems and the difference today is hearing them non-stop. Make it stop. Get a more balanced life picture.

AA5B , (edited )

That’s one of the hardest points to drive to older folks, cuz they see shit like pushes for $15 and think it’s ridiculous.

You might talk about income inequality here. A low minimum wage is not as much of a concern if you think those are all part time jobs for teenagers. I think a lot of people don’t really understand that with the shrinking middle class, there are way too many adults actually stuck in jobs close to minimum wage

I started replying in detail, but just let me suggest that you look around more. It’s always the bad news that makes headlines, outrage over disasters, but that’s not the full story. Every fear you expressed here also has measurable improvement, even if it doesn’t make headlines as often. Everything is getting better in many ways. We’re doing our usual muddling from one crisis to another, but there’s no reason to believe we’re finally doing a Thelma and Louise

Agrivar ,

Oh, you sweet summer child.

theonyltruemupf ,

Climate change and the loss of biodiversity is going to be catastrophic. The world is getting better by many metrics but that’s worthless if we can’t solve climate change.

AA5B ,

Ten years ago, all too many people wouldn’t believe climate change was happening, even in the face of all the facts, and we were doing almost nothing about it. We were driving full speed down Fury Road.

Now, people no longer try to argue it’s not happening. Globally, renewables are the highest growth power generation. Electric vehicles are no longer a niche, but the fastest growth area of personal vehicles. In the US, we’re laggards in adopting but it is already making a measurable difference. We’re squinting ahead at Fury Road, thinking we might not want to go there.

While we may be zooming past our target of 1.5°C warming, at least we have our foot off the gas and are slowing. However , remember the climate is not binary, most of the affects just get worse as we cause more warming and there is no magic number we’re good at vs not good at.tipping points may be a different story, and they become more likely as things get worse, but even that doesn’t mean the end of civilization

Biodiversity is a tough one, though. Barely recognized, the impact is too abstract for most people to understand, and we don’t even have a specific goal or target to try for. We need people to be working on that next, but solving climate change is going to be step one

frunch ,

Your comment does a pretty good job of illustrating the main reasons: further wealth inequality, difficult housing market, and a crazier society that’s becoming more accepting of school shootings/shootings in general…not to mention climate change, more wars, and batshit politics becoming the norm globally. How bout that response to covid? If anything had ever disgusted me about this country it’s how brazenly people were willing to risk other people’s lives because they couldn’t be bothered to even attempt to be safe or consider others safety. As if i didn’t have enough reasons not to have kids before… it seems almost cruel to bring them into today’s world.

For sure, turning a blind eye to all that and escaping into a relationship and starting a family sounds great. You need a good job to do that…or you and your partner may both need good jobs to do that. Who watches the kids then? How much time will you actually get to spend with them? Are you going to saddle your parents or in-laws with the responsibility of raising them? Day care? What point is there in having children if you’re spending most of your time away from them? Disregard all that of course, if you’re rich ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I just don’t think I’m ready to spend all of my waking hours endlessly trying to produce enough income to maintain all the expenses that come with a family, while still putting aside money for the kids to go to college and a retirement fund to boot.

It would be nice to have a family, i just don’t think it’s practical anymore. I don’t believe it’s the simple choice you make it out to be (at least that’s how i interpreted the last sentence of your comment)

ddkman ,

Also the nuclear war never happened. Shooters on the other hand…

hamid ,

Having active shooters so often you need drills for it isn’t an improvement

zbyte64 , avatar

And we still have nuclear Armageddon to worry about, it just got buried under the pile of things to worry about.

AA5B ,

Over having nuclear war hanging over your head enough you need drills for it? Yes, it is an improvement. Very much so.

While shooters are way too much of a problem that we’re not addressing, they’re still actually pretty rare. Most people will be never be affected. I’m not trying to stick my head in the sand here or minimize the issue, just add the perspective that sometimes “way too often” is still rare. We need to be outraged, we need to do something, but this is not as likely for most of us as the internet might make you believe

hamid ,

Nuclear war was only a threat for Americans because they were starting the war. They still have this threat they just ignore it. The US is in the middle of trying to start wars with China

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I used to scoff at people being pessimistic that society is getting worse. But all the material security and safety is mitigated as climate change is getting worse and scientists are not optimistic about the prospects. And the phenomenon is inducing loss of biodiversity and food and migration which causes social tensions. I agree that the current society is much better off than the previous generations but I’m afraid we can’t say the same about the future ones.

trashgirlfriend ,

You wanna compare how many children died from nuclear war vs how many children died from school shootings in your lifetime?

dylanmorgan , to technology in is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia?

It’s grifting, pure and simple. All those things may be possible but Sam Altman is spewing this line of bullshit to keep the venture capital flowing into his company.

DreamlandLividity ,

Exactly. As a SW engineer, I don’t know how far we are from an AGI exactly, but I am confident enough Altman and openAi have no idea where to even start.

dylanmorgan ,

That sounds like the general consensus from most SW engineers.

echodot ,

In Venice he never claims that he will be the one to do these things, at least in that tweet he doesn’t claim to be the one that’s going to do those things.

I’m not sure what the line about creating new realities means. I assume he means VR and not that AI is going to give us the ability to access hyperspace or something.

ICastFist , avatar

As a SW engineer

I read that and immediately thought of you working in a Star Wars hangar, fixing rebel ships

EnderMB ,

As a software engineer that works in AI, the “breakthrough” we’ve made is in proving that LLM’s can perform well at scale, and that hallucinations aren’t as big a problem as initially thought. Most tech companies didn’t do what OpenAI did because hallucinations are brand-damaging, whereas OpenAI didn’t give a fuck. In the next few years, all existing AI systems will be through LLM’s, and probably as good at ChatGPT.

We might make more progress now that researchers and academics see the value in LLM’s, but my weakly held opinion is that it’s mostly surrounded by hype.

We’re nowhere near what most would call AGI, although to be blunt, I don’t think the average person on here could truly tell you what that looks like without disagreeing with AI researchers.

yamanii , avatar

and probably as good at ChatGPT

We are so fucked.

ItsAFake , to funny in Everyone remembers where they were that morning

Imagine witnessing the plane hit the tower and turning around to see a near 7ft peanut smiling at you, probably screaming.

NakariLexfortaine ,

“Are those Planters? I’m sorry, I… I have to leave the room. I was beside the peanut when the towers fell.”

Also, take that from the other perspective. The poor bastard in the suit, probably absolutely terrified, knowing the entire time it looks like he’s having a great time from the outside.

datavoid ,


OlinOfTheHillPeople ,
mindbleach , (edited )

Muffled by three inches of bright orange foam.

themusicman , to mildlyinfuriating in Google Gemini refuses to answer questions about deaths in Gaza but has no problem answering the same question for Ukraine.

Is it possible the first response is simply due to the date being after the AI’s training data cutoff?

Kecessa ,

The second reply mentions the 31000 soldiers number, that came out yesterday.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

It seems like Gemini has the ability to do web searches, compile information from it and then produce a result.

“Nakba 2.0” is a relatively new term as well, which it was able to answer. Likely because google didn’t include it in their censored terms.

GenEcon ,

I just double checked, because I couldn’t believe this, but you are right. If you ask about estimates of the Sudanese war (starting in 2023) it reports estimates between 5.000–15.000.

Its seems like Gemini is highly politically biased.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Another fun fact: according to NYT America claims that Ukrainian KIA are 70.000 not 30.000

U.S. officials said Ukraine had suffered close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded.

casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,

This is not the direct result of a knowledge cutoff date, but could be the result of mis-prompting or fine-tuning to enforce cut off dates to discourage hallucinations about future events.

But, Gemini/Bard has access to a massive index built from Google’s web crawling-- if it shows up in a Google search, Gemini/Bard can see it. So unless the model weights do not contain any features that correlate Gaza to being a geographic location, there should be no technical reason that it is unable to retrieve this information.

My speculation is that Google has set up “misinformation guardrails” that instruct the model not to present retrieved information that is deemed “dubious”-- it may decide for instance that information from an AP article are more reputable than sparse, potentially conflicting references to numbers given by the Gaza Health Ministry, since it is ran by the Palestinian Authority. I haven’t read too far into Gemini’s docs to know what all Google said they’ve done for misinformation guardrailing, but I expect they don’t tell us much besides that they obviously see a need to do it since misinformation is a thing, LLMs are gullible and prone to hallucinations and their model has access to literally all the information, disinformation, and misinformation on the surface web and then some.

TL;DR someone on the Ethics team is being lazy as usual and taking the simplest route to misinformation guardrailing because “move fast”. This guardrailing is necessary, but fucks up quite easily (ex. the accidentally racist image generator incident)

CodexArcanum , to programmer_humor in I code with fear

Is this that “waterfall method” I’ve heard so much about?

Artyom ,

Seems about as helpful as all the other methods Atlassian writes blogposts about.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

I have some of experience with the CHAOS (Constantly Having Awful Outcomes and Stress) method. Maybe I should start a blog about it.

krimson , to piracy in Amazon clearly lying about "ownership" on Prime. avatar

Did you click on it? Maybe it links to a torrent :D

psivchaz , to aboringdystopia in Pick your poison. Dystopian style

Of these, I’d like to point out that unironically Uber is the obvious choice for Best. Hear me out…

  • Outside of the really big cities, taxi service was trash. You had to find a number and a phone, the price was almost impossible to figure out in advance, and none that I am aware of were doing anything to keep up with the times or improve anything. The competition that it hurt deserved some pain.
  • People can now paw drunkenly at their phone and generally arrive home safe. Easy access to rides has almost certainly saved lives. I don’t think you can say that about any of the others on the list.

But wait! I’m not saying that Uber is good. I’m just saying that, theoretically, you could start a service like Uber that isn’t hot garbage, that has employees or at least better paid contractors that take home a more reasonable share of the money. Hell, a local government could create a ride hailing app that passes the entire amount back to the driver, and it would be a net benefit to society. Though at that point, maybe they should have just been looking into better public transportation and planning instead.

highenergyphysics ,

No Uber driver ever scammed me into paying double fare or refusing credit cards.

Uber is objectively a cancer upon society. They should legally employ their drives and pay a fair wage with prices to match.

All I’m saying is, it takes a real shitty industry for Uber to still be the better option. Every “innovation” in the picture is a complete joke and should never be used even for practical purposes, except Uber…

brbposting ,

Every “innovation” in the picture…should never be used…except Uber

It’s the holidays, there are a dozen(+) people in your family, and you want folks to fly in from out of state and have the kids play together in a living room while the adults cook together in a kitchen.

VRBOs are sold out.

Is Airbnb OK, if you respect the neighborhood (as best you can while still doing a short term rental)? If you rent from a family who happens to be out of town and not from a superhost with a hundred homes?

Stretch2m ,

If you rent from a family who happens to be out of town and not from a superhost with a hundred homes?

If there were some way to ensure this was the case, then I agree with you. As soon as you get people treating this as a business, it becomes a problem.

eek2121 ,

Have you seen AirBnB pricing and some of the policies/fees the owners of properties have implemented? Cheaper to buy a camper.

ReallyActuallyFrankenstein ,

Like with most things that are successful on this list, AirBNB isn’t inherently bad, and there’s no reason why you can’t hypothetically have an ethical, positive experience. But it followed the typical late-stage capitalist enshittification script, and to have that experience you have to fight through many many barriers erected by both the company and hosts to maximize profits.

I’ve had some very nice experiences with AirBNB back when it was a startup, and when you were interacting with hosts who actually lived in the places you were staying. But at this point I’ve fully stopped using AirBNB and hotels are now a better, cheaper experience unless you find a unicorn property/host. 19 times out of 20, AirBNB is just a nightmare of hidden/high fees, abusive corporate “hosts,” and AirBNB being absolutely, reliably unwilling to help mediate or solve any problems.

BagelEmbezzler ,

Just from a logistical perspective, holiday cooking in an unfamiliar kitchen sounds like an absolute nightmare, especially with Airbnb where you’re at the mercy of the host for how well equipped it’ll be.

andrew_bidlaw , (edited ) avatar

Wait before you hear of inter-city transit and a company called BlaBlaCar. While by their own claims they just organize people to give someone a ride while going to the same town, the way to really min-max it was to get a retired, nearly scrapped bus, act like multiple virtual vehicles, and then carry 10+ people without any legal safeguards for them. The’ve got some pushbacks and the service now is less tolerant to such cases, but that’s still insane. Yet, for various reasons, people take it over dying public infrastructure like official bus depots, trains, for it’s cheaper and stops when it crosses town instead of being based in a distant station on the edge of city limits. They weren’t great, but they were at least career drivers looking into each other with some minimal checks, timetables, that municipal power could regulate. And then there’s a rando (even if ex-driver) who bought an old vehicle and drives it until it either pays off or they get asleep behind the wheel on a highway leading to dozens dead.

cm0002 ,

I say this every time this comes up, Taxis are trash, the only reason they’re decent in big cities is because that’s the only place you’ve got real competition.

Everywhere else has a single company, at best, and a lot of the times it’s a one person LLC. Even my midsize city has a single person LLC taxi and Uber.

Uber the company is cancer, Uber the service (Or idea/concept whatever) was exactly what was needed. No more calling dispatch and being told “It’s just around the corner” for 3 hours or them realizing I’m not local and taking me the LONG way around or even just taking fucking card lmao

NatakuNox , avatar

Yes taxi companies were trash but Uber/ride shares forced them to evolve. Big city taxi companies now have all the same features as Uber. (route and price in advance, app for requesting a ride, info about your driver, safety features, card payment, and scheduling.) I’m now back to using taxi companies. The price is actually lower on busy days as they don’t surge charge anymore. I’ve actually become a “regular” at one taxi company and they know me and I know the drivers. That’s something that would never happen using Uber. The only time I use ride share is when I wasn’t able to plan ahead. (like when my car broke down, and I needed a ride asap.)

Chailles , avatar

Big city taxi companies now have all the same features as Uber

But weren’t they saying above that big city taxi companies were basically the only decent taxi companies already? Them getting better doesn’t solve what Uber is providing an alternative for.

SouthEndSunset ,

Everyone will have something good to say of each of these, eg crypto doesn’t just benefit criminals.

Smoogs ,

Enough people were pissed off at cabs that Uber took off. Instead of cabs looking inward to improve, they decided to act worse. I know Uber has room to improve but if that is the reaction from big cab, Cabs should be completely removed from society. Cabs were a complete fail.

orcrist ,

That depends where you are. Many cab services have improved in various cities. Of course tech is a part of this. GPS helps avoid fraud. Uber didn’t invent that, but it helped advance implementation.

Smoogs ,

One cab driver blackmailed my friend for money to return a phone to her she left in the back seat. One of my friends was threatened to be raped by one and busted her wrist to get away from them. I’ve been physically threatened by cab drivers who want to get sex from women they think are alone. they are protected by a union which is clearly corrupt. I been left out in the cold with a busted ankle. They wouldn’t even call an ambulance for me.

So the last thing I want to hear is ‘depends on where you are’ cuz apathetic words are not enough to undo this damage.

Clbull ,

People can now paw drunkenly at their phone and generally arrive home safe. Easy access to rides has almost certainly saved lives. I don’t think you can say that about any of the others on the list.

This cannot be overstated.

A close friend of mine almost got robbed when taking a dodgy cab home. Driver did a detour to a rough part of town, told him to wait and then went into a random takeaway. When he saw the driver come out with four other guys wielding cricket bats, he bolted out of the cab and ran away.

Uber had unquestionably made taking cabs back home in England both safer and more convenient.

dubyakay ,

Budapest banned Uber due to pressure from taxi drivers union which ended up implementing an app and matching services. It took a while to mature, but the quality of the service definitely beats that of Uber now.

Alas, public transit is already really good in Budapest, so mostly only people that were using Taxis before Uber existed are using the services now. Except that you are less likely to get scammed on fares and be the victim of CC fraud due to the streamlined app process.

kaotic , to mildlyinfuriating in I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD**

This is why my TV does not have internet access.

SupraMario ,

I really don’t get why you would allow your tv Internet access anyways. A huge number of them carry tons of spyware that not only is on the TV but creates backdoors into your network.

Argonne ,

Source on backdoors?

SupraMario ,…

I have a TCL even, but it’s not allowed on my wifi network at all. Have its Mac addy blocked, all my smart TVs are blocked. Wish they sold more non smart TV’s these days.

Argonne ,

It seems like these are standard vulnerabilities that were patched. Happens all the time, especially with open source packages like Android

Plopp ,

Some TVs automatically latch on to any open network they can find, to do their connected thing, even if you don’t specifically give them access to your wifi.

mitchty ,

Mr soldering iron fixes that easy enough good luck connecting to anything without a working antenna.

SupraMario ,

Your wifi shouldn’t be open anyways, hell I live in the middle of nowhere and my Wi-Fi network is locked.

Plopp ,

I think you missed the point. It isn’t about your network or what good security practices are, it’s about what the TV does or is trying to do if you don’t connect it to your wifi. Open networks are out there whether we like it or not and some TVs will try to use them to call home.

aceshigh , avatar

I gave away my tv to a friend in need. That was the best thing I did for the both of us.

soulfirethewolf , to mildlyinfuriating in I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help:

Smells like bad regex

MeatsOfRage ,

Exactly. After the @ they should just confirm there’s at least one period. The rest is pretty much up in the air.

0x0 ,

Even that would be technically incorrect. I believe you could put an A record on a TLD if you wanted. In theory, my email could be me@example.

Another hole to poke in the single dot regex: I could put in fake@com. with a dot trailing after the TLD, which would satisfy “dot after @” but is not an address to my knowledge.

douglasg14b , avatar

And this sort of thing is exactly how you end up with bad regex that invalidates valid emails.

The point isn’t to invalidate all bad emails. It’s to sort out most of them.

drathvedro ,

Something something http://[2607:f8b0:4004:c09::8a] and http://3627734062 are valid url’s without a dot, and are probably valid for emails too, but I’m too lazy to actually verify that.

restingboredface ,

I’ve had issues with this in using govt emails too. DOD accounts all have multiple dots based on branch and dept. It broke so many systems and emails never went through.

deafboy , avatar

Which would still be technically wrong. There does not need to be a dot.

Aux ,

The easiest and most correct check: any character, then @, then any other character.

lemmesay , avatar
rainerloeten , avatar


soulfirethewolf ,

That regex makes me nauseous

buddhabound , to lemmyshitpost in Angry bald man

To be fair, my “woman” is able to disagree with me because I didn’t chain her up, hold her captive, and traffic her for my cam site (allegedly).

platypus_plumba ,

I wonder if he honestly thinks women aren’t allowed to disagree? He thinks they don’t have a brain and opinions?

What does he think women are?

AnxiousOtter ,

Objects, obviously.

ultratiem , avatar

You could have, if you went to Hustlers University, like I did!


radioactiveradio , to mildlyinfuriating in HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price.


Viking_Hippie ,

HBO MID at most

intensely_human ,


Tugboater203 , avatar

I came back in here just to up vote this. Perfect!

ILikeBoobies , to lemmyshitpost in Fantasy rednecks

No one decided that, if you’re looking at Tolkien based fantasy then of course it’s British because it’s British fantasy

All of the Asian fantasy I’ve seen has been populated by people of their respective country.

Everyone knows the Grim Reaper is Jamaican

This post is stupid, just write your desired fantasy

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar
ILikeBoobies ,
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

True. I never interpreted those all caps as having an accent, I just had them as words so heavy you heard them with your bones, not your ears.

kryptonianCodeMonkey ,

This Jamaican Grim Reaper thing might have some merit

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Yesh. This is so cringe.

saltesc ,

Not to mention the history and lore of such things are immense in well-documented European and Asian history. The majority of that fantasy stuff comes from ancient cultures and societies peppered around those geographical areas. I’m sure that would be much the same everywhere if it weren’t for the lack of it being so heavily documented.

bappity , to lemmyshitpost in Only thing getting developed is a headache avatar
MasterNerd , avatar


Wait I forgot to write out


Shit I need sudo privileges

:q! 🥲

bappity , avatar


icydefiance ,

:w !sudo tee %

Of course that’s impossible to remember, but you can just google “vim sudo save” or something like that to find it.

uranibaba ,

Can nano do this too?

icydefiance ,

I don’t think so, but you can always write the file somewhere else and then sudo mv it back.

uranibaba ,

Thats really smart

gandalf_der_12te ,

nano tells you upfront when you’re editing a file that you can’t write to.

thepianistfroggollum ,

They make mouse pads with all of the shortcuts on them.

_stevo_ ,

Why oh why doesn’t it put a small banner like nano on opening, you must wait until saving.

PreviouslyAmused ,

Bam! Got it one!

Well done.

MasterNerd , avatar


DocMcStuffin , avatar

You never have to exit vim when you make it your only editor.

Number358 ,

Laughs in kdevelop

zerotime ,

That’s why I use nano.

Ensign_Crab , to lemmyshitpost in Let's move this along, future boy

Bet he pays with a check.

greyhaven7 ,

Exact change

cantstopthesignal ,

Out of a coin purse

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Still went faster tho

Blastasaurus ,

All pennies

MiddleWeigh , avatar

I’m good at counting pennies

pascal ,

We don’t have pennies anymore in the first world.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

“What, your fancy future store too good to accept my assorted animal pelts and sifted gold pebbles as currency?!”

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