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squirrel , to funny in That animation blew everyone's minds back in the day avatar
abfarid , avatar

The dev was like:

I’ve spent months learning to write physics for a gamedev project and they assign me to Solitaire?! I learned physics and they are gonna get physics.

late_night , avatar

An art studio (Skrekkogle) recreated it as a sculpture in 2011

Klear ,

That king of clubs right at the beginning… perfection.

Adderbox76 , to aww in Meet Scout, Minnesota's First Dog. He is a rescue, which is the best way to get a dog.

Obviously a DEI hire.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

You joke, but after the things they’ve come up with so far to attack Harris and Walz with, I wouldn’t even be a little surprised if some Newsmax flunkie said that. Or just criticized Walz for getting a rescue rather than buying an inbred purebred dog from a puppy mill.

Adderbox76 ,

I’m seriously waiting for someone at Fox News to mention that it’s a black dog. it’s inevitable.

DarkThoughts , to funny in That animation blew everyone's minds back in the day

Not really. I could do the same effect frequently with my open windows and mouse cursor.

fluxion ,

I almost wonder if this was the same common glitch and they were just like…whoa that looks cool let’s just ship it.

Skedule , to memes in laughing ass off at hacks

Almost as bad as a banana taped to the wall.

deuleb_biezelbob , to meanwhileongrad in Found in the wild, on a post avatar

No they are spending it to get to the moon or mars

Trigger2_2000 , to lemmyshitpost in What has he done to deserve this?

Uncle Sam couldn’t handle the success the metric system would bring. /s

Kaput , to lemmyshitpost in Peeble streamer on Doop

Any of you have an address where I can get my Onion belt clip and a rocking chair. There’s some kids I need to yell off my lawn.

bluewing , to lemmyshitpost in What has he done to deserve this?

This is among the dumbest internet arguments ever.

G20/G21. The machines don’t care, my digital calipers, micrometers, rulers, and 3D CAD software don’t care which system is being used. So why should I have my undies in a bunch about which is better? I use the measurement system best suited for the task at hand - whether that’s metric, US customary, or light years.

As for not knowing how many inches are in a mile, that’s about the stupidest internet point ever. No one cares about that, well maybe some civil engineer might need to very rarely care in some unusual situation. The scale of measurement is wrong for inches. In fact, most people don’t care much about the actual distance away something is, they mostly care about how long does it take to get there. The odds are pretty good you have no idea how far it is from your front door to the grocery store in miles or kilometers. But you DO know how long it takes to get there. Whether by foot, bike, bus, or car.

LarmyOfLone ,

Oh yeah? I bet you also use mebibyte instead of megabytes!

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Weird how you think inches are only used for long distances and not, for example, making sure a beam is the right length while you’re building a house, or making sure a screw is the right size.

But I do agree that inches are not practical for long distances. That’s probably why people in the U.S. use miles.

bluewing ,

Millimeter are not practical for measuring long distances either. And measuring the length of a piece of lumber isn’t a “long distance” either

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

That is why kilometers are used for long distances in metric. I’m really not sure why you don’t know about how people measure long distances.

bluewing ,

I do and perhaps more than you. I don’t know why you brought your point about inches and scale when I had already pointed out that those who think it’s such a “gotcha” argument are wrong and why.

Again, use the measurement system and units best suited to the task at hand. And never forget, every measurement system is just a bunch of made up units by some random dude and then modified by some other random dudes at random times.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Or perhaps less. That’s what happens when you talk to a complete stranger on the internet.

phoenixz ,

I use the measurement system best suited for the task at hand

So you always use metric, gotcha

bluewing ,

Mostly. But not always. Again use what is best for the job. An idea that often fails here.

phoenixz ,

Again, so metric then, as the imperial system is arbitrary shit that make no sense from hundreds of yours ago that only still is in use in the IS and a few third world countries, and ONLY because conservatives in the US refuse to get with the program.

Literally the entire world switched to the metric system because it works, and the US literally got left behind because conservative values.

bluewing ,

The metric system is also arbitrary shit and they both also work. And I got news for you, the Democrats controlled the house and senate in those years. They could have easily passed a law requiring everyone to switch to the metric system. But it was decided that allowing the switch over to happen organically was the better way. Maybe they were right, maybe they were wrong.

And make no mistake, while US Customary will eventually fade away, so to will the metric system in time. Just like ALL the other measuring systems in history.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

The machines don’t care.

People building those machines do

Malfeasant ,

That’s people making the dumb mistake of using the wrong units. They could have just as easily used the wrong metric units.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

A second piece of code that read this data assumed it was in the metric unit—“newtons per square meter"

Malfeasant ,

Yes… Code doesn’t write itself.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

The machine running that code cares about the definition of the units in that code.

Machines do care.

Malfeasant ,

Machines don’t care about shit, they blindly do what they’re told. Garbage in, garbage out.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

I wouldn’t go so far as to call imperial units garbage.

bluewing ,

I’ve designed and built those machines. We don’t care. Pick the proper units for the job and go at it.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

You’ve built an interplanetary spacecraft!? Do go on…

bluewing ,

Oddly enough I have helped build a couple of items that flew on the space shuttle back in the day. Which is more than you can say. But most of my work involved industrial machines for manufacturing lines and associated custom tooling. I have machines all over the planet.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

OK. So on projects with international teams you always picked metric?

What are the circumstances that would give imperial units an advantage?

bluewing ,

You make projects to the buyers specs. But I have made US Customary machines and parts as requested by companies in India, Pakistan, and Great Britain if I remember correctly, (I’ve been out of the business for a good while and I’m now retired altogether). I can’t remember anything in Germany or Japan. The Chinese were always whatever dope dreams they were on that particular day. They could be particularly bad about mixing and matching units for no reason or just making something up out of thin air.

Let’s see, just off the top of head, US thread patterns are a bit better the the metric ones. While it doesn’t mean as much these days thanks to CNC and G20/G21, (because the machines don’t care). The inch pattern of threads are a little bit stronger, (it’s not a whole lot more), and due to the threads per inch standard, it’s easier to just count the number of threads over a set distance, (1 inch), vs trying to measure a thread crest to crest. This makes identifying threads pitches easier with inch pattern threads when trying to make repair parts. And back when manual machines ruled the shops, inch pattern threads made screw cutting lathes smaller, simpler, and cheaper than metric lathes. You needed fewer gears and shafts, fewer bearings, and less cast iron to make the head stock. This made US lathes faster and cheaper to make and cheaper to buy. Plus you can cut more different thread pitches on an inch pattern lathe vs a metric lathe due to not needing to resort to removing covers of the metric lathe to make gear changes and even swapping to a different threading dial despite the QC gear boxes.

These small cheap lathes is why, in their own small way, during WW2 the US industrial capabilities grew so fast. Anyone could buy a small lathe for a few hundred dollars, literally carry it up to as second story flat and start making all those small parts for the war effort. Small benchtop lathes were manufactured by the tens of thousands and they were all bought by people, many of whom had little to no experience in manufacturing to start making extra money in their off time from their day jobs. And while many got worn out and scrapped over the years, you can still find those little South Bend, Clausing, and Atlas lathes in hobby workshops in the US today. And they are lovingly used and doted over by their owners.

US Customary Units are slowly and surely fading into the sunset. And at some point they will just organically fade away, (it’s why there has never been a national law forcing people to switch), as the casual US population just starts using them more and more. We already use the metric system to buy soda and whisk(e)y to searching for that missing 10mm wrench just like every one else on the planet. The only places you still see US Customary units being commonly used is in construction, (inches and feet), travel distances, (miles), and temperature, (Fahrenheit). Construction has backwards compatibility issues making it very difficult to switch from using a 2"x4" to a 50mmx100mm piece of lumber. Not to mention plumbing problems. And distances and speed limits on a road sign don’t really make a lot of difference in how they are shown for the average traveler. And for deciding just how to dress for the weather, what units you are using really doesn’t matter. (Why doesn’t the metric world use Kelvin to measure the temperature in daily use?) It’s not the first time a measurement system has been eclipsed in human history and even the metric system likely will get replaced by something else in the far future. In the end, neither system is head and shoulders better than the other. Nor have I ever claimed such. They both are, after all, just arbitrary units made up by some random dude hundreds of years ago.


Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

US thread patterns are a bit better the the metric ones

Very interesting. Not directly related to measurements but a clear practical reason to chose imperial over metric. Cups are also a more convenient measurement for dry, equally dense ingredients.

neither system is head and shoulders better than the other

Metric having intersecting definitions (1l of water = 1kg) and being divisible by 10 have clear advantages for mental arithmetic. But if imperial were consistently base 12 I could be convinced to swap.

Why doesn’t the metric world use Kelvin to measure the temperature in daily use?

It sort of is. At least the scale is the same. Only the base value differs.

bluewing ,

“A pint’s a pound the world around” is the ditty. Wherever do you think the metric system got the idea for 1l = 1kg? The serial numbers just got filed off that idea and claimed it as if they invented it. If you look closely, there is a shocking number of base ideas of the, “common” usage measurement system, were simply copied and just re scaled and give new names. Since the base values differ, Celsius and kelvin ain’t the same. Not that it matters of everyday usage. I just want to know if it’s going to be cold, nice or hot when I get up in the morning. I don’t worry about what scale I’m using.

It’s pretty amazing when you start really looking at things to understand just where something originated from, it becomes apparent that there is very little new under the sun.

polle ,

That rocket that crashed because of usage of different units seems to differ.

Nuke_the_whales , to lemmyshitpost in Inspirational quotes.

You think Oprah has sucked a dick since becoming a billionaire?

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

Yes I do.

Rampsquatch ,

I wouldn’t stop performing oral if I became a billionaire, why would anyone? It’s fun.

Crackhappy , avatar
Melvin_Ferd ,

When it happens do you say " husband it is time for performing oral" and your husband says “why indeed it is time for performing oral how delightful.”

HonkTonkWoman ,

I do t know them, and I mean no offense, but I’m guessing it would sound a little more akin to:


But that’s just a guess.

Classy ,

Got Dat grapefruit game

Rampsquatch ,

No, actually. Much dirtier words are used.

Nuke_the_whales ,

Do you think Queen Elizabeth sucked dick? These are the questions that plague me and keep me awake at night.

Rampsquatch ,

I bet she was even more freaky than that. Rich people who come from a long line of rich people in a sexually repressed upper class are freaks man, for real.

kerrypacker ,

Steadman sucks her dick.

Nuke_the_whales , to memes in laughing ass off at hacks

I kinda feel the same at times with 3d printing. I can make you rare parts or plastic piece for an appliance from scratch with my hands. I can make you a cosplay suit of armor from scratch out of foam and it’ll end up looking like iron man armour. Then a guy does the same thing in a printer and goes to me “I made this on my own” and I stare at him.

AstralPath ,

I kinda get you, but ultimately the design of the printed materials had to be created by someone. Creation is the key in all of this.

In this comparison, ideally that creator is the person printing the materials. There’s a disconnect if someone just downloaded the CAD files and printed it up then claimed 100% ownership of the creation credit.

I don’t see anything wrong with someone designing all the pieces in CAD, which is an artform in itself IMO, printing them and proudly wearing them. Its just a different tool. You use hand tools, they used digital tools.

0laura , avatar

there’s also operating the machine. for some prints I’d argue actually getting the printer to print it is a bigger achievement than creating the design itself.

RememberTheApollo_ , to aww in Meet Scout, Minnesota's First Dog. He is a rescue, which is the best way to get a dog.

Damn, Walz feels like the first human being up for office in I don’t know how long. IMO Sanders was pretty real, but he has a lot of institutional weight and history behind him. I thought Fetterman was close, but he’s not who we thought he was going to be. There may have been others I can’t think of off the top of my head, but they just didn’t make an impression.

I’m sure the press has a lot to do with what we see of Walz, but everything I’m seeing so far really just makes him seem like “one of us”. Literally taking care of the average person, having a rescue dog and not some breed ans a statement, etc.

azulavoir ,

Since Jimmy Carter, I’d imagine

Fosheze ,

As a Minnesotan I just have to say that I am so fucking happy that you all are giving him this reception. I was woried that when he got this position people would seem him as just some flyover state grandpa nobody cared about.

But you all seem to love him as much as we have here and it really gives me so much hope for this country. Like literally brings a tear to my eye.

killingspark ,

My opinion as a german probably doesn’t really matter, but this guy as well as Kamala are giving me hope again that the world might not have gone completely mad. Also if this works out for you guys I hope the german party system is paying attention.

phoenixz , (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in What has he done to deserve this?

Doesn’t the reason why the avg US citizen wants imperial units boil down to “sounds cooler”?

Kilometer vs Miles, the former latter sounds easier and cooler to work with

Centimeter vs inch, same.

How will they now call a two by four?

It’s kind of the same for the pro gun arguments, it all boils down to “but guns are cool toys!”

Edit: fixed a duuuhhh

Vailliant ,

A “five by ten” I would say, doesnt sound to bad.

I think its mostly ingrained into the population at this point.

Capsaicin1337 ,

You forgot that a 2 by four isn’t actually two by four inches .

It is actually 1.5 inches by 3.5 inches. The 2 by 4 references the rough cut lumber before planning.

Malfeasant ,

Planing. Planning wood is very different.

phoenixz ,

That, and conservatives just can’t let go of old crappy ideas


Between the kilometer vs miles, isn’t the “former” here the kilometer? So you’re saying the metric system sounds cooler? But then you went on to say two by four which is an imperial thing… am I confused?

exanime ,

Yeap, they got former and latter crossed

phoenixz ,

Yeah my bad. I meant latter there, and fixed it… Thanks!

TheReturnOfPEB ,

A 2x4 is actually 1.5" x 3.5" so you are not standing on solid ground with that one.

Malfeasant ,

When you build a wood house, how far apart are the studs? I once tried to hang a shelf made by/for the European market, it had predrilled holes that were far enough apart that I could almost hit two studs, but not quite.

ZealousSealion ,


phoenixz ,

I read that as “I once tried to hang myself…” and was shocked for a second

trolololol ,


phoenixz ,

That says a lot about how crappy the imperial system is, really.

postmateDumbass ,

Americans choosing the system with tougher math requirements is suprising.

Malfeasant ,

We see it as sticking to what we’re used to… As conservative as we are overall, is it really that surprising?

phoenixz ,

It’s all conservatives clinging to really outdated and stupid shit

postmateDumbass ,

How will they now call a two by four?

Stud wood.

Bgugi ,

With a wink. Yes, every time.

Malfeasant ,

Then how to differentiate from 2x6? 2x8?

phoenixz ,

5x15 and 5x20 respectively.

threeganzi ,

They’ll be happy to know the metric system also has miles.

10 km = 1 mile (metric mile)

PlexSheep ,

I have never heard of metric miles, did you make that up?

ZealousSealion ,

Also known as the Scandinavian mile. It is very commonly used in Sweden and Norway to describe long distances.

Before the introduction of the metric system, there were many local miles. Some a bit shorter than 10km, some a bit longer.

PlexSheep ,

Good to know

threeganzi ,

Ah, perhaps not as standard as I thought!

phoenixz , to lemmyshitpost in What has he done to deserve this?

One kilometer is 1000 meters, one meter is 1000 millimeters. One square meter is 1,000,000 millimeters, one cubic meter is 1000 liters.

1 liter of water is 1 kilograms, so 1 cubic meter is 1000 kilograms. Sand is about 2.3 times heavier than water, so 1 cubic meter of sand is 2300 kilograms, or 2.3 metric tonnes.

I’m 1.96 meters tall, or 1 meter and 960 millimeters, or 1 meter and 96 centimeters. I weigh about 85 kilos, or 85.000 grams. Being 65% water, I carry about 55.25 kilograms of water, which will fill a little over 55 one liter water bottles

I can do this all day

Now let’s do the same with imperial units! You first, cuz I’m not going to touch that shit with a 10 foot pole…

CommissarVulpin ,

One mile is 5280 feet, one foot is 12 inches. One square foot is 144 square inches, one cubic foot is 1728 cubic inches.

1 gallon of water is 8.34 pounds, and 1 cubic foot is 7.48 gallons, so a cubic foot of water weighs 62.38 pounds. If sand is 2.3 times heavier than water, a cubic foot of sand weighs 143.5 pounds.

I am 5 feet 10 inches tall, or 5.83 feet, or 70 inches. I weigh about 220 pounds, or 3520 ounces. If I’m 65% water, I carry about 143 pounds of water, or a little over 16 gallons.


Preflight_Tomato ,

I had to check the math because 1 m^2^ being 2300 kg while 1 cu ft at 143 lbs seemed crazy, but with the volume difference it’s all correct.

Thank you for putting in the effort 🙃

Buddahriffic ,

To illustrate, 1m³ = (100cm)³ = 1,000,000cm³ = (1000mm)³ = 1,000,000,000mm³

You go from the single dimensional conversion between m and cm being a factor of 100 and 1000 for m and mm, to the 3 dimensional conversion being a factor of 1 million for m and cm or 1 billion for m and mm. It scales up fast.

MadBob ,

Bit silly to mix decimal with non-base 10 measurements!

CommissarVulpin ,

It’s worse than that. Inches are base 12, ounces and cups are base 16, machinists use thousandths of an inch, and surveyors use tenths of a foot!

postmateDumbass ,

And computers use base 2. Bastards.

dream_weasel ,

That was totally logical to me

phoenixz , (edited )


Also great way to miss the point. And great use of your calculator. The entire thing is that the metric system is not just “arbitrary amounts”, it’s all designed to fit together easily.

Now, no calculator. How many feet is 0.683 miles?

I know that 0.683 kilometers is 683 meters.

macaroni1556 ,

What a great snapshot of life in Canada

phoenixz ,

Actually, I think the entire world minus two or three countries,.one of them being the US of A.

By pure coincidence I do live in Canada, but I’m dutch. Also lived in Mexico. Everything is metric and easy, unlike the USA.

macaroni1556 ,

Your late reply made me realize I replied to the entirely wrong comment and yeah I make no sense.

I meant to reply to the farming comment mentioning insane mixed units like Liters per Acre

DeanFogg ,

Height in imperial is kinda useful. If you say a person is 4 foot tall vs 6 foot tall it immediately paints a vivid picture

Malfeasant ,

This isn’t some intrinsic value. What you’re used to makes the most sense. If you were used to measuring people’s height in meters, 1.3 meters vs 2 meters would paint just as vivid a picture.

feedum_sneedson ,

You get used to it. 150cm versus 180cm, since I don’t often meet anybody four foot tall.

exanime ,

Classroom supplies for elementary school always included a 30 cm ruler, so you’d immediately know what 30 cm difference is

phoenixz ,

That paints nothing to me, nor anyone in the rest.od the world. That literally only works in the US and a few other thirds world countries…

1-80 versus 2 meter does the same and makes sense

Bakkoda ,

This guy/gal specific gravities.

AstralPath , to lemmyshitpost in A new angle

Surely this is satire… Right?

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

Surely. Although the internet does have a strange way of memeing things into real life after enough time.

abcd ,

Imagine you create some memes that our planet is flat. And a couple of years later there are people that believe in this BS.

Wait a minute….

swab148 , avatar

I just saw an Apple commercial that had the “birds aren’t real” meme.

RecursiveParadox , to lemmyshitpost in Peeble streamer on Doop avatar

I’m in this image, and I do not like it.


For clarity, where in this image are you?

bitwaba ,

Bottom left

Steak ,

Peebles streamer on doop?

itslilith , avatar

the grave

Steak ,


Nfamwap ,

I’m in this image and I love it. I don’t give a fuck what the kids are down with these days.

Just stay off my damn lawn!

eldavi ,

same here and it feels like most of the instances of the lemmyverse are rubbing it in my face with face pics of people i’ve never heard of. lol

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