There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

MapleEngineer , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Working for the federal government in Canada I learned that following the process is far more important than getting anything done.

throws_lemy , avatar

It happens in everywhere if you work for the government, red tape is matters more

Results, not important

Possible_EmuWrangler ,

As someone who has enjoyed much of “Letterkenny”, I feel I should steer you in the direction of “Utopia”.

rx8geek , to cat in Best. Cat. Ever.

Apparently they also think that humans are particularly large and somewhat useless cats

miss_brainfart , avatar

Well, are they wrong?

MonkderZweite ,

Thats not a joke, cats literally think that, there are studies about that.

TheRealLinga ,

I wish to read these studies! To help me understand myself! It would make alot of sense if I was just a giant, really lazy cat

liztliss ,

I know what you mean here, but it’s a bit egotistical of humans to be like “we literally know what this creature who can’t talk” is thinking when they can barely properly guess what their long term partner or friend is always thinking 🤣 cats MIGHT be more simplistic in thought patterns than humans, but to assert what all cats believe based on an incorrect reporting on John Bradshaw’s studies of cats is just plain wrong- please do a quick search! You’ll see there are conflicting reports of what his book seems to claim, but he himself does not assert that that’s what cats literally believe. 😬

Edit to add: here’s the article where he’s being interviewed about it, and the relevant part!…/140127-cats-pets-animals…

“I’ve read articles where you’ve said cats think of us as big, stupid cats. Is that accurate?

No. In the book [I say] that cats behave toward us in a way that’s indistinguishable from [how] they would act toward other cats. They do think we’re clumsy: Not many cats trip over people, but we trip over cats.

But I don’t think they think of us as being dumb and stupid, since cats don’t rub on another cat that’s inferior to them.”

Ragnell , avatar

@liztliss My personal theory is that they know we aren't a cat like them, but they figure we think the same way they do and that most everyone shows affection and communicates like a cat. I could be wrong, but it seems to fit.

rx8geek ,

Yeah we can’t literally know what cats are thinking, but humans do tend to anthropomorphise so we can’t really help attributing our observations of their behaviour into what we believe they are thinking. Very egotistical of us.

My observation they think we are a bit useless comes from the ‘gifts’ behaviour of bringing things into the house. My cat brings in small lizards- thanks buddy! Could be any number of reasons they do it, but I find it amusing to ponder if he thinks I’m not good at hunting, so he better take care of this important cat business.

Hikiru , avatar

More accurately, they treat us how they treat other cats. They haven’t been bred to do otherwise like dogs have. It doesn’t mean they think we’re cats.

Ragnell , avatar

@rx8geek Useless? I put little ice cubes in their water!

GustavoM , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar

Wha? Even a bleeping potato can run Linux nowadays, with zero issues at day 1.

t. Got a Orange pi zero 3, and the lil’ bastard is rocking solid – even with (near zero) support.

Kidplayer_666 ,

Imagine not having all your drivers baked in into your kernel

db2 ,

Imagine not knowing about kernel modules 🤣

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

shit like this comment thread is why regular people use windows. who the fuck wants to learn about this kind of stuff when you can just point and click? especially when the people who should be helping you post brain-dead self-congratulatory gate-keeping shit like this.

if y'all want people to use linux maybe make it palatable instead of maintaining its difficulty so you can get a chubby about how smart you are

bear ,

What a weirdly specific thing to get mad about.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

smug senses of superiority in the FOSS community?

amazing... no wonder linux use has only grown if you include the steam deck and closed off governmental systems

bear ,

The reason Linux only grew with the Steam Deck is because an operating system only grows if it’s preinstalled on a popular device. Average users do not install their own OS. If you were actually in tune with average users, you would know this. It has nothing to do with Linux users making jokes amongst themselves.

sab ,

I guess I would also be pretty sore if I didn't have... checks notes - all my drivers baked into my kernel?

roguetrick ,

A joke about potatoes? You elitists.

alteropen , avatar

@sab @OsrsNeedsF2P @GustavoM @Kidplayer_666 @db2 @AngrilyEatingMuffins @bear I bet these idiots don't even butter their drivers before baking them into the kernel

malamignasanmig ,

i sort of get them, actually. as a nontech person who shifted to Linux out of necessity, i just wanted it to work.
i dont have to imagine not knowing what a kernel module because i still dont, despite using it for years.

AngryHippy ,

You might need another muffin. You’re a little hangry.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

another smug message! surprise

god forbid i actually want people to use FOSS

db2 ,

You could try not being a dick. Just a thought.

Edit: after seeing your other comments it’s pretty clear you’re a troll.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I'd say the same to you

pretty telling that the community takes criticism of gatekeeping superiority complexes as being equivalent to trolling

db2 ,

Nah I’m just going to go ahead and block you for douchebaggery. Good luck getting anyone to like having you around.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

If someone made a GUI to handle kernel modules and people could point and click through them, would that be okay?

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

that really doesn't have anything to do with what i'm talking about.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

You said people wanted to point and click. I agree: I’ve seen many Windows admins VNC to a desktop environment to get to a shell rather than use SSH

So if everything in Linux was accessible from a GUI, would that make it better? Because Windows does similar things, and so does Mac OS. They just use pretty pictures instead of words.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

ah, i see now. it's more about things just working and it being right there

even what distro to choose is already a thing people have to actively research. most people are more interested in just having the thing simply work, than they are having it work in a way that they've customized, if that road takes more than minimal effort. i think that the divide is actively growing now, and that the easy access of smartphones and most apps not having much customization is probably part of it.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Things on Windows and Mac rarely just work, especially when you're talking about kernel extensions. In fact, one of the first things you do when troubleshooting a Mac is to start up without extensions by holding the shift key.

And this is almost entirely the fault of the hardware manufacturers. They could write drivers for Linux that would work as well as their drivers for Windows. They don't do it, so amateurs have to reverse engineer the hardware and try their best to get it to work.

If, like with Mac and Windows, hardware manufacturers offered actual support for Linux you would not see these issues. The problem isn't with Linux, it's with the hardware makers.

I will agree that smartphones have made people know less about how computers actually work while increasing usage. And this is because they've obfuscated things to the point where they "simply work" with "minimal effort." Maybe we should stop doing that.

d3Xt3r ,

shit like this comment thread is why regular people use windows

No, regular people use Windows because that’s what their device they purchased came with. If they bought a Chromebook instead for example, they’d be using ChromeOS which is based on Linux, and if they bought a Smart TV, it’d probably be running some sort of Linux-based OS as well.

Regular people don’t know or care about Linux, nor what operating system their device is running - they just want a device that’s easy to use, looks good, has a good price and can let them use Facebook, Zoom etc or whatever it is they’re expecting from that device.

who the fuck wants to learn about this kind of stuff when you can just point and click

There’s no need to learn about this stuff, Linux is already just point and click. The main hurdle these days is installing it on a PC, egular people don’t mess around with the OS on their device, they just use whatever it is that came on their device. They shouldn’t have any big issues using Linux (especially if it’s a user-friendly distro like Zorin OS), as long as it’s already installed on their machines.

if y’all want people to use linux maybe make it palatable

It is already palatable, we just haven’t gotten mainstream manufactures to sell preloaded devices to the masses. There are some OEMs like System76 that are doing a good job, but they haven’t hit mass market yet. What Linux needs is a partnership with mainstream manufacturers and some big $$$ invested into marketing, plus partnering with retail outets like Best Buy etc. And maybe have a hardware certification program, like how Windows has the WHQL. Market the hell out of it, pass out shiny “Linux compatible” stickers to vendors, put Linux on sleek and shiny MacBook-like devices, and you’ll find regular people getting into Linux.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

this is copium my friend. look at these forums, you don't find people talking about proselytizing ubuntu and mint, it's people circlejerking about how cool they are for using kali and arch and knowing whatever minutiae of computing

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

also the front page of this very community has multiple posts from people whose systems aren't working, or who are worried about software being incompatible with linux. it's still not easy. and Ubuntu came pre-loaded on computers a decade ago and that didn't really do anything.

oo1 ,

if y'all want people to use linux maybe make it palatable instead of maintaining its difficulty so you can get a chubby about how smart you are

I wont speak for others but personally, I'm not really interested in point and clickers using linux - there are people who work on mint and ubuntu and stuff for them.

again, personally, i don't think linux is the right choice for people don't want to learn some of that and who won't ever use Command line interface.
I wouldn't recommend it for them - tbf mostly because I've no interest in being tech support for them, just like i didn't for windows back when i knew how to solve some problems ( type "regedit").
unless they only have a potato, then i think linux is more likely to fit a decent amount of their needs.
though i would normally say it costs them little more than a few hours to test out a live usb boot system.

but the main point is that the linux community is very diverse, as are all the different distros and projects - so it is not easy to pigeonhole all of them as sharing any one sentiment.

some of the people and distros will be supportive of those users, others won't.

it's a bit like most collections of humans in that respect.

fubo ,

I remember when you had to use this newfangled “kernel module” business if you had two Ethernet cards using the same driver, because a non-module driver would only detect one …

backhdlp , avatar

Nvidia users

pimeys ,

Imagine being in the orange forum and thinking everybody’s using Mac…

yukichigai , avatar

Some builds can get really tetchy about laptop hardware, but that's almost always older hardware.

Though I will say it took entirely too long for most builds to have a "change what closing the lid" does menu option rather than making you modify a .conf file.

And don't get me started on resolution switching when hot swapping display inputs.

DarkThoughts ,

I think the main trouble makers for consumers are the odd network or bluetooth controllers, especially in laptops, which often come with some exotic bullshit.

thesmokingman ,

I have a lot of trouble with Bluetooth on laptops so I tend to run 2.4GHz wireless peripherals instead of Bluetooth. That’s my only complaint these days.

jordanlund , to cat in No laughing!

Had a cat who hated whistling, she’d come out of nowhere and slap you in the face!

Savaran ,

My current cat hates whistling, same thing, she makes it very clear to stop

JoMama87 , avatar

@jordanlund @Facelikeapotato
Lol. Then you'll get a kick out of Ivan the cat.

sverit , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

Excuse me?! ISO 8601 >> *

foggy , to memes in Priorities!

This is such an annoying opinion.

The sync app dev is charging for a product. They know they have a market, albeit narrow. The income will be chunky and consistent.

The Lemmy devs provide a free platform and ask for donations. They know they have a market. It’s enormous. The income is gratuity.

Neither party should be surprised about who is raking in how much cash or why. I’m sure they’re not.

No user should be confused about why both parties are doing what they’re doing. No one should be confused about how it’s going for them. But for some reason y’all won’t stfu about it.

It’s just so asinine.

SecretSauces , to reddit in Just deleted my reddit account, along with all my posts and comments. avatar

God, I wish I knew about Redacto. I manually deleted my 11 year old account over the course of like 3 days.

kratoz29 , avatar

What? How?

I wouldn’t do it this way.

downpunxx , avatar

the hero we deserve

bastian_5 , to memes in So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)


Samsy OP ,

Wasn’t it r/wooosh?

arudesalad , avatar


Samsy OP ,

r/wooooosh :)

skankhunt42 , avatar

found the mobile user.

turtlepower ,

And my axe!

h3mlocke ,

No u didn’t 🤭

Stumblinbear , avatar


altima_neo , avatar


DefyTheLegends ,

“/r/subsifellfor” and “/r/subsithoughtifellfor”

anolemmi , to memes in Pleasing everyone avatar

I’ve never seen a more succinct comparison of cats and dogs.

e8d79 , to memes in Something something The Juniper Tree avatar
Gerryflap , avatar

That was hard to read, damn. I can read German quite well, but the font basically makes the capital letters a pure gamble to me. I guess this is a lesson to always listen to speaking cats lol.

Edit: Like “Der Vater hat’s verboten”. “Vater” is written more like “Bater” in this font

pau_hana ,

The Wikipedia article includes the whole text. Here is the Deepl translation:

The sad story with the lighter. Paulinchen was alone at home, Her parents were both out. As she jumped through the room With light courage and song, Suddenly she saw in front of her A lighter, nice to look at. “Ei,” she said, “ei, how beautiful and fine! That must be a fine toy. I’ll light a little wood for myself, As my mother often did.”

And Minz and Maunz, the cats, Raise their paws. They threaten with their paws: “The father has forbidden it! Meow! Mio! Meow! Mio! Don’t move! Or you’ll catch fire!”

Paulinchen can’t hear the cats! The little stick is burning brightly and brightly, It flickers merrily, crackles loudly, Just as you see it in the picture. But Pauline is very happy And jumped back and forth in the room.

But Minz and Maunz, the cats, Raise their paws. They threaten with their paws: “The mother has forbidden it! Meow! Mio! Meow! Mio! Throw it away! Or you’ll catch fire!” But woe! The flame seizes the dress, The apron burns; it shines far. The hand burns, the hair burns, Even the whole child burns.

And Minz and Maunz, who scream Pitifully in twos : “Come! Come here! Who will help quickly? The whole child is in the fire! Meow! Mio! Meow! Mio! Help! The child is on fire!”

Everything is completely burned, The poor child with skin and hair; A heap of ashes alone remains And both shoes, so pretty and fine.

And Minz and Maunz, the little ones, They sit there and cry: “Meow! Mio! Meow! Mio! Where are the poor parents? Where?” And their tears flow Like a brook in the meadows

Micromot ,

Calvin and habs also made a youtube short about this story which is quite funny

Onionizer ,

𝔇𝔢𝔯 𝔙𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔥𝔞𝔱’𝔰 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔟𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔫

This kind of font is called Fraktur

SubArcticTundra , avatar

Wait then what is Schwabach?

FitchInks ,

Schwabach is a City in Bavaria.

z500 , avatar

Schwabacher is another blackletter typeface, like Fraktur.

FitchInks ,

Funny thing: My Steamname is Vulgaris and I use a Fraktur font to display it. Got alot of racist insults from germans, thinking it says Bulgaria.

agressivelyPassive ,

I’m German and even for me it’s hard to read.

This is the slightly more “modern” Version, though.

If you really want to doubt your reading ability, google “Sütterlin”, pure chaos.

Bootheal0179 , avatar

It’s one of my favorites

feral_hedgehog , avatar
PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

Raxiel ,

As a kid I remember the phrase “me-au, me-ow, me-au, me-ow, you’ll burn to death if you do so!” Guess this is where it came from.

orwellianlocksmith , to memes in See?? I'm supporting togetherness

Wow, Hilarious! What an enormous penis OP must have to make jokes just so fresh and unexpected! Huge, definitely not-high-school sized, manly penis!

starman , to programmerhumor in No one is immune from this avatar

sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

metaStatic ,

starman is not in the sudoers file.
This incident will be reported.

starman , avatar

Oh no, Linus Torvalds is gonna call me again

borlax , avatar

Linus calling you to belittle your management of the sudoers file is the FOSS form of swatting lol.

Number358 ,

su -


Dirk , avatar

sudo rm -rf /*

HiddenLayer5 OP ,

sudo rm -rf i_want_to_delete_everything_in_this_folder /*


WolfhoundRO , to programmerhumor in Early disappointment

… and then you program games and you do the least performant bogosort you can ever think of

Onionizer ,

Export to excel and scroll till you find it

tr00st ,

About 15 years on, I’m still so happy I got good coursework marks for the route-finding equivalent of a bogosort. Picked a bunch of random routes and pick the fastest. Sure, that guy who set up a neural net to figure it out did well, but mine didn’t take days of training, and still did about as well in the same sort of execution time.

flames5123 , to world in Climate change is a hoax /s

We’re fucked.

krzschlss ,

We are fucking ourselves. Which sounds nice, but not in this context. I guess our grandkids will have to get a taste for cockroach and muck. At least we can eat and drink and enjoy the sun like kings of old…

arefx ,

I’m smart about this one and not having kids!

krzschlss ,

I was trying to be poetic… I also don’t have nor want kids. Not because of the future, I just don’t like kids. They use social media and are loud… And I’ve met some my friends made, and I said it directly into their eyes how much I despise them and how ugly they are.

Gray , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance avatar

Thank you for calling attention to this! I’ve been trying to raise awareness about why people should avoid like the plague. My first post on Lemmy was on this thread created by the same person that made the post you linked to. I had noticed the mod action they called out where someone was banned for posting an Axios article about the Chinese succession plan for the reason of “Orientalism”. I appreciate that Lemmy is defederated and at the end of the day your server admin matters first and foremost, but I do really hope the views of those top devs never lead to problems with the software itself. At least it’s all open source and they would be called out if they ever tried anything shady.

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