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Eddyzh , to lemmyshitpost in AI or DEI?

It is ridiculous. However, how can we know you did not first instruct to only show dark skin? Or select these from many examples that showed something else?

stoneparchment , (edited ) avatar

It’s also like, I guess I would prefer it to make mistakes like this if it means it is less biased towards whiteness in other, less specific areas?

Like, we know these models are dumb as rocks. We know that they are imperfect and that they mirror the biases of their trainers and training data, and that in American society that means bias towards whiteness. If the trainers are doing what they can to prevent that from happening, whatever, that’s cool… even if the result is some dumb stuff like this sometimes.

I also don’t think it’s a problem for the user to specify race if it matters? Like “a white queen of England” is a fine thing to ask for, and if it isn’t specified, the model will include diverse options even if they aren’t historically accurate. No one gets bent out of shape if the outfits aren’t quite historically accurate, for example

ji59 ,

The problem is that these answers are hugely incorrect and if some child learning about history of England would see this, they would create bias that England was always diverse.
The same is true for some recent post, where people knowing nothing about Scotland history could learn from images that half of Scotland population in 18th century was black.
So from my perspective these images are just completely wrong and it should be fixed.
Also if you want diversity, what about handicapped people?

groet ,

Repeat after me:

“Current AI is not a knowledge tool. It MUST NOT be used to get information about any topic!”

If your child is learning Scottish history from AI, you failed as a teacher/parent. This isn’t even about bias, just about what an AI model is. It’s not even supposed to be correct, that’s not what it is for. It is for appearing as correct as the things it has been trained on. And as long as there are two opinions in the training data, the AI will gladly make up a third.

GregorGizeh ,

That doesn’t matter though. People will definitely use it to acquire knowledge, they are already doing it now. Which is why it’s so dangerous to let these “moderate” inaccuracies fly.

You even perfectly summed up why that is: LLMs are made to give a possibly correct answer in the most convincing way.

stoneparchment , avatar
  • it’s true that this would mislead children, but the model could hallucinate about literally anything. Especially at this stage, no one-- children or adults-- should be uncritically accepting what the model states as fact. That said, I agree LLMs need to improve their factual accuracy
  • Although it is highly debated, some scholars suggest Queen Charlotte might have had African ancestry, or that she would be considered a POC by today’s standards. Of course, she reigned in the 17-1800s, but it isn’t entirely outlandish to have a “Queen of Color”, if we aren’t requesting a specific queen or a specific race
  • People of color did live in England in the middle ages? Like not diverse in the way we conceive now, but here are a few papers discussing the racial diversity at the time. It was surely less intermingled than today, but it’s not like these images are impossible
  • Other things are anachronistic or fantastical about these images, such as clothing. Are we worried about children getting the wrong impression of history in that sense?
  • Of course increasing visibility and representation of all kinds of marginalized people is important. I, myself, am disabled, so I care about that representation too-- thanks for pointing out how we could improve the model further. I do kinda feel like people would be groaning if the model had produced a Queen with a visible disability, though… I would be delighted to be wrong on this front :)
ji59 ,

I know that POC lived in England and it was possible to meet someone like that. But I would prefer if the model gave most possible, most general answers. If I ask for an image of a car I would like to give me four-wheeled red or gray or green car, not three-wheeled pink car just because there exist some car like that.

stoneparchment , (edited ) avatar

That’s valid! I agree. I think in this case it would be reasonable for the model to give multiple (or like, at least one, jeez) images with white queens. I don’t disagree with anyone in that sense. I just also don’t think it’s worth pitching a fit when the dumbass model that has been trained to show more racial diversity produces (frankly comical) hallucinations.

The ethos of the trainers is a good one. Attempting to counter the (demonstrated, measurable) bias of many models toward whiteness is a good choice. I prefer that the trainers choose to address the bias even if it (sometimes, in early versions) makes the model make silly mistakes like this. That’s all.

KeenFlame ,

These are not hallucinations. The image generator system prompt has been intensely altered to mix all races and genders. The model is probably not inaccurate up until it being misused. The misuse could be at any level of interaction, so it’s very misleading to base it on such an example

YungOnions ,

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. The user essentially asked for the AI to generate some random made up rulers of England. Might as well have asked it for new Game of Thrones characters for all the difference it would have made. These are not real people so it, quite correctly, threw in a whole load of mixed races because why wouldn’t it? No idea why people are getting bent out of shape over someone doing a poor job of assigning prompts.

Denjin ,

Because how dare those black people

CybranM ,

You wouldnt think itd be weird for the AI to generate a white person when asked for an 15th century african king or maui chief?

YungOnions ,

Yes, because it’s not smart enough to know what a ‘15th century African king’ is, let alone what one should look like. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but I think people expect too much from these programs. If I wanted a maui chief, I’d start be specifying ‘an African man in 15th century tribal gear’ and take it from there. They mostly seem to work better if you specify the race you want, not just assume it understands enough about the historical period to do that for you.

Kusimulkku ,

This issue is widely reported and you can check the AI for yourself to confirm.

Pantherina , to memes in Raise Hell!

This is too USA for me to understand a single line

manucode ,

The only thing I could discern was that this man probably did some type of sports, though I’m less than certain about that.

kboy101222 ,

He was a legendary race car driver for NASCAR. Basically the Messi of stock car racing (idk much about football. Or NASCAR for that matter)

Grayox OP , avatar
HBK , avatar

Ty for the link. I remember the day he died my dad was pretty torn up by it. Now I have a lot more context.

BigWheelPowerBrakeSlider ,

He was an excellent (arguably one of if not the best) race car driver in the American NASCAR series.

xantoxis , to piracy in this can't be real. is it?

Samwise was a fellow who was always there with a ready smile and a network security recommendation

nintendiator ,

“I can’t tunnel the ring in TCP mister Frodo, but I can tunnel you.”

jamyang ,

Product placement for NordVPN and Naughty America in a single line.

casmael , (edited ) to piracy in this can't be real. is it?

“One does not simply walk into Mordor…” Boromir turns to the camera and continues, “…unlike this video’s sponsor - nordvpn! With the code ‘flame of the west’ you can simply walk your way into an 85% discount off the price of a full years subscription! Thanks nordvpn, and now back to the council of Elrond”

Wogi ,


The ad read is never that short

casmael ,

*sequence shortened

HexesofVexes , to memes in When you are privileged equality looks like a downgrade.

I think a lot of equity arguments bug me because they often fail to address the real issue (at least in the workplace). It’s a matter of attitude, rather than parity/proportionality.

However much we hate it, the majority of people in a stem field will still seek a straight white man out when we look for authority/expertise. That isn’t because they are the greatest expert, or that they hold the highest accessible authority, but because it is an ingrained belief. That’s just wrong, on so very many levels, that I cannot even begin to express how stupid it is.

Some people have spotted this issue, but their solution is abhorrent - denigrate this group. Raise a generation that looks on this group with contempt, to at least remove the component of authority. It will solve the problem, but it will create a lot more down the line as it becomes the accepted solution. Shall we have a generational genetic lottery forever?

Oddly enough, I think the “blurring of gender lines” brought about by the trans movement might offer a more meaningful solution to some part of this problem, as it erases the categories themselves, rather than attempting to shift their position.

FraidyBear ,

Imo blurring genderlines and rendering them useless as a meaningful measure of power is precisely why so many in power now don’t want the gender/trans movement to gain any traction. If people were to realize that gender truly was nothing more than your outward appearance and did not in any way impact someone’s ability to gain power, knowledge, or success then we could end up with a WOMAN in powerful positions or even worse the women could actually start to gain allies with the power to change things when former white cishet male presenting people who still speak with their white cishet friends about all the I justices women face start to get outraged on their friends behalf.

Harbinger01173430 ,

Jokes on them. If I want to peruse the expertise of someone at my workplace, I just look for the Asian dude. The white people would be for gossip or talking about food or complaining about stuff. /S

Bronco1676 , to linux_gaming in Godot 4.3 will officially support Wayland

25000 lines added 💀

d_k_bo ,

As you can see, a good part of the diff (+17048) is actually data or autogenerated stuff. There’s not much review that has to be done, outside of a quick glance to verify those claims. I swear I didn’t put any malware in there :P

Bronco1676 ,

Ah stimmt, aber ist das irgendwie der C Weg, seine dependencies in nen thirdparty ordner zu packen?? Lauter so 6000 uns 4000 zeilen dateien 💀

30p87 ,

Speak english you son of a bitch!

PlexSheep , avatar

Warum redest du auf einmal Deutsch?

Stegget , to memes in It really was like that.

Bonus points if you transferred the file to your phone via IR.

itsgroundhogdayagain , to technology in In what ways has your use of technology/internet changed in 2023?
  • Switched to Linux
  • Switched to Firefox
  • Set up email forwarding to a new account on Proton Mail
  • Finally upgraded my PC
SpaceNoodle , to aboringdystopia in Great Idea

I’ve had coding dreams. Not bad for creative ideas, terrible for implementation.

Im_old ,

I sometimes dream about a problem I’ve been trying to solve for a day or two. The dream usually gives me an 80-90% correct solution, I just need to connect some dots. I still remember dreaming of a kernel config issue, reading the solution on a trains timetable in a train station.

Wouldn’t do it everyday though.

programmer_belch , avatar

I can’t code on my dreams, the letters onscreen are unreadable until I get close and the screen changes whenever I focus

joey_needs_sleep ,

I’ll dream up a solution to a problem that’s like 50% of the way there. The other half is like “let’s use this unicorn horn to guide us to the cause of the segfault”

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) to memes in IRS be like avatar

Poor people can’t afford lawyers to fight back.

Rich people can.

Ergot Ergo, they aim at poor people way more often.

kpw ,

The Pentagon is not some rich dude with lawyers.

Grayox OP , avatar
kpw ,

The military also doesn't make any revenue probably.

Tak , avatar

Oh it does, just for private entities.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Yeah not my fault its a badly considered meme.

I was just responding to the second half.

The IRS isn’t in charge of auditing the Pentagon, congress is.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Ergot, they aim at poor people way more often.

Or 99.9% of people are poor lol.

Besides, thank you Biden.…/71486513007/

Tak , avatar

The IRS can audit the ultra wealthy exclusively and it still wont really change how fucked taxes are in the US. The tax brackets are a fucking wreck, capital gains is a joke, and estate tax is basically non existent.

It’s like cheering for Biden for really sticking it to those rich folk when he’s just checking their couch for quarters.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Ah true, guess we better do nothing rather than search for billion dollar quarters in the trillionaire holding elite class.

Tak , avatar

That’s what I am saying, this is nothing and we shouldn’t be celebrating nothing. It’s not like they fixed the Trump admin’s tax changes, it’s not like they’re taxing the wealthy more.

To do more than nothing takes an act of Congress and they’re not doing anything, they’re doing nothing. This is the legal equivalent of 4th grade graduation ceremonies.

EatYouWell ,

We really just need a corporate revenue tax. Any other method of taxing the ultra wealthy will be abused so that the ultra wealthy are the only ones not paying it

Daxtron2 ,

Not sure what grain fungus has to do with it

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Nice catch.

thebuoyancyofcitrus ,

Well, they are pretty clearly tripping, so maybe grain fungus has more to do with it than we realize.

mrchuckles ,

ergotism is a sick grim salvo reference

xpinchx , to memes in it's time

Anyone want to go for a walk after dinner? 😉🔥

Metatronz ,

And a follow up nap 😴

getoffthedrugsdude OP ,

Right after dessert

giantfloppycock ,

Shit, or before dinner. Thanksgiving with the munchies is why it became my favorite holiday.

bobs_monkey ,
QuantumStorm ,

Hahaha, that was me and my siblings last night.

Yamainwitch , to memes in F#€k $pez

I love how so many of us former reddit lurkers found a home on Lemmy/the fediverse. I have absolutely loved being a part of the greater community here, I don’t know how else to describe it but it feels like my Internet home. I love all you fellow nerds. Obligatory fuck spez.

ZoopZeZoop ,

We love you, too. Even S’ned is warming to your presence.

Yamainwitch ,


ZoopZeZoop ,


Goldmage263 , avatar

It feels like mostly internet veterans and people that care to explain themselves to me. Less recent users that don’t know technology or are newer to social media that isn’t “mainstream”.

Yamainwitch ,

Absolutely, this is really well said. I think because of the barrier to entry on this platform we are all a little more invested and I am here for it. I’ve hated what social media has become (Myspace was peak imo) and I’m so delighted the fediverse exists.

pinkyprincessfiona ,

I feel the same way. Also, fuck spez. Lol

5ibelius9insterberg , to lemmyshitpost in Pros and cons

But also the other way round

PeleSpirit ,

I was just going to say that. I know a lot of people that love the make. I don’t get it, but I’m glad they’re out there.

RQG , avatar

Right? I love to craft things. But then what do I do with 35 mediocre looking leather pouches?

FrostyCaveman ,

Sell them to a vendor

RQG , avatar

They are very mediocre looking.

HamBrick ,

You’ve got the wrong mindset. They’re modest looking, not too flashy

FlyingSquid , avatar

Have I got the Ren Fair for you.

MataVatnik , to cat in Cats understand 'naughty' avatar

Volunteered in a wildlife shelter with two foxes. When I brought in the meals, one of the foxes would wait at the door, and as soon as I laid down the food he would take his choice piece of the meal, walk somewhere and hide it for himself.

FardyCakes ,

Dog hardware, cat software

SnipingNinja ,

Cunning as a fox is a saying too

Dmian , to cat in Cats understand 'naughty' avatar

Also, one of the most stubborn animals in the animal kingdom. If they want something, they’ll do it, again and again, no matter what you tell them or do to them.

If they want a specific door or window to be left open, they’ll sit there until you open it. Then they’ll stay there to make sure it stays open. If you close it, they’ll complain.

They want to get on top of something? They’ll climb on it. No matter if you shoo them away, yell to scare them away, or get them off. They’ll do their best effort to get on top of that place.

The only thing that can move them from those fixations is by awakening their hunting instinct. Get the laser pointer, and they’ll forget (at least for a while).

But we love them to death. How couldn’t we?

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