There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Karyoplasma , to memes in Big scared

Don’t push alpha to production, silly.

puppy ,

So alpha males are males who are unrefined and flawed? 🤔

samus12345 , avatar

Beta males must be further along in development, then.

RizzRustbolt ,

Gold males used to be pretty damn good. Now they’re just as buggy as the rest, and usually need a few patches on release day.

samus12345 , avatar

“A delayed male is eventually good, but a rushed male is forever bad.”

VerticaGG , to technology in Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025

Its the Data harvesting that’s irking me. Not that data harvesting is new; but that i have a dreadful sense of M$’ “AI” scheming just crosses a rubicon of data harvesting.

I’m backing away slowly. Dont care what games or executables i wont be able to run. Get ready for the accusations that im the “radical arch-loving myopic lemmy elite”: it’s finally time to run *nix as host.

CCF_100 ,

Soon, you’ll be saying “i use arch btw”. It’s only a matter of time. >:D

skulblaka , avatar

Dont care what games or executables i wont be able to run

Between Wine and Proton that’s basically a non issue anymore, go ahead and make the switch. The era of windows exclusive software is pretty much over.

halvar , to memes in USB tunneling

One day I realized I developed a skill for correctly inserting the USB on first try and I’m in an existential crisis ever since.

Alsephina OP ,

“Passive ability: Permanent USB tunneling” unlocked

nudnyekscentryk , (edited ) avatar

The “empty” half of the plug (with the two hollow squares) is either at the top or on the right in 99% of cases. Once you realize that you barely ever have to flip it even one time.

Zagorath , avatar

Do you mean the empty half of the cable? Because the plug itself has the empty half on the bottom.

Usually easier to look for the USB logo or company’s branded logo on top. The bottom is usually blank or containing legal info. The bottom also has the zig-zaggy join in the metal.

meekah , avatar

Yeah they’re talking about the cable, as that’s usually easier to look at. Also a plug is on the cable, and a socket is on devices.

nudnyekscentryk , avatar


Zagorath , avatar

Also a plug is on the cable

Maybe this is an American English thing, because to me the plug is the socket. The two words are synonyms. Like I’d talk about the electricity plug in the wall.

EtherWhack , avatar

Could be, though I’ve heard people use plug interchangeably.

Connections for data, the female side is usually called a port; for electrical, it’s officially called a receptacle, though more commonly called an outlet or sometimes a socket. The male side is always the plug.

onion ,

USB has the female side on the cable :)

nudnyekscentryk , avatar

I’m European but I’m an English second language speaker, so that may be the reason I use this words that way. However wikipedia for example calls the male part the plug and the female the receptacle as well

BCsven ,

Americans often call the wall plate the plugs, but technically in electeical hardware ordering catalogs the wall end is a female receptacle, and the cord end is a male plug

nudnyekscentryk , avatar

Plug is on the male part on the cable. Receptacle is the female part on the device

EtherWhack , avatar

Part of the reasoning is that dust can’t really settle on the contacts if they are facing down. It’s the same for the most part with rj45 (ethernet) ports.

BCsven ,

The irony is the USB keyboard- mouse -peripheral switcher I bought has the USB ports upside-down from normal

Sanctus , to memes in ts moment avatar

No joke last time I launched team speak was scary lmao. I didn’t have my server anymore so my buddies and I joined a random one. As we were chilling and gaming random people joined in and called us the n word and then left over the course of our session lol definitely felt like a 360 CoD lobby

Rooskie91 , to memes in Weapons manufacturers are terrorist organizations

Northrop Grumman has entered the chat.

ZapBeebz_ ,

Don’t forget about good ol’ Texas Instruments

essell ,

It’s true. Their calculators were responsible for the math class massacre of '92

ZapBeebz_ ,

Never forget the 1992 mathssacre.

But also, they build the guidance systems for hellfire missiles.

LazerFX ,

Mathacre was right there… right there. Ah well.

qjkxbmwvz ,

Does McDonnell Douglas count as Boeing?

JayDee ,

General Electric was there too

gex , to memes in Pov: You criticized the first Crusade

This meme is about systemd

phoenixz , to memes in Know the difference.

Also victims of communism: anyone aged 1-99 who happens to be the wrong family, who practices wrong think, who has family members who practice wrong think, who have an opinion, who like to be different, and I can go on for a while…

People like you should maybe watch 'the chekist". Once you’re done and not crawled up in fetal position while crying maybe you can think for a little bit about what it is that you really want.

Seriously, you tankie types are nauseatingly naïeve.

Grayox OP , avatar

Rent seeking behavior is wrongthink. Being Royalty is practicing wrongthink. Communism is built on Critical Theory making criticism of society its bedrock. I dont consume propaganda, I try to stick to primary sources as close as possible and make my own.

Seriously you Capitalist Apologists are so brainwashed by literal Cold War Propaganda its pathetic.

FluffyPotato ,

The USSR had a minimum sentence of 5 years of forced labor for being gay. Being gay is also apparently wrongthink.

archomrade ,

Between 1907 and 1937, over 30 U.S. states passed compulsory sterilization.

Woops, wrong thread.

Acinonyx ,


archomrade ,

I was using the same implied argument he was, bud

Grayox OP , avatar

Advocating for Communism is not Advocating for the USSR.

FluffyPotato ,

You say that but there are numerous people in the comments defending both the USSR and Stalin.

Shyfer ,

The USSR did good things and bad things but reactionaries like to pretend it was all bad. There are hard numbers about life expectancy increasing, better life for women, research achievements, general quality of life and happiness metrics, and more that increased. There was lots of bad parts, but same in the US.

There were anti gay laws on the books for the US, and towns you couldn’t even walk in while black. Hell, there are still some sundown towns in places in the US. If you just point out that stuff, or if you lived in such a horrible area or had family who did spreading their stories, then it will just come off as a hell hole. The US does suck, but it’s not just Skid Row, the projects, lynch mobs, coups, wars, etc. Same for the USSR. There were good things we can save and build on, and bad things we need to avoid for future socialist projects.

It’s not like the first attempts for democracy went well, either. But I wouldn’t diss it in the Middle Ages and say we can only do monarchies, the pinnacle of political achievements, just because " it never succeeded. It fell in Greece and the Roman Republic and every other time it’s been tried, and has never worked ever and thus is always doomed to fail."

FluffyPotato , (edited )

My problem with people citing those metrics is that they are true for Russia itself while ignoring that a large reason for those improvements was colonialism done to the occupied regions. Industrialisation was another thing that improved those metrics but that was hardly unique to the USSR. Some of those regions may have had benefits but here in Estonia it was pretty much all around bad. After the occupation ended the quality of life here improved rapidly.

As far as examples for socialism I’d say the USSR was an all around failure but people still defend it and even Stalin who basically guaranteed it’s failure as a socialist project. In the baltic region the word communism is basically poisoned because of the USSR.

OurToothbrush ,

You need to look at the referendum to maintain the soviet union before you say shit about imperialist Russia. Non-russian SSRs were most enthusiastic about keeping the USSR around.

FluffyPotato ,

The one boycotted by 6 of the 15 territories? Or the ones that followed in each that led to them declaring independence which in turn led to the collapse of the soviet union?

The baltics were 3 of those boycotting territories and we had similar referendums for independence which, I’m pretty sure, all got over 70% support.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

The one boycotted by 6 of the 15 territories?

That’s the one, where Russians had less interest in the USSR than the participating territories.

Or the ones that followed in each that led to them declaring independence which in turn led to the collapse of the soviet union?

Sure, and not the presidential coup. Get real.

The baltics were 3 of those boycotting territories and we had similar referendums for independence which, I’m pretty sure, all got over 70% support.

And the Baltics are doing so much better now.

I’m reminded of a story of Lithuania charging holocaust survivors for fighting as partisans against the nazis in WW2. It happened in 2009. They’ve gotten more fascist since. Wonder what itd be like if the USSR was never overthrown.

FluffyPotato ,

The baltics are actually doing much better now yea, by pretty much every metric.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Yes, slightly improved metrics sure compensate for the systemic nazi rehabilitation /s

And for the overall lowering of living conditions across the former USSR /s

FluffyPotato ,

Nope, living conditions have improved massively and way less nazies here than Russia as well.

Shyfer ,

That’s been an issue in constant capitalist countries, too. That’s not an issue of communism and is an unrelated complaint.

FluffyPotato ,

Yea, I know, I’m not defending capitalism. I’m saying every attempt at communism has been fucking horrible for not just landlords and capital owners.

Shyfer ,

And a lot of attempts have also been great at raising the standards of living for the general population, as well as for economic development in a relatively quick amount of time.

FluffyPotato ,

In the USSR those improvents were for Russia, not so much for their colonised regions where they exported resources from. Industrialisation also helped but that’s not really unique to anything.

archomrade ,

The complete lack of self awareness is truly astonishing

brain_in_a_box ,

Source: it came to me in a dream

OurToothbrush ,

And socialist nations like the GDR were better on gay rights in the late 80s than capitalist nations are now.

And Cuba has the most lgbt equality of anywhere right now

And China is opening state sponsored trans Healthcare clinics, including for children

Meanwhile in the US if you’re trans you can’t live in half of the country and you’re worried about getting hatecrimed in the other half. And you have pundits of the capitalist class calling you pedophiles and “the jews of gender”

Also, gay liberation movements in the imperial core were mostly led by communists, you can’t give credit to capitalism for being forced into granting concessions.

interdimensionalmeme ,

That’s just regular authoritarian statism, tribalism and human herd behaviour.

Anyone unfortunate enough to have lived through high school knows how dangerous the little human empires are.

platypus_plumba ,

Yeha, I could also point far right authoritarian governments and say that capitalism is bad… But that would be stupid.

jkrtn ,

Somehow I assume you don’t associate capitalism with chattel slavery and apartheid. But you do associate corrupt authoritarianism with economics when it is system that you don’t like.

EchoCT ,

Slaves are e human capital. So by definition weren’t plantations capitalist?

jkrtn ,

I think they are very much capitalist. And then surely the Civil War that poors fought on plantation owners’ behalf should also be blamed on capitalism?

phoenixz ,

What is it with people here thinking that earning a wage is slavery? That requires either a complete lack of understanding what slavery or just some serious impressive mental gymnastics.

I associate corrupt authoritarianism with communism because it’s an inevitable outcome. Communism only works of you remove individual freedoms and force people into it. This, by design, requires a dictatorship. Dictatorships foster corruption because you can’t have transparency.

FluffyPotato , to memes in Know the difference.

I was in my early 20s when the Soviet occupation collapsed here, the victims here were everyone not high up in the party.

Sure, capitalism fucking sucks but pretending the USSR was anything other than just bourgeoisie rule is delusional. The oligarchs were just called the communist party then.

umbrella , avatar

shock therapy was not a socialist, but a capitalist plan after the ussr ended.

FluffyPotato ,

Yea, no shit, nothing to do with what I said though.

umbrella , avatar

shock therapy happened upon the collapse of the ussr

FluffyPotato ,

Yea and I was commenting on how things were in a country under the occupation of the USSR. So both temporally and geographiclly unrelated.

Shyfer ,

Not really. You’re talking about what happened after the USSR. Which yes, was horrible for the quality of life of people who lived in numerous countries all over the globe, but that’s more of an indictment of capitalism than communism. The looting of the government coffers to privatize everything and create oligarchs was a result of the post-USSR shock therapy.

FluffyPotato ,

I was literally talking about the time before the USSR collapsed also it was applied to Russia, not to the countries it occupied.

Shyfer ,

Ah, I misinterpreted you. Sorry about that. But it’s hard to tell exactly what you’re talking about without more details. Afghanistan, maybe? I get if you don’t want to dox yourself, as someone privacy minded, but it’s hard to know how to respond without more context.

FluffyPotato ,

Estonia but it’s not like that was not the case elsewhere in the occupied areas. Russia mostly exported resources out of there to benefit itself which is a large reason how it raised quality of life in Russia itself.

Shyfer , (edited )

Oh ya, I should have guessed. There are a couple Baltic states that did increase in living standards and make some rapid industrialization improvements, but they also made some definite mistakes with handling some things there and trying to do some Russia centralization. It made some of those places very right leaning, which is unfortunate.

At least it generally shared technologies improvements and such with those places. It doesn’t make the USSR worse than the US, for example, which ruined basically all of South and Central America even worse than the USSR did for its neighbors. I want to emphasize that it made some big mistakes, but for some reason people contribute those mistakes to communism, when the US and other capitalist countries had even worse occupations with even worse exploitation, but for some reason that never leads to people saying capitalism is terrible and awful, etc. The world is just too propagandized by the West. The difference is that imperialism and exploitation is basically required by the capitalist system, while it’s a side effect of militarization under a siege mindset for communism. It happened, and will probably continue to happen as long as communism requires capitalism characteristics to jumpstart production, but it’s not a constant requirement of the system like capitalism’s necessity for the line to go up leading to always finding new markets and resources to take.

FluffyPotato ,

I never said the US was better than the USSR, I don’t really give a shit about the US. One shit country being slightly better than another one does not make it good.

I like how you characterised it as “some mistakes” . The whole famine business that ravaged the USSR was caused by sheer incompetence. A guy appointed by Stalin to manage agriculture came up with a fun idea of “communist crops won’t compete for resources” and forcing farmers to plant crops way too close. I’d say that was one of the greatest mistakes. There was also some killing the gays and some ethnic minorities but I think those were intentional.

I also don’t attribute anything to communism, only the USSR, communism hasn’t existed. I also attribute being the worst advertisement imaginable for communist to the USSR. They kinda ruined it for everyone else by calling themselves that.

interdimensionalmeme , (edited )

You should look into south america in the 70s and 80s. The CIA’s unrestrained human experimentation in the regiom perfected this ideological soft power superweapon or “strategic ideological construct”. Trying to find exactly what these kinds of things are called.

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

i think we are talking about different things here

DaBabyAteMaDingo ,

bUt ThAt WaSn’T rEaL cOmMuNiSm

MIDItheKID , (edited )

I don’t understand why anything anti capitalism these days is automatically communism. It’s such a large swing from one side to the other. I just want my taxes to pay for healthcare, infrastructure, and education instead of wars and prisons. I want to stop getting fucked by corporations that have infinitely more money than I can ever imagine. I don’t think that makes me a communist. I’m just anti-fucking-the-people. Capitalism can fuck people. Communism can fuck people too. I support Corpo-Politico-Celibacism. Stop the fucking.

Edit: Okay, fuck the people. You guys must have this figured out.

narc0tic_bird , to linux in I'm back on that other OS for work

(neo)vi(m) supports multiple platforms including Windows, so no worries :)

passepartout , to linux in You think Linux is living a Renaissance with Gaming and New Non-Technical Users?

I hope so. I’ve been using Linux for 10 years for everything except gaming. And two years ago i went fulltime with proton and lutris (switched to heroic though).

And let me tell you, we’re at a point where its multiple times more straight forward to just install something like Fedora KDE, and do almost anything windows can, than trying to deal with whatever the hell microsoft is up to these days.

The biggest problem still is software discoverability. It is our duty to guide newcomers where they want to go instead of gatekeeping.

bastonia OP ,

Flatpak just fixed their cleaning up of old versions which was a deterrent for a lot of people. There are a few technical things people complain about. I think the main real complain comes from its syntax since it doesnt work with shell or is POSIX.

tooLikeTheNope ,

And let me tell you, we’re at a point where its multiple times more straight forward to just install something like Fedora KDE, and do almost anything windows can, than trying to deal with whatever the hell microsoft is up to these days.

Yep that was my turning point.

Only I have to disagree with Fedora as first Linux, it requires manual fiddling with repositories just to install codecs that any average unskilled user would expect to work out of the box

passepartout ,

The codec thing really is a bummer. But thats really one of the few things you would have to do on Fedora while theres plenty of other pitfalls with other distros too. Like an older kernel or having to manually configure drivers for some hardware with Debian, or having to deal with canonicals shenanigans on Ubuntu.

Maybe one of the more niche distros is a better guess for some, like Nobara or Bazzite for gaming.

potemkinhr , avatar

I just switched to Bazzite yesterday and it’s insane how far linux has come. Next-next and everything works, even on a nightmare combination of hardware (Lenovo Legion half assed uefi, amd apu+ nvidia gpu).

someacnt_ ,

Similar for ASUS ROG, only needed the ROG control center app

teawrecks ,

How’s heroic treating you? I tried bottles for GOG, but it regularly fails to update either itself or cyberpunk.

passepartout ,

I will try cyberpunk one day if its on sale and my pile of shame has gotten smaller.

I made the switch to Heroic from Lutris because the integration is just better. I used both for a while, bc the witcher 3 worked better on the legacy version for me, and heroic didn’t let you choose the (legacy or nextgen), while lutris only had the legacy version. But now you can install any version you want on Heroic (looking at you, every other platform with forced updates). Also, while Lutris downloads the offline installers off of GOG, heroic installs it via the GOG galaxy redistributable. This also makes it possible to sync playtime and savegames, although this is experimental right now. As soon as they start implementing achievements (which i think they have planned) its feature complete for me.

Updates of heroic itself and the games always went fine, although it must be said that the most challenging titles i have on gog right now are witcher 3 and metro exodus.

radiant_bloom , to memes in Americans be like

The sadder thing is that Chinese social credit hasn’t actually even been implemented, and doesn’t seem like it’s going to. There are only limited local experiments, most of which are allegedly largely irrelevant.

Whereas there are multiple credit score companies currently tracking literally everyone who has a bank account.

FiniteBanjo ,

It has been implemented, just not at the full scale they originally planned. It started in 2014 and was supposed to be finished by 2020, but has received a lot of pushback and controversies. There are people who are not allowed to fly on a plane, take a train, make a large purchase, or attend certain events in China, that is an undeniable fact.

One of the most well known examples is Xu Xiaodong, a MMA fighter who set out on a journey to expose fake Kung Fu Mystics by challenging them to fights. He relies completely on other individuals to travel, and has to send his videos overseas to be uploaded online because otherwise they get censored by the CCP.

reverendsteveii ,

How do you think it came to be that most Americans believe that in China you can have your home seized for being impolite?

dessalines ,

A deluge of articles that confirms the audience’s unexamined orientalism, and makes them feel superior.

vocornflakes , to programmerhumor in the hardest exam question
  1. Ubiquitous; insane amount of libraries and probably some of the best documentation of any language
  2. JS lambda function syntax is nice
chemicalwonka , to memes in It's that easy! avatar

overcome capitalism

Steve ,

Figure out a way to profit off fixing the problem

Olgratin_Magmatoe , (edited )

That’s probably not possible, and it would be ineffective. The fossil fuel industry is still actively killing the planet, and will continue to do so for as long as they are allowed. The motivation to pollute will still exist even if we make carbon capture profitable.

Here are some actual solutions:

  • A carbon/pollution tax. The cost of carbon pollution isn’t reflected in the price of oil barrels. Fix that, and then people will start switching away from fossil fuels. You can’t let the externalities be externalities, that’s how we got into this mess in the first place.
  • Ending the subsidies the fossil fuel industry receives, as well as tax breaks. Instead give that money to renewable energy sources
  • Fix our shitty ass transportation system. We are too dependent on cars & planes. Bikes, trains, and busses need to be viable, but they aren’t with our current infrastucture/lackthereof
  • Higher density residential building with mixed use zoning. How are we going to have a green world when it takes a half hour car ride to walmart to get groceries?

Of course, none of these are really possible with money still in politics, and with voter apathy. But this is the pathway forward.

stewie3128 ,

In the US, there will always be a critical mass of voters ready to end the careers of anyone who tries to do any of the above.

I’d add that buses for the most part don’t help, and we should revive the trolly systems that Goodyear intentionally put out of business, and furthermore build out mega railway projects to take long haul trucks off the road.

Railways need to be nationalized, and we need to make it easier to live rurally without the need for multiple cars and lots of gas consumption.

And we need to start building a bunch of new nuke plants like 30 years ago.

None of that will start to happen until it is way beyond too late though. And even if the US got onboard with the program, there will always be 40% of the planet who won’t. So fuck it, enjoy nature while it lasts. We’ll turn the sky white to geoengineer away some of the solar radiation, but the line will continue to go down from here.

Olgratin_Magmatoe ,

I agree with everything you said except for your last paragraph. Scientifically speaking, it is not to late. Politically it is, but politics can and have swung wildly. Our best bet is the younger generation shows up to the polls and votes in green candidates. My local area has had some good success with this at least.

As for the geoengineering, I can see that being the unfortunate case. I’m concerned it’s going to be a far dumber and dangerous version of it though, like intentionally nuking a remote islands a couple times to start a mild nuclear winter.

Zagorath , avatar

Impossible (outside of some small projects that tinker around the edges in beneficial ways, but can never do enough to put a substantial dent in the problem).

The problem comes down to something that’s literally taught in economics 101: negative externalities. The cost to society of polluting is put on society, and not on the company actually causing that cost. There needs to be change in the legal situation so that doing the socially good thing is also the profitable thing. Whether that’s taxes or outright banning polluting, or something else.

zbyte64 ,

What do you think Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) that the oil companies have been pushing for is if not a naked attempt to profit from the problem? Of course CCS will require even more oil to run, but that just means more profit!

match , to memes in It's that easy! avatar

20s: “Allow these criminal billionaires to escape to space and we may be able to start a new feudal colony on another planet”

millie ,

Trick the billionaires into going to space, then blow the ship up in orbit?

zbyte64 ,

Or just convince one billionaire that they are actually good at designing spacecrafts and should bring their friends along for a joy ride.

unmarketableplushie , avatar

Ah, the Oceangate maneuver

Bishma , to programmerhumor in canYouTakeALookAtThisDateTimeBug avatar

Time for all the maintainers of datetime libraries to unionize and give a collective nope.

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