There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

tpihkal , to mildlyinfuriating in Chain restaurant fees are getting absurd

You voted with your wallet. That’s how capitalism is supposed to work.

ImFresh3x ,

If capitalism worked Buffalo Wild Wings wouldn’t exist. Trash food. Go to a local pub or something.

IHeartBadCode , avatar

Capitalism does work in the voting with your wallet. However there's two things that tend to get in the way. Laziness and mergers. Either customers don't care and/or all your other opinions got bought out.

sadreality ,

You forgot regulatory capture and socialism for the business owners

ToxicHyena , avatar

except actual voting is 1 person = 1 vote. shareholders, corporate conglomerates, and lobbyists have made it that 1 person gets millions upon billions of votes. when we do vote with our wallets and buy from the places we want to support, the corporations always win in the end. either by buying them out, or because what we supported decided to cater to shareholders instead of customers. just look at what happened to reddit

Nougat ,

That's how free markets work. Free markets and capitalism are different things.

irkli , to fediverse in Can we organize AMAs to help Lemmy/Kbin grow? avatar

Umm, wtf is “AMA”? I really did search the web, and discerning from context. It’s really not obvious.

semblanceto ,

AMA stands for Ask Me Anything

irkli , avatar

Thanks! Sheesh, lol.

dan1101 , to youshouldknow in YSK that if you have an air conditioner you should turn it on before you need it. avatar

I think it’s generally good policy to run ACs every month or so.

blueskiesoc OP , avatar

Why? What purpose does this serve? This is a real question, not a snarky comment. What do I not know?

dan1101 , avatar

Most machinery lasts longer when you run it every month or so at least. For an AC unit there is lubricant in the refrigerant, so circulating the refrigerant once in a while keeps the seals in good condition. It would also keep the moving parts of things like fans from corroding and seizing up.

For vehicles, running the them occasionally circulates the fluids like oil and antifreeze. The oil keeps the moving parts of the engine coated and doesn’t allow things like condensation to rust the internal parts.

Spacecraft ,

Same reason why if you have part time 4WD in a vehicle you should put upwards of 10 miles per month with 4WD engaged (just try to keep it to straight roads). Check your owners manual first, but every 4WD vehicle I’ve owned has recommended it.

Fosheze ,

This is definitely good advice for vehicle AC because like you said, it keeps the compressor seals in good shape. However it isn’t as important for residential AC systems because they use fully hermitic compressors. There is no shaft seal that can fail. Depending on your outdoor temps, running your home AC in the winter can actually be very bad for it.

When it’s cold outside liquid refrigerant will tend to settle in the compressor crank case that means when that compressor starts up it will immediately suck in and try to compress that incompressable liquid refrigerant. Depending on the compressor type this will drastically reduce it’s lifespan or just straight up kill it. On systems designed to be used in cold weather there will be a crank case heater on the compressor to boil off any liquid refrigerant in the crank case. But if your system wasn’t built with cold weather running in mind then it won’t have one of those.

dan1101 , avatar

Today I Learned, don’t run a house AC when it’s cold.

GroggyKon , to youshouldknow in YSK how to block entire instances from your "all communities" feed and/or the "list of communities" page avatar

Bless your soul my child. I can now get rid of lemmygrad.

Holyginz ,

What’s wrong with lemmygrad? Serious question since I’m out of the loop.

Angius ,


GroggyKon , avatar

It’s essentially a community that promotes left wing extremist ideologies and is very much in favour of authoritarians who don’t like democracy. Lots of hate for the west, lots of whataboutisms and lots of love for Putin and Xi and lots of excuses for the invasion of Ukraine and the Uyghur genocide. I’m left leaning but they have more in common with fascists than anything else.

dragontamer , to fediverse in Can we organize AMAs to help Lemmy/Kbin grow?

This is far too premature.

AMA is a high amount of trust in the moderation team. You build trust by having assurances that the AMA hosts have done their research and prove that the person is who they say they are.

Where we need to start is: who around here is even capable of hosting AMAs? Are they willing to host AMAs to build a community/subreddit’s trust? Etc. etc.

socialjusticewizard ,

Build trust by having AMAs of interesting non-celebrity people.

digdilem , to linux in Thoughts on RHEL going closed source ?

As someone who admins around 200 Rocky 8/9 and Centos 7 servers, this is a little concerning.

But I have a lot of faith in Rocky and Alma, who are reportedly working together, in coming up with a solution to ensure they continue getting security fixes and updates.

Redhat are steadily turning into every bit as anti-competitive and, well, evil, as Oracle used to be. It's a shame as they used to do a lot for the FOSS world. Now they seem content to profit from it and give nothing back.

carlwgeorge ,

Now they seem content to profit from it and give nothing back.

This statement is completely false. Red Hat contributes a ton to open source, to thousands of upstream projects, probably more than any other individual company. Software from Red Hat acquisitions has been transitioned from closed to open source. New open source software is often created by Red Hat engineers. Everything Red Hat does is open source and contributed back upstream whenever possible.

To be clear, me saying this is not an endorsement of the RHEL source export changes announced yesterday. I think that sucks. But it doesn’t undo everything else Red Hat does.

simion314 , to startrek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

I loved it. I do not understand the joke about Spock “outburst”, was there something in that body language that I am missing? And was this a joke inspired by Lower Decks ?

Jon-H558 ,

The fact that there was no body language is the joke. The actors were told to sit there as impassionatly as possible.

Meanwhile Ortega is the audience eyes, it is just two people sat there with zero emotion.

Embenga can see a difference as is skilled people person and knows other races but we can't see (future doctors must be more akin to vetenarians knowing hundreds of biological systems not just their own like a current doc)

Then the joke is that while on the outside it looks impassionate to a Vulcan that was a "massive outburst". It's a joke on Vulcan lack of emotion

Dick_Justice , to youshouldknow in YSK how to block entire instances from your "all communities" feed and/or the "list of communities" page avatar

uBlock Origin works on Firefox Beta for Android.

sp6 OP ,

I think it works on non-beta Android Firefox too. I just meant stuff like Jerboa, Mlem, etc; mobile apps you download from an app store.

Dick_Justice , avatar

I wonder if something like this could be used to exclude Reddit result from search engine pages.

_ed , to asklemmy in How do pre-reddit influx lemmy members feel?

No Lemmy ettique missing as there wasn’t enough of a community to form anything. I had no issue with the smaller size and all the usual posters I’d see and chat with have dispersed with the larger array of content.

But now you don’t get people signing up, talking about the lack of content and disappearing. Or servers set up in hope and shut down - or ones that ragequit And of course wolfballs.

Even if most go back to reddit it will still be an improved space with the servers and communities that remain I think.

PorkrollPosadist , avatar

The lack of “Lemmy etiquette” is basically the whole point of the project. There is no general rule. There are places for shitposting, there are places for serious discussion. The civility fetishists get their corner, the people who enjoy replying to bigots with pigpoopballs.jpg get their corner. There is a niche for everybody - and if there isn’t - you can start one without being completely isolated from the rest of the network (at least, initially).

The situation on Reddit was absurd. The “Reddiquette” rules were generally okay, but very open to subjective enforcement. I spent many years on Reddit. I browsed a lot of different communities on there. But if one person on a community I browse makes a post saying “look what this asshole is saying” on another community I browse, and I go there an make an insightful comment, I am now “brigading.” If somebody wants to politely debate whether trans people have a right to exist, or whether or not we should send the homeless to concentration camps, and I tell them to fuck themselves, I am being “uncivil.”

Communities need mods and admins who have their back, not mods who become cops for the admins who become cops for the board of directors who only care about increasing KPIs and profit. The coolest thing that can happen on the Fediverse is landing in a place where the admins will eat a block or two to defend the integrity of their communities. This is something which is simply impossible on Reddit.

Mezentine , to startrek in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

I think this episode was really good…if the issue of discrimination was over literally anything other than a social practice of genetic modification. Star Trek’s hardline stance on linking social genetic modification to eugenics is one of the things that I’ve really appreciated, especially as corrosive “thought experiments” about it have sort of entered back into the discourse. I don’t think you can practice genetic manipulation on a society wide level without it going very bad very fast. At least I don’t think humans can, and the episode doesn’t really make a case for why the Illyrians are better at it.

The core message of this episode is so important, especially at this current moment, and the right of people to self determination and to safety and security in their identities and differences is right at the heart of Star Trek, so I’m glad to see SNW continue to affirm it. But…just…there are reasons, real reasons, with lots of horrific history behind them, for why normalizing genetic manipulation in the name of improving or “fixing” populations of people is still a real third rail for me, and I wish the episode had figured out how to engage with that specifically a bit more. This episode does not actually convince me that in the far future utopia of the Federation the dangers of genetic modification as a practice have been addressed, and in absence of that “It used to happen and its bad, but stuff is better now and can’t we relax a little” is a bit…hollow

I think you could fix this for me if you made it so that Illyrian genetic modification was something that members of their species voluntarily entered into in adolescence or early adulthood. Make it more of a practice that people voluntarily keep up and less of a program that their society runs and the whole thing works way better for me. That also makes the loose analogy to transgender people in our current time, and really just the right of bodily autonomy and self determination, way more coherent.

barsoap ,

But…just…there are reasons, real reasons, with lots of horrific history behind them, for why normalizing genetic manipulation in the name of improving or “fixing” populations of people is still a real third rail for me, and I wish the episode had figured out how to engage with that specifically a bit more.

Other episodes did, and I hope we’ll see more of that. Specifically, it’s about Illyrian culture: Genetic modification is deeply ingrained, required in their ethics: “We don’t terraform planets, that’s disrespectful of nature, we transform ourselves”, as heard previous season (I’m sure someone will fill in the episode number). As such the practice doesn’t root in a desire for dominance or superiority, but gentleness towards the universe.

That is, the issue with the eugenics wars wasn’t genetic manipulation itself, but that humanity was war-like and out for dominance and superiority. The augments’ attitude of supremacy simply reflect cultural attitudes back then, they were not caused by genetic modifications, but enabled. (Alternatively: The bad idea of imbuing augments with such a sense was due to bonkers scientists influenced by cultural attitudes).

Or maybe more like entheogens: Drugs that kill one society are used responsibly and for benefit by others because they have cultural practices regulating them, rites (regulations) saying when and where and why they should be used.

If the federation ever gets around to legalising genetic manipulation having regulations written by Illyrians and Denobulans sounds like a very good idea.

Mezentine ,

What I can’t get out of my head this morning is actually Bashir’s plotline with his parents on DS9, because it captures what’s so insidious about even “benevolent” genetic modification. He’s not angry at them just because they broke the law, he’s angry at them because they decided they didn’t like who he was and chose to transform him into someone else, someone he feels is a different person. And this is actually the fundamental argument against a social program of gene management in real life; it allows society to police what types of bodies and what types of minds are “normal” and flattens species diversity and experience diversity in favor of whatever the norms say is “better”. The danger isn’t just the risk of Khan like supermen, its a moral argument against determining how people’s bodies and minds are going to develop before they can even consent, even before they’re born.

As strongly as I feel about this, I do think you could create a case for why what the Ilyrians do is meaningfully different, the “adapting to other planets rather than making them adapt to us” idea is interesting and complicated, but it felt extremely cursory in this ep

varda ,

Thank you! Came on here because the episode left such a bad taste in my mouth. I’m a queer person with multiple disabilties, one of which is known to be genetic. Using genetic engineering as the metaphor for marginalized groups felt like a trojan horse to garner public sympathy for genetic engineering.

And through making genetic engineering acceptable then we’re opening up the world to letting parents engineer the gay out of their children and to engineer the neurodivergence out of their children.

Instead of being a story about accepting marginalized groups to me it feels like they’re actively pushing for a technology that can be used to wipe out marginalized groups. Why did the writers do this? They literally did not have to set this up or write it this way.

Also the references to the Eugenics Wars as though they are somehow irrelevant today just did not at all sit well with me as somebody who is high risk for covid. This whole pandemic the drumbeat has been “only those with pre-existing conditions will die” and we have been fighting for our lives to get the most minimal public health measures and the ableds just keep putting their conviences over our lives. Eugenics is still here, it’s still going strong, but we’re just not calling it eugenics anymore.

Uluganda , to linux in [Question] to Linux from Windows as a daily driver

For the last two, it will more than enough. Gaming tho, it depends. If you wants emulator, Linux is THE emulator OS. For Windows game tho, if you are planning to play older game, Linux is better than Windows. Period. For newer games, like ‘just-release-game’, it is not ideal. Free to play multiplayer games, especially outside of Steam/Valve, forget it.

chris ,

To piggy-back off this, take stock of your current favorite games and do some searching to find out how those have worked out for others. ProtonDB is a great resource for games on Steam. Outside Steam it can often be done, but can be a headache.

I will typically try a game on Linux first, but keep Windows around and will just boot into that if I cant get up and running pretty quick. Don’t have time to deal with the tinkering all day haha

Poggervania , to piracy in You can now get reddit posts on lemmy via RSS, without any ads ;) avatar

Ok, I really don't get this.

Why are y'all so focused on basically moving Reddit onto the Fediverse when you can just, y'know, either make new content that you want to see on the Fediverse... or just go back to using Reddit? Dunno about you guys, but I got away from Reddit because I don't want the Fediverse to become Reddit 2.0 in terms of content and community - I was kind of hoping more for Fediverse communities and content, not Reddit communities and content on the Fediverse. If I wanted that, I'd go on Reddit.

AnonTwo ,

Most people didn't hate the content, they hated the sudden and rapid changes to reddit this month.

Have you just stayed out of your news sections on the Fediverse?

Also what is a Fediverse Community vs a Reddit Community to you?

Steeve ,

I hated the content

corm , avatar

All of reddit? Lol alright

Well for me lemmy is still missing a ton of activity on several niche communities I followed. Do you have any hobbies?

crypticthree , to nostupidquestions in Where do people blog nowadays?


runswithjedi ,


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  • haulyard , avatar

    You happen to have a link to his blog?

    archivist , to datahoarder in Shouldn't we have a link for lemmy at datahoarder subreddit? avatar

    We’re working through the Reddit situation carefully…

    laxika ,

    To be honest, the only thing that holds me back to delete my reddit profile is the DH subredit. If you can find a way to move away from Reddit that would be great! At least keep up the boycott for sure!

    ParticleUs , to sysadmin in How do you guys feel about pulseway?

    We tested out Pulseway a while back but weren’t confident in it’s patching process. We ended up using Action1 because of the price and the simplicity of it. They have a good community on discord that’s always helpful and they’re consistently adding new features. The also host weekly webinars (usually about patching) to help to get up and running.

    I guess RMM is a broad term though, cuz I’m not sure about the VPN to AD situation you’re talking about. Are you hosting Pulseway on your own server?

    AFAIK Action1 is only cloud-based right now, just install the agent and go. You can also set up a service account on your DC and use their deployer to auto install the agent on domain devices.

    possiblylinux127 OP ,

    I’ve been testing it as well and you may be right

    LUHG_HANI , avatar

    Action 1 has been a godsend to me. I tried a few paid rmm suites and they either failed or just had so much bulk it was a minefield.

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