There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Sanctus , to memes in Black mirror episode avatar

I’ve never had an issue here. Only comment thats ever been removed straight up called for violence and I get that. If you’re running into issues the answer is probably introspection.

moon , to asklemmy in Sorry for the potentially controversial question: is it normal for less attractive people to settle down with partners they don't find physically attractive?

If you don’t find someone physically attractive, how do you settle down with them? Do you just accept getting into bed with someone you’re physically repulsed by every night?

tiefling ,

Not every relationship is based on physical attraction and, by extension, sex

moon ,

I’m not denying that ace spectrum people have relationships and settle down as well. But OP is asking about the normative (read allosexual) experience and explicitly mentions physical attraction.

The vast majority of relationships will involve physical attraction and sex. It’s highly unusual for that to not be the case for allosexual people. That’s not a value judgement—if a minority of allo people find something else works for them, then that’s great. But if OP is asking if this is normal, then no it’s not. Even ‘less attractive’ people, as OP put it, find people they’re attracted to enough to enjoy a lifetime of intimacy and sex with.

Overcoming a lack of physical attraction is a pretty big barrier and I can’t see most people overcoming that barrier just to ‘settle down.’ Not being your physical ideal is one thing, most of us settle down with people who don’t look like models or actors, but finding someone physically unattractive is a tough sell in most cases.

WhyJiffie ,

I’m not denying that ace spectrum people have relationships and settle down as well. But OP is asking about the normative (read allosexual) experience and explicitly mentions physical attraction.

I don’t think this only applies to ace people. Sometimes you just realize you can’t have everything, settle with someone “below your standards” in respect to that, and even if you sleep in the same bed, you don’t do anything with each other in that way.

Thing is, sex is not a privilege. If you - as someone in such a situation as OP - can’t accept that, you are in danger of growing… hateful views. I don’t want to become such a person, and it’s clear that it’s not their fault that they are not attracted to me. Realizing this helped me accept it.
To be totally clear, yes, I’m not ace, I have the desire, but that’s just not how it works.

There are still other benefits of having a partner, like not being lonely and sharing the costs of living.

To also respond to OP, I don’t know if this is “the solution”. This is better for everyone involved than the alternative where you grow to be a hateful person. But maybe you should reevaluate if you are really in such a situation as you think. Possibly you are right, possibly not.

moon ,

Thing is, sex is not a privilege. If you - as someone in such a situation as OP - can’t accept that, you are in danger of growing… hateful views.

No one is entitled to sex, I agree. But in a relationship, you are allowed to make clear what your needs are and move on if those needs aren’t being met. It’s not entitlement to know what you want. Having a ‘dead bedroom’ is why a lot of relationships end.

I don’t want to become such a person, and it’s clear that it’s not their fault that they are not attracted to me. Realizing this helped me accept it.

If I may ask, was there any physical attraction between you two when you met?

WhyJiffie ,

If I may ask, was there any physical attraction between you two when you met?

To be honest, there is no other person here. Not yet, at least. My case is a little different, because it’s not about how I look, not even the personality (but who knows actually? I know I have problems e.g. finding the right tone, and sometimes seeming harsh), but some other properties that are day to day pretty noticeable, and are often associated with being handicapped (not in the meeting of being silly) (even by myself when I notice it on others). I know that this is universally a thing (or rather things) that is hard to accept, and I seriously wouldn’t want to live with someone like that either.

The point I wanted to make is that it’s ok if no one wants to be with me.
I have not yet started searching for an “economical partnership”.

moon ,

I don’t know you but my advice is that you talk to a therapist before you condemn yourself to a life of unhappiness. What you’re thinking about yourself is not always objective, even if you think it is. Being self-critical is not the same as being realistic

RBWells ,

There is a lot of room between attraction and repulsion though. A not ideal looking person who is so good in bed, loves you and you get along with? Maybe they are neutral to you looks-wise but hot for reasons other than looks.

Someone whose looks repel you? No, that’s never going to work.

Peruvian_Skies , to memes in US government moral alignment

The outrage is actually for the opposite reason: he wasn’t elected.

But yes, it is a ridiculous double standard regardless.

yogthos OP , avatar

lmao I love how any time a US puppet isn’t elected burgerlanders start claiming the the elections were unfair 🤡

PanArab , avatar

You clearly fail to understand the White Man’s Burden.

yogthos OP , avatar


Peruvian_Skies ,

I love how you just assume people are “burgerlanders” when they disagree with you. Look at my username, comemierda.

yogthos OP , avatar

I’ll be sure to account for the little mierdas shilling for the empire in the future

Peruvian_Skies ,

It must be amazing to live in your head. Everyone who disagrees with you has an agenda, so you never need to actually think about any of your stupid baseless opinions.

yogthos OP , avatar

Nah, I just think you’re a scumbag who’d gladly exploit others for your own personal benefit. And since you never actually think about any of your stupid baseless opinions, you don’t realize why that makes you a scumbag.

yogthos OP , avatar

also, weird how actual election observers who were on the ground seem to disagree with you…

Peruvian_Skies ,

Funny how the people are rioting in the streets and you’re pretending that everything is okay. Stupid fuck8ng first world socialists who never experienced the absokute scourge that is a socialist dictatorship talking down to the people who actually suffer from your high horses of privilege and misinformation.

yogthos OP , avatar

I literally grew up in USSR, but go on tell me more about these socialist dictatorships. Meanwhile, don’t have to look further than burgerland to see people rioting on the streets being burtally put down by the regime’s security forces. The sheer imbecility on display is truly astounding.

Peruvian_Skies ,

You’re obviously lying. Every single person I have ever met who grew up in the USSR - and they number in the hundreds - absolutely hates communism and authoritarianism. It’s only rich, sheltered idiots who never worked a day in their life and live on mommy and daddy’s credit cards like you who defend communism.

yogthos OP , avatar

Ah yes, me having grown up in USSR and not having dumb fuck views obviously means I must be lying. Figures that you’d be the sort of imbecile who doesn’t understand the concept of selection bias. The fact that you hang out with the same kinds of dipshits like yourself isn’t exactly a surprise. Here’s a dose of reality for you to seethe and cope over.

75% of Russians have expressed increasingly positive opinions about the Soviet Union over the years. Only a small portion of those surveyed said they had negative associations with the Soviet Union. The economic deficit, long lines and coupons were named by 4% of respondents each, while the Iron Curtain, economic stagnation and political repressions were named by 1% each, the Levada Center said.

And here’s another poll showing that most people think the Soviet economic system was more correct

And of course, it’s not just in Russia either:

You’re an utter clown.

Peruvian_Skies ,

Did your butler fetch all those links for you?

yogthos OP , avatar

seethe and cope scumbag

Peruvian_Skies ,

You’re the one seething because you can’t accept that Venezuelans have had enough of authoritarianism and death squads. You want everyone in the world to be like you so that maybe you’ll hate yourself less. It won’t work.

yogthos OP , avatar

I have nothing to seethe about because people of Venezuela just elected a socialist government, and chuds like you now have to cope with that. That’s right, I want a dictatorship of the working class so scumbags like you can be put in their place.

Peruvian_Skies ,

If you really think Madiro was elected democratically, you’re delusional. The country is drowning in riots. Then again, I should have expected you to be delusional since you’re a communist. They go hand in hand.

yogthos OP , avatar


Peruvian_Skies ,

Well, keep on masturbating to the idea of the Rapture… Sorry, I mean the Revolution. Totally different, right?

yogthos OP , avatar

meanwhile, you keep on seething and coping as the world keeps changing around you

Peruvian_Skies ,

The world IS changing. The USSR fell and dictatorships like the ones you worship are slowly coming to an end, one by one. Even though you hate freedom and oersonal accountability, both are becoming the norm and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. So go ahead and fantasize about sending me to the gulags while you beat your butler. I’ll be out here in the real world living my life withiut even remembering that you and your fake passport exist.

yogthos OP , avatar

Since USSR fell, China has become the biggest and most important economy in the world, meanwhile burgerland and its vassals are crumbling. Something you’ll have to face one day. So go ahead and fantasize about your dictatorship of the capital while you can little buddy. Have your butler bring you some more copium. Welcome to the real world loser.

Peruvian_Skies ,

Yeah, how did China manage that without private enterprise? Oh wait, they didn’t. China is a Capitalist country in everything but name. There’s a stock market, social inequality, venture capital, competition, labor-as-capital policies, a strong private banking system. Shit, China is more Capitalist than my country! The only difference is you mysteriously disappear if you criticize the government. That’s the part that gets your tiny little dick hard though, isn’t it, you bootlicker?

yogthos OP , avatar

LMFAO how to say you’re an utter ignoramus without saying it. The only question for you is why is it that China is developing differently from actual capitalist countries. Maybe take a moment away form sucking your own dick, and think about that.

Peruvian_Skies ,

That’s an easy one. When nobody is free to criticize the government, it can do ehatever it wants. You’re not very smart, are you?

yogthos OP , avatar

welcome to the real world dumdum

The real (inflation-adjusted) incomes of the poorest half of the Chinese population increased by more than four hundred percent from 1978 to 2015, while real incomes of the poorest half of the US population actually declined during the same time period.…/w23119.pdf

From 1978 to 2000, the number of people in China living on under $1/day fell by 300 million, reversing a global trend of rising poverty that had lasted half a century (i.e. if China were excluded, the world’s total poverty population would have risen)…/c883fc7496aa1b920b05dc2546b…

From 2010 to 2019 (the most recent period for which uninterrupted data is available), the income of the poorest 20% in China increased even as a share of total income.…

By the end of 2020, extreme poverty, defined as living on under a threshold of around $2 per day, had been eliminated in China. According to the World Bank, the Chinese government had spent $700 billion on poverty alleviation since 2014.…/china-poverty-xi-jinping.html…/lifting-800-million-people-out-of…

Peruvian_Skies ,

LOL how butthurt do you have to be to type all that and find all those links? Besides what do they have to do with anything? China has a Capitalist economy, as I already said. Now why don’t you look at Bokivia, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea or any other actually Communist country? The story is quite different.

yogthos OP , avatar

just documenting what an imbecile you are for the people reading this thread. Hilarious how you can’t understand what the links showing that people living in China see their country as democratic and their standard of living improving have anything to do with this thread. Thanks for once again highlighting that you’re using both of your brain cells here.

Meanwhile, if China was a capitalist economy, then it would be developing like actual capitalist economies like say India that started in the same place as China. China hasn’t been blockaded by the burger empire that you worship the way Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, and DPRK have been. The fact that you don’t get that further highlights what an utter dumb fuck you are.

Entire books have been written about this ……/Killing_Hope-US_Military_and_CIA_I…

However, if need to believe that China is capitalist, you should be very excited that China will be the model for the rest of the world going forward. Also, hilarious just how incoherent you are, since you’ve been busy shitting yourself over me supporting socialism, but seem to have no problem with China which I see as the model. I don’t say this lightly, you are truly one of the dumbest people I’ve interacted on this platform. I’m frankly amazed you have the brainpower to remember to breathe while typing out your inane comments.

Peruvian_Skies ,

You’re so mad it’s legitimately entertaining. Please continue to spout your half-digested and quarter-understood propaganda for my amusement. Just make sure not to mention a certain event that happened at ancertain square or you’ll be blacklisted from ever entering the glorious Communist utopia of China where everyone’s a millionaire who is free to have as many babies as they want and to freely express their opinions without fear of reprisal.

yogthos OP , avatar

I love how you keep repeating that I’m mad as if that’s going to make it true. I think you’re utterly hilarious to be honest. You really think you’re the first troll I’ve run into on here or that you’re being original somehow? All you idiots just regurgitate the same script. Gonna be a lot of seething and coping in your future as Chinese model keeps spreading around the world and your imbecilic opinions start being censored. 😂

Peruvian_Skies ,

I’m all for the “Chinese model” (aka market Capitalism) spreading around the world. Hopefully it will spread to Venezuela very soon.

yogthos OP , avatar

Venezuela has more private ownership in the economy than China ignoramus.

Peruvian_Skies ,

LOL have you actually been to Venezuela? Fucking idiot.

yogthos OP , avatar

Imagine not understanding how sanctions work. If socialism was so horrible then burgerland wouldn’t to use sanctions would it. Really shows who the fucking idiot here is.

Peruvian_Skies ,

Yeah, boo hoo it’s not our unsustainable economical model that’s the problem, it’s the sanctions! Those evil people with a worse economical model that somehow have the power to bankrupt our better model by oreventing it from participating in a free international market (aka the bad model). Because that’s nit completely fucking retarded.

yogthos OP , avatar

There’s just one problem with your dumb fuck logic there which that GDP growth restarted despite the sanctions in 2020. In a few years Venezuela will be completely independent of the US dollar and with a complete industry of its own. chart showing the collapse of GDP after sanctions, and the economy stabilizing after 2020

Can’t wait to see what next imbecilic argument you’re going to attempt.

Peruvian_Skies ,

Bro, seriously. I oersonally know Venezuelans with a higher education - one lawyer and one engineer - who emigrated to Peru to work as a maid and as a bartender so that they could send money back to their families. GDP means nothing if the people don’t get to share in the wealth. In Venezuela, only the top government and army officials live above the poverty line. This isn’t your stupid little Marxist theory written by people who never actually read Marx. This is real people starving and being miserable because of Communism. How can you not understand that? Or maybe yku do and yku just don’t care. Fuck everyone else as long as you can play the part of revolutionary hero in your head, right?

yogthos OP , avatar

quite a word salad you got there bro, keep seething

Peruvian_Skies ,

Ah, if onky you lived in the real world. But you live in fantasy land where Communism works.

yogthos OP , avatar

I’d be so insulted by that if I had a shred of respect for you.

Peruvian_Skies ,

I’d be insulted if a delusional commie like you did respect me. I know the people you respect: thieves, mass murderers, liars, warmongers. I don’t want to be bunched in with them.

yogthos OP , avatar

Don’t worry, I bunch you with demented squirrels on meth.

Peruvian_Skies ,

Still a billion times better than Maduro.

yogthos OP , avatar

There’s gonna be so much seething and coping in your future little fash. As burger empire influence over Latin America wanes, you’re going to miss people like Maduro soon.

Peruvian_Skies ,

I can’t wait to “miss” Maduro. Neither can all of Venezuela.

yogthos OP , avatar

Love how you presume to speak for people of Venezuela. Go back to huffing gas.

Peruvian_Skies ,

Unlike you I actually know several of them and have some idea what I’m talking about. All you get fed is propaganda, I get it straight from the horse’s mouth.

yogthos OP , avatar

You presume so much. Go tell your “ideas” in a poor neighbourhood in Venezuela see how that works out for you. Will get your ass beat pretty quick.

Peruvian_Skies ,

Actually it won’t. And unlike you, I know that for a fact.

By the way, every neighborhood in Venezuela is a poor neighborhood thanks to Maduro. He realized the Communist dream of ending social inequality by making everybody miserable. Except for himself and his geberals, of course.

yogthos OP , avatar

Buddy, you clearly don’t even know your own ass from your face, not there’s much difference. I love how you spent weeks to document just what an utter imbecile and a lair you are. People like you were the reason gulags were invented.

Peruvian_Skies ,

What a surprise, you’re pro-gulag and can’t spell “liar”. I bet your own feces have a higher IQ than you.

yogthos OP , avatar

A few years in a reeducation camp might make a productive member of society out of you yet. Until then, enjoy being a clown.

Peruvian_Skies ,

LOL a productive member of society? Dude, unlike you I actually have a job in an industry that actively improves quality of life for people. While you live on dividends from marketing or subletting or whatever the fuck workless income source allows you to be a communist, I bust my ass in the recycling industry. I’m saving the planet while you jerk iff to AI porn of Furry Stalin LOL

yogthos OP , avatar
tacosanonymous , to science_memes in Boopable

Because we all agreed not to. Quit ruining our ignorant and peaceful existence.

n3m37h , to patientgamers in What have you been playing this week?

Helldivers 2 spreading managed democracy for Super Earth

RandomStickman , to lemmyshitpost in I drew the Mexico states by memory avatar

Brazil stole the suez panama canal

CanadaPlus , (edited ) to explainlikeimfive in Impedance, floating

Why do some ICs have tri state, low, high, and high impedance? Isn’t high impedance the same thing as floating?

It means that it will resist being changed by inputs. Yes, like a pin that’s floating relative to the chip.

If it is high impedance that means it had to be connected to something, right? Some kind of big capacitor or inductor in the chip?

No, it’s probably a transistor (active component) that switches to a highly resistive state, leaving the output pin effectively floating - that is, not connected via the chip. Impedance relates to how quickly the charge in that lump responds to voltage (or how quickly matter responds to force in a mechanical system). Not responding is very high, responding quickly is low.

Capacitors and inductors effect impedance, but they aren’t the only things that can do so, and in fact impedance tends to very with which frequency you’re measuring it at, so you can’t really say it has a certain exact value without context.

High - Connected to the high reference voltage.

Low - Connected to the low reference voltage.

High impedance - Not connected.

half_built_pyramids OP ,

I thought transistors were just base, collector, and emitter.

How is it switched to be in a high impedance state?

CanadaPlus , (edited )

That’s for a BJT or similar. There’s other kinds of transistors, and CMOS digital logic is based on MOSFETs. In MOSFETs, it’s gate, source and drain. If you apply the right voltage (negative for p-type, positive for n-type) to the gate of a MOSFET, the resistance between the source and drain skyrockets. It’s like pinching off a hose. Ideally when fully closed it’s like there’s no connection at all. (And the gate shouldn’t ever conduct - it just controls the channel between source and drain)

This is pretty much the whole principle behind CMOS, by the way. It’s a bunch of hoses pinching each other on and off in such a pattern that it preforms logic. It’s easy to manufacture on a chip for reasons I won’t go into unless you really want.

half_built_pyramids OP ,

Thank you, I think I get it. I was only thinking in one type of transistor.

When the resistance goes high, why is that called high impedance, instead of something like high resistance?

And yes, please tell me about cmos manufacture stuff. Just watched a breaking taps video where he’s trying to make his own die 1nm across with lithography. Cool shit, would love to hear any insight you want to share.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

When the resistance goes high, why is that called high impedance, instead of something like high resistance?

Disclaimer that I’m not actually an electrical engineer, but I’m pretty sure it’s just convention. Positive charge is also an absence of electrons, just because Ben Franklin guessed wrong, and conventional current goes the opposite direction to the actual current. I probably would have called it “floating”, “disconnected”, “stopped” or “open”, if it was up to me.

As for the manufacturing, making a MOSFET is as easy as taking a wafer of silicon, doping a couple of spots to be opposite to the bulk next to each other, and then oxidising a spot on top of the channel in between to form an insulating SiO2 gate barrier. This is good in terms of steps needed, chemical precision needed, and number of features required per transistor which translates to more transistors per area. CMOS allows an entire chip to be printed in place with barely any more steps, by using both N and P type MOSFETs in complement (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) to ensure that there’s always a path available for current. Then, the only thing left to do is start building up the interconnecting wires over top of the semiconductor with vapour deposition or similar.

There’s a video series where Sam Zeloof makes a MOSFET from scratch in his garage. Skip to the second video if you don’t care about the theory so much. Wikipedia also has a of the process of printing CMOS in more detail.

Siegfried , to lemmyshitpost in I drew the Mexico states by memory

UK and frnace now are México states

niktemadur ,

The Faroe Islands are Baja California!

davel , to programming in LLMs as interactive rubber ducks (or Q&A trainers) avatar

Brian Eno should add a new card to the Oblique Strategies deck.

LaunchesKayaks , to asklemmy in What is an event that altered you in some way? avatar

Negative experience: got half my face ripped off by a dog as a kid. I’m scared of almost all dogs now and I panic around heelers.

Positive experience: going to college. I’m considerably successful because I decided to go on a whim lol.

cashmaggot OP ,

Hope you're doing okay and face is healed up as much as you want it to be. Tbh, dogs freak me out too. Which is a shame, because I dig them in theory. But in actuality, I am not really here for two of the major pets of this world. Which is a shit situation to be in, and I can't even imagine how shit it must be now that everyone's out here taking their dogs around everywhere. I hope you've got some solid help =/!

Get that college money =)! It's big. You know, idk if you're family promoted it or anything but it really does seem to be the secret to stability. I mean, you might not be a Rockefeller. But it really does help expand your chances for a better life.

LaunchesKayaks , avatar

Thank you for the encouragement.

One of the best child plastic surgeons happened to be in town when I got attacked and he took my case. Can’t even tell anything happened. He did a GREAT job.

As for college and making money, I’m not family oriented per se (I don’t want kids and I’m single ATM), but I have pets (2 dogs, 2 cats, and 11 ducks) and I want to buy a horse eventually at the stables I volunteer at. The horse is a few years off because boarding is expensive, but it’s an obtainable goal lol. Just gotta get promoted, which I am working towards with the guidance of my boss and the owner/president of the company.

cashmaggot OP ,

Yooo! You're treating your dog thing by HAVING DOGS! Hahahaha, I love it! I wish I could get behind either. Dogs kinda freak me out, because I have sensory issues with drool and I hate sudden noises. And cats, I'm just unfortunately allergic. But never really dug them, because one scratched up my face as a little ninja. Ducks though, that's something different. My friend from Ohio is the only other person I know who's had them. Two to be exact. But that's really something different.

Sounds like you've got land, which is a nice thing to have. And time, which is also good stuff. I don't know too much about horses, but my partner says there's a primal connection between horses and humans. Says there's nothing like riding a horse on this planet. Gotta be wonderful. Sounds like you're in a good space. Perhaps consider finding a mentee, so that you can share going both ways. There's a lot of wonderful individuals inside of organizations who might have the fixins for greater but get stuck because they can't seem to get a leg up. If you can think of anyone in that boat, consider reaching out and forming a relationship. This is going to sound absolutely awful, but I think being a mentor looks quite good as well. Because it requires a series of characteristics which are desirable in the world of business. But it also is a solid act, because you get to repay the favor that someone might have lent to you. Either way, I hope you enjoy your horse when you get them a couple of years down the road =)!

LaunchesKayaks , avatar

Your partner is totally right about horses. I had a mare growing up that knew my my depression was getting bad and did her best to cheer me up. There’s a horse I love at the stables I volunteer at who is similar. She knows when I’m down or frustrated or whatever and demands attention lol. Hopefully she stays that way once she has her foal and doesn’t become a hella protective mama lol

cashmaggot OP ,

Is she who you plan on purchasing down the line? I'm not sure entirely how it works. Yeah, my gal loves horses. Loves skateboarding more. Maybe someday I'll get on one? Maybe not. Either way, it's cool. I think I might have missed my chance a hundred years ago and not even thought about it cause I knew someone who went to school for it. Instead I just hung with the horse folk, and we drank some of the most heinous alcohol known to man. Was chill though.

LaunchesKayaks , avatar

I would love to buy her tbh, but idek who actually owns her lol. Most of the horses I interact with don’t get the attention they deserve from their actual owners. Seems like most owners there don’t actually come around too often. It’s a full service stables, so you pay a monthly bill to have your horse fed, watered, and their stall mucked. You just have to worry about the mandatory vet visits and hiring a carrier for their hooves.

The horse people I grew up around also had the most heinous alcohol as well lmao.

Sam_Bass , to memes in Virgin nihilism vs Chad absurdism

Everything matters. Just because you cant see or feel dont foist it on those of us who can

P4ulin_Kbana ,


dunz OP , avatar

No, it does not. The universe does not exist for a reason, and neither do you. It just is. Trying to find a true meaning is futile.

Sam_Bass ,

Maybe to you halfblind darkness lovers. I live in a world of light where everything is apparent to any who want it to be. No faith needed to excuse the shadows that the light draws on the earth

dunz OP , avatar

The fact that there isn’t meaning is liberating. It means I am free to do whatever I like, because the universe doesn’t care. Even though, the universe is full of wonder and beauty, but it just is. It exists for no reason? I think that makes it even more wonderful

flerp ,

You’re conflating subjective and objective. Just because things subjectively matter to you (they also subjectively matter to most nihilists as well) doesn’t mean they objectively matter. That’s where the distinction lies.

samus12345 , avatar

Needs clarification - nothing intrinsically matters. But things do matter to people.

FlyingSquid , to lemmyshitpost in Bleh avatar

Mind blown.

Blaze , to fediverse in UPDATE! Now 30% of Lemmy Apps display posts accurately

Interesting to see that even Lemmy-UI does not display markdown completely correctly

gedaliyah OP , avatar

For some reason, Lemmy-UI does not convert usernames to links: @gedaliyah

Nothing4You ,

it does, but only if you use the autocomplete feature. it’s also a bit delayed without any indicator that it’s loading.

if you type @gedal and wait a moment it’ll load @gedaliyah to be selected:

gedaliyah OP , avatar

Yes, I’m not sure if that is meant to be a placeholder or a substitute for native user links. What it actually does is generate markup that converts the username into a web link, which is fine for most circumstances, but not ideal. A plaintext username should automatically link to the user. This creates an inconsistent behavior between posts depending on where (and when) they were typed.

In other words, it’s a very helpful feature, but it is not recognizing and linking usernames.

threelonmusketeers ,

It’s weird that community names are automatically rendered as links, but usernames aren’t. Isn’t it pretty much the same thing?

BentiGorlich , avatar

yeah exactly. On mbin it works this way and lemmy inserting the link breaks that. But it does it for communities in the community description sometime as well, though I don't know if it is just a user "error" or a lemmy error

BentiGorlich , avatar

Actually that behaviour is very annoying to other platforms. Mbin for example can only link to the lemmy server this user is on and no longer the local profile of that user.
@ user @ lemmy.instance gets converted to [@ user @ lemmy.instance](https:// lemmy.instance/u/user
so on mbin this does not open the profile of the user on the local server, but instead links the lemmy instance, so you leave your instance to view the profile.

(spaces included so this won't get converted to mentions, etc)

JackbyDev ,

Are those not two different users though? Joe at Hotmail and Joe at Gmail are different.

BentiGorlich , avatar

Yes they are, but you have my profile on your server and you do not need to leave the server to view my profile...
@ user @ lemmy.instance should link to https:// mbin.instance/u/@[email protected] and not to https:// lemmy.instance/u/user

JackbyDev ,

I’ll have to try on desktop, in the app it isn’t very clear what exactly it’s looking at to see profiles.

sjmarf ,

Yeah, it’s rather inconsistent. I opened an issue for it a while ago.

threelonmusketeers ,

I hope they fix it soon. It would make tagging users way smoother and less clunky.

threelonmusketeers ,

What happens if you press tab or click on the suggested item at the point in your screenshot?

For me, it inserts the link at the cursor position, but doesn’t replace the bit you’ve already typed, resulting in @gedal@[email protected].

Anyone else have this issue?

Nothing4You ,

on firefox, if i type @gedal and click or press tab once it replaces the text with @[email protected] . the behavior is the same whether i hit tab, enter or click the text.

threelonmusketeers ,

if i type @gedal and click or press tab once it replaces the text with @[email protected]

Ah, you are correct. It turns out that the issue I was encountering was a little more subtle.

If I type all the way to @gedaliyah@ and click or press tab once it replaces only the second ‘@’, resulting in @gedaliyah@[email protected].

Nothing4You ,

It’s not even just that. It seems that the extra @ acts as a separator, so you can’t even autocomplete e.g. @threelonmusketeers@sh as that’ll try to autocomplete @sh instead of taking the instance domain as part of the mention.

I’ve raised a GitHub issue for this now:

threelonmusketeers ,

Thanks for investigating and opening a GitHub issue!

I hope they fix it soon, or else just fix the underlying issue to render @user@instance as markdown in the first place.

JackbyDev ,

Compare the source of your comment to the one you’re replying to. Those are two different things. I’d argue it’s a workaround of anything.

Nothing4You ,
if you want to get fancy
you can even use undocumented tables
AmbiguousProps ,

This surprisingly works on boost.

paraphrand ,

Works on Voyager.

Anafabula , avatar

Tables are a very common markdown extension most(?) popular markdown parsers support them

Nothing4You ,

for sure, but they’re neither mentioned on nor on the linked CommonMark tutorial.

Anafabula , avatar

Which is funny because the main part of that documentation is a Markdown table

threelonmusketeers ,

Works on Thunder.

med ,

Confirmed here on android

sjmarf ,

Footnotes^[Hello world!] are also undocumented.

stormio ,

I wasn’t sure if Lemmuy-UI in the results list was a typo or an alternative interface. Now I know. 😄

dual_sport_dork , avatar

It doesn’t display headings, I know that much.

gedaliyah OP , avatar

In doing this I learned that there are “correct” but also “preferred” ways to use markdown. A heading should have a space after the # even though it is correct either way.



These lines may be the same or different in different apps.

dual_sport_dork , avatar

The thing of it is, if you just highlight some text and hit the heading button in the GUI, it doesn’t include the space.

gedaliyah OP , avatar

Interesting. I never noticed that. As I said, it’s technically correct but not preferred. I’ll see if I can post a link about this later.

maegul , avatar

I’m not sure #heading is valid markdown (see, eg, Daring Fireball’s “original” syntax page) … and I’ve never seen it. I’ve always understood that the space was necessary, which I think makes sense for a number of reasons TBH

So …

does not work

This does work

gedaliyah OP , avatar

I know that it works on some sites (reddit for example). Generally, it is not preferred.

maegul , avatar

Didn’t know it worked on reddit. Generally it seems necessary to require the space as it disambiguates headings from hashtags, and also makes the raw text more readable.

JackbyDev ,


maegul , avatar

Dunno … I went to the linked page in the top post and everything seemed fine to me (using Lemmy-UI)

verdantbanana , to pics in Olympic gymnast Giorgia Villa is sponsored by parmesan and takes many photos with a wheel of cheese avatar

cheese has never looked so good before

Coasting0942 , to pics in Seashell on a windowsill [OC]

Forbidden pesto tortilla

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