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r00ty Admin

@[email protected]

I'm the administrator of, a general purpose/tech orientated kbin instance.

r00ty Admin ,
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On the S24, it actually changed to 80%. I also turned off fast charging when charging overnight at home.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

So what you're saying is that AI is the new Lawyers. When both sides use it, nothing improves but the lawyers/AI creators get richer.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Way back in 1999/2000 I was working for a division of the company I was working at before that wasn't based in the UK. As such, while there was a physical office near me, there was literally no reason to go there. I was on a trial of ADSL at the time (2Mbit, and that was amazing for the time) and so, working from home was actually faster than the office.

A few years before, I'd seen the BT engineers hooking up the office's phone lines via fibre (ISDN30). The single fibre ran 30 phone lines, an internet connection and a frame relay for private connection between sites with capacity to spare. I thought that was pretty cool.

I got to thinking back then. Someone (with money) should really connect normal people up to a fibre network. Because that one cable could do many things. You could send your cable tv over that fibre, internet, phone, a private connection to the office (VPNs did exist then, but weren't really the main way you connected sites), and likely other things too. That is, the business would be just laying the fibre and providing access points for ANY service to run bits over the line.

20+ years later we're kinda getting there (albeit OK not actual cable but streaming services. And there's no real need for frame relay any more. But really there's no reason they couldn't do TV with some multicast setup, and vpns are doing the same job).

I think yes, we dropped the ball over here.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I think actually BT might have messed up by trying a bit too early with residential FTTP. BT trialled FTTP at around the same time as FTTC if I recall correct (in some very limited areas). But I don't think the processes were refined enough to do this residentially at a reasonable cost. I suspect this is part of the reason they moved laterally to commit to an easier to deploy (at the time) FTTC/G.Fast rollout.

Now, there's a fairly streamlined process the altnets are using and BT are now committed to moving to a full fibre network. But, even being the big boys, they're playing catchup to other companies.

In my area (which is not a city or even that close to one), there's almost a divvying up of the area between the various altnets, and they're moving seriously fast. BT? Not a FTTP priority exchange, so don't hold your breath.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I've had to boot a remote server into rescue after locking myself out.

I think most people have done this at least once.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

If you randomize the seed it'll be a different render of the movie every time.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

You know how it is. This kind of thing always happens the one day you leave your AR15 home!

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Well, I knew in-flight catering was bad. But this takes the cake.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Make your own community, with blackjack and hookers if you want? If the instance doesn't let you, make it somewhere else or make your own instance. That's the beauty of the fediverse.

Generally, you need to be really bad to get de-federated from most instances.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

We could all just cover our windows, take Vitamin D supplements and actually all live on the UTC timezone.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

No! In summer time we'd be a whole hour out of our natural time! It would be too much to handle.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Not sure I get this one. You can still run a website with http. Now it might alarm the browser and users. But you can do it.

As for certificates being free but maybe not now. It's actually the other way round. As I recall when https was pretty new the main way was via verisign, and it was not cheap to get one.

The fact you could later get one for free for example via letsencrypt is what made it so everyone could run https (along with the changes that allow multiple certs on a single server with multiple domains).

If it became expensive to get certs again I'd bet a lot of hobbyist stuff would go back to http or self signed and browsers would need to tone down the warning. But, I cannot imagine that happening now. Having most sites encrypted is a good thing.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Imagine even having a twatter account in 2024!

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

You think that's edgy? You need to get out, I mean stay in more.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I think most people make this mistake when first entering the workforce though, right? I know I did. Now, I get called pessimistic and cynical. But, I've got three decades of experience at various levels of company. With all that experience, I'd prefer to call myself a realist.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Yes, it should be. But businesses aren't people, they don't have a conscience, they don't care about their employees. They will use any tool they can to underpay someone, and work that same person harder than the rest of the team paid more. Because, they can.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Everything else correct. But ml is actually Mali. my is Malaysia.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

To be fair, I didn't know ml was Mali, I had to look that up. But I did know Malaysia was my, which was what prompted me to look ml up.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

There's more than two parties to choose from. There's only two realistic choices because as a population you all choose to make it that way.

Don't get me wrong, the US isn't alone here. We have the same problem here in the UK. I usually vote for a third party that more aligns with my own views, not one of the main two, and people tell me I "wasted my vote". My response is: Did I waste my vote, or did you?

Simpsons of course parodied the situation best when the two aliens both ran for president.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

That's the point I (and the simpsons) is making though. If people didn't vote for one of the two parties because "anything else is a wasted vote". Even with FPTP you'd get a more varies result, at the very least in the upper/lower houses.

But that doesn't happen, and that's how they have us all by the balls.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Very specifically, in the upcoming US election. Going to say, yes you need to stop a certain tyrant from getting another term. But as a general comment this happens regardless.

Even all the years, at least in the UK, for quite some time a decade or so ago we had two parties, one that was 1mm left of centre and the other 1mm right of centre. If people didn't like the fact they had a choice of Kang or Kodos, they did. But, everyone voted that way anyway.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

No, he's a program. A sentient program perhaps, but a program nonetheless and subject to the limitations set forth in that program. His software was corrupted by Neo though, which changed his directives as such.

While I did find the Smith virus speech interesting, I felt it was a minor part of the overall plot and didn't pay too much heed to it.

Far more interesting is the Merovingian. His whole speech about the power of why was great. So many people (myself included, I expect) do things automatically without ever having a true idea of why. Never stop asking why.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

If you are removed, you now have to kill yourself as fast as possible while hiding your body to have minimal effect on to life or the environment. A lava pit might work.

Or spend the rest of your life time-travelling

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I have to say, when I had it explained to me that everyone and everything was always moving at "c" and moving the vector more toward dimensions in space bled momentum from the momentum in time. It made a lot of things just make sense that previously did not.

Since you seem to know a bit about this, one thing always puzzled me. It would appear to me that there's not really an "at rest" state in terms of movement in space. We're on a planet orbiting a sun that orbits the central point of our galaxy, which in turn is also moving and perhaps orbiting something else even bigger. So, "at rest" is always subjective.

With that understanding, when we're not moving from our point of view, we're travelling through time at "c". But in reality, it's probably some lower value. Perhaps "0.8c" when viewed from the universe as a whole. But, that's fine because we're ALL moving at 0.8c through time, so who cares. But the twin paradox says if a twin travels away at a high speed then returns, they would have aged less. Bearing in mind all of the above, that makes sense, except for the general galactic movement.

Whatever is influencing us, there must be a 3d vector in space we, as a whole, are moving toward (probably constantly changing though). So, surely if you sent someone in the opposite of that vector, time for them would actually speed up rather than slow down. In fact, if you sent them exactly on that vector (and they followed any changes in 3d vector in real time) then returned. Would they not "catch up" and be on part overall with time passing?

Likewise, sending them on another vector would have the effect described by relativity, but there would be a skew from what is expected because the actual total vector would also be influenced by the speed we were already moving in another direction?

We wouldn't see this skew on satellites and the like because they're travelling with us on that vector but at a constant speed relative to us too. But sending away from us and back, we probably would. Or, am I again misunderstanding things on a fundamental level?

I waste too much time thinking about such weird things, I know.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

And then the kernel mode anti-cheat will just terminate your process.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I always suspect they hate the scripts too. But they're almost certainly sanctioned if they stray from the script, even if it ultimately helps the user out in the end.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Cable companies "We'll raise monthly prices if you ban termination fees"

Lol, they're going to raise them anyway!

Stop wearing Vision Pro goggles while driving your Tesla: U.S. transportation officials, Calif. police (

Stop wearing Vision Pro goggles while driving your Tesla: U.S. transportation officials, Calif. police::Videos, many of them stunts or jokes, of people wearing Apple’s new virtual reality headset while driving Teslas in Autopilot mode prompted officials to issue warnings.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

If you load up an AR app on your phone, it will often overlap the augmentation over the camera image. So I think reprojecting the outside world using cameras and augmenting that in VR is also a form of AR. Maybe we need a new name for this specifically, though? I don't know. But maybe AVR or VAR?

r00ty Admin ,
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Dante Lentini, 21, who posted a video of himself behind the wheel of a moving Tesla while wearing a Vision Pro headset, said in an interview, “It was all just for content.”

Well, maybe when they revoke their licence they can tell them "it was all just for other people's safety".

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I was thinking more of a general term. I can imagine apple putting all kinds of trademarks over any term they're going to use.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

if you used AI to optimize the zoom, the autofocus, the scene – is it real?

To me, using AI to optimize zoom, focus, aperture (or fake aperture effects), framing etc. That's composition. The picture isn't fake, but software helped compose the real image in a better way.

When you change the image (remove objects, distort parts of the image not the whole, airbrush etc) then the image isn't based on reality any more.

That's where I see the line drawn, at least. Yes, drawing a line also makes the image not real any more.

Beyond this, we get to philosophy. In which case, I'll refer to my other comment on another post about this story. Our brain transforms the image our eyes receive (presumably to be able to relay it around the brain efficiently, who knows?). So we can take it to Matrix philosophy. When we don't know if what we're seeing is real, what is real?

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Yeah, rest stops (or services as we call them over this side of the pond) are always overpriced compared to normal places. Costs are different, and they usually have a captive audience. The same goes for airports, but everyone is used to getting ripped off at the airport.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Pffft. Proper chat happened in telnet based MUDs back in the day!

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I was on LionMUD. Which was based on circle I think.

I love Mastodon and ActivityPub. But I think Nostr is going to win. Here's why.

Mastodon is a great platform. I have an account there, and I have been using it as a twitter replacement for several months. I have been using nostr for around two months. I have also read fairly deeply into how Mastodon and Nostr work. I think nostr is better. Here’s why....

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Here's why I think activitypub is probably better.

Having multiple instances, hundreds or even thousands, spreads the load of the network. Smaller instances can curate the communities they want to subscribe to in order to limit traffic and storage. Communities can be hosted across the network too to reduce load on single instances.

This means that when things are done well, we could produce and serve reddit/twitter levels of content and availability on hobbyist level hosting options spread across the world.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

But then what is a relay? See if a relay doesn't hold an account and cannot ban/moderate directly content they serve then what's exactly happening?

I also wonder if it's a bit of a legal minefield. See I'm running mbin here. I get content from many other mbin/kbin/lemmy instances. Usually they have pretty good moderation and content is removed on my instance too. But, if someone raises a legal complaint with me directly, I'm required to act on that and moderate on my own instance. Which I can do. It seems like you're suggesting that's not directly possible with nostr? So if the main instance chooses to allow it, then it's tough luck for me, I am required to host it?

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

A relay is like an instance in AP. It hosts content and relays content from other relays according to its own moderation policies. The difference in nostr is that most users are usually connected to multiple relays, whereas an AP a user is connected to one ‘instance’ and their instance connects to other instances.

Thanks, I think I'll have to read up on the details later though to get a clear idea of what is stored where, where accounts are created and held and so on.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Also barkeep: Looks behind and realises they can't remember which box is the expensive ice.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

They must keep really hydrated!

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

The constant growth aspect of capitalism means that profits are never obscene enough for any business.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

And a pizza party at the end of the year!

Note: Pizza will count as a taxable benefit in kind.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I don't think software developers or engineers alone should be concerned. That's what people see all the time. Chat-GPT generating code and thinking it means developers will be out of a job.

It's true, I think that AI tools will be used by developers and engineers. This is going to mean companies will reduce headcounts when they realise they can do more with less. I also think it will make the role less valuable and unique (that was already happening, but it will happen more).

But, I also think once organisations realise that GPTx is more than Chat-GPT, and they can create their own models based on their own software/business practices, it will be possible to do the same with other roles. I suspect consultancy businesses specializing in creating AI models will become REALLY popular in the short to medium term.

Long term, it's been known for a while we're going to hit a problem with jobs being replaced by automation, this was the case before AI and AI will only accelerate this trend. It's why ideas like UBI have become popular in the last decade or so.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Take the argument further. Our vision is just our rods and cones reacting to the light striking them. Which is kinda analogous to film.

But I'd also argue that we never really see a raw image. Our brain takes the raw image information and transforms it, and this is kinda analogous (although stretching it a bit) to the processing smart phones and digital cameras do.

So, you know we're back to the matrix argument. What is real?

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

That and the price is the problem, in my opinion at least. What it can do looks quite impressive I think and has some nice ideas not really done commercially at the consumer level before.

But, I suspect it'll be another iPhone. It will rule the roost for a short time and then someone will come out with a comparable product, for noticeably less that will work with other hardware too and connect with other non-apple software.

But, I guess for those in the ecosystem (who already have big pockets already for this kind of thing) it looks really good.

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I don't know. I saw some reviews, and in the consumer space at least I'm not aware of a device that is putting stuff in shared space fixed in a location and can make virtual screens with the rest of your vision maintained. It's these things I expect to be copied and homogenised pretty quickly.

How can open source hardware be a movement if the raw materials still have to be mined and factory produced?

Am I not understanding FOSH (free and open source hardware)? I have always dreamed of open source hardware but it has always seemed unshakeably and fundamentally reliant on for instance massive open pit mines mining all over the world in finite dwindling supply wrecking local ecosystems every element necessary for computer...

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Well it's the same as FOSS. The software runs on machines that, etc etc.

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