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rsuri ,

I’m downvoting every Israel/Palestine story. I’m just sick of it, from all sides. The posters, the graffiti, speeches in congress, everything. Keep that holy war shit in the holy-war-designated-area please.

rsuri ,

Obsession with childless adults? Hmm, I think I know which major Republican donor recommended him to Trump…

rsuri , (edited )

Except he was failing at the most important job - stopping another 4 years of Trump. And yes, that’s partly the media’s fault, but it’s mostly Biden’s fault. Trump’s debate performance matched what could’ve been predicted pretty closely, and Biden failed to rebut Trump effectively and often seemed to help Trump argue against himself. For example, they should’ve easily foreseen that Trump would do the weird brag about his cognitive test scores. Why was there no response to that? Why not demand that Trump produce the results instead of just brag about them, or point out that nobody asked or is impressed by his ability to read a clock? There were like 50 opportunities during that debate for Biden to end Trump’s whole campaign, he missed each one.

Clearly this was unacceptable, and I hope the next candidate dispenses with the vast majority of Biden’s election team.

rsuri ,

Correction: a new era of mass incarceration of poor people. Trump pardoned many wealthy people in his first administration, no doubt that will continue.

rsuri , (edited )

Peter Thiel, one of the top GOP funders (and likely reason for JD Vance pick) is openly gay. Of course for him the reasoning is simple: he has a lot of money and wants policies that favor people with a lot of money. I’ve known a number of rich people in my life, and many (not all) have bought into a sort of wealthy identity, thinking of wealthy people as superior to non-wealthy people, and that the ideal social structure is a rigid hierarchy where the “deserving” are rewarded with luxuries and the “inferior” working class deserves a life of cheap labor. Psychological incentives strongly encourage this, because otherwise these people would have to believe they are getting more than they deserve, and that they themselves are too weakened by a life of luxury to be as supportive of the as fortunate than they should be. Accordingly, this identity can be more powerful than something like gay identity.

rsuri ,

Yeah in the US we pride ourselves on having equal*** voting power, but our vastly unequal purchasing power can be used to override that.

rsuri ,

I’m surprised everyone focuses on insider trading. To me the much bigger risk is: shouldn’t your decisions affecting the country be unaffected by stocks you own? If you own $10 million of Apple stock for example, how does that affect your vote on an antitrust law? This is a problem even if there’s no inside information.

Bill Gates-backed startup makes ‘butter’ out of water and carbon dioxide (

A California-based startup called Savor has figured out a unique way to make a butter alternative that doesn’t involve livestock, plants, or even displacing land. Their butter is produced from synthetic fat made using carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and the best part is —- it tastes just like regular butter.

rsuri ,

The problem with making carbon into butter is it will just be released once someone eats it and burns off the calories. BUT, I think you can make soap from just about any oil. So you could turn carbon from the air into fake butter, turn that fake butter into soap, and then store the soap in caves, solving any potential soap shortages for the next several millennia while also solving the climate crisis.

rsuri ,

And promoting disinfo. The blue checkmarks are basically just a way to pay for prioritized disinformation-spreading.

rsuri ,

Which is exactly why it’s really important to have an opponent to Trump who doesn’t say dumb things.

rsuri ,

Just recognize reality. Trump has spent his life in media. He’s skilled at crafting a narrative that appeals to the dumbest 51%. His wide variety of horrible characteristics works against that, but you need a candidate who can take advantage of those horrible characteristics. Rather than doing that, Biden has played into Trump’s narratives, despite tons of time to prepare. If we would let ourselves see it, we’d recognize it’s a binary choice. Go with Biden and make Trump president, or go with anyone else and stop him.

rsuri ,

We can say the media is being unfair to Biden, and it probably is. But it doesn’t matter. Biden is clearly terrible at getting positive coverage - whether that’s his fault or the media’s (and I think we can all recognize it’s at least partly his fault). If the goal is to stop Trump, we need someone who can get better coverage.

rsuri ,

Are we pretending impeachment does something useful again?

rsuri ,

Finally, they fixed shoe-tying. Now all I gotta do when I wanna tie my shoes is download an app and make sure my shoes are charged.

rsuri ,

Yeah all that X can really do now for new features is roll out things that were half-built before Elon fired everyone.

rsuri ,

I wouldn’t say it’s ridiculous if it’s once a year. If we did it every night…yeah. But people spend more money on a lot dumber stuff, like expensive purses and giant luxury trucks.

why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.

I get it, Biden is old and that’s a problem, but why doesn’t anyone seem to have a problem with the fact that Trump is almost the same age, has 34 felonies, raped at least 2 women, went to Epstein’s Island 11 times, sexualized his own daughter, stole classified documents, aligned himself with Xi and Putin, and can’t...

rsuri ,

Lots of people have a problem with Trump. All the more reason to want someone opposing him who can beat him.

rsuri ,

Anybody but Biden. Kamala seems to be the expected replacement, that works. If not her, pretty much anyone else. Trump is a terrible candidate. While he has experience in show business, he’s way past his prime and pretty much any person should be able to beat him in a debate at this point.

I was actually recently thinking through people I’ve known and whether they could’ve done a better job debating Trump than Biden did. Generally any adult with a functioning mind would do better. Adults I’ve known with a HS education could’ve crushed Trump in that debate. I’m actually not sure if a homeless guy I once debated on the street regarding the meaning of pi would do better or worse than Biden, he seemed to be at about Trump’s level of sanity and if Trump won this last debate, well yeah even he’d do better than Biden. I can also think of some older teenage jocks I once knew, and while they were dumb as rocks their teenager swagger would’ve been more convincing than Biden’s rambling failed attempts to remember rote speeches.

If I try to think of who is actually about at Biden’s level, I think of myself at the age of 13, when I had a presentation in front of the class on an issue and for some reason I was struck by that early teenager nervousness, and haltingly tried to give a presentation as the class tried failingly to hide their laughter at how terribly it was going. It was probably the most embarrassing day of my life. That’s Biden’s level right there, because he sounded just like me back then giving that presentation. So any person in their late teens or older with a full grasp on sanity should be a much better candidate than Biden.

Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)

Today, before taking an Uber home, she sent me a text wanting me to be downstairs on the street to greet her as the Uber arrives. I read it and told her that yes, I’ll be there. I didn’t notice any further text because I was in the middle of something....

rsuri ,

if you’re planning to kill the guy, what would you do with our cat?”

So…this makes no sense. If I had to guess, I’d imagine your girlfriend exhibits this kind of strange obsessive behavior inconsistently, has occasional bouts of depression, and is no older than 30. Regardless of whether I’m right (but especially if I am), you should consider whether your girlfriend is suffering from something that requires a psych evaluation and get her one.

rsuri ,

I think what it all comes down to is most people don’t really want rational debate, and don’t participate in debates in the hope of learning or even to help others learn. Most people participate in debates to feel superior/“own” the other side. The result is debates that are typically lazy, uninformative, and downright mean.

I think all of us have a little bit of this desire for superiority in us and we need to consciously make an effort to suppress it.

rsuri ,

To be fair, I’m not sure this is an unrealistic scenario of your average instagram influencer going out camping.

rsuri ,

At this point it’s starting to feel like Biden’s holding the nation at gunpoint and making us have a second Trump term. He’s always been a terrible politician, running twice for the nomination and failing to get a single delegate, until Obama made him VP. Honestly I suspect part of the reason Obama chose him is because he didn’t wanna play kingmaker and figured Biden was too old to run again.

Then in 2020 I think the argument was Biden could benefit from Obama’s popularity. I certainly thought that was a terrible pick, but not totally lacking in logic. But in 2024 there was utterly no rational basis for Biden to be running in the first place. Now that he’s been a complete disaster, he’s just fucking us as a nation for his own narcissism.

rsuri ,

Anybody. Buttigieg, Harris, Sanders, AOC, John Elway, I don’t care. Biden keeps saying he’s the only guy who can beat Trump. After last night’s debate it should be obvious that he’s the only guy who can’t beat Trump.

rsuri ,

The crazy thing is everything up to this point was so much better. They’d show biden waiving at “nobody” and then they’d zoom out and there’s someone standing there. Or he’d say “president of Mexico” when he meant to say “president of Egypt”. But then last night was like nonstop fail. It’s the perfect nightmare scenario because now everyone can say “You shoulda seen it sooner!” but really, we couldn’t.

rsuri ,

How about we pick someone who vaguely approaches the average age of an American adult. There’s a ton - Buttigieg, AOC, I dunno even Kamala would be a million times better. Literally anybody under the age of 70. Why is that so hard to do?

Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” (

I wasn’t aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.

rsuri ,

According to this wikipedia page - Median wealth per adult globally is estimated at $8,654 for a total population figure of 5.5 million, quite a bit less than the global population estimated at 8.1 billion. I’m guessing because this is “per adult” rather than per person. The children of the world are all on the low end of the wealth spectrum and probably would be a large share of the 3.6 billion.

Also questions can be asked about how they value wealth, do we consider debts, etc…in which case there’s a lot of people with zero wealth or less, as well as a lot of people who don’t have bank accounts and whose wealth is hard to measure is any ordinary sense. Point being, this particular comparison is kind of meaningless without more context. There’s probably ways you can do it to get an even larger number than 3.6 billion.

But a more useful and perhaps more surprising metric is that 8 people have as much wealth as 158 million median people. Which is still ridiculous, like those 8 people are worth a Russia’s entire population’s worth of people. And not just of poor people, but your average adult person who likely has a job and may even be considered on the well-to-do side within some poorer countries.

rsuri ,

Now imagine this happens in a remote area with no cell coverage. In Arizona those are a thing too.

rsuri ,

“Sustaining the space mission, disaster preparedness, and communications efforts across a 14-year timeline would be challenging due to budget cycles, changes in political leadership, personnel, and ever-changing world events,” the report says.

First administration: “We must do something about the asteroid. I’ve started a plan to divert it, but it’ll take several years.”

Second administration: “The asteroid is a corrupt globalist conspiracy. We never needed to divert asteroids in the past, why do we supposedly need to spend all your hard-earned tax dollars on this all of a sudden? I will prove my anti-elitist attitudes by cancelling the asteroid program as soon as I take office.”

Third administration: “Yes we recognize that the asteroid is a threat, but as we saw last time there’s just too much political resistance to solving it. Let’s focus on other priorities that we can solve.”

rsuri ,

He deserves to lose every dollar, it’s the most arrogant business move in history and he disrupted thousands of lives of workers with good jobs in the process. Unfortunately it’s only like 10% of his net worth, he’s the one who will suffer the least relatively speaking.

rsuri ,

I guess I’m an ingredient purist, preparation rebel. If your house is surrounded by tea plants, and the tea leaves fall in the gutter, how is that different from brewing tea the normal way?

Why are fuel perks at grocery stores so ubiquitous?

This seems insane to me. I live in a city where maybe 50-60% of people have cars, and most don’t drive them that much. Yet every grocery store I’m aware of with the sole exception of the expensive Whole Foods has a fuel rewards points program. Reasons this should be controversial enough to enable a low-cost alternative:...

rsuri ,

The Supreme Court has held that the Constitution contains a right to habeas corpus in Boumedine v. Bush. The Lincoln thing was never fully litigated and was probably unconstitutional.

rsuri ,

Well that’s an even older decision:

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that established the principle of judicial review, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes they find to violate the Constitution of the United States. Decided in 1803, Marbury is regarded as the single most important decision in American constitutional law.

rsuri ,

Let he who has to deal with that friend who constantly sends blatantly false Xits to them throw the first stone. Honestly I feel like every social media post that makes a factual representation should come with a big flashing warning “THIS IS ALMOST CERTAINLY FALSE, LOOK IT UP BEFORE YOU REPEAT IT YOU DUMMY!”

And I’m only like 10% joking. Given the success of language models it should be moderately trivial to train one to recognize when a factual statement is made and apply the above warning. It’s not even the children and teens I’m worried about. The people who seem to have the most trouble handling this are the adults.

rsuri ,

The point isn’t to have it be a lie detector but a factual claim detector. So you have an neural network that reads statements and says “this thing is saying something factual” or “this is just an opinion/obvious joke/whatever” and a person grades the responses to train it. So then the AI just says “hey this thing is making some sort of fact-related claim” and then the warning applies no matter what.

rsuri ,

The problem with this argument is this very article, which is also backed up by interviews with John Kelly, Bill Barr, and others. Everyone verifies that that Trump wanted to do all the crazy stuff from prosecuting Hillary to executing former members of his administration for speaking out against him, but they’d just delay until he’d get distracted and move on to something else. Again, these are people who eagerly signed up to work for Trump, and changed their mind based on their experience with him.

This next time around though, Trump will try to hire people who are more likely to be yes-men. What happens then?

rsuri ,

The illusion of electoral choice is choking the life out of any actual democracy in this country.

Ok so what’s your plan to fix it? Because I have one: vote for people that want to improve the electoral system and against those that want to prevent it from improving. As much as Democrats are “part of the problem”, they’ve also been open to runoff voting, switching to a national popular vote, easier voting mechanisms, and other changes that would allow for third parties and better representation. Republicans, meanwhile, have been trying to prevent those changes, as they’ve done in 5 states now where they banned ranked choice voting.

To be fair though, Trump is more open to changing the electoral process. The only problem is, he wants to get rid of voting entirely and remove any option we have to prevent rule by wealthy oligarchs like himself.

rsuri ,

Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world?

I’m thinking the animals would easily defeat us, since trying to get all 8 billion+ humans to agree on a plan of attack would be a near-impossible task. By the time we’d be done trying to coordinate a plan, I figure the lions and cheetahs would have already devoured us, not to mention the larger animals like the elephants....

rsuri ,

Humans would not be able to annihilate all the animals, given how many live underground/in deep oceans etc., and how integrated they are into our own lives leading to an unacceptable risk of collateral damage. However, the animals would be completely ineffective due to a lack of cohesion and ability to coordinate attacks. So basically humans would kill some of the animals and then it would devolve into a stalemate.

rsuri ,

Wear and tear doesn’t kill a car; rust does.

Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?

Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being...

rsuri ,

We talk about positive things.

Like Linux.

rsuri ,

If people think solar destroys the environment, wait till they find out about coal and natural gas

rsuri ,

The current war is in Gaza (controlled by Hamas), she’s talking about starting a new war with the West Bank (controlled by the Palestinian Authority).

rsuri ,

X has been toying with the idea of fully embracing adult content and has even planned a feature for adult creators that could position X as an OnlyFans rival. That plan was delayed, Platformer reported in 2022, after red-teaming flagged a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to the launch: “Twitter cannot accurately detect child sexual exploitation and non-consensual nudity at scale.”

Non-consensual porn had also been a serious problem for PornHub, eventually they just nuked all unverified accounts.

Hmm, maybe that’s the plan for X too. It’s been going in that pay-to-play direction for a while now.

Trump Campaign Sent Cease-and-Desist Letter to ProPublica Attempting to Stop Their Latest Exposé. It Didn’t Work. (

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign and businesses have provided “Significant financial benefits” to nine of the witnesses in his criminal cases, ProPublica reported Monday morning - shrugging off a threatening cease-and-desist letter sent by Trump’s attorney....

rsuri ,

Unfortunately these threats do work. Media matters just had to lay off a bunch of people to pay its legal expenses following Elon’s suit. Nonprofits don’t have a ton of money, and those that fight the powerful are…fighting those that do.

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