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orbitz ,

Yeah isn’t he The Captain? (how I met your mother, how I always call him out with my girlfriend). Yes I know he did plenty but for some reason that one sticks, even if I half watched Dune with my dad in the 80s and 90s.

Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god

So I thought about this in the shower amd it makes sense to me, like praying and stuff never worked for most people I know, so a direkt link to god gotta be unlikely. That made me conclude that religion is probably fake, no matter if there’s a god or not. Also people speaking to the same god being given a different set of...

orbitz ,

You think there can only be one god? That sounds limiting. I don’t believe in any, but say does Buddhism really contradict most of Christianity real values? Like be good to people (help the less fortunate) try to let things go to not burden your well being (praying for forgiveness), respect others (do unto others). Besides having to actually believe in a god what’s the difference between the two? Though the Buddhist view I’m thinking of doesn’t require a god either but both seem to have teachings of compassion and love for your fellow person (some restrictions apply when dealing with intolerant types). I’m not saying you shouldn’t have faith but don’t say one has to be wrong.

orbitz ,

I kinda thought he was attempting a joke but he only knows how to be mean for a laugh and has no idea why an actual joke works. But since his fans will cheer for anything mean it doesn’t help either. Like the toddler that learned people laugh when they say a swear word, let’s just keep doing that until nap time.

orbitz ,

First year programming in the late 90s … segmentation fault? I put printfs everywhere. Heh. You’d still get faults before the prints happened, such a pain to debug while learning. Though we weren’t really taught your point of the comment at the time.

Least that was my experience on an AIX system not sure if that was general or not, the crash before a print I mean.

orbitz ,

Yeah and it’s so annoying some people don’t want to realize how awful he is when he pulls this crap. Like they take his word as gospel, the dude who lies about the colour of the sky.

I get that they don’t want to be wrong but maybe the lesson is, we have to teach people it’s okay to accept we’re wrong and to change our ways. Digging into a bad hole is as bad as being bombed into one.

orbitz ,

Going back awhile now too for that no install right? Like didn’t PS3 have some installs? My memory is fuzzy on when it exactly started, but yeah it was nice to just pop in the media (cart, disc) and play. That was a great perk of console games, especially rentals,though there was a small time I could rent PC games when I moved to a city in the late 90s. These days I mostly play on PC anyways so always install but it was nice for the first few decades of my gaming to not require it.

orbitz ,

The fun part of getting older when you go from getting the hot new thing fresh on the market to I just bought that retro thing…when it was new last ummm oh… nevermind.

orbitz ,

There’s a whole movie using the same rhythm ‘dont look up’ that, I assume, it was modeled after. I’m sure his narcissism is clutching for some control these days and it’s driving him mad.

orbitz ,

Yeah has there been anything, that Trump’s been in charge of, not lied about the smallest thing? It’s pretty much a prerequisite for working under him. All things he leads is to puff his ego to the media and funnel any revenue to his own bank account. Then go bankrupt so Trump can keep the cash.

orbitz ,

The lady in the article said she might change her mind about voting for him if he was convicted of election interference. Like he just was, mean not exactly but the reason it was a felony was due to the election campaign. Least if I understood correctly, otherwise they’d have been misdemeanors. Or something like that anyways.

orbitz ,

I heard him knocking on his chest after reading.

orbitz ,

If it walks like a Nazi, looks like a Nazi and sounds like a Nazi…maybe you got a jackboot problem. Least that’s how people are treating this issue it seems.

orbitz ,

That was one of my thoughts, the amount of social data he could get from Starfleet Academy would be huge. Its not like he needed to study the material. I guess there’s an argument that Data was only as social as he was because of the academy. Or maybe the computation needed to make the officer decisions are much more intensive than we think, contrary to what Lower Decks shows heh,kidding I love that show.

orbitz , (edited )

I don’t think the Trump family can produce a relatively normal person, but hopefully for his sake.

I should say the Donald Trump offspring, not necessarily the whole Trumps.

orbitz ,

Soon it’ll be, ’ give birth in our facilities then you can work when you’re finished with labour, don’t worry we can provide education and daycare as long as you sign an indentured servitude for you and the new employee’.

orbitz ,

Every once in awhile these sort of posts make me introspective, they say almost exactly the same as my opinion about what I think of far right conservatives. Then I remember I’m not the one oppressing people and want to accept everyone as long as they don’t bring intolerance.

orbitz ,

Also he was never married to a hobbit,even if she had a wizard friend and lived in an underground house.

orbitz ,

As per his own words, he’s a whiner cause he’ll do it till it wins. Unsure how well that works in criminal court though. I’m hoping we get to find out the court’s limits sooner than later

orbitz ,

What sort of toolbar do you mean? Actually curious because I just use my taskbar for shortcuts and the number that minimize to the system tray. I’ve been wondering about other uses it could have. I will Google it too but always nice to have random people’s uses as well. Have a Linux vm setup through hyper v and been trying to learn more.

orbitz ,

I loved fighter jets as a kid, Iron Eagle was one of my favorites in the 80s just for that. I even used to listen to music to focus for awhile lol, though it did help sometimes.Unless I’m highly under the influence I doubt I’ll ever watch it again.

Watched Enemy Mine again within the last decade or so, enjoyed it much more than when I was younger.

orbitz ,

Sure just let Trump commit stoic terrorism in hopes everyone is scared to cross him rather than gag him because he ALWAYS does it. That seems like a great way to make sure justice is done.

orbitz ,

Heh has there ever been a palladium rpg system in a video game? Really I’m curious, I loved their IPs (ahhh Robotech) and some neat ideas that weren’t other IPs but the system left a lot to be desired. To be fair I never played much of them but recall reading rifts, superhero one and Robotech game books back in the 90s a lot.

‘Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!’: Trump begs fans to pay his $464m bond (

Former president blasts New York Attorney General Letitia James as an ‘insane radical’ in a desperate plea for cash – claiming Democrats are trying to ‘intimidate’ him into abandoning his campaign for the White House...

orbitz ,

That’s the real reason he’s scared now, it’ll be known how little he actually has in equity once the AG has to start selling them off.

I hope not, but I think there’s a strong possibility that Trump has a devil’s bargain available to get him the money but it’s almost worse than everyone knowing he’s pretty broke. Mean maybe not since that’s his whole charade, he pretty much kowtowed to Putin in front of cameras at Helsinki (think that’s the spot where he denied US intelligence agencie’s opinion) so here’s to hoping he’s actually going to have at least some comeuppance to his life of fraud.

orbitz ,

It was also testified in a deposition (or similar that would be perjury for lying, maybe not by Trump I can’t recall) that he (or Trump org?) had 400million liquidity, so it shouldn’t be that big of an issue for him to come up with it. Even if he had to deal with the defamation bond. So he (or his lackey) told the courts that they could cover it, I mean a real estate billionaire down 100million should be able to come up with 150million (sorry if math is off, liquidity - defamation bond - tax-fraud bond difference) from non liquid assets without too much work right? I’m sure some bond company would cover it with proper collateral anyways. Hah. These are the chickens coming to roost you orange turd.

orbitz ,

Software devs and designers usually fall under IT is my understanding but I can see why many people/places would make the distinction. Especially for companies that only write software, their IT would more be the infrastructure, but if they’re only writing software for in house use that’s more on the IT side. I could be completely wrong about this too, just how I saw them grouped.

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!

orbitz ,

I could have sworn when I pledged in 2014-2016 (can’t recall at the moment) I pledged cause Squadron 42 was hyped to be released in a much shorter time. I’m not complaining, I spent some more cash on it, but I thought I was going to get a fancier single player space game before now. I loved Wing Commander as a kid, even had to get a tech to figure out the highmem.sys and possibly other optimization in the windows .bat files to even play so wanted to play the newest of Chris Rpberts.

Of course maybe I misunderstood at the time and it wasn’t supposed to be coming that soon, which is why I’m not bothered even if it passed, I think they are trying but got into feature creep. I haven’t logged on in over a year now but I keep an eye on things to try when it seems interesting and get use out of my HOTAS.

orbitz ,

I always preferred jungle, dnb has a nice head bopping groove but jungle is much more fun, of course doesn’t always apply. I have no idea what the parent comment is about just wanted to add my opinion on some nice beats.

The ready or not dnb remix from the late 90s was the shit though.

[RMA] What is this lump on my friend's CPU? (

EDIT: We decided not to pursue further diagnosis, because we wouldn’t know what the hell we’re doing anyway, and decided to start the RMA process instead. It might not even be the reason why the PC won’t turn on, but I’m not comfortable with putting that CPU back into his PC again. Once we get a replacement, we’ll see...

orbitz ,

With a bit there the cooler probably isn’t making good contact with the CPU, but if that was the case I wouldn’t expect it to just die if it was working before. Though the higher heat may have caused permanent issues too, hard to say.

I have an all in one CPU liquid cooler that had a bracket on incorrectly but it still worked fine until I played with overclocking so that’s all I base this comment on.

orbitz ,

Just the lobbyists that spent the most money, and have some of the most money to spend. Pure coincidence I’m sure. Time for legislators to start wearing garb like racecar drivers where you can see who paid them while they vote. Heh can only imagine how busy Trump’s would be, not like he’d follow any rule in case it messed up his makeup. Though not like Trump did much himself, was bought for in the house and Senate anyways, he’ll still take credit for it all of course.

orbitz ,

I thought he spoke vaguely cause he knows he’s commiting crimes and has some semblance of tact about it (to save himself of course) not a great one but something. I never realized it could be another part of narcissism. I

There needs to be a law for a limit, like yes you used vague language but you did it 50 (random number but something that shows a pattern) times that’s enough to charge you for your actions.

I wonder what actual organized crime bosses think of him, he must have dealt with them in construction in the 80s and 90s.

Wendy’s Vows No Burger ‘Surge Pricing’ After Online Fury (

Wendy’s has spoken to its manager after suggestions that it plans to introduce “surge pricing” to its menu received a decidedly frosty response this week, with the company scrambling to clarify that it has no intention of making itself the Uber of fast-food chains.

orbitz ,

That was my first thought after the reversal (probably slower than many, it seems like such a stupid idea) yup cheap publicity. Mean who would risk going to Wendys if the price could go up while in line?

In the end there’d probably be little surge pricing because people would avoid any hours it might hit. If I am hitting up Wendys I am not keen on paying more, especially since Taco Time is in the same parking lot, McDonald’s across the street and a KFC within a block. To be fair I can’t remember the last time I wanted to hit up a Wendys anyways, Taco Time is way better for the same trip.

Though I’ve thought about Wendys more, with these two articles and wrote a reply, than in years…so I guess marketing works.

orbitz ,

Anyone else watch Road to Wellville?

Recall watching it randomly in the 90s on our only movie channel. Story is it’s about Kellogg’s wellness retreat, not meant to be true or anything (I assume) but I always think of it when Kelloggs is brought up. Also always makes me think of the term ‘bicycle smile’ since that may be one of the only times I heard it.

Commented here since seems to be relevant to his weird ideas.

orbitz ,

Would it be that complicated if people knew the lunar cycle, especially since the lunar cycle is fairly static? Not everyone I’m sure but those that needed a better time would probably understand and pass that knowledge along for the night folk. Of course depends when in technology we’re talking but I’d assume we humans understood those cycles pretty early for our survival, not in depth but they got the idea the lunar cycle didn’t change like the seasons did and adjust as needed. I haven’t read up on it so I’ll be glad to hear more info.

orbitz ,

Her claim was that she couldn’t work or play with her kids for five years though. Tossing trees seems like a pretty excessive activity compared to some light playing with kids or light work.

Part of me does agree since I had terrible fatigue for a few years, some days were better than others so I understand wanting to do more when you feel better but if you’re in the middle of a claim to pay out 650K then it may be better to know your limits. Especially for back and neck injuries. She could have played with her kids in that time instead which is what she was concerned about for the claim.

What game do you recommend someone who likes the mechanics but not the setting of Baldur's Gate 3?

I saw people going on about how great BG3 is on this site, so I thought I’d check out a let’s play to see what all the fuss was about. I immediately fell in love with the graphics and the mechanics, such as the classes, races, spells, dice etc, but I disliked the emphasis on gore/horror in the game, and I know I wouldn’t...

orbitz , (edited )

There are Pathfinder games by Owlcat, that is a round about earlier version of DnD (based on DnD 3.5? But its system is slightly different). I’d say they’re as good of a successor to Baldur’s Gate before BG3 that you’ll get. The settings are similarish but not exactly the same as Baldur’s Gate. I sort of lump in most DnD settings together though, Kingmaker is transforming a land and becoming a ruler, Path (Wrath*) of the Righteous I haven’t played as much to recall the overall setting but definitely has a more other planes feel to it than Kingmaker does.

*Edited for title correction, thank you commenter that noted it.

orbitz ,

First time my brother mentioned it he thought the live play was a commercial / live racing at first. It sounds silly now but at the time the graphics were much better than anything we were used to in racing games. Also back then it wasn’t unknown to have proper live filming for video game commercials. We were both adults at the time too, unsure if that’s worse or better heh.

Now I check out Forza Horizon and am like, yeah that’s digital, nice and shiny but definitely digital.

orbitz ,

Yeah I’ve had it in my library for awhile, played a handful of hours and ended up being off today so thought why not? Can’t get to online mode, I always figured I’d do online mode when it was released. A shame but it happens. Granted I tried right after I could download it so probably not the best time but I was also curious if something like this would come up. I’m sure it’ll get sorted out anyways.

orbitz ,

I think the financial monitor was added on for three years too, so they got people watching, hopefully.

orbitz ,

So he’s finally going to trial for something he did to win his first election. As an outsider, allowing individual-1 to not be prosecuted for an act that was to help him win the presidency was a mockery of a democracy’s justice system. We all learned a lesson, if you cheat well enough, even if your fixer gets caught and you’re all but named in his indictment, you still win in the United States. Probably a few other countries, I don’t know any offhand, but few others get the Hollywood treatment as the bastion of democracy. Maybe not as much lately but Im middle aged and so much 90s was how the US rocked for democracy.

Unless this is about something else but it appeared to be (part of?) what Cohen went to jail and served his time for.

orbitz ,

Maybe they got kompromat on Tucker so there was never any worry? Or he’s just a useful tool for them, any definition of tool will do in this case.

Trump is not immune from prosecution in his 2020 election interference case, US appeals court says (

The ruling is significant not only for its stark repudiation of Trump’s novel immunity claims but also because it breathes life back into a landmark prosecution that had been effectively frozen for weeks as the court considered the appeal....

orbitz ,

No, no, couldn’t congress impeach and convict him during the ordeal and then they’d be good to charge him with a crime? Only the one he was committing once the vote was tallied of course, after the senator filibustering the vote was pressured, and it was on the agenda. It seems like such a simple thing to do unless the President gave himself a pardon in advance of course.

The whole idea is completely preposterous, that anyone should have that sort of immunity, to the point that justices should have been writing their decision as soon as the idea was brought up and knew it could land in their court.

Roberta Kaplan says Trump threw papers across table at Mar-a-Lago deposition because his legal team agreed to feed her lunch (

Attorney Roberta Kaplan said former President Donald Trump threw papers across a table and stormed off during a deposition at Mar-a-Lago after learning that his legal team had agreed to provide her lunch....

orbitz ,

That and he didn’t get his way to not have a lunch break. He thought he had the power to say no since they were at Mar a lago and they wouldn’t have option for a lunch if he said so, then got angry when he lost on that little decision. That’s the temperament of the GOP forerunner, can’t even be overruled on a lunch decision without being set off.

orbitz ,

Mueller report also documented many cases of obstruction, the reason they couldn’t come to a conclusion, and was hamstringed by not being allowed to look into finances. Also Trump is on record saying he fired Comey for that Russia thing because it was made up (of course Trump never lies). So it seems he was capable in some capacity. Also having the boss of the people who are doing the investigation on your side never hurts, why do you think it was shut down soon after Barr was appointed?

orbitz ,

Yes this, it’s absurd he’s a frontrunner in what is essentially a two party system. As someone in a neighboring country, the impact a US president has on the world at large is scary. Like he could be commander in chief of the world’s largest military…again? There was too much anxiety for his first term, of course people think about what he’ll do in a second term and not just because of domestic issues. He disbanded the pandemic team that could have had a huge impact on COVID, that alone should tell people to be concerned. Of course we’ll never know if it did but it’d be nice to know what that difference would have made, cause it wouldn’t have been worse for sure.

orbitz ,

With how he’s been acting I think that well is drying up these days. As much Russia wants to contribute they have their war to pay for and sanctions make it more difficult (I hope), I’m sure his supporters are less able to contribute since they’ve given so much already, I doubt he’s getting many new supporters. He’ll still get more than most people can reasonably make in 20 years but it’ll never be enough for Trump.

Plus I think his legal bills are catching up these days funny how a billionaire has trouble paying lawyers for even a handful of cases eh? That’s like pay a few big firms type of money available, if it were there. Maybe it’s just because no one will work for him but I imagine he could get a hundred decent lawyers if he paid properly.

orbitz ,

As someone with minimal pokemon knowledge, only played two due to being older and not having Nintendo consoles really, I thought this game was a spin off till I realized no big pokemon or Nintendo logo anywhere. They must have threaded the needle to avoid that copyright infringment.

orbitz ,

I was thinking I hope he enjoys below ground windowless rooms. Though I guess the below ground covers the windowless but you want your bases covered just in case. Also no tea.

orbitz ,

Didn’t it work for Trump Jr and the Russian meeting? Like they couldn’t prove that Jr knew the meeting was illegal behind the flimsy excuse of adoptions. Not that I don’t agree, just some people seem to get away with it and this family seems to have unlimited avoid jail cards when either the avalanche of legal filings (according to contractors he’s stiffed) or whining doesn’t work.

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