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Voyajer , avatar

Stainless is extra bad at conducting heat considering it’s a metal, but it’s still way better than plastic. I hope they make an aluminum version at some point.

Is overwatch 2 really that bad?

I’ve played maybe 10 hours total of Overwatch 2 and it is incredibly boring (to me). But it seems to get lots of updates often, heavy monetization which sucks. The steam reviews are scalding. It really makes me wonder… is it that bad? Like really? It’s hard to gauge if the game is thriving or on deaath’s door…

Voyajer , avatar

Do we know it’s average playerbase back when it was still overwatch?

Voyajer , avatar

What does Europe use for apparent temperature measurement then? Just humidity and not evaporation?

Voyajer , avatar

Dry bulb is a normal temperature reading with say a thermometer. Wet bulb is that same thermometer but it is wrapped in a wet cloth to simulate evaporation of sweat.

The purpose of wet bulb temperature measurement is to fix the dangerous temperature threshold at body temperature instead of having to adjust for humidity. So if the wet bulb temperature crosses 35C/95F you know that it is dangerous to even be outside because your sweat can’t even evaporate enough to prevent you from overheating just standing in the shade.

Voyajer , avatar

He’s referring to Elon himself, and I presume whomever else instantiated their productivity metrics.

Voyajer , (edited ) avatar

So you’re talking about something different from Dinckel.

Voyajer , avatar

Another reason for the average person: Ads eat up your data cap, they’re costing you money if your carrier/isp auto charges you if you go over.

Voyajer , avatar

So did anyone manage to platinum it?

Voyajer , avatar

Good bones? I thought the gameplay looked uninspired even taking into account it’s development age.

Voyajer , avatar

After these the papers that observed limited bioavailability of synthesized taurine in cats?

Voyajer , avatar

Dogs have been selectively bred to better handle foods humans eat barring some notable exceptions. Dogs significantly better grain digesting enzyme production than wild candids for example.

My dog has an iron gut based on what she can happily eat

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' (

I’m genuinely shocked how much Epic poured into the store and it still lacks so much basic features. Sorting games is still extremely barebones, store is filled with NFT/crypto garbage, the store still looks like a college student’s first front-end project, and last time I used the launcher to pick up free games (last year),...

Voyajer , avatar

That’s what I thought the comments would be about but apparently he should just get called creepy instead.

Voyajer , avatar

A single piece of merch from your favorite creator will cover for any ads you would have seen for the foreseeable future anyway

Voyajer , avatar

have you tried desktop mode? It may just be looking at the useragent

Voyajer , avatar

Is “You are smarter than 15.9% of people” too ambiguous?

Biggest US grocery chain investigated over Uber-style surge pricing (

Kroger, America’s biggest supermarket chain, is being investigated over its use of electronic price labels on store shelves nationwide. US Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bob Casey announced they were looking into the practice to see if the chain was engaging in surge pricing. So-called ‘dynamic pricing’ is common in other...

Voyajer , avatar

The div1 walmarts without a grocery are mostly phased out I thought? There are only supercenters (general store + grocery) and neighborhood markets (grocery only) in the adjacent states to me.

Voyajer , avatar

So it ended up being a class based shooter instead of a hero shooter. That’s good at least. Hopefully it doesn’t minimize the benefit portals brought to the original.

Voyajer , avatar

Greece and Turkey heavily skewed because nobody owns the community cats

Voyajer , avatar

Thor even deleted Accursed Farm’s comment offering to have an open discussion about the initiative.

Voyajer , avatar

Where are you seeing OOP is American?

Voyajer , avatar

Remember when Amazon was caught selling radioactive eye masks and jewelry?

Voyajer , avatar

Generational cohorts care more about events that shaped you in life rather than birth year

Voyajer , avatar

I’ve run quantized 70B models on CPU with 32 gigs but it is very slow

Voyajer , avatar

I forgot about that! Good times. They got team killed/crippled pretty often too.

Voyajer , avatar

I’d probably take them more often if they did anything for me. Last time I was injured they did fuck all.

Voyajer , avatar

Why not just post the actual changelog if the blog post doesn’t add anything at all

Voyajer , avatar

It’s an interesting choice to accuse people in general of never having gone fishing before.

Voyajer , avatar

They should formulate their point better so you don’t look silly when you leap to their defense.

Voyajer , avatar

For Joe Everyman with a reaction time of 250-300ms it would probably not be worth the additional cost, but for esports players who have a reaction time of half that already it starts to matter more, especially for games that run synchronously on a tick system.

Voyajer , avatar

Why haven’t you crossposted it there then?

Voyajer , avatar

I’m only curious why didn’t, I think it’s fine only posted here

Why does Halo 2 look worse than Halo 1? (

Halo 2 is a video game released in 2004. It is the sequel to Halo 1, a game made by Bungie and released in 2001. Halo follows the story of John Halo (master chief to his friends) as he and his pal arbiter do something, I dont know. There are many shadows such as Stencil shadows and Baked shadows. The Covenant want to steal the...

Voyajer , avatar

Not only that but iirc gearbox didn’t even port all of the graphical effects to the PC version

Voyajer , avatar

This community has a matching headline rule, not sure if it’s enforced though.

Voyajer , avatar

Your comment is ambiguous, I read it as if your issue was the headline because that is what you wrote. I considered adding they could have found a better article so they wouldn’t be stuck with the dumb headline but I figured you were intelligent enough to understand that was a possibility and it would be pointless to include. I didn’t realize what a massive conflict addict you are though so now I have to reply to you like you’re a toddler. Block me please, for my benefit.

Voyajer , avatar

So people are making impersonation accounts now.

Voyajer , avatar

The recent few Dreamcast fan ports have finally gotten me to finish adding a GDEMU to mine

Voyajer , avatar

The sonic mania and gta3 ports are the other two I can think of off the top of my head but I’m pretty sure there are more relatively recent ones

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