There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

I run the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Social, FBXL Lemmy, FBXL Lotide, and FBXL Video. Mostly for my own use because after having my heart broken by too many companies I want to be in control of my own world.

I also wrote The Graysonian Ethic: Lessons for my unborn son, now on Amazon

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

18+ strapping non-wall mountable gear to the wall

Trying to clean up the network closet. I’ve got an S33 modem that’s shaped like an almond, and a lutron hub that’s like a deck of cards, that don’t have keyholes to mount with. I’ve seen the 3D printed brackets but that’s not my style. I’m more of a duct-tape-and-bailing-wire kind of guy. The leading plan is some...

SJ_Zero , avatar

Perforated galvanized plumbers strapping. While most of my equipment is wall mountable, I used exactly this sort of thing for all the power supplies.

Likely similar to whatever you’re planning to use with the plastic strap, but more metal is more betterer

SJ_Zero , avatar

Behold. Everything’s at the bottom of the sea. Gone is the magical kingdom of Zeal, and all the dreams and ambitions of its people. I once lived there…But I was another person then.

And everything else in the damn game.

SJ_Zero , avatar

I’ll spoil it for everyone instead then!


You can't uninstall this software without being forced to participate in their survey (

I initially only installed “Comodo Firewall” but for some reason they also installed a “Comodo Dragon Browser”, which I did not consent to. I always choose the “advanced” installation to uncheck bloatware, but in this case there was none and when you try to uninstall the browser, they force you to participate in...

SJ_Zero , avatar

“no” followed by 28 null characters and a small code payload that’ll crash their server (ok won’t work but it’d be funny)

SJ_Zero , avatar

The computer subsystem and the display subsystem are different, largely independent things. Regardless of what your computer is doing, the system that transports data between the video chip and the LCD will always be sending that data at 60 frames per second. It doesn’t care what your CPU is doing, it’s a bunch of separate independent pieces of hardware. Meanwhile, the rest of your computer is doing the game logic and rendering the frames and sending them to the video memory and that could be happening at any frame rate. Your screen will always be running at 60 hertz, but you could have anything from one frame per second to 3000 frames per second and that just refers to the number of times per second you are updating the frame buffer with new data.

Some video games have a setting called vsync, and what that does is it will limit updating the frame buffer to do so only once while the screen is showing one frame. The benefit of doing this is if you are updating your frame buffer in the middle of drawing a frame, you can have it where half the frame is the previous frame and half of the frame is the next frame, this is called tearing because it looks like the screen is being torn in half.

SJ_Zero , avatar

There’s a button in settings to not show bot accounts. I clicked it when I realized how many posts were just reddit mirror bots

SJ_Zero OP , avatar

Yes, even among the different options there’s a lot of diversity. Lemmy, lotide, friendica, kbin, they can all do things similar to reddit.

SJ_Zero , avatar

I’m concerned about the first application of crispr to make super soldiers.

A few genes flipped and the army coming out the other side would be terrifying.

SJ_Zero , avatar

As we saw in Afghanistan, drones are great but you need boots on the ground to hold territory.

SJ_Zero , avatar

I know it’s easy to just rag on twitter, but I think that everyone needs to remember that a lot of the problems Twitter is facing are also problems that the entire industry is facing.

Ad rates are down across the board. You hear YouTubers talking about it, you here people who run websites talking about it, and that’s just the way things are.

Everyone got really pissed off at Elon for the mass layoffs, but everyone seems to forget that every other company also did layoffs just a few months later.

In short, blame them for the stuff that he actually did, not systemic trends that affect everyone.

SJ_Zero , avatar

I’m saying blame him for the things he actually did. Just like I said I said.

It’s turning into a recurring gag for me to see another news article about some website (like reddit, for example) crashing and burning and my response is “Why would Elon Musk do this?”

SJ_Zero , avatar

I’ve got jerboa, but typically I just use a web browser since the mobile experience is really good for most fediverse platforms, and when they’re not it’s an opportunity to improve them – lotide had a terrible experience on mobile until I improved it on my site which then the dev used to create a whole new theme that worked way better on mobile.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Before I settled on Lemmy and lotide, I tried out aether:

Like a Bittorrent client you need to expose porch to the outside world because you end up helping to host the network.

Ultimately I preferred a website I could host and visit from anywhere I could get internet to software I needed to run (and set up networking for) anywhere I wanted to use it, but it was a nice system otherwise.

SJ_Zero , avatar

The quote doesn’t show him admitting it, but rather says his biographer said it.

Thunderf00t made many videos about the Hyperloop and while you do need to keep thinking for yourself while watching them because he makes mistakes or interjects conjecture or personal opinion as fact at times, he still does a good job of showing how absurd Hyperloop is on its face.

The so-called “fall of Elon Musk” should be a reminder to everyone so just think for yourselves. I know the TV ended up painting this guy is the second coming of Christ, but you don’t become a multi multibillionaire several times over by just being a good guy. There’s an old saying, you can become a millionaire through honesty, integrity, and hard work, but you can’t become a billionaire.

Also everyone needs to keep in mind that most of his billions came out of your pocket. His companies are based off of massive government subsidies including the hyperloop, and one of the reasons why Tesla’s stock price is so high is just because of government policies that have led to a massive stock market bubble at the expense of the common man. And there’s just so much money sloshing around due to excessive government debt and massive central bank money printing it had to go somewhere, and it ended up going into stocks and other assets making those people rich while inflation adjusted wages have stagnated for decades.

SJ_Zero , avatar

A few different things including what you’re talking about.

Tesla would be one of the smallest car companies if you actually went by the fundamentals of the company though, and instead it has a market cap so high it covers the entire world’s car industry combined.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Markets have gotten a lot of things wrong in the past 20 years since the amount of money in the monetary system is distorting asset values and causing bubbles. FTX and Theranos being two great examples, but far from the only ones.

I said this a few years ago but it’s becoming increasingly true now: If EVs become the hot new thing, I fully expect traditional automakers to come out on top. Particularly companies like Toyota who are really really good at building cars.

Thing is, it still isn’t totally clear that EVs in the form of the traditional automobile will be the best thing. There’s a good chance that all the major unsolved problems with them will cut the technology off.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Toyota in particular has been dealing with battery management and motors for 30 years. They’ll be fine.

Unresolved problems of EVs include extreme cold performance without a heated garage, battery degradation and the massive social, economic, and environmental consequences as people end up with useless used cars you can’t fix, grid problems in the event of mass adoption, and the realities of longer distance travel in a car that takes a long time to charge.

SJ_Zero , avatar

I think that there’s a reason for it, and I think that that reason is that they’ve been selling battery vehicles for 25 years and they know full well that there’s going to be major problems.

The reality is that until maybe this year or the year before, these were expensive toys for the 1% to show off about how virtuous they are with their $100,000 sports cars that were saving the planet.

SJ_Zero , avatar

No offense, but it seems like a really dumb idea to unionize in the middle of mass industry layoffs.

Maybe you would do it when things are going good, but if everyone around you is getting laid off and you unionize, it almost seems self-evident who’s going to get laid off next.

Is it illegal? Probably. Are they going to get away with it? Probably.

Everyone should remember that big tech companies aren’t your friend.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Don’t many European countries have like 20% youth unemployment?

SJ_Zero , avatar

I checked before posting, and yes, many European nations do have youth unemployment in the 20% range.

Which makes sense. Companies still need people, but if it’s more expensive to get low-end workers you just won’t hire entry level workers unless they’ve proven themselves beyond a shadow of a doubt.

SJ_Zero , avatar

In the fable of the and and the grasshopper the grasshopper needed food stored up more than ever when the winter came, but the time to be preparing for winter was the spring, summer, and fall when you plant, tend, and harvest. By the time winter comes it’s too late.

The best time for someone with a variable rate mortgage to refinance as fixed rate would have been 2020. You didn’t need a fixed rate back then because variable rate was in some cases less than 1%, but you need one now because mortgages are around 7%. If you refinance now it won’t help.

The time to unionize was when labor had power by being in demand. 2020 would have been a good time, but maybe even the mid 2010s.

SJ_Zero , avatar

The Fable of the ant and the grasshopper I’m referring to comes from Aesop’s fables, a work collected around between 500 and 600 BCE.

It’s been told and retold in many different languages around the world, and in virtually every example of the Fable being told, the story is basically the same: the ant works through the summer, and the grasshopper dances. Eventually the winter comes, and the ant survives and the grasshopper dies of starvation. For over 2,000 years the moral of the story has been but there’s a work time for work and there’s a time for play, that you need to work hard in the summer or you will starve in the winter.

It’s wonderful that somebody reinterpreted the Fable for a modern kid’s movie, but that does not change the original meaning of the fable. Aesop was a slave born in Greek society, a society that utilized slavery. It’s not likely that greek society would have been super into a slave teaching their kids that one day the slaves would overcome their Athenian masters.

Aristophanes wrote many plays criticizing greek society a few hundred years after Aesop. The following was from his play “Ekklesiazousai”, which was a comedy about what would happen if women took over the government. It’s a sort of hilarious example of the difference between greek society and modern society for many reasons, especially this exchange:

Praxagora: I want all to have a share of everything and all property to be in common; there will no longer be either rich or poor; […] I shall begin by making land, money, everything that is private property, common to all. […]

Blepyrus: But who will till the soil?

Praxagora: The slaves.

In Orwell’s 1984, the main character’s job was in the ministry of truth, ironically changing history to better suit the party. In this sense, replacing a 2500 year old fable with a 25 year old movie sounds more like that 1984 than simply citing the original fable.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Peertube is a federated video platform. That means that like lemmy or mastodon, there’s a huge number of different instances. My instance for example, is following 103 other instances, and is followed by 73 other instances. Each instance is hosted by different people, and each have different rules.

Because of the wide variety of instances, it’s truly distributed and so all kinds of things are hosted there, from cat videos to porn and other stuff you typically can’t host on other platforms such as covid conspiracy theory videos.

One peertube channel that is similar to what you’re talking about is minetest videos: [email protected] It’s consistently trending on my feed (but different sites will have different feeds based on what they are or are not federated to).

I think your best bet is to see what’s out there, because there’s a lot of content but it’s sort of like old youtube.

If I were to become a youtuber today, I’d diversify. You can create a youtube channel and mirror it on peertube, for example. I think that some other alt-tech sites like rumble and bitchute have similar features as well, so you could set up a workflow where you post a video and have it show up on a number of different platforms.

The reason peertube is better than youtube is the same reason lemmy is better than reddit and mastodon is better than twitter; It’s libre, distributed, and generally not algorithmically driven.

Oh, one other neat thing: If you ever have a peertube video just blow up and become super popular, peertube uses torrent style technology so video watchers automatically share pieces of the video with one another. Just a little neat thing that helps scale a video site whereas it’s generally tough once you start getting popular.

SJ_Zero , avatar

I have a feeling you’d end up with a bunch of big drives with small volumes on them if it did work.

Warning you, I’ve had issues with RAID combining SSD and HDD. Basically I was on an older dell server and I wanted to do mirroring and the bios straight up refused to do it because it didn’t want to mix ssds and hdds.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Imaging software is a godsend for that sort of thing. I ended up using BartPE for something like that, and it worked great – it has a free imaging program on it. You only need a removable drive large enough for all your files since it’ll compress everything.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Is it bad that I saw a new domain name and was like “ooh, a new instance to federate with!”?

SJ_Zero , avatar

My kid really loves the 2000s Alvin and the chipmunks movies. Dave is always talking about how they need to be like normal kids and they need to plan for the future, but on a lark I looked up how long a chipmunk lives and by the third movie they’d be like 50 in chipmunk years.

I think we’ll just assume whatever Gene makes them talk makes them live really long. Let’s do that.

SJ_Zero , avatar

It’s all relative.

For lemmy it’s been a mass exodus. I was on this part of the fediverse before all this, and it’s a fundamentally different thing now than it was. There were maybe a dozen servers, most of them didn’t have a whole lot going on. Now there’s millions of active users on thousands of servers.

That might not be a mass exodus for reddit, but it sure is one for lemmy.

SJ_Zero , avatar
SJ_Zero , avatar

Now we just need headphone jacks and SD cards and lineageos support and my dream phone will be mandated.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Had bad luck with China phones being open before, but when the time comes I’ll have to take a look.

SJ_Zero , avatar

I listen to certain YouTube videos to get to sleep and have for years and years. Wireless ear buds just aren’t in the cards for something like that.

SJ_Zero , avatar

My YouTube premium downloads are on my sd card, which works out nicely.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Man, that sucks. One of the other things for me is that you can buy decent headphones for like seven bucks with a 3.5mm jack. Most USB headsets are going to be a lot more expensive.

Does your phone support qi charging? That could be a solution if it does.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Seems to me that monetizing karma would bring what is already sort of an echo chamber to the next level. Suddenly an unpopular take can cost you dollars and cents.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Brave is one of the only browsers on android that does decent ad blocking, but it’s chrome based so it also works reasonably well on mobile sites expecting chrome.

SJ_Zero , avatar

Til about mobile extensions on Firefox mobile

SJ_Zero , avatar

You guys ever rent a game console back in the day?

Man, that was top tier – You’d get to play games way better than your current console had and it all came in this fancy case… I played through most of Megaman Legends with my brother in one life in one weekend because we didn’t have a memory card!

SJ_Zero , avatar

I’ve bought a few dozen of these things, shame to see them go.

SJ_Zero OP , avatar

I run all the different services because I generally agree with you, but there’s value in being able to choose how to interact with everything. some people really want to have new videos show up in their lemmy feed or their mastodon feed. If that’s how they want to do it, they’re right. Same with interacting with lemmy from mastodon – If that’s what you want to do, then you’re right and it’s a win for you if you can do it that way.

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