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Red_October ,

Do it. Fucking do it, man, I WANT it to happen. Mash that self-destruct like there’s no tomorrow, Spez, see how low you can go!

Red_October ,

Don’t forget the customers of the restaurant also saw the head chef personally farting on all the plates before the food was placed on them. It’s not just the health inspector’s report.

Red_October ,

Loads of people on the left liked him. Even I liked him. It’s almost funny really. Way back when, his goals were commendable. The proliferation of electric cars was an Eco-friendly dream. Tesla battery projects were poised to expand renewable energy source utilization. Basically everything SpaceX was doing with reusable rockets was just really cool to the nerd demographic. All he had to do was shut the fuck up, let the work speak for itself, and people would still like him. Not without black marks on his record, of course, but on balance, people would probably like him.

But no. Elmo couldn’t shut the fuck up, a problem he continues to have at every turn, and people learned who he really is. His electric vehicle baby stopped being the scrappy upstart with teething problems, and started being a manufacturing disaster that had loose production tolerances matched only by the loose tolerances on what qualified as acceptable working conditions. SpaceX decided that cluttering orbit with thousands of disposable satellites was cool, and the environment and astronomy could fuck off. The only stories about Tesla Batteries that followed were about how quickly they lost their capacity and how expensive they were to replace. And Elmo himself bought a globally known communications company, immediately obliterated it’s value, and turned it into a cesspit of literal Nazis and lies. And this is the abridged list.

All Elon Musk had to do was shut the fuck up and people would have liked him. Just goes to show that “Just be yourself” is really shitty advice for some people.

Red_October ,

He wouldn’t even understand the question, it would rely on him having actual values of his own, instead of a jumbled ball of piss and hate.

Red_October ,

I really wanna know what the thought is behind the notion that they can just submit the right paperwork and simply not have to pay anything for a new car. How can they possibly think that’s how this works?

Red_October ,

Pissbaby sheep with the moral backbone of an eclare. But I don’t think anyone expected anything more from that murdering fuckstick.

Red_October ,

But surely the oil companies will regulate themselves, right? The Free Market will just prefer responsible companies, right? And anyone who doesn’t like the lack of regulation is always free to just leave Texas, right?

Red_October ,

I for one can only complain about one problem at a time. If something’s not the biggest problem in my life, I’m incapable of addressing it.

Red_October ,

You COULD be paying for first class seats and getting that kind of treatment, but you’re flying Economy, aren’t you.

Red_October ,

Not a chance, you’re (presumably) Male.

Red_October ,

The thing about Trump’s whole political career that I find most incredible is that just about any one shitty thing he ever did, in isolation, would have been absolutely career ending for anyone else, or in the very least a massive, historically significant scandal. But with him? He just keeps the hits coming, so many disasters in such quick succession that none of them really have time to sink in, there’s no time to really examine them because by the time you’ve really called him out, there’s already some other stupid shit taking up the headlines.

Obama wore a tan suit, the News cycle freaked out. Obama asked for Dijon mustard on his burger, the news says he’s hopelessly out of touch with the common people. These were SCANDALS in the public eye. Trump proposes just bombing Mexico… we have to go out of our way to point out that this is actually a big deal, because next week he’ll have done something else completely insane.

Red_October ,

One of the biggest complaints about Democrat presidents is that they don’t follow through on their promises. It says a lot when your biggest defense of Trump is that he won’t either.

Red_October ,

But he’s not even remotely subtle about being a right-wing shill. He’s loud and proud of it.

Red_October ,

One way or another it’s gonna taste like something, might as well not just be “plastic and rubber” flavored.

Red_October ,

Honestly that’s just awful, and I think any reasonable person can feel a moment of empathy and agree. The hospitals shouldn’t be forced to waste time and resources on him.

Red_October ,

Weird choice. These days I’d bet the absolute best thing Bing, or any other search engine, could do to stand out in the search game would be to explicitly not use AI results. The advertising is so easy you don’t even need AI to write it for you.

Montage of a few blatantly wrong AI generated answers telling people it’s okay to cook with gasoline in your sauce or that drinking a little bit of bleach is healthy or whatever… then cut to a list of well respected sources that say otherwise. “The internet is already good enough at feeding you wrong answers. Search the way it’s meant to be.”

Red_October ,

If it makes you feel any better, you’re a mutant freak no matter where you go, but some societies will be better at making you feel accepted.

Red_October ,

the Ys as sexual contact of some kind

Literally couldn’t even come up with anything just claiming she thought it was something sexual.

This reads like satire. Did this really happen or is something important left out? Surely no one can understand things this wrong?

The secret ingredient is malice.

Red_October ,

The question posed was not what the impact would be if this source of oxygen were mined, and thus no longer contributing oxygen. The question was whether or not we could replicate this on the surface as a source of oxygen.

The answer is that it simply is not necessary. We have plenty of oxygen, what we need are means to sink CO2, which electrolysis does not do.

Red_October ,

The fantasy of a pioneering life on Mars is an easy one to love, especially if we assume it’s actually well enough established that you have all the excitement of Frontier life and none of the struggle to survive. It’s not gullibility, it’s hope.

Then we think about it and ask ourselves what worker abuses Musk has perpetrated here on earth, and what would he do when Earthly laws can no longer apply. The more I think about what it would be like in the SpaceX Mars Colony, the more dystopian it gets.

Red_October ,

I’d say this is a great time for even more advertisers to abandon that platform, but really anyone who would care about this should have left a long time ago.

Red_October ,

I would bet good money that a part of their madness hinges on the idea that they are not responsible for the operation and actions of the vehicle, they just happen to be sitting in it while it goes places.

Red_October ,

3+5=8 is B tier at best, and probably lower. 3+5=8 is just such trash most of the time, with the sole exceptions of those rare cases where it comes in clutch being the only thing that saves it from the actual dumpster.

Red_October ,

How fun would it be if the next Texas power grid failure manages to cause serious damage to Apartheid-Baby’s pet project?

Red_October ,

They certainly can, but they really shouldn’t. I can hardly think of anywhere in the country that would be more hostile to trans students.

Red_October ,

It’s almost funny really. Way back when, his goals were commendable. The proliferation of electric cars was an Eco-friendly dream. Tesla battery projects were poised to expand renewable energy source utilization. Basically everything SpaceX was doing with reusable rockets was just really cool to the nerd demographic. All he had to do was shut the fuck up, let the work speak for itself, and people would still like him. Not without black marks on his record, of course, but on balance, people would probably like him.

But no. Elmo couldn’t shut the fuck up, a problem he continues to have at every turn, and people learned who he really is. His electric vehicle baby stopped being the scrappy upstart with teething problems, and started being a manufacturing disaster that had loose production tolerances matched only by the loose tolerances on what qualified as acceptable working conditions. SpaceX decided that cluttering orbit with thousands of disposable satellites was cool, and the environment and astronomy could fuck off. The only stories about Tesla Batteries that followed were about how quickly they lost their capacity and how expensive they were to replace. And Elmo himself bought a globally known communications company, immediately obliterated it’s value, and turned it into a cesspit of literal Nazis. And this is the abridged list.

All Elon Musk had to do was shut the fuck up and people would have liked him. Just goes to show that “Just be yourself” is really shitty advice for some people.

Red_October ,

Also don’t forget, he buys companies that are already successful and then rewrites their history to say he founded them, and then he tells engineers to do a thing and takes the credit when those engineers figure out how to do it.

I will, however, readily believe that most of the Cybertruck was actually his idea, probably initially drawn in crayon.

Red_October ,

Obviously the Pharaohs were literal giants. The reason discovered mummies are all human sized is because their divine alien essence was bled away after death to be channeled into the stars by the divine shape of the pyramids, leaving only a human-sized husk behind which modern “science” thinks is just some kind of dried out human. /s

Red_October ,

“Confirmed what I already knew.” I’m sure that was with some detailed research into the breadth of the subject involving the reinforcement of a robust understanding, right? Surely it wasn’t something like… finding a couple legal sounding books, and finding a few words in those books they understood, before taking some pictures they thought suggested research and calling it good!

Red_October ,

I miss the days when I was surprised to hear that Russia probably deliberately blew up a hospital.

Red_October ,

They just think he’ll surely only go after Other people, that they’ll be safe, part of the “In” group.

Red_October ,

I dunno, I only have 3417 hours played in Rimworld, I’m not sure that qualifies as infinitely replayable. /s

why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.

I get it, Biden is old and that’s a problem, but why doesn’t anyone seem to have a problem with the fact that Trump is almost the same age, has 34 felonies, raped at least 2 women, went to Epstein’s Island 11 times, sexualized his own daughter, stole classified documents, aligned himself with Xi and Putin, and can’t...

Red_October ,

Most of the people who think Trump should drop out have been loudly opposing him for a long time. There isn’t just one single thing they object to, no great unifying theme they can point at and say “This is why he should not run,” because Everything about him is a reason why he should absolutely not be president. Even his Felony conviction is, while perhaps more than a drop, just a splash in the bucket of what should be utterly career ending circumstances.

The people who still support Trump don’t care about any of that. They’re not going to suddenly see one particular turn-off and decide that’s it, that’s why Trump should back out. They’re committed, in too deep, they can’t back down now because it would mean the Libs were actually right all along, and that presents, to them, an existential threat. And in the end, it’s the Republican way.

When Democrats, even popular ones, fuck up, other Democrats are much more likely to turn on them, to call for and get resignations. With Republicans, that’s almost unheard of. Republicans take Part Unity to an extreme, circling the wagons and assuming a full defensive position no matter how incredibly abhorrent the crime, no matter how blatant the evidence. Today we’re seeing the perfect example. Biden fucked up a debate, stumbling over his own words like an old man well past his prime, and the party is calling for him to step down. Trump has built his whole political career on stumbling over his own words, with the only cogent statements he manages being blatant lies, and his people would rather murder their neighbors than see him lose.

Red_October ,

People who have sex with people just because they enjoy it already exist. It’s not new and it won’t meaningfully increase just because a society becomes currencyless.

Without an economic incentive, sex workers will stop existing entirely. It won’t be work, and they won’t have any need to do it. They won’t be compelled to have sex with you just because you have money now. There will still be people at a bar, club, or whatever who will have sex with someone they like for little or no reason, but again, that’s not new.

Red_October ,

For a second there I was so sure this was gonna be Loss.

Red_October ,

Yeah I’m sure that’ll… help? Israel is the one dropping airstrikes on refugee camps, what makes anyone think they actually want any aid in Gaza at all?

Red_October ,

It’s only a good way to hurt him in the way that anyone ever giving Trump the chance to speak is a weapon against his campaign. He’ll manage to fuck it up in some way every chance he gets, but the only people who will ever care already have a laundry list of reasons to hate him.

Red_October ,

He was also pro injecting yourself with bleach.

Red_October ,

Around 30 years ago, American Airlines realized that by removing a single olive from every passenger’s salad, they would save what amounts today to about $100,000 annually due to reduced weight. They did that.

Do you think they’re going to remove seats and install a brig, or are they just going to make sure every flight has a half a roll of duct tape?

Red_October ,

That option still exists, and the cost for such a luxury exists too. But you don’t fly First Class, do you? Or do you like so many other people look at the price first and pick the flight the one that costs $20 less than the next cheapest?

Relax, I do it too.

Consumers are a lot more sensitive to price than they are quality. We don’t book the $800 flight when there’s another one for $300, and then we complain about how we’re crammed into narrow seats with our knees packed against the seat in front of us. The airline that can turn a profit on a cheaper seat will fill those seats.

Red_October ,

Democrats said not to, said there’s a virus spreading through raw milk and it could be dangerous. That was all it took. That was the only thing Republicans needed to hear to institutionally embrace Raw Milk.

Democrats should try launching a “Don’t jump off of cliffs onto sharp rocks” campaign. “It’s not safe. The science is clear, gravity is real, and the sharp rocks will hurt or kill you. Just don’t do it. It’s not about restrictions versus freedom, just don’t jump off of cliffs onto sharp rocks.” The next week TPUSA would run an article on how to own the libs at the five highest cliffs in the country.

Red_October ,

The writers expected the 2016 original to end with a loss and a montage of all the wacky adventures up to that point, but when the miniseries got approved for a full 4 year run they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for ideas. Now the reboot comes around and they’re looking for scraps discarded on the writer’s room floor.

Red_October ,

Honestly you can get a lot done just by wrapping a rubber band or two around your phone, it’ll kinda catch and hold in your pocket and make it more notable if someone tries to pull it out. Works for your wallet too, and all without building a whole ass mousetrap for your pocket.

Red_October ,

How long before Fox “News” denies that there were any racial motivation?

Red_October ,

That’s fine though, SovCits don’t learn anything either. They catch snippets that can be summarized as “one weird trick” and then ask for and don’t receive further information.

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