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coolteathatisblue ,

One word: “Greed”

RadioFreeArabia ,

As far as I know, economy seats are still sold at a loss. They make up for it in the higher classes. I don’t fly through Doha often but when I do, I do like getting on Qatar Airways.

blindbunny ,

Because Americans have no class consciousness

Feelfold ,

Because we don’t own the means of production.

megopie ,

To be fair, the soda bubbles are extra Lucious at 30k feet.

EmperorHenry , (edited ) avatar

prices are higher, quality is lower.

That won’t change until they’re forced to change

A_Chilean_Cyborg , avatar

Cuz first class used to be the only class.

AeonFelis ,
EmperorHenry , avatar

people would rather be assfucked by a super sonic wheel than be fingered by the TSA

superkret ,

The people in the top picture still fly like that.
The people in the bottom picture couldn’t afford to fly at all in the past.

electric_nan ,

Please just let me recline a bit more.

umbraroze ,

Meanwhile, me aboard a train: “Oh you can get whole massive meals on restaurant cars these days? No thank you, I’ll get a coffee and one of those overpriced naff sandwiches.” (Well, the Finnish train sandwiches are pretty good, but they are hella overpriced. Like 7€. WTF.)

stringere ,

7 Euros = 7.55 USD That is a pretty normal price for a sandwich in the USA. I wish I considered that overpriced. 5 or more years ago I probably would have said that was overpriced.

Swedneck , avatar

they’re overpriced in the sense that a sandwich does not in any universe cost that much to actually produce, not in the sense that they charge more than other people do for sandwiches.

7 euros isn’t too much more than what a sandwich can tend to cost at Pressbyrån in sweden, which is infamous for charging out the ass for everything just because they can. A normal grocery store that carries some premade sandwiches might charge more like 5 euro for them.

menemen , avatar

Fly with turkish airlines. Business is heaven, but even economy food is good.

01011 ,

I don’t usually want to eat too much on flights. Especially with the toilet situation being what it is.

whome ,

The amount of people who think flying is a normal thing. One percent of the worlds population produce 50% of aviation emissions. And most off the worlds population never fly in their life.

blindbunny ,

When the corpo wars start I’m just going to shoot them out of the sky

TrueStoryBob ,

I mean, in the 1950’s, the planes with all the fancy food and service were basically full first class flights… to return to that weed have to have single class/first class flights and the prices to match.

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