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LainTrain , (edited )

No I wouldn’t think that about the UK. Tories shifted massively rightwards over the past decade and they are really losing most voters to Reform - a hard right party, so they are simply not hard-right enough for most voters, meanwhile Labour has shifted massively right to occupy the space Cameron-style neocons were in before.

The right win in the long run because if labour wins, the dynamic will be of that between Cameron-esque conservatives under Starmer Labour and hard-right conservatives under Reform/UKIP/whatever Farage party as the two major parties. This is the final form of the overton window shift, on which the UK and US led the world on in 2016.

If anything the lib Dems - if you take their manifesto at face value - are far more progressive than Labour at this point and don’t adopt the “managed decline” style of governance.

This is where the UK FPTP system might actually work well, Reform could get as many as 17% of votes, ahead of Tory 15% and become the 2nd largest party, and yet end up with like one parliament seat because they dont end up with a majority in any one county this time around.

The only hope then is that Starmer is just secretly a really good guy who won’t say so because the tory media would eviscerate him on culture war shit, that he survives the power struggle of a labour seat supermajority and kicks out the likes of Duffield and Streeting.

LainTrain ,

Oooh I had an Intel Atom Vaio Netbook as my first ever computer I actually owned, given to me as a gift by parents for school. I asked for a gaming laptop, so I was real bamboozled by it.

Somehow though I managed to grief my friends’ Minecraft server with /set 0 and enderdragon spawn spam while talking to them on Skype, but it was painful, opening a web page took literal minutes sometimes and my internet wasn’t the fastest back then but it wasn’t too bad either like 5-10mbps easily. But it wasn’t the worst.

That honor goes to an MSI gaming laptop. It was actually really powerful, quad core, 16GB RAM, 8GB VRAM, MSATA SSD and a 1TB HDD that is still alive and in a JBOD setup with mergerfs in my server today serving me shows to watch thru Jellyfin.

In 2014 it was nothing to scoff at, the 880m ran GTA V on almost the highest settings at 1080p and it had tons of storage.

But as a computer it was just fucking terrible, the screen is the dimmest, most TN LCD blue filter shit you’ve ever seen, it was all I had so I watched things on it, and it just always made me depressed that I was watching beautiful films and shows and playing games through this awful blue filter that had no warmth, everything looked like some movie dementia flashback.

USB port melted itself and made some random parts of the case have an electric surprise for you sometimes, keys popped off if you breathed on em but not like you would want those keycaps to stay on because they were disgusting, speakers sucked in dust and vibrated it inside, making all audio feel like earrape at any volume, headphones jack flew out, touchpad was off to the side because of the dumbass numpad, ethernet port fried entire cables, DVD drive wouldn’t read disks, dumbass UEFI firmware locked down to shit, took forever to disable secureboot and the setting would get lost randomly.

About 3 years later, the AC port fried itself and would work like a pair of dodgy earbuds and I had to sit there rotating it like I was finding a radio signal in class, battery was long gone by then so it would shut off at random, which made android app dev I was doing at the time on it somehow even worse of an experience.

Still have many fond memories of my times with it but man did I not miss it at the time.

I replaced it with a 2010 ThinkPad X201 I got for 50 bucks and loved it, I proudly used and abused it and showed it to everyone like it was my first dress with pockets until I eventually blacked out on xanax and procedurally took the entire thing apart and flashed ??? onto the firmware chip and couldn’t put it back together ever again.

LainTrain ,

I will never understand how neurotypicals have sleep schedules like do you just…go to sleep the same time every day? Like literally to the second, or is there some give to that? And if you don’t you feel bad?

LainTrain , (edited )

I think it’s much simpler than that.

Webhard is Web Hard Drives - SK torrenting scene is very different from the west, to simplify from how I understand it (English info seems scarce) basically everyone uses seedboxes or “web hard drives” in SK to download stuff.

While I can’t seem to find out anything about what “The Grid system” is, if the whole thing is an online portal or software.

If ISP routers are anything like the west that means they control the DNS servers and the ones on router cannot be changed, and likely it blocks and and so on, as Virgin Media does (along with blocking secure DNS) in the UK for example, which definitely opens up a massive attack vector for an ISP to spin up its own website with a verified cert and malware and have the DNS resolve to that when users try to access it to either download the software needed to access this Grid System or if it’s a web portal - the portal itself.

I don’t think this included any attacks on the BitTorrent protocol at all, because as others said, it’s pretty secure, but another possibility is simply malicious torrents being distributed, which rights holders definitely done before (read decoying part in…/mediadefender/)

LainTrain , (edited )

or has access to a trusted CA’s key, as per above.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t, or couldn’t do this if they wanted to if they were also willing to straight up resort to spreading malware, which idk about SK but that’s illegal anywhere in the west under very broad laws.

EDIT: They could also do a redirect to a different URL with a valid cert I guess, though I’m sure browsers block that too. Well I’m out of ideas then, I feel bad for cybercriminals these days.

EDIT2: Wait a sec, how does government censorship work then? Like e.g. is the government able to MITM this person? The website is HTTPS and they’re using a VPN, but presumably locked to the DNS of the ISP. How are they able to block websites at all in this case with anything other than a termination of a connection (i.e. displaying a banner)?

Even without a VPN by your logic if the ISP can’t present a cert then they couldn’t block it via just DNS. How do FBI takedown notices work? Shouldn’t all of these throw up SSL errors and “back to safety” prompts?

LainTrain , (edited )

Thanks for the explainer, but that’s not what I meant.

For example: If I, an ISP in Beijing went to BEIJING CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY Co., Ltd. which is on the list, and had my cert issued by them for that listed them as the root trust, wouldn’t that work? Because the service operating there currently is illegal and I need to take it down, i don’t see how or why they could refuse. If they can’t do this for ISPs, then certainly law enforcement should be able to force them to comply, I would assume.

If I then went to abuse that cert and spread malware on my fake cloned site, then what are the affected users going to do, call the cops and tell them the illegal seedbox is down?

This is the only way I can see governments being able to display blocked website notices, takedown notices and other MITM insertions demonstrably happening in all sorts of countries without triggering a “back to safety” warning in most browsers.

This has to be possible, because otherwise the observable results don’t make any sense.

I’m not necessarily saying they did the attack this way instead of just simply spreading malicious torrents which is far easier, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to do this.

LainTrain ,

What I don’t understand is why the TTS key could even delete voices or read past responses from other devices, ideally each device should have its own properly scoped API key that only lets it access the immediately necessary functionality and no more.

LainTrain , (edited )

Then wouldn’t it be just one API key to the rabbit backend instead? The researchers are suggesting it’s several keys though. Or are you suggesting every device has the same key to Elvenlabs that it sends over to the rabbit backend which passes that through to the request? That’s also very silly if they did that.

LainTrain ,

That’s a fair take I think.

Would you say smaller forums where people largely know each other are communities then? IRC? Discord?

Because I struggle to think what else could or has ever fit such a strict definition.

LainTrain ,

This seems like a rose-tinted glasses view of the past. Sure there were communities for rich white cishet men where they organized around mutual shared values of racism, misogyny, football and queerphobia but for the rest of us it was being shunned and gathering with the few other local shunned people in nasty dungeons.

Thankfully the internet came and solved all that. Now queer people have dating apps which work pretty flawlessly for us, and the space online is endless for us to gather and be ourselves with each other, freely, across all borders.

communities provide you care, support, relief from loneliness, a sense of purpose, etc. etc. etc.

but by and large it’s does not exactly scratch the same itches that your grandma’s sewing circle or bridge club used to.

I’m sorry you’re struggling with loneliness, personally I’m definitely not and I can’t say I know anyone who is.

Socializing online is great and the communities there are much more true and real than some IRL circle of Karens and their Christian bleach enema method and their TERF enclaves.

It’s also a much more efficient method of meeting people you actually get on with as well, rather than the endless NPCs on Tinder and IRL who only want to consume alcohol, travel and go to the gym. It’s crazy that I could be with someone who appreciates all the same things I do, my gf and I are def soulmates.

I find it no small coincidence that loneliness in America skyrocketed

Sounds like we’re just measuring mental health awareness, plus the rise in boomers using the web and often exposing people to their alienating rhetoric.

You get the point, you said what I knew you were gonna say because I have a radically different experience.

LainTrain ,

I’m a bit of a hermit myself.

That seems like the problem and what’s creating the perception making you agree with this.

I took a brief glance at the summary page on Wikipedia for the self-help book:

religious groups (Knights of Columbus, B’nai Brith, etc.), labor unions, parent–teacher associations, Federation of Women’s Clubs, League of Women Voters, military veterans’ organizations, volunteers with Boy Scouts and the Red Cross, and fraternal organizations (Lions Clubs, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, United States Junior Chamber, Freemasonry, Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.

Honestly wouldn’t miss these if I knew what any of them are. They sound like weird cults.

Everett Carll Ladd claimed that Putnam completely ignored existing field studies, most notably the landmark sociological Middletown studies,[8] which during the 1920s raised the same concerns he does today, except the technology being attacked as promoting isolation was radio instead of television and video games

Sounds like he was reasoning backwards.

Other critics questioned Putnam’s major finding—that civic participation has been declining. Journalist Nicholas Lemann proposed that rather than declining, civic activity in the US had assumed different forms. While bowling leagues and many other organizations had declined, others like youth soccer leagues had grown.[10]

And was wrong.

In their 2017 book One Nation After Trump, Thomas E. Mann, Norm Ornstein and E. J. Dionne wrote that the decline of social and civic groups that Putnam documented was a factor in the election of Donald Trump as “many rallied to him out of a yearning for forms of community and solidarity that they sense have been lost.”

So like I said they yearn for the ethnostate. Solidarity should be based on class through an explicitly Marxist or anarchist lens, not solidarity in how much they love bashing the fairies.

“People who feel on the margins, who don’t always feel included socially, for whatever reason, that those people are more likely to have higher levels of loneliness,”

So it isn’t social media or erosion of civic institutions or any of that made up nonsense, it’s just the fact that so many people are still bigoted as hell. That figures. I would suggest them the internet because unlike IRL they have block buttons, adblockers etc to cultivate their own better world.

it’s also possible for them to encounter more hatred and bigotry online than they used to in real life (albeit with hopefully less dire consequences).

Just block the bigots? Change platforms? It’s ez. This is why headphones always in when I’m outside, best block out the riff-raff wondering the streets on my daily walk. I love technology!

I don’t think I’m “just measuring” anything. If you want to plug your ears and pretend that I’m not talking about real problems, that’s all fine and dandy. Go ahead about your day and enjoy your dating apps, but social media isn’t all roses.

You measure more COVID you get more COVID. Then you go “Oh no! It’s on the rise!” and the cycle repeats.

Social media is shit because of corporate control. The early internet free from it was really good.…

This just references the book and makes a bunch of extrapolations. Being ungovernable sounds really cool actually. Also something about the “kids born after 1995” and “coddling” and “colleges making kids distorted” set off my dogwhistle alarms off so I went to look this “magazine” up and would you know it: it’s run by a think tank funded by a NY slumlord billionaire:

Honestly I expected worse but I wouldn’t really take them at their word for opining on how girls these days only know Xanax, twerking, be bisexual and hot chip before examining real material factors for why everyone is so stressed (hint: it’s housing and everything being fucking expensive and an exploitative scam and has fuck all to do with technology).

LainTrain ,

Yeah you’re not writing the books, you got billionaire think-tanks doing it for you, and so far your statistics don’t actually prove the point you’re trying to make.

We never measured loneliness in the past 100 yrs in trans and bisexual communities, so we have nothing to compare to, and your single study knows not to make claims about “these days” that you are making here, for all we know it’s exactly like i said - its been worse and now its better, even if it’s still bad.

Likewise general loneliness studies take into account the increased awareness and openness around mental health and pin it as one of the potential causes as well as the declining purchasing power (a requirement to socialize) and lack of funding for local governments to prop up infrastructure for public spaces as well as a lack of public transport and suburbanization all long before they even touch social media, which is only ever mentioned by MSMs as a scare tactic to clickbait readers, and there’s still the fact that a 100 years ago the exact same arguments about loneliness were being made and likewise blamed on progress and technology like the printing press by reactionaries and yes, there was a moral panic about books getting everyone to stop socializing and only read instead.

So it’s actually you who personalizes everything, and instead of defending your arguments with logic you Appeal to (somewhat doubtful) authority which doesn’t even back up your point, you draw your own conclusions and project them onto the data - a classic misuse of statistics

have a confirmation bias

Yes I do, but so do you, and so far you’ve yet to present anything actually remotely convincing. I don’t have a stake in this personally, I don’t use social media and idc about it, it was a mistake to have it, I just like the internet because I can buy drugs with crypto without the fuzz and glowie opportunists itching for kids to beat up

and you like the little tech bubble you live in

Do pray tell what is this “tech bubble”? Are you going to resort to calling me a techbro now just because I know things you don’t? You do know where you are right?

Also “bubbles” aren’t real, that whole craze about how we were all in echo chambers on the internet was completely manufactured and thoroughly debunked - it’s actually the opposite

At this point though if you fall prey to algos that’s on you imo. Just don’t use algorithmic platforms with a profit incentive ez pz we have foss fediverse clients and instances for a reason. Same as complaining about streaming costs, just pirate that shit.

I left Tumblr because I couldn’t patch out the ads with Vanced and I don’t tolerate advertising in any way shape or form, thankfully on the internet it can be disabled with Sponsorblock, DeArrow, privacy badger, unlock etc., unlike IRL where the psychic damage is unstoppable.

so it must not be a problem overall if it doesn’t affect you personally.

Plenty of things don’t affect me personally, the genocide in Gaza, homelessness (though I was close to it), lack of entry level jobs for graduates, COVID, layoffs, medical bills etc. but I believe they are all problems, the mismanagement and exploitation of society by the capitalist class and imperial ambitions make my blood boil.

I strive to cultivate that hate, to anhiliate the state as my civic duty, but I just like to maintain some basic intellectual honesty while I do so, and not fallback to noble savage and greenwashing fallacies of the anprim ecofash reactionary crowd who just are vaguely upset by aesthetics of modernity.

LainTrain ,

Then remain ignorant? Your call bud, can’t educate you if you don’t want to learn.

LainTrain , (edited )

No, BAD.

RIAA is evil. AI is good for us plebs while it’s still legal for us to own and operate our own local open source LLMs away from the corpos, in the same way the internet is a net good because it’s free and open and gives us power to practice communism (information sharing, hacking (classic meaning) and open source).

All regulation will be aimed squarely at destroying that, concentrating power in the hands of the few away from just any old proletariat tom dick and harry.

Corpos will pay any fees and fines as a cost of doing business and acquire all licenses and reach private agreements with publishers out of reach for the common man or small business, all the while passing the cost of all this onto the consumer eventually just to invest in tech that will make the line go up for a few more quarters.

IP law does not benefit you and you will never truly benefit from it.

Don’t simp for corpos.

P.S.: Imagine the next LLM, 10-20 years from now is truly groundbreaking and useful, it’s a new tool, and without that tool, you’re no longer competitive for work, and all of said tool is owned by 1-2 multinational predatory conglomerates jacking up prices, because you have no choice but to pay up to live. It’s cyberpunk, just boring and without the implants, price-gouging a necessity just as they do now with housing or insulin.

We need to preserve the power to do this freely, fairly, without profit and without licensing works.

LainTrain ,

Even by your analogy, yes I’d rather have a wooden cart compared to carrying things in my hands.

That said your analogy doesn’t apply to tech. “It just doesn’t okay” isn’t a very satisfying answer from a logic standpoint, but as the other user pointed out almost all corporate software is built upon, or massively, and I mean massively relies upon the efforts of Open Source software.

I can’t really think of any other industry like this or an analogy for this, but that is how it works. Example: GNU/Linux is FOSS, and is the go-to for server software for businesses, and it’s starting to creep into end user products too, from Dell laptops to Raspberry Pi to the Steam Deck (if you’re familiar with that - Proton is also open source).

LainTrain ,

Which vuln was this?

LainTrain ,


LainTrain , (edited )

Is there a way to do reverse tunnels, or something like it, so not opening any ports at all on the network, without cloudflare?

Closest to that XP I got was generating VPN keys and distributing them to close friends, running DDNS (no-ip) on my Pi with a pivpn server and then accessing JellyFin that way.

LainTrain ,

That’s a lot of work. Thanks though.

LainTrain ,

I was personally utterly bamboozled, near homeless, broke without a buck to my name but death had to take a raincheck cuz out steps a man, tall man, distinguished - very handsome - he steps outta his whip and he hands me an ice cream and says “That’s alright, Jack”, we grabbed some grub and I was hobnobbing with heem about what I was really jonesing for, I ain’t no whiz but Mr.Bidan really hooked me up with opportunity and it ain’t no lemon either 😂 Now I’m a slay yuppie, poppin lit crammin for my a-game! Thank you Mr.Bidan

LainTrain ,

And here’s some reality of over a decade of right-wing rule

LainTrain ,

Enough with the goddamn thinness soon that shit is gonna snap if you breathe on it

LainTrain ,

Lolwut? USSR recovered from being a devastated bomb crater of a country faster than Europe did on American dollar while waging a cold war against the rest of the world. They beat the US to space time and time again too.

Come the 80s, their manufacturing was well ahead of the west, and there weren’t any food issues either, so I’m not sure what you mean? The horrors of Stalin’s collectivisation efforts were a good bit before the cold war, and that wasn’t really an issue of food manufacturing.

Nobody was forced to do any type of work more than anybody is under capitalism, if anything under capitalism as it is today - you take what you are given.

In the USSR, higher education being free (as is the socialist tradition) gave people a lot more choice, no need to balance student debt against future potential earnings and as such ability to pay health expenses, like we see in the US today.

They suffered from consumer goods issues because things like game consoles and tamagotchi can’t exactly be planned in a planned economy.

It’s why I personally believe in a dual-economy, where necessities are planned centrally, from housing to infrastructure to utilities and independent worker co-operatives do the rest, I think that’s the lesson there ultimately. Oh and fuck the Russian Federation.

LainTrain ,

In reality, their education system was overly focused on technical skills, neglecting essential life skills like critical thinking, creativity, decision-making, and many others.

The US is the only country in the western world that teaches strictly extra-curricular matters at a university level, afaik. I went to uni in the UK for computer science, all of my classes were only about computer science and it’s subdomains only, there are no “life skills” classes.

This became apparent in the 90s when many supposedly ‘highly educated’ individuals were involved in fraudulent schemes, failed to build and stand for democracy

As opposed to the low levels of fraud and extremely healthy democracies of which countries exactly?

As for the rest of your claims I would like to see direct sources. The “essential items” tidbit in particular I find suspect because the definition is quite fickle and the idea is subjective and depends on circumstances. Cars were famously not very common amongst USSR citizens. What was though is public transport, and we’re now in the west finding out that neglecting public transport and shifting towards personal vehicles has been a huge mistake, so that’s that.

LainTrain , (edited )

Read pretty much any story from those who left the USSR to get a better picture of how life was there.

A very unbiased account indeed

but I find real stories of people trying to flee more valuable in understanding life in an area than books with economic figures.

I don’t. People for the most part are morons that gulp down ivermectin and bleach enemas by the truckload to make their healing crystals work in time for Sunday church, so they can pray away the gay. People are fickle, and are often at odds with facts. As a trans person I know this well.

If life was so good there

That’s the neat part, I never claimed that. The USSR was a shithole, but the user I originally responded to was wrong as well. Two things can be true at once.


Or just nationalize necessities to cut out capitalist middlemen taking a cut. All a UBI of $100 will do is raise prices by $100 because people now have $100 more, and landlords et al. will want those $100. Under capitalism and neoliberalism the rich will always be at the top of the food chain in this manner.

Socialist policies should be limited, imo, to voluntary associations, like co-ops and private unions.

So they can be easily crushed by capitalist lobbying in western “”““democracies””".

I admire neolibs who genuinely want to make things better, and you have my respect for that, but I think you’re just a bit naive and haven’t quite thought everything through.

LainTrain ,

I’m proposing replacing minimum wage w/ something like UBI (my preference is a Negative Income Tax for more of a direct replacement). That way that $100 isn’t being added to peoples’ means, but instead it’s replacing wages

So it will just accomplish nothing, as people will work the same (more if we follow current trends) for $9.00 and hour instead of $12.00, but will have an extra $3.00 from taxes on the middle class (the rich will avoid taxes always).

This is certainly a proposal.

which can keep total inflation stable

Ah yeah, like right now where inflation is low and even decreasing, but things keep getting more expensive, jobs more and more scarce and actual value is ever smaller, while building true wealth through home ownership is ever more unreachable, while being poor is only more and more expensive and social mobility is at an all time low? Lol.

Measures of inflation are like COVID cases being low before we started testing more people.

That gives employees the freedom to say no to poor working conditions and inadequate pay without worrying about where their next meal is coming from.

That’s the thing - it won’t. Capitalists won’t like this, and competing with one another by offering better working conditions will only make them worse off - they will instead band together and price fix the market, or simply complete the ongoing switch to using gig economy “contractors” instead of employees.

Capitalism is a race to the bottom. This is ofc a hypothetical, IRL they would never allow any such laws with actual teeth to pass unless a dictatorship of the proletariat showed them to the guillotines.

Sure, and moving to socialism won’t change that, all it does is replace “the rich” with “the well-connected.”

This is an argument so old Marx debunked it himself. But I’ll say this: even if this is true, corruption is indeed possible in any system, but only in capitalism we worship it and call it “lobbying”.

People being rich isn’t a problem, especially since generational wealth is often gone after 3 generation

So just because it hasn’t been 3 generations yet, Musk isn’t a problem? Bezos? Zucc?

The important thing is that who “the rich” are changes periodically so we don’t get into a Russian oligarch situation.

The Russian oligarchs are actually new rich too, most of them got wealthy by picking the corpse of the Soviet Union, during western enforced shock therapy, while the poors were left to heroin and dying of AIDS. What a woopsie that turned out to be with fascist Russia now eh?

As long as that’s improving year-over-year, things are getting better. Whether some people have tens or hundreds of millions doesn’t really impact me day-to-day.

Things have declined since the 1980s in terms of buying power of the middle income young people of today across the board, and that’s before we get into the fact life itself got more expensive (e.g. now a starter crappy job needs an MSc, used to be they hired barely literate lead eaters, who are now bosses).

It’s slightly offset if you measure happiness by socially-funded scientific and technological progress (internet was a government project) but even that is now debatable, as capitalism has sunk its teeth into that also, and more and more social services of the 20th century are privatized into oblivion.

And that’s just the local, street-level stuff. What about the global evil of capitalism? Israel? Afghanistan? Iraq? Neo-colonialism of the global south, American corporations licking dictatorial boots the world over? the blockade of Cuba? Police racism and brutality? Sexism? Ableism?

The neoliberal imperialism of the United States through it’s client-state in Israel alone is enough to wonder, whether this system should be left as-is.

Now the USSR did a fair bit of shit too, and China does a lot even worse, all of it is deserving of critique, but US’s (and it’s western vassals’) issues are precisely as a result of its system. The US is very much an oligarchy, and is three corporations in a trenchcoat, and occasionally, when whistleblowers, whether corporate or military wind up dead, people look up, and it’s important that they blame the right people, because otherwise, they’ll blame each other, and fascism - the final form of neoliberal capitalism - wins.

LainTrain ,

Okay, but is Gaben more deserving of this than white replacement supporter, anti-trans fearmonger and apartheid diamond mine baby Musk? Than makes people piss in bottles in warehouses Bezos?

Is what steam does more predatory than basically every major music publisher (the big three), than MPAA? Than OpenAI? Than Meta? Than the streaming services? Than Nintendo? Than Apple? Than Google? Uber?.. And so on and so on.

So why pick on Valve? I’d go after fucking taco bell before Valve. Make it make sense.

LainTrain ,

You’re forgetting that they’re british

LainTrain ,

I was one too. Glad they caved to the criticisms and reinstated the extension. It doesn’t absolve them of removing it in the first place and trying to pull a sneaky, but at least they listened.

Where are we now? Well wherever we are it sounds like us internet moaners stay winning.

LainTrain ,

Eh, I don’t think the Russian government would literally send hundreds of assassins abroad to kill everyone associated with the project and DDOS their website and whatnot for not complying with an internet censorship request but I see your point

LainTrain ,

That’s not how sports work, even Motorsport has classes, often in the same race, e.g. of course LMP-3 or GT3 cannot compete with LMP-1, and the latter cannot compete with F1 (unless you’re whatever madlads made the 919 Evo at Porsche), but it’s still things people watch. Hell classic motorsport can be a ton of fun and there’s rally classes that drive in 100hp cars that make my overweight nerd heart flutter just watching them

LainTrain ,

There have been years where a lower class is the overall winner in some endurance Motorsport races though.

It’s possible, but that’s not the intention behind having multiple classes. No one gets into a slower car expecting to win by hoping that all the fast cars combust.

So your analogy is wrong

Not really, the exception proves the rule in this case.

Goodwood Revival

I’ll check it out! Thanks

LainTrain ,

This is why I moved to Telegram. Idk if it’s actually native, but often feels much more so, and less phone-centric than Signal which requires weird auth rituals involving the phone.

LainTrain ,

I was always confused by why Gaben doesn’t just snap his fingers and rid us of the British isles once and for all. He is powerful enough, isn’t he?

LainTrain ,


“switch to Firefox!” Yeah sure. What absolutely typical corporate cowards. Fuck Mozilla.

LainTrain ,

I’m genuinely curious why? I may have worded it strongly, but as a Russian, there are very few things as unethical to me as cooperation of any kind with the Russian government.

LainTrain ,

Would you be happier if they ignored the demands and possibly got Firefox banned in Russia?

Yes, having a web browser banned is absurd and impossible to do in practice, it would be largely inconsequential overall, before you even consider the thousands of forks of Firefox.

Taking down extensions makes them much much harder to get because they are relatively obscure and are usually hosted in one place only - on the extension store, unless you’re lucky and they have a binary on a GitHub.

I want the average Russian to be easily able to use Firefox, even if it takes more work to load some extensions.

I want the average Russian to be easily able to bypass censorship that blocks out truth in favor of misinformation of their government that gets people onboard with a war that’s killed tens of thousands.

What browser they use to do that I care much less about, not that they’ll be able to block Firefox or it’s thousands of forks from every page that hosts builds, installers or even OS ISOs with package on disc, but whatever one they have the extensions need to be available on the store - otherwise they can be extremely hard to find.

I think we simply disagree about the effect of taking down an extension vs “blocking” a browser may be.

LainTrain ,

Fair enough!

On the browser bit, my reasoning is very simple: idk about you, but I don’t have extensions downloaded anywhere. If ublock origin were to disappear, and I needed to install it on a new computer, I would be kinda screwed!

Unless the browser stores a copy somewhere that can be used for installing it again on another machine that I could send. I don’t actually know, but I would assume not, I would wager most people don’t know and would assume that it does not. (Actually I think Firefox might have used or still does just download .crt files and then install them? Chrome definitely does not work this way)

What I do have is an installer of Firefox on at least 3 different computers though, smack dab in the Downloads folder because I am lazy and do not clean my downloads folder and don’t really use it after initially setting up the OS, so if would be gone tomorrow, it would basically not affect me now or ever, there is no “organising” necessary.

Not to mention there are countless websites who will store binaries for something that’s as popular as Firefox also, and it’s very unlikely roscomnadzor would block all of them also, compared to some obscure only regionally relevant extension. And that’s before we even get to forks of Firefox on GitHub…

And then of course, there will always be a Linux compiled binary in the Debian installer also, and the package repo, so the entirety of Debian would have to be blocked too, along with basically every other Linux distro, and I doubt roscomnadzor knows what that is.

Blocking people from using a browser as such is utterly impossible. An extension can on the other hand become difficult enough to get that most people simply don’t bother.

LainTrain ,

Try this:

It’s fruit sake, plum infused also, it does have an alcoholic feel to it but frankly barely tastes like alcohol at all.

Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?

The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in...

LainTrain ,

Idk summers are pretty sweet! Only time of the year it’s warm enough to wear anything nice. No need to worry about heating, and the beach is a nice place to just chill, the sand is nice and soft and the sun warms the skin in ways nothing else does, ice cold beers, nights warm enough to not wear a jacket, flowers blooming and bees buzzing around gardens filling them with life, loud music and partying around the clock!

For sweat I’d suggest deodorant and at least a shower every few days along with fresh clothing.

LainTrain ,

Yes you can play tennis in bubble jackets rifling through snow but it’s not exactly pleasant, you can put skis on your skateboard but it ain’t the same.

LainTrain ,

Just attach “man” to the end of all of them for maximum offence.

LainTrain ,

Margaret Thatcher even in her death was the inventor of the world’s first gender-neutral bathroom so she can have the exception.

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