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Dark_Arc , avatar

If he was in pass thru he’d be vommiting because there’s no faster way to make yourself sick.

The issue I have with your comment is this. You’re asserting that the experience you had with nausea and VR is the experience everyone has or will have with nausea and VR.

Some people can’t read a book in the car without getting motion sickness. Some people can read hundreds. Some can read a few pages.

Some people can read a book but not play a video game. Some people have the opposite problem.

There’s no way this was “fake” maybe staged, but this person was clearly in the driver’s seat driving down a public 4-lane highway. Staged video or not, that’s dangerous.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I don’t think that’s the case. I’ve seen videos of them being used on the subway. I also know somebody that has one and it definitely doesn’t mind if you walk around.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I think the other comments have touched on the motion sickness point enough…

I’m not sure where your line is between “fake” and “staged” but if they are only putting the headset on for the purpose of the video and they don’t actually drive around that way, I’m calling that fake. Because they aren’t actually using the headset except to draw attention to the fact that they are wearing the headset. People aren’t actually doing this. They created a fake controversy.

As for this, I only use fake if what appears to have happened didn’t actually happen, e.g. it looks like somebody got stabbed but they definitely didn’t (be it CGI, camera angles, fake knives, etc).

Where as staged is more “that’s what actually happened” but it happened intentionally to make a video. “Here’s your sign” and influencer videos can definitely qualify lol

Dark_Arc , avatar

I mean there are advantages to using AV1 for photos… Hardware accelerated decoding being one.

Decoding a large AVIF image grid should in theory work on a GPU and happen faster with less power than any software based image format implementation.

AV1 is also just an awesome format that’s entirely free to use out of the gate.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I think there’s a lesson in there about teaching people that weren’t around for the formation of a movement about why targeted movements exist.

It’s not just with kids but with people that are tuned out… I think too many people fall through the cracks into white power, toxic masculinity, incel groups, etc because on the surface the questions are of course…

“well why don’t I have a support group for X? what makes that group of people special? why do they get their own day?”

Like yeah, if nobody’s ever explained what women have historically faced to you, feminism and girl power are especially strange concepts to confront.

Maybe having a more positive masculinity movement actually wouldn’t be a bad idea just to help people that are feeling a little lost and prevent them from finding “answers” in the wrong places(?)

A Vermont mom called police to talk to her son about stealing. He ended up handcuffed and sedated (

What happened next that evening in May 2021 is the basis for a lawsuit by the mother alleging that Burlington police used excessive force and discriminated against her unarmed son, who is Black and has behavioral and intellectual disabilities....

Dark_Arc , avatar

I mean it’s the same problem broad labels always have … liberals the term is for everything left of Bernie Sanders to the ball park Joe Manchin depending on who you’re talking to.

Music Piracy Is Back, Baby (

“Muso, a research firm that studies piracy, concluded that the high prices of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are pushing people back towards illegal downloads. Spotify raised its prices by one dollar last year to $10.99 a month, the same price as Apple Music. Instead of coughing up $132 a year, more consumers...

Dark_Arc , avatar

Qobuz … check it out

Dark_Arc , avatar

For streaming they pay out the most of anybody last I checked.

For DRM free purchases I’m not sure, but it’s almost certain the lions share goes to the record labels and then goes to the artist (or directly to the artist if there’s no “record label”).

Dark_Arc , avatar

It might help if you described what you’re actually trying to forward … and why the source IP matters.

ZeroTier would be my recommendation personally (it does what tailscale does but it’s been doing it longer and you can use whatever IP ranges you need vs some public IPv4 address space TailScale pools from).

Dark_Arc , avatar

I think it’s an improvement, particularly for folks like my grandfather that have the UI/font scale increased.

On his phone there was basically 1-2 words that would fit in that old text box …

<span style="color:#323232;">so his
</span><span style="color:#323232;">text
</span><span style="color:#323232;">message
</span><span style="color:#323232;">preview
</span><span style="color:#323232;">looked
</span><span style="color:#323232;">like this
Dark_Arc , avatar

Even more so… Maybe stop requiring ridiculously formal attire?

Dark_Arc , avatar

Paramount definitely seems to be the worst about this … their app in general is really frustrating.

Max does it occasionally but it’s rare enough I don’t notice.

Apple Vision Pro review: magic, until it’s not (

Apple Vision Pro review: magic, until it’s not::There’s a lot of pressure on the new Apple Vision Pro headset, which starts at $3,499 and marks the beginning of something called “spatial computing.” The ambition is enormous, but the Vision Pro also represents a series of really big tradeoffs.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I think the main appeal is basically a projected screen. You can face absolutely massive screens if I understand correctly vs having to buy those screens and position yourself in front of them.

Dark_Arc , (edited ) avatar

Mildly concerned that definition could result in someone being prosecuted for rape for misreading whether someone wants a kiss.

Edit: I looked up the actual bill, it’s fine… I figured it probably was, but god damn lemmy thanks for the down votes and assumptions of the worst for stating a simple concern 🙄

Dark_Arc , avatar

I read that, I get the intent, I support the intent but “sexual contact” seems broad enough that “oral to oral” (i.e. a kiss) could fall under it.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Op didn’t really read the article or the changes in the law and so doesn’t understand that kissing isn’t relevant at all here, but decided to weigh in with a completely unrelated comment anyway.

The article does not say that. The article says the law has been Brian’s to include (among other things) oral sexual contact.

I did not look up the literal letter of the law, and I’m guessing you didn’t either.

A kiss could be argued as oral to oral sexual contact.

Which yeah, kissing someone without their consent isn’t cool … but I also wouldn’t consider it anywhere near rape if a date misread my comfort level and “went for it.”

Op understands the change in law and is worried about their questionable behavior.


I have some words for you about that take, but I’m not going to go there.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I still would wager this direction is good.

Anecdotally there’s seemingly been a plague of unnecessary or incompetent middle management (i.e. administrative overhead) in lots of places for lots of years.

Reducing the number of layers a bit is probably a good thing even if some people lose their jobs in the process.

Dark_Arc , avatar

What did you switch to?

My shield has always been laggy… I’d like to find a TV “OS” that can run apps and is actually fast.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Thanks. It seems like the Apple TV is the best option if you need DRM… 😥

Dark_Arc , avatar

What an out of touch judge

Dark_Arc , avatar

Of all the laws to pick and choose on, I’ll happily pardon this one.

Trump literally said he’d do it and then didn’t.

Every other president in recent history has done it.

It’s not like someone forced him to eat his hat. He was forced to follow a convention that he’d already told people he intended to follow.

Dark_Arc , avatar

We keep fucking trying … Maybe soon … Frustrating

Dark_Arc , avatar

Well they definitely aren’t going to start writing about the “mean American’s” debt 😉

Dark_Arc , avatar

Yeah, crafting for Gotham Knights made the game considerably worse. It added basically nothing over procedurally generated or designed loot.

It’s not like Gotham Knights was ever going to be a game where you really need that level of min-maxing.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Same but I’m just not into RPGs or D&D generally.

So I got on that game and it was kind of fun up until the first town when my friends were like “we need to talk to people to figure out what to do.”

I don’t mind games having a bit of lore and story but … I want to be doing (read: typically fighting) stuff in my games not just talking to a bunch of people… And when I don’t even know what people I need to talk to, to most quickly get back to the action, I’m out.

The one exception to that is possibly RuneScape because I’ve been playing that game for ages. However, even there I use quest guides and sometimes just spam through all the dialogue.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Ah yes, I love nothing more than to have my screen obstructed by none other than … ME!?! I was the villain all along!?

Dark_Arc , avatar

Open world is really only good if it’s something like an MMO where the content is built up over the course of years and there are multiple story lines.

Aside from that, it works well for racing games not much else.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I don’t play competitive games unless the community is generally decent or I have the option to just turn off voice and text chat for people I don’t know.

Hunt Showdown is the one arguably competitive game (in that its PvP) that I still play … the community there is generally great. There is the occasional trash talk but mostly it’s just people having fun.

Sometimes people on enemy teams will be willing to negotiate and you both walk away from the fight.

Sometimes they’ll just have fun with it and make sound effects. One guy just the other night I was in a shoot out with was making sound effects “agghhh my leg!!! You got me you got me, it’s over!!” Only to come back a few seconds later with a bomb thrown at me and my buddies.

Occasionally there are toxic people but it’s really fun when you shoot them, take their stuff, and burn their characters bodies … then report them. Taking the extra time to be inflammatory or make noise to trash talk on an extraction shooter can easily get you killed and make you lose a fair amount of stuff.

If being a toxic egomaniac is your jam, extraction shooters are a bad fit.

Dark_Arc , avatar

It’s a growing genre. I’m mostly talking about Hunt Showdown specifically as I haven’t done much with other games.

I will say, hunt does require 1-2 friends for the best experience.

You can play with random teammates (I’ve never done that) or play solo (but that’s particularly challenging).

Why is TikTok seen as privacy invading and bad, but Facebook is fine?

I’m not here to claim that Tiktok is completely harmless, or that it’s even a good site. I’m sure they absolutely do collect as much personal information as they can, and I’m sure they give it to the Chinese government whenever they ask. But I don’t understand how Meta and Facebook are meant to be any better? There’s...

Dark_Arc , avatar

Honestly that makes me way more interested in playing

FCC To End Broadband Discounts For Poor People After Republicans Undermine Program (

In short Republicans are going to screw over 23 million poor Americans because they don’t want Democrats getting political credit for helping them during an election season. And because our press is generally broken and afraid of calling a duck a duck, this is going to get dressed up as a genuine concern about wasteful...

Dark_Arc , avatar

That’s just lawyers being lawyers… Trump and Republicans have certainly argued far more absurd theories only for them to be shot down when put to test.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Being an American requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity

We must be living in different Americas. This country loves nothing more than rebellion.

Is the 1918 Spanish flu still dangerous? (

I was watching a television show yesterday and the premise of the episode was that a terrorist group had broken into an old abandoned USPHS lab and stole samples of the original strain to use as a biological weapon. It got me thinking, is that particular version of the flu virus still particularly dangerous? I know H1N1 strains...

Dark_Arc , avatar

I’m not saying I agree with them, but I’ve heard the argument they’re trying to make before.

It’s not about eating the meat, it’s about the supply chain that results in meat on your table. That supply chain puts humans in close contact with large numbers of animals.

COVID supposedly came from a market where close contact was extremely common … basically street vendors selling a variety of animals (primarily for cooking).

Dark_Arc , avatar

That ignores the issue of frequency. The chance of someone crashing their car (lifetime) is much higher than their chance that day will be tonight.

Dark_Arc , avatar

It needs one unwary cave explorer at just the right time.

Dark_Arc , avatar

An F-150 and a Prius both need tires. I was not aware this makes them the same vehicle.

Dark_Arc , avatar

In theory yes, in practice, it’s a great way to get banned if they want to crack down

Dark_Arc , avatar

Yeah I know quite a few old buicks from the early 2000s that lasted into the 300k mile ball park.

Dark_Arc , avatar

The Department of Holes!?? Gosh… I knew PiHole’s time was limited but it’s too soon 😥

Dark_Arc , avatar

This from the start has seemed to me like a prosecutor trying to make a name for themselves by taking down a famous person.

If you’re doing a scene where you throw acid on somebody is the person throwing the acid supposed to check to make sure it’s not actually acid before they throw it?

Should they check to make sure the knife they’re about to stab someone with is actually a prop?

If you get to the person who’s been told to “do this action convincingly” and you want them to double check all the safety work you’re doing it wrong. Their job isn’t making sure they’ve been given safe tools, it’s using safe tools to make someone that’s fake but convincing.

Everyone in the armoring company should be charged with murder … but Alec Baldwin did not put live rounds into a gun. He went into work, did his job, and because other people screwed up someone got shot. Maybe the industry itself needs to change but that shouldn’t be Alec Baldwin’s problem. That’s not justice.

Dark_Arc , avatar

If it was just snap I could get over it but… Canonical has a long history of doing nonsense that goes against the rest of the ecosystem as if they’re Microsoft and they can just get away with it.

Overdraft fees could drop to as low as $3 under new Biden proposal (

The cost to overdraw a bank account could drop to as little as $3 under a proposal announced by the White House, the latest effort by the Biden administration to combat fees it says pose an unnecessary burden on American consumers, particularly those living paycheck to paycheck....

Dark_Arc , avatar

He’s not senile… He does have a life long stuttering problem though which makes him an easy target for such accusations at his age.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Let’s just link to the video …

It’s not a well worded response but it’s a valid response.

“Oh I’m focused … You know look, I have trouble even believing how old I am. I don’t give thought to my age any more than I give thought to flying. There aren’t things that I avoid doing now that I did before … physically, mentally, etc.”

Another way of phrasing it, I’m focused … This whole thing is silly, I don’t even think about it. I do all the stuff I did when I was younger now. I’m only old on the outside."

Dark_Arc , avatar

No, the weight gain is from the juice being high in sugar (like a fruit) without fiber (which a fruit has).

You’re basically drinking sugar and there’s nothing to slow down your metabolism or fill you up, so you take in too much sugar.

In theory if you mixed it with something fibrous like oats (that don’t have their own sweatener) maybe you end up in a better place (if you drink less juice and you eat/drink less caloric beverages/food throughout your day – i…e you trade bland oats and orange juice for a hamburger).

In general, adding things to your diet doesn’t help unless you’re also removing something (e.g., adding smoothies is great! … but not if you’re still having the hamburger and now also a smoothie vs water).

Dark_Arc , avatar

Hm… I think I misread/misinterpretted.

I’d still caution against the idea of eating something “bad” but making it “good” by pairing it with something “good.” That’s a seemingly common slippery slope.

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