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Carighan , avatar

Exactly. It’s my Chrome browser of choice. I use Firefox virtually all the time, but if I need somethiung that works in the cases where non-chromium does not, I use Edge. It’s a fast, its already installed so no extra fuss, it has the best vertical tab implementation that really should be standard for every single browser.

Carighan , avatar

Oh none from me, though I’d pool just about every other religion in with that. They’re all shit in their own ways. The concept of a modern religion also makes no sense, by their nature religions are archaic power tools used to control the masses against their individual will via their collective will.

Carighan , avatar

Sadly not yet. But I saw that it was card based and immediately lost interest, so eh, dunno. Seemed like a cool game before that.

What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?

For me it is the fact that our blood contains iron. I earlier used to believe the word stood for some ‘organic element’ since I couldn’t accept we had metal flowing through our supposed carbon-based bodies, till I realized that is where the taste and smell of blood comes from.

Carighan , avatar


Carighan , avatar

Yeah the Venus makes a lap around the sun in less time than it does a rotation around itself relative to said sun’s position in its sky.

Carighan , avatar

Wait until you find out that some places breach that line (in addition to it being wobbly to begin with) which is we have timezones greater than +12 or -12. I hate timezones. With a passion. Signed: a programmer.

Carighan , avatar

Because they rest safe in the knowledge that you rarely if ever get taken to court for it. There are millions of web pages, it needs people to take action to do something about it, and just clicking “Yes all of them” to access the content you were just trying to get to is a far better solution in most situations than hiring a lawyer and investing a few years of legal proceedings, nevermind the money.

Carighan , avatar

RockPaperShotgun’s review is out now, and I could not agree more. The game is so meaningless.

It’s crazy impressive. Especially on a technical level. But it feels like a tech demo more than a game almost. It’s still fun to idle time away in, but it’s not engaging. At all. It’s brain idle time. In a positive way, but also no more than that.

Carighan , avatar

Oh shit this makes me have flashbacks to the one - and only - time I got a phone with MIUI. I could not believe how bad that Android skin was. As in, even Samsung in their pre-One heyday could not even come close to this bullshit.

Carighan , avatar

Also, they don’t allow wearing headphones and it’s awfully quite sometimes and I have ADHD and have to fill that noise by talking.

This is the far far bigger WTF-moment for me. No headphones? In an open office?!

Carighan , avatar

Generally, physically.

Spiritually is okay as a stopgap solution, say while completely stoned out of your mind, but physically and permanently is what I would advise to actually improve your standard of living. Depending on your language skills and which languages you already know, good possible destinations include:

  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • Germany
  • Norway
  • Sweden (Norwegian language is probably easier for an american though, tbh)

If in dire straits you could also go to the UK. Especially Scotland is a really beautiful place, but keep in mind as a country UK is quite, well, fucked. It’s still a good destination, but if you’re moving, might as well do better.

Carighan , avatar

Hrm, I would say you’re overstating things, at least in comparison to the very real issues mentioned here that pertain to the US.

Don’t get me wrong, the evolution of politics in countries such as France, Germany, Poland and so on is more than just worrying, it’s downright alarming.

But even in places where the right wing has managed to achieve political power, they have not managed to effect much regressive political change yet. That is to say, the US situation shows what will happen in the EU if this slide continues. And sure, it could be worse if “parties” (I dread to call people who want to abolish the current democracy a political party, tbh) like the AfD attain power, but again that hasn’t happened yet, unlike some clearly xenophobic and active nazi-sympathizers in the US, or people like Santis or MTG.

Both are shit, but compared to the deeper red states in the US and the truly crazy places, most countries in Europe are a massive improvement, even with all their own problems.

Carighan , avatar

You don’t have to literally be a pedophile to be truly truly terrible, there’s lots of ways to be that.

That is to say, that does not excuse anyone. “At least we didn’t fuck children” is not a defense or an excuse. The deeper right wing in the US still utter scum that needs to be shown the door and then have a fence built after them (and make them pay for it!) to make sure they don’t come back. Independent of whether the vatican state tried to cover up the church’s massive and systemic pedophilia.

Carighan , avatar

Would branching out into spectacle brawlers work for you?

In that case, check out Bayonetta 3 on the Switch and Armored Core VI on PC/whatever!

For something closer in combat feel to Elden Ring, Atlas Fallen maybe? But I haven’t personally played it and reviews are mixed, so can’t really say how enjoyable that would be.

Carighan , avatar

True, although I just watch them on an actual screen then. The situations where I need a portable - but not really all that portable - device to watch a video on that requires a large - but not really all that large - screen are so utterly rare. They happen, sure, but I might as well watch on a Steam Deck then or something, something that has another intrinsic “main” value.

Carighan , avatar

Like looking up to the monitor where I’d actually be doing the task instead?

Carighan , avatar

Their ex after me, I would suppose. That’d sting.

Putin: West put ethnic Jew to rule in Ukraine to 'cover glorification of Nazism' (

Sept 5 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a television interview on Tuesday, without citing evidence, that Western powers had installed Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who is of Jewish heritage, as president of Ukraine to cover up the glorification of Nazism....

Carighan , avatar

I too miss the times when people at least did grammatically and semantically correct bullshit talk. Instead of the AI generated style nonsense we get nowadays.

Carighan , avatar

This is… I don’t even… I mean if you’re a satirist in modern times, what do you even do? Just give up? Your work is obviously complete?

Carighan , avatar

At this point it feels like Tim Sweeney is a generative AI which has been exclusively trained on taking a data set from Steam’s and Gabe’s decisions and inverting them. And that’s it.

Carighan , avatar

The problem is more that generative AI is trained on the actual work done by other, actual people. And we have no legal framework so far how those people should get paid in turn.

Plus, let’s not for a moment imagine that Sweeney is saying this out of a firmly held personal belief. He’s entirely based on his reactionary stance to Steam. Steam goes against generative AI -> Sweeney is in favor of it. If Steam would say they’re against eating live babies, you can sure as hell bet he’d sing praises for that, too.

Carighan , avatar

I wouldn’t. It’s far more punishing and even that is far too little to throw them in a cell and lose the key. Let them sit there for endless years until they die. Done.

Carighan , avatar

Even if, and this is off course off-topic, some people in the US are doing their worst to “fix” the “progressive” part. They won’t be happy before all free speech, all non-church education, all free decisionmaking has been dismantled in favor of their dream cult-like fundamentalist christian and xenophobic glorious kingdom.

Carighan , avatar

I wish one of the bigger industrial countries had the balls to curb the state-like influence of billionaires, by flat out capping the amount of wealth they get to wield. It’s not even that people should not be allowed to be “rich”. But “rich” should mean owning 1-50 millions or so. Not billions.

Carighan , avatar

And in the end, Pauly did it all because he inherently hated the left, independent of any evidence or anything. He just believed they were traitors and the reason everything was lost.

Hrm… sounds familiar recently, doesn’t it? 😑

Carighan , avatar

dO yOUr oWn ReSeARcH!!11!!eleven!!1

Carighan , avatar

I mean, I hated math as much as the next guy back in school, but this feels excessive.

for refusing to plead guilty

That’s a funny legal system if it’s in itself illegal not to plead guilty.

Carighan , avatar

That must have already happened and we got the Geordie accent from it!

Carighan , avatar

Cue-y-hue-y is what the current spelling suggests, tbh.

Carighan , avatar

Orange is also the worst president. And the worst agent. And the worst broadband. It’s so many bad things, now that I think about it it’s worrying.

New communities and flooding the feed

What I mean is someone sets up a new community, blasts it with a bunch of content to get things started, or sets up a new community bot that makes 20 posts and every other post in my feed is that community. Usually with 1 or 2 votes each and no comments. No matter what way I sort I see this....

Carighan , avatar

It’s a complaint about the algorithm flooding my feed

Or rather, the absence of one.

I guess in a way you’re showcasing where algorithmic sorting/grouping, when not used just to promote ads and increase profitability, can have a positive impact. Because they could for example be used to temporarily suppress exactly what you mean, and require a community to stay “active” for longer than a brief flare-up to start spreading wider and wider.

That being said, I find the lack of such stuff refreshing. You after all select whether you want to see “All” content, and even the sort mechanism.

Carighan , (edited ) avatar

Yep, same.

I know it’s not healthy, but in particular when I feel a bit unstable myself, having someone else be reliant on me, especially emotionally, helps feel me good about myself. And it also anchors me since I have a “job to do”.

But it’s not healthy, I know. And before you say “get a pet”, I do nowadays. 😅

Carighan , avatar

It’s also something I wish people would keep in mind more when evaluating whether decisions or even whole politicians and their terms have an effect or what effect: A large portion of your own term in an office is spent on realizing the decisions made by your predecessor, and/or trying to prevent their worst effects. Conversely, anything a current politician does will have most of it’s effects after they left office.

Carighan , avatar

It’s weird that they’d want to copy from Apple in particular considering how bad that maps app is. Odd choice, even with the usual “can’t think larger thatn US” attitude Google management suffers from.

Carighan , avatar

Sure, but keep in mind the comparison to any non-federated site has to be that you had no other instances to jump to in the first place.

Is it just me, or is Play Store making it harder to scroll when ads are on-screen?

I normally use the Aurora frontend, but I used Google’s app to check something. I couldn’t help but notice that when I swiped and then let go, the page would barely move past the point I had let go. It had no momentum whatsoever. As soon as I got past the ads, scrolling was back to normal and the exact same flinging motion...

Carighan , avatar

Playing devil’s advocate here, the old store system I worked for always inserted cross-sellers at each page-break, too. It was just how the underlying code worked, it first loaded a batch of products, checked whether the user was supposed to see them, then figured out cross-sellers for it.

But by nature of that, if you say load 50 products at a time, you end up with those 50 being in the list of returned objects found, followed by the 5 (in our case) ads. So by nature, once someone scrolls to the ads, a short jitter happens as the system loads the next 50 objects for sale (and the next 5 crosssellers).

Carighan , avatar

I mean let’s be honest here, there’s no way they did this because of an underlying police change.

I suspect they rather looked at other western countries trying to build large-scale projects and noticed how absurd the idea of building one nuclear reactor without a 15y++ delay was, nevermind 10 of them. Quietly drop it before someone checks whether it’s even doable. 😅

Source: Am German, we are experts on letting our complicated building projects run completely overbudget and take multiple times as long as projected.

Carighan , avatar

Yeah since they explicitly say performance met mangement expectations, I suspect they knew ahead of time that it’s going to bomb, so they took Epic’s money and thereby guaranteed some monetary return at least.

It’s a shame, because while I loved SR3 (and enjoyed SR4 and even GOOH albeit I could not stand playing as Johnny), Agents of Mayhem and now the new Saints Row showed that not only is the humor outdated by modern standards and they didn’t know how to modernize it, they also couldn’t even properly recreate the actual humor the way it was.

Carighan , avatar

I’ll be honest, that is kinda how the new Saints Row was probably pitched in the design docs.

The problem is in the details. They failed to:

  • Create other games worth mention.
  • Have memorable characters.
  • Implement motivating vendettas or any personal motivation.
  • Make the city feel alive, which invalidates the whole open-world environment (a criticism I’d level against CP2077 too, it feels way too sterile).
  • Have any meaningful way of influencing your relationship with characters or forces.
  • Have a story worth mentioning.

In a lot of ways, the pitch document probably describe a good game. Just like ChatGPT does, there. But note how your mind is filling in that all of this would end up in the actual game, and be competently done. And that’s where the actual GenZ Saints Row fell apart, too.

Carighan , avatar

Yeah there’s always a lot of divided audience feedback. SR2 was too serious for me still, it felt like a low-budget GTA clone and I wasn’t even a GTA fan in the first place.

But SR3 and 4? They were so ridiculously over the top, they parodied the whole genre. A genre I love to see made fun of, so they were perfect for me.

Carighan , avatar

For me, the big “Nope” was how despite being a modern game and running like arse (and not looking all that well), the streets are mostly empty. I mean at the very least I would assume they could re-implement SR3 one-to-one in more … opulent?

But instead it looks and feels worse than the older games, even in a direct comparison, because everything is dead and empty and still stutters like crazy.

Carighan , avatar

I mean with From Software in particular I am surprised they do PC ports at all. They clearly loathe the platform, and they seem to refuse to even have a single programmer that knows anything about PCs that isn’t from Wikipedia, nevermind owns one. Their ports are always so laughably bad in all technical aspects, they feel like comedy.

Carighan , avatar

Here’s hoping starfield isn’t literally just skyrim with space textures added.

Bold of you to assume anything wil ever change with their total lack of QA.

Carighan , avatar

they would have done well if they did not stray so far after SR2

And yet their successful games were SR3 and SR4, when the games could stand on their own instead of needing to tag along with GTA for publicity.

Carighan , avatar

Let’s try recreating Saints Row 4 but with Johnny Gat as the protagonist … and also he’s now in hell.

And IMO even that would have been okay (plus playing as Kinzie was far better) if it had been actual DLC. It was alright as a “I played SR4, and wish I had ~12-15 more hours to go in it”. It was essentially the same game, some new areas, swapped main char but it matters little, done. It was clearly once much smaller and meant as DLC, tbh.

Carighan , avatar

I mean just looking at Elden Ring here:

  • The engine was apparently optimized for stutters on PC, not the actual game.
  • Keybinds were incomplete, and you couldn’t even rebind the ones that were doable properly because of the fixed nature of some keys. (An incredibly common problem for so many games)
  • Lots of auto-combo keys (where one key does a lot of things instead of using all the buttons available), too.
  • Mouse acceleration completely broken, and they never fixed that. Mods can somewhat rectify it, granted.
  • The re-auth to the online server makes sense from the way a console handles launching/closing games, but not for a PC. Makes going back out for settings (since at launch a lot could not be changed mid-game) really fun. 😑
  • The UI makes no use of the keyboard or mouse, and in fact seems to actively hate them.

All of these would be trivial except maybe the stuttering if they had developers that regularly do PC games. They’re just part of basic development or basic UX evaluation.

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