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Interested in Linux, FOSS, data storage systems, unfucking our society and a bit of gaming.

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Atemu , avatar

And also tar -the fuck is in this file

Atemu , avatar

My screen flashes gray three times before rEFInd shows up

That’s your firmware and/or rEFInd’s fault. Tweaking flags for the Linux kernel will do nothing here.

Intel iGPUs can do flicker-free boot from the bootloader on.

Is there anyway I can get an encrypted Garuda system to work with Secure Boot?

What do you need secure boot for?

What is inherently better about using GrapheneOS vs Other Privacy Focused ROMs?

I know that GrapheneOS has a lot of security features that make it basically impossible to compromise your phone. And that it has a lot of control over permissions and has some privacy features. But it also has a Google Services compatibility that would allow you to use Google services, which would allow Google to harvest a lot...

Atemu , avatar

GrapheneOS has a lot of security features that make it basically impossible to compromise your phone

This is very dangerous thinking. No software is perfect; there are always ways to get in.

Now, in practice most people aren’t victims of targetted attacks and even devices with dozens of known local privilege escalation and remote code execution exploits won’t ever be attacked but those who will cannot rely on “x is basically impossible to compromise”. It takes layers and maintenance to actually be somewhat secure.

Atemu , avatar

Reason why I won’t ever ride a motorcycle.

Atemu , avatar

Are there magnetic USB-C connectors that can do USB 5Gb or even 10Gb?

Atemu , avatar

USB 5Gb/s uses voltages > 5V?

(I’m only talking about speed here, not USB-PD.)

Atemu , avatar

That’d be USB-PD, not USB 3.

Atemu , avatar

FWIW OpenVPN can use DNS names so you can use DDNS.

CGNAT says no.

Atemu , avatar

You will have to at some point; whether you want to or not. CGNAT is the future of IPv4.

Is there a way to convert radiation from atomic decay into energy directly, the same way we do sunlight with a solar cell? (

Couldn’t we have a lead box lined with these radiation to electricity converters with a small amount of radioactive material in the center, and have an energy generating device that would last for thousands or even millions of years? Imagine putting the sun in a box lined with solar cells, but on a much smaller scale....

Atemu , avatar

Looks like some imitative ML hallucinated it.

Did we kill Linux's killer feature?

A few years ago we were able to upgrade everything (OS and Apps) using a single command. I remember this was something we boasted about when talking to Windows and Mac fans. It was such an amazing feature. Something that users of proprietary systems hadn’t even heard about. We had this on desktops before things like Apple’s...

Atemu , avatar

Come join the dark side, we have all the modern features without any containerisation whatsoever:

Is this true?

Hello, smart people. Filling out an online form to volunteer for something, Firefox’s Facebook-fence icon appeared on the email field. Confused, I clicked on its question mark. On the next page, Mozilla wanted to sell me Firefox relay for $7/mo. (That’s their VPN + email masking + phone masking.) I used my email...

Atemu , avatar

Not usang their services. I’m doubtful any technical measures achieve appreciable results here.

Atemu , avatar

Why though?

Atemu , avatar

If it’s SMR garbage, this looks normal.

Atemu , avatar

I don’t know what the firmware is doing here (it’s device-managed SMR) but the write speed penalty also occurs for sequential writes in all DM-SMR drives I’ve seen measured.

Atemu , avatar

Why do you care about “lightweightness”? Are there any hardware constraints? Lightweight in what regard?

Atemu , avatar

With the latest Proton 8, it should work OOTB; launcher and all.


Fairphone Keep Club: Sustainable Consumerism? (

As you may well know, Fairphone is a company that originally arose from a kickstarter campaign and makes phones that are as easily repairable, as sustainable and as fairly sourced as possible. They do have their issues, but compared to other big phone companies they’ve done a great job with this....

Atemu , avatar

Fairphone is also regularly criticized that they’re struggling to keep up full support for devices that are just a few years old.


This is true for the entire smartphone industry excepct Fairphone and maybe a handful others.

Atemu , avatar

It sounds to me like they’re only holding it back temporarily to have users notified in advance; giving them a chance to cope before breaking their apps.

Atemu , avatar

Mesh is terrible, don’t fall for it. It can get you at least some connectivity in the extended areas but it won’t be good connectivity.

The only actually good way to extend WiFi is to install access points and run cables to them.

Cables don’t necessarily need to be regular ethernet but that’s usually the best option. MOCA usually also works great. Powerline can be hit or miss, I’d only consider it a last resort and even then wouldn’t expect it to work well.

Microsoft to Drop Support for Third-Party Printer Drivers on Windows (

“With the release of Windows 10 21H2, Windows offers inbox support for Mopria compliant printer devices over network and USB interfaces via the Microsoft IPP Class Driver. This removes the need for print device manufacturers to provide their own installers, drivers, utilities, and so on. Device experience customization is now...

Atemu , avatar

Because Microsoft manages Windows update, it’s not like a package manager in Linux.

Windows update is a package manager. It’s hot garbage (obviously) but its job is indeed to manage packages and their updates.

Drivers and other HW-related tools have been distributed via Windows Update for years now and it’s generally a good thing. Before M$ did this you had to plug in driver DVDs or scour the internet for drivers (ugh).

Looking for games with unique core mechanics

I’m requesting for recommendations for games that stand out from the rest in their genre, and not in the sense of being the best game in that niche but actually bringing something new and innovative to the table. I’ve not had much experience in gaming, but I have a few games to give you a hint on what I am talking about:...

Atemu , avatar

Super Paper Mario for the Wii also has a mechanic like that. You’re in a 2D paper world (obviously) but you have the ability to temporarily turn 90°; walking through enemies and opening the possibility to i.e. pass some walls.

Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union?

Admittedly, I don’t know much about Brexit, but from what I have been exposed to, it seems like a decisively economical and political impairment that made travel and business with the rest of Europe more difficult and costly. Since it is so highly criticized as a terrible move, why doesn’t the UK just rejoin the EU?

Abnormally high ram usage on idle (NixOS)

My computer over the last week has (after using the computer for a few hours) shown very high ram usage, around 50 - 60% out of 32GB, even though nothing in htop appears to be the culprit with the highest consumer being Firefox at 1.6% ram, even in a tty, around half of my ram is being used up even though no process shows over...

Atemu , avatar

Could you create a pie graph using smem?

Are you using ZFS?

If you close firefox, how much RAM is used?

Atemu , avatar

If I’m reading this correctly,…/user-badges.tsx#L5… suggests it’s either deleted, banned or an admin.

Atemu , avatar

Have you blocked anyone?

Did you turn off bots in your account settings?

Atemu , avatar

I initially downvoted you for the broad statement but you prompted me to take a look who commented on this thread and whether I up or downvoted them. All the comments I downvoted following my usual principles came from Hexbear. :/

Rant about Nvidia related updates on Linux (

There are many reasons to dislike Nvidia on Linux. Here is a little thing that bugs me all the time, the updates. Normally the system updates would be quick and fast, but with the proprietary drivers of Nvidia involved, it gets quiet slow process. And I am not even talking about any other problem I encounter, just about the...

Atemu , avatar

That’s what you get when you build unstable kernel APIs. Meanwhile in sane land:

Atemu , avatar

It’s more of a malware definitions update for the antivirus your body already ships with.

Atemu , avatar

Results for exact term “cats and dogs”. If no or few results are found, we’ll try to show related results.

Basically useless.

Atemu , avatar

IIRC a Google engineer once explained that exact matches do always work but can be confusing because they also apply to non-text elements. If an img alt text contains an exact match, that will show up as a result eventhough a text search on the site won’t find the phrase.

Atemu , avatar

You don’t want to combine zram swap and physical swap. When zram swap is full, you’ll get LRU inversion because it won’t ever evict from zram swap.

Either zram-only or physical+zswap.

Atemu , avatar


Any strategies for guessing a passphrase that I am missing one word of?

I forgot my Bitwarden password and I know most of the words, I am missing one word and I know the starting letter of of the word. Is there like a strategy to guessing passwords? Is there a program to assist in guessing passwords? I feel like guessing manually would take months.

Atemu , avatar

you could start by using every word in the English dictionary that starts with that letter (would take you years)

On a mainframe from the 80s maybe.

The number of words is quite finite and the number of words in commonly used wordlists even more so. On the order of thousands maybe.

Given that they claim to know the starting letter, that should narrow it down to hundreds.

Even at multiple seconds per check that’d only be a few minutes.

The other wrench in this problem is that Bitwarden vaults are not readily able to be brute forced. I won’t go into the specifics, but passphrases are not stored in “plain text”, but rather in “hashes”, which is kind of like a “fingerprint” of a file in that every file has a unique “fingerprint”.

A simple hash does nothing to slow brute force. It’s the underlying mechanism to do any password verification at all and usually rather quick.

State of the art for master-passwords are PBKDFs such is argon2i which are basically a hash hashed again and that hashed again and so on such that you must do a high number of hash calculations in order to verify a password; each depending on the previous.
You choose the number of iterations in a way that is still relatively quick to do in human terms but rather lengthy in computer terms (hundreds of ms to a few seconds). Every time you enter the master pw your computer runs through this PBKDF and you probably don’t even notice.

This does indeed “slow down” brute force attacks a good bit in relative terms but in this case the difference is inconsequential in absolute terms.

Bitwarden won’t let you constantly slam your vault stored on their servers with brute-force password attempts.

I don’t know about BW limitations in this regard but depending on whether @WtfEvenIsExistence is still logged in on any of their devices, they might be irrelevant because you don’t need to interact with any of BW’s servers even once to crack your own password. BW works offline if you have logged in once which implies that the pubkey, salt and whatever else is required to verify the password and unlock the vault are available locally.

Atemu , avatar

How did you generate this password? Which wordlist did you use?

I’d first extract all words with the starting letter from that list and simply take a look at them; whether any of them jog my memory.

Are you still logged into any BW client on any of your devices (or have such a state contained in a backup)?

Why don't I see the newer phones in the Lineage OS list?

I’m starting to see not as many newer mobiles in the Lineage OS list as I used to. The US is a lost cause with companies not allowing their bootloader to be unlocked, but even the Chinese companies like OPPO, Vivo, OnePlus etc don’t seem to have their recent devices on the Lineage OS supported list. Am I imagining this, or...

Atemu , avatar

No OEM to my knowledge provides BLOBs publicly.

LineageOS instead extracts these from the official ROM.

RE and/or shimming only need to happen when those BLOBs become incompatible with newer versions of Android.

The actual task of a maintainer is to configure the rather generic AOSP/LOS to work with the device’s specifics and integrate device-specific components.

For a few simpler examples, it must be configured which of a device’s SIM slots (if any) are eSIMs, which brightness values the device’s light sensor is expected to return, where the device has a fingerprint sensor (if it has one), the dimensions of the notch cutout and many other such things.

Atemu , avatar

Chromium was developed specifically to avoid a monopoly…

[Citation needed]

Atemu , avatar

That would be devastating for battery life.

Atemu , avatar

I’d see this to be implemented in Lemmy itself. Hashtags are a global thing, not instance-specific, and should already be available to Lemmy via AP.

Lemmy would “just” need the ability to display a hashtag as a “community” containing posts made under that hashtag. Question is what to do with replies but given Lemmys design, they could probably simply be left out because, if it’s truly on-topic, the post will likely contain the hashtag too and therefore land in the hashtag “community”.

Atemu , avatar

I was being a bit unclear here, what I meant was that replies mentioning a hashtag shouldn’t show up as posts in its pseudo-community; only posts. Replies to a post with a hashtag would show up regardless of content.

Cheap and good mini-PCs for gaming?

Hello, everybody! I want to have a little mini-PC for gaming that operates like a console. I don’t want to have a big, clunky case in the back or front of the TV. Furthermore, I don’t play many AAA titles from recent years, so the hardware doesn’t need to be high-end. It would be nice if I could run Scarlet Nexus, Nier:...

Atemu , avatar

Choose two:

  • Cheap
  • Gaming PC
  • Small form factor

Btw, mATX boards and cases aren’t that large and usually cost the same or less than full ATX. Might be a good middle-ground.

Secure distro for daily use

Hi, Im searching for a secure distro for normal daily use for my laptop. Currently Im running arch linux with full disk encryption, secure boot, linux hardened, firewalld and most apps as flatpaks (with some disabled permissions using flatseal). I think its pretty secure laptop but it could be more secure....

Atemu , avatar

Also has an extensive SElinux setup.

Atemu , avatar

Sustainability has a price. You’re indirectly paying that price for the Pixel too btw, it’s just not on the bill.

Self-hosted Anki/Spaced Repetition

I’m looking for a spaced repetition alternative to Anki, ideally something that I can self host and expose like any other webapp, and that is compatible with .apkg Anki decks (or at least that is compatible with something I can convert .apkg decks into). I’d like to not have to create an account with Anki or some other third...

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