There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

TransplantedSconie ,

So…will they seize the companies assets and arrest the CEO for violating the sanctions?

Because that’s how you stop this shit.

TokenBoomer ,

The company is Greek.

zane ,

If it does business in the US, its a US company.

TokenBoomer ,


SpookyOperative ,

??? There are thousands of companies that do business in the US that aren’t american.

partial_accumen ,

The company is Greek.

The ship was owned by a US company:

"But the Suez Rajan case was unique at the time of the transfer because it was owned by the Los Angeles-based private equity firm Oaktree Capital Management. "


TokenBoomer ,

Great. You got me on a technicality. So it’s okay for any country to steal oil from another if that tanker, or it’s propeller, was once owned by the thieving country?

partial_accumen ,

was once owned by the thieving country?

Once owned? You mean during the time the crime was committed?

TokenBoomer ,

Why is piracy okay?

partial_accumen ,

Not piracy. Being held accountable to the laws in which there is proper jurisdiction.

You’re making a strange nonsensical argument. Lets plug your argument into a similar theoretical situation:

Lets say a US company owns a truck and is transporting cocaine in the United States from a South American drug cartel to their drug distribution networks in Vancouver, British Columbia. The police pull over the truck and find the drugs. Being illegal they seize the truck and the drugs. You’re arguing the South American drug cartel should be given their cocaine back because the cartel and the drug distribution network in Vancouver is outside of the United States. That makes your logic laughably naive, willfully ignorant, or maliciously in bad faith.

TokenBoomer , (edited )

What gives the US proper jurisdiction? Iran did not agree to be sanctioned. Nor do they have to adhere to a law made in the United States, unless they agreed to it internationally. My argument is sound. Other countries don’t have to obey US law, unless they agreed to that law. This isn’t difficult.

partial_accumen ,

What gives the US proper jurisdiction?

The company that chose to operate within the US jurisdiction, in these cases, by owning the vehicles to doing the transport.

Iran did not agree to be sanctioned.

What kind of schoolyard logic are you working with here? Do you really have no idea how geopolitics works? No country has to have permission to sanction another. It is a choice one country makes to no buy from another. There is nothing preventing Iran from selling its oil to China. They’re just not allowed to do it with anything that is owned by the US government, US companies and those countries that choose to follow the same sanctions.

Nor do they have to adhere to a law made in the United States, unless they agreed to it internationally.

They absolutely do if they’re using something owned by the USA, in this case the tanker itself.

My argument is sound.

Your argument is naive, willfully ignorant, or maliciously in bad faith.

Other countries don’t have to obey US law, unless they agreed to that law.

Indirectly Iran agreed to it with the use of a US owned tanker. Why did they think they could do that when it breaks US law?

This isn’t difficult.

I agree it isn’t difficult. Don’t want to be bound by US rules and law? Don’t use US owned property, operating in US waters, use US banking systems, or any of the other countries that choose to follow US sanctions against a country. See how easy it is?

TokenBoomer ,

Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it so. Iran did not agree to be sanctioned. Therefore, any “laws” the United States implements is illegal. The owner of the ship is ancillary. It’s justification for an internationally illegal act. I wonder if you would defend China so vociferously if they played the same game with America? I don’t think you would. You are defending a crime. But, muh freedom…

partial_accumen ,

Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it so. Iran did not agree to be sanctioned.

You should take your own advice with this statement.

Therefore, any “laws” the United States implements is illegal.

Factually false. You operate in the US or with US companies you’re agreeing to be bound by our laws. Don’t like it? Use non-US or non-US-allies companies.

The owner of the ship is ancillary.

Here’s where you should apply your own logic: “Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it so.”

I wonder if you would defend China so vociferously if they played the same game with America? I don’t think you would.

I weep for the people of Hong Kong. China is systematically stripping them of their representation. However, Hong Kong is part of China. Its Chinese laws, inside of China. I have no say in what they do in Hong Kong. China is fully within their rights to do so even if I believe it will harm the Chinese people with regard to their long term prosperity.

I didn’t even bring up China here, but curiously you did. 你是 中国人吗?

You are defending a crime. But, muh freedom…

Here’s another place where you should apply your own logic: “Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it so.”

TokenBoomer ,

This is exhausting. The sanctions are illegal and condemned internationally. Any law approved and applied after that fact is immaterial. Get it. It doesn’t matter if the boat is American. It doesn’t matter if it was US dollars and an American company. The overarching sanctions are illegal, so any adjudication after is illegal. Capiche?

partial_accumen ,

This is exhausting. The sanctions are illegal and condemned internationally. Any law approved and applied after that fact is immaterial. Get it. It doesn’t matter if the boat is American. It doesn’t matter if it was US dollars and an American company. The overarching sanctions are illegal, so any adjudication after is illegal. Capiche?

Those are the same three flawed ideas you’ve stated over and over again.

You are disconnected from reality if you’re trying to pass that off as truth.

The. world. just. doesn’t. work. that. way.


TokenBoomer ,

The. world. just. doesn’t. work. that. way.

Then maybe we should change it. Or do you want to conserve the status quo and not progress into the future?

partial_accumen ,

Please tell me one nation that has it all figured out whose rules we can use for the world. No one has. We have many different versions and the US is just one. You’re complaining about the laws the US writes for itself and its citizens. Is it perfect? Far from it, but its much better than authoritarian regimes like Iran, Russia, or China writing the rules that everyone would have to follow if you get your way.

TokenBoomer ,

My concern are the sanctions, which don’t accomplish their goals, and disproportionately affects the people of Iran. It is an exercise in power, to demonstrate power, and is condemned by the world.

partial_accumen ,

So for our thought experiment now, YOU’RE the one writing the rules: What rule (besides sanctions) would YOU put in place to accomplish the goals without disproportionately affecting the people of Iran?

TokenBoomer ,

We have an organization for this, the United Nations. They condemn the sanctions. Follow the UN. A rule: The Golden Rule. Don’t do anything to another country that you wouldn’t want done to you.

partial_accumen ,

We have an organization for this, the United Nations. They condemn the sanctions.

I’ve seen no sources say that. Back up your statement with a real source that says that.

TokenBoomer ,
partial_accumen ,

First, thank you for posting that. Second, you should be seeing the problem with it. Its not the UN, as a governing body, saying that.

From your source:

" the group of Special Rapporteurs and the Independent Expert on international solidarity, said in a statement."

This is a group of people hired by the HRC, not even a binding UN resolution either. The HRC is following its mandate to: "strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights ". They call out the results of actions, without addressing the reasons or actions to solutions to why those actions were taken. They’re not wrong, but their statements are incomplete. Its okay for them though, its not their mandate to come up with solutions, just to call out problems.

Where is the UN’s enforcement answer to curtailing Iran’s nuclear weapons program? This is hard and confusing world or geopolitics.

TokenBoomer ,

The UN still sanctions their nuclear ambitions. Which I agree with, because it’s the UN. America is unilaterally doing the economic sanctions, which they do not agree with. It would be difficult for the UN to vote to condemn the US due to the structure of the organization (US led). So they have to do it with press releases. They did vote on the Cuban embargo and blockade. And every member country except the US and Israel voted to end it.


Id pay so much money to work on HR at a company where you have to take sanctions compliance training.

Your emails about “colonialism” would be fucking framed on my desk.

This is hilarious.

TokenBoomer ,

Glad you enjoyed it.


you got me on a technicality

“I can declassify anything I want just by thinking about it”

catsarebadpeople ,

Oaktree Capital Management doesn’t sound very Greek to me. Maybe it’s because the company is based in Los Angeles…

TokenBoomer ,

Your justifying piracy. It’s okay when we do it. But not when they do. How magnanimous.


This is the opposite of what magnanimous means.




generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.

TokenBoomer ,

I know. /s

dannoffs , avatar

You want the United States to arrest someone in Greece for transporting oil from Iran to China? I don’t see how it’s any of our fucking business.

TransplantedSconie ,

Seeing how they pled guilty and paid a 2.5 Million dollar fine and 3 years probation, I guess it was our fucking business.

dannoffs , avatar

They plead guilty to violating the IEEPA, which is a law we passed that says if we declare an emergency we can regulate whatever international commerce we feel like. The US being being wealthy enough that companies choose to comply so they can still have our business doesn’t make it right.

catsarebadpeople ,

The company is based in Los Angeles you knob

dannoffs , avatar

No. A LA based private equity company technically owned the boat at the time of transfer (they do not own it anymore, it’s been sold to the Greek company). That US based company is seemingly off Scott free in this situation and the Greek company is the one being fined and sanctioned.

deft ,


Watch as he desperately reaches for straws!!

You literally said this yourself and then ignore that you did lmfao.

US jurisdiction, just cause they tried musical chairs or whatever is just nonsense of them trying to pull some shit. Case closed sis.

tryptaminev ,

So instead of putting the US capital investors in prison and seizing the assets of the equity firm, they seize the oil and fuck the greek company.

That is judiciary colonialism

TokenBoomer ,

Good point


judiciary colonialism

Colonialism is defined here as “things I don’t like”

Acters ,

A dream that won’t come true, these people only see this as part of the risk of doing business and will try again in the same way, hoping to not get caught, or will find a legal loophole.

Cleverdawny ,

Seizing over a hundred million of oil is a pretty big ouch to any business

NateNate60 ,

Not for the shipping company. It’s not their oil. The Iranians can ask the shipping company for compensation, which they could easily refuse and there isn’t much recourse that the Iranians would have. The Chinese could demand compensation but if the company again refuses or claims insolvency or whatever, it’s easier for the Chinese to just stiff the Iranians with payment instead.

Rodeo ,

For business sure. But what about consequences for the people who made the decisions?

jarfil ,

They get fired for losing the company 100 million? They get a bonus for implementing a better way of doing the same thing the next 50 times? Dunno, I’m not an oil smuggling expert.

teft , avatar

So privateer is a legitimate profession again?

Badass_panda ,

The government served them a court order, they turned the ship around and handed it over. No US naval involvement, etc.

FireTower , avatar

Always has been. U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section 8, clause 11.

FrostyCaveman ,

Oh fuck… that seems serious

NateNate60 ,

The legal grounds: The oil was shipped by a US company in violation of US law. American companies can’t do business with an organisation that the US government has designated as a terrorist organisation. Thus American authorities siezed the ship and its cargo.

TokenBoomer , (edited )

Why is this person getting upvotes for clearly lying. Empire Navigation is based in Greece. Here’s more info: Source.

Doorbook ,

But the company pleaded guilty…

TokenBoomer ,

Yes. And were fined. But that’s perfunctory so that they can make more money smuggling oil. The sanctions are solely enforced by the U.S., without consent of the UN.

partial_accumen ,


Your own link argues against you:

"But the Suez Rajan case was unique at the time of the transfer because it was owned by the Los Angeles-based private equity firm Oaktree Capital Management. "

At the time the ship was being used for moving US sanctioned oil, it was own by a US company. That supports @NateNate60 's statements.

TokenBoomer ,

That is correct and why they could prosecute this case. But they have been seizing oil since 2019. And even if all those tankers were partially owned by US companies, it still doesn’t change the fact that this amounts to piracy. Defending international injustice with legalese doesn’t absolve what this is. When China seizes our tankers because the parts were made in China, will you defend them?

partial_accumen ,

And even if all those tankers were partially owned by US companies,

If the tankers or company is operating in the US, then they are bound by US laws no matter where they are in the world. A company can’t benefit from the protection of the US government and laws at home only to go abroad to commit US crimes.

TokenBoomer ,

Many countries can use that justification. Why are you defending an act that you’d condemn if it was done to America?

TheFonz ,

You’re really committed to the act, even after multiple people have pointed out your error in reading this situation. Kudos to you I guess?

TokenBoomer ,

It’s not an act. I care about this world I live in. I don’t debate to convince the people that disagree with me. I do it to show that those people don’t use logic and reason to decide their beliefs. They want the illusion of confirmation bias. I try to disrupt that illusion. We need to see the world from different perspectives.

NateNate60 ,

I hate that “confirmation bias” have become moo words with people nowadays.

The logic is pretty sound:

  • A company that does business in the United States must comply with American laws.
  • It is forbidden under American law for a company that operates from the United States to do business with Iran.
  • The company, through its child, shipped oil from Iran.
  • American authorities, enforcing American law, ordered the company to divert the ship and turn over the oil for confiscation because the shipment was illegal.
  • Oil is confiscated.

I remark that sanctions do not require the approval of the United Nations. Under customary international law, it is an application of sovereign authority. Any country can apply sanctions and can do so in any way you like. What the USA has said is that “if you want to do business here, we forbid you from doing business with Iran”.

frunch ,

I appreciate you going the distance with that guy. I don’t think they changed their mind, nor do I think they have the capacity to. You certainly kept it on level for us in the peanut gallery though. Cheers!

TokenBoomer ,

You owe me $250 million for using the word “moo.” I sanctioned you 5 hours ago, without your knowledge or approval. You have to do what I want, because I have a bigger stick. I can make up whatever law or sanction I want, and you have to follow it or I’ll destroy your town. Pretzel logic. Call it confirmation bias or sucking your own dick, but that’s what is going on.

NateNate60 ,

I wasn’t aware that you were a sovereign state or that I had any money deposited in your banks or that I do business of any sort with you.

You can sanction me by putting a permanent embargo on conversing with me by blocking me if you want

TokenBoomer ,

It was an analogy. I don’t want to block you. I want to have an intelligent discussion about the merits of this act. But people just want to defend America despite its despotic acts. It makes me sad.

legion02 ,

The analogy is closer to you getting banned by a lemmy instance for breaking their rules when replying to comments from another instance. Just because you’re abroad doesn’t mean you’re ungoverned.

TokenBoomer ,

There is no governance between states.

International law (also known as public international law and the law of nations) is the set of guidelines, norms, and standards usually forming the default behavior between states. Inter means between thus outside of territories thus absent of sovereignty, thus isn’t a law at all (See: Westphalian System) and is rather a common-practice between states - unless they wish otherwise due to their own reasoning. (Source](

legion02 ,

This isn’t an action between states. A US based company bought oil from Iran (hence why it’s Iranian oil, they’re referencing origin, not ownership) to sell to China. That us based company was found to be in violation of US sanctions against Iran. They capitulated because they still wish to do business in the US.

TokenBoomer ,

Do you logic bro?

Rodeo ,

Wow you suddenly got so juvenile lmao

TokenBoomer ,

Trying to relate to the audience.

deft , (edited )

Logic - US said do not do that.

Reason - They did it.

If this has insulin, guns, food. You’d probably not care at all. This article would never be written.

TokenBoomer ,

America is not GOD.

hark , avatar

Downvoters believe that America is indeed god. That is how far America’s dick is down their throat.

TokenBoomer ,

It’s difficult when you first begin to realize that what you’ve been told is the truth your whole life is lie. It happened to me with the Iraq war and the PNAC report. I try to remain compassionate, because, as an American, I’ve been there. The truth sucks. It’s easier to believe the lies.

deft ,

China tried to run illegal police stations in numerous countries.

TokenBoomer ,

And that has nothing to do with this story.

CmdrShepard ,

Neither does anything that you’re arguing about.

TokenBoomer ,

I’m not a fish.

CmdrShepard ,


IHaveTwoCows ,

As a side note, all private equity firms should have their assets seized and board members guillotined. They bring absolutely nothing of value to society.

deft ,

The contraband cargo is now the subject of a civil forfeiture action in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The United States’ forfeiture complaint alleges that the oil aboard the vessel is subject to forfeiture based on U.S. terrorism and money laundering statutes.

The complaint alleges a scheme involving multiple entities affiliated with Iran’s IRGC and the IRGC-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) to covertly sell and transport Iranian oil to a customer abroad. Participants in the scheme attempted to disguise the origin of the oil using ship-to-ship transfers, false automatic identification system reporting, falsified documents and other means. The complaint further alleges that the charterer of the vessel used the U.S. financial system to facilitate the transportation of Iranian oil

TheBlue22 ,


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  • TokenBoomer ,

    Attack the person, if you can’t defend the argument. Be better.

    TheBlue22 ,

    I could not give less of a fuck what a people like you think or believe. Your “arguments” are born out of propaganda. Hell, half of your fucking posts I’ve seem were “this is written by a website based in a country I don’t like”, too bad truth is not written by propaganda websites you love to browse.

    Go back to hexbear, grad, or whatever shithole you crawled out of, degenerate tankie scum

    TokenBoomer ,


  • Loading...
  • TheBlue22 ,

    Impossible to take an insult from people like you, scatter insect

    TokenBoomer ,

    What a dolt.

    UltraMagnus0001 ,

    china? is that you?

    TokenBoomer ,

    I’m an American that actually wants my country to act like the things it says it stands for.

    theodewere , avatar

    you're a liar

    TokenBoomer ,

    You know I’m not.

    Lafuma300 ,

    The legal grounds: it is ok when we do it. This is just old fashioned piracy, but of course you’ll try to justify it.

    NateNate60 ,

    The ship was not intercepted by the Navy. They served a court order on the company and the company turned the ship back and its cargo was seized

    K1nsey6 , avatar

    The worlds largest terrorist state gets to dictate who is terrorist?

    ArmokGoB ,

    When you’re running your company on US soil, yeah.

    Telodzrum ,

    State actors, by definition are not terrorists.

    james1 ,

    Some states do use their own definitions of terrorism to explain why it’s bad when other people do it but OK when they do it, but that’s definitely not a uniform definition.

    the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective.

    • Britannica

    The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.

    • American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

    the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants.

    • Wiki

    (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal

    • Collins English Dictionary

    the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes… government or resistance to government by means of terror.

    • Webster’s
    mycorrhiza ,

    America has caused the deaths of around 4.5 million people in the middle east since 9/11

    K1nsey6 , avatar

    The US is a terrorist state

    assassin_aragorn ,

    If China sanctioned the US as a terrorist state and discovered a Chinese company was illegally selling oil to the US, would you be upset with the Chinese government bringing that company to court? And would you say it’s wrong that as part of the court proceedings, the company in violation agrees to ship the oil to a Chinese port, for the Chinese government to seize?

    If that sounds acceptable to you, you should really consider why you find it unacceptable and propaganda when the roles are switched.

    K1nsey6 , avatar

    Im not disputing that, I was asking for the rational behind the worlds largest terrorist state (the US) trying to dictate who is and who isnt a terrorist.,

    NateNate60 , (edited )

    Yep. Anyone can do that, actually. I can declare you a terrorist. It’s totally my right to do so, but the question is–so what? What am I going to do about it?

    The US government has declared the Iranian organisation a terrorist organisation. What have they done about it?

    The amount of outrage on this thread is just ignorant people learning how international geopolitics and the concept of absolute state sovereignty work for the first time. Yes, it is the case that big countries get to stick their fingers into the business of little countries. Yes, it is unfair. But that’s how it is and that’s how it’s always gonna be for the foreseeable future. That’s how it always has been for all of human history. From Ur to Rome to Vienna to London to Washington. From Chang’an to Beijing to Nanjing to Tokyo and now back to Beijing. In the next century maybe it will be some other country kicking around everyone else instead of the US. But I can practically guarantee that there will be kicking and there will be people continuing to complain about how unfair it is, because it is and always has been.

    I’d like to say we should do better as a species, but in reality, what we have now is really fucking amazing compared to when Genghis Khan would come romping around town destroying your villages and murdering your people, or the Romans coming and demanding fifty talents of silver by sunset or else, or the Belgians planting rubber trees in your backyard.

    solstice ,

    we should do better as a species, but in reality, what we have now is really fucking amazing

    I always say this when people say we should burn it all down. Sometimes they say it flippantly but some people actually think it’s a good idea to hit the reset button. Like it’s a good idea to go back to subsistence agriculture and hunter gatherer lifestyle. No, thanks, overall, things are actually going really well all things considered.

    SwampYankee ,

    Realpolitik go brrr

    Franzia ,

    I am proud that America is finally doing something about this illegal oil trade. We have always turned a blind eye, and now we are actually forcing our hand to keep Iran from becoming a potential world-ending regime with no human rights for Iranians.

    JackOfAllTraits , avatar

    potential world-ending regime

    Sorry, what?

    Franzia ,

    They wanna build nukes, I’m saying they’d also use them

    Wakmrow ,

    Yes America should stand against any country that would use nukes

    JackOfAllTraits , avatar


    Wakmrow ,

    Lol yeah the US is the only country that has used nukes

    JackOfAllTraits , avatar


    JackOfAllTraits , avatar

    Even if they make nukes they would, at best, develop few dozen. You would need a lot more to produce global efects.

    TokenBoomer ,

    And we wonder why they hate us.

    luthis ,

    How dare we take a stand against genocide.

    TokenBoomer , (edited )

    So countries aren’t sovereign now?

    Edit: I can’t find any info. What genocide?

    specialdealer ,

    There’s more than one to pick from, but I’ll go with having 2 X chromosomes as my least favorite

    TokenBoomer ,

    They killed all the women? That seems I’ll conceived.

    specialdealer ,

    A lot of women are killed or severely punished for normal activities. They would not be harmed if they were men.

    What’s it called when you kill a group of people who share a particular national or genetic trait?

    TokenBoomer ,

    Not the subject.

    specialdealer ,

    Good luck with your lead poisoning issue

    TokenBoomer ,

    Good luck with the cognitive dissonance. It helps if you try to see different perspectives. Just because a topic makes you uncomfortable, does not mean it’s wrong. Travel overseas to these countries you dislike. They are made up of people, just like you. They live, they love, and they feel pain, just like you. America is a country of 345 million, compared to a world of 8 billion. The minority should never rule the majority. It typically doesn’t end well for the minority. As a citizen of that minority, I’m frustrated that we don’t treat the world equitably. Enjoy this time in the sun, because the night that’s coming will be long and cold.

    specialdealer ,

    You know what people are a majority of the world? Women. Women are people.

    TokenBoomer ,

    People are People. Maybe try to understand the lyrics.

    PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

    seathru ,


  • Loading...
  • TokenBoomer ,

    The article mentions sanctions against Iran. I think China was buying the oil.

    Ado ,

    How does seizing oil mean we’re standing against genocide? Where is the connection?

    Jaytreeman ,

    They're talking about China.

    TokenBoomer ,

    The article is about Iran. Why is Iran being punished for a Chinese genocide?

    Jaytreeman ,

    They bought the Kool aid?
    Genocide is wrong. (wild hot take I know)
    Maybe every country should stop it.
    If any one country stopped trade with every country that did genocide, they wouldn't have many trading partners.

    The article has more to do with the Iranian revolutionary guard, but they somehow sold oil to China.

    The antichina people jump on every article that mentions China.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Who got the oil? The US?

    flipht ,

    Iran can sell their oil to whomever can buy it.

    But this was apparently a US company violating US law, your point...the US's sovereign right to enforce their law and confiscate contraband from their citizen.

    TokenBoomer ,

    The company is located out of Greece. So not a US company.

    catsarebadpeople ,


    TokenBoomer ,

    So I was wrong in this specific case. But they’ve been seizing oil since 2019. How is this okay?

    slaacaa , (edited )

    fastest-moving goalpost in the West

    TokenBoomer ,


  • Loading...
  • sub_ubi ,

    We? You’re posting on a nz server

    Lols ,

    are you from mali?

    SCB ,

    Wait til you find out about this fun little thing called “federation”

    tryptaminev ,

    The US commited genocide in Iraq and helped genocide in Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cambodia…

    The US claiming to take a stand against genocide is laughable at best.

    It is completely cynical though, because the US still buys plenty of products that are made in chinese labor camps. It is crazy how much kool-aid americans drink and how deep they managed to put their heads up their own ass.

    assassin_aragorn ,

    It is crazy how much kool-aid americans drink and how deep they managed to put their heads up their own ass.

    … You said in an article where a US ship willingly returned oil to a US dock because it was in violation of US trade sanctions. Could you please at least read up on the event before you decide to act high and mighty?

    theodewere , avatar

    no i don't.. why would i wonder that.. i want them to be sleepless at night because of me..

    TokenBoomer ,

    What an immature response.

    autotldr Bot ,

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The US government seized nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian crude oil allegedly bound for China, according to newly unsealed court documents and a statement released by the Department of Justice on Friday.

    “This is the first-ever criminal resolution involving a company that violated sanctions by facilitating the illicit sale and transport of Iranian oil,” according to the DOJ.

    The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a US-designated foreign terrorist organization, allegedly shipped more than 980,000 barrels of oil, the press release stated.

    The DOJ claimed that “multiple entities affiliated with Iran’s IRGC and the IRGC-Qods Force” were involved in the scheme to “disguise the origin of the oil” and illegally sell it to China, according to court documents.

    The court filings also show allegations that “profits from oil sales support the IRGC’s full range of malign activities, including the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, support for terrorism and both domestic and international human rights abuses.”

    In April, the company operating the ship carrying the oil, Empire Navigation, pleaded guilty to conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

    The original article contains 239 words, the summary contains 184 words. Saved 23%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

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