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liquidparasyte , (edited )

I wonder if Lemmy will be any more Normal about dogs than snoosite was

Update: prognosis is not looking good

sirico , avatar

Refreshing to see actual discussion rather than the trite copy and paste “oh gee whizz I wonder what the breed it” posts

blackn1ght ,

This must have flown right by me, but what was Reddit’s attitude?

Seasoned_Greetings ,

There is at least an entire sub dedicated to hating on pit bulls. I think multiple subs. During its time a few years ago, one specific sub could make it to the top of r/all with 10,000+ upvotes.

Reddit really doesn’t like pit bulls.

Psychodelic ,

Yeah they’re here too. I think there’s a huge overlap in the demographics of reddit, this site, and really the entire Internet - white American dudes over ~35 . I’ve learned a lot about these people this demographic during my time on the web (mainly from places like reddit)

Scotty_Trees , avatar

You’re in for a treat, as Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik released a video last week, where he actually goes into those REddit dog subs. If you’re unfamiliar with this channel, please know it’s entirely satire, most of the time. Well worth a watch!

Seasoned_Greetings ,

Dude, thanks for posting this.

Addv4 , (edited )

“All pits are violent and will maul any passing child.” It was pretty annoying.

TheFrirish ,

pitbulls are disproportionately predisposed to all kinds of violence/mauling. Even though it’s not their fails since they were specifically bred for that purpose.

LastElemental ,

I should remind my pitbull of that fact then. He’s super sweet around children, guess he forgot to attack them all this time 🤷‍♂️

Addv4 , (edited )

Not against pits (have a sweet 5 year old brindle boxer-pit mix myself), just was indicating what a lot of redditors basically would basically say whenever the whole idea of pits was brought up, and how I was almost always annoyed by it because it was in the realm of absolutes (pit mixes can be aggressive, but in fairness I’ve seen a few traditionally easy breeds be super aggressive). Apparently that seems to have been continued on lemmy as well. For reference, I’m talking about someone posting a vid or a pic of a pit mix doing something cute or innocuous and then one of the top comments would be how violent pits are.

intensely_human ,

What would you do if your pitbull hurt a child?

cornshark ,

Probably delete the comment for one

Crashumbc ,

It would never happen, the same as if I owned any other large breed. I would take extra care with my dog around anyone.

Note: My girl has never even looked at anything angrily, she will aggressively sniff you though!

Denalduh ,

I can absolutely tell you the pitbull hate has arrived. I have 3 wonderful pits who adore our 10yr and 6yr niece and nephew. They cuddle up with them like teddy bears everytime they come over but according to people here, they want to maul the kids faces off…

How people can’t understand that it’s not the dog, it’s the trainer and environment the dog is brought up in.

Classy ,

To claim that it’s entirely environmental is to flaunt longstanding understanding on how genetics works. Nobody looks at border collies, with their high intelligence, and say “oh it’s just environment”, or chihuahuas being territorial little shits and say “oh it’s just environment”. These dogs were ENGINEERED to be this way, it’s in their bones.

Pitbulls have been specifically bred for their toughness, their aggression, their locking jaw, and because you happened to get a couple good ones doesn’t invalidate the fact that they are statistically one of the most dangerous breeds to own.

JStenoien ,

The fact that you just cited the completely made up “locking jaw” myth really shows how valid and researched your opinion is on this topic…

Rekorse ,

The fact you misrepresented their point to make it sound like a gotcha moment says more about you then the person you replied to.

pantyhosewimp ,

My Maltese does not have the physical capability of harming me. No temperament test required.

Not scientific but from observing human behavior in my own weird family genetics mixup, I am convinced that creatures behavior is 80% genetics and 20% environment. And bull-breeds were bred to aggressively tear apart other living creatures.

Lobreeze ,

There is no reason to own a breed line that. You are just selfish.

Shaggy1050 ,

Or the opposite. I have had 2 rescues that have been amazing. The second has been a ton of work but it’s well worth it because he is one of the most loving and affectionate dogs I have ever met. I also believe that not just anyone should own a bully breed (or many other breeds of dogs for that matter).

In my neighborhood, it’s 2 Golden’s that are always running free and wreaking havoc on other dogs and people. Meanwhile we have the ‘dangerous one’ because he is a pit. Our dog is not permitted outside the house without supervision and a lead if we’re outside the fence (still supervised in the fenced in area). The one time he got out I yelled ‘heel’ and he came right back. Meanwhile, the goldens chase us (and most other residents) into our own yard while the own stands still from his garage just yelling at them but the goldens don’t care. They just bark and snarl and encroach in our (and others) yard.

I argue it’s the opposite of selfish. Giving time, money, and resources to care and save an animal that was abandoned doesn’t exactly seem selfish.

I’m all for rescuing as many dogs as we can as a society (regardless of breed), but serious thought and planning needs to be in place as there are a lot of incapable people out there.

EatATaco ,

It’s a statistics thing. Sure training has a lot to do with it, but these were dogs bred to be aggressive and thus are more likely to be aggressive, with equal training. On top of that, they were bred to be big and strong. So when they do attack, they can do a lot more damage.

It’s a dangerous combo. Yes I’ve known some super sweet ones. But there are so many other god breeds out there that score high on human compatibility and sociability with other dogs…the question is why even get higher risk dogs?

Shaggy1050 , (edited )

Statistically the breed is misidentified as well leading to many ‘pitbull’ attacks not being actual pitbulls. Again, I’m not saying they’re not dangerous or that just anyone should own one but they should be treated like any other dog of their ilk. Rotts, German Shepards, Cane Corsos, Dobermanns, all are capable of massive damage but there aren’t nearly as many of those in need of a good home and good guidance. The problem is there are SO MANY pitbulls. By adopting one, I’m helping save a life since they are killed in shelters so much earlier than other breeds. Just like I’m not having kids and if I change my mind one day, I’ll adopt. I can adopt a dog that is at-risk and turn around their life, why wouldn’t I?

intensely_human ,

Has those Goldens’ havoc ever involved spilled blood?

Shaggy1050 , (edited )

Not yet but the neighbors German shepherd did bite our late dog’s noise and cause a laceration when they were first getting introduced. I don’t blame the dog. They had just rescued it and still needed socialization (our dog was just fine and it was a controlled environment).

I also have been bitten by a German shepherd that was a family’s dog. That one actually needed stitches. But again, it was a rescue and had a terrible temperament. They had the dog for a while but it was terribly trained and they shouldn’t have had the dog as they couldn’t control it.

Our neighbor’s dog is so sweet and just needed some work. I’m not sure what happened to the other dog but I didn’t want to press chargers or anything. It’s just a dog that needed cared for by someone capable.

Despite having bad experiences with German shepherds, I would never say it’s a problem with the breed. That’s just prejudice and ignorant.

AmosBurton_ThatGuy , avatar

Where’s the line? Should normal people also not be able to have German Shepard’s since they’re also dangerous if not raised properly? I had a GS in the past and she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had, amazing and funny personality and insanely loveable. But that’s because she was brought up in a house where she was treated right and raised right.

Blame the dumbass owners not the dogs themselves ffs. Just because you or someone else is scared of certain dogs doesn’t mean they should be blanket banned for everyone.

crapwittyname ,

Nobody is blaming the dogs. The humans that bred then to have the instinct to never let go until their prey is dead, they are the bad guys here. It’s a bit like how pugs are fraught with health problems their whole lives because people think their funny faces are cute. Not their fault, but they have to live with it. XL bullies aren’t evil. They’re just doing what their breed does. Unfortunately what their breed does ends up killing people quite often.

yamanii , avatar

I bet that was the lady’s thoughts too.

intensely_human ,

“They’ve never killed me before!”

fiercekitten ,

Because pitbulls can be raised in a loving environment with great humans and you can do everything right and the pitbull can still be set off or triggered by something many years into its peaceful life and suddenly start attacking people. They can have a moment where they simply snap, and given their strength and determination, that’s dangerous and horrifying.

intensely_human ,

And people who consciously decide to keep them in their own household, with their own children, are willfully ignorant or downright evil.

drislands ,

Honest question. Why do you think aggression isn’t a trait that can be selectively bred for or against? Surely you agree other traits can be bred – herding and pointing, to use some common examples.

intensely_human ,

Why can’t you understand that being capable of snuggling does not make a pitbull incapable of killing.

Shaggy1050 ,

Hate in general is mostly irrational and sadly propaganda plays into the tribalistic nature of humans.

Aux ,

Dogs? Yes. Satan incarnates born to kill? No.

TransplantedSconie ,

me not knowing the breed looks them up via DDG

So she was basically mauled by the Demon Dogs from Ghostbusters.

burgersc12 ,


  • Loading...
  • Dogs_cant_look_up ,

    “So i went and Ducked it”

    Eh? Eh?

    EtherWhack , avatar

    just one… single… Slip

    Geth ,

    People can just say “I looked it up” or “searched”, so if they specify the search engine, I assume they are trying to make a passing statement.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    He looked it up via Demon Dogs from Ghostbusters

    Gonzako ,

    I ducked it up

    boatsnhos931 ,

    I just binged the shit out of it

    Ironfacebuster ,

    I Bing’d it and it told me to download Microsoft Edge

    Reddfugee42 ,


    ID411 ,

    Yum yum yum said the dog

    li10 ,

    If my dogs ever tried to kill me, I’d just pin them both down. That’s the benefit of not having insanely powerful dogs.

    IMO you shouldn’t have a dog that you can’t physically restrain. Any dog can snap and you need to be able to physically stop them if that happens.

    mojofrododojo ,

    Any dog can snap

    any animal can snap.

    I guess you don’t think people should have st. bernards or great danes? I mean, I’m not suggesting people keep wolves or lions as pets, but this bully dog fearmongering is out of control. IMHO, it’s not the breed, it’s the training and owner.

    theareciboincident ,

    breed is literally bred to increase aggression over hundreds of generations

    nooo they just look scary they’re so cuddly noooo you don’t understand

    mojofrododojo ,

    breed is literally bred to increase aggression over hundreds of generations

    absolute bullshit, unless they’re being bred by chuds for dogfights (despicable) this is not a thing

    todd_bonzalez ,

    The term “pit bull” literally refers to a type of dog that has a history of fighting in pits. It’s in their name. They are a despicable breed that people should stop breeding. You’re so close to understanding…

    mojofrododojo ,

    You’re so close to understanding…

    you’re so close to being human.

    yamanii , avatar

    They are being human, they want to protect their fellow humans from a violent dog breed that is disproportionately responsible for owner and family deaths.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    IMHO, it’s not the breed, it’s the training and owner.

    Your humble opinion notwithstanding, Bully dogs are demonstrably more dangerous than other breeds of dogs. It’s not some irrational fear, these dogs make up 66% of all fatal dog attacks. Pick any deceased dog attack victim, and it was a Bully or a Rottweiler that killed them.

    Training is important and can make a difference in outcomes, but the data overwhelmingly points to aggression and lethality between different dog breeds being a matter of nature more than nurture, and that Bully dogs are on the far end of both spectrums leading to the worst outcomes.

    mojofrododojo ,
    todd_bonzalez ,

    This entire article, which I have seen before, strawmans the issue by pretending that a ban on breeding and adoption is supposed to instantly solve fatal dog bite issues, and that short-term data from a failed small-scale direct-enforcement program (throwing the cops at the problem) is some sort of proof that restrictions don’t work.

    The reality is that banning the breeding and adoption of pit bulls would result in a long term reduction in the breed. You can even grandfather existing pit bull owners out of the ban and avoid direct enforcement against people’s pets, because you only need 12-14 years before the majority of pitbulls in the world were born after the ban, and at that point you can just enforce the law when illegal dogs are found.

    If one breed is responsible for 66% of all fatal attacks, and you significantly decrease the number of dogs of that breed, there will be fewer fatal dog attacks. A ban absolutely would work, it just won’t feel good to condemn unwanted pit bulls to euthanasia so that other breeds can be prioritized for adoption.

    And when there is a fatal dog attack by a banned breed, we can hit the owner with murder charges since someone died in the commission of a crime.

    mojofrododojo ,

    By that logic, then ban humans, we kill more humans than any other animal.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    How on earth does anything I said logically conclude to “ban humans”?

    It’s like you don’t even take your own position seriously making arguments like this.

    mojofrododojo ,

    It’s your shitty logic mate, just pointing it out.

    JCreazy ,

    I’m curious why you feel so strongly on this situation. Like genuinely, I want to know your side. Your reasoning.

    mojofrododojo ,

    if Todd really cared about people, he’d reduce harm in a way that would actually help; persecuting a particular breed of dogs because their owners don’t spay/neuter and train them is asinine.

    JCreazy ,

    OK, but you can’t train a dog to not attack a person correct?

    mojofrododojo ,

    OK, but you can’t train a dog to not attack a person correct?

    uh, I can’t parse this word salad, it’s double negative pie


    My dogs have never attacked anyone. I have a staffy/pit mix. live in the US. it’s one of the most gentle and kindhearted dogs I’ve ever had; she’s a meat-missile but is more gentle with the kids than my dalmation (passed) or hound dog.

    Most dogs don’t attack people. The owners should be held accountable for their shitty stewardship of their animal. And anyone who trains animals to fight should be stoned in public, but that’s just my opinion.

    People, overwhelmingly, kill way more people than pit bulls.

    JCreazy ,

    Most dogs don’t attack people but what happens when they do? What would happen if your dog attacked you or someone else at random? Would you feel responsible? You can’t say that it will never happen because you can’t know that and also it’s what everybody says until it does.

    I’m not sure where you’re going with your last statement but it’s irrelevant. We aren’t talking about people here.

    mojofrododojo ,

    What would happen if your dog attacked you or someone else at random?

    I’d be held accountable for controlling my animals.

    What would happen if you attacked someone at random? same logic, you can’t say that it will never happen.

    Not sure where you’re silly logic is going but it’s not productive. Talk to your sock puppets I guess.

    JCreazy ,

    I can say that it will never happen because I am in control of my own action. That question makes no sense. Anyway, it’s clear you are biased so what you say doesn’t mean anything until you can reasonably defend your position which you have yet to do.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    “persecuting” 🤣

    mojofrododojo ,

    too many syllables for you?

    todd_bonzalez ,

    You keep coming back to this thread like you’re going to get anything but downvotes.

    njm1314 ,

    With how unhinged you are and your apparent love of bulldogs I’m guessing we’re going to see a story about you being murdered by one before long.

    mojofrododojo ,


    whole 'nother breed than what’s being discussed here sparky. so uh, whatever. Thanks for wishing me dead, you have a good fuckin night lol.

    what an asshole…

    DarkThoughts ,

    If your breed requires special training to not maul you or others to death, then that just proves the point of the breed being dangerous and that it should be outlawed. But please, continue to make some more bullshit excuses.

    mojofrododojo ,

    If your breed requires special training to not maul you or others to death,

    where is this indicated?

    My brother/sister in dogs: 30,000ish years ago, some fucking wolf/dingo/mongrel-mutt threw their lot in with ours. We have, mutually, benefitted enormously. I love dogs and trust a lot more of them than I do humans to do the right thing. This isn’t developed anecdotally, it’s a lifetime of dogs as part of our family, and operating around working dogs in the military. They deserve our respect, and training is one part of any dog’s life that humans need to learn. Most training isn’t for the dog, it’s for the family members.

    I’d recommend anyone with any dog go through training, whether a specific program or simply to acclimate the animal to your house (where and when we go outside and who’s food is who’s etc.,) but also to train them to react and behave in awkward situations. I’ve had toddlers lurch across the room, grab my dog’s faces and and poke at their eyes - and the toddlers got licked.

    Special training? YOU SHOULD TRAIN YOUR ANIMALS PERIOD. you wouldn’t trust a cat to behave around a toddler, a dog, a parrot (nearly lost a finger meeting a white parrot once!), hells man/ma’am…

    apply some sense to it all.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    The bullshit excuses part was rhetorical I think. You didn’t actually have to answer that part.

    DarkThoughts ,

    where is this indicated?

    In the fact that this keeps on happening even with experienced owners.

    mojofrododojo ,

    it’s putting words into my mouth, I never indicated any such thing.

    want to make a point? don’t use me as your sock puppet to do it, be adult enough to make your own assertions sport.

    h3h3productions ,

    My brother in buddy, they weren’t putting words in your mouth. They were using outside factors to answer a question you made.

    Want to talk down to someone? How about doing it to someone without having to make erroneous assumptions and jumping the defensive gun? Be adult enough to not belittle people like this chief.

    mojofrododojo ,

    I wouldn’t waste my time talking down to you, sport.

    h3h3productions ,

    Preciate you sweetheart. 😘

    morphballganon ,

    So huge dogs should just remain ownerless?

    Th3D3k0y ,

    I agree in the sense that some dog breeds aren’t necessary and are actively unhealthy for the animal and the breed should be allowed to die out removing the ability for people to be owners of those breeds, and therefore ownerless

    morphballganon ,

    They said only own dogs you can overpower. That means nobody gets a St. Bernard. I don’t think St. Bernard is a breed that should die out.

    ninjabard ,

    My St. Bernard, Rosie, would agree. She’s such a big scaredy cat.

    Psychodelic ,

    This seems nuts. Is this not an insane opinion? You want entire dog breeds to go extinct? What are your thoughts on that one governor lady? lol

    Th3D3k0y ,

    Yes? I am not sure I understand what is making you upset. I am not saying kill all the pitbulls, I am saying stop dog eugenics and let dogs just be dogs and love the animal that comes out. If that means that we stop having access to purebred (inbred) Pugs, so be it. Mutts are just as good doggos.

    Psychodelic ,

    Idk why you think I’m upset. I’m more shocked than anything.

    I would think most people tend to support conservation of different animals and whatnot, except for maybe mosquitoes (and even then I’d be hesitant). It’s also blowing my mind that you’re heavily upvoted. I had no idea some of y’all thought this way.

    That said, I’m just going to assume I don’t fully understand what you’re saying since it seems so batshit crazy to me. It’s clear this isn’t really an honest, open dialogue anyway, and that’s totally fine

    foggenbooty ,

    Not the OP, but let me step in. Dog breeds are something we have created as humans, they’re not wild species that need to be preserved and don’t have any effect on ecosystems.

    Dog breeding is largely negative at this point as most breeds have outlived their original use and are now seen as designer pets. We continue to breed them as there is continued demand, but quite often these breeds are so inbred that they have genetic health issues. We also oversupply and don’t fix/neuter enough, meaning there are always unwanted dogs without homes.

    I love dogs, but all of mine have been rescues and I would have no problem with the vast majority of breeds being phased out. There are still some niche cases where dogs are actually used for their breed’s purpose (dog sled, search/rescue, hunting, etc) but no, I don’t think a chihuahua or a pug should exist and would not be sad if breeders stopped producing more.

    Psychodelic ,

    Thanks for sharing your POV. It’s definitely the first time I’ve heard something that radical about dogs, which are basically the most beloved living thing in the US, but I can somewhat understand where you’re coming from.

    I’d definitely support making it more difficult to own a dog, but mostly because many of the dog owners I’ve met are borderline abusive to their pets (I’m mainly thinking of neglect here). I don’t think I could ever support a ban on entire breeds. That’s where it starts to seem crazy to me. Make it a felony to own a dog that bites someone or something but don’t make it a felony to simply own the dog. We don’t even have such laws for people that own guns or swords and surely those lead to more deaths/injuries than dogs.

    foggenbooty ,

    I feel I should clarify that I don’t hold this position because dogs are dangerous or think it should be harder to have a dog. I hold it because I think our breeding programs are creating a lot of animal suffering.

    From puppy mills where dogs are kept in horrible conditions, to overproduction of animals so that there aren’t enough homes, to propagating breeds that can barely breath so that they have an “adorable” face. Dog breeding is exploitative and re-enforces that dogs are simply a commodity.

    I’m not sure a law making it more difficult to own a dog would have the effect you intend, as there are already too many dogs in need of homes. I think a more palatable middle ground to elimination would be regulation of breeders to ensure that they are not producing more dogs than can be homed.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    Send 'em to God.

    morphballganon ,

    You are condoning killing dogs simply in response to their size?

    GBU_28 ,

    I bet more cows are killed in a year than all shelter dogs on earth.

    So, for most folks, the “no death” argument is silly

    morphballganon ,

    Cows are killed for meat. Are you suggesting we should kill dogs for their meat?

    GBU_28 ,

    Dogs aren’t put down for their meat, so the discussion of the acceptability of putting dogs down is not based on their meat.

    Thus, the point is about humans simply killing animals.

    This isn’t about the human imposed utility, it’s about if it’s fine for humans to decide what animals live and die. Humans don’t need beef to live, there are other foods, so humans make a human centric choice to kill cows.

    Since humans are deciding what, based purely on human wants, why would dogs be free of that assessment?

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Yes they were clearly suggesting that. Any honest reading would have arrived at that conclusion.

    barsquid ,

    What is the difference between a cow and a dog that killing either is okay?

    morphballganon ,

    Cow farms supply food for humans. I’m not saying that’s the most ethical thing in the world, but it is done. Would dogs serve the same purpose? They would produce less, lower quality meat per head.

    barsquid ,

    Oh, from an efficiency standpoint.

    GBU_28 ,

    They should require a license to own and a reason to be bred

    littlewonder , (edited )

    There’s a difference between that and policies that discourage breeding, etc.

    I don’t see many people advocating to outright kill dogs. There are a ton of pits in every shelter and yet people still run backyard breeding operations or tell everyone to get a pit. The breed would be better served if we told people they were more of an advanced breed that need the right kind of owners and environment.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    I noticed my guinea pigs have never tried to murder me. Granted in a home invasion they are pretty useless. Unless I like throw their squeaky bodies at said invader or overpower him and make him drink from the water dish as vengeance.

    ArmokGoB ,

    They should be put down.

    Empricorn ,

    Any dog can snap

    Dishonest statement. That’s like saying “Any ceiling fan can decapitate you”. Technically true, but so extraordinarily unlikely for most breeds that you should be more worried about car crashes if you fear for your life…

    Xanis ,

    Animals are still animals. It isn’t dishonest to say that we should respect them and their space through understanding and recognizing their behavior. Don’t allow your love for an animal cloud the basic judgment that every animal may have its moment. Don’t be afraid, just be aware.

    wolfeh , avatar

    All animals, including humans.

    Garbanzo ,

    Any ceiling fan can fall unexpectedly, but only an absurdly sturdy and powerful one will decapitate someone when it comes down

    tsonfeir , avatar

    What if you have a very dainty neck?

    todd_bonzalez ,

    I was about to say, you would need a LOT of force for a fan blade to cut through your neck meat all the way through. A domestic ceiling fan capable of decapitating someone would be completely excessive.

    Empricorn ,

    Yep. We’re on the same page now!

    Pistcow ,

    You don’t have a Big Ass Fan in your rec room!?

    tsonfeir , avatar

    Clearly, you have never pissed off a chihuahua.

    SkyezOpen ,

    You say that like you’ve seen a calm Chihuahua.

    GBU_28 ,

    A Chihuahua can be yeeted into the stratosphere by 99% of humanity. Not so for other breeds

    tsonfeir , avatar

    I hope you’re not a bleeder.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    My fat ass has consumed bigger meals than a mass of a Chihuahua.

    Wogi ,

    Any breed can produce a dog that is prone to snap.

    Some breeds are much more likely to do so.

    Of those, only a few are both prone to snap and large enough to hurt you.

    Oh those, pit bills are far and away the most aggressive.

    That said, most pitbulls really are fine. For being the most dangerous breed, there are millions of pitbulls, and a few thousand incidents over a few years.

    Num10ck ,

    pit bulls were bred so that when they bite you, they don’t let go.

    JStenoien ,

    No, no they were not. This is such a stupid myth.

    Num10ck ,
    madcaesar ,

    You were on a roll until the end…

    Why do people go out of their way to defend Pitbulls? This is a breed created by us, to hunt, kill, bite and never let go. They should not be used at pets. There are literarily thousands of good gentle dogs looking for homes, we don’t need to defend Pitbulls or keep breeding them.

    ianhclark510 , avatar

    Are there some horribly distempered ceiling fan brands I need to watch out for?

    recapitated ,


    BlindFrog ,

    I have a head canon now about your username origin that you, at least once in your life, had to face a horribly distempered ceiling fan, but just don’t remember it because of the capitation.

    recapitated ,

    That’s a nice cover story, but you know what you did to me with your head cannon.

    ianhclark510 , avatar

    (Yeah I know, piped exists but I’ve yet to get it to actually work)

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    This one time I was dealing with an exhaust system that split to two separate paths. The blowers were so powerful that if one was on it could move the other backwards which caused the VFD on the other one to fault. It was pretty cool.

    You should worry about ones like that.

    ianhclark510 , avatar

    Ban fully semiautomatic assault fans

    But yeah, I deal with Delta/Sanyo Denki fans from time to time and I’m not volunteering to get anywhere near them

    Hadriscus ,

    Are there some horribly distempered ceiling fan brands I need to watch out for?

    ceiling fan breeds

    Treczoks ,

    I’d be careful with such stuff bought directly via temu or alibaba.

    GreatAlbatross , avatar

    “I don’t understand. I bought a ceiling fan with razor edge blades to scare off burglars, but it fell down and decapitated grandma”

    intensely_human ,

    When I asked them about the fan’s history, all they would tell me it is got shipped up here from Texas

    nexguy , avatar

    If a tiny dig nips at you most people laugh it off and you get a break in the skin at most. Happens all the time and no one blinks. If that happens and your dog is 90lbs you can die. Definitely not “extraordinarily unlikely”…just inconsequential for most breeds/sizes.

    barsquid ,

    I don’t think any ceiling fan could decapitate me. They are blunt wooden blades and the motor is like 1/3 HP but usually not on full.

    So it’s like saying, “any fan might hit you in the head, don’t put a metal sharp-bladed industrial exhaust fan on your bedroom ceiling.”

    Empricorn ,

    Hmm, you make a good point.

    AlexisFR , avatar

    Does Lemmy has a Ban Pitbulls community yet?

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    Cripes, what kind of a dick do you have to be to your own dogs to get attacked by them?

    ArbiterXero ,

    Sometimes the breed temperament has more to do with it than anything else….

    But also assholes all seem to like the same breed so….

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    Breed temperament is a thing, but all dogs can be good dogs. Most are good with only slight work. People get a breed they can’t handle and no one’s happy.

    ArbiterXero ,

    It pains me to say this as a great dog lover, and someone that has known some very loving pitbulls, Sadly not all dogs can be good dogs.

    Like people, some are just born as “assholes”

    But yes, breed temperament is a thing. Not an absolute thing, but still a thing.

    Crack0n7uesday ,

    My buddy legit owns a dire wolf (half wolf, half dog) and never had a problem in the last ten years. He owns a large chunk of property so the dog isn’t restricted to one room in an apartment in the city, and he knows how to handle a large animal. I will say one thing, that thing commands respect, it’s easily 7 foot from back paws to front paws.

    ArbiterXero ,

    Even pitbulls are safe in the right hands. Fuck it, tigers and lions and silverback gorillas are safe in the right environment.

    However a proper education in caring for the animals aswell as proper enclosures and a knowledge of the animal and its needs….

    Yes you CAN do it, but should Tom from down the street have his own pitbull army and alligator pool in his back yard?

    Hard pass.

    I’m sure some people can do it safely, but training, registration, safety, etc…. Ban them all as pets unless you get X license, like a gun.

    Crack0n7uesday ,

    You barely need to pass a background check to get a gun, lol. It’s harder to get a driver’s license. I’m not saying your wrong, just using a gun as reference is not the best comparison. If your doing private transfer of gun ownership, which is completely legal in most states, the background check is irrelevant.

    ArbiterXero ,

    I’m Canadian…. Slightly different standards.

    Crack0n7uesday ,

    I’m unfamiliar with Canadian law but I bet if your friend or neighbor wanted to sell a gun and you wanted to buy, the background check process would be a lot easier than if you went to a retailer like Walmart or whatever, and would probably still be considered legal.

    strawberrysocial ,

    When my step dad died, it was a difficult process trying to legally sell his hand guns. You can’t buy guns from Walmart here either. That’s so strange that you can where you’re from.

    intensely_human ,

    Also guns are inanimate objects

    Crack0n7uesday ,

    They might be inanimate objects but they are much more destructive than dogs. Can a dog kill you? Yes. Can a gun kill you? Yes, but a gun is much more likely to get the job done than a dog.

    intensely_human ,

    Actually all a gun can do is sit there. There is zero chance of your gun killing you. You might accidentally kill yourself with it, but the gun is never going to kill you.

    x4740N OP , avatar

    There is no evidence that she was being terrible towards the dogs

    Some dogs can just snap and decide to not be nice one day, its a good reason you don’t let dogs you’ve seen be calm interact with babies because it only takes a small amount of the dog not being nice to end up harming a baby

    Older people have a better chance of surviving dog attacks but the chance isn’t 100% and cases like this can happen

    And if I recall correctly this breed is more prone to aggressiveness

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    I doubt it. Not walking them enough, keeping them cooped up, no outlets - especially if they weren’t fixed. Sad all around, but the dogs are not hatching evil plans, they’re just dogs.

    Spay and neuter. Spay and neuter. And adopt.

    x4740N OP , avatar

    Dogs can still have the potential to snap regardless if you’ve given them a good life

    They could just snap from having a tantrum

    stephen01king ,

    Dogs that snapped are not being evil, it’s just them acting on instinct. It’s doesn’t make them bad dogs, but it does make them dangerous.

    ChexMax ,

    Some dogs get older and I assume confused and just snap. My grandmother’s dog, sweetest girl, golden retriever, service dog, previously good with other animals and cats. My Grandmom brought home a kitten and the dog mauled it. Do not trust dogs. Just like people they can do something totally out of character.

    Diplomjodler3 ,

    The kind of dick that keeps dogs like that in the first place.

    intensely_human ,

    She was probably made of meat

    autotldr Bot ,

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The woman, who was in her 50s, was pronounced dead at the scene in Cornwall Close, Hornchurch, and the two registered dogs were safely seized having been contained inside a room, a spokesperson for the Metropolitan police said.

    A spokesperson for the Met said: “Police were called to Cornwall Close around 1.12pm … to reports of a woman attacked by a dog.

    “These were registered XL bully dogs and prior to officers’ arrival had been contained inside a room in the house.

    From 1 February, it became a criminal offence to own the XL bully breed in England and Wales without an exemption certificate.

    Footage of an XL bully dog attacking members of the public in the street in Birmingham, including a 11-year-old girl who sustained shoulder and arm injuries, prompted an outcry in September.

    In November 2021, 10-year-old Jack Lis was mauled to death by a seven-stone XL bully dog called Beast.

    The original article contains 344 words, the summary contains 153 words. Saved 56%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    x4740N OP , avatar

    Good bot

    NJSpradlin ,

    For my fellow Americans out there, I read recently that a ‘stone’ was ‘14 pounds’. So, 10 year old Jack Lis was mauled to death by a 98 pound ‘bully dog’, or a dog weighing about a ‘buck’.

    Don’t judge me if I’m a little off, our friends ‘across the pond’.

    Crampon ,

    Anything to not mention kilo.

    98 pounds/lbs is 44.4 kg.

    Dasus ,

    I’m definitely judging you for your use of single quotation marks. Not a lot, but… I am.

    ^^^Also metric superior^^^ goddamn superscript isn’t working ffs this was meant to be a non-noticeable addition

    Hackworth ,


    Dasus ,

    Well, it is. Objectively so. That’s why it’s the standardised system of measurement internationally…?


    Hackworth ,

    I agree, of course, I just wanted to see if your desire to chide me for imperial measures outweighed your desire to congratulate my use of double quotes.

    Dasus ,

    It wasn’t about whether you use single or double as much as the context in which he used them.

    Sort of like this, which has always annoyed me:

    Hackworth ,

    The quote usage is what bothers you about that?

    Dasus ,

    A similar thing that’s bothering me with the syntax of that sentence. It’s just… off a bit.

    See how I used italics instead of quotations marks? I feel like he (and the picture) used them sort of as emphasis for tone of voice. I get the need, but disagree using quotations to achieve it.

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