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Cossty ,

I can’t imagine being a person who sees 4 year old kid in a scope and just shoots them…

Like. … what goes through their head…do they have their own kids… what they do in their free time…

I just cant imagine person like that.

JustZ ,

It’s so unbelievable I don’t believe it.

tocopherol , avatar

Would you like to see footage of it? I don’t have the energy but it doesn’t take long to find direct evidence of this happening, numerous times for years. The IDF purposely kills children. In one documented instance they even tied a Palestinian child to the hood of their vehicle as a shield. It sounds comically absurd and evil but this is what we know of.

JustZ ,

Yes I rememeber the kid they tied to the car. He didn’t die though. The practice was outlawed by the Israeli Supreme Court. Hamas still using entire cities as human shields unfortunately. I’m not real concerned about the ~25 documented cases of Israeli’s doing it.

It’s the report of snipers just sniping four year old kids that I find unbelievable, and don’t believe.

tocopherol , avatar

The IDF has killed more people than Hamas has militants, mostly women and children. Precision targetted aid vehicles multiple times. The bodies of children shot by sniper fire have been examined and confirmed several times even before this escalation. If you are still so deluded by propaganda to say that Hamas is using human shields then there is no hope of discussion. I pray you go to Gaza yourself to witness hell.

JustZ ,

There are zero confirmed reports of snipers killing little kids. How does glancing at a body determine if a shot was fired by a sniper rifle or a ricochet stray bullet from a firefight four blocks away? Have you seen what a sniper rifle does to a body? Doesn’t leave much to examine. Doesn’t look much different from a hundred other kinds of traumatic injuries, especially without an autopsy.

There are reports. All kinds of reports. A lot of them are third and fourth hand. Virtually all of them are unverified.

By my dude, building five hundred miles of tunnels in an area only 25 miles wide is literally using the entire area above the tunnels as human shields.

This is a good example of anti semitism. Hamas uses 2.5 million people as a human shield and that’s perfectly fine with you. They get a pass because the news makes you sad. But not Israel. They used twenty five people as human shields and in your mind that’s a war crime. That double standard doesn’t make any sense, unless of course you give Hamas a pass because they are fielding soldiers to kill Jews. Seems kind of like that’s the case. I mean, it’s a very stark and obvious double standard.

tocopherol , avatar

There have been actual independent autospies done, I don’t mean a quick glance at a body. And I would build tunnels too if my neighbor had a history of bombing me and seizing my terrority.

Every non-state militant group is claimed to use the civilian population as human shields. This simply isn’t true, it’s rhetoric to justify the bombing because it’s simpler than fighting on the ground. In assymetric warfare a resistance group has no choice but to be active in the place they are stuck at. Even if they were using human shields, it shows the IDF is heartless because they have no concern for any civilian deaths, including Israeli hostages.

It’s like if a bank robber took a hostage and a cop just blasted through them, killing half the bank. That would be horrific and unnecessary murder.

JustZ , (edited )

They could, I don’t know, surrender, release the hostages, call for elections, etc., maybe have even slight tolerance to other cultures and try participating in trade? Nobody made Gaza put such short sighted leadership in charge. They don’t have to choose to be isolated theocratic extremists with a singular purpose of ridding the holy land of infidels, labeled by all of the free world as a terrorist organization. There’d be peace in Gaza tomorrow if Hamas gave themselves up today. Even Japan eventually surrendered.

tocopherol , avatar

If Hamas wasn’t there, an even more effective group would emerge to fight Israel. The offensive on Oct 7th was by a coalition of groups. You say no one made Gaza put them in charge, but Israel has spent millions propping up Hamas. They were chosen by Israel specifically because of their unpalatable extremism. Israel has supported Hamas materially while taking steps to thwart other groups. Israel has used all avenues possible for years to create the situation we see now.

JustZ ,

Sounds like they had good reason to prop up Hamas at times to consolidate the most insane, most extreme religious ideologues, and it seems obvious that’s the way to deal with such intellectual contagions. Like what is it you think Hamas believes in, as far as social order, jurisprudence, and justice? These are actual religious fascists who what to cleanse their holy land of infidels so that a few men can rule as absolute theocratic dictators whose ideas of law, morality, and human rights change with the wind, and they think that this is the actual future in store for them because God has chosen so.

I haven’t looked at your post history but I’m virtually certain that you are lucky Israel and Egypt would prevent you from crossing Gaza’s border, because Hamas would almost certainly kill you for your opinions on government, like immediately.

tocopherol , (edited ) avatar

What tf does it matter what they believe when there is an ongoing slaughter of thousands of people? Palestine is more than Hamas. You say Hamas is evil but it’s a good thing Israel put them in place? You are seriously heartless. I pray Israel is destroyed. According to your logic, it would be justified to kill every other Israeli at random to stop religious extremists in their government.

JustZ , (edited )

No I didn’t say that. Israel didn’t “put Hamas in place” and that is absolutely not my logic.

tocopherol , avatar

Sorry, I wasn’t trying to imply you believe that, but you said it sounded like Israel had good reason to prop them up, and you didn’t deny that Israeli policies allowed Hamas to take power in Gaza.

tocopherol , avatar

I’m sorry I called you heartless also, this is obviously a heated topic so I might take it a bit seriously, I don’t know you though so I apologize, I don’t assume anyone is heartless and it’s a rude thing to say.

in4aPenny ,

This guy has been spouting genocide justification in other threads as well, they’re a lost cause. They’ve written essays about how all Palestinians are Hamas and should all be wiped out, denying that starvation is even happening, etc. Good luck trying to save this one!

tocopherol , (edited ) avatar

That makes sense, I doubt I’ll convince many people I argue with directly about anything, but I feel compelled to respond to Israeli apologia mostly for lurkers that might doubt the heinousness of the IDF, and to let anyone else know it won’t go unchallenged, it’s the very least I can do to defend the honor of the people being massacred. Obviously there is much more needed to be done.

in4aPenny ,

I respect the effort. I feel like these conversations are many drops but are creating a collective tidal wave, I just find the concept of defending mass murder over learning something new is such an alien concept to me like I can’t have conversations with people who are so bad faith, like, to a point where its homicidal. It’s scary.

tocopherol , avatar

Someone said a revolution is a series of sparks that create a fire, I feel hopeful that even small things like helping someone see the truth of a situation can help. But yeah it can be baffling the perspectives people have, it’s hard to believe they aren’t a paid shill or something sometimes. Also In a way I see arguing with views so opposed to mine as a way to ensure my own beliefs are solidly supported.

snek , avatar

Don’t apologize to @JustZ. He is a genocide denier who is oksy with dehumanizing Palestinians and denied any Israeli atrocities by calling them “just reports”. If you prove him wrong, he will say that you “got tricked”.

In my eyes he is just a racist.

Reporting some of his nonsense works but he only gets temp bans and then jumps right back into the quagmire of his own words.

tocopherol , avatar

True I shouldn’t have apologized ha, I felt like I was being a bit harsh and don’t like to make assumptions, but I hadn’t looked through their posts or argued with them too much. I should know better. If anyone is doubting what’s happening now it’s not worth trying to argue.

snek , avatar

Yep… that person told me they know more about apartheid than south africa… this is what we are dealing with.

I find it so pathetic… he thinks he is the one who is “awakened” and we are all jusy blind. I’m sure it brings him some kind of satisfaction thinking he is smarter than everyone else while cheering for the literal mass killing of school children and and piles of innocent adults now rendered to dead decaying bodies.

tocopherol , avatar

The IDF have been demolishing residential buildings after seizing them. The IDF destroyed medical equipment, supplies and set fires on floors of al-Shifa hospital after raiding it. They target journalists in their home and kill their entire families with air strikes. Can you tell me the ‘good reason’ for these acts? What reason do you have for supporting atrocities like what Israel has been doing for years?

tocopherol , avatar
tocopherol , avatar
JustZ ,

It’s like a bank robber took hostages and then stayed in the bank and every fews day for a hundred years he took shots at killed bank customers and staff and then he had his rich uncle pay the media to say he was the victim and you could no longer shoot back at him, so you did, and then he became president of the bank, cancelled all future bank president elections, and recommitted all of the banks resources to killing Jews, and then when you got tired of it and called his house and told him to let his family leave because you’re about to hit it with a missile and he doesn’t even tell he family about the call, and instead invites a dozen more relatives over to the warzone for tea, and then when you blow him up up, his rich uncles from Qatar and Iran are all “how could you, war criminal!” Give me a break. Hamas causes these people to be killed. They could stop it today.

jordanlund , avatar

More like if a bank robber took a hostage and the police bulldozed their house, then the rest of the block “just to be sure” and “to send a message”.

Hadriscus ,

you’re sick

tocopherol , avatar

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. I didn’t realize so much was documented in one place, if you want to read about what’s been happening, the full pdf is on the page with citations.

reddit_sux ,

There are reports of 500 miles of tunnels and Hamas using people as sheild.

Idf showing 2 tunnels and claiming 500 miles is just as valid as showing 300 deaths and claiming genocide. If you can trust the first then trust the second too.

That Israelis are genocidal maniacs.

melpomenesclevage ,

There’s one way to stop them. Treat them like we should have treated Nazi high command after the war.

If we do decide to leave some alive, do not let them leave Palestine, ever, under any conditions. Do not let them own property. Do not let them hold management positions. Let them live only on the charity of the Palestinian people, and be allowed to die if it is not forthcoming.

jordanlund , avatar

There are zero confirmed reports of snipers killing little kids.

I guess it depends on how you define “little kids”.

14 year old girl?…/israeli-sniper-kills-palestinian-…

6 year old girl?…/body-of-6-year-old-killed-in-deli…

Boy of unknown age?…

8 and 15 year old?

14 year old boy?…

As the OP notes, this is nothing new.

9 year old in 2019:…/0000017f-e3ff-d9aa-afff-fbffde89000…

14 year old in 2004:

JustZ , (edited )

You have to be joking right now with these links?

First one is a 56 second TikTok video with no credible reporting attached to it. Just the bald statements of someone in social media and some video clips that do not show any gunfire whatsoever. Hardly proves the kid was intentionally sniped. Is this what you accept as credible evidence of something? Also, like, Al Jazeera? Qatari state media with no credibility when it comes to Gaza. They followed none of the usual standards of journalistic integrity. Very clear state sponsored agenda. Obviously they are exaggerating and serving up the most scandalous, unverified “reports” and portraying them as fact. Next.

Second link, another Al Jazeera, this one is a third hand report that does not have anything to do with your claim that Israel is sniping kids. Even giving you an assumption that every fact alleged is true, at best it shows that the IDF shot a car that happened to have a kid in it. Obviously there are cars all over the place in Gaza, and so the IDF clearly isn’t just going in and lighting up any car that they see. Perhaps this car was driving toward the tank that shot it? It is not proof that Israel knowingly targeting a kid, and it has nothing to do with snipers.

Third link, MEMo this time, also Qatari state media, a 15 second clip with a bald allegation that the kid’s hand got shot by a sniper. Nothing in this link doesn’t prove that the claim isn’t entirely made up by Qatari State media and slapped onto a 15 second clip of a kid with a blurred out hand. You really accept that as proof that the IDF intentionally sniped this kid? How can the kid or the doctor or anyone seeing this know it was sniper fire and not a ricochet, or a piece of shrapnel and not even a bullet?

Fourth link, now jumping over to Egyptian state media. Still liars but with different motives. At least in this one they concede the kid was trespassing in a secured military area. The description doesn’t sound like sniper fire though, sounds like automatic rifles. That’s a far stretch from lining up right on a kid and blasting for no reason.

Fifth one, sounds legit even after sorting through the the extra innuendo and looking at the reported facts. Should be investigated. The tenor of your allegation is that Israeli snipers are literally just out plinking kids. This kid was on top of a building near a firefight and an active special forces raid, watching it go down. Maybe they thought he had a weapon or was acting as a spotter. If the special forces, trained sniper plinked a kid without following rules of engagement, the sniper should spend the rest of their life in a military prison. But I think Netanyahu is like Trump, promotes people who would let this guy off, like that sniper Trump pardoned

That’s all the time I have right now.

jordanlund , avatar

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Israel has murdered over 10,000 kids in Gaza. Snipers aside. It’s absolutely inexcusable.…/gaza-palestinian-children-kille…

“Children account for more than one in three of the more than 32,000 people killed in Israel’s months-long assault on Gaza, according to the Palestinian health ministry. Tens of thousands more young people have suffered severe injuries, including amputations.”

And, again, not new. Israel has been doing this for DECADES.

“Israeli and foreign human rights groups have documented a long history of snipers firing on unarmed Palestinians, including children, in Gaza and the West Bank.”

JustZ ,

They documented it with the same articles you documented it with.

Then all just cite each other and then ask for more donations, round and round.

jordanlund , avatar

Again, because Israel has been doing this FOR DECADES.

JustZ ,

Doing what for decades? You provided like seven links. I looked at five, the first four of them were entirely bullshit that failed to support your claim. The fifth one proved half your claim and not the controversial half.

If you start sorting through all the bullshit instead of reposting it, it’s very obvious who wants the violence to continue and who does not.

jordanlund , avatar

Killing Palestinian children.

JustZ , (edited )

Yeah, sometimes. Kids die in a warzones, especially at this unprecedented level where the non-uniformed fighting force of a criminal enterprise masquerading as a government uses entire cities as human shields, those co-lateral deaths are different in kind to trained sharpshooters of a uniformed army wantonly shooting children, directly (and getting away with it). Blame for every kid rests with Gaza’s leadership, who put their own people and families in harms way, even the aid truck. What was October 7 if not an invitation to food aid trucks and their crews to come on out to a warzone, where negligence and war crimes–as well as the how-ever-many years of martial law the Hamas holdouts force upon Gaza during reconstruction and reconstitution–are exactly the sort of foreseeable harm and casualty that make starting or prolonging war so atrocious for humanity in the first place?

And I don’t give Israel one pass on legit war crime just because atrocity is foreseeable, but like c’mon: 4.5 out of your first 5 pieces of evidence for your claim of Israel sniping kids utterly fell apart under a level of scrutiny mundane to basic media literacy. Doesn’t that give you pause to think maybe some of the other views that Qatari state media keep validating for you might be equally misinformed?

melpomenesclevage ,

Dude they post this shit on their own social media accounts, individually and officially. Monsters exist.

JustZ ,

Even South Africa hasn’t made that claim to the ICJ because of how bullshit it is. Twitter isn’t real life.

melpomenesclevage , (edited )

Dude. Ive seen it? Like with my eyes while my roommate was browsing his feed? And he’s not even a super geopolitics kinda guy.

Ive read their official shit. How many sources from their own government, official spokespeople, generals, and cabinet level staff, saying ‘we are doing a genocide, our strategy is warcrimes x y and z’ would it take to convince you? Give me a number, and I’ll provide links.

melpomenesclevage , (edited )

Then why do they all post videos of them doing kitschy shit while shooting children on all their social media feeds?

Do you admit that if it was real, the correct course of action would be to turn every inch of ground the Palestinians don’t want preserved to fucking glass, and kill any scum that run for the border? To just bomb until nothing moves, then send in crews to clean up anything hiding underground?

That if it was real, and they felt like they were losing, one could expect they would shift resources away from defense to try and finish the extermination, and feel noble about it?

tocopherol , (edited ) avatar
JustZ ,

Yeah some of the accounts in these link/articles are the same accounts of the ones linked above by Jordan. You can’t tell without taking notes if you’re reading 10 accounts of 10 kids or like in this thread 10 accounts of four or five kids, and they all just cite to each other.

The video you linked is sourced entirely from Al Jazeera reports of “reports.” Same self interested reports that all say no Hamas fighters have ever been killed, no buildings have tunnels under them, nobody fired any rockets from the area, and all dead kids were sniped in cold blood. An an obviously incredible, broken record.

tocopherol , avatar

Everyone hates Israel…/six-months-war-gaza-israel-benj…

Death to anyone who supports the genocide state

xanu ,

Listen to how a large portion (obviously not all) Israelis talk about Palestinians. They genuinely do not view them as humans and certainly do not value their lives. They speak of the ongoing genocide with gleeful anticipation. People will literally go to the border to taunt Palestinian parents who’ve lost their children or the orphans themselves.

They’re not shooting a 4 year old kid, they’re simply shooting another “worthless” Palestinian. This way of thinking was and is specifically crafted to enable almost every genocide that has ever happened.

melpomenesclevage ,

people will

Those aren’t people. Thinking of them as people is going to make stopping the genocide harder than it has to be, and will cost human lives.

xanu ,

No, they are people. Ignorant, hateful, and actively supporting a genocide, but people nonetheless. My comment was explicitly calling out and criticizing the impulse to dehumanize the “enemy”, real or imagined. Thinking of Zionist Israelis or Nazis as less than human not only perpetuates the mindset that allows these groups to carry out genocide, but at the same time denies how easy it is for average people to fall into such traps.

It leads to thought processes similar to “If you have to be less than human to support a genocide, then obviously what I support can’t be genocide because I am definitely a human.”

And I’m definitely not one of those “oh, we just have to talk to these hateful ignorant perpetuators of genocide because they simply don’t understand why they’re wrong”. I’m of the opinion that violence is absolutely necessary to uphold equality if the situation has been left to get as bad as it has. I’m mostly just railing against the idea that people who support genocide are somehow less human because of that hatred.

melpomenesclevage ,

They will not stop until they’re killed, they’ll say it themselves if you ask them.

Theres nothing else to them but the killing, and things that support the killing-I looked in my own conversations with them, and asking some refugees-not palestinian refugees, but queer kids they threw away like trash, because of course they fucking do that, if there was anything worth keeping, anything they missed from ‘home’, and it was always only the ancient stuff and the Palestinian stuff. Even I miss things about the places I’m from.

And every fucking one of them knows. They’re so obsessively about the genocide. Its like once the topic comes up, there’s nothing else to them. Because there’s not.

They leave no other out, and I think all the things that make ‘genocide’ bad don’t apply here. Destroying a culture-either you think they’re Jewish, like they claim, and Jewish culture in the entire rest of the world keeps on ticking, or youve talked to one and know they’re disgusting goblin monsters who have no culture. Nothing is lost. killing innocents- but there are no innocents. Every one of them over the age of like 14 is guilty, and irredeemable. just killing shit tons of stuff, usually people. Sometimes not-buffalo for example but this is going to happen anyway, and they’re not going to stop killing, so youre not choosing that killing happens; youre doing the trolley problem. And I’m of the opinion that oppressor lives are worth less than shit-at least shit makes good fertilizer. there’s no point except this time there would be. There are people who need saving. People who have been discarded by the world too many fucking times, and I think letting them keep getting thrown away because we’re too precious about their oppressors is fucking monstrous.

Except it gets worse. Because cultural genocide is, by lemkin’s original definition if not the UN convention; still genocide; taking away the things that enable their culture to exist and reproduce itself would be committing a genocide, but genocide is their entire culture (watch what happens when they’re finished with Palestine), so even completely peacefully stopping the genocide, lets say proving we’re in a simulation, doing a breakout attack, getting root, and disabling PvP flags for the whole middle east, would be a genocide of the kapostanis. I genuinely cannot imagine how they would handle it. Mass suicide? Raiding africa for slaves? It would certainly not be fun to watch.

Given that I don’t know we’re in a simulation, I have no idea how to do a breakout attack on the ten year old computer I’m sitting in front if, and that anything you do to stop the genocide of the Palestinians would completely destroy ‘Israeli’ culture, I’m happy to just see them all dead. They chose to be this. And they’re kind of literally Nazis. If grandpa and video ganes taught me one lesson: killing Nazis is always good, and if history has taught me one lesson, its that we always let too many of them live after, and they fuck everything up for decades.

If any of them don’t want to be genocided, they could just leave, or if you think they’re still human, stop actively committing genocide at any point. But they don’t do that. They get offended if you tell them they could.

xanu ,

Yeah, I agree with everything you just said, but make no mistake, the monsters committing genocide are still human beings. Denying that blurs the line of the purpose of violence done against them and makes it difficult to understand that we must constantly be vigilant against rhetoric and propaganda that advocates for genocide as it is scarily easy for people to fall into patterns of thinking that can justify genocide.

It is irresponsible to say that, because they are actively committing genocide against a population, they are no longer human beings and that is why they deserve violence. It’s an unnecessary extra step that opens the door for the very same genocidal thinking. They are people who have engaged in genocide with no signs of slowing down or stopping, and for that one reason alone, deserve violence until their threat is quashed. That is enough for me; I see no reason or benefit to dehumanize them to justify righteous violence.

melpomenesclevage ,

I think being biologically human is not morally important to me. You could clone my own muscle tissue(assuming you find any) and I would have no objection to trying it on a bun. Nor to you making a fleshlight and fucking it; you do you.

These things… There’s nothing to them but violence. And that’s important to remember; they can’t be negotiated with, because there’s nothing else they want, nothing else they are. They want to kill rape mutilate and ruin, and they won’t stop til they’re dead. This isnt me being a bigot; they’ll tell you that them fucking selves! They’re really fucking consistent about it! There is no diplomatic option, and no surrender they offer could be trusted, if they’re even still capable of surrender.

Even if you could prove we live in a simulation, perform a breakout attack, and disable PvP flags for the middle east, a mavical perfect solution that instantly stops the bloodshed with no threats or coercion; you would still be comitting genocide on the kapostanis, in the same way exterminating the buffalo was a genocide of the plains tribes of north america. More so, maybe. Their entire culture, and its modes of cultural reproduction (killing and raping and generally thinking of new ways to be awful towards Palestinians, importing settlers to stolen land, etc) would be destroyed. A people would he undone. Until they just decided to fucking do slave raids into Africa or whatever shit. And if they’re so Fucking vile that they do paradox soft tolerance on stopping a Fucking genocide, I don’t think preserving their lives merits much thought.

I think they need to be killed (are we in a simulation? Can you un-pvp an area?), and if we’re going to be doing genocide (by stopping then from doing a genocide), i cabt think of any way to do it but killing them (fwiw, the head of MSF agrees). And I think you’re making it harder for the angry 19 year olds who are going to have to pull the triggers. Those kids don’t need more PTSD than they’re already gonna get from this, y’know?

Plus by insisting they’re human, youre leaving more room for their bad faith bullshit and appropriation of (all) Jewishness, which could get real people killed, and not just by delaying an end to their genocide. People are going to die because of this shit, Human people, all over the world, who are at worst wrong and kind of shitty about this, and at best doing their damdest to stop it, and in every case don’t deserve to fucking die. You’re increasing the potential for splash damage and innocent lives to be lost by calling kapostani’s human.

I’d love if there were a solution other than violence. Violence fucking sucks. Fuck, aside from the human costb there are no green wars, you know? The climate does not need this shit, I really wish they could and would just Fucking Stop.

But talk to one. They’ll tell you themselves; can’t stop won’t stop. So its harm reduction time. And I don’t cry over spilled Nazi. Neither should you.

xanu ,

This is becoming frustrating. We are on the same page that violence is the only answer; I’m only insisting that we understand that the violence has to be done against our fellow humans. It is a tragedy, but one that must be enacted because, as you say, there is no negotiation to be had here.

Denying their humanity weakens the claim of righteousness and, moreso than enabling room for their bad faith bullshit, directly feeds into their bad faith claims of antisemitism as dehumanizing them removes genocide from the argument and all your left with is killing animals/barbarians/evil monsters. I don’t know about you, but that argument is wholly unconvincing to me. You can certainly claim that because they’ve engaged in genocide, that’s why they’ve lost their humanity, but again, it’s an unnecessary mental step that gains us nothing and weakens the argument for deploying violence against them.

For the soldier / PTSD argument, I again disagree. Soldiers kill people. There should be no way around that fact. Dehumanization and making it easier for soldiers to mentally compartmentalize the taking of life is not a good thing and can easily be warped to make soldiers follow any order, regardless of the moral imperative. The soldiers can and should be made to understand that they are committing a traumatic amount of violence and death in order to stop an entire genocide. Violence is a tool and it must be wielded responsibly and with full understanding that the violence is both necessary and just.

Also chill with the faux philosophical ramblings of simulations and video game analogies. I don’t care what you believe outside of this context, but this is a serious issue and talking about “disabl[ing] PvP flags for the middle east” belies that this is the real world (simulated or not) with real, serious consequences. It damages your entire argument and makes you come across like you don’t see the actual human pain and suffering this massacre has caused.

melpomenesclevage ,

There are times violence has to be done against fellow humans (right now against the Russian elite, for example; I really don’t think fighting a fucking meat grinder war is necessary but States would rather kill millions of civilians and dumb kids than fix the problem directly and make themselves vulnerable).

I don’t particularly care about being ‘righteous’ or glorious war or any of this crap. I want to stop people dying.

Ive laid out that I don’t particularly care about biological humanity. Just the things you can do with it, and if you wall those off, as happens to basically all of them with fascism, all the reasons I care about people stop being relevant.

This applies to members of my own family, but none of the ones I could possibly reach are doing genocide, just some awful animal stuffing itself into a bottle and ranting on Facebook somewhere, which required a brief period of mourning and moving the fuck on. Hope they die before drinking their kids’ inheritance, but its not worth the social disturbance of killing them.

But when youre comitting a genocide, youre already doing all the things that would be bad about killing a fascist, but at a much higher volume.

Theres ending a culture. That’s a bad thing about genocide. But either they’re Jewish (lol, I know, but for the sake of argument we can pretend) and that culture exists in thousands of cities all over the world, and only individuals (which fascists arent in any of the ways that make that precious) would be lost, OR they’re just murder-ghouls whose existence is only atrocities, in which case it extra needs to happen, we are better off without.

The video game analogy was a thought experiment, the hypothetical “even if you had a magic switch to just make it so nobody could do violence or even so much as fuck woth each other, no matter how badly they wanted to, everyone is completely safe from each other” in shorthand people understand and explaining what that (in a fantasy world where that could happen) might look like, mostly to avoid ‘what if’s’ because I’m rarely sure anyone’s arguing in complete good faith, even in more generally sensible places. I know thisisnt a fucking game. If this were a fucking game I’d be good natured about it. Or at least only a little bit of an asshole.

I’m aware people are dying. I don’t think we’d be talking about this if they weren’t.

I think when you become a fascist, most of the death has already happened. Most of the death that matters at least. Again, I have personal experience coping with this. I think most people do by now. Theres a range where you can pull them back, but after a certain point they’re just lost, and it only looks like the person you knew/loved.

Even a chicken has honest feelings, but fascists kind of don’t. Theres no moral wrong in killing them, except scaring others and traumatizing yourself by killing something that looks human. Hence the dehumanization. Because they need to be killed; they won’t stop any other way. I fucking hate them for that.

I see where youre coming from, and your arguments aren’t completely invalid; I just think youre wrong in this specific case.

I also think we see the same problem, and the fact there’s only two options left, one of them we both agree is completely unconscionable and not worth mentioning, the other we agree really fucking sucks.

caveman ,

I have a friend who is Jewish and since 10+ years she shares jokes telling Palestinians are bombers and robbers, and thar Jews are inventors, or telling me that Palestinians don’t even exist. When I counter argue her she gets pissed and says she accepts no moral lessons from anyone.

That’s sad for me, because I only know 4 Jewish person: 2 were very nice but I lost contact, and the 2 others are so belligerent destroy the good image I have of Jewish people.

On the other side, I know some 20 Palestinians and much more Arabs, and all of them except one never said anything bad against Jewish (but of course they don’t approve when Israel kills people).

When my Jewish friend tell me that Arabs hate Jews and I provide her this statistics she gets crazy mad again.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Okay if I had a friend like that they definitely wouldn't be my friend for long.

caveman ,

Yes, I deleted her some times, but after some months she apologizes and ask to be friends again and I accept

repungnant_canary ,

At this point I’m afraid we can look at Nazis (oh the irony…) to understand those Israelis. The similarities of soulless brutality are pretty obvious…

melpomenesclevage ,

Not ironic. Direct continuity; Israeli precursors helped with the holocaust. More tried, but hitler, for the first and last time in his life, was the least unreasonable dipshit in the room and told them no.

fuego ,

Could you imagine Nazis doing it?

Then you can imagine Zionists doing it.

In fact, you don’t even have to imagine. They are doing it.

melpomenesclevage ,

They aren’t people anymore. If they ever were. They differentiated into Israelis instead.


You believe this because of propaganda. Enjoy your brain rot.

Burn_The_Right ,

This is what unchecked conservatism looks like. Genocide.

MeanEYE , avatar

That’s what war looks like. It’s disgusting. All of them are and always gruesome towards innocent.

Burn_The_Right ,

This is not war. It’s just mass murder. If this was war, the conservatives would be targeting at least some combatants. The IDF intentionally targets civilians and aid workers. This is not what war is. This is what genocide is.

MeanEYE , avatar

It was declared as war, it is being fought as war. It’s war. Technically in every aspect. The fact they are stronger means nothing. How do you know IDF is intentionally targeting civilians and then letting other 2 million of them go is a mystery to me but it’s not genocide because it’s not by definition “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”, because had that been the case, there would be no Gaza left, there would be no aid, there would be no humanitarian corridor.

Maalus ,

Good thing there is no war in Ukraine, right? Your “logic” doesn’t make any sense.

We know they are intentionally targetting civillians because of all the incidents that happen. Yaknow, for decades actually. The kneecappings, the shooting at protesters, the shooting at medics who provide emergency care. It’s not up to debate - it is what they do and have always done.

Also your definition of genocide is shit - since it also covers forced displacement.

Also, there is no aid. What gets in is a fraction of a fraction of what’s needed. Who gives a shit that bottles of water, 20000 of them came in, when all that does is at best serve a single day for 20k people out of 2 million? Everything gets searched and often denied. There are countless aid trucks waiting on the other side of the border. Even what US was dropping was a tiny part of the need. Compared to the Berlin airlift, all this is, is showing idiots “look we give aid everything is fine”.

What humanitarian corridor too? The one where people get shot at with artillery?

You are either a troll, or a pelican that swallows every propaganda piece someone throws at you.

MeanEYE , avatar


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  • maynarkh ,

    Forced displacement is in the UN definition of genocide tho

    Maalus ,

    Buddy, I literally have coworkers in Gaza that I am in constant contact with. I know a doctor that was in Al Shifa when the last assaults happened when it was still operating. I know people who were shot by Israelis. I know people who lost their entire family to a bomb that levelled a house right across the street from their house. You implying that “an inflated opinion of myself” makes all of this be false simply because you are the “enlightened one” is just sickening.

    zerog_bandit ,

    The other guy won because all you could do was say he was gobbling propaganda. He actually had definitions and reasons.

    Maalus ,

    I don’t care about you, your opinion, or the other guy and his opinion. Life isn’t a popularity contest. I know what’s happening in Gaza and I’ll happily correct any dumbo that watched too much TV and formed their opinion that way.

    tocopherol , avatar

    Who gives a fuck what excuses a genocide denier finds to argue with?

    in4aPenny ,

    I thought it was just bots on reddit saying this Hasbara pro-IDF Nazi-esque genocide justification but there are actually people everywhere thinking like this. We truly live in dark times. IDF are engineering something worse than fuckin Leningrad in WW2, and there are soooo many people openly defending it, I can’t believe people can be so simultaneously heartless and brainless just KILL KILL KILL. It’s like a nightmare I can’t wake up from.

    JimboDHimbo ,

    You are the troll, troll.

    tocopherol , avatar

    Do you really believe the IDF could so blatantly destroy all of Palestine without anyone noticing? The Israeli state would crumble without western support, they have to maintain plausible deniability. But their own policies state they don’t recognize Palestine.

    gimpchrist , avatar

    Dude that’s literally what’s happening right now… they are trying to destroy all of palestine, we all have noticed, and it is crumbling… they are maintaining deniability even through bold-faced examples to the contrary… why you are saying is literally happening

    tocopherol , avatar

    You are right, I have been a little out of the loop on recent international reactions, I was surprised to read a recent UN report outlining the atrocities so effectively. Last I heard they are still allowing arms sales from the US though which is what I meant more specifically

    caveman ,

    It’s at least ethnic cleansing, as you can see Israeli politicians making conferences supporting resetting Gaza, taking West Bank (land seizures in West Bank is on a 30 year high), Canadian synagogues selling property in stolen land in West Bank, see vídeos of Israelis asking to carpet bomb Gaza, etc.

    Even Ben Gurion and people at the time said they would accept an Israeli state as a base to take off the whole of Palestine

    Maggoty ,

    No it isn’t. What’s disgusting is you covering for war crimes.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Decades of Western impunity, and an entire political and media infrastructure that has enabled Israel’s crimes against humanity, have led to Israel disassociating itself from a world where actions have consequences, or where the truth of what it says matters. And the events of the past 48 hours—including the bombing of an Iranian embassy and the brazen killing of seven aid workers in Gaza—have proved that Israel seemingly feels entitled to plunder and sow death and destruction as it pleases.

    It’s obvious why israel is becoming more and more arrogant in their crimes; Biden is always giving them the green light. And they know it by now. They have tested again and again how far they can go and now know there are literally no limits for what Biden will support.

    Blowing up all hospitals. Literally starving all Palestinians to death like a Nazi concentration camp. Nothing goes to far for Genocide Joe.

    Guntrigger ,

    That’s right, just Biden. No previous president was ever in full support of Israel.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Indeed every single previous American president would have already stopped israeli by now. Genocide Joe is by far biggest Zionist president in American history

    There were three times in the past that israel violated human rights so hard that American presidents threatened arms embargoes or threatened to cut off israeli loan guarantees. The most recent one is George Bush.

    Although Israel and its supporters went into a frenzy, with one Israeli cabinet minister calling the U.S. president an “antisemite” and a “liar,” Bush Sr. prevailed. On Oct. 2, 1991, the U.S. Senate formally acceded to Bush’s request for a 120-day postponement. Furthermore, because of Shamir’s determination to expand settlements, the loans were not released until well beyond the postponement period, after the election of a more moderate Israeli government led by Yitzhak Rabin.

    When I spoke to him in 2003, Baker told me, “We said to Rabin, ‘we’ll release the $10 billion if you agree to substantially restrict settlement activity,’ and he did.”

    In these cases israel did far less human rights violation than the full scale Genocide they are committing right now. Genocide Joe is exceptional in his support to let israel kill every single Palestinian.

    Leate_Wonceslace ,

    every single previous American president would have already stopped israeli by now

    Sounds legit.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    As much of a Moron as Trump is, even he is starting to turn around now

    “You have to finish up your war … You gotta get it done. And I am sure you will do that. And we gotta get to peace, we can’t have this going on. And I will say, Israel has to be very careful, because you’re losing a lot of the world, you’re losing a lot of support,” he told the newspaper.

    When asked how he would have countered a rise in anti-Semitism that followed the Hamas attacks and Israel’s response, Mr Trump appeared to blame the images of Israeli bombings coming out of Gaza.

    “Well, that’s because you fought back,” he said. “And I think Israel made a very big mistake. I wanted to call [Israel] and say don’t do it. These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. And I said, Oh, that’s a terrible portrait. It’s a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this … every night, I would watch buildings pour down on people.”

    When even Donald Trump turns with the winds, it’s looking like Biden literally can’t do worse

    zerog_bandit ,

    Yes the orange man will definitely not say anything to get elected, followed by bombing Gaza back to the Stone age.

    Linkerbaan , (edited ) avatar

    Who knows. Orange Man promised to be strong against Russia and then 180’d the entire Republican party into being Putins lap dog. Trump will go wherever the wind blows and whomever gives him a nice wad of cash.

    The only thing we know is that Nikki Haley and Biden both received 1.5Million dollars from AIPAC for this election, and Trump just 100k. So israel certainly doesn’t seem to prefer Trump over Biden.

    Leate_Wonceslace ,

    Biden literally can’t do worse

    Sounds Legit.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Fine, every single president except Trump. Happy now?

    Leate_Wonceslace ,

    No. I don’t have any obvious counter-evidence I’m aware of, but I don’t bare the burden of proof. You need to show evidence that every single other president would have done as you say. It’s a very big claim that requires a lot of evidence, and frankly I don’t believe it’s true.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Maybe not every president since as you say that requires a lot of evidence and is likely unprovable, but I firmly believe that the majority would've stopped Israel by now. I mean, hell, even objectively horrible people like George Bush and Regan did it. Hell, even Biden did it in 2021. What I want to say is: Biden letting Israel rampage like this is the exception, not the norm. For evidence, I think the fact that Israel has needed to exercise at least a modicum of restraint and not commit actual genocide until now is enough.

    Leate_Wonceslace ,

    I firmly believe

    Without evidence

    not commit actual genocide

    Israel is currently in the process of committing an actual genocide. I think that’s why the Biden administration is holding an investigation; because if they can publish a finding that Israel is using American weapons they can then withhold aid without anyone being able to make legal trouble. Because of the way our treaties work, Biden is compelled to supply aid to Israel until he’s legally forbidden from doing so. In the meantime, there’s reports that he’s begun using back-door beurocratic BS to slow aid down as much as he’s legally able to.

    Now maybe all of that is baseless rumors being spread by braindead Biden cheerleaders, but it’s also entirely possible that it’s true. You have no basis for your assertion that Biden is even doing worse than average, so stop trying to act like it’s an established fact.

    TLDR: your argument is uncogent.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Now maybe all of that is baseless rumors being spread by braindead Biden cheerleaders

    Yes. Israel has been obviously breaking international law, using American weapons (including the infamous 2000 pound bombs) for a while now. Many individual Israeli actions have been called warcrimes by various NGOs, up to and including the UN. If he wanted to do anything he'd have done it already. He also wouldn't match bold-faced Israeli propaganda (like the 40 dead babies debacle).

    You have no basis for your assertion that Biden is even doing worse than average, so stop trying to act like it’s an established fact.

    I do: Biden is one of the few US presidents who hasn't stopped Israel when they did something this out of proportion. Again, this man is doing worse than Reagan and Bush. Do you understand how low the bar he's failing to meet is?

    Guntrigger ,

    Oh wow, you actually believe that…

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Oh wow I linked three examples and you actually didn’t read any of them.

    Etterra ,

    This stopped being a war and started being a genocide at some point, but the government and media just won’t say it and I’m tired of it.

    WoahWoah , (edited )

    Yeah and that point was in 1948.

    RemoveEgoDivineFreedom ,

    Fuck Israel. Free Palestine 🇵🇸

    Kolanaki , avatar

    Can’t we all just… Smoke a bong? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Land_Strider ,

    We are. Tell that to these Israeli fuckers. The most moral army in the world probably has more objections to that than killing children all around for fun, tho.

    Endorkend , avatar

    The chokehold Israeli Intelligence / Propaganda wing has on reddits worldnews subreddit is freakin depressing (and scary in how total it is).

    Post anything even remotely critical to anything Israel did and within minutes you'll have a dozen downvotes and people outright warping reality in their response to you, all on relatively recent accounts that only ever respond to posts related to Israel. They aren't subtle about it in the slightest.

    And stories like them murdering foreign aid workers on purpose just get magicked away.

    dojan , avatar

    Israel has an app that’s used to target various sites etc. with propaganda. It has various material for people to post, guides on how to post/sign up to platforms, premade memes, etc. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

    Caelan Conrad (I believe) used to have a video up on the subject, where they used and walked through the app, but it’s mysteriously gone missing.’s own YouTube channel remains, though.

    ad_on_is , avatar

    TIL, why my comments get downvoted. At this point, I’m not even mad.

    theotherverion ,

    Issue is when a relevant criticism of Israel is labeled as anti-Israel/anti-semitic.

    Just like it is an issue when anti-semitic/anti-Israel content is labeled as a relevant criticism. Needless to say, at least here on lemmy I see the second situation not very common.

    Boiglenoight ,

    I’ve lost a lot of sympathy and just regard for Israel’s right to exist. I don’t want anyone to suffer, but I could care less if Israel as a political power were to disappear tomorrow if it meant a halt to the indiscriminate killing of people having nothing to do with attacks on Israeli people/territory.

    It’s nuts because me 10 years ago would smack current me across the mouth for even thinking such a thing. As things are, Israel is acting like a bunch of nazis. Just crazy.

    theotherverion ,

    If Israel disappeared, the situation would be far worse. Because despite all of their actions, israel is still million times better than Iran and its proxies.

    What I can agree with you, though, is the fact that current regime there and people in power are dangerous both for Israel itself and the rest of the world

    Boiglenoight ,

    How would it be far worse? And for whom?

    theotherverion ,

    For everyone. For the locals because these terrorist proxies do not seem to care about civilians at all and for the rest of the world because Iran would become a nuclear superpower and that’s pretty dangerous considering what their proxies are capable of.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    For the locals because these terrorist proxies do not seem to care about civilians at all

    There's a reason it's the US and not Iran that is known for bombing weddings. Not that I like Iran, but only one of them is called the Great Satan.

    theotherverion ,

    So it’s USA’s fault that islamic state bombed russia. Everything is USA’s fault and we need to get rid of USA.

    Good job excusing terrorism and blaming someone else…

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Uh... ISIS is essentially a US proxy and an Irani enemy. I'm not sure how Iran has any responsibility for ISIS actions.

    theotherverion ,

    Iran has no responsibility in Russia’s attack, same for USA.

    However, Iran has control over many similar groups such as ISIS that are extremely dangerous.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    You either have an ulterior motive or are woefully misinformed. The Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas are all very different groups who have no similarity besides being Islamist.

    theotherverion ,

    And all backed by Iran

    JustZ ,

    The tens of millions of people of Iran after Israel retaliates, maybe the people in parts of Israel where Iron Dome can’t stop all of Iran’s missile, and the hundreds of millions of people throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and western and central Europe would will deal see a cascade of failed states stemming from a humanitarian and refugee catastrophe unlike anything the world has ever experienced. Like 30,000 people is a short footnote compared to 30,000,000, or the 300,000,000 dead and displaced we could see if col

    And this is not difficult or hard to understand, but you do have to be able to set aside your sadness over 30,000 and think rationally about the 30,000,000. This the baseline from which America and virtually the entire political and foreign service contingencies of the western world derive their middle east policy. It’s all about isolating Iran.

    Hamas actually is an ideology of genocideal violence and indiscriminate killing of civilians and is Iran’s proxy right on the border of America’s ally and the only democracy in the region.

    The key point is there is that theocratic dictatorships desired by Iran, ISIS, Hamas, the Houthis, Islamic Jihad, and other, are fundamentally incapable of establishing or protecting human rights because their laws are based on religious whims of a one or two extreme religious muckity mucks.

    So like, anyone actually concerned about humanity and human rights and yet throwing their weight in behind Iran or its proxies, against Israel, is doing the opposite of what they are concerned for. I know it’s hard. 30,000 people, very sad. Not nearly as sad as it could get, quickly and easily, though, if Iran jumps off.

    There are plenty of people who know way more about this than I do who think hot war between Israel and Iran is imminent. If Trump gets reelected, he will definitely try to start it. He already did once, and the only reason it stopped is because when Iran responded, they accidentally shot down its own civilian airliner.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Hamas actually is an ideology of genocideal violence and indiscriminate killing of civilians and is Iran’s proxy right on the border of America’s ally and the only democracy in the region.

    Man almost half the people Israel rules (Gaza and the West Bank are occupied no matter how much Zionists would like to believe otherwise, source: UN) don't have voting (or human for that matter) rights. And we're seeing them crack down on dissent using extrajudicial (or effectively extrajudicial) arrests as we speak. Democracy my ass.

    mightyfoolish ,

    Genocide against Palestinians is okay because you are racist against Iranians (a country the US and Israel is oddly keen on sabotaging in every way possible).

    theotherverion ,

    I am not racist against Iranians. I just consider Iran quite a dangerous country considering what their proxies are doing.

    tocopherol , avatar

    Their ‘proxies’ are actually responding to Israeli genocide, I have more respect for Houthi rebels than most governments.

    theotherverion , (edited )

    One of their proxies started this escalation. Don’t think that they would just calmly sit if Israel was not there.

    Edit: And I regret you a bit that you have more sympathy for terrorists than governments.

    tocopherol , avatar

    How can I respect any government that turns a blind eye to this?…/ahrc5573-report-special-rapporteur-si…

    You can find the pdf with citations at the page.

    Keeponstalin ,

    The concept of Transfer in Zionist thought and the displacement of Palestinians since the 1920s culminated into a full fledged ethnic cleansing campaign in 1948

    The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948

    Transfer Committee and the JNF led to Forced Displacement of 100,000 Palestinians throughout the mandate.

    Plan Dalet and Plan C Details

    Before 1948, Palestinian Leadership repeatedly advocated for a Unitary Binational State for decades.

    Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928, Arab Higher Committee advocating for Unified State 1937 , Arab League advocating for Unified Binational State 1948

    History of peace process

    If Israel disappeared, a State where Palestinians have equal rights to Israelis would take its place.

    How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

    ‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe

    theotherverion ,

    Okay and. I don’t know how it is related.

    JustZ ,

    Now do the concept of genociding every Jew and Christian in the middle east and the concept of blowing yourself up inside a coffee shop or doing a mass shooting at a kids concert.

    If Israel disappeared, a State where Palestinians have equal rights to Israelis would take its place.

    Bro, Hamas’s motto, same as the motto of every other pan-Islamist violent religious extremists in the middle east, “Death to Israel and death to America.”

    They literally think God has ordained them to be the true rules of the entire world. They call it “restoring Islam to its rightful place” or they call it a “new world order free from infidels” or “the caliphate.”

    Like where do you even get this fictitious nonsense?

    Keeponstalin ,

    Oslo Accords MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ

    History of peace process

    Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

    What Is Hamas? - Council on Foreign Relations

    What Does Hamas Actually Want? - NY Mag

    Hamas Election - Snopes

    Hamas 1988 Charter and Revised 2017 Charter

    The 1988 Charter, which is certainly unreasonable in its fundamentalism with Sharia Law and is antisemitic, does not call for the extermination of all Jewish People. The 2017 Revised charter accepts a Two-State Solution of the 1967 Borders. Check Article 7 and 13 of the 1988 Charter to see yourself, compare it to Article 20 and 24-26 in the revised charter

    The slogan From the River to the Sea is about Palestinian liberation that started in the 60s by the PLO for a democratic secular state, not Genocide. Maybe you’re thinking of the Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad in 1966.

    Like where do you even get this fictitious nonsense?

    I don’t hide my sources. I don’t know where you get your fictitious nonsense besides the IDF.

    JustZ , (edited )

    More nonsense, irrelevant spam. You don’t hide your sources. You just post an overwhelming amount of irrelevant, biased shit that would take too long to correct.

    Anyway, sorry the war still making you so sad that you reject reality to make yoursel feel better. Is denial working?

    Like the Snopes article that tries desperately to gloss over the fact that Hamas was popularly elected with innuendo and lies.

    It was true that Hamas won the latest election among Palestinians in Gaza — it happened in 2006 — though that victory was not by a majority of votes.

    It was a majority of je votes cast, not a majority of the voters. And the reason for that is because Hamas encouraged loyal their many supporters not to participate in the process, and they still won!

    I agree that doesn’t necessarily reflect what Gaza might do in an election today but we cannot know that because Hamas cancelled all future elections. Another key details omitted by you and Snopes. That’s who you support: people who will literally kill you for saying nice things about democracy.

    And all your bullshit has never once been about criticizing specific policies about Israel, it’s about proving to everyone watching that Israel is evil, not because you want Israel to get better, but because you want to justify Hamas’s actually indiscriminate killing of Jews.

    Hamas’s genocidal intent is not up for debate. It’s their sole unifying purpose over decades and their literal motto and it’s what they say to Qatar and Iran when they have their hands out for more rockets and tunnel money. God forbid they buy some food and try to improve anyone’s life.

    Here’s the substance of the Snopes claim:

    former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stated that when Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005, Palestinians supposedly had the opportunity to turn it into “an amazing and beautiful state.” Instead, he wrote, “A majority of Palestinians voted Hamas whose explicit goal is to destroy Israel,” and Hamas’ subsequent rocket firing, according to Bennett, forced the Israeli military to form a blockade on the Gaza Strip.

    And nothing thereafter in the article proves otherwise. This statement has been and remains 100% true. Gaza is responsible for Gaza and Gaza out Hamas in charge. Hamas shut down the airports and seaports. Hamas refused to follow any international law. They would still be doing suicide bombings if it didn’t undermine their lawfare steategy. More facts that you completely ignore.

    Keeponstalin , (edited )

    The amount of projection and denial from you is unreal lol

    Most Palestinians Believe Hamas Should Change its Position on Eliminating Israel - WPO March 2, 2006

    Most Palestinians agree that Hamas should recognize Israel’s right to exist. Two-thirds (63 percent) of those polled Jan. 27-29 by Near East Consulting said Hamas should change its position calling for the elimination of Israel. Even among those who voted for Hamas, only 37 percent support Hamas’ position that Israel does not have the right to exist.

    Apparently the vast majority of Palestinians did not vote for Hamas because of its political goals but because of their desire to rid the Palestinian Authority of corruption, a theme Hamas campaigned on. Among those polled by JMCC who said they voted for Hamas, only 12 percent said they did so because of Hamas’ political agenda. A plurality of 43 percent said they voted for Hamas because they hoped it would end corruption.

    Furthermore it should be noted that Hamas did not receive the majority of the popular vote. With the Palestinians’ mixed system of proportional representation according to party support for half the seats and district seats based on population for the other half, Hamas was able to take 58 percent of all seats with only 45 percent of the overall popular vote (the 58 percent includes three independents who campaigned with Hamas).

    The Israeli imposed closure on Gaza began in 1991, temporarily, becoming permanent in 1993. The barrier began around Gaza around 1972.

    Between July 1971 and February 1972, Sharon enjoyed considerable success. During this time, the entire Strip (apart from the Rafah area) was sealed off by a ring of security fences 53 miles in length, with few entrypoints. Today, their effects live on: there are only three points of entry to Gaza—Erez, Nahal Oz, and Rafah.

    Perhaps the most dramatic and painful aspect of Sharon’s campaign was the widening of roads in the refugee camps to facilitate military access. Israel built nearly 200 miles of security roads and destroyed thousands of refugee dwellings as part of the widening process.'* In August 1971, for example, the Israeli army destroyed 7,729 rooms (approximately 2,000 houses) in three vola- tile camps, displacing 15,855 refugees: 7,217 from Jabalya, 4,836 from Shati, and 3,802 from Rafah.

    • Page 105

    Through 1993 Israel imposed a one-way system of tariffs and duties on the importation of goods through its borders; leaving Israel for Gaza, however, no tariffs or other regulations applied. Thus, for Israeli exports to Gaza, the Strip was treated as part of Israel; but for Gazan exports to Israel, the Strip was treated as a foreign entity subject to various “non-tariff barriers.”'°° This placed Israel at a distinct advantage for trading and limited Gaza’s access to Israeli and foreign markets. Gazans had no recourse against such policies, being totally unable to protect themselves with tariffs or exchange rate controls. Thus, they had to pay more for highly protected Israeli products than they would if they had some control over their own economy. Such policies deprived the occupied territories of significant customs revenue, estimated at $118-$176 million in 1986.!°! (Arguably, the economic terms of the Gaza—Jericho Agreement modify the situation only slightly.'°)

    • page 240

    The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    israel is still million times better than Iran and its proxies.

    What the fuck? No it's not. Israel is a literal Apartheid state. The fuck are they better than Iran.

    theotherverion ,

    So rather terrorist organizations that don’t mind to bomb anyone from Israel to Russia? Fine.

    WanderingVentra ,

    Israel is doing a literal genocide. It’s hard to get much worse than that.

    theotherverion ,

    There is still no confirmation of genocide. And a nuclear war is far worse.

    in4aPenny ,

    Don’t worry, Israel is going to sacrifice the red cow this month -…/israel-palestine-west-bank-se…Israel’s crazy death cult religion wants to bring about the end of the world with fire to cleanse the world during rapture, so your sick-fuck wish might come true.

    EDIT -…/what-do-five-red-heifers-have-to-… <- Israeli source in case you think this is some anti-semetic hogwash, it’s not. They just omit in the article the slaughtering of the cow as part of the ritual.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Uh... Literally yes. You're strawmanning hard, but even with your strawman literally yes. Israel is just that bad.

    theotherverion ,

    It’s funny how much would be some capable to sacrifice just to make sure Israel does not exist.

    Luckily we don’t have many of those in the leadership functions.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    Are you seriously suggesting that Iran is better than Israel in any possible terms? Some people are so far up their ass.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Uh... Only one of these is committing genocide. Only one is an Apartheid state. Only one supports fucking ISIS. Y'all need to get your heads out of your asses and look at reality.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    There’s no racial segregation in Israel if you are implying that. There’s no ISIS support either. And there’s no genocide because killing is not indiscriminate. If it were there would be no Gaza left.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    This would be so hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    Well if anything it goes to show you decided on you think is going on and everything else needs to bend to support that idea.

    Keeponstalin ,

    Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has pursued an explicit policy of establishing and maintaining a Jewish demographic hegemony and maximizing its control over land to benefit Jewish Israelis while minimizing the number of Palestinians and restricting their rights and obstructing their ability to challenge this dispossession. In 1967, Israel extended this policy beyond the Green Line to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which it has occupied ever since. Today, all territories controlled by Israel continue to be administered with the purpose of benefiting Jewish Israelis to the detriment of Palestinians, while Palestinian refugees continue to be excluded.

    Over the years, Israel has used military rule as a key tool to establish its system of oppression and domination over Palestinians across both sides of the Green Line, applying it over different groups of Palestinians in Israel and the OPT almost continuously since 1948 – with the exception of a seven-month gap in 1967 – to advance Jewish settlement in areas of strategic importance and to dispossess Palestinians of their land and property under the guise of maintaining security.

    You can learn more in the Apartheid Reports

    Amnesty International Report

    Human Rights Watch Report

    B’TSelem Report with quick Explainer

    tocopherol , avatar

    Fuck off with your tired excuses. You’re right though, the killing isn’t indescriminate, they skillfully target aid workers, refugee convoys and hospitals. Israel isn’t an independent actor, they are killing as many as they possibly can while still maintaining just enough support to continue arms sales from the US. Even the UK government is considering halting transfers because of a fear of complicity in genocide.

    reddit_sux ,

    I am sure by the time this pogrom ends your words will come true. First Gaza then west bank. That is the plan of Israel.

    JustZ ,

    What the fuck you, guy. Utterly divorced from reality. Iran has as its guiding religious and political purpose the genocide of all Jews and Christians in the middle east, same goals as Hamas.

    They think God is on their side and so they don’t realize that they are no match for Israel. When they do finally take their shot at Israel, tens of millions of people will be killed, notably when Israel turns Tehran into a sheet of glass. Think about how sads you are about 30,000 deaths and then try out how you might feel over 30,000,000 deaths. Utterly delusional assessment, as is calling Israel an apartheid state. The defining feature of apartheid is minority rule over the majority of its citizens. Israel doesn’t have that. Not only are Gazans not citizens of Israel, they aren’t citizens of any country. Israel is in fact, in law, and in political science a flawed democracy, same as America, which is by every concievable metric better than Iran, unless you use metrics such as “public executions carried out by secret religious police” or “number of human rights trampled because Mosque Daddy says so.”

    It’s absolutely stunning that you don’t realize this and so I have to ask, how far did you go in school and what did you study?

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    ran has as its guiding religious and political purpose the genocide of all Jews and Christians in the middle east, same goals as Hamas.

    Uh... You do realize Hamas accepted a two-state solution ages ago, and that Gaza actually has Christians, right? I also hope you do realize that the fact that Gazans being stateless makes Israel more of an Apartheid state. Or maybe you'd prefer "settler colonialist state subjecting Palestinians to a brutal occupation"?

    Anyway I'll probably regret engaging with this steaming pile of propaganda, but I'll ask: How do you feel about this, this and this?

    JustZ ,


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  • NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Well, you just revealed your true colors. Congrats.

    JustZ ,

    Who’s going to rebuild the cities, you?

    JustZ ,

    And, I hope so, because I’m not lying or hiding anything. I don’t have other colors.

    mightyfoolish ,

    Doesn’t Iran have loyal Jewish citizens?

    They should totally know they are about to be genocided… /s

    JustZ ,

    There are Palestinians in Israel.

    Someone should warn them too, right? Since Israel is doing a genocide of all Palestinians. 🤡

    mightyfoolish ,

    Absolutely, who knows what will happen when these racists are done with Gaza.

    snek , avatar

    Do you know anything at all about Palestinians in Israel? Because you sound super ignorant. Do you know how many of them get killed or harassed or fired?

    zerog_bandit ,

    Meanwhile 1 billion Arabs in the world just shit post “genocide!” all day

    dojan , avatar

    Meanwhile 1 trillion Arabs in the world just shitpost “genocide!” all day.

    dojan , avatar

    Meanwhile one quadrillion…

    Maggoty ,

    Oh so I’m Arab now?


    Who knew?

    NoneOfUrBusiness , (edited )

    Uh... Uh.... Uh.....

    The world doesn't have one million billion Arabs.

    Edit: Brainfart.

    mightyfoolish ,

    There’s probably 300 million Arabs in the world. There’s a few billion people “in the world just shit post ‘genocide!’ all day” for very good reasons.

    NOT_RICHARD , avatar

    On the other hand if you post something against Ukraine and you are banned within minutes

    Lemmy freedom of speech at its finest :)

    Kiosade ,

    …why would you be against Ukraine, exactly?

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    They’re a Russian stoog?

    Boiglenoight ,

    Ukraine being clearly having the moral high ground as a sovereign state defending itself, yes, expect to be downvoted for trying to contract what we all see with our own eyes.

    NOT_RICHARD , avatar

    Bro they literally started the war 😂

    Agrivar ,

    WTF are you smoking, and where can I get some, comrade?

    Guntrigger ,

    Impressive. How do you go about starting a defensive war of conquest?

    UnityDevice ,

    By having the stupid idea of existing next to Russia (or a similar country).

    WanderingVentra ,

    Depends on the instance.

    reddit_sux ,

    You can still say there is rampant corruption in ukraine. They have embezzeled billions in aid.

    But it all seems miniscule in front of the existential crisi they are in.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    But on no account should you consider yourself wrong. That can’t happen. Propaganda works only one way and not the other. Whenever there’s evidence of Hamas storing weapons or launching rockets next to schools and hospitals, it’s fake news. It’s source that can’t be trusted. But whenever something aligns with your beliefs that’s 100% true, evidence not required. Even now you are claiming they killed foreign aid workers on purpose when there was no investigation and no such claim anywhere. But it fits your narrative.

    DouchePalooza ,

    Wow, just like when you post anything remotely supportive of Israel or derogative of the Palestinian backwards society on lemmy?

    How could it be?

    wahming ,

    I’d like to know who’s downvoting this, besides the state trolls

    ModernRisk , avatar

    Just screw them. As long as people can read it’s that’s what matters.

    Though I’m always a bit conflicted about upvote/ liking. I usually upvote something that, I like. But I don’t like this, I truly hate reading this kind of stuff. It’s horrifying and I wish it would stop.

    Keeponstalin ,

    I upvote for visibility. The more awareness, the more pressure from public opinion.

    ClanOfTheOcho ,

    Same. Upvote if I think it’s important for others to see.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    And won’t do a damn thing. Just how Facebook likes are not stopping Russia’s invasion upvoting/downvoting will have exactly zero effect on this conflict as well. On one side Israel will ensure this time that this never happens again, on the other only acceptable outcome for Palestine is death of every Israeli, which is not happening.

    World will criticize. Israel will win and there will be calm for some years before Hamas goes for the blood again and people call Israel genocidal nation once again. It’s a frighteningly short cycle and people keep forgetting it every time.

    JimboDHimbo ,

    Goddamn you don’t ever shush up, do you? Just loud and wrong.

    Keeponstalin , (edited )

    The The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 in Zionist thought and the displacement of Palestinians since the 1920s culminated into a full-fledged ethnic cleansing campaign in 1948. Plan Dalet with Details of Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948) Partition and later the Two-State Solution have been wielded by Israel to covet and annex as much Palestinian land as possible with the least amount of Palestinians.

    Before 1948, Palestinian Leadership repeatedly advocated for a Unitary Binational State for decades: Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928, Arab Higher Committee advocating for Unified State 1937, Arab League advocating for Unified State 1948

    After the founding of Israel, the Two-State Solutions were utilized to further annex the Palestinian Occupied Territories and enact military control over Palestinians while denying them human and civil rights. Despite this, both Fatah and later Hamas have accepted a Two-State Solution on the 1967 borders, with the two most important factors being the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees and an end to the permanent occupation. This is apartheid.

    Oslo Accords MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ

    History of peace process

    Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

    What Is Hamas? - Council on Foreign Relations

    What Does Hamas Actually Want? - NY Mag

    Hamas Election - Snopes

    Hamas 1988 Charter and Revised 2017 Charter

    The 1988 Charter, which is certainly unreasonable in its fundamentalism with Sharia Law and is antisemitic, does not call for the extermination of all Jewish People. The 2017 Revised charter accepts a Two-State Solution of the 1967 Borders. Check Article 7 and 13 of the 1988 Charter to see yourself, compare it to Article 20 and 24-26 in the revised charter

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    There’s a small but angry and vocal contingent of Israel supporters around here. The other day one got mad at me because I said the IDF’s report of killing 200 terrorists in the hospital in Gaza was bullshit and it was bullshit specifically because it came from the IDF and you can’t trust a word they say.

    Boiglenoight ,

    I was in a gas station around UNC Chapel Hill of all places standing in line behind a couple younger guys who were saying insane things about how Palestine’s not a real state, they’re just migrant squatters and seemed to mock anyone hurt or killed that opposed Israel. They reminded me of ‘Murican’s talking about how strong and right America is, but from the Jewish perspective with Israel in its stead.

    It’s hard to describe how sickening it was to hear. And they’re like, 20.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I take issue with something you said-

    They reminded me of ‘Murican’s talking about how strong and right America is, but from the Jewish perspective with Israel in its stead.

    I am Jewish. I do not have that perspective. A large number of Jews do not have that perspective and do not support Israel or its genocide. Many of us also advocate for Palestinian independence and an end to apartheid.

    Boiglenoight ,

    Please don’t take it as all Jews just as American morons don’t represent all Americans. My apology, I thought that was obvious.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    No worries, I just wanted to clarify just in case.

    caveman ,

    Hi, thanks for your voice.

    I hope that you never get punished/harmed emotionally or physically for people who can’t differentiate you from others.

    I am actually interested in talking to nice Jewish people.

    If you have a way to communicate in anonymous form (like via simplex chat, please send me your contact).

    Or make a Lemmy instance for jewishforpeace!

    JustZ ,

    Nothing about this is funny or a subject for mockery. At least you can take comfort in knowing that twenty years olds basically don’t know shit about anything let alone foreign policy let alone hypermodern points of international law. Only Facebook and Sarah Palins and Donald Trumps give these know nothings the validation to share their dumbass thoughts out loud. It’s by design and it’s so dangerous. Any one of them can buy a blue check mark and a following.

    caveman ,

    Funny is that illegal Jewish immigrants into Palestina on 1930s had to be stopped by Brits, and jewish reacted by bombing British embassy and sinking British ships (read about Irgun and Stern group terrorist attacks).

    anlumo ,

    I don’t want to know what it does to a society when casually sniping 4 year olds is completely ok and accepted. After Gaza is razed, all of these soldiers will return as heroes, but will they be able to stop their habits?

    zib , (edited )

    I'm beginning to think many of them joined up specifically for the the purpose of slaughtering children. It feels like they've even dropped the pretense of all Palestinians being Hamas - at least I don't hear them making that excuse all that much anymore. They seem to just enjoy the killing.

    EDIT: Apparently military service in Israel is mandatory. I guess murdering Palestinian children en masse is just a bonus.

    Haggunenons , avatar

    I’m pretty sure that in Israel, joining the military is not a choice.

    BertramDitore , avatar

    I’m not excusing any of their actions, because I’m genuinely horrified by Israel’s conduct, but the IDF is a conscripted military force. Every Israeli, excluding some ultra-orthodox extremists who get a controversial religious exemption, is required to serve a certain amount of time in the military after they turn 18. There are alternative public service options for conscientious objectors, but most 18 year olds end up with a rifle in their hand. That’s pretty fucked up if you ask me.

    That means the majority of the soldiers perpetrating these atrocities are basically children themselves. They didn’t join so they could do a genocide, they joined because they had to, and are doing a genocide. I’m sure some of them are sick fuckers who enjoy it, but most are probably just following despicable, immoral, unforgivable orders from superiors. That’s not a justification, just an unfortunate likelihood.

    That said, yes, it does seem like they’ve dropped the pretense.

    WanderingVentra ,

    I’d believe that more if they weren’t on Tik Tok laughing and joking about the horrific acts they’re doing, like demolishing whole neighborhoods, destroying hospitals, and killing people.

    MeanEYE , avatar

    Yeah I heard many of the like eating babies as well. Hamas is there just as an excuse but in reality they are the good guys who just like drinking tea.

    Maalus ,

    Yes that 4 year old should have renounced hamas the second he got within range.

    sazey ,

    I guess the thousands of dead women and children just did not condemn Hamas hard enough.

    caveman ,

    Since years I see Israeli saying 'we have to eliminate the vipers nest ", meaning kill their babies and women, and bombing all health infrastructure so that women having babies dies more often

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