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Kolanaki , avatar

If they relied so much on those snack sales, they should bring the prices down to something reasonable.

$7 for a 12oz soda isn’t reasonable.

Dimantina ,

Meh my internet points will take a hit.

Guy is paid to enforce rules. “Hey you snuck in food I have to ask you to leave.”

Last says “No.”

Dudes next thing is “Well I’ll need to call the cops if you are treaspassing.”

Lady refuses. So he calls the cops.

Yes there is testimony from the people kicked out that he was a douche, but for arguments sake let’s say the guys denies saying any of the douchebag thing.

Now let’s put you in his shoes. You need this job, you have a lady refusing to leave… What do you do?

Seriously his actions aren’t unwarranted, especially in a place like NZ where cops don’t have a whole thing about shooting people.

I say this as a person who’s snuck tons of snacks, but also when I was caught and asked to leave I did.

umbraroze ,

I was just reading about pirate radio stations. One pretty bitter post by a busted pirate radio operator went like “while a large number of police officers were busy chasing us through the forest, a guy got stabbed to death in the downtown. I think the raid on us was a gross mistake of police resource allocation.”

This is like that, but even more petty.

Ulrich_the_Old ,

I will eat and drink whatever I like and I pirate all the movies I watch. If I am responsible for the demise of the film industry you are welcome.

endofline ,

I am really surprised that still somebody goes to cinema. C’mon buying 40 inch monitor and good sound system is not that expensive. You will soon good ROI if you go to the cinema frequently

Tryptaminev ,

Look at Mr. FancyPants having space for a home cinema.

andrewta ,

Many movies a 40” display is good enough. There are a lot of movies where you do not get the impact without a full sized movie screen.

Hyphlosion , avatar

I’ve “snuck” quite a bit of snackage with me when I go to my local theater. (Especially because they rarely offer anything on my diet.) I put that in quote marks because I’m sure they can easily tell I’m smuggling my own stuff in.

I’ve always reckoned that they let me by because they’re not paid enough to really care. Thankfully I have yet to run into a theater worker on a power trip.

I guess it also helps that I do buy myself drinks while I’m there.

But man, I’d probably shit my pants if they called the cops on me just because I brought my own zero sugar smoked sausages and some pumpkin seeds…

Stalinwolf , avatar

I remember sitting in front of two of my wife’s friends during a movie once, when I was overcome by the smell of McDonald’s fries. One of them had retrieved a box of fries from the other’s purse once the coast was clear.

Nikz ,

I used to go to the local dollar store and grab myself a can of coke and some lollies (candy) on my way to the theater. In England, right before the movie starts, they have the rating card come up for a few seconds. It’s always the most quiet time because the movie is about to start, so no one is taking, there’s no movie playing yet, and the ads / trailers are over. I would always open my coke at this moment of silence because it was so funny to me to be sitting in a room full or silent strangers and for the only noise to clearly be the sound of a can opening that no one could see was just a coke.

MNByChoice ,

Interesting news for a Friday. Gobto theater and be murdered. Guess ticket ticket sales will suck this week.

todd_bonzalez , avatar

Look, these were some feral hogs for sure, but nobody got murdered, this was NZ, calm down.

padge ,

My real question here is, do they really pay the employees enough for them to actually care?

diffusive ,

I suspect some employees (like the one of this article) are happy to do it for free… just for the fun

madcaesar ,

I’m honestly baffled by people busting their ass for shitty jobs for shitty corporations. It’s like people being exploited by Walmart risking their lives trying to prevent theft… Like why?

WhatYouNeed ,

Quick! Eat the evidence!

paddirn ,

So what next, are they going to start going after people who fill up before they arrive at the theater? Going into the theater on a full stomach is theft, you should thank them for the overpriced food they slave over for you (or at least the hourly workers who are treated like slaves).

Summzashi ,

No, nothing is next. You can’t bring your own food in some places. It’s really not that hard.

mriormro , avatar

This is not something that should involve the police.

EatATaco ,

They didn’t call the police on them for bringing food in, they called the police on them for refusing to leave.

EatATaco ,

They don’t control the rules outside the theater. Suggesting there is some slippery slope from them not allowing outside food in the theater to them controlling your life before going is just absolutely absurd.

uis ,

But they control rules of who comes in theater. At least in beastly capitalism they do.

cass24 ,

Suggesting theaters are going to check people for a full stomach before entry is absurd stuff that should probably stay in the bounds of black mirror-esque science-fiction works.

HelloHotel , avatar

them controlling your life before going is just absolutely absurd

This is why I assumed they were joking but everyone responding is being serious.

EatATaco ,

Poes law. But whether they are joking or not, you can read the other poster responding to me who seems to defend the claim.

HelloHotel , (edited ) avatar

On this post, someone said somthing like: well, your talking to a moron. And the guys name was “a moron”. (Edit) The replies didnt notice the joke

Poes law is just really strong on this post.

EatATaco ,

It’s funny because that was me and I was going along with what I thought was the joke there, although still poking fun at the a random idiot because they did say something stupid.

Hyphlosion , avatar

Oral surgeons already want you to fast for a time before going in. It’s only a matter of time before movie theaters make you do it too.

A_Random_Idiot ,

“many struggling cinemas depend on the sales of pricy food and drink”

Fuck you, what they charge isnt “pricy”

its fuckin exploitative. Its why they ban you bringing in snacks, in the hopes you’ll pay 20 dollars for 5 cents of popcorn aind 7 cents of soda.

also, You expect anyone to have sympathy for the theater after

“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’

EatATaco ,

You realize that is just one side of the story, coming from the person who benefits the most from the theater employees looking badly. I don’t know if what she said is true, but there is no video of it, so I would take it with a huge grain of salt.

A_Random_Idiot ,

Found the theater owner.

EatATaco ,

Seriously, God forbid someone being reasonably skeptical.

tweeks , (edited )

Don’t bother, you’re talking with a random idiot.

Edit: I was joking, check his name.

EatATaco ,

Which is why I agreed with them. No point there.

tearsintherain , avatar

Seriously, they are one of the most tiresome posters. The look i’m so logically smart type, and complain about lemmy but hang out on lemmy.

Kusimulkku ,

Well yeah obviously

EatATaco ,

Apparently not obviously because people seem to be buying her story at face value, despite if you watch the video she insults the guy for his accent, and I’m being massively downvoted for pointing it out.

todd_bonzalez , avatar

Exploitive? C’mon mate, nobody is forcing you to watch new movies at the theater, or to eat hotdogs, candy, and popcorn while you’re there. The whole concept is outdated uncomfortable bullshit, and you have every right to abstain. At a minimum, go eat a meal before the movie and just fucking vibe without dumping wads of fat-soaked corn and carbonated sugar water into your gaping maw.

I don’t even bother with the big theaters anymore. I get my cinema fix from boutique neighborhood cinemas that play classics and offer dinner and a movie, and I pirate everything else for home viewing.

Corporate cinema sucks ass. You deserve to get price gouged if you haven’t figured that out yet.

buddascrayon ,

And yet the entire Cinema industry is crying like babies cause “no one is going to the theater anymore”.

They can all go fuck themselves.

phoenixz ,

At that point, with comments like that, you’d be tempted to give the guy a real reason to call the police…

ILikeBoobies ,

Because you start publicly urinating in the lobby?

Kusimulkku ,

I mean the article does seem to understand both sides of this

credo ,

its fuckin exploitative

It’s literally how they pay for the seats you’re sitting in. The money you pay for the ticket goes to the studio, not the theatre.

rob_t_firefly , avatar

A poor business model on their part does not constitute a moral obligation on mine. Places like this are more than welcome to figure out ways to stay in business without being unreasonably fucking exploitative.

credo , (edited )

Why the fuck do you people think there is an obligation? A) don’t go or b) don’t eat. If you go to a business, you play by their rules.

Buncha fucking children that want everything their way, or they bitch and complain on the internet. Just don’t go and stfu about it?

rob_t_firefly , avatar

Wait’ll you find out I also sometimes go in ten or fifteen minutes after the posted showtime so I don’t have to watch the ads they got paid to show me before the movie starts.

credo ,

What is your point?

buddascrayon ,

Yeah I’m sorry but fuck cinemas. I used to love going to the movies in the theater. It was a great time and it didn’t really cost all that much. Now if I want to see a movie in the theater I have to plan at least 2 or 3 weeks ahead to save up the money necessary to go. The ticket prices are too high the cost of the food is too high and they’re getting dickish about it. And it’s not fucking inflation either, they are blatantly overcharging for everything. Quite frankly they can all fucking close for all I care.

MachineFab812 , (edited )

I snuck a whole Arby’s French Dip into that movie. Carried the au jus cup in my hand and walked right by the staff.

Ask me to leave all you want, but call the police? wtf? That’ll be WHY I sneak food in the next time. This time I just needed actual dinner, and y’all don’t even sell real food here.

stoly ,

I walked in with two footlong Subways once. They’re like…eh…just clean up when you’re done, please.

MisterD ,

This. Regardless if you brought it in on bought it at the cinema, don’t make a mess or leave garbage behind

stoly ,

We were regulars and recognized by them. We also would have cleaned up even if not asked haha.

Alexstarfire ,

My god daughter dropped the bucket of popcorn. 😞

RampantParanoia2365 ,

The girl next to me just tonight at Deadpool brought a full meal in a Whole Foods paper bag. At a theater with a full bar and some hot food like pizza and chicken wings.

ZeffSyde ,

You haven’t lived until you’ve snuck all you can eat fajitas from Applebee’s into a movie.

HelloHotel , avatar

That implies you snuck all you can eat fajitas out of an Applebee’s

Stalinwolf , avatar

Damn, dude. A French dip with au jus? That’s way better than my shitty French fry story…

Ilovethebomb ,

They did refuse to leave, I’ve seen a video posted by the people who got kicked out, and even their own video makes them look pretty bad.

MachineFab812 ,

Wow, what morons. Never let them get you for criminal tresspass. Even your average Karen should have the sense to leave once the cops are about to be called.

Ilovethebomb ,

They weren’t nice people. Or particularly bright.

SocialMediaRefugee ,

Food in general is one reason I haven’t been to a theater in decades. I hate listening to the endless crinkle of wrappers, the shoveling in of popcorn, etc. I really don’t want to smell the stink of the burger and fries you brought in or the crunching of the bag. It is bad enough when someone brings their smelly meal onto a plane and I have to smell it for an hour.

Leg , avatar

Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Food has always been my favorite part of the experience.

grrgyle ,

Yeah I’m like even if the movie sucks, I’m sitting in the dark eating, so it’s not all bad

Psythik ,

Yeah seriously, smelling all the delicious food is part of the movie-going experience. The local theaters at in my city sell real food now so these days it’s more than just popcorn and hot dogs.

RavenFellBlade , avatar

Popcorn, specifically. I used to go to our local theater for the popcorn. They have a ticket plus large popcorn and drink for $9, it’s a great deal. Then I figured out how to make my own popcorn that tastes just like the theater stuff with ghee and fine salt, so now I’m more inclined to just stay home and make my own.

Still gotta do the drive-in at least once a year, though.

ealoe ,

It sounds like you have a sensory perception disorder, that is not most people’s reactions to those situations. A good home theater system will probably be more comfortable for you.

SocialMediaRefugee ,

People who chew with their mouth open are maddening lol

ikidd , avatar

I grew up in theaters as my dad was a projectionist. You couldn’t pay me to go into a theater again since I was 18, what a miserable experience it had been every time I’ve broken that rule since. People in public are fucking annoying in so many unique ways.

FinishingDutch , avatar

Misophonia; it’s fairly common. My local cinema usually does one or two special screenings for people with autism. I imagine those are quieter overall.

Personally, I don’t mind- it’s part of the whole ‘going to the movies’ ambience for me. As long as it isn’t terrible smelling or people are intentionally annoying with it.

MonkderVierte ,

That’s house rules, not law. No way the police has to be involved here.

stoly ,

There is a place for it if viewed from the trespassing angle. I.e. “you brought food, now get out!”. That said, this person seems to have done roughly the same as people calling the police on black birdwatchers and such.

cass24 ,

If you have a private property and someone refuses to leave after being asked to leave, that is trespass and they may call the police for it.

I personally think it’s ridiculous to escalate this situation over food, of all things.

crusa187 ,

“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’”

My man’s finally flexing the full power vested in him as cinema popcorn popper, and it is glorious!!

qarbone ,

It’s not the nature of power. Sometimes it’s just the nature of peoplw to be week-old cockswabs

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