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hperrin ,

There was a second Republican primary debate?

Random_user ,

FR, first I’ve heard of it.

OpenPassageways ,

Couldn’t watch it without a cable subscription or signing up for a streaming service. That’s probably at least part of it.

insomniac , avatar

This is incredibly obvious but it’s stated this way because a more honest headline would be uninteresting. The last time there was a serious Republican primary was 2015.

So they’re saying debate ratings are lower than the last time there wasn’t an obvious front runner. Yeah, no shit cnbc. Good job.

bitsplease ,

Yeah, the better question is - whose actually watching? Trump is obviously going to be the nominee unless he’s literally forced off the ballot, and if that happens it’s just going to be chaos because I guarentee he’s just going to continue running as a write in candidate

krey ,

So as low as when Trump first ran. Not sure what that means, but I don’t like it 🤔

psycho_driver ,

It means the people voting republican already know everything they need to know because of their top secret source on youtube with 13.4 million subscribers.

krolden , avatar

Linus tech tips?

Dude123 ,


FlyingSquid , avatar

But didn’t they watch in the hopes that Vivek would spit out some rhymes? Vivek rhymes with cake, you know.

altima_neo , avatar

It’s Republicans debating against each other? Like aren’t they all the same?

Treczoks ,

It is a championship of “Who is the most shitty politition behind Trump”.

iopq ,

Listen to the difference between their opinions on Ukraine

Sir_Kevin , avatar

Holy shit some of those are comedy gold! These assholes are on the same team which makes it even more funny!

June ,

I only got the Chris Christie clip. Are there supposed to be more?

iopq ,

Here’s another candidate:…/1703146886008373379

coffeeaddict ,

That is kind of a good point tho? Why are we ridiculing this person/debate (I’m not familiar all) based on this video?

ChaoticEntropy , avatar

“I’m a piece of shit.”

“No I’m a piece of shit!”

“Heh… that’s cute. I’m the biggest piece of shit.”

rapturous applause

madcaesar ,

Narrator: The audience was the biggest piece of shit, after all…

Ultraviolet ,

They’re all racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, and antisemitic, just in different orders.

aircooledJenkins ,

I had no idea it was happening. None.

sturmblast ,

I imagine you don’t watch the news then

aircooledJenkins ,

I don’t watch cable news, no.

sturmblast ,

well that’s probably why you didn’t hear anything about it

Hiccup ,

Why would you want to watch? They’re all a bunch of losers and one worse than the next. They’re the current failures that rose to the top.

None have compelling arguments or solutions and are only there to shitsling each other. Even monkeys at the zoo are smarter.

asteriskeverything ,


sylver_dragon ,

Watching a bunch of assholes “debate” (read: regurgitate canned talking points on cue) who are only going to lose the primary to a bigger asshole, who is even in the room, is kinda pointless. Especially when said bigger asshole already lost one general election and may well be on track to lose an other one., So, we could either watch losers who are losing to a loser; or, spend our time more productively. Like say, insulting said losers on the internet. Not a hard choice.

Speculater , avatar

We need to be mindful that he can win the general election too. Lots of angry white racists out there and even more evangelicals.

Wooster , avatar

Yeah… he lost the general election, but only by a hair, and a LOT of work went into grabbing last minute votes.

The most dangerous thing you can do is be complacent.

We need to vote and we need to get others to vote.

CaptainAniki ,


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  • CADmonkey ,

    Good, lets do it again next year.

    Fur_Fox_Sheikh ,

    While true, it’s also true many states were close individually and, because of how our elections work, the election could have gone differently if about 43,000 votes in strategic places went the other way. I’d call that close.

    madcaesar ,

    No need to get white into it, racist is sufficient. Trump has plenty of black and Hispanic supporters. I don’t know if they are all racists, but they are definitively assholes.

    originalucifer , (edited ) avatar

    i think the orangewad literally killed his margin by turning covid into a liberal fever dream.

    sylver_dragon ,

    Ya, while I was being flippant about it, I do agree that Trump has a very real chance of winning the General Election. I well remember the noise over polling in 2016 and Nate Silver’s epic rant (he was right) about how the data should be looked at.

    I’m curious to see how things shake out in the General Election this time around. And I wonder if Biden’s Campaign will lean into Trump’s criminal actions. In 2016, Trump’s campaign pushed the “lock her up!” narrative over Clinton’s email server. Now that we have clear evidence of Trump mishandling, hiding and attempting to hang onto clearly marked classified information (some of which is clearly SCI or NNPI), will we get choruses of “lock him up!”? At the same time, Trumpets seem to revel in Trump’s crimes and prosecution as almost a badge of honor and/or an underdog fighting “the man”. The irony of Trump pretty much being the definition of “the man” seems lost on his supporters. But hey, no one ever said politics has to make sense.

    Zink ,


    dyathinkhesaurus ,

    Does this mean they eventually got “tired of winning”? Or are they now trying to win at losing too?

    Hiccup ,

    “Successful” failures. AKA disgraces of humanity.

    sylver_dragon ,

    Demagogues always need to project an image of control, power and invincibility, reality be damned. I’d expect more of the same from them, and it’s why it’s important to keep pointing out their failures. By proving how weak and vulnerable they are, it helps to break the narrative they are trying to build. It’s all about perception, facts are less important than belief. But, facts can be useful in shaping belief.

    Willy ,

    I mean, I didn’t watch it either, but If you are in a state that isn’t purple, maybe you should be registered as a Republican to be part of the primary to pick the best of the worst. My state only has primary by party.

    sylver_dragon ,

    I’m in Virginia, which is pretty purple. That said, we have open primaries, but you are only allowed to vote in one. I have seriously considered voting in the Republican Primary for that reason. Biden is going to win any sort of Democratic Primary; so, not much point voting in the DNC Primary. However, I don’t expect my vote would be impactful at all. Southwest Virginia has Trump’s cock so far down it’s collective throat it stopped being oral and started being anal. Even where I’m at, we have idiots whose yards have been decorated with Trump banners for over 7 years now. If he doesn’t win the GOP Primary in Virginia, I’ll be incredibly surprised.

    If I do go out to vote in the GOP Primary, I’d probably have to pick Haley, just for the fun of seeing Republicans lining up behind a woman for a reason other than groping her. Also, I think it would be hilarious to see leftist pundits twist themselves in knots dealing with the GOP having a relatively younger woman and a minority as their candidate versus the old white guy. But, with her currently polling well behind DeSantis and a very, very distant third to Trump, I suspect that has basically zero chance of happening.

    Dark_Arc , avatar

    To be fair, didn’t Trump poll horribly at first?

    sylver_dragon ,

    Kinda. Early in the 2016 election cycle, Jeb Bush was sort leading the pack. But, by October 2015 (to compare with the current cycle), Trump was pulling ahead in the GOP Primary and held onto the lead for the rest of the Primary. He was helped, a lot, by the large GOP Primary field and lack of a clear front runner. The political environment in 2016 also favored populism and Trump tapped into that very well.

    Now, this could all get upended by the various criminal charges Trump faces. While the civil charges he is liable for are interesting, that’s not a real impediment to his campaign. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if that ends up helping him, as he will spin it as a politically motivated attack on him by the left. But, should Trump end up behind bars during the run up to the Primary or General election, that’s going to make campaigning a bit harder. It won’t be impossible, and I’m not entirely confident it would prevent him from winning the Primary or the General Election. Though, I would think that the GOP might find a way to replace him on the General Election ballot, were he behind bars.

    tallwookie ,

    what percentage of people were:

    A) aware of it?

    B) enjoy watching aspiring politicians?

    C) gave a fuck?

    Hiccup ,

    None of the candidates are compelling or inspirational. At least Biden is good at the job and gets things done. He’s fine and competent. All I see on the Republican side are idiots yelling with no solutions or answers. I don’t even think the Republicans could be that bad if they could just get their shit together and actually try to do something for regular folks. People don’t get elevated with Republicans, they get stepped on.

    PsychedSy ,

    fine and competent.

    He can’t even read a teleprompter. I think he’s a better option than Trump, but jesus. He’s a decrepit old man.

    Honytawk ,

    I’d think about the same amount as previous debates.

    stopthatgirl7 , avatar

    I mean, they have nothing interesting to say, no policies to discuss, and are a black hole of charisma.

    RaineV1 ,

    That last part is all that really matters in this case. None of them can make their insanity interesting to watch without the reality TV star around.

    morphballganon ,

    Ramaswamy has ideas about policies. But they’re horrible policies.

    dogslayeggs ,

    To his credit, he does appear to be the only GOP candidate with clear, actionable policies he is pushing.

    They are batshit insane, but at least he has ideas other than “vote against anything the Dems like.”

    Daft_ish ,

    News media use to have a respectability solely by being the people carrying the torch. With every inch of our lives being saturated with what ever digital media we want to consume at any given moment the established news media has run its course. Not even mentioning all its faults and the bullshit it propagates. You had 50 years and we are tired of the show. Please cancel, do not renew.

    nobleshift , avatar


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  • dyathinkhesaurus ,

    If they win it won’t be long before you’re not allowed to say that “P” word anymore 😉

    Rolder ,

    Platform or period? I could see it being both

    WaxedWookie ,

    Well it’s sure as shit not “paedophile” - they just love projecting that on to anyone they don’t like.

    betwixthewires ,

    Well, obviously. Look at R polling. Trump is the clear incumbent and he’s not even on it. The clowns on the TV can pretend that they’re holier than him for showing up, but they’re irrelevant. And the D’s don’t give a shit, they’re preparing for the inevitable: running against Trump.

    A few years ago, when the D candidate field was packed full to the brim, emulating the hilarious R landscape 4 years before, I thought american politics couldn’t be more of a circus. This Republican field of nobody’s with no chance going through the motions pretending there’s legitimacy in the TV media charade is even worse. At this point it’s not funny, it’s just sad, there’s not even entertainment value in watching it anymore.

    skeezix ,

    What, you don’t think that 70 million racist conservative rubes would vote for a brown man with the name Ramaswamy?

    betwixthewires ,

    You think half the voting population is racist? The fact that he’s on that stage, or Nikki Hailey was elected governor, or the last governor of Louisiana, or the FCC head under Trump exist should tell you how wrong you are. Your team does not own all the brown people.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Your team does not own all the brown people.

    Telling choice of words there. Could have gone with “represents” went with “own”.

    betwixthewires ,

    I used it because you closet racists act like they owe you allegiance. I used it to make clear my opinion of you.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Sure, this is very believable. Why don’t you explain to us more about your brilliant wheels-within-wherls technique.

    I just say what I mean and mean what I say. Find it works for me.

    Honytawk ,

    Republicans aren’t all racist. But they have shown that racism isn’t a deal breaker.

    originalucifer , avatar

    ha, minorites and women are not above selling their souls for a little fame and fortune as Tokens. feels gross even pointing it out

    Dark_Arc , (edited ) avatar

    I don’t think you deserve the down votes. However, the actions of many Republican reps correspond to direct negative impacts on non-white voters. Is that racism? Eh maybe not, Democrats are the favored party in those groups so attacking your opposition means attacking those groups, and it’s politics after all… but let’s explore.

    The best recent example of that I can think of is the recent “election reform” measures. These measures have never been proven to be justified once in a courtroom. They typically target heavily urban metro areas and people living an urban life. They do this two ways primarily, first they reduce opportunity for voting by doing things like restricting the number of ballot drop boxes, reducing early voting days, and eliminating mail in voting (which results in congestion that takes folks much longer to get through the polls). The second thing they do is they add restrictions that are much easier to fill in suburban or rural life vs urban life, things like drivers licenses aren’t as common in these areas (because they don’t need to drive).

    You can say none of that is racist, but it disproportionately affects non-white voters by targeting a class dominated by non-white voters: poor urbanites.

    It’s the same idea behind things like the “Muslim ban”, the text doesn’t say “Muslim” but the effect is “Muslim” (in this particular case Trump said the quiet part out loud because he had before hand said he wanted a Muslim ban).

    It would be one thing if there was actual data suggesting that people coming from these “Muslim countries” were well above the normal risk or if there really was voter fraud that held up in court. As it stands today though, that isn’t the case.

    It’s a kind of “underhanded” racism that maintains some plausible deniability that invites a fair number of genuine racist into the party that yearn for the old days where white guys ran everything and non-whites were second class citizens that were “separate but equal.” This is why the American Nazi party saw “real potential” with Trump.

    The fact that y’all didn’t shut these nonsensical policies down is why a large portion of Democrats (and people internationally) see the Republican party and its voters as acting with a racial bias/racist.

    skeezix ,

    No all republicans are racist. But all racists are republicans.

    betwixthewires ,

    That’s not true either, almost every racist I run into on the internet talks mad shit about republicans for supporting Israel. Most of them wouldn’t vote for either party. I saw multiple news articles about klansmen in 2016 supporting Hillary Clinton on the grounds that she was anti desegregation when she worked on the Goldwater campaign in the 60s.

    I’ve met numerous liberals and leftists that were racist in private. Hell, Che Guevara was an outspoken racist. I don’t think racism is partisan, there are just people like that out there.

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