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Monument ,

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

roguetrick ,

Dinosaur chicken nuggets: made by kids for kids.

callouscomic ,

You’re saying kids are packing my mea…


wreckedcarzz , avatar
negativenull , avatar
Kolanaki , avatar

It’s the roarin’ 20’s.

slacktoid , avatar

But they yearn for it /s

blindbunny ,
trevor ,

It’s almost like exploiting and killing sentient beings is something we shouldn’t be doing at all… 🤔

Omgboom , (edited )

I used to work in a meat processing plant doing cleanup when I was about 16. It is a very dangerous job. You have to take machinery apart to clean it and if you are careless you can easily lose fingers/hands/arms/other appendages. My least favorite part of the job was cleaning the bandsaws. You have to take the the blade which is about 10 feet long out of the machine (it’s razor sharp so on a good day you don’t cut yourself very badly) and clean out what I can only call “meat sawdust” out of every nook and cranny of the machine. Then you have to feed the blade back into the saw. That was probably the least dangerous machine to clean. The meat grinders were also a pain in the ass because you have to remove a giant spiral cylinder with razor sharp edges, again very easy to lose at least a finger if you’re not careful

I wouldn’t ever want my child to be doing that job, or anyone else’s

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Not trying to have any gotcha moment or be deceptive but I am genuinely interested what made you go there and possible come back even to work more? Nothing else available and you needed the money maybe? Its OK if this is too personal a question to answer.

Omgboom , (edited )

The owner was a family friend, and I was a teenager trying to save money for a car. I think I lasted most of the summer before I quit.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Thanks for your reply! Glad to hear you actually quit that job.

Wogi ,

Did they not give you fucking gloves?

VonCesaw ,

Gloves are usually made of animal skin or synthetic animal skin

Meat processing machines are built to cut through skin and bone

Wogi ,

They make cut resistant gloves specifically for working with things that are meant to cut through skin and bone. I’m wearing a pair as I type this. A3 cut protection has worked on all the band saw blades I’ve changed.

captainlezbian ,

They make chainmail gauntlets for shit like this

aniki ,

Meat is a choice and it’s a bad one.

finley ,

how can you look at this and not see child labor as the obvious problem?

ElcaineVolta , avatar

no one should be forced to work in these conditions

finley , (edited )

is anyone being “forced”? i agree, nobody should be forced, especially not children.

aniki ,

Classist as fuck. These people are poor as shit. They are most certainly not white kids from the suburbs doing it.

finley ,

so, you’re assuming that because of their race and economic status (which you are also assuming, btw), that makes them forced labor. how is that not classist?

trevor , (edited )

If you have a problem with basic socio-economic analysis, I suggest you go back to school. It is a fact that racialized people are more likely to be in lower socio-economic classes than their non-racialized counterparts, and therefore have to “”“choose”“” more grueling and exploitative labor to survive.

Some of the worst work out there involves exploiting and killing sentient beings and it tends to leave any person, adult or child, with permanent trauma as a result.

finley ,

When I have a problem with is people hijacking an post about child labor in order to soap box about eating meat. I made that pretty clear.

If you have a problem reading, then I suggest you go back to school.

trevor ,

Actually, you seem to have a problem pivoting from calling people classist to, when called out for being wrong about that fact, complaining about people being on a “soap box” defending animal exploitation.

The underlying problem here is exploitation. The animal ag industry is known to be one of the most exploitative industries, and it is no surprise that they have a more significant problem with child exploitation, given what they are willing to do to animals. Child labor exploitation and animal exploitation are inextricably linked. My proposal would be to address both problems, instead of whatever band-aid solutions your cognitive dissonance may lead you to.

finley ,

Actually, you seem to have a problem pivoting from calling people classist to, when called out for being wrong about that fact, complaining about people being on a “soap box” defending animal exploitation.

Akchually, i didn’t call anyone classist, nor did i defend “animal exploitation”. if you have to lie outright in order to make your point, it can’t be much of a point.

The underlying problem here is exploitation.

as i said from the start, i oppose child labor (in fact, any forced labor)-- and i find it pretty disgusting that some here are so blinded by their hatred of meat that they would overlook it in order to push their own agenda. and since you, too, would conflate the two - as if veganism would somehow magically eliminate child labor/exploitation - and are attacking me for pointing that out is preposterous.

this isn’t cognitive dissonance-- it’s me calling out your straw man argument for the fallacious and specious argument that it is.

trevor , (edited )

This you?

so, you’re assuming that because of their race and economic status (which you are also assuming, btw), that makes them forced labor. how is that not classist?

You must have very short-term memory. Sorry if that’s the case. I’m sure it was a totally genuine, good-faith question.

as i said from the start, i oppose child labor (in fact, any forced labor)-- and i find it pretty disgusting that some here are so blinded by their hatred of meat that they would overlook it in order to push their own agenda. and since you, too, would conflate the two - as if veganism would somehow magically eliminate child labor/exploitation - and are attacking me for pointing that out is preposterous.

If you opposed child labor, you should want the animal ag industry abolished. Veganism has not once been brought up by me. However, since you invoked it: yeah, actually, taking a holistic approach to addressing exploitation, including animal exploitation, would, in fact, lead to a reduction in child exploitation. The underlying thinking that enables one to think of other sentient beings as resources to be exploited, for their labor, for their bodies, their lactations, etc., is all the same. The fact is that if you banned animal ag, you would significantly reduce total child labor violations.

Any yeah, whinging about people correctly pointing out the reality that animal exploitation begets more child exploitation is an implicit defense of animal exploitation. Sorry ¯_(ツ)_/¯

But seeing your other comments about how people in lower socio-economic strata choose some of the most grueling and exploitative labor conditions because they can just quit lul makes it pretty apparent that you aren’t really equipped to have any discussion about addressing exploitation in any form.

finley ,

You must have very short-term memory. Sorry if that’s the case.

apparently you have reading comprehension issues-- you read me asking a question and interpreted that as a statement. or… you’re so bold as to lie while providing evidence that it’s a lie…

If you opposed child labor, you should want the animal ag industry abolished.

oh, so, you’re a psychic now? fascinating! what color shirt am i wearing?

Veganism has not once been brought up by me. However, since you invoked it: yeah, actually, taking a holistic approach to addressing exploitation, including animal exploitation, would, in fact, lead to a reduction in child exploitation.

see, this is what i meant by disingenuous. the mental gymnastics, the twisting of words and intentions… you’ve outdone yourself. well done. you’ve straw manned your straw man. you’ve assumed i agree with your position that eating meat = animal exploitation, that it’s an established fact, which it isn’t and i don’t. that’s just your opinion, and a far more complex issue than you present it as. then you make a massive association fallacy with your straw man by trying to equate it to the actual, very complex issue under discussion: child labor/exploitation.

and, again, for calling you out on this, you attack, lie, and mischaracterize everything i’ve said.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Please read this and educate yourself:…/immigrant-child-labor-crisis

jadedwench ,

As someone who has been to these places, yeah, it is usually a bunch of migrant workers or children of migrant workers who already work there. I don’t think I have ever seen a white kid, much less adult, fulfilling those roles. They really do give the worst jobs to the people nobody gives a shit about. So yeah, these people are definitely poor as shit.

ElcaineVolta , avatar

lots of people are being forced, often immigrants and refugees. would you like to slash throats all day in the dismemberment factory?

finley ,

you’re assuming a lot here about the workers in that plant

ElcaineVolta , avatar

wow, you haven't looked into this, like, at all

finley ,

and you have? what, with all the evidence you have to back up your claim?

shinratdr , avatar

Meat packing, farming & agriculture in North America is run entirely off the backs of immigrants, poor people and people of colour. People don’t choose these jobs, they take them out of necessity. This is just a fact, and a weird hill to die on.

If you want to rebut the argument that this is unique to meat, look no further than fruit picking in the US. It’s less risk of maiming and disgusting, but still dangerous and exploitative.

finley ,

from the start, i said the problem was child labor. the weird hill to die on is ignoring that to whine about people eating meat. then, ignore what i said about being against child labor to try a “gotcha”. and then pretend to care only after being called out for being disingenuous.

ElcaineVolta , avatar

literally the first article that came up searching for slaughterhouses

The workers, most often immigrants and resettled refugees, slaughter and process hundreds of animals an hour, forced to work at high speeds in cold conditions, doing thousands of the same repetitions over and over, with few breaks.

not that I expect evidence to change your mind

finley ,

ok, so you and the author of this article clearly have a problem understanding the word “forced”-- if they can choose to quit, they’re not being “forced”. yes, the job is terrible, and conditions should be improved, but it’s clear that you care more about people processing/eating meat that these people’s working conditions. and that’s why this isn’t the “gotcha” you think it is.

ElcaineVolta , avatar

just more obliviousness

finley ,

“i disagree, so i’ll insult you”

ElcaineVolta , avatar

there are literal entire countries (including Canada off the top of my head) who have told other countries and their resettlement orgs 'we see you have a humanitarian crisis, but we're only accepting refugees if they work in our slaughterhouses'
I recognize you're completely entrenched in this baffling perspective and it's kinda hard to look at, honestly. you've got that "when sea levels rise, everyone living on the coasts should just sell their houses and move" kind of energy.

finley ,

Since you have to mischaracterize my statements to such a degree just to make your point, you really don’t have that much of an argument, at least not with me. The amount of mental gymnastics you just performed in order to pull some kind of “gotcha“ on me is something you should’ve saved the Olympics a few weeks ago.

I suggest you direct your anger where it belongs, rather than random Internet strangers.

ElcaineVolta , avatar

someone pointing out the obvious isn't a 'gotcha' and it says a lot that you think it is

finley ,

you might as well have just said, “i know you are but what am i,” for all of the disingenuousness of your argument

lemmy_eat_world ,

Geeze. You literally just refuse to acknowledge sources when they’re handed to you. That is just sad.

And if you think that anyone chose to be in some of the worst working conditions known to man just because they can choose between quitting and starving to death, then I’d say that’s downright ghoulish.

finley , (edited )

It’s not your sources I refuse to acknowledge, it’s your specious, fallacious argument that “the meat industry can be exploitative, therefore veganism.”

nondescripthandle ,

The same is true of migrant workers picking vegetables in increasingly inhospitable tempertures but you draw your line wherever you like.

ElcaineVolta , avatar

the first step would be to shut down animal agriculture, as a huge part of plant farming and it's inherent exploitation is in growing food to feed to the animals before they get to the slaughterhouse; we grow more than enough food to feed the planet as it is, but we waste so much of it trying to sustain animal ag, which is a failing enterprise and a massive driver of climate change

aniki , (edited )

I never said I didn’t see child labor as a problem as well, but the industry shouldn’t exist in the first place.

We’re all going to die unless people stop eating meat.

Make better choices and the problem goes away all on its own. Like removing streets to clear up traffic.

finley ,

I never said I didn’t see child labor as a problem as well, but the industry shouldn’t exist in the first place.

you’re conflating two issues here to soapbox about meat with a strawman argument-- and you still haven’t said you disapprove of child labor. child labor won’t magically disappear if people stop eating meat.

ElcaineVolta , avatar

another case for veganism

Desistance , avatar

Veganism doesn’t stop child/slave labor.

CazzoBuco ,

Right, if we can reduce it but not stop it we might as well not even try!

commie ,

being vegan doesn’t reduce it either

CazzoBuco ,

Says who? Regardless, at least someone trying to reduce one’s dependancy on this shit is doing something rather than simply disregarding any attempts like you are.

commie ,

can you show a causal link between being vegan and a decrease in child labor? my guess is that there is a general trend of increased child labor globally that tracks closely the rise in veganism.

commie ,

at least someone trying to reduce one’s dependancy on this shit is doing something

but i AM doing something. i bought a buss pass last month. it’s just as effective!

peopleproblems ,

But it does give you super powers I think

commie ,

didn’t you already try that? it didn’t work.

AnarchoSnowPlow , (edited )

Teen Vogue really on some shit lately.

Between them and Rolling Stone the last few years…

“Well guys, looks like the grey lady is doing a 1935 again, so Jackson, I’m gonna need you to pivot from writing relationship quizzes to the child labor beat. Ada, Frank, can you handle best makeup tutorials and genocide? Allison, I know you’re on concert reviews, how would you feel about also picking up the investigation on coal coke emissions?”

Fucking good on them, I’m sure that there have always been people doing good work at these publications, but it seems like they’ve had to really expand their purview recently to cover these giant gaps.

HK65 ,

They must be the last bigger outlets that have independent income are not owned by some billionaire lobby.

realcaseyrollins OP ,

From what I can see I’d definitely rank Teen Vogue above Rolling Stone, although both are still editorial to some degree. Teen Vogue’s headlines aren’t as incendiary.

ShareMySims , (edited )

They’ve been publishing serious political pieces for nearly a decade now, 2016 election and a new editor was the shift.

BlucifersVeinyAnus ,

We really should have made The Jungle required reading

nul9o9 ,

That’s the book that came to mind when the Supreme Court ruled against federal agencies.

big_slap ,

the people who need to read and understand that book will not absorb the message

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