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Sterile_Technique , avatar

…whatever. What’s done is done.

What’s the best option going forward, and how do the common rabble like myself best support the newest not-Trump?

iz_ok ,

Once they get the candidate situation situated, donate and canvass for them. Convince your friends to vote. If you feel voting doesn’t matter, remember there’s more on the ballot than the presidential race. A lot of the time meaningful change starts at the local level. You’ll see your political power in action if you get involved in your community.

Information on Canvassing.

Rentlar ,

#1 priority is to get out the vote between you, your friends, family and coworkers, and take the trust that Biden has just put in you and everyone else to uphold your democratic values as a nation.

If you want a challenge, your goal is to track every bullshit reason Republicans (some in Democratic sheep’s clothing) fabricate that the new nominee is unelectable, and communicate to your network why those reasons are bullshit, no matter how many times the media repeats it to pass it off as true.

UltraGiGaGigantic ,

Well BidenBros, are you happy you divided the party so much to try and get your guy in?

If trump wins, it’s your fault… BidenBros. Hope it was worth it BidenBros.

enbyecho ,

Holy shit!

peopleproblems ,

Y’all gonna get real sick of me, but I dont think it matters, even if she does win it.

If anything, this will supercharge the racist bigots into political violence. I hope to God they aren’t numerous enough to cause any serious damage, but Jan 6 is all the evidence we need to see just how horrible MAGAts are.

I will vote Kamala. I will start spreading the news, and get everyone I can behind her. Because it’s anyone vs a Nazi. We don’t have a choice. The Nazis must not come back to power.

Rentlar ,

You are correct the Republicans are going to do that, but the party of Trump’s method is to keep slinging shit until something sticks. That’s going to happen no matter who the candidate is. Biden, for his part, just wiped the board and let all the turds slip off. We have a shot at producing a campaign of hope, rather than a campaign of simply staving off the worst.

Samvega ,

If anything, this will supercharge the racist bigots into political violence.

Bigotry is already violence.

Track_Shovel ,

Man, someone on here fucking called this when NBC reported it pressure for Biden to step down. Had it right down to the phrasing he would use.

Also I guess this twitch channel is gonna have to get another AI

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

Whelp, we’re fucked. Get ready for project 2025. This country is done.

chuckleslord ,

Hardly, but I do understand the sentiment. Really wish we’d had an actual primary, but oh well. We’ve definitely got this, people know how bad the cheeto is.

Kusimulkku ,

Makes me giggly thinking of all the comments about how his age was a nothingburger

Peppycito ,

Time for that phrase to be retired.

Kusimulkku ,

It’ll hang on until last moment before doing that

Emperor , avatar

He should step down now citing his health after getting Covid. You would then have the first female president.

ichbinjasokreativ ,

All I know about Harris is from a youtube short where she was just being super weird about that catchphrase of hers.

She’s got no chance against trump and his cult of personality. Noone’s going to be passionate about her.

WoahWoah ,

She’s a nothing-burger. If she is the candidate, we have all the same problems, except we don’t have a reasonable excuse for why she can’t speak coherently. But it’s her turn!

Rentlar ,

we don’t have a reasonable excuse for why she can’t speak coherently.

Which has been half of the Republican smear campaign taglines for more than the last 6 months.

Biden being unable to speak well is not a reasonable excuse to not go to the polls, but now voters don’t have that. It’s up to them now to accept or reject Trump for what he is. It’s time to stop taking “…but but but [nominee] is unelectable!” as a response.

WoahWoah ,

Arguably with no confirmed nominee and the presumptive candidate withdrawing from the race, now is precisely the time to be deciding who is most electable.

Rentlar ,

I agree, but in terms of whether it will be met with slander, it doesn’t matter who the DNC picks. Even if a candidate with the cleanest record and the noblest and most inoffensive intentions were to exist, arguments will be made as to why they are unelectable. (Low-energy? Too aggressive? Too radical? Too bureaucratic?, so on and so forth).

WoahWoah ,

This is true, but having a candidate that hasn’t been in power for the last four years at least forces them to invent new attacks rather than just rehearse the same bullshit and substitute “Harris” for “Biden.” Read Trump’s invective. It’s only minorly about his age, it’s mostly about "the state of the country under this administration. "

Regardless of the fact that it’s basically completely false, it is ready-made to be applied to Harris. Buttigieg or Kelly would require new angles of attack on short notice, which could be advantageous for a democratic candidate.

kandoh ,

People will be very passionate about abortion access, which is all the election will be about for over half the population

ichbinjasokreativ ,

Could be, but idk if people care about it that much outside of social media. We’ll see.

Wytch ,

Spend some more time with the family, Joe. Thanks for grabbing the wheel, there. We’ll take it from here.

morphballganon , (edited )
Plume , (edited ) avatar

People. We, the French, pulled a left-wing coalition out of our asses in less than a week and managed to “win” an election. You have months. Hope is permitted.

kandoh ,

I think you’ll start to see a lot more excitement in the next few weeks.

Tacos_y_margaritas ,

I’m already noticing a lot of hype for Kamala 🤞

peopleproblems ,

I mean, ok, what’s not to hype? The second Black president, but in two centuries, it would be the first woman. The right’s heads will collectively explode if she wins.

assassin_aragorn ,

Mmmm you know this would be quite the upside

NewAgeOldPerson ,

Can someone find the “hope is kindled” gif from LoTR Return of the King? When Pipin lights the beacon of Minas Tirith. I can’t find it.

Wiz ,
morphballganon ,

Why’d you put “win” in quotes?

magnor , avatar

Because we only have a relative majority and now Macron is teaming up with the hard right (not the far right, the other right right that is not center right… Yeah, too much right is wrong) to deprive us of any path to government. Shit sucks. But it could have sucked way harder.

Pronell ,

It’s also a strategic moderate move to keep the hard right from merging with Reform.

I’m hoping the left wing parties aren’t locked out and still able to get progress made.

Ooops , avatar

Cuddling up to the hard right might look like a strategical move but it never works. Normalising them only shifts the discussion further to the right. And let’s face it… in this post-factual time where all that matters is the narratives, giving them a platform will only help to brain-wash more people into believing into right-wing fake-solutions to actual problems.

xav ,

Because, well, the left coalition came out ahead of the vote but then started to loose ground to political shenanigans. War is not over but a significant battle was lost.

taiyang ,

It’s very true. We’ve been brainwashed into a year long campaign mostly because it generates a lot of money for various parties but prior elections have proven it’s mostly what happens in the last month that makes a difference.

Y’all are lucky you can make coalitions, though. This is more akin to your election if you only had centrists and far right running. Two party system and all that.

mosiacmango ,

“Hope and change” is back in it to win it.

Motherfucking Obama at it again.

Marand ,

Lol, Obama comming back would be incredible. Is he even allowed to? He already served two terms

Osito ,

He’s not allowed to but people are saying Michelle could be the pick, but that would only be marginally better than Kamala

They need Gretchen, Pete, or Kelly

Serinus ,

Jon Stewart. Someone go pull him and make him do it. There’s no one better to take down Trump.

tamal3 ,

He’d be miserable the whole time, but we’d all be better off. Please Jon!

whoisearth , avatar

I mean I’d love it and I’m going back and forth on this comment. His biggest negative is those who lean right will see him exactly as he is “a New York Jew”

That said, who better to trounce Trump and humiliate his ass? I think the only thing better would be Michelle Obama. Trump would lose his absolute shit debating and/or losing to a woman let alone a black woman.

Watch that fucker drop the N bomb in a debate against her lol

merc ,

A 2-woman ticket would never work. It’s going to be very dicey having a woman leading the ticket with a man as VP, given how sexist the US electorate is.

slackassassin ,

What’s sexist is going on and on about how a woman is unelectable.

merc ,

Yes, reality is sexist. But, you can’t just live in a fantasy land.

slackassassin ,

A friend of mine was running a restaurant, and before a major business meeting, her 2nd said that he should do all the talking because the other party was sexist and wouldn’t listen to a woman.

She fired his ass, rightfully. That is not what progress looks like. Step up and fight against sexism, don’t concede to that shit.

Melatonin ,
catloaf ,

We don’t really do coalitions here. Our voting system doesn’t allow for it.

It does happen within Congress itself though, when different sects of the two parties cross the aisle to join with the other party on certain issues. But since Congress doesn’t elect a prime minister, it doesn’t happen for the presidency.

Plume , avatar

I know. You’re missing my point. :)

My point wasn’t the coalition. My point was that we had 21 days to cobble something together and not only did we do it, we managed to win with it. It’s not about the coalition, it’s about building a campaign. You have months to do so.

And you’re about to say that Trump had way longer to do so. Yes. So did the far right in our country, which barely even campaigned because all of the media were doing so on their behalf for the last two years and we still managed to outnumber them.

Trust me, my faith in the Democrats is barely existent. But still, I think it can be done.

slurpeesoforion ,

Viva la France

ChaoticEntropy , avatar

It’s a binary choice in the US presidential election, that isn’t even based on the popular vote.

sunzu ,

The regime provides two choices, people do a circle jerk, regime gets their candidate.

Win win!

Unless you work for money

Hammocks4All ,

Lord have merci

merc ,

A “long” election campaign in the UK is 6 weeks. In 1992 they had one that was just 30 days.

Months is plenty of time, especially in the modern world. Maybe 250 years ago it was necessary to campaign for months on end so that the candidate could personally travel by train to every state. But, with modern media (both traditional and social), there’s no real reason for campaigns to be as long as they are. The only reason they’re this long is that the thought is that the earlier you start campaigning, the better. So, each side keeps starting earlier and earlier, making it effectively into a neverending campaign cycle.

Draedron ,

America has no left wing. The dems have now handed Trump the win since its way too late to change the candidate and Harris is completely invisible

JasonDJ ,

So we need a French immigrant to help fix the government?

assassin_aragorn ,

Well spoken.

A few months in politics is an eternity. Yes, things are chaotic right now, but this is short term. We can unify after this. And we can win.

Angry_Autist ,

You, the French, have not been the target of a 40 year war against public education by the right wing. Americans are on average significantly less capable of rational thought because of it. Source: I am an American raised in the crippled education system I mentioned before.

LillyPip ,

It’s a bit naive to think Western Europe hasn’t been under attack from the right wing at least as long as the US has. They’ve had wars over it that never really reached US shores, and it never really went away. All of the strategies that have been used in the US were piloted and honed in Europe – look up the activities there by Manafort, Stone, Bannon, etc. all the same names who have been implementing the shit you’re seeing in the US were active in Western and Eastern Europe years before this. It’s been going on there far longer.

It’s amazing to me that people in the US haven’t been paying attention to what’s gone on there and learning from their successes.

Angry_Autist ,

It’s pretty naive to think there is any other country on the planet that could cause the world more damage if turned fascist. If Italy and france and the u.k. and whatever other little buttfuck euro mountain countries all decided to go fascist at once and combine, their entire military could be handled by our Coast Guard.

So you can be amused and astonished and drop your monocle or whatever the fuck is the fashion these days to feel whatever degree of delusional safety you need to not be grinding your teeth in existential dread. Because if the U.S. goes fascist, there is literally no military force in the world that can even slow us down.

It’s amazing to me that people in the US haven’t been paying attention to what’s gone on

Then you vastly overestimate the attention span of the average American.

So yes, Europe has had its struggle with the hard right for a while but NONE of you have to deal with the vicious shitbags that make up OUR far right.

So you’ve been dealing with it longer, but I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE with all the mass shootings, the protests, the stochastic terrorism, the U.S. is dealing with a fucktonne more violence and threat than any EU nation.

LillyPip ,

It’s pretty naive to think there is any other country on the planet that could cause the world more damage if turned fascist.

I never said that, and I’m confused how you got that from my comment.

In fact, if you look through my history, you’ll see I’ve said if the US goes fascist, that will be a huge problem for the whole world.

I’m not downplaying the threat at all – quite the opposite. We’re on the same side, and I’m not sure why you’re attacking me here.

Angry_Autist ,

I’m tired of people making light of this, I’m tired of people being passive about this, there is only one way that considering Biden stepping down literally weeks before the election, and that is everyone, not just Americans, clearing the discussion space for people who seriously desire and possess the ability to prevent trump from being elected. Yet EVERY SINGLE online space is carpet bombed with bots and human forum manipulators who are ALLOWED to exist because they hide in the memes and the jokes, being able to muddy the discussion and break morale all under the guise of ‘it’s a prank bro’ so they are immune to being called out. It’s already been well established that Lemmy mods are just as careless and agenda driven as the reddit mods we fled here to escape, so we can’t count on THEM clearing the conversation. It has to be the users, by:

  1. Not memeing for clout for a few fucking weeks for one goddamn time in human history
  2. Downvoting to oblivion everyone who does
  3. Only bringing content that forwards the goal of preventing twice impeached, convicted felon ex-president 45 out of office.

But this will never happen, because the users have ‘the right to play’, and their discourse of subtle anti-Harris ‘humor’ will spread like cancer, just like the anti-Hillary meme machine of 2016, and every mod and their mother will fight for those shitheads rights to slide us further and further into fucking fascism.

LillyPip ,

I’m tired of people making light of this, I’m tired of people being passive about this,

Hey man, so am I. We’re on the same page. I’ve spent the last 10 years trying to get people to take this threat seriously. That’s why I bring up what’s happened in Europe and how the far right has been piloting their ideas there. They’ve been planning this and working out the details for decades, but they’ve also lost during some of that. My point is maybe we can look at those losses and learn some things.

Many people in the US are totally unaware of that history and haven’t seen where they’ve been stomped back down. I’m saying we can look at their losses and learn something. Chest-thumping does nothing. We should be learning.

They’ve got an advantage because whilst most democratic leaders have been trying to govern and deal with crises, they’ve been systematically testing the fences. Like velociraptors, they’ll eat everyone’s faces at the first opportunity.

You’re right – we can’t make light of this or be passive. I’ve been trying to figure out how we can collectively resist for a decade. I didn’t want Biden to step down, and even though I don’t personally like Biden, I never said that because we can’t be divided and he was better than the Nazis on the porch. But now he has and this is where we are.

I’ve been downvoted for years for saying the things you’re saying – again, I don’t get why you’re angry at me. I’ve tried to get people to see the real state of things, and I’ll not stop doing that. All I can do now is convince people to vote, because that’s the only play we have left, but I’d like even more for people to understand the real threat. And I still don’t get why you seem angry at me when we’re on the same side.

Charzard4261 ,

Ah yes, Europe never had to deal with such far right-wingers. We’d like borrow the term you guys came up with to describe them in case we ever face such violent fascists. What was it again?

Oh right, Nazis.

Angry_Autist ,

Those were mostly dead before you were born and you have likely never personally suffered at the hands of right wing violence.

My niece had her hand broken by a rancid nazi flag waving trumpfucker for having the gall to stand up for trans rights, but I’m sure the old-timey pro-nationalist graffiti you’ve have occasionally been forced to observe was just as harmful.

There are literal hard right militias training with military grade equipment on our own soil RIGHT NOW, and it is likely that most of the police force will join them.

No one you know or love is at threat more than my own family right now and I will NOT sit by quiet while greasestains like you try and marginalize this.

Wiz ,

Thank you, French. You’re awesome. I was losing hope, and yet a miracle happened.

Good job.

LesserAbe ,

Thanks for your support! And very happy to see your success in France.

Toastypickle ,

For fucks sake. We’re fucked

kandoh ,

We’re so fucking back!

ripcord , avatar

Nah. This is a good thing.

jumjummy ,

Now watch all the “I’m a leftist” people using Genocide Joe pivot over to some other talking point as soon as Putin gives them marching orders via Fox News.

callouscomic ,

If he was gonna do this, why not announce it a year ago? Idiotic lack of political savvy. RBG levels of idiocy clinging to your post and ignoring the greater good.

I love the chaos. Everyone can now have a candidate they didn’t really ever vote for, and it’ll be appalling if THIS is the way we finally get the first woman president.

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