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Dave Chappelle fills Netflix special with jokes about trans and disabled people

Dave Chappelle has released a new Netflix special, The Dreamer, which is full of jokes about the trans community and disabled people.

“I love punching down!” he tells the audience, in a one-hour show that landed on the streaming service today (31 December).

It’s his seventh special for Netflix and comes two years after his last one, the highly controversial release The Closer.

That programme was criticised for its relentless jokes about the trans community, and Chappelle revisits the topic in his new show.

He tells jokes about trans women in prison, and about trans people “pretending” to be somebody they are not.

Kerriganindrag ,

I’m not sure why people are surprised.

He’s always held these opinions, he just hid them among other opinions that weren’t as noticeable because he spread the hate around, and mostof the jokes were funny.

This is the same guy that got on his show, and had a segment where a white girl sang his words for him. If you can find the clip without using a service he profits from (I can’t right now, it’s only available in little “shorts” on YouTube), the whole thing is just him saying shit he doesn’t like, that would get his ass “cancelled” if he said them. And the longest segment is about gay sex being gross. Trans issues weren’t as visible back then, but the guy has always said this type of thing.

But for some reason, he’s stopped doing it to everyone, which is what made it acceptable. He didn’t spare any group, but he also didn’t target any single group more often than others, except perhaps black people. And it’s always acceptable to joke about your own group.

Now, he’s just being a douche. The jokes aren’t at all funny unless you find it funny to just bash people with no attempt at humor. It has gone far past the kind of abrasive, but exaggerated hate he used to use, but it isn’t something new.

queermunist , avatar

But for some reason, he’s stopped doing it to everyone

That’s what always happens. It turns out when you’re an asshole to “everyone”, eventually you’re just an asshole to minorities.

gedaliyah , avatar

I am so sick of his comedy of grievance. Every act he does over the past few years is about how unfair the world is to him and how people don’t acknowledge how great he is.

He’s riding out the glory of an okay sketch show that he made two seasons and then torpedoed 20 years ago.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah, I’m reminded of Jerry Seinfeld. Some comedians are great for life, most have a time and a place and excel then and there. I’m the 90s Seinfeld was bigger than big, in the 10s he was telling college campuses they’re too pc for not laughing at jokes about trans people. In the 00s Chappelle left on a high note and was a popular icon of comedy who quit too soon. In the 20s he was a raging bigot who should’ve stayed quit. Meanwhile Larry David is still making tv and fairly popular, but that’s because he mostly sticks to punching himself in the face.

gedaliyah , avatar

Chappelle has said that Key and Peele were just doing “his show.” But look at how Jordan Peele has reinvented himself as one of the iconic horror film directors of our generation (and maybe all time?). He wouldn’t be out of place in a list alongside Alfred Hitchcock, Eli Roth, M. Night Shyamalan, Clive Barker, or George A. Romero.

captainlezbian ,

Also, like so? People wanted more and you quit so others said they could do something similar. And as you said, Peele is doing stuff nobody dared do before in a different genre now.

I think at the root of his problem Chappelle seems to think that he’s the greatest and people just refuse to see it. He seems to lack the humility that is needed for a comedian to stay relatable

hypnotoad__ , avatar

Yep, dude is just hurt that no one considers him the comedy king anymore. Not that he deserves it, but HE certainly thinks he does. It’s sad, really… I remember respecting him for stepping down for a bit. What a disappointing return, I wish he had just faded away with positive memories instead of torpedoing himself, his legacy, and the fight for equal rights.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You could also absolutely argue that what Key and Peele were doing was continuing on with a successful team-up that started on MadTV. If SNL got cancelled and Keenan Thompson got his own sketch show a couple of years later… I mean, that would make sense, wouldn’t it? People find him likable and he has sketch comedy writing and performing experience.

leraje , avatar

Gonna take friendly umbrage with you putting Shyamalan on that list but not mentioning John Carpenter or Wes Craven :)

gedaliyah , avatar


MegaUltraChicken ,

I take umbrage with Eli Roth being on that list at all…

leraje , avatar

I give him slight props for 1 decent movie but yeah I know what you mean.


Jordan Peele has reinvented himself as one of the iconic horror film directors of our generation (and maybe all time?)

I mean I’m happy that Peele has found success, but this is not accurate in any way.

He has one okay movie, and none of his movies can really be considered horror.

nickwitha_k ,

Meanwhile Larry David is still making tv and fairly popular, but that’s because he mostly sticks to punching himself in the face.

I’ve got a love-hate thing with his writing. David is a master of unconventional suicide by words. He’s very funny but so good at causing intentional cringe that I suspect that his humor could be weaponized in the event of another world war.

captainlezbian ,

Full agree. I think Jason Alexander did an amazing job of playing him in a way that didn’t hurt as bad to watch as when David plays himself. I tried curb your enthusiasm and it was funny but I just couldn’t watch more than one episode the cringe was so intense.

Son_of_dad ,

Dude is a multi millionaire in his 50s who does nothing but bitch about how other rich people “stole” his money. Sooooo relatable Dave, wow!

Zahille7 ,

I remember in “The Closer” he said "now Key & Peele are on Comedy Central, doing my show."

Like dude, you did not invent the sketch comedy show. SNL had been going on for decades before he even thought of doing his own spin on it. I used to like his comedy, but not so much after that special, and definitely not after this.

JustZ , avatar

It was a joke you absolute donkey.

HikingVet ,

Jokes are meant to be funny and that is just whinging on his part, you bloody walnut.

JustZ , avatar

Did the live audience laugh?

cygnus , avatar

Big-name comedy show audiences are moronic fanboys who will laugh at anything.

glimse ,

I grew up with (and loved) the Chappelle Show but Key & Peele is sooo much better. I rewatched some of his show a few years ago and most of the skits don’t hold up well at all. It’s mostly just black stereotype caricatures that are only “not racist” because a black guy wrote them

Evilcoleslaw ,

The fucked part is one of the reasons he stopped doing Chapelle Show was (according to him sometimes) because he recognized a good chunk of his audience was laughing at the black stereotype shit instead of with him about how ridiculous it was. And now he’s cashing in on punching down at other groups and cares not a bit about it.

glimse ,

Yeah. I like some edgy humor but the show was an invitation for racists to be more public with their opinions…which they did

4am , avatar

Yeah, seems Dave’s always had a problem with misreading the room. Still does, just is bitter about it now

tacosanonymous ,

And misogyny. I can’t remember a woman on that show that wasn’t eye candy or the butt of a joke.

elbucho , avatar

I mean, yeah, he’s a piece of shit, and yeah he’s still riding on that old fame, but come on. That was a great sketch show, not merely an ok one. The fact that he has turned into Clayton Bigsby should not distract from the fact that the first episode of his show featured a faux documentary about a black white supremacist. That was some amazing television. I’m all for bashing Dave for the many, many shitty things he’s said and done in the past few years, but let’s not rewrite history here.

gedaliyah , avatar

It’s far from the worst, but great? I guess there’s no accounting for taste. I’d prefer Mr Show, Monty Python, In Living Color, Key & Peele, Portlandia… does Robot Chicken count?

deagle2008 ,

His flavor of comedy is offensive comedy. That’s what made him successful. That’s why I like him. He tells jokes based on what his opinions are. I don’t recall him asking anyone to adopt his thinking.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m baffled as to why you would even think we didn’t realize that his jokes were based on his atrocious opinions. His opinions are what is the problem. Let’s say there is a white comedian that tells endless jokes about black people because that’s what his opinion is and his flavor of comedy is offensive comedy. And then in the special, he comes right out and says, “I love being a racist.” Why would that comedian be worthy of Netflix money?

Or is being ableist and transphobic more acceptable than telling jokes that are racist against black people? What if it’s jokes about Jews? Would that be okay? Which marginal group should Netflix draw the line at when it comes to funding comedy specials?

gedaliyah , avatar

He also tells jokes that are offensive to Jews and black people. Yes, it’s his brand, but it’s a horrible brand. He continues to double down on his shock comedy and he doesn’t care who he hurts. Trans people are being murdered because of who they are, and when a public figure publicly spreads hatred against them it adds gasoline to that fire and makes the world less safe for people who are trans.

I don’t really care if a comedian is offensive, but in this case it’s actually dangerous.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I don’t really care if a comedian is offensive, but in this case it’s actually dangerous.

I agree with the latter, but I also think we should care, depending on the context obviously, if a comedian is being offensive- when they are getting the sort of money and exposure Netflix gives.

I would suggest that most people here, me included, would care if Netflix gave a white Trump-voting racist and misogynist a Netflix special in order to spread their hateful views in the guise of comedy.

What I am saying is that there is offensive comedy and then there is being offensive under the guise of comedy. What Richard Pryor did was offensive comedy. It was offensive without punching down, which is why it’s still so funny. The thing is- that takes a lot more work.

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

Being offensive doesn’t bother me so much as someone who’s continually offensive and then plays the victim crying out that they’re being cancelled while saying their horrible shit on Xitter, fox news or netflix. Ricky Gervais does the same as Chappele and it’s not funny because he does have a platform and he hasn’t lost money plus as you said trans people are being killed and silenced, disabled people have to fight to have people treated with some dignity.

rab , avatar

Lol why are you saying “we” like you’re part of some special club

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yes. I’m part of that “special club” of people who realize that topical comedians tell jokes based on their opinions.

But hey, you don’t want to be included in that ‘we,’ don’t let me stop you from being ignorant about that very basic quality of comedians who do topical comedy.

rab , avatar

I’m not even disagreeing with you lol, I just hate when people think they can speak for everyone here. Do you think you are some authority figure on lemmy?

FlyingSquid , avatar

I don’t think I can speak for everyone here, but I would suggest that on this particular subject, you would find very few people who disagree that topical comedians base their comedy on their opinions, so I think I can safely speak for most people here when I say WE are not idiots who have never heard a stand-up comedy routine in our lives. If that makes me an authority figure, I guess I am one. I don’t really carry ‘authority on where topical comedians likely get their ideas from’ as a badge of honor. I’d prefer to think of myself as just someone who thinks highly enough of the people who comment on Lemmy that he doesn’t believe them to be drooling imbeciles.

But perhaps you believe that daring to think that people here don’t tend to be drooling imbeciles is just going way too far.

rab , avatar

Well you do already have 17k lemmy comments so perhaps you are the ultimate authority figure here haha

julianh ,

Classic Schrodinger’s asshole. Say whatever you want and if anyone questions you about it, you were joking!

NoiseColor ,

I’m waiting for a white comic doing a racist special on black people and saying : “yeah, that’s just how I am, I’m not asking anyone to adapt my thinking”.

doublejay1999 , avatar

You’re not familiar with his work, are you ?

NoiseColor ,

Only enough to know it’s not for me. But doing so much material about trans people and making fun of disabled people screams out personal issues, maybe some condition.

gorlak ,

That’s an amazing skill to separate the comedy from the opinion, or do you agree with his opinions, too?

Nobody, practically, asks to “adopt their thinking”. It’s implicit by taking a public pulpit like this. One doesn’t get on stage unless they want to be heard. He isn’t a victim of his own success. Humor is a completely viable path to social and political commentary.

You don’t have to ask because people by and large don’t choose their beliefs. They are mostly indoctrinated into them via rationalization of inherent biases and other environmental factors. How many Muslims are born into FLDS households in Utah?

Overt bigotry and marginalization gives cover to viewers’ rationalization that it’s okay to have thoughts of discrimination against outgroups.

Evotech ,

If you don’t recognize that Dave Chappelle is funny then idk

gorlak ,

I thought 8:46 was brilliant but it’s not what we are talking about in this post.

tocopherol , avatar

No one is really arguing whether he’s funny or not. I think most are trying to point out that even if a person is ‘just joking’, telling racist, bigoted, etc jokes, it can encourage that sort of attitude and normalize bigotry in general, especially if you already have a massive platform, and to deny that is just ridiculous.

Brokewood ,

Wait, I thought he already released a special full of trans jokes… Is this another one?

originalucifer , avatar

someone has a fixation...

porksoda ,

A fetish, if you will.

Evilcoleslaw ,

He’s released multiple at this point. Guess it really is the hill he wants to die on.

Grayox , avatar

Its probably because people told him not to do it, and he’s not gonna let anyone tElL hIm wHaT tO dO.

Son_of_dad ,

He doubled down with this new one, and is appealing to the bottom of the barrel. Wouldn’t be surprised if Dave is a low key Trump supporter

hperrin ,

Well, I’m glad I’m closing my Netflix account.

FlyingSquid , avatar

What. The. Fuck.

I’ve never been the biggest Chappelle fan, but years ago, before he started going down this path, I had basic respect for him as a comedian. Now he’s actually promoting punching down? And he didn’t feel like he was punching down enough with trans people, so he had to be an ableist as well as a transphobe?

And Netflix would not have put this on their site sight unseen, so they 100% knew that this was a celebration of attacking vulnerable people.

Christ, even when I was in high school I knew that the guy who pushed the kid in the wheelchair over onto their side was a shithead and so did almost everyone else. So basically Chapelle wants his fan base to be the little weasel kid who stands behind the bully with a grin on his face because someone else is getting it when it could have been them.

I wonder if anyone will come in here and defend him with some mumbo jumbo about free speech?

TWeaK ,

At this point I feel like Netflix is encouraging this kind of content.

Microw ,

Netflix is a bunch of suits. In their perfect world they can cater different content to trans people and to transphobic people at the same time, in order to make maximum money.

HuntressHimbo ,

And on top of that they know that outrage fuels views. They keep making inflammatory content that will outrage one side and get the other to spite-view it. Of course inflammatory content to left wingers tends to be bigotted and hateful, while inflammatory to right wingers tends to just be anything not overwhelmingly white, straight, and patriarchal.

PurpleTentacle ,

Here he is introducing (and inadvertently humiliating) his friend Elon, who he shares a shocking amount of awful views with:

FlyingSquid , avatar

I saw that when the news broke and it was glorious. Sadly, it taught Elon absolutely nothing.

Son_of_dad ,

Chappelle still tries to act like he’s one of the disenfranchised black people, while living in a mansion and hanging out with Elon Musk.

NatakuNox , avatar

Money literally rotts the brain. Study after study shows wealthy people become more sociopathic as they accumulate more wealth and power. We shouldn’t cap wealth just because it’s morally right, it also prevents those in power from becoming all consuming sociopaths.

originalucifer , (edited ) avatar

and chris rock! i was just thinking how these 2 used to be very funny, if not somewhat irreverent... i get it. but now theyre both on this conservative soap box its so weird!

theyve become the anti-carlin!

almar_quigley ,

I haven’t heard about Rock. That’s disappointing. It’s a common thing with comedians these days to get upset if their comedy either goes to far or just isn’t funny and blame it on people being too sensitive. It feels like that’s been pushing some of them to the right even though that’s not really the issue they are being confronted with.

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

Wait, Chris Rock too!? WTH!!??

originalucifer , avatar

nothing quite as egregious as chappelle, but his recent special was completely class tone-deaf, and boring. ' i dont enjoy politically correct terminology', 'i am rich, entitled human', 'will smith sucks' were the main tones i remember from watching his last special.. that and thinking, 'when did chris rock get boring'?

USSEthernet ,

For me, the dividing line when he became unfunny was when he started being in every Sandler movie. It was somewhere along the way that all of those comedians in those movies just lost it.

Eldritch ,

Carlin is Carlin. Everybody else only tries to approach him or has given up on the idea of doing it. The man had a 50+ year career with a consistent upwards trend. In 4 years we will be at the 20th anniversary of his death. And the man is still relevant and funny to this day.

Chappelle, Seinfeld, Allen, etc. All just hacks who got lucky. Would anyone even know who Seinfeld was without Larry David? That man is another gem for sure.

I can’t even watch or recommend others to watch half baked any more between Chappelle and Bruer.

null ,

I wonder if anyone will come in here and defend him with some mumbo jumbo about free speech?

Of course they will.

tocopherol , avatar

A lot of transphobes, white-supremacists, and similar ideologues would support eugenics for disabled people so that isn’t a far off description. Whether comedians like him realize it or not, they are normalizing social darwinism essentially.

Wanderer , (edited )

I read a view that not punching down is offensive and not right.

See it’s based on everyone being equal and there is nothing wrong with being disabled (the person mentioning this view was disabled). So if you rip on all your friends for whatever, but then don’t rip on your disabled friend for being disabled then that is treating them like that can’t handle it or that they aren’t equal.

Honestly it’s comedy, some isn’t but most is offensive. Comedy doesn’t have to be for everyone but I don’t think it should be stopped just because someone doesn’t like it. The whole punching up, punching down thing is just weird. It’s a self imposed rule people treat like law.

Rognaut ,

Ehh. I’ll probably still watch it.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Netflix appreciates your support for bigotry and is glad that you will be added to the data that shows that bigotry makes for popular programming. Otherwise, we might not make this sort of thing anymore.

deagle2008 ,

Netflix can count on me!

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yes, you’ve already made your pro-bigotry stance known above. I’m just not sure why you think it’s something to be proud of.

doublejay1999 , avatar

Have a day off

FlyingSquid , (edited ) avatar


EDIT: While you’re all downvoting me, could one of you take the time to please tell me what the person I responded to meant by “have a day off?” I honestly don’t know what that is supposed to mean.

JustZ , avatar

It means go laugh at a joke ya wet blanket.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Did you find Rosanne’s latest comedy special to be a gut-buster or were you a wet blanket who didn’t watch it and laugh at her hilarious jokes?

JustZ , avatar

No, her “jokes” are legitimately not funny. She does not play to diverse audiences. She curates her audience or does not have a live audience.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I see, so “go laugh at a joke ya wet blanket” only applies to funny jokes.

So not unfunny jokes like: “My pronouns are, kiss my ass.” from Roseanne’s special…

But funny jokes like: “I wrote a play. I did. Cause I know that gays love plays. It’s a very sad play, but it’s moving. It’s about a Black transgender woman whose pronoun is, sadly, n*****.” from Chapelle’s special.

deagle2008 ,

I’m proud because I’m going to watch it twice. The first time with my trans friend. Both her and I find the topic of trans rights and freedom to exist very serious but we also know when to turn it off and enjoy a comedy show. I’ll probably watch it again with my wheelchair bound nephew simply because he finds it’s funny. If someone were to “punch down” on any of those ppl I have and will continue to to fight for them. It’s funny that you, I, and others in the thread are on the same side of the larger issue only outside of the context of comedy.

There’s no bigotry here. I know how to take a joke and some of the “targets” of his joke know how to take one as well. The real victims here are the persons who cannot take a joke. Dave will continue to attack you guys indiscriminately.

FlyingSquid , (edited ) avatar

The first time with my trans friend. Both her and I find the topic of trans rights and freedom to exist very serious but we also know when to turn it off and enjoy a comedy show. I’ll probably watch it again with my wheelchair bound nephew simply because he finds it’s funny.

Uh-huh. And your mother is a Navajo and your best friend is both Jewish and Tibetan.

deagle2008 ,

Algonquin actually. Grew up up with some sassy Jews though. No Tibetan afaik but what’s your point? We still on the same side, no?

FlyingSquid , avatar

This is all very believable indeed.

protist ,

Don’t forget to check out the latest season of Queer Eye too girl

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

Just not disabled and trans people, apparently. Good job, you. You’re so supportive of people whose lives are hard enough without some cunt obsessing over them so he can “punch down” at them. Have a fucking cookie 🍪

doublejay1999 , avatar

He does a few jokes. You do the obsessing .

FlyingSquid , avatar

Is this you?

You seem to be singing a different tune there… Of course in that case, it was someone mocking white people…

doublejay1999 , avatar

Wells that’s a bit creepy of you…. But I think most people can tell the difference between being attacked (in this case, supporting the murder of gays) and being the subject of a joke ?

Maybe not, maybe that’s the problem, right ?

You’re attempting to compare a comedian telling jokes, to an elected official advocating murder. That’s always going to be a difficult thing to do.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I know. Having a memory of something that happened a few days ago and an ability to use a search function sure is creepy.

Also, the ‘being attacked’ you are talking about is someone saying, “Another ancient white guy. Color me shocked.”

Which… I don’t know… seems a whole lot less offensive than using multiple Netflix specials to repeatedly demean trans people.

But you’re right, “Another ancient white guy. Color me shocked.” That’s just beyond the pale. What a vicious, heard-hearted, racist attack!

phillaholic ,

He’s not telling jokes. He’s repeatedly making statements that trans women aren’t real women. The very same statements that are being legislated around the country denying trans people the right to use bathrooms, participate in sports, receive necessary healthcare, have parental rights, etc. it would be like a white comic in the 40s “joking” about black people using their own bathrooms or water fountains.

leraje , avatar

Given this is this comedian’s 2nd (or 3rd?) netflix special in a row where he goes after trans people, I’m not sure who’s actually got the obsession.

JustZ , avatar

“Goes after.”

That’s a stretch. He’s telling jokes, not inciting an angry mob.

leraje , avatar

I was just ‘exaggerating for comedic affect.’ y’know - like Dave Chappelle does?

cannibalkitteh ,

Just gotta claim you’re being canceled now, and Netflix will give you a special, I think.

leraje , avatar

Netflix Exec 1: “We need a new way of getting subscribers”

Netflix Exec 2: “How about this - we wait for a comedian to say something really awful, then, when ordinary people are appalled by what they said, we get the comedian to start shrieking about being cancelled…”

NE1: “We’re cancelling them?”

NE2: “That’s the thing - nobody is! But as we all know, these comedians core audience are people who have a Pavlovian response to the word ‘cancel’ and they’re somehow even less able than they already were to think coherently…so we wait, for the ‘controversy (lol)’ to really ramp up, then give the comedian a 2 hour special. It’ll only cost us a few million but the new subscriber numbers amongst the gammon population will far exceed that figure!”

NE1: “Brilliant! But wait…aren’t we going to look like shitty people?”

NE2: “Possibly, but ten years from now we can produce a documentary series about the real world affect on people these specials had - we can act all contrite, the comedians can, I dunno, cry a bit maybe? Net result - more money!”

cannibalkitteh ,

NE2: “Possibly, but ten years from now we can produce a documentary series about the real world affect on people these specials had - we can act all contrite, the comedians can, I dunno, cry a bit maybe? Net result - more money!”

Cue greenlighting Disclosure 2, where even more exasperated trans people have to explain the damage the media is still causing trans people.

tocopherol , avatar

The angry mobs are already incited, he’s just giving them good rhetoric

Captainvaqina ,

Y’all are actual children.

ElBarto , avatar

They never said how they’re gonna watch it, plenty of ways to see it on the high sea.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I don’t really think that changes what I’m saying. I think it is unlikely that Netflix doesn’t take piracy into account when calculating viewership. Because even if those aren’t subscribers, they’re viral marketers and drive up subscriptions because of it. Obviously, they don’t want their programming to be pirated, but I think it would be foolish of them to not fold those into overall viewership numbers. I would say the same thing about Max and The Last of Us or Disney and The Mandalorian.

WeirdGoesPro , avatar

I’ll be pirating this as god intended. That way I can make up my own mind about the content while also delivering one small paper cut to The Man.

cryptosporidium140 , (edited )


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  • LadyAutumn , avatar

    Odd that you’re not calling for those other subjects to face condemnations and scrutiny as well. I don’t think mass shooter jokes or jokes about child sexual abuse are funny. Comedy doesn’t exist in a vacuum it has real-world effects on how people think and feel about the subjects it ridicules. We shouldn’t tolerate the normalization of these things.

    cryptosporidium140 ,


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  • LadyAutumn , avatar

    So… you do think mass shooting and child sexual abuse should be joked about? Then what was the point of your comment at all?

    It’s also just true lol I don’t know how to explain to you that minstrel shows were an active part of racism in America and did a lot to proliferate racist caricatures that still exist to this day. Comedy isn’t magically ineffective at spreading ideology when all other forms of media are.

    (Video games don’t make you violent but they can spread unconscious biases about groups of people, like Muslims for example, by reinforcing who is shot at and who is doing the shooting)

    cryptosporidium140 ,


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  • LadyAutumn , avatar

    And you have no basis for thinking this. You didn’t respond to half my comment so I’m going to assume you’re aware that making a joke where the punchline “trans women are fucking disgusting and are privileged in society and are a threat to children” can absolutely promote and encourage a group of people to legitimately believe that and you just don’t care.

    tocopherol , avatar

    What kind of decent joke could a comedian tell that would encourage a person to shoot up a school or be a pedo? Jokes about marginalized groups help encourage othering of that group and normalizes bigotry. I’m not saying a person can’t joke about anything they want, but in a political climate where people are making historic pushes to persecute trans people I think it is a pretty massive dick move to fan the flames.

    cannibalkitteh ,

    Comedy isn’t magically ineffective at spreading ideology when all other forms of media are.

    It’s often more effective because it feeds off of and into current societal feelings. It can shield itself behind being “just a joke” and can still be actively harmful to the minorities they target.

    JustARaccoon ,

    Are you putting trans people on the same level as mass shooters and pedophiles…?

    cryptosporidium140 ,

    You know it’s funny you should ask…

    No, dumbass

    tocopherol , avatar

    Maybe because trans people are already in fear for their safety in much of the world? It’s popular for even elected conservative politicians in the US to call them mentally ill. If your identity and right to live were a fun topic for a popular comedian with a huge following, do you think you might get irked by that? School shootings can affect anyone, those aren’t about a marginalized group.

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