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ChillCapybara , in Kentucky governor backs longer list of conditions eligible for treatment under medical marijuana law

Being Republican is a symptom. It’s a disease I inherited myself. Thankfully, I grew out of it, but I still take marijuana as a precaution.

white_shotgun Bot , in Neri Oxman, billionaire investor Bill Ackman’s wife, accused of plagiarism in MIT dissertation

Vot is dis background

Creat , in Baltimore celebrates historic 20% drop in homicides even as gun violence remains high

I tried to put this into a European perspective. After some googling a comparable number is 264 murders for 2022. In Germany. Yes, the whole country, not just a city.

Diva , in Three years after the January 6 attack, propaganda about the insurrection is poisoning the American public avatar

Just 3 years after the January 6 attack, the “harm reduction” candidate is aiding (rushing weapons to, no less) an active genocide, using multiple aircraft carrier groups to fend off the second-poorest country in the middle east, because they are attempting ( and succeeding at) a blockade on the genociders, demanding a ceasefire.

Yeah I’d say there’s a lot of propaganda about January 6 if that’s where your attention is.

Socsa ,

Today on, actual leftist, or right wing Poe’s law troll: will voting for Trump end Israeli occupation of Gaza? Call 1800-OBV-IOUS to share your thoughts

Diva , avatar

I’m not voting for Trump, I’m writing in Hamas. Honestly incredible that democrats feel like they’re entitled to my vote.

Socsa ,

You are writing in an organization which openly calls for the extermination of Jewish people?

Diva , avatar

The end to the Jewish settler-ethnostate. They can participate in representative democracy with the rest of the Palestinians. Or are you trying to imply that anti-zionism is antisemitism?

You’re literally trying to guilt trip me into voting for the person supporting an actual genocide

Socsa ,

Secular representative democracy, right?

Diva , avatar

Would be an improvement over the settler ethnostates apartheid government.

Socsa ,

Ah perfect, because that was the status quo of the Palestine Mandate - to govern Palestine via a bicameral legislature comprised of separate Muslim and Jewish houses. And I assume you know which side accepted this proposal and which side violently rejected it?

Diva , avatar

Yeah, because they were rejecting the settler-colony. How about zero settler states and 1 state for everyone that isn’t an ethnostate?

Socsa ,

This was pre-Israel. Partition was only considered because Arab Palestinians refused secular democracy. But as a student of history, you knew.that already.

Diva , avatar

Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here, is your position that ethnostates are good, or that US taxpayers are not complicit in genocide?

Socsa ,

My point is that you claim to want secular democracy, and then you hold a double standard when it comes to Palestinian Arabs explicitly rejecting your solution. If you can convince Hamas to agree to secular unification then they will give you the Nobel Peace prize every day for the next 100 years. But this is not some big brain moment. Democratic unification has been tried. Democratic partition has been tried.

Diva , avatar

Sounds like you’ve talked yourself into supporting genocide. I support the people fighting to end the genocide with any means at their disposal.

Socsa ,

You mean the side which chooses mass rape over secular democracy? You express support for secular democracy, so I can only infer your feelings on mass rape based on that.

Diva , avatar

lmao ‘mass rapes’ you sound like some newsmax grandpa

Socsa ,

Like you, I agree that secular unification is the obvious solution to this conflict. However, I am unwilling to ignore the role that religious extremism has historically played in preventing that outcome. It actually saddens me to once again see leftists abandon their first principles in favor of brain dead revolutionary fan service.

Israel is absolutely an apartheid state which has brutalized Gaza far beyond what is necessary for security, retribution or deterrence. They should be condemned and sanctioned soundly for this. However, if you espouse support for secular unification, then you must also acknowledge that the Islamic opposition to Jewish co-governance is a major force preventing this outcome, and it has been that way since before the state of Israel has existed.

Diva , avatar

At this point I don’t care about your concern trolling, excuses and hypotheticals when there’s actual shit going down now. The US should really stop supporting Israel if they want any credibility in the rest of the world going forward.

Socsa ,

“Excuses and Hypotheticals” being history of the conflict you didn’t know about until now?

You are the one who proposed hypothetical unification.

Diva , avatar

Your position is that when the apartheid government ends, the barbaric savages who have been getting kept at bay by the glorious liberal “democracy” it has (for the right types of citizens who qualify) will take revenge in a way just as brutal and exterminationist as the zionist colony.

That’s just chauvinism, and you’re just repeating discredited hasbara and acting like a scholar which is fucking hilarious.

we have a real-world example of what happens when an apartheid government ends- was there a genocide of white people in south africa?

Socsa ,

I am not making any statement which is not the formal position of Hamas. But you didn’t state that you would write in the Palestinian Authority.

Diva , avatar

lol liberals rolling up to tone police left opposition when your literal position is “lets give the genocidal ethnostate unlimited weapons because it’s full of hot white girls who’re going to get mass raped by the brown hordes if we just stand by” + “don’t forget to vote”

You have the same position when it comes to this as some of the most disgusting republicans I’ve known

Socsa ,

You express preference for secular unification, a stance I have agreed with. I have not expressed any desire to arm Israel. That is all in your head.

Diva , avatar

good, do you feel upset that the biden government is rushing weapons there? You called me a right wing troll for not wanting to vote for genocide Joe (because of exactly this). Explain your logic.

Socsa ,

If it is not incredibly obvious that Trump would do far worse than token support of Israel, then you are either not paying attention to the things he says and does, or you seek to intentionally downplay the things he says and does.

He would, first of all, continue to arm Israel. He would also move onto University campuses with feds to arrest people protesting the war. And he would use this as a premise to escalate tensions with Iran. He has stated all of these things many times. Passive support for Trump objectively and unambiguously accomplishes none of the things you profess to value.

If you want to repeat the mistakes of 2016 in letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, then I assume you either so privileged that you don’t believe you will be affected by American fascism, or you are a troll. However, I apologize if you are just naive.

Diva , avatar

“passive support for trump” lmao

If you seriously think that the democrats are capable of standing between where we are now and fascism, one that’s pretty naive too. I am telling you that we’re already there- we’re supporting the ethnostate ethnically cleansing. You’re arguing that it could hypothetically be worse, I’m telling you it doesn’t fucking matter at this point, I’m disgusted.

Socsa ,

Right, so because of this attitude, people in Texas actually can’t use period tracking apps, and people in Ohio are being arrested for having miscarriages. This is not a hypothetical. Doctors in Seattle are being subpoenaed by the Texas AG for providing gender affirming care. This didn’t come out of nowhere. We have been yelling about these real, non hypothetical risks constantly. And now, if Trump wins, we know he will use the feds to extradite doctors across state lines. They have openly stated that they will use the executive branch to enforce this Christian nationalism. This is not a hypothetical.

If you are fine with that moral liability, then carry on.

As for me? I am a leftist who actually cares about protecting the vulnerable.

Diva , avatar

Maybe the democrats should stop doing evil shit if they want people to support them. It rules having libs (good cops) roll up to show me all the evil shit their friends (the bad cops) are going to do to us if we don’t support them while they unalive every last brown person standing in the way of the settlers.

Also so much of this shit is happening under democrat governments anyways because they’re fucking useless at getting anything done or protecting vulnerable people. They’re literally cutting a deal on border security to get more weapons to a genocide

Socsa ,

Right, it’s very clear that you don’t take the actual threat of this project 2025 shit seriously, because you are so incredibly privileged that you will allow your ideological purity blind you to the real world. And at the end of the day, you won’t actually prevent any brown people from dying, and will likely make the situation far worse.

But that’s fine because what you actually want to do is whine, not govern. Because whining is easy.

Diva , avatar

Maybe the Democrats should stop doing unpopular things like giving unlimited unconditional material and military support to a genocide.

Sounds like they’re the ones not taking this threat seriously. The only plan seems to be to scold people who are disgusted by your actions.

Socsa ,

Friend, if supporting Trump liberates Gaza I’ll sell everything I own and dedicate my life to rebuilding the region with my own frail hands, and I will die happy for being wrong.

If it doesn’t, I hope you will dedicate your life to seeking forgiveness at trans funerals for ignoring these alarms.

If we have a deal, perhaps we can agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Diva , avatar

I’m literally fucking trans, you have some supreme fucking nerve trying to guilt trip me when the primary fucking killer of Palestinian gay and trans people is the ongoing indiscriminate murder from occupation forces.

Democrats are the worst “allies” in human history.

Socsa ,

And that won’t stop if Trump is elected. The only difference will be that you and I will be up against the wall as well.

Also, Hamas definitely does not tolerate any LGBT lifestyles. So again, maybe rethink the idea of supporting a fundamentalist group which would torture you to death.

Diva , avatar

I don’t have any confidence I’m not going against the wall under the fucking democrats the way things are already going.

Maybe you guys should stop arming the literal genocide, regardless of what it does for your election prospects.

Socsa ,

US progressives are objectively the single most accomplished force for LGBTQ rights in the entire world. WTF are you smoking? If we are really back to to debating objective reality, then I’m back to calling you a troll.

Diva , avatar

US progressives are objectively the single most accomplished force for LGBTQ rights in the entire world.

Sincerely disagree. It’s because of the horrific shit that the US does with an LGBT flag as the excuse that so many reactionaries and bigots around the world are empowered to persecute LGBT people under the guise of anti-imperialism.

I oppose the pinkwashing of empire.

Socsa ,

What the actual fuck. So the US can’t ever advance human rights because anti-western reactionaries will use it as reason to persecute LGBTQ communities?

We are done here.

Diva , avatar

You’re the one using a supposed lack of support of LGBT ‘rights’ as some sort of excuse for collective punishment and genocide. Honestly idk how I managed to avoid throwing up reading some of your posts.

(I view human rights as pretty fucking important, but stop killing people first, fuck)

tygerprints , in Three years after the January 6 attack, propaganda about the insurrection is poisoning the American public

This was by the far the most horrifying act of treason in world history. And as pointed out by USA TODAY, the ongoing belief that "the election was stolen" is by far the most false and destructive act that continues to poison our country. The article was written by the man Trump himself selected to investigate election fraud, and what he found was that not only did no substantial fraud occur, the little bit he did find was biparitisan, with as many republicans guilty of voting twice as democrats.

Charles Dickens warned in "A Christmas Carol" that the worst fate to befall mankind is Ignorance. And willful ignorance of the truth is a path to ultimate destruction and ruin of all of human society.

iAmTheTot , avatar

It was horrifying. It was treasonous.

But the most in all of world history? I dunno.

NigelFrobisher , in ‘Lord Of The Wings’ Food Truck Trademark In New Zealand Defeated By Tolkien Estate

If they come after Jason Donner Van there’ll be trouble.

Pratai , in This best-selling personal finance author of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki, says he’s racked up more than $1 billion in debt

Sooo… poor dad.

helenslunch , avatar

No, just leverages the crap out of debt, like most wealthy people.

PrincessLeiasCat , in Exploding toilet at a Dunkin' store in Florida left a customer filthy and injured, lawsuit claims

Here’s the lawsuit for those interested; not a lot to it, barely 4 pages, and most of it was in the article. They don’t really go into more detail. This part was funny though…I would not want to be the victim of the exploding toilet.

c. Negligently failing to warn or adequately warn Plaintiff of the gander of the mens’ room toilet, when Defendant knew or should have known that the toilet was unreasonably dangerous, leaving Plaintiff unaware of the danger.

  1. As a direct result of Defendant’s breach and/or multiple breaches of its duties and obligations to Plaintiff, who was lawfully on Defendant’s premises, Plaintiff unwittingly became the victim of the exploding toilet and of the aftermath which followed, and sustained damages, including injuries and emotional and mental distress.…/Dunkin-Donuts-Being-Sued#from_em…

jago , avatar

c. Negligently failing to warn or adequately warn Plaintiff of the gander of the mens’ room toilet…

Well, there you go: summary judgment to the Plaintiff. If you don’t tell your customers that there’s a fucking HATEFUL COBRA TURKEY keeping jealous possession of the Mens’ loo, like some latter-day dragon guarding its hoard, you deserve to be sued at the very least, and just for starters until greater commensurate punitive action can be determined.

@PrincessLeiasCat , this was initially to be a playful ribbing of what I’d thought was a typo oversight, on your part, of transcribing text from the court document.

But seeing that it’s the actual text of the filing absolves you, and makes the typo oversight that much funnier.

Florida never fails to entertain and disappoint.

atzanteol , in New York City announces lawsuit against bus companies sending migrants to city, seeks $708 million

I have to say that as much of a piece of shit Abbot is this is helping to make his point. If New York can’t withstand the impact of these immigrants then why is Texas expected to?

We definitely need to fix the system to allow for more national absorption of the costs. Though ironically Texas wouldn’t go for that because, when you get down to it, the costs aren’t what they really care about…

AmberPrince , avatar

Two things here. One is that you are confusing New York and New York City. I absolutely do believe an entire state can manage better than a city. The second thing is that Texas and other border states do receive federal funds for managing the border. Not as much as maybe they require but they do get federal help.

Socsa ,

Texas receives billions of federal dollars for border control. It’s already being absorbed nationally in that sense. New Yorkers already pay more taxes per capita than Texas does.

This is politically motivated hate theater. Texas is a fascist state, and they want to make sure everyone suffers for it.

skuzz , in Biden administration announces $162 million to expand computer chip factories in Colorado and Oregon

Super stoked at the possibility of actually being able to buy machines made in the USA instead of “figuratively thought about in California” like most electronics these days. Toyota cars have more percentage of a car being both designed and built in the US than an Apple iPhone, for example.

However, not really looking forward to the environmental impact in Colorado, Oregon and beyond. Most of Silicon Valley is all to this day toxic superfund sites from the damage caused by electronics manufacturing in the 1980s and 1990s. The groundwater is contaminated and there have been incidents like toxic gases leaking into new modern Google office buildings. Selfishly, preferring the US be free of those production contaminants, but holistically, that just moves (and until now has moved) the problem to Taiwan anyway.

Definitely happy to be proven wrong here, and that chip fab is less toxic than it once was, but also skeptical as the US is generally pretty “pro-business-before-citizen-health” and always has been. They’ll gladly plug their ears and go “la la la” to say “the economy is strong” before giving two shits about We The People. (See: radiation contamination, PFAS, and other superfund sites already present in states such as Colorado.)

YurkshireLad , in ‘Lord Of The Wings’ Food Truck Trademark In New Zealand Defeated By Tolkien Estate

What about “Lord of the Fries”? If that one doesn’t get shutdown then neither should this one.

hitmyspot ,

That’s for lots of the flies, though, less litigious as less commercilisation. I’m fact, keeping it in the public consciousness is likely to the published benefit.

pan_troglodytes , in He Killed His Molester as a Teenager. Should He Be Spared Deportation?

he was in the country illegally - that’s a deportation.

reverendsteveii ,

expedited citizenship for meritorious service

GigglyBobble , in Jeffrey Epstein list: Court documents name associates including Clinton and Trump

And what will happen? Didn't Q-Anon start fighting a supposed pedo ring in a pizza place? They'll totally turn on Trump now, right? Right?

CodeName ,

Nah, they’ll just do a little magical thinking on the case. Trump, despite all evidence to the contrary, is a godly man being smeared by a conspiracy. Clinton is evil incarnate. No need for conspiracies.

The weird thing is that trumpers think left leaning people will bend over backwards for Clinton like they do for trump, but if it’s proven Clinton raped underage girls you can throw him into a volcano for all I care. But they will never turn on trump the same way.

pruwybn , in Oklahoma 13-year-old believed to be first person ever to beat Tetris avatar
be_excellent_to_each_other , in It took decades, but San Francisco finally installs nets to stop suicides off Golden Gate Bridge avatar

The nets — placed 20 feet (6 meters) down from the bridge’s deck — are not visible from cars crossing the bridge. But pedestrians standing by the rails can see them. They were built with marine-grade stainless steel that can withstand the harsh environment that includes salt water, fog and strong winds

20 foot drop onto "nets" made of stainless steel? I feel like this may still be a fatal fall.

Edit: I'm not negative on the idea, but it sounds like you are still having a pretty bad time if one of these nets saves your life.

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