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It took decades, but San Francisco finally installs nets to stop suicides off Golden Gate Bridge

Kevin Hines regretted jumping off San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge the moment his hands released the rail and he plunged the equivalent of 25 stories into the Pacific Ocean, breaking his back.

Hines miraculously survived his suicide attempt at age 19 in September 2000 as he struggled with bipolar disorder, one of about 40 people who survived after jumping off the bridge.

Hines, his father, and a group of parents who lost their children to suicide at the bridge relentlessly advocated for a solution for two decades, meeting resistance from people who did not want to alter the iconic landmark with its sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay.

On Wednesday, they finally got their wish when officials announced that crews have installed stainless-steel nets on both sides of the 1.7-mile (2.7-kilometer) bridge.

“Had the net been there, I would have been stopped by the police and gotten the help I needed immediately and never broken my back, never shattered three vertebrae, and never been on this path I was on,” said Hines, now a suicide prevention advocate. “I’m so grateful that a small group of like-minded people never gave up on something so important.”

Nearly 2,000 people have plunged to their deaths since the bridge opened in 1937.

City officials approved the project more than a decade ago, and in 2018 work began on the 20-foot-wide (6-meter-wide) stainless steel mesh nets. But the efforts to complete them were repeatedly delayed until now.

The nets — placed 20 feet (6 meters) down from the bridge’s deck — are not visible from cars crossing the bridge. But pedestrians standing by the rails can see them. They were built with marine-grade stainless steel that can withstand the harsh environment that includes salt water, fog and strong winds that often envelop the striking orange structure at the mouth of the San Francisco Bay.

Licensed_to_ill ,

Can’t they just jump off the net?

kromem ,
brodrobe ,

Thanks for charging $120 per resident to build a mega hammock for homeless 👍

Kbobabob ,

/s? Surely you don’t actually think people want to live in a net.

brodrobe ,

I surely don’t think a net is stopping anyone from offing themselves let alone even begins to address the real issue. Was building it: a) virtue signaling by the city committee b) a great way to blow $224M to hide and pocket some money by contracting affiliated businesses c) useless in terms of actually addressing underlying mental health issues d) all of the above

You tell me. Surely a cool luxurious mega hammock with a view though.

brodrobe , (edited )

Downvote me all you want, but you can’t change facts - out of 244 confirmed suicides in SF between 2018 and 2020 only 30 were confirmed to have happened due to the GG bridge. That’s 12%. Don’t get your little feelings hurt and instead pay attention where the money is going. Blowing $224M to prevent 12% of cases makes 0 sense.

captainjaneway , avatar

You ever watch A Christmas Carol and think “hm, that Scrooge guy has a point!”

brodrobe ,

No, but I have PhD in stats and I can tell none of you know how to count

captainjaneway , avatar

Better to decrease the surplus population

brodrobe ,

Yikes, you’re one of those. I was more so talking about a more productive use of a quarter of a Billion dollars like building a state sponsored rehab/support program and investing into a community for lost people of this sort. But no, you’re too illiterate to understand what’s happening in front of you.

captainjaneway , avatar

I get your point. It makes sense.

Kbobabob ,

You keep talking about money vs reward. How many lives would need to be saved to make it worth it to you? How much is a human life worth to you?

brodrobe ,

That’s the wrong question. The correct one would be - do these nets achieve the goal and purpose for which they were built - saving lives? Or will the really desperate people just climb down and jump from the nets? They’re flat and solid, not angled at all or guarded to prevent standing or rolling off either. This project is poorly designed and thought out, overdue, overbilled, and over budget.

Kbobabob ,

Blowing $224M to prevent 12% of cases makes 0 sense.

You were the one that made the comment. So i don’t think it was the wrong question.

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

I downvoted you for being a condescending piece of shit, not because I think you’re wrong. Just sayin’.

brodrobe , (edited )

No yea I already said I obviously hurt snowflakes feelings, but thanks for confirming. Sticks and stones, you know? Maybe form an original and an actually useful/insightful thought next time though?

trackcharlie ,

Unpopular opinion: This is a complete waste of taxpayer money that could’ve gone towards any number of issues that actually cause people to want to kill themselves.

HikingVet ,

Here’s a thought, you can do multiple things if you didn’t have people in the US fighting socialised health care. But until you do, it’s suicide nets for all.

trackcharlie ,

Oh boy, I love following in the footsteps of the Chinese Communist Parties solutions.

Obviously every action they do is the correct action!

Yep yep!

HikingVet , (edited )

Way to miss the point.

trackcharlie ,

Way to miss the joke.

HikingVet , (edited )

Yeah, missed the joke (if there actuallywas one), but my point stands.

Wahots , avatar

Holy shit, 6m down onto inflexible steel mesh. For reference, a 5 meter diving platform is significantly higher than a normal American high dive. That would really fucking hurt. But it would save your life.

TheIllustrativeMan ,

Might be intentional. If it was closer/less of a drop, it might just become “another handrail” where the “oh shit I don’t want to do this” doesn’t happen until after you jump off the net. By making it such a big drop, you increase the chances of that realization happening first, and if the net causes an injury, that might also stop the person from making it to the edge of the net and going over.

Basically, by making it a big drop it’s become a bigger obstacle, which could increase effectiveness.

Licensed_to_ill ,

Ok this pretty much answers my question. I think you’re right. I was thinking. What’s stopping them from jumping off the net after the jump onto it.

But ive heard of people who survive attempted suicide by jumping almost all regret it while jumping off.

brodrobe ,

Do you not think anyone at a point low enough committed to actually offing themselves would consider any other method knowing the net might save their life? Suicidal people don’t often see a safety measure (especially one so touted on the news) and decide “yea I’m doing that”. I see many snowflakes here not getting this and downvoting over the idea that this is a pointless waste of taxpayer money when they could have built an entire counseling and rehabilitation program using that same money.

set_secret ,

why can’t they do both?

vsh , avatar

It’s enough to break/twist your ankles or fuck up your knees for life.

some_guy ,

“Had the net been there, I would have been stopped by the police and gotten the help I needed immediately and never broken my back…"

This logic doesn’t track for me. How would a new have led to police intervention and help? Or, am I now realizing they mean after the jump and landing in the net, then there would be police? But it’s phrased poorly. The net would stop the death, not police. What a crappy sentence. I truly can’t tell.

Donebrach , (edited ) avatar

Love the NIMBY ass “we don’t want effective barriers to keep people from jumping because then we cant see the view, so put in an invisible torture device that will horribly maim and punish people already so far gone they’ve decided to end it” approach. Really sums up San Francisco. Why don’t they just install a fucking Suicide Booth at each end of the bridge. They clearly aren’t after stopping attempts, they just don’t want to look at it. Easier to find a corpse in the human fishing net 20 feet down than trolling the bay.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Exactly. I’m sorry for their view, which is an undeniably beautiful view, isn’t as nice and I’m sorry that the historic bridge is less attractive now, but this is going to stop people from dying for fuck’s sake!

rob_t_firefly , avatar

Some people would see the nets - a lifesaving device put there by the sheer force and willpower of a community who care so deeply about helping people survive their worst struggles that they pushed the powers that be to design, construct, and pay for it to be put in place and save human lives - and find that a really fucking beautiful sight.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I agree. But I don’t care if they think it’s the ugliest thing they ever saw. That’s beside the point.

derf82 ,

We make fun of China for installing similar nets on their buildings. Maybe we can consider some time actually doing something about the cause of suicide rather than just stopping the action. Healthcare, especially mental healthcare, poverty, housing. But no, just nets.

Ibex0 , (edited )
dejected_warp_core ,

I for one, love it. Nice work. The subject is uncomfortable, but this is absolutely a valid criticism of the system and the outcome in this case.

The fact that you used a meme based on a pawn shop - an institution that tends to take advantage of people on hard times - makes this dark and pithy. The only thing more fitting would be a payday loan center, but thankfully that hasn’t made it to reality TV just yet.

BobGnarley ,

Those nets are on factories though. That is QUITE different. Where in the USA are suicide nets built into the infastructure of businessess and work places to keep the workers from commiting suicide there? I agree they suck at providing the healthcare and stuff but to equate suicide nets on a bridge to suicide nets on places of employment is absolutely not taking into consideration the nuances of both situations.

phillaholic ,

Us workers don’t live on site like they do there. There were 800,000 workers living in dorms on site when those articles all came out. That doesn’t exist in the US. The suicide rate at the time there was lower than in every US State for comparison.

egeres , (edited ) avatar

But golden gate doesn’t have anything inherent that pushes people to commit suicide. I feel like it’s wasted money if the only thing this means is that this will happen somewhere else, what’s the point then? Wouldn’t it be spent better on mental healthcare for those who need it the most?

Edit 0: (I’m not super angry that they did install the nets, sure why not, it’s not that expensive anyways, but I don’t really feel like it solves the real issue. I’m mostly talking from my opinions and I don’t have that many facts on this topic, maybe tackling suicide hot-spots does indeed reduce the statistic, I sincerely hope so but I doubt it)

Edit 1: After reading the article suggested by @Chetzemoka I feel like I was wrong in my initial assessment. Indeed it looks like there is a category of impulsive suicide that might be avoided with these barriers. I thank everyone who is contributing solid arguments to this difficult conversation. Despite the disagreements I see on the comments I believe we are all united in the feeling that this is a painful tragedy that we don’t want to be part of this world

stoly ,

People actually travel to San Fran specifically to jump off that bridge because it is iconic.

quo , (edited )

Do you think once they see the nets they are going to change their minds?

StorminNorman ,

For many people who have survived their attempts (and I mean suicide in general, not just jumping off this specific bridge), a lot of them say that they instantly regretted it the moment they passed the point of no return. Plus, these nets have been used on other similar hotspots, and whilst some people do just jump off of the net, the vast majority do not and there has been a sharp reduction in the number of deaths at these spots.

steveman_ha , (edited )

… But if they don’t, there’s an f-ing net there just in case. Assuming we care about others to any meaningful extent.

If this is somehow that big of a problem for them after, I guess nothing is stopping them from trying again someplace else, but apparently some of them might actually appreciate the blessing of that choice.

Chetzemoka , (edited )

But golden gate doesn’t have anything inherent that pushes people to commit suicide.

Don’t be so sure about that. Check out some of this research.

Believe it or not, reducing access to lethal means actually reduces the number of deaths by suicide, and we have robust data to back this up.

“Nine out of ten people who attempt suicide and survive will not go on to die by suicide at a later date. This has been well-established in the suicidology literature. A literature review (Owens 2002) summarized 90 studies that have followed over time people who have made suicide attempts that resulted in medical care. Approximately 7% (range: 5-11%) of attempters eventually died by suicide, approximately 23% reattempted non-fatally, and 70% had no further attempts.”…/survival/

We ALSO need to improve people’s material conditions and provide better mental health care. But even in societies with strong social safety nets, people still die by suicide. Reducing access to lethal means will reduce deaths, giving people time and opportunity to access any social safety net that exists.

There’s one particularly fascinating case study out of Washington state:

“Running perpendicular to the Ellington Bridge, a stone’s throw away, is another bridge, the Taft. Both span Rock Creek, and even though they have virtually identical drops into the gorge below - about 125 feet - it is the Ellington that has always been notorious as Washington’s “suicide bridge.” By the 1980s, the four people who, on average, leapt from its stone balustrades each year accounted for half of all jumping suicides in the nation’s capital. The adjacent Taft, by contrast, averaged less than two.

After three people leapt from the Ellington in a single 10-day period in 1985, a consortium of civic groups lobbied for a suicide barrier to be erected on the span. Opponents to the plan…had the added ammunition of pointing to the equally lethal Taft standing just yards away: if a barrier were placed on the Ellington, it was not at all hard to see exactly where thwarted jumpers would head.

Except the opponents were wrong. A study conducted five years after the Ellington barrier went up showed that while suicides at the Ellington were eliminated completely, the rate at the Taft barely changed, inching up from 1.7 to 2 deaths per year. What’s more, over the same five-year span, the total number of jumping suicides in Washington had decreased by 50 percent, or the precise percentage the Ellington once accounted for.”

And you know why twice as many people jumped off the Ellington vs. the Taft bridge in the first place? Because the railings on the Taft were slightly higher and therefore harder to scale.

I don’t know if this article is paywalled or how to fix that, but it also contains details of a specific study conducted on people who intended to, but didn’t jump off the Golden Gate bridge specifically. The absurdity of how minor an obstacle was required to prevent their deaths is amazing.…/06suicide-t.html

egeres , avatar

Woops, looks like I’m wrong in my comment!

Thank you so much for sharing the NY article, I still need to read it more times and take notes! For other people interested, it can be read at I definitely wasn’t aware of this impulsive behavior when it came to suicide and the low rate of re-attempt that follows. I was surprised when I read the following:

In a 2001 University of Houston study of 153 survivors of nearly lethal attempts between the ages of 13 and 34, only 13 percent reported having contemplated their act for eight hours or longer. To the contrary, 70 percent set the interval between deciding to kill themselves and acting at less than an hour, including an astonishing 24 percent who pegged the interval at less than five minutes

I had a vision of suicide where it happened in a more nihilistic and complex way, or at least, something veery different from deciding you would kill yourself in 5~ minutes. I also wasn’t aware that 2000 people had died at the golden gate, it does indeed sound like many of these cases are rushed or not premeditated. More importantly, the “Ellington barrier” example is a solid argument to install such barriers

I encourage others interested on the topic to read the article!

FlyingSquid , avatar

“Nine out of ten people who attempt suicide and survive will not go on to die by suicide at a later date. This has been well-established in the suicidology literature. A literature review (Owens 2002) summarized 90 studies that have followed over time people who have made suicide attempts that resulted in medical care. Approximately 7% (range: 5-11%) of attempters eventually died by suicide, approximately 23% reattempted non-fatally, and 70% had no further attempts.”

I am one of those nine. It is absolutely true. As you are dying, you realize what a mistake you’re making. I’m glad I survived.

rob_t_firefly , avatar

I appreciate your edit so much. More people should feel free to not only be educated with new info, but be confident in openly sharing the fact that they were and help spread that info forward. Learning stuff is awesome.

Wahots , avatar

I think it can be nice. Could stop unintentional falls by kids or drunk people too. Or just people fucking around by the edge of the bridge. Happens all the time in Yellowstone and Grand Canyon NP. People accidently take a 500+ foot header off the cliffs trying to get a picture or get a better view.

egeres , avatar

Yeah, fair point!

prole , (edited )

There is a pretty harrowing documentary about people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Apparently it happens so often that if you set up a camera, after long enough you will catch lots of people considering it and doing it.

I think it’s called “The Bridge”? It was on YouTube when I watched it years ago, dunno if it’s still there. Maybe someone else will find it. But heads up, it’s not exactly a fun watch.

paddirn ,

Well, there goes my vacation plans this year.

pHr34kY ,

So, now you just need to jump from the net after it catches you? That does not seem like much of a barrier.

Pazuzu ,

every barrier helps, most suicide attempts are impulse decisions. forcing people to jump 30 feet into a net before they can jump a lethal distance makes it that much harder to follow through.

shiftenter , (edited )


Several people have jumped into them. Some have been rescued from there, but “a handful” had “jumped into the net and then jumped to their death,” Mulligan said.

He declined to say how many. It will take a year or two of data to fully understand the system’s effectiveness, he said.

In the decade beginning in 2011, bridge officials said, there were 335 confirmed suicides, or an average of 33.5 per year. In 2022, as the first nets were being strung, there were 22. Through October this year, as more nets have been added, there were 13.

“If we save 30 lives a year, and not 31, it’s worth it for those 30 people who we saved,” Mulligan said. “And that’s every year. To greatly reduce the number of people dying in the community is a worthy goal. And to achieve that is success.”


DreamlandLividity ,

But is it saving anyone or are they jumping from somewhere else?

nickwitha_k ,

Probably a bit of both. “Successful” suicide and following through with ideation is partly about opportunity. This is why likelihood of suicide is higher in homes with firearms, especially handguns, that are easy to access. Making following through with a suicidal impulse or ideation mitigates the situation for long enough for a good portion of people to shake it and/or get help.

There are still those that will seek out another way but, by mitigating the risk at the Golden Gate, resources that have been needed there can be partially re-allocated to other spaces to catch those that are still slipping through. In a sense, it’s a bit like triage and whack-a-mole, where the population at the next target is likely smaller.

Mango ,

Not an impulse decision. It’s been what I’ve wanted for the past couple years. When I tried, my finger wouldn’t pull the trigger just like Dolores couldn’t do it at first in Westworld.

nickwitha_k ,

I think it’s more “successful suicide” is generally an impulse decision because that disallows our self-preservation time to kick in.

That said, are you ok? Need someone to talk to? Why have you desired to end your life?

I’m not a qualified mental health professional but would be willing to lend a virtual ear, if you need it, and see if I can help to find resources available to you. I’m not going to be terribly available today but please feel free to DM me.

Mango ,

Self preservation is an impulse.

stoly ,

Wow, some absolute lemon actually downvoted you.

girlfreddy OP , (edited ) avatar

A 20’ drop to a steel rope net wouldn’t be a soft landing. It’s unlikely anyone would be able to, or be interested in, crawling to edge to finish the job.

optissima ,

Oh so you injure the person and laden them with medical debt, America really is great >:)

chitak166 ,

They injure themselves.

Lol, what is up with this comment chain?

optissima ,

They injure themselves? What are you trying to say?

chitak166 ,

They injure themselves because they are the ones who choose to jump…

optissima ,

So why not just let them choose death?

ryathal ,

This is still going to hurt a lot of people that jump, probably still broken backs and the occasional death.

chitak166 ,

This is one of those “clever” comments that are actually just retarded if you think about it.

Did you read the article? One guy who jumped said he regretted it immediately after falling. This gives people an opportunity to experience that same regret before they try doing it again.

pHr34kY , (edited )

I’m from Melbourne. We had a problem with people jumping from the West Gate bridge and we engineered safety barriers that reduced suicides to zero.

That’s right. Zero.

It even reduced the jump rate by 65% at our other bridges. All that, without looking cheap and ugly AF.

Photo of bridge

raptir ,

Did it actually reduce suicides though, or just redirect them to other means?

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

All that and The Golden Gate Bridge is still way better looking. It’s not even close.

JoMiran , avatar

Think of the first fall as a “proof of concept”. If after falling ~20 feet to a chain link fence, you still feel like dragging your injured self to the edge of the fence to finish the job, then it’s highly unlikely anything will stop you from killing yourself. The fence is kind of a “try before you buy” thing.

Mango ,

Pain is not death. False advertising.

GluWu ,

The US government is going to do literally everything it can other than provide universal Healthcare until the country collapses.

Muffi ,

For real. It would be interesting to see the average financial depth of the people who attempt suicide in the US.

Retrograde , avatar

Wait you’re telling me this isn’t what they meant by safety nets??

ChaoticEntropy , (edited ) avatar

The physical, not social kind. “We’ll catch you when you fall… this is not a metaphor.”

chitak166 ,

I’m pretty sure California is in the process of implementing its own state-funded healthcare system.

It’s the way to do it, just like with legalizing drugs.

Cringe2793 ,

Nets are cheaper than mental health care.

Evil_Shrubbery ,

… sure hope the contractor doesn’t install razor-sharp steel net by mistake to spaghettify (french fry cut?) anything falling on it …

LeroyJenkins ,

depends on the size of the holes in the net and whether the person jumps pencil or belly flop

Evil_Shrubbery ,

So you are saying they should skip the complicated nonsense & just install safety laser nets (like those in Resident Evil movie & a few others probably) …

GladiusB , avatar

Are you 12?

Evil_Shrubbery ,

No, but I’m sure I’ve seen Jerry do this to Tom when I was 12.

GladiusB , avatar

So your justification is a cartoon?

Evil_Shrubbery , (edited )

Depends what I would have to justify.

I can’t justify (ever) being 12, I was forced to exist without my consent.

SpaceNoodle ,

It’s steel wire, this is gonna turn some people into french fries a la Cube

HerbalGamer , avatar

At such a small distance? Maybe some bruises at worst.

Woodstream ,

Reminds me of that Bojack Horseman poem.

“But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should’ve seen the view from halfway down.

I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could’ve known about the view from halfway down—”

RGB3x3 ,

It’s a fucking amazing poem and had me in tears the first time I saw that episode.

People falling that 30 feet and being stopped in the act may help them see that jumping, or suicide in general is not the answer.

chitak166 ,

Great show.

danc4498 ,
idunnololz , (edited ) avatar

The weak breeze whispers nothing

The water screams sublime

His feet shift, teeter-totter

Deep breath, stand back, it’s time

Toes untouch the overpass

Soon he’s water bound

Eyes locked shut but peek to see

The view from halfway down

A little wind, a summer sun

A river rich and regal

A flood of fond endorphins

Brings a calm that knows no equal

You’re flying now

You see things much more clear than from the ground

It’s all okay, it would be

Were you not now halfway down

Thrash to break from gravity

What now could slow the drop

All I’d give for toes to touch

The safety back at top

But this is it, the deed is done

Silence drowns the sound

Before I leaped I should’ve seen

The view from halfway down

I really should’ve thought about

The view from halfway down

I wish I could’ve known about

The view from halfway down

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