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agitatedpotato , in BP exec's husband guilty of insider trading $1.8 million, snooped on her calls

‘Hey you’re not a lawmaker you can’t do that!’

teamevil ,

In America there’s no law that says House/Senate members CANNOT use insider trading information. How much bullshit is that‽

Suspiciousbrowsing ,

It's literally the worst thing you can do in a democracy. Allow your representatives manipulate/be manipulated by the stock market

Smeagol666 ,

More specifically, they are EXEMPTED from insider trading laws that apply to all other citizens. That is hypocrisy at its finest. Just like how they vote on whether to give themselves raises.

ringwraithfish , in West Virginia House passes bill allowing prosecution of librarians

Republicans: The government needs to stop trying to be our babysitter Also Republicans: this

AshMan85 ,

Yeah, that is fascism.

mods_are_assholes ,

We ALL know they are hypocrites.

THEY know they are hypocrites.

And every time we point it out they get a shiver of illicit arousal.

But it is a meme now to act shocked about it.

Enjoy your internet points I guess.

lennybird , in John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court avatar

I’m just annoyed HBOMax is now delaying pushing John Oliver’s segments to YouTube but I guess it was inevitable…

Akasazh , avatar

Ah that’s why it didn’t show up yet. Enshittyfication.

Pratai , (edited )

Fuck YouTube. Who cares? That platform needs to go. Hopefully more people do this.

EDIT: I wonder how many of the people giving me all these the pointless down arrows are the same ones that complain every time a news article shows how shitty YouTube is to its patrons.

Neato , avatar

What’s the alternative that actually has content?

Pratai ,

It doesn’t matter.

Soulg ,

So you’re just whining, got it

Pratai ,

How’s this whining? YouTube sucks. There doesn’t need to be an alternative for people to leave. Just like Twitter. It’s operated by people that demonstrably don’t care about content creators and in fact- have provenly screwed them over time and again as evidenced in the countless tech articles about them shared here and elsewhere….

But by all means, don’t let me get in the way of a collective Stockholm syndrome

wildginger ,

Stockholm syndrome isnt real my guy, some cops made it up to hand wave why captives called them out for risking their lives more than the kidnappers had.

Kinda like how youre hand waving people clearly telling you that a shit service still fulfills a service, and not having alternative examples to pivot to means people who need the service filled will use shit service over no service.

Pratai ,


Read up… “my guy…”

wildginger ,

You didnt read your own link, huh

“and in fact it is a “contested illness” due to doubts about the legitimacy of the condition”

Literally in the opening blurb

Pratai ,

Contested…. “My dude”, doesn’t mean non existent. It just means someone disagrees with it.

As in-

Your dumb point is contested by me. Does that invalidate it? Do I automatically win now?

wildginger ,

Still didnt read the article, where it has an entire section explaining that the contest is between psychologists saying its fake, and media outlets and cops saying its real.

Youre hammering my point home my guy, and hitting every finger you have on the way there

Pratai , (edited )

You’re pursuing the wrong point- my guy….

Made up or not, my point remains that people constantly bitch about YouTube, and then cry and complain when someone suggests they leave the platform.

Whether we name or after some contested psychological label, or just call them ignorant children, whining and hating on a thing only to defend it when someone suggest you stop using it if you hate it so much is incredibly stupid.

Not going to argue this any further.

AirlineF0od ,


echodot ,

But they are the ones with the content so how does piracy help somebody, would have to put it up on a public platform first.

anticolonialist ,

ask this question in a forum that won’t delete the answers


nutsack ,

pushing to YouTube is better than not pushing to YouTube.

nutsack ,

BitTorrent’s pretty good. YouTube kind of sucks a lot

FlyingSquid , in Why it’s so hard to find an apartment you can afford avatar

Not a fucking thing about a lack of rent control or the fact that huge megacorporations are buying up all the apartments.

athos77 ,

Last year, Jeff Bezos bought half a billion dollars worth of residential homes. It took him all of two days to accumulate that money.

FlyingSquid , avatar

But the article claims it’s that there aren’t enough apartments for everyone! Could that possibly be total and utter bullshit?

stoly ,

You mention rent control and hateful people come out of the woodwork to attack you.

qwrty , avatar

um actually rent control (alone) historically has made housing worse, reduced housing quality, and raised prices 🤓🤓🤓

That’s if you mean price capping by “rent control,” if there is anything else, I don’t have anything to say about any other type of rent control, as I don’t know much about those.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Every rent control argument I have seen involves specific neighborhoods that are rent controlled. If you apply it universally, those problems would not be an issue.

All you have to do is peg a price cap to inflation.

qwrty , avatar

Virgin California rent control vs Chad New York rent control

aeronmelon , in Nazi supporters march through downtown Nashville

‘Tennessee Nazis… I HATE Tennessee Nazis.’

DogPeePoo ,

The Tennessee chapter is rumored to be predominantly into children which is why they hide their faces

mods_are_assholes ,

oh gee a decade into worldwide hard right authoritarian rise and there’s always some yahoo making this same fuckdamn stale joke IN EVERY FUCKDAMN THREAD.

Lemjukes ,

What’re you really mad about?

mods_are_assholes ,

Fucking nazis are taking over western culture, that’s what I’m mad about

masquenox ,

Fucking nazis are taking over western culture

Maybe you should ask why “western culture” seems so uniquely fond of nazism.

mods_are_assholes ,

Oh I know why but it’s not just a Western culture thing, it’s a human thing but recently changes in human culture has made the west especially susceptible to it.

It’s tribalism and fear and lack of investment in the future of our nation, it’s economic stress and social disconnectedness and the very human desire to try and blame all problems on a single monolithic entity, and to follow the largest and loudest person who hates that monolithic entity so much he will take your culture to the victorious promise land of a past that never existed.

That is fascism in one paragraph.

masquenox ,

it’s a human thing

Since when is capitalism a “human” thing? You know… capitalism? That thing fascism cannot exist without?

That is fascism in one paragraph.

Yeah… I don’t think you know anything about fascism.

mods_are_assholes , (edited )

Since when is capitalism a “human” thing?

Humans invented it and have widely adopted it across nearly all cultures?

Do you even think about what you write or are you using an LLM?

Yeah… I don’t think you know anything about fascism.

Well considering how pants-on-head idiotic your first statement was, I’m not sure your personal definition is any more informed.

masquenox ,

widely adopted it across nearly all cultures?

Oh… humans “adopted” it, did they? It wasn’t forced on humanity through hundreds of years of genocidal colonialism, eh?

You’ve already swallowed a view of the world that is quite compatible with fascism - what else are you willing to swallow?

Blackmist ,

The Blue Brothers was released in 1980, and you think this shit is only a decade old?

mods_are_assholes ,

Nazis on the internet were barely visible a decade ago

Blackmist ,

Stormfront has been around for nearly 30 years. HBO made a documentary about them.

There’s an argument that big websites are barely moderated now (aside from child porn that can actually get them in trouble) so they’re more visible in mainstream places, but they were always there and found each other easily.

mods_are_assholes ,

Stormfront got almost zero traction on the web before they turned on the meme faucet, times change.

queermunist , in Amazon argues that national labor board is unconstitutional, joining SpaceX and Trader Joe's avatar

If we don’t launch a general strike when the fascist Court guts the already weak NLRB then we’re going to lose everything. We’re already bringing back child labor, we’re already not lettting people retire, we’re already allowing union busting, but with the NLRB gone we’re fucked.

Che_Donkey , avatar

Got Out while the gettin’ was good. Get out while you can…It ain’t easy but it is manageable. Save yourselves.

Meltrax ,

Wtf does this even mean? Get out how?

SnotFlickerman , avatar

It means they were privileged enough to “escape” as if the spectre of the worlds largest military in the hands of tyrannical fascists won’t affect other places, too.

Further, it’s a real “I got out, you just need to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps” bullshit vibe that judges the weakest for being unable to escape.

The privileged will be happy to escape and leave the rest of us to suffer while preaching about how they saw it all coming and so should have we, as if we didn’t see it coming instead of simply not having the privilege to escape.

queermunist , avatar

America will start WW3 if we let it.

No where is safe.

Entropywins , avatar

Never has been

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Lol, our bullshit is spreading.

You didn’t get out, you just bought yourself a year or two.

LocoOhNo , in Gen Z is recording themselves getting fired in growing TikTok trend

I quit Lowe’s a few months ago and they mistakenly gave me an exit interview. Not only did I put my grievances in writing, but I was adamant that the “HR” person typed what I was saying verbatim.

There’s no point in those interviews unless you say what needs to be said.

tsonfeir , avatar

I love exit interviews.

P.s. Chris, you were the worst manager I’ve ever had. You’re a terrible human. That’s why the entire department left and got hired at another company… the one I went to. The entire department, Chris. I made that happen.

Oderus ,

I’m of the opposite opinion. Exit interviews are just a way a company can further pretend to give a shit what you think, while not actually giving a shit. Do you really think what you say will make a difference?? If they didn’t listen to you while you were working, why would they listen to you if you’ve quit? It’s all smoke and mirrors designed to make you feel good while giving the company marketing material to say, ‘we listen’ when they don’t. HR is on team company. They are not your friend. The odds of them actually doing anything different based on an exit interview is zero. If anything, they’ll use what you say against you to frame it as ‘clearly he/she is not a happy person’ so they just dismiss what you say. Just like they did when you were working for them.

I deny them that chance so I don’t do them.

Fuck them. Leave and say nothing and just be happier at your new job. They had their chance and blew it. You don’t owe them anything and you’re better off channeling that energy into something more in line with what makes you happy.

That’s just my take though.

azertyfun ,

They don’t care whether you think they give a shit or not. The contract has already ended, they have no “legal” motivation to give you the light of day.

The reason exit interviews exist is that some people within the company do care about employee feedback / retention rate, because from a strictly practical point of view, hiring/training costs many thousands of dollars for any vaguely skilled position so knowing if there is an avoidable problem is valuable.
The flip-side is that in most cases, circumstances are out of control of whoever is in charge of exit interviews. If an employee quits for personal reasons, can’t do anything about it. If the owner is a cunt, can’t do anything about that either. However, if five employees quit because “Chris is the worst manager in the world”, then maybe Chris will eventually find himself “promoted” to a non-management position.

From an employee perspective playing nice and being professional can be worthwhile, depending on the size of the industry, whether you’re willing to burn bridges, and the importance of networking for your job position. The company you were working for may suck but your previous manager might get a new job and offer to hire you there.

tsonfeir , avatar

Well, Chris got fired… so, yeah I guess losing an entire department in a weeks time, each person citing Chris as the reason, might cause some actions.

Rodeo ,

But what do you think that accomplished?

Even if the HR person did type it verbatim and show it to you, they’re just going to turf it the second you leave and spin a tale that makes their boss happy.

There’s zero chance that the upper management who needed to hear what you said actually heard it.

cybersandwich ,

Meh, they get taken seriously at least where I work. Especially if they were a high performer or if there is a significant trend in departures.

That said, some leadership will hear parts that don’t make them feel so bad and gasp onto those.

Socsa ,

These giant corporations are extremely data driven, and managers who get bad reviews do eventually become squeaky wheels.

_dev_null , avatar

There’s no point in those interviews unless you say what needs to be said.

" Yeah great, well I generally come in at least 15 minutes late. I, uh, use the side door, that way Lumberg can’t see me and, uh, after that I just sort a space out for about an hour. Yeah I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I’m working. I do that for, uh, probably another hour after lunch too. I’d say in a given week I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual, work. Oh yeah, let me tell you something about TPS reports. See the thing is Bob, it’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care. It’s a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don’t see another dime. So where’s the motivation? And here’s something else, Bob, I have eight different bosses right now. Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That’s my only real motivation, is not to be hassled. That and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that’ll only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired. Listen, I’m going to go. Uh, it’s been really nice talking to both of you guys. Good luck with your layoffs, all right? I hope your firings go really well."

magnetosphere , in Gen Z is recording themselves getting fired in growing TikTok trend avatar

This is the first “TikTok trend” I’ve seen that doesn’t make me cringe

rtxn ,
  1. The recent rise of sea shanties
  2. Detailed instructions for operating abandoned Russian military vehicles
  3. This
glimse ,
  1. Girl Math

Funny as hell. The manosphere bros who took it seriously made it even funnier

doctorcrimson ,

Every TikTok trend should make you cringe. They’re all aiding a hostile dictatorship.

objectionist , avatar

honestly you could’ve left a single comment in opposition against tiktok and left it there but had the audacity to voice against it multiple times.

sure tiktok is pure evil spyware, you aren’t wrong, but mate just calm down and speak your concerns in a single comment and call it a day.

more karma too lmao

doctorcrimson ,

Fuck Karma, I came here to express myself.

objectionist , avatar

with how passionate you are with this opinion i thought you were trolling and farming for internet points

renrenPDX ,

Just wait for the inevitable fakes to show up.

psycho_driver , in Everest Climbers To Bring Poop Down With Them As Mountain Starts To Stink

They’re clearly not thinking this through. They all need to lug their frozen poo to the summit and pile it there, so they can stand on it when they take their selfie and declare that they’re at a higher peak than any previous summiters due to their poo pedestal.

girlfreddy , in Florida man seriously injured and unable to speak after encounter with police, daughter says after her father was falsely accused of stealing a banana avatar

“At first, I was trying to ask her what happened, and she was like, ‘People like you and him shouldn’t come into the store if you don’t have money to pay for things,’” Anjelica Lee said. “My mom is white, and my dad is Black. So I’m mixed. So I think she meant Black people. And it just escalated from that, and she went to cussing me out.”

You can almost guarantee the victim will be Black.

Every. Fucking. Time.

cyborganism ,

Every time. Every. Single. Time. For real.

FlyingSquid , in Utah governor says school board member who questioned a student's gender ‘embarrassed the state’ avatar

Mark my words- Physical gender checks for high school girls sports (and only girls sports) will be coming somewhere in the U.S. soon.

key ,

Didn’t that happen like 3 years ago? “Fairness In Women’s Sports Act” requires a physical gender check.

MotoAsh ,

Come now. As if there aren’t enough closeted conservatives to make them also push for boy inspections… They’ll ask it under the guise of fairness. They’re not closeted pedos, just being gender neutral [about being attracted to kids]!

ikanreed ,

@FlyingSquid future tense? you underestimate how savage this country is.

flames5123 ,

You mean sex checks. Gender isn’t physical. They’ll call it “gender checks” though.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You are correct. My apologies.

quindraco ,

Sex and gender are synonyms. In modern common usage you are completely correct that they need not refer to any sort of physicality, but that doesn’t mean they differ from each other. Sex and gender are like “buy” and “purchase” or “flammable” and “inflammable”.

flames5123 ,

Sex influences gender, but they are not synonymous. You cannot be non-binary by sex. Sure, you can be intersex, but NB refers to gender exclusively.

quindraco ,

Of course you can be NB by sex. Identify as NB. Bam, done.

eestileib ,

Isn’t that already happening in Florida?

gnuplusmatt , in Gina Carano suing Disney and Lucasfilm over Mandalorian firing with help from Elon Musk

The suit details that Carano was required by Disney to meet with a representative from the LGBTQ+ group Glaad after online behaviour that was seen as anti-trans, yet she refused. She was then asked to meet with a group of LGBTQ+ Disney employees but again refused and was fired soon after.

Interesting - I’d have thought someone who clearly has a history of using steroids would be more empathetic to those who’s gender doesn’t match their outward appearance

Rakonat ,

I don’t know what part about this story I hate more; she was good in the role and entertaining but refused to even even meet with LGBT individuals.

Or the fact that the mouse was entirely justified in their actions here after giving her two very easy outs to save her job. If the mouse looks good next to you during a conflict, you definitely fucked up.

Also stinkrat needs to.go to Mars already and either have his rocket explode or get run over by a smart far.

Arcane_Trixster ,

I’m not about to be lectured by a bunch SJW activists, even if I generally agree with them. I can’t blame her there, it sounds unbearable.

But she knew what the deal was when she skipped those meetings, and you can’t come back with a law suit saying you were unfairly fired. She chose to not play the game, but still wants the disney paychecks.

Omegamanthethird , avatar

I mean, it was either get lectured by the people you have been disparaging or get fired. If I had to go to a meeting because I didn’t realize something I said was hurtful, I’d just be happy to still have a job.

The problem was treating her like she’s not just hateful.

Cenzorrll ,

The problem was treating her like she’s not just hateful.

They gave her the choice to play the game and pretend she’s not hateful, or just be hateful. She chose the latter.

Zorg , avatar

Typically that’s not what it is at all, but that is how the fashy media paints it.

The purpose of those kinds of meetings, is for shitty people to be placed faced to face with one or more LGBT persons (or in other situations a black person, or a Muslim or whatnot). And maybe, just maybe, the shitty person can learn, than e.g. someone gay or trans; while slightly different, largely they are just people.

Cosmicomical , (edited )

Hard downvote because calling people sjw betrays the fact that you don’t understand that people just wants to live and let live.

funkless_eck ,

mate if you don’t want to be told what to do dont be a fucking actor. That’s literally the entire job.

h3mlocke ,

Wow, what an arcane trixster you are

cygon ,

Ah, “SJW”, “CRT”, “Woke” etc. - words that right wing opinion manipulation campaigns load with anything unpopular amongst their base so they can unite in hate against the “other” group, even if no two people agree on who belongs in it and why.

Rakonat ,

I don’t know what you’re expecting to accomplish here. She spouted hateful things about a group of marginalized people, told that as a public figure she was not allowed to do that while on Disney payroll, and given an opportunity to save her job. She was being asked to sit down in a private meeting with individuals who identify as LBGT, not being forced to do PR work like hosting a fundraiser or having alterations to her contract obligating her to do screen work that she wasn’t interested in.

I would get fired from my job for making social media posts like she did, and there is absolutely no way my employers would be willing to say everything was forgiven if I just sat down in a meeting or had lunch with a handful of people I had indirectly insulted. She wasn’t being treated unfairly or being made to change her position on a subject publicly, she was being asked to stop spreading hate speech.

dangblingus ,

Who’s lecturing you? You just chimed in.

kameecoding , in Tucker Carlson Reportedly Spotted In Moscow As Fans Speculate Interview With Putin

Remember when this cunt’s show was cancelled by a single appearance of Jon Stewart

FlyingSquid , avatar

My favorite part of that incident is how Tucker keeps trying to get Jon Stewart to say something funny instead of something honest and Stewart just refuses to play that game.

Unfortunately, it only resulted in Tucker’s career getting bigger.

Drusas ,

"It's not so much that [your show] is 'bad'. It's that it's hurting America."

Prophetic words.

RagingSnarkasm ,

The Day the Bow Tie Died.

WidowsFavoriteSon , in Pig Brain Kept Alive for Five Hours While Separated from the Body

This is torture.

ConstantPain ,

Most animal clinical trials and studies could be classified as such.

bigMouthCommie , avatar

i think torture is when the pain is the goal of the procedure with the goal of punishing the victim or forcing them to comply. since this was just a scientific inquiry with no (apparent) malice, i'd say it is definitively not torture.

PlutoniumAcid , avatar

In that case, let me pull out your fingernails for the purpose measuring whether they are all equally well attached. Don’t worry, they’ll grow back.

…still doesn’t sound like torture to you?

bigMouthCommie , avatar

it's inhumane, but that doesn't make it torture.

sin_free_for_00_days , in Stolen Jackie Robinson statue found burned, dismantled in trash can: The search for the perpetrators remains active, Wichita police said

Jackie still dealing with these inbred fuckheads. Same bullshit he had to deal with in life. Just disgusting people.

ChicoSuave ,

Further proving that no matter how “advanced” we become as a people, racism and hatred will always be an artifact of the past that threatens to drag us back into a more hateful time.

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