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Samvega , in ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats

We are a handful of days away from some right wing weirdo showing a video of a non-white person sneezing and captioning it with “wtf they firing guns in the street”. And that will become a popular talking point, and people will demand the death penalty.

Samvega , in ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats

Stochastic terrorism is political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric which is directed at a group or an individual. Unlike incitement to terrorism, stochastic terrorism is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence.[1] A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.[2]

protist ,

They’re also purposefully leaning into this to keep the conversation about immigration, because it’s pretty much the only issue they have had an advantage on. Without Trump talking about eating pets, we’d all be talking about his abortion stance right now, which is deeply unpopular.

nulluser ,

Democrats need to respond by making the story about why Trump killed the bipartisan immigration bill.

TransplantedSconie ,

Exactly. Those ads should be in every commercial break in the swing states.

apfelwoiSchoppen , (edited ) avatar

That bill was a super republican bill, I honestly do not know why the Democrats keep bragging about this as if every “bipartisan” bill has merit. The Overton Window continues to shift right. Just because the vociferous Republicans spouted incorrect information about the bill, that doesn’t make the quality of actual bill have any merit. I’m ashamed that any democrat thought this"immigration" reform bill was something worth fighting for. It is an anti immigration package that gives significantly more money and power to homeland security. It focused on funding border walls, detention centers, increasing the burden of proof required for asylum seekers, among others. It is a horrendous bill that cares little for immigrants.

PlasticExistence ,

That only underscores the point of advertising their refusal to pass it: it should have fully satisfied Republicans and given them most of what they want, but the Orange Shit Stain said not to pass it so they could complain about immigration during the election.

Democrats should use it as a loud and constant example of how Republicans are not leaders and have no solutions for America.

apfelwoiSchoppen , avatar

Yeah, you shouldn’t work with them on such heinous human rights abusing packages. That is what it underscores to me. If anyone actually read the bill, we might critically push back on the Democrats and make positive change instead of this bipartisan rivalry nonsense. It serves the status quo, not any of us. If the bill had any merit , I’d be totally with you on that point.

PlasticExistence ,

You’re not understanding me. Yes, the bill was awful and should not have had their support.

So given that, what exactly is the Republican justification for not supporting it? That needs to be highlighted so that perhaps enough GOP voters just stay home on election day - especially in swing states.

Like it or not, Republicans must not win this election so that our democracy survives. We will have lots of work to do after the election to push the Democrats back to supporting the average person and not the rich, but that’s the next fight and not this one!

Hold your nose and vote for democracy.

apfelwoiSchoppen , avatar

Oh I understand you. I don’t think you understand that voting for Democratics and criticizing them is more than OK, it is necessary.

PlasticExistence ,

That bill was a super republican bill, I honestly do not know why the Democrats keep bragging about this as if every “bipartisan” bill has merit.

I’ve been attempting to respond to your original comment. The Democrats are not using this to brag. They are using it to highlight the failures of the Republican party.

I walked around knocking on doors in an unfriendly neighborhood for Bernie Sanders, so you don’t need to talk to me about criticizing Democrats or wanting them to move left.

Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, because advertising that you used a social murder bill to bluff with makes you sound SUPER sympathetic to the people who would have died if fascists had called your bluff 🙄

PlasticExistence ,

I don’t think it was a bluff, unfortunately. Neither do I think they should not criticize the Republicans for their behavior.

kent_eh ,

The point is that it was agreed to by both parties and Trump still had it killed so the mere concept of cooperatively working with the other party got thrown out the window.

It is important to keep reminding people that Trump refuses to do anything (or even allow things to be done) that doesn’t serve his own personal goals . He will actively prevent things from happening if that serves him better, regardless of the consequences to anyone else.

Viking_Hippie ,

I honestly do not know why the Democrats keep bragging about this as if every “bipartisan” bill has merit

Because they do. To the Dem leadership, bipartisanship is the highest achievement in politics, no matter how awful the actual content.

If you could demonstrate bipartisan backing, they’d gladly declare this flag from Community the new national flag of the United States:

In fact, both that flag and the “Human Being” mascot (pictured below, middle) of the school’s football team are parodies of the way Dem leadership operates.

ashok36 ,

This is it. If were talking about immigrants not eating pets, we’re not talking about how Harris whooped trumps ass.

kent_eh ,

Baffling to think that such blatant and easily disproven lies can be beneficial to their cause.

thefartographer , in Walgreens to pay $106M to settle allegations it submitted false payment claims for prescriptions

submitting false payment claims to Medicare, Medicaid and other federal health care programs between 2009 and 2020 for prescriptions that were processed but never picked up

It took 40 years, but we finally found a welfare queen!

FlyingSquid , in ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats avatar

Wow. They are really going over the deep end on this. How could this possibly help them win votes?

themadcodger , avatar

Backtracking equals flip-flopping, and then it's a slippery slope to learning and growing and admitting you were wrong.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You’re probably right. And if they’re going to keep swimming towards the bottom of the pool, I really want journalists to start asking them why Haitians are eating pets. Because that’s the part that they haven’t actually made clear.

Haitians don’t eat dogs and cats in Haiti. The Haitians in Springfield aren’t starving, most of them have jobs. So why are they eating them, JD?

CM400 ,

JD isn’t talking to people who think stuff through like that, he’s talking to racists and they don’t care if it’s true or not, it gives them an excuse to feel that way.

TransplantedSconie ,

They need to send Jose Maria Del Pino, the reporter who kicked Stephen Miller right in his whataboutism. That dude was relentless and would not fall for his shit.

JD would be fucked.

ChairmanMeow , avatar

Dude has an accent in his voice, ergo he’s “biased” according to the loonies.

_bcron ,

Advisors in meeting: “We have a clear path to 270 as long as they focus on single issue voters who care most ab-”

Trump interrupts everyone to talk about how boring this meeting is, invites everyone to order McDonald’s with him.

JD rubs chin pensively, thinking about a single issue to focus on, something easy which does not involve walking into a donut shop

ThePowerOfGeek , avatar

They are too used to the typical news cycle where they bombard the public with lies to the point where everyone starts believing those are real. They’ve grown complacent.

twistypencil ,

It’s a distraction, classic Trump move to get you to look at something else

FlyingSquid , avatar

A distraction from what? What is overt, disgusting racism distract from in any helpful way?

catloaf ,

It gets them angry and supporting Republican anti-immigrant positions, instead of thinking about the issues that actually affect them, like why Steward Health Care was allowed to buy hospitals, squeeze as much money out of them as possible, give the CEO $250m, and then go bankrupt, leaving hundreds of people without healthcare.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You think people don’t think about the dire financial straits they are in because Trump and Vance are being racists? And somehow that helps Trump get elected?

None of that makes any sense.

catloaf ,

When someone is out of work, and the media tells them it’s because of immigrants stealing their jobs, and not because of private equity squeezing companies to death for profit, yes, it helps Trump and the Republicans get elected.

FlyingSquid , avatar

The media isn’t telling them that. The media is telling them that isn’t true. Trump and Vance and their surrogates are telling them that. Trump was literally corrected in the debate.

catloaf ,…/tyson-hiring-migrants-laying-off-us…

Here, an instance of media, in the “immigrants are taking your jobs” category. It demonizes Tyson while conveniently ignoring that Republicans haven’t done a damn thing for labor in my lifetime.

I do not have the spoons necessary to bring you up to speed on everything that’s happened in politics in the past few decades that you should already know. Honestly, I feel like I’m getting sealioned here.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Fox News is your instance? Yes, the network that has Trump’s back all the time still has Trump’s back.

Fox News is one media outlet and mostly, again, one that the MAGA faithful consume.

And even then- they aired the debate. People heard the fact check.

YourNetworkIsHaunted ,

And those people are being told that the moderators were lugenpresse who were on the wrong side and want to protect criminals over your dog as part of their something something woke. The fact that the lamestream media keeps talking about how false it is and going to increasingly desperate lengths to deny it must mean we’re onto them.

This is how the propaganda works. This is such a blatant lie that it should be a simple fact-check, but since that doesn’t actually change anyone’s mind all the attempt does is keep everyone talking about immigration, an issue that fires up the right-wing base and exhausts a lot of their opponents. You’re absolutely right that we shouldn’t be still talking about whether this is true or not, but focusing on how weird and dumb this conspiracy theory is getting. That’s why the “weirdo” tack has been working for Harris in this campaign, and it’s unfortunate that the headlines have lost interest.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yes, again, those are the MAGA faithful. Trump needs more than them to win.

I didn’t think I’d get to use this again so quickly:

He just needs to lose by a small margin. And that’s absolutely possible no matter what Fox News tells his fans.

catloaf ,

Sure. And then we continue with the “stolen election” bullshit, and Republicans still win other elections in Congress and state races. There’s more here than just whether the president has a little D or R next to their name.

FlyingSquid , avatar

We were specifically talking about Trump.

catloaf ,

It’s not exclusive to Trump. The post itself is about Vance.

FundMECFSResearch , in Cops bust furious NYC driver accused of stealing tow truck with own pickup attached

can we not post right wing tabloids

some_guy OP ,

I try to avoid low-quality publications. But hey, sometimes they have the scoop.

RattlerSix , in ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats

JFC, the person who started all this on Facebook says it’s false and these freaks are like “NOPE, THIS IS ALL WE CARE ABOUT NOW”

Kecessa ,

That person deserves some jail time

P1nkman ,

That person har indirectly gotten someone murdered.

Blackout , in Ohio's Wittenberg University on alert after shooting threat against Haitians - BNO News avatar

This is all thanks to Donald J Trump. His platform legitimized these actions of terror.

9point6 , in ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats

Given most of the stuff right wingers complain about is projection, maybe we need to check this guy’s myfitnesspal

FlyingSquid , avatar

I don’t know about JD, but RFK, Jr. once literally got accused of eating a dog, so you think he at least would be out there calling them on this bullshit.…/4753486-rfk-jr-vanity-fair-article/

Apparently not though. Guess it’s okay when the accusation is against black immigrants.

MossyFeathers , (edited ) in Officials ignored warning signs prior to young girl’s death at the hands of her father, lawsuit says

The wife/stepmother should be in prison too as it sounds like she helped him cover it up.

According to the lawsuit, the father’s uncle Kevin Montgomery contacted the agency to tell them Harmony had a “vibrant” black eye after she was “punched clear in the eye socket with full force” and that Adam had told him he’d “bounced her off” every wall in the house.

Imagine being related to that piece of shit, seeing how horrible of a person he is, and being forced to watch him destroy a child’s life while the government refuses to do anything. I’m amazed the father isn’t dead. Being sentenced to prison or executed is too merciful. He should be tied up in public and subjected to a constant, high but non-lethal electric current until he dies of dehydration.

Edit: this is less about revenge and more about how I’m very low on empathy and patience for the shit heads of the world right now; and I’m extremely tired of them and wondering what it’d take to make them shut up and go away.

Warl0k3 ,

I understand the revenge fantasy, but advocating for the public torture of someone is fucked up, even if they are a monstrous piece of shit like this guy.

MossyFeathers ,

What are you supposed to do with people like that? He punched his child to death between a methadone clinic and a McDonald’s because she wet her seat. He bragged about “bouncing her off every wall in the house”. He moved her body around for months, and based on the locations he chose, it almost seems like taunting than “how do I get rid of this body”.

Can someone like that actually be rehabilitated, or can they serve as an example of what happens to monstrous pieces of shit like that? Like, normally I’m for rehab, but I’m not sure he can be rehabbed.

scytale ,

If it makes you feel better, he’ll likely have a target on his back in prison, as people who hurt children are supposedly not well-liked in there either. So he’ll be living in constant fear and paranoia.

Promethiel , avatar

I think I can relate, somewhat. It’s not easy, constantly being rational in the face of evil depravity. A just mind seeking a clean pattern of cause and effect can’t be blamed when it starts asking “where is the sword of the innocent”, and I personally get how that morphs to “Ok, will somebody give me the sword?”.

I’m there myself today, on other news. Beware the thoughts, however. There’s a difference between wanting to wield a sword to protect and one to punish; one is swift and necessary, the other opens the window to festering and becoming the abyss.

I wouldn’t weep at a swift and ignominious end now, and I certainly would personally swing down that figurative blade and go to sleep soundly but never with the idea the monster could be made to comprehend if I taint myself to the same level of depravity, best remain a monster-lite. Because even that course of action I’d take is not without its own brand of reprehensible in the just world I’d rather live in.

curbstickle ,

Can someone like that actually be rehabilitated

I doubt it. Which is why I’m a fan of letting them disappear forever in a prison, and never have the opportunity ever again to harm a child.

or can they serve as an example of what happens to monstrous pieces of shit like that?

Also doubt it.

These sort of people will not recognize their own actions as being wrong, and they also wont “learn” from the punishment of others.

So the only thing public torture would do is provide a spectacle for those who enjoy it. It won’t deter anything. There used to be public hangings, stocks, etc - which also was not stopping the crimes from happening.

BrokenGlepnir , in ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats

I guess this will be the new birth certificate thing for them.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That, at least, had a vague air of plausibility. People do come to the U.S. illegally and people do have faked identification documents. It also only attacked one person. This is attacking a whole group of people with a ludicrous (and very obviously racist) charge. I realize there are a lot of idiots in this country, but I have a feeling this is going beyond the pale for some people who were going to vote for Trump. I don’t know that they’ll vote for Harris, but they might sit this one out.

Taleya , in Police officer who dragged NFL player Tyreek Hill from car had problem record


Fucking hell disciplinary record stretching over 25 of his 27 years but still a fucking cop.

FlyingSquid , in Ohio's Wittenberg University on alert after shooting threat against Haitians - BNO News avatar

When people actually start dying, will the Trump campaign continue to fan these flames?

A_Random_Idiot , in Liz Cheney blocked January 6 scrutiny of Ginni Thomas, book says

I have had people tear my ass up on multiple occasions for trying to remind people that Liz Cheneys anti-trump performance does not, in fact, make her a good person.

That she is still, at her core, a republican piece of shit… and her saying one thing that I agree with (That Trumps a threat) does not make her a good person.

I am 100% not surprised that she secretly tried to protect one of Trumps biggest anchors on the supreme court, who is vital for their 2025 goals and seizing of power.

Because she, like all republicans, are performative assholes who say whatever they think will get them more support and power.

FuglyDuck , avatar

I have had people tear my ass up on multiple occasions for trying to remind people that Liz Cheneys anti-trump performance does not, in fact, make her a good person.

I respect her for calling bullshit on trump, but yeah. that’s like one point against many hundreds of others… Now, if she takes trump to a pheasant hunt… welllllll we can discuss that after…

thefartographer ,

“I really think we should listen to what Jeremy has to say. Sure, he gets drunk and challenges children to fight him at the playground, and yes he might be a tiny bit of an arsonist, and if you’re gonna nitpick then yes he stomps on pigeons in the park, but you don’t understand! I saw him accidentally knock over an old lady the other day and he apologized! Not only that, he made sure she was okay! I think he’s truly reformed and we should trust him now.”

Also, I get why you said “pheasant” hunt and thought that was hilarious, but c’mon… If there were ever a time to bring up duck hunting, shouldn’t it be now by the infamous @FuglyDuck?

FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

Also, I get why you said “pheasant” hunt and thought that was hilarious, but c’mon… If there were ever a time to bring up duck hunting, shouldn’t it be now by the infamous @FuglyDuck?

I don’t want to get shot at… and these people might get the wrong idea.

in any case… yes. that’s exactly what I mean. She did one right thing. that doesn’t make up for all the shitty crap also does.

(for those wondering… her father went to an organized pheasant hunt, as VP, and accidentally wound up shooting one of his security detail in the face. It was “just” birdshot, so he didn’t die or anything. those sorts of events should be banned, though. Basically, they capture a shitload of pheasants, stage them in a space that’s “safe” to shoot at them… then scare them up so they fly over as rich fucks shoot at them. What probably happened is he got target fixation while the bird flew in a path that… well… ooooppsssies)

DrBob , avatar

I’m pretty sure it was a quail/dove shoot. It stood out for me because there aren’t many parts of the country where dove hunting is a thing. But Texas? You bet!

Carrolade ,

Oh, she’s definitely not a lovely person politically, she wants the gop to run things but just doesn’t want fascists to run the gop and do away with democracy.

Currently it’s just an alliance of convenience, much like how we allied with Stalin in WW2. We can go back to fighting with conservatives after the fascist wannabes are beaten in the upcoming election. First things first, priorities are important.

PlasticExistence ,

Well said. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Or as that war criminal Henry Kissinger said, “there are no allies, only temporarily-shared interests.”

Boddhisatva ,

That she is still, at her core, a republican piece of shit

Seconded. I like to remind people that while in office, she voted with Trump over 92% of the time.

ThePowerOfGeek , in ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats avatar

Grilling chicken in Ohio, eh? Hmm, I hear there’s a huge orange chicken who is scared to have a second debate because he got so badly humiliated in the first one. He might want to stay away from Ohio since they are grilling his kind.

Stalinwolf , (edited ) in US satellite-TV providers DirecTV and Dish are in talks to merge again, source says avatar

It’s crazy to me that people are still watching TV and tuning into things like new episodes of The Simpsons. My wife and I just drove out to Vancouver last week and stayed in a few hotels along the way. Using the TVs at each one (with a living, breathing TV Guide Channel) felt a little surreal. We were supposed to have sex the one night and instead I fell asleep watching the Paralympics.

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