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Bluefalcon , in Mushroom pickers urged to avoid foraging books on Amazon that appear to be written by AI

Everyone worried Skynet would create killer robots but instead they are writing shitty books. A kills a kill I guess.

dylanTheDeveloper , in Burning Man festival-goers trapped in desert as rain turns site to mud avatar

Now its Muddy Man Festival

jerome , in After nearly 30 years, Pennsylvania will end state funding for anti-abortion counseling centers avatar

so… Churches.


TruTollTroll , in Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian avatar

Serious question, how do they do that, while in prison with no residual income? And if they were already near broke, how does this work?


it probably won’t hurt in most cases. BUT if your parents get murdered by someone with money, you’re at least getting some kinda support.

Pyr_Pressure ,

I would like for someone to try and get corporations to pay child support when one of their workers dies from neglectful maintenance or dangerous policies.

CarbonIceDragon , avatar

That doesn’t seem like a bad thing per se- but I do somewhat worry that this would simply lead to corporations refusing to hire parents, firing people who become parents (for “some other reason” if necessary), or at least preferentially hiring people deemed unlikely to have children.

TheOakTree ,

Why do I get the feeling that corporations would excuse said selective hiring as “green?”

bobman ,

Seize their assets and auction them off. Use the proceeds to fund the reparations.

FlyingSquid , avatar

And if their assets are basically worthless too?

bobman ,

Then yeah, there’s nothing to do besides garnish their wages after they get out (if they get out.)

Still, it’s something that they should do if they can.

theodewere , in Tens of thousands at Burning Man told to conserve water and food after heavy rains leave attendees unable to leave Nevada desert avatar

hang on, so Nature is trying to kill a bunch of people who went out in the desert to celebrate a Burning Man, and she's gonna do it with a rainstorm that might satirically cause them to die of thirst.. man somebody has a sense of humor or something..

jantin ,

…all of which was announced via social media, which implies that despite shortages of food and water the people there have constant access to the Internet. Cyberpunk is now. Unless a thunder from the thunderstorm fries a cell tower nearby of course.

theodewere , avatar

who says there's no poetry in the world.. the Blind, that's who..

JackbyDev ,

Imagine being able to afford metafood in the metaverse but not real food in the realiverse


dhork , in After nearly 30 years, Pennsylvania will end state funding for anti-abortion counseling centers

I’m not as offended at the mere existence of these places as many of you are. There are people whose religious beliefs are that life begins at conception. We keep complaining that these people don’t value people post-birth enough, yet here they are helping mothers who want to keep their babies. These people who are backing up those beliefs with their own money and effort. As long as they’re being honest in what they do and not deceptive, what’s wrong with that?

I don’t even have an issue with government money going to it, but it has been proven that some in Government can’t resist the urge to play favorites. Any arguments that apply to Planned Parenthood’s government funding also apply to these places. I’m my view, they are doing the same work, and should be dealt with the same way.

Supporting a woman’s right to choose should also include supporting her right to keep her pregnancy. Of course, Planned Parenthood supports that, too. But there’s no reason to dismiss these other organizations out of hand because they won’t help women who want to end their pregnancy, due to their religious beliefs – as long as those women still have accessible choices.

cedarmesa , (edited ) avatar


dhork ,

No, they’re not. But if these people are willing to help (and still get the mom access to medical care, even if the doctor isn’t on staff), what’s the harm in letting them? I’m all for anything that helps pregnant women, as long as they want the help from that place, and are aware of what they are getting into.

DarthBueller , (edited )

These organizations exist to actively deny women the ability to choose by (1) not making it crystal clear that they do not provide abortion services, (2) surreptitiously eating up the time a woman is legally allowed to get an abortion. They are designed to fool unsophisticated women into NOT HAVING A CHOICE, and purposefully increasing the emotional toll of the decision to have an abortion. Fuck them all. EDIT: I’m an attorney. When I use the word “unsophisticated” in this context, I mean “unfamiliar with the phenomenon of religious organizations pretending to be pregnancy centers, that are designed to run out the clock from having an abortion.” If you’ve got limited time to make a decision, and you make an appointment with one of these places saying you need an abortion, they will tell you to come in, and will not volunteer that they don’t offer abortions. It is well documented that women have run out of time to have an abortion because of these asshats. But go ahead, fuckface, be a disingenuous shill.

dhork ,

You don’t find that attitude to be just a bit insulting to women? Like they don’t know what abortion is, and need it properly mansplained to them?

There are women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant, and decide out of their own free will to keep their baby, in spite of the huge financial burden. That’s a choice, that’s just as valid as the choice to have an abortion. If these places can help, why not let them?

If we’re going to respect women’s choices, we need to respect all of them, and not dismiss women who choose to keep their pregnancy as “unsophisticated”.

Sharkwellington ,

You cherry-picked one word out of their comment and discarded the rest without addressing it at all.

dhork ,

No, what I see here is a bunch of people thinking these places deprive pregnant women of their free will once they walk into the place, or something. I think women, in general, are smart enough to realize what these places offer, and what they can and can’t get there.

I keep asking, if a woman wants to have a child, and these people want help, why not let them help? And all I get are response questioning their motives.

Yes, many of these places do it for religious reasons. The same places may also run soup kitchens. Would you tell a hungry person to not accept free food because they might get preached at?

I have no problem with these places existing, as long as women still have access to everything else they need for health care, including abortions, in the area.

dragonflyteaparty ,

Gee, maybe because of our abysmal health and sex education. The fact that there are all ages of people who can visit these clinics and teenagers who think you can’t get pregnant standing up. Maybe because women are lied to about abortion risks, gestational age until it’s too late to get an abortion, and lied to about pregnancy risks they may have or risks that could go unnoticed because the staff dresses up like medical professionals even though they aren’t. Women could easily not see an actual doctor because of insurance or cost. Seems like you have zero idea what you’re talking about.

These people are not medical professionals. To be as you describe, they would have to make it abundantly clear that they are not a medical clinic, they do not provide medical advise, but religious counseling. They don’t. They cosplay as medical personnel and lie to vulnerable women. It doesn’t matter if most people wouldn’t be taken in by it. Some are. The lies work.

dragonflyteaparty ,

Just to give you some reading on it. Also comparing these centers to a food kitchen is a gross misstatement. Food kitchens aren’t lying to people about what food is or intentionally serving them food that will harm them.…/what-are-crisis-pregnancy-……/crisis-pregnancy-center-undercov……/fake-abortion-clinics-crisis-pre…

HoustonHenry ,

LOL, it’s funny you trying to mansplain someplace you’ve never had to deal with

deegeese ,

You keep repeating the lie that these places help women when they’re designed to push women away from medical care.

Taxpayer money shouldn’t be spent on religious counseling.

prole ,

Aside from what others have said, part of what these places do is delay the woman’s choice, make her second guess herself/feel unnecessarily guilty, long enough that an abortion is no longer a viable option the state they’re in.

They trick the women into unknowingly waiting too long

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

In your most sick, please stop going to doctors.

Instead, go to cocaine Steve behind the McDonald’s. He’s coming from a place of help… As he can help you resolve your pain with his life long experience and cocaine.

I mean, what’s the harm? It’s just information and anything that helps people who are sick and aware of what they’re getting into.

watson387 , avatar

That “religious belief” was created by the Republican Party in the 70s to distract from their terrible policies.

DessertStorms , avatar

The tiniest bit of research would have revealed to you that they are not some innocent lambs and it isn't a case that they simply "won't provide abortions", they are actively anti choice disguising themselves as "crisis centres" where people who are actively looking for an abortion go only to end up pressured and manipulated in to changing their mind by any means necessary, including impersonating medical staff. I've read cases where these "crisis centres" will make appointments for an "abortion" which they will then keep postponing until it's too late to do it.

There is absolutely nothing pro choice about this organisation, it's just another way in which patriarchy religion and capitalism combine to keep women "producing", and you could have easily found this out with a 2 second search before ignorantly jumping to their defence:

DemBoSain , in Easing restrictions on marijuana? HHS calls for classifying weed as less dangerous: report avatar

Does it make sense that alcohol is the only drug that has legalization enshrined in the constitution?

KernelAddict , in Supplier Caught Distributing Fake Parts for World’s Top-Selling Jet Engine

This is kind of scary.

robbotlove ,

what do they call a med student who graduates bottom of their class?

a doctor.

PetDinosaurs ,

Not only that, but you can’t really fire doctors unless they do something really, ridiculously bad.

And if we’re going to get really cynical, with corporate medicine, there’s something of an incentive to keep around bad doctors – they create more demand.

Dettweiler42 ,

What do you call a pilot who lies about their experience and keeps failing remedial training?

Dead in a swamp near Houston (Atlas Air Flight 3591).

InternetCitizen2 ,

So often they start numbering?

SlopppyEngineer ,
Thurgo , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police

I do not understand why it is so common for police in this country to stand in front of a car and then shoot the driver when the car moves. It’s a manufactured danger and really does not seem like a smart idea to use your weapon to put a corpse in control of a heavy machine.

watson387 , avatar

They don’t care as long as they get to murder someone.

JustZ , avatar

They stand in front so that they can shoot the driver.

You can’t play chicken with someone and then shoot them if you get scared. You have to either swerve or get hit, that’s why it’s called chicken.

GBU_28 ,

What’s not to understand? Their goal is the expression of power, the suspect’s escape is completely non optional to them. They are not trained in de-escalation.

So, by placing their body on the line (in the path of the giant metal machine), they are essentially saying “obey me, or you are willing to kill me if you try to escape”. So if you try to escape, you are willing to kill them. So if you are willing to kill them, they are free to defend themselves.

It is crazy, but consistent logic.

Remember they aren’t there to help, or protect, but to enforce.

Ilovethebomb ,

This is the first reasonable response to this I’ve seen. They have a vehicle, block the car in with it perhaps?

Not justifying the driver’s actions in any way, but it did seem strange to me.

qevlarr , avatar

You do understand why. What you said is exactly why. They are manufacturing a danger so that they are legally allowed to use lethal force against anyone for any small crime. All the police do in the USA is escalate, escalate, escalate

Malfeasant ,

Because they can, and bootlickers will make excuses for them

BonesOfTheMoon , in Texas eliminates 'tampon tax' on menstrual products, sales tax on baby items

I’m sure there’s some Republican politician someplace in Texas saying that women have the ability to shut their periods down if they try, and they don’t need socialist tampons.

Rachelhazideas ,

God I want a socialist tampon inside me so bad. Socialism is so hot.

hroderic , in Texas eliminates 'tampon tax' on menstrual products, sales tax on baby items

Likely trying to score some points with female voters after rolling back Roe v Wade

Awkwardly_Frank , in Supplier Caught Distributing Fake Parts for World’s Top-Selling Jet Engine

So the company selling bogus aircraft parts is called AOG (Aircraft on Ground)?

RoboRay , avatar

Could be worse... AIG

postmateDumbass ,

Or … Boeing.

Dettweiler42 ,

It’s McBoeing now

Fades , in 63% of workers unable to pay a $500 emergency expense, survey finds. How employers may help change that



Hazdaz ,

We tried to de-couple healthcare from employment about a decade ago, and all the support for some form of universal healthcare seemed to vanish overnight as the general population fell for corporate propaganda and right-wing scare tactics.

solstice ,

I always wondered why neighborhoods, HOAs, and apartment buildings etc don’t form their own insurance plans to entice people to live there. Businesses get better rates for group plans so why don’t other organizations? Insurance isn’t my field so I don’t know if it’s possible or how it would work, just curious.

Hazdaz ,

It probably would work if you had a large enough pool of people, but how much bigger can you get than if 300 million people were pooled together and collectively they negotiated rates on drugs and doctor visits? Thus the ultimate idea of some form of universal coverage.

Where your idea kind of falls apart is that you need someone to manage all this. Good luck getting Kenny in apartment 5D to take care of this when he can’t even turn the volume of his TV down after 10 PM. But I think obama care kind of does this on a state level. I could be wrong, but I think that’s what the various marketplaces they talk about are. But each state manages it differently. Not shockingly, red states tend to mismanage things and offer worse services than blue states. In the end it is all a crutch. This should be on a national level like every other industrialized nation offers.

solstice ,

This should be on a national level like every other industrialized nation offers.

No disagreement there! Only comment is that Kenny in 5D can’t possibly be worse than Carol in HR lol

Hazdaz ,

Kenny in 5D actually died 2 weeks ago but his body hasn’t decomposed yet because he has his AC set for 65 degrees. Eventually it will stink up the place and force Tom in 4D to relocate for 3 weeks as his apartment is cleaned up after Kenny in 5D’s body liquefied and soaks through the floor and into Tom in 4D’s ceiling.

solstice ,

If only Kenny had managed their HOA health plan and gone to see his doctor in time.

Hazdaz ,

Poor Kenny in 5D. RIPeace

cnut ,

“Where your idea kind of falls apart is that you need someone to manage all this”

This is nearly nonsensical. It’s not a completely fleshed out idea, but just because the commenter hasn’t named a possible manager doesn’t mean it’s bad.

You think anybody is gonna make the perfect proposal to solve our problems in 50 words or less?

Hazdaz ,

Back in his heyday Kenny in 5D could have. But not after his divorce. That really broke him. He missed his kids, but that bitch of an ex wife wouldn’t let him see them. He was just a shell of a man after that. Of course now Kenny in 5D is dead. Rest in peace, Kenny in 5D.

anon_8675309 ,

But what about my badge of honor for finally getting a job with good benefits!?

atomicfox , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police

I love threads like this where I get to read all the insane takes from the armchair cops. You have the benefits of knowing all the after-the-fact details and not needing to make a split-second decision, so you think it’s just so simple to take your preferred course of action. No, the police are not bloodthirsty murderers who look for any excuse to kill a civilian, but you paint them that way in your head to justify your hatred of them.


Absolutely bat shit insane take. There is so much video evidence disproving that. Most cops in America are bad people, either directly or indirectly through lack of action. ACAB

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

whoa there with the most part. You probably haven’t even met or read about even .001% of the cops here. I am no fan of the type of person who is driven to be a cop, but they usually aren’t inherently bad. Some get that way after having to deal with the scum the courts let back out onto the streets, which usually by the way isn’t the scums fault they are scum… shotty upbringing because parents are trying to make ends meet does that. His take is certainly leaning heavy blue. But you don’t have to dive in the other direction to counter it. Take the high road.

hauntology ,

You probably haven’t even met or read about even .001% of the cops here.

You can’t criticize ANY cops because most of them haven’t been caught yet.

Take the high road.

No. Fuck you.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

i didn’t say you can’t criticize any. Just don’t go overboard on claiming you now how most of them are. That kind of over generalization is exactly what the person you responded to had wrong.

atomicfox ,

Sure, why not take the handful of stories you read every day about bad cops, then extrapolate way outside that range and confidently declare that “most cops in America are bad people”, which is 1) subjective, and 2) stated without evidence?

The cops performing their jobs without getting into trouble don’t make the news.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Why aren’t those cops who don’t get into trouble (that doesn’t mean they aren’t doing bad things, by the way) doing anything about the cops that are? Doesn’t that make them complicit?

ApexHunter ,

Those “good” cops stand by and do nothing while watching the bad cops be bad. Even if they aren’t going out and hurting people they are part of the problem by enabling that behavior.

toomanyjoints69 ,

ask a random homeless person for cop stories, especially if you live in a rural area.

ieatpillowtags ,

Or you could not put your body in front of a car as a means to stop it? Maybe don’t intentionally put yourself in harms way, giving you an excuse to murder?

Ilovethebomb ,

That was foolish, certainly, but it doesn’t in any way justify trying to run someone over.

dragonflyteaparty ,

Except she steered as hard to the side as possible and was going super slow. Doesn’t really seem like trying to run someone over to me.

Eggyhead , avatar

Buddy. This was because someone shoplifted.

The way you talk makes it seem like every cop in the field would have had to draw a gun on this woman. That’s laughable.

bobman ,

No, the police are not bloodthirsty murderers who look for any excuse to kill a civilian

gets in front of car

pulls out gun




the police are not bloodthirsty murderers who look for any excuse to kill a civilian

Anyways, this is just a bunch of racist trolls.

Compactor9679 , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police

So, she is told to get out, she does not. And she starts the can and try to run over the officer? Why are we surpriced she was shot?

stembolts , (edited )

Because as we have access to human reasoning combined with data, it can be seen that these events regularly occur throughout the world with far lesser routine brutality and death as the outcome.

The existence of data sets restricted by country are a natural dataset that can shine a light on outliers. When it comes to certain types of brutality, when a country becomes notable, is it unreasonable to ask questions? I would say that it is completely reasonable to do so.

What I would say is unreasonable to do, is to look at the event with a microscope when such macrosropic data exists. Or to express surprise that people wouldn’t expect extrajudicial execution of a mother and child. It shines the light back on the asker of the question, “Are they unaware, ignorant, or more-commonly, willfully ignorant.?”

The willfully ignorant are often trying to bend the world to their conception of the world instead of seeing it as it is, because that would require a call to action. We would have to identify a problem and fix it and this type of data is inconvenient, but I don’t know you, so I can’t be sure of your intentions. I hope you are able to receive this as well as it was intended, and perhaps empathize with people who still feel surprise when executions occur without trial.

Do you want to live in a world where such executions are no longer surprising, but instead a routine occurrence?

WorldWideLem OP ,

If she was trying to run him over why did she cut the wheel as far as she could to try and get around him?

bobman ,

Because she wasn’t trying to run him over.

The racist trolls know that, but they’re racist trolls so they say dumb shit to see if idiots and other trolls will believe them.

These are the same people who think Ashley Babbitt shouldn’t have been shot for trying to storm the congress building.

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