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oakey66 , in Millennials didn't kill the 'organization man' after all. Federal data reveals it was the boomers all along

The reason there’s no organization man is because people in the current times have been exposed to the lie that is being part of the organizational “family”. Since employers are willing to discard employees like they are trash and cut pay and benefits while spouting the rhetoric of being a part of the family really laid bare how all of it was a PR campaign. I will change jobs as frequently as I need to keep advancing my career. If employers don’t deliver on their promises, I don’t need to show them any loyalty.

funkless_eck ,

yeah, loyalty is earned. You can’t get loyalty unless something bad happens and then the company makes a decision in favor of the employees at the expense of the company

I just never see that realistically happening

bobman ,

It usually doesn’t, but it is possible.

Not with any publicly-traded corporation, though. They are legally obliged to do whatever will maximize profit for their shareholders.

bobman ,

I just have to say, while most companies operate exactly how you describe, that is certainly not all of them.

It’s sad. Even the word ‘company’ should mean that you’re in this together. It’s what it means in militaries. It’s what it means in social settings. It should also mean it in businesses. It used to, at one point. At one point people actually did work together and enjoyed a fair return on their labor. It was the only way to reliably get things done. People had to be dedicated.

oakey66 ,

It’s true but this is capitalism. The companies that still believe that either have a massive market share or a unique product (while it lasts) that allows them to do this. But most companies are driven by stock market share holders or by VCs. They’re all ruining it for everyone. Companies can’t afford to have bad years. If they do, employees pay for it through reductions in wages/benefits (collectively; not individually) or through all out layoffs. That always puts the employees in the line of fire. So a lot of companies can’t take care of their employees because they will get punished by their wealthy benefactors.

schema , in Millennials didn't kill the 'organization man' after all. Federal data reveals it was the boomers all along

Pay—the reason most humans work—remains a major motivator today. When consulting firm McKinsey earlier this year asked workers why they took a new job, nearly all groups gave the same No. 1 reason: More pay.

Getting a new job is usually the easiest way to get a raise, with pay for job switchers consistently rising faster than for those who keep the same job

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have the very slight suspicion that it’s not actually the workers to blame for not staying at a company their whole life.

WarmSoda ,

Correct. It’s not the millennials, or gen x, or even boomers. It’s assholes that don’t want to pay people.

bobman ,

Pretty much.

The only difference is how much each generation realizes what’s going on. Surprise surprise, as the disparity in wealth grows, more people are realizing we shouldn’t support it.

Th4tGuyII , avatar

Exactly. I'd bet good money most people don't get enjoyment out of job hopping, but it's almost necessary these days because companies have become increasingly disloyal and stingy towards employees.

If companies would just offer decent raises, meaningful career progression, and two-way loyalty, I'd bet most folks wouldn't job hop at all!

bobman ,

Yeah. I’d much rather stick with the same company for 30 years improving what I do the entire time.

alucard ,

For sure. The founders of Silicon Valley started the trend in the 60s. I didn’t see it cited in the article. Would have been a good addition. wiki

Pheonixdown ,

I was a manager at a big bank. They were having problems with attrition, so every manager had to doing a dumb HR class about retention. During the class, they asked us how we thought we could improve the retention rate. My immediate response was pay more and drop their policy of focusing on paying bonuses over giving raises. The HR person was dumbfounded and we spent the whole time talking about trust exercises…

INeedMana , avatar

At least you didn’t get thrown through the window, as in the meme comic ;)

gornar , avatar

*Putin has entered the chat

orphiebaby , avatar

Fuck the rich.

BastingChemina ,

There is a contract that is broken today

The implicit contract used to be

  1. the employee stays in the same company for years. Staying loyal and gaining experience that benefit the company.
  2. in exchange the company is improving the life of the employee, pay raise above inflation level, better benefits and better working conditions.

Today companies refuses to do their part of the contract and complain that employees don’t do theirs.

aesthelete ,

I think everyone’s forgotten about pensions here too because it’s been so long since they were commonplace.

Pensions used to be part of the contract as well.

30mag ,

Companies like to pretend employee turnover doesn’t cost money. Training people isn’t free though and replacing a skilled worker with an unskilled worker hurts productivity.

SoylentBlake ,

Pay at levels which afforded having children, buying a house, two cars, a stay at home spouse, while vacationing once or twice every year.

And a pension. Don’t forget the pension.

We’ve falling a looooooong fucking way.

bobman ,

But hey, at least the people profiting are able to buy our government now.

ZeroCool , in With DeSantis absent, Biden surveys storm damage in Florida

It could have been politically perilous for DeSantis to be photographed with Biden overlooking storm damage now as the nominating race intensifies.

My god republicans are so childish. Imagine being such a temperamental idiot that you can’t be trusted to look at a photograph of a Governor meeting the President without it somehow changing your vote.

wagoner ,

But thankfully Biden praised desantis…

bobman ,

Everyone knows republicans are idiots and scum.

Why do you think they’re the party of religion?

ZzyzxRoad , in 4-Year-Old Fatally Shot By Woman Who Was Teaching Her 'Firearm Safety,' Authorities Say

temporary custody

Why is it next to impossible for people to get approved to adopt, but any asshole can become a foster parent? I think you need more in-depth screenings to adopt from pet rescues. If the US is going to force pregnancy on people, then they really need to get a handle on the foster system. Because it’s always about “protecting the children,” right?

maniacal_gaff ,

I just watched the “Three Slaps” episode of Atlanta and it was tense and terrifying.

TruTollTroll , avatar

Went through the foster care/guardianship in Oregon for us. These kinda stories make me Soo mad. I have a lot of First hand experience with the Oregon foster system… I am adopted myself. I Was in 97 to a single woman in her late 50s (I loved my mom, make no mistake she was great and may she RIP) but it was super easy for her to adopt me… like really easy…

THAT SAID… My husband and I also had to get custody of my nephew from my sister. It was a terrible experience and I almost warn people who are interested in being a foster because of our experience…

My husband and I went through hell and back in Oregon to be become foster parents just so we could take our nephew out of foster care. As we went through the process, We got accused of only wanting him for money by a foster care certifier. (mind you the amount they pay is pennies a month for a kid) God that woman was outrageous and we had to complain to my nephews case worker, that her co-worker was sabotaging our nephews chance at permanent placement and almost backed out because she made us look so bad for asking questions and curious about how to afford this child. Very relevant question to ask, wouldn’t you say? (This foster certifier was very Catholic made it very know to me and my husband. She got upset with us when we told her we are not religious and had to tell us about all the Catholic churches and schools he should be in… and at the time, we were also not married. (Gasp I know!!)

So she put in her report, that she was suspicious of us and our reasons for being interested in this child for suspicious reasons. This was my nephew!! I was there when he was born and everyday since till he went to foster care. My mom 2020 and my sister couldn’t parent without her support… I wanted him home… it was that simple!! But this worker made It a fucking nightmare and I was sooooo angry.

Thanks to his case worker appealing for us and showing the judge the errors the certifier was claiming we finally got the foster parent certification and are now full fledged guardians of him and have yearly check ins… it was a headache and almost impossible with how long it took…

So when I see stories like this and someone who got be a foster who clearly shouldn’t be, INFURIATINES ME!!! we had to work so hard and show everything (not that it was a problem for us, we expected it) but to see those who didn’t get held to the same standards and a kid gets hurt through negligence pisses me off!!

Astroturfed ,

It’s almost like a terribly under funded government system with horrible pay that can be soul crushing doesn’t attract the best possible employees. I’m sure they know that woman is a horrible zealot who they’d love to replace. There’s no one that wants that job though.

Social services in America are embarrassing. Like it’s strait up shameful how bad our systems that are required for a functional society are ran. Reagan successfully demonized government spending as “wasteful” on anything a perfect American nuclear family wouldn’t need. Now everything is shit and the answer to needing government assistance for anything is good luck.

TruTollTroll , avatar

So much this!! And I am definitely a victim of it myself as a child growing up… at least I was able to save my nephew

Smokeydope , avatar


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  • Misconduct ,

    I get the feeling that they might be better off with the lesbians tbh. Gay people adopting or being foster parents isn’t a social politically woke experiment. They’re just people doing it for their own reasons like any other couples. I strongly suspect there’s more to them not giving those kids to you and the fact that you had to point out the color of their skin and that they were gay speaks volumes.

    bobman ,

    He mentioned neglect. He could be lying. If it’s true then those people were not fit to take care of them.

    prole ,

    They’ll just put the group homes on the coal mine’s property. Boom, two birds with one stone. Like the ol “company store” days almost.

    NightAuthor , in Mushroom pickers urged to avoid foraging books on Amazon that appear to be written by AI

    Article starts off with “scores 100% on AI detection tests” wtf. They should do a little research on that statement. Even OpenAI gave up trying to detect that shit. It’s not possible. The machines are mimicking human speech. And doing better than many actual human authors. You can’t detect that shit.

    billwashere , in Are US politicians too old? Voters weigh in


    AdmiralShat , in College students are still struggling with basic math. Professors blame the pandemic

    I blame the way they teach math

    bobman ,

    There’s not a very good way to teach math without restructuring the whole system.

    I bet a lot more people would be interested in their subjects if they could learn at their own pace and go to an expert for help when they get stuck. That way, everything they’re learning is immediately relevant to them. It’d be harder for instructors, of course. But I don’t think we should structure education around what’s easiest for the teachers.

    noxy , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police avatar

    If you see a pregnant woman anyone shoplifting, no the fuck you didn’t.

    infyrin , (edited ) avatar

    Yeah, harming them employee salaries. What a noble concept!

    Awwwww, did I piss off the retards who got r/shoplifting banned? You can justifying stealing all you want but you’re ultimate assholes for harming the stores.

    hark , avatar

    That’s not how it works.

    infyrin , avatar

    There’s been accounts of people who survived gunshots without being killed. Go find them, dipshit.

    Kalothar ,

    properly ran companies have insurance and also factor theft into their loss for the year. People need to eat to survive and corporations are literally tearing our world apart.

    So again if you see someone shoplifting, especially necessities, no you didn’t.

    (Also this is a Kroger, it’s a giant supermarket chain. If you stole full shopping cart everyday it would still affect no one monetarily)

    Quasi ,

    Shoplifting is a victimless crime. Like punching someone in the dark.

    xsh ,

    Elon, please.

    BluJay320 , avatar

    Tell me you don’t know how anything works without telling me

    infyrin , avatar

    There’s been accounts of people surviving gunshots without getting killed, retard. Go find them.

    catsarebadpeople ,

    You stupid fuck lol

    infyrin , avatar

    You’re the dumb fuck here because there’s been many stories and accounts of people who’ve survived gunshots and not died. What do you have to say to those, you stupid fuck? Huh? Not going to sound so smart then, aren’t you?

    Nurse_Robot ,

    I just checked out your post history. Holy shit do you need more help than I know how to provide. Tell a psychiatrist the shit you’re able to admit online, I dare you.

    LarryTheMatador ,

    Lol. They deleted their history. The wounded dog barks loudest.

    Nurse_Robot ,

    Nailed it

    Alwaysfallingupyup , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police

    why didnt she just got out of the car or roll down the window instead of trying to drive towards the cop? I feel that would be the correct thing to do If she didnt steal then she has nothing to worry about. Not saying shooting her was an appropriate response, just feel the whole thing could have been avoided

    SwedishFool ,


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  • alp ,

    She did escalate the situation, but she didn’t cause her own death. Shooting someone who is running away is some old west sheriff shit. She was trying to drive away, not hit the officers. The only situation that a cop should shoot someone is if their life is in direct and immediate danger.

    SwedishFool ,

    Didn’t see the bodycam, just went off what others said. I was under the impression she was flooring it straight at police officers blocking the exit. Removed my comment.

    ieatpillowtags ,

    Because they were pointing guns at her and she probably feared for her life?

    Alwaysfallingupyup ,

    Wouldnt have the need to protect themselves if she complied as they told her to. She was obviously detained

    ieatpillowtags ,

    How’s that boot taste?

    Instigate ,

    Why didn’t he just let her drive off, taking her plate details to log a warrant? I feel that would be the correct thing to do. If he didn’t stand in front of her car aiming a gun at her then he has nothing to worry about. Not saying stealing is appropriate behaviour, just feel the whole thing could have been avoided.

    Ilovethebomb ,

    Yeah, that’s not how it works.

    Yoru , avatar

    that’s exactly how it works

    floofloof ,

    It’s how it works in other countries. Many police forces would judge that this situation was not worth escalating, and not worth putting anyone in danger over, and would act accordingly.

    assassin_aragorn ,

    Most stores won’t go after shoplifters because it’s not worthwhile. Good to know cops have so little to do that it registers as worthwhile to them.

    Ilovethebomb ,

    Of course it could have been avoided, she had multiple opportunity for it to end differently.

    But don’t bother trying to tell anyone else that.

    dragonflyteaparty ,

    And the cops had ever opportunity to not murder her. But don’t bother trying to tell anyone else that.

    TheRealKuni , (edited ) in Video of police fatally shooting a pregnant Black woman set to be released, Ohio department says

    Listen, I get the whole ACAB thing, and I think the unjustified shooting of anyone is awful. And I know black people are treated extremely unfairly by the police.

    But as someone who (even briefly) worked retail, some shoplifters are batshit. I will not be surprised if the video shows exactly what the police said in this case. Being pregnant is not gonna stop a cop from shooting you if you drive your car at them. And it’s insane to think otherwise.

    We need better addiction solutions. A pregnant woman should not be risking her life to score alcohol.

    Edit: That said, I also won’t be surprised if the cops lied. Obviously.

    Edit 2: Seen the video. She shouldn’t have driven at him, but I do not think he was justified shooting her. His life was not in danger. She was at a dead stop, she could’ve floored the gas as hard as she could and he would’ve been fine. Fucking awful.

    underisk , avatar

    Somehow she made it out of the store without inflicting her hypothetical murderous shoplifter rage on anyone but I guess she was just like some kind of bull triggered by red and blue lights. Thanks for providing some entirely unnecessary made up context to preemptively justify the actions of people you apparently know are a bunch of lying racist murderers.

    TheRealKuni ,

    Somehow she made it out of the store without inflicting her hypothetical murderous shoplifter rage on anyone

    Employees aren’t supposed to engage with shoplifters unless they’re loss-prevention. You let them leave and let the cops handle it. If no one tried to stop her, of course she didn’t try to get past them. Also don’t put words in my mouth, I said nothing about murderous rage.

    but I guess she was just like some kind of bull triggered by red and blue lights.

    She didn’t want to be caught. She’s a mom with two kids and another on the way, and clearly not thinking rationally or she wouldn’t be shoplifting alcohol. If you aren’t thinking clearly and you don’t want the cops to stop you, driving away (even towards them!) while they try to stop you may seem like a good choice. Again, don’t mischaracterize what I said.

    Thanks for providing some entirely unnecessary made up context to preemptively justify the actions of people you apparently know are a bunch of lying racist murderers.

    The world is not black and white. A person is not automatically a good or bad actor in every situation purely because of the color of their skin or the uniform they wear, and pretending otherwise is childish.

    I didn’t justify anything, I simply said I won’t be surprised if the cops didn’t lie about this situation.

    Please learn to recognize nuance. The world will be better if we all strive to understand one another.

    Government_Worker666 ,

    A witness has said she put the bottles down before she left the store. I think she was scared of the two armed men using unjustified force on her

    TheRealKuni ,

    Hadn’t heard that. Having seen the video though, I really don’t think they were justified in shooting her. At all. Their lives were not in any immediate danger. Trigger happy fucks.

    bobman ,

    Thanks for admitting that you have a personal bias towards shoplifters.

    rez_doggie , in Arizona GOP rejects single-day vote proposal, angering election deniers

    These dinosaurs need to wake up

    rez_doggie , in Mushroom pickers urged to avoid foraging books on Amazon that appear to be written by AI

    Mmm boletes

    FigMcLargeHuge , in 12 things student loan borrowers should know about the return to repayment

    Here’s the fucked up part. We were all told to NOT make the payments. Well in hindsight, that was a bad idea, because I could have almost paid off my loans interest free. Now I go back to owing $10K+ and will have to pay interest on it. This whole situation is really shitty for everyone.

    Morcyphr ,

    That’s bs. No one was told to not make payments, just that required payments and interest were on hold. Same with all the idiots that decided the eviction moratorium meant they don’t have to pay rent. Ever.

    Yes, I have student loans (30k), too, and had rent payments until a year ago.

    I feel your pain, but if you could have paid on your loans, you should have. That’s on you.

    FigMcLargeHuge ,

    Ok, let me rephrase that. We were put in a situation where we had to gamble.

    Morcyphr ,

    I still disagree. We were put in a position, as I stated. What we did with that is on us. I didn’t make payments either. We were all hoping for loan forgiveness, but we mostly knew that wasn’t happening. I can say I gambled on that and lost, but I certainly wasn’t forced to.

    ryathal ,

    It was a dick move to cancel auto payments and force anyone wanting to continue to pay to go back and set it up again. There were also the people saying to not pay and invest the money, which didn’t actually work out that well if you tried it.

    There were people that said keep paying if you can, or even pay more, in many places these people were drowned out by the invest crowd.

    misterundercoat , in Video of police fatally shooting a pregnant Black woman set to be released, Ohio department says

    When police departments fight against releasing bodycam footage and only do so under immense public pressure, then still drag their feet and delay as long as possible, that tells you all you need to know.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Oh look.

    The video not only shows he had time to get out of the way, it shows him pointing the gun at her first.

    bobman ,

    They really should show the whole footage, unedited.

    People should be able to see the reality of getting shot.

    Coehl , (edited ) in Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian avatar

    The amount of people that either cannot read or cannot fathom that their preconceived notion of how this legislation will work is much too high. And the cockiness of their demeanor…

    The payments end when both criteria are met. The minor turns 18 and they have graduated high school.

    It is in the legislation. Read it before you respond.…/HB00393I.htm

    They may not need to pay after the recipient is 19.

    To all those people that wanted so desperately to get people to leave Reddit and come here, congratulations. It’s apparently working. Good job.

    Kolanaki , avatar

    For someone who is complaining about people’s reading comprehension, it’s kind of weird that you seem to have missed what the comments are actually saying they don’t understand.

    Coehl , avatar

    I’m referring to posts like this

    If people are just asking questions about what it says, I have no issue with that. But I saw none of that at the time of my post.

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