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PlatypusXray , in Musk's interference to protect Russia allowed Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, and resulted in the deaths of civilians including children - Zelensky advisor.

I wonder what would happen if a national intelligence agency was tasked with eliminating a billionaire. Could private security, however sophisticated, really deflect assassination attempts from a state? That has nothing to do with Elon Musk, though. He is way too beloved and cherished to ever become a target.

Bytemeister ,

On the one hand, we have “reaper” missiles that are basically flying guillotines, that can strike with enough accuracy to kill a particular person in a particular car seat while not harming the other occupants.

On the other hand, how many times did we fuck up killing Castro?

wrath-sedan , in The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes avatar

Grover Norquist, who heads the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, said the IRS’ plan to pursue high wealth individuals does not preclude the IRS from eventually pursuing middle-income Americans for audits down the road.

Lol love the complete lack of evidence with just a big ol dose of non sequiter fear-mongering, they MIGHT come for you next!!

WheeGeetheCat , avatar

how is it any different from now, when they come after us and NOT the rich? Like we never stopped getting policed that was rich privilege only, and only because of the complicated tax structures that open up to you once you start a business that has some cash throughput

total fear-mongering like you say

wrath-sedan , avatar

Yeah the tax structure already favors the wealthy in many ways, so the idea that more enforcement of existing laws on the higher end is somehow hurting the middle class is just laughable.

utopianfiat ,

They were coming for middle class people because we can’t afford audit defense, or massive bullshit campaigns like “omg they’re targeting conservatives!!”

HoustonHenry ,

They targeted the poorest of us, because they are severely underfunded, the IRS cant afford extended litigation. They poor can’t afford to fight back, you’re 100% right

CafecitoHippo ,

Okay. Audit me. I have W-2 wages and take a standard deduction. Like why are every day people afraid of being audited.

SheeEttin ,

Because it’s a huge hassle and you could end up being fined if they find something they don’t like.

HoustonHenry ,

I’ll happily put up with it if it means the 1% finally get to pay their fair share

CafecitoHippo ,

The vast majority of people do not have tax returns complicated enough to be worried about an audit. If you’re going through the process of itemizing your deductions, keep your receipts and have stuff saved and backed up. It’s not hard.

If you’re lying on your taxes hoping you don’t get audited, that’s your problem. The same way if you’re driving 20 over the speed limit and get a ticket. You knew the risk and did it anyways.

solstice ,

The speeding analogy is my go-to example. Many people go a little bit over and it’s not a huge deal. Some people go 20mph under and they’re just weird. Sometimes jerks get away with going 100mph and then you get a ticket for rolling a stop sign. Is what it is, most reasonable people are fine, or you can roll the dice and see what happens.

reverendsteveii ,

I love that Republicans seem to have fully embraced a fear campaign based in the idea that if the rich can be forced to obey the law that yOu mIghT bE nExT as though they aren’t also the people who gave police broad, sweeping powers to kick in our doors for any or no reason, to seize our money and then make us prove that we didn’t commit crimes to get it, to engage in warrantless mass surveillance, to establish huge swaths of America where the 4th amendment just doesn’t count if you “look like an illegal immigrant”, to establish fetus checkpoints at state borders, to make a dog’s opinion legally admissible in court if and only if that dog thinks you’ve committed a crime, and they’re trying to let the police into your bedroom to make sure you’re fucking correctly (in a cishet christian way).

We who have been overpoliced our entire lives know what they mean when they say “they might come for you next”. They mean that the police might overstep their bounds as thieftakers and thugs to keep the minorities in line and start coming for Real Americans (cishet white men) just because of a few little felonies.

dragonflyteaparty ,

Wow, that was wonderfully said.

solstice ,

100% agree, these are the same people who said about the patriot act that if you don’t have anything hide you’ve nothing to be afraid of. Or, he should have just complied or he wouldn’t have been murdered by the cops. Etc

lazyvar , avatar

Love the fear mongering for something that A) already happens, B) shouldn’t be an issue for people that are in the up and up and C) should be music to the ears of members of the “law and order” party.

dragonflyteaparty ,

But but but doesn’t the IRS just make stuff up and take your money?

solstice ,

I didn’t catch that part at first. Give me a friggin break. What a load of FUD.

These are probably the same people who say if you don’t have anything to hide you’ve nothing to be afraid of.

Cfords , in The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes avatar

Healthcare won’t be a bad idea !

gastationsushi , in Texas paid bitcoin miner more than $31 million to cut energy usage during heat wave

Isn’t this the point of capitalism? Is there a single industry out there that wouldn’t collapse without the welfare it receives from Uncle Sam?

Buddahriffic ,

Anything primarily on the black market.

willeypete23 , in Texas paid bitcoin miner more than $31 million to cut energy usage during heat wave

A lot of people don’t know how industrial scale power contracts work.

Your pissant $150 light bill isn’t worth wiping their corporate asses with. If you are without power for a week they don’t care. You can’t cancel your subscription, you just have to choke on it.

But factories? They buy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of power. They use an order of magnitude more electricity than your house. In fact, during a rolling black out they could keep every home in the city powered by shutting off just one factory. The problem is corporations have contracts that actually charge the power company by the hour if they lose power. my company charges over a million dollars an hour.

So buying some mine out of his contract for a little while is not unheard of. Tesla is on that grid so I promise it cost less to shut the miner off than to drop Tesla for a day.

theuberwalrus ,

For future reference, an order of magnitude is 10x.

SendMePhotos ,


happyhippo ,

Maybe user was referring to an Imperial order of magnitude 🤣

Buddahriffic ,

It can vary depending on context. It can mean another digit, but isn’t always in base 10.

Lexam , in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

I imagine a lot of Salaried people making $53-55K are going to get a raise to about $56K.

Squizzy ,

I don’t understand what is happening here, you only qualify for overtime if you make less than a certain amount?

greater_potater ,

No, whether you qualify for overtime is based on a bunch of factors including job responsibilities and industry. But there are two salary thresholds that basically ignore those rules.

At the lower end, if you make less than a certain amount, you qualify for overtime no matter what, regardless of whether your job would normally qualify. This is the one they’re proposing increasing.

At the higher end, your employer doesn’t have to pay you overtime no matter what. This one is six figures, though I don’t remember the exact amount.

Squizzy ,

This actually makes sense to me, I think I’d like one American employment law please.

Morcyphr ,

It’s complicated because, of course it is. There is salary exempt and salary non-exempt. To this day, I do not know which is which I just know that I’m the kind of salaried that doesn’t get overtime pay and I’m sure I never will. Maybe someone smarter than me will chime in.

QuarterSwede , avatar

You’re exempt from OT laws. That’s how you remember.

donuts , in Amazon to require some authors to disclose the use of AI material avatar

This is absolutely a good move, though I don't know how effective it'll be on its own. Unfettered AI garbage "content" is soon going to flood every storefront and service around, and the only way to really solve it is to close things down and move to more highly curated platforms. I wish that wasn't the case, but I can image a future where it's hard to find anything worthwhile in a sea of AI-generated junk.

3rihskerb , in Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis Wrote Letters in Support of Danny Masterson Ahead of Rape Sentencing; Kutcher Called Him a ‘Role Model’

The article states 50 others wrote in support of this rapist. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

“Other stars from “The 70’s Show” who wrote to the judge include Debra Jo Rupp, who played Kitty on the sitcom, and Kurtwood Smith, who played Red. Masterson’s famous family members wrote letters in his support, including his siblings Alanna Masterson (“The Walking Dead”), Christopher Masterson (“Malcolm In the Middle”), Jordan Masterson (“Last Man Standing”), as well as his brother-in-law Billy Baldwin and his wife, the actor and model, Bijou Phillips. Other Hollywood names who wrote to the judge include actor Giovanni Ribisi; Jim Patterson, creator of Netflix’s “The Ranch;” Masterson’s former publicist, Jenni Weinman; and TV director, David Trainer, who worked on “The 70’s Show” and “The Ranch.””


Whelp, whole list of people who can get fucked and whose work I will not be patronizing.

FlyingSquid , avatar

The only person in that show I had any respect for as an actor was Kurtwood Smith.

So much for that.

FrankTheHealer ,

Interesting that it doesnt say if Topher Grace (who played Eric in that 70s show) or Laura Perpon (who played Donna) wrote in support of Masterson. Either the article left it out for brevity or they didnt write in support because they dont support Masterson. Would be interested to see what the situation is there

sndmn ,

I’m glad Jim Gaffigan doesn’t appear to be on that list.

MrBusinessMan , in Americans Are Less Motivated to Work This Year Compared to Last, New Data Shows

I’ve noticed this trend at several of my businesses. It’s impossible to find good help, I even offer all sorts of fun perks like themed thursdays where everybody has to dress up to match whatever theme I pick and whoever does it best gets a Starbucks gift card. Whenever it’s somebody’s birthday that person brings in pizza for everybody to share.

I think the pandemic and government hand outs have made people extra lazy, even more than they were before.

urist , avatar

Have you considered pressuring your employees into donating to a charity of your choice with part of their paycheck? My job does that. It’s wonderful to add another charitable contribution to the list of things I spend my meager paycheck on, really helps me feel fulfilled. Maybe this is what your workplace is missing.

And, it’s like you’re crowdfunding your own corporate PR! Win-win for everyone!

MrBusinessMan ,

That’s not a bad idea. Then once I’ve gotten the employees to donate a certain amount like $5,000 I can deliver it to the charity myself in the form of a big cardboard check, and do a photo op and put it in the company newsletter so everybody knows how good I am.

urist , avatar


screams internally

Adori , avatar

Wtf, that sounds horrible, most of people want to be paid more for their work so they can live fulfilling lives, not have part of their paycheck taken away from them. Just pay your employees more, whether through capital or shares of the company. That’s what motivates people.

corsicanguppy ,

It’s wonderful to add another charitable contribution to the list of things I spend my meager paycheck on

AH, united Jeans-day-for-donators strikes again.

devopspalmer , avatar

Not sure if this is sarcasm but I’m pretty sure I’m only motivated by a good raise and not cheesy “company culture”. Especially since the price everything is up so much, a 25$ gift card which pays for maybe 1.94 cups of coffee is not going to make a difference

KinglyWeevil ,

Right. Only squeaky wheels get greased. If you don’t actively bitch and moan or threaten to leave, your company will never give you more because they assume you’re happy.

Mine gave me what appeared to be a fairly sizeable performance bump, percentage-wise, at the beginning of the calendar year.

But when I calculated it out in comparison to all the other increases they’d given me, accounted for inflation as measured by CPI, and excluded the amounts given in “class-wide” salary adjustments, the dollar amount was really put into perspective.

Per their own HR policy, an individuals position within their defined salary band is determined by their skill/merit achievements relative to the job position. Because a class wide salary adjustment also redefines the salary band, and I have a habit of snapshotting the salary bands every few months, I was able to prove with numbers that A) they’d only ever actually given me one “merit increase” that matched the words they use in my review to an actual, measurable, “skill increase” as measured by an individual’s position in the salary band.

And because the others had been so poor, using their own HR policy, they were effectively stating that I was only 2-3% better at my job than when they hired me 4+ years ago. Which was impossible, because if it were true, why would they have me actively mentoring individuals more highly paid but in the same band as myself?

It was compelling enough that they offered me an in-department “promotion” to the next grade and it came with one of two new roles, which I was allowed to trial and choose between. HR had previously squashed the grade increase two times over the previous two years, saying I didn’t have enough experience, despite pushback from the three levels of management over me. (Our HR is like comic book villain levels of sanctimonious overpowered karens left to their own devices, and are actively holding the whole company back.)

Because I was able to use their own language to state, “either I’m good enough to do the X,Y,Z you currently have me doing and therefore deserve more; or I’m not and therefore should not be responsible for the things I do for the team and will essentially ‘behave my class’ and stop doing them,” I forced their hand.

corsicanguppy ,

If you don’t actively bitch and moan or threaten to leave,

Fuck that. I left.

You can’t threaten unless you’re willing. And once you threaten, you’re next on the replacement list. You may as well pick your last day so it’s a surprise to them and not you.

Found a better job and didn’t RTO to a place turned toxic by a FIN coup and the monkey management it installed.

Sniper ,

How are you not able to tell that this is sarcasm…

stevedidWHAT , avatar

Leave it to the “BuisnessMan” to only understand what the business needs and not its people lmao.

“I make enough money to do the things that make me happy but when I offer fun dress up day instead for people they don’t wanna work for me”

People don’t want to work… for you

MargotRobbie , avatar

That’s a parody account making fun of conservatives.

stevedidWHAT , avatar

How do you know? The line between parody and disguising as parody/a joke are veeeery thin

Adori , avatar

I implore you to look into the benefits of paying people more for their work, not only does it improve the lives of your workers to be able to not just have a living wage, but a wage they can thrive on. Even the US department of Economy points to raising of wages as a benefit not just to the workers but also to the companies in increased productivity and satisfaction from workers.

Beaphe ,

I like to pick my own shitty clothes and dinner, at least then it isn’t rubbed in my face.

Rooty ,

Shitty gimmick accounts should remain on Reddit.

prole ,

I kind of agree

Aabbcc ,

Waaaah people are putting content on a website waaaaaaaaah

UFODivebomb ,

Good chuckle at the “Starbucks gift card”. I haven’t had a good manager that gave those out. Almost a perfect signal for bad management. “oh thanks… You paid Starbucks for me. How special”

The whole gift card market probably consists of: scammers ; bad management; lazy parents.

someguy3 , in Biden, Modi and G20 allies unveil rail and shipping project linking India to Middle East and Europe

Rail and shipping because you can’t go through Iran.

Saneless , in The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes

Can’t wait for people in red states making <$50k to be really mad about this for some reason

Plopp ,

For some reason? They’re just looking out for their future self. Any day now they too will be millionaires. Any day…

Buddahriffic ,

It’s just millionaires they are going after. If you get upset about this, clearly you don’t think you have what it takes to become a billionaire.

QuarterSwede , in First renderings show new California city that tech billionaires want to build avatar

So New Tuscany.

JungleJim , in Prominent activist’s son convicted of storming Capitol and invading Senate floor in Jan. 6 riot

Everything else aside, how is he the IVth if his father the IIIrd has a different name?

jwu , avatar

Those don’t need to be consecutive. King Charles III’s father was not King Charles II. So he could just be the 4th in his family with that name. And the dad was the 3rd in family with the other name.

But it’s also possibly a nickname thing.

SheeEttin ,

There’s no legal requirement for it.

tallwookie , (edited ) in Biden, Modi and G20 allies unveil rail and shipping project linking India to Middle East and Europe

with a fair bit of the manufacturing leaving China for India, Bangladesh, and other SE Asian countries it makes a lot of sense to invest in rail. smart move there.

theodewere , in Senator Tuberville: No truce over military blockade on abortion avatar

fucking terrorist

Ghyste ,

Weaponized stupidity.

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