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Pratai , in Fact check: Biden falsely claims he was at Ground Zero 'the next day' after 9/11

ROFL…. Let’s compare presidential lies, shall we?

Leviathan ,

We talking “evil doers and WMDs” or “stable geniuses”?

Dkarma ,

How about all the way back to “I am not a crook”

SkybreakerEngineer , in Marine Capitol rioter gets 1 hour of community service for each of 279 Marine Civil War casualties

Pretty sure civilian courts can’t order military discharge as a punishment.

Neato , avatar

They can order prison though.

givesomefucks ,

Nope, and the military often let’s civilian court go first, just in case there’s lax sentencing like this.

I knew a guy who was drunk and “sure” a gun wasn’t loaded, so he pointed it his riends head, and blew his brains out.

When I lost touch, he had been waiting for the civilian court case for almost a year and still in the military, but they were making his life hell in the meantime.

They were just waiting on the civilian ruling before doing their own and sending him to Leavenworth for it.

xc2215x , in US sets new record for billion-dollar climate disasters in single year

Not surprising since the July that happened.

treefrog , in US sets new record for billion-dollar climate disasters in single year

I would love to see people and local governments affected by some of these events to bring litigation against the oil and gas industry for covering up the dangers of their products.

As long as we let them privatize the profits while leaving the public with the costs, nothing will change.

AlataOrange , in Michigan woman charged with performing sex act on dog, caught by ex-boyfriend

How is this news? “Be aware, some rando you never heard of before or will hear about again did a bad in a way that will never affect your life in any way.”

TokenBoomer ,

Don’t look at climate change, or the corruption in the government. /s

xc2215x ,

Fox News sucks but what she did was disgusting.

AlataOrange ,

That doesn’t change the fact that this isn’t news. Crime is only newsworthy if it stands a chance at meaningful affecting others in the rest of the country. Why do you think we don’t write a news article for every robbery?

FlyingSquid , in Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods avatar

I’m fine if an adult wants to take this kind of risk, but this kid died and other kids have been hospitalized. We protect children from all sorts of other risky things that we allow adults to purchase. I don’t think we should allow children to purchase this.

No, it won’t stop kids from getting ahold of it sometimes. We can’t stop kids from getting ahold of alcohol and cigarettes all the time either. We should still make it as hard as possible for them to get it until they’re adults- although I think 16 should be the drinking age and 18 the driving age, but that’s another story.


From my understanding, this is the first case of actually serious consequences, and I’m sure millions of these chips have been eaten by now.

We need more stupid challenges that cause only pain but no serious, long term injury. It’s a good way to learn not to do stupid challenges, keeping kids away from the stupider ones that are more likely to do permanent harm.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I mean… the other way to learn to not do stupid challenges is to just not have stupid challenges because they’re stupid and we explain that they’re stupid.

halvo317 ,

I’m going to do the laying still in traffic challenge because the Russian Roulette challenge isn’t cool anymore

persolb ,

Problem is that kids start out dumb until the learn stuff.

I talk to some of my aunts and uncles from pre-internet and I’m not sure how they survived the stupid stuff they did.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m 46. I’m pre-internet. I did stupid shit. But not as stupid as the shit kids are doing now. I did things like walk through a bunch of poison ivy and thorn bushes because they were at the edge of the field and recess was boring.

QuinceDaPence ,

walk through a bunch of poison ivy and thorn bushes

I feel like that's more likely to kill someone than hot chip.


I’ve heard that no matter how often you tell a kid the stove is hot and will burn them, they won’t stop trying to touch it until the pain has taught them. Not sure if it’s true (or true for all kids), but I would expect the other side of that (“once they’ve burned themselves, they learn”) to be mostly reliable.

FlyingSquid , avatar

What exactly do they learn out of this? Not to eat single chips that are super spicy? I don’t get the lesson.


Don’t do stupid shit because the Internet tells you it’s a challenge.

The next time it may not be a chip but a tide pod. Or “crystals” made by blowing bubbles with a straw into a bucket of bleach and vinegar (the blowing makes sure that the victim takes a deep breath of the World War 1 gas warfare recreation they just mixed up).

matthewmercury ,

I hate that a corp saw people organically having stupid fun with stupid dare fads, something humans have been doing forever, and they made a product out of it.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m confused about this whole idea that kids will learn from this. I don’t understand the lesson.

eran_morad ,

Dolla dolla bill

Rapidcreek , in The international Red Cross cuts budget, staffing levels as humanitarian aid dries up

Climate change will force the need for these types of organizations

ChaoticEntropy , in "Write a Check for $11,000. She Was 26, She Had Limited Value." [Seattle Police] Officer Jokes with Police Union Leader About Killing of Pedestrian by Fellow Cop avatar

What a great idea to staff your peacekeeping force exclusively with narcissists and sociopaths.

Thekingoflorda , in Marine Capitol rioter gets 1 hour of community service for each of 279 Marine Civil War casualties avatar

Please edit the title to be the same as the article. See rule 4 for more information.

Brunbrun6766 , in Suella Braverman pushes for ban of 'lethal danger' XL Bully dogs avatar

I’ll let my lazy tub of lard know that she’s a “lethal danger” next time she waddles over to a new visitor shes never met and lays down with her head in their lap

PM_me_your_vagina_thanks ,

I'll let the dead kids know your dog is harmless.

CaptainEffort ,

Their dog hasn’t killed anyone, what’re you talking about?

That’s the equivalent of me blaming you for every murder ever committed by another human being.

PM_me_your_vagina_thanks ,

Them telling me their dog is harmless is fucking meaningless, what're you talking about?

That's the equivalent of me telling people that no human would ever murder because I know this one guy that's never murdered.

CaptainEffort ,

It’s the equivalent of you telling me that a specific person you know personally would never kill anyone.

Telling me that your mom, for example, would never hurt anyone, isn’t a crazy meaningless statement to make. You probably know your mom pretty well.

If the other commenter said “no dog would ever hurt anyone” then yeah, you’d be right. But that’s not what they said.

PM_me_your_vagina_thanks ,

lmao, my mum wasn't bred for violence, bro, gtfo. I'm glad my country keeps dangerous dogs out of peoples' hands.

CaptainEffort ,

Nature vs nurture my friend - we have no idea how much of that breeding actually affects their psychology. This has been debated for god only knows how long.

Some slaves were also bred for violence. So, by your own logic, we should ban all of their ancestors as well right?

PM_me_your_vagina_thanks ,

Humans are not fucking dogs you degenerate cunt. Why do pointers point without being taught? Why do herding dogs herd? Millennia of selective breeding with an animal that is known for having highly adaptable genetics. Fuck right off.

CaptainEffort ,

Humans also do shit without being taught, wtf are you talking about? You realize humans are also animals…right?

Again, nature vs nurture is a topic that has been debated for hundreds of years. So I’m sorry, but this isn’t going to be decided in a Lemmy thread by [email protected]

Ataraxia ,

Lol were they? Because I severely doubt they realized that humans aren’t anywhere near as primitive as a dog and yoy can’t just breed violence into a human like that. It takes generations of foxes to be bred to be docile, it would take 100 years or so to get any wanted result in a human.

CaptainEffort ,

and yoy can’t just breed violence into a human like that

Lol is that a fact? So humans just so happen to be the only species that selective breeding doesn’t affect? I think I’m going to need a source for that.

Either way, you responding to four of my comments within less than 5 minutes is a little weird.

Clarke311 , (edited )

Oh you sweet summer child you sweet and innocent summer child you have absolutely no idea do you. I guarantee you your mother was just as you were just as I was. We murdered every single other hominid. We butchered the Dezavonians and the Neanderthals. Then we committed to several hundred thousand years of warfare against the last remaining hominid, other homosapiens. We are the violence monkeys. As far as I’m aware we have only seen humans and certain other great apes commit to sustained generational warfare. Just because we stand up walk around and put on clothes and talk to each other doesn’t mean we’re not vilant unpredictable animals. It doesn’t mean we’ve lost a capacity for violence far exceeding any dogs ability.

Ataraxia ,

You sound like you make your livelihood off the blood of those dumb enough to buy the dogs you’ve immorally bred.

Clarke311 ,

Pretty hard to breed them when you spay and neuter them like a responsible owner

WldFyre ,

Is this a copypasta?

Ataraxia ,

All humans are one species. We have no breeds. Now if the government genetically modified some humans to indiscriminately murder for no reason then you could blame that “breed” of humans, yes.

Clarke311 ,

Unironically a racist dog whistle…

Crashumbc , in Suella Braverman pushes for ban of 'lethal danger' XL Bully dogs

I mean that picture wasn’t chosen intentionally…

Reality is pitties are a protection breed like GSDs, Rotties, dobermans.

The main difference is those breeds are expensive. Pits have become the poster child for uncontrolled breeding among people who often specifically raise them to be aggressive. They are probably by FAR the most populous breed in cities in the US. It’s easy to have the most dog attacks when you’re the most popular bread.

I honestly don’t think most pits are any more dangerous than any large bread. And banning pits isn’t going to help the issue. Which is the people raising them to be aggressive and breeding them uncontrollably. They’ll just switch to another breed.

Tatters , (edited )

This story is about the UK not the US. Pitbulls have been banned in the UK since 1991. There are not many pitbulls in the UK. Although the American XL Bully is closely related to the pitbull, it is not currently banned, but that may soon change.

bobman ,

They are probably by FAR the most populous breed in cities in the US.

I’d love to know what your source for this information is.

Crashumbc ,

Open the website for any city shelter. Get back to me.

Knowing full well I’m going to get trounced for not having “facts” the reality is there are no statistics. Even the shelters themselves refuse to keep track because of the stigma involved for pits. They use terms like “mixed breed” and “unknown”. I can say 90% of the dogs in my local city shelters are all at least a fair amount of one of the Pit breeds. As a long time involved member of the dog rescue community.

“It’s not a pitbull until it bites someone” could be a unwritten rule.

WldFyre ,

The fact that pit bulls have more difficulty than other breeds in finding a home doesn’t really work in your favor lol

phoneymouse ,

Shhhh, people would prefer to be emotional about this topic and base their views on anecdotes and media fearmongering. Please take your reason and logic elsewhere.

BonesOfTheMoon , in Republican opposition to abortion threatens global HIV/AIDS program that has saved 25 million lives

Republicans are absolutely fine with AIDS patients dying.

YoBuckStopsHere , in Shutdown risk looms as US Congress faces spending, impeachment brawl avatar

I’m so tired of Conservatives shutting down the government.

Fapper_McFapper ,

I’m so tired of conservatives.

That’s my version.

dingus , avatar

They don’t even want to conserve anything good. Their whole “family values” trope is just an engine for violent abusive men to have a green light to be violent and abusive to their families without repercussion.

Every single thing they want to “conserve” are all the things holding humanity back.

chaogomu ,

They want to conserve the power of white male supremacy and the outsized power of wealth on society.

That's the entire platform. They want select white men to have all the wealth and power, with descending social hierarchies that are fixed in stone.

So yes, everything that was wrong with the past, everything that is still holding us back. Literally so.

This thread talks about how 15-20% of the economic growth of the last 60 years was driven by being slightly less shitty to women and black people.

dingus , avatar

Businesses already know that diversity and acceptance mean more profits. They don’t even care about the value of human life.

They just figured out that:

  • Not discriminating means they have a wider group of people to sell their products to, thus most profit
  • Not discriminating means they have a wider group of people to hire, thus better, more competent hires
  • Not discriminating means fewer people have a negative outlook of their company and are less likely to boycott their products

None of that has anything to do with accepting/understanding that all human life has intrinsic value. It’s just about profits.

Yet they would dump those profits down the drain just so they could discriminate a little longer, fucking idiots.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yep. Just like how the U.S. military is spending a huge amount of money investing on doing what they can to protect themselves from climate change. It’s not because they’re woke liberals, it’s because they see the writing on the wall.

thefartographer ,

15-20% of the economic growth of the last 60 years was driven by being sightly less shitty to women and black people

But what’s even the point in having money if I can still get cancelled for calling my wife the n-word in a restaurant full of obviously-criminal Mexicans?

SheeEttin ,

Republicans aren’t even the conservative party any more, they’re regressives. The current conservatives are the establishment Democrats, like Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden. (And yes, before someone jumps on it saying he was talking to rich people, I know. If anything, that’s worse.)

bobman ,

Every conservative woman I know is a single mother with a deadbeat baby daddy.

Funny how these white people became what they criticized blacks of for so long.

MoonlitKnight ,

I’m so tired

TopShelfVanilla ,


FlyingSquid , avatar

This is entirely avoidable. They could fund the government for the next century if they wanted to.

fruitleatherpostcard , in American man rescued from cave in Turkey after being trapped for days

Musk upset because no place for his shit cave submarine or people to accuse of being paedos.

erranto , in Suella Braverman pushes for ban of 'lethal danger' XL Bully dogs

A dog is a dog, and they all have some serious ability to do harm in the face of a weaker opponent like children or the elderly, there needs to be laws to make the owners liable for any damage caused and make them get time for it. that way owner will be more responsible. or discourage them from getting dogs in the first place

UnD3Rgr0uNDCL0wN OP ,

I dont know why you’re getting so downvoted. You’re basically talking about something we’d expect in anything else that needs health and safety laws (eg when walking past scafolding, or having a handrail on a staircase). We used to have dog licensing in this country. I’m not that authoritarian in my ideologies, but I can see some real benefits in having such a scheme back, but also going further as having mandatory training, Police checks on security, etc… if not for the safety of the dog to prevent neglect. I remember seeing dogs neglected badly back on the estates in the 80s. It was fucking awful and its bad that it still goes on. Relying on private prosecution by people like the RSPCA isnt really appropriate when talking about life.

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