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I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.

Note I did not buy any food for myself.

To head off questions:

  1. No, I couldn’t cook for her. I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive. My wife is at a funeral, so I had to order food.
  2. She’s extremely picky and refused to let me order anything but pizza.
  3. We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive.
  4. No, I didn’t also have to buy her the cheesy bread or the second topping or the sauces, but it’s nice to get my daughter a treat and that is no excuse for the order being that expensive.
  5. We’re in Indiana, so this should be ludicrous in terms of pricing. This used to be the pricing I would expect when we lived in L.A. and ordered from a good local place rather than a chain.

Edit: Turns out what I should have been infuriated about is people repeatedly telling me to get takeout and having to repeatedly explain why that wasn’t an option, having people not believe I’m sick, and being repeatedly berated for not magically knowing food coupons exist on the internet when I never order food on the internet. Oh right, and also being a bad parent for not forcing food my daughter doesn’t like down her throat or starving her if she won’t eat it.

By the way, I have another thing to be infuriated about. A huge storm came in and this happened to our trees. I assume I will start being berated for not cutting them down before that happened, but because I have no power or internet at home and have to go to the library to post, your further posts telling me what an idiot I am and how I’m an awful parent and how I’m not really sick will take me a while to read. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe you’ll find someone else to treat like shit.

Anyway, have fun telling me I’m the worst person on Lemmy, just don’t expect a quick reply.

Oh, and do tell me how stupid I am for not knowing that people who clear up and fix such damage have coupons on their website.

PythagreousTitties ,

They have small frozen pizzas that are in a cardboard box at places like Aldi’s and Walmart. They’re good, they actually have crust, and cheap. $8 for a supreme. I just get one of those sometimes.

I also ordered a small pizza and wings this past weekend from the pizza place in my area. $27, for take out. It’s like fast food and pizza joints are competing to see who can get more expensive.


Just bought an ALDIs 16” pizza last night for $8.

PythagreousTitties ,

It’s not too bad, right? It’s actually got dough in it.

waz ,

If you are paying separately for the delivery, what is the tip for?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

The poorly-paid driver, who doesn’t get any of that delivery fee. I’m fine paying that part, but the delivery fee is bullshit.

Rekorse ,

I’m not so sure we should lump in the pizza driver with all the other delivery drivers. Generally being a pizza delivery person is a decent first job and they usually work in the store too, and receive an hourly wage.

Not to say you shouldnt tip them, just not out of guilt.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

It’s not guilt, it’s pity. It’s a shitty job and they don’t get paid well enough, so giving them a $5 tip helps them out.

And in a depressed economy like this town’s, it may very well not be a first job. It may be someone who lost their decent factory job.

Rekorse ,

Its just awfully hard to make assumptions either way, I think is where I’m getting hung up. I could even see some people being upset that you pity them without actual reason to.

I’m not sure if its better to assume nothing or to pick a path really though.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Considering the website asks you if you want to tip them and gives you suggested percentages, I don’t think anyone would feel that I was patronizing them by doing so. And honestly, if you get upset that someone is giving you money, you have a lot more wealth than any delivery driver I’ve ever heard of.

Rekorse ,

Its not the tip they wouldn’t like, its the pity. You don’t need to pity random strangers, you have no idea how their life is going.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

I pity them because I pity anyone who is being paid shit wages. I don’t know what Domino’s pays but I know it isn’t enough because big food chains do not pay good wages. It has nothing to do with their circumstances and everything to do with the company they work for not giving them what they deserve.

Also, they don’t know that I pity them, so I’m not sure why it matters.

waz ,

Right, I agree with you there. I guess I should invert my question. If you’re tipping the driver, what is the delivery fee for?

These two costs seem redundant.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

I don’t disagree.

scottywh ,

This is the only part of what you’ve posted in this entire thread that I agree with.

Wise up, man… You cost yourself a ton of extra money and came here to whine for sympathy and, deservingly, received none.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Really? You agree with Domino’s charging twice what they did five years ago? You agree that you should be forced to use a coupon (again, something I did not know existed) when Domino’s can obviously afford to charge less?

That’s some real “hail corporate.”

scottywh ,

They didn’t charge you double.

You volunteered to pay double.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Was I supposed to call them and demand a cheaper pizza? Once again, if they can charge what they want to charge with a coupon, why can’t they just charge that all the time?

scottywh ,

You’re supposed to not be a fucking idiot as you’ve been told repeatedly in this thread.

FlyingSquid OP , (edited ) avatar

No, get it right. I’m not an idiot, I’m a liar. And a child abuser. And I’m lying about being sick for sympathy. Get with the program.

Edit: and a 46-year-old boomer, I forgot about that one.

scottywh ,


You’re a fucking idiot and a liar but I never said anything about child abuse.

Hell, are you trying to admit to being that as well though?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Do tell me what I’m lying about. I do hope I get to post all the links about the huge con of me being sick and my amazing Mayo Clinic Photoshop that I worked so hard on again.

Also, I never said you called me a child abuser. I told you to keep up with everyone else who is telling me definitely true facts about my life.

scottywh ,

You should just delete this fucking shitpost ragebait really.

It’s stupid.

Zehzin , avatar

Stop paying your employees with this one weird trick

then_three_more ,

Even with an insane 20% tip I don’t think you’ve worked it out right. A 20% tip on the food (because why would you tip on a service charge??) comes to 4.09

TempermentalAnomaly ,

Yep. He tipped on top of the delivery charge and taxes. I it was 20% tip button that doesn’t isolate food.

then_three_more ,

Lol that’s so bad.

arin ,

By design, they know most Americans suck at math

UmeU ,

If you can tip a delivery driver $4 with a straight face I feel bad for you. $8 minimum for direct-to-doorstep food, regardless of the cost of the food.

then_three_more ,

You yanks are crazy with your attitude to pay.

UmeU ,

I didn’t say I like it, I just said that is the right thing to do.

then_three_more ,

Only because you live in a country where they don’t pay people properly.

UmeU ,

Yes, that is correct.

Also the drivers use their own personal vehicles so they experience all the extra wear and tear, fuel costs, more frequent tire and oil changes, etc.

It really is unfair which I why I make sure to tip decently.

then_three_more ,

So, you’re supporting the unfair system.

UmeU ,

I exist within the system. If I want a service which customarily involves a tip, that’s a part of what I signed up for.

Show me the legislation to abolish tipping while requiring employers to pay a fair wage and I’ll sign it.

Until then, if one wishes to receive a food delivery in the US, It’s sort of implied that you agreed to tip.

Giving a shit tip to a hard working poor person because you don’t like the tipping system isn’t the solution imo.

then_three_more ,

I thought yanks were all for the free market, tipping is the oppositeness to this as it negates the free market whereby companies complete with wages and benefits for staff.

UmeU ,

There are only like 5 companies now so the free market is broken.

They collude to keep us poor enough to not revolt, but ‘rich’ enough to keep buying their crappy products.

If they take everything we have we won’t have anything left to give them. It’s a delicate balance that they seem to have mastered as they write our legislation.

Tipping is just another way for the corporations to reduce the overhead by having the customer pay the wages of the employee directly, reducing both the budget for salaries and also the reducing ancillary expenses like unemployment insurance and employer wage withholding, occupational privilege tax, etc.

Also, I like being called a yank. It feels old timey and kind of makes me think of masturbation.

The labor market is so fucked we have phd’s competing for a job at McDonald’s.

then_three_more ,

Tipping is just another way for the corporations to reduce the overhead by having the customer pay the wages of the employee directly, reducing both the budget for salaries and also the reducing ancillary expenses like unemployment insurance and employer wage withholding, occupational privilege tax, etc.

It also makes these jobs falsely competitive against other “unskilled” jobs where tipping isn’t the norm.

MagicShel , (edited )

Us yanks aren’t all for anything. I’ve certainly become quite disillusioned about the free market over the past 40 years or so.

But in fact, free market principles suggest we would have tipless alternatives where workers make fair wages and the market could decide to reward those businesses or not. We do not have such alternatives and the market has failed us before the question is even properly posed.

uis ,

I think you are using wrong tool for this problem.

uis ,

Right thing to do is raise minumum wage.

UmeU ,

When that happens, if they raise it high enough to actually do away with tipping, then that’s great. Until then, hard working poor people need their tips.

uis ,

Preferably in cash.

Cryophilia ,

Depends on your area.

When I was a delivery driver I’d refuse anything less than $20 total, which meant about $18 of tip.

UmeU ,

$18 is a bit much, but I have 10 downvotes that say $8 is too much, so who am I to judge.

Cryophilia ,

It just meant bigger / more expensive food orders.

Delivering $100 worth of food takes almost exactly the same effort as delivering $10 worth of food, but the difference in tips is huge.

scottywh ,

20% tip is not insane.

then_three_more ,

It’s double what’s standard to tip for good service.

scottywh ,

Nowhere is the standard only 10%.

It’s been 15% for average service and more for “good” or exemplary as the standard for the half century I’ve been on the planet.

You Europeans are something else, man.

then_three_more ,

You Europeans are something else, man.

Lol because we expect companies to pay people properly rather than expecting customers to top it up.

Tipping is immoral as it allows companies to underpay. Tipping is anti free market as companies should be competing for staff through their remuneration packages.

The thing I’ve never understood about tipping culture in general and especially the American culture around it is why some low paid staff get it and some don’t.

Why do you tip your food delivery driver and not the guy delivering your Amazon package?

Why do you tip your wait staff, but not your supermarket checkout assistant?

scottywh ,

No, because you like to lie to yourselves that you’re superior and that your model is what is best and the same as everywhere else is or should be.

It’s delusional masturbatory bullshit.

(Speaking from experience as someone who has actually done both jobs) it’s primarily because the Amazon driver is paid more fairly… Notice I didn’t say they’re paid fairly, just more fairly… But also because there’s no expectation of interaction with the Amazon driver.

Regardless of your beliefs on morality you don’t have some moral high ground to preach to anyone based simply on where you were born and the customs that your culture chose to adopt before you were.

Get over yourself.

aesthelete ,

FYI the value size pizza is almost always the largest one they have.

Godric ,

Did you order online?

Did you ignore the deal they shove in your face as soon as you visit the website that would have made the order much cheaper?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

You mean the deal where I have to order two of something and pay $7 for each one? That would have been more expensive and a waste of food.

Godric ,


Don’t complain about how things work when you don’t know how things work XD

Click on the 2 or more deal and do some exploring, this is a learning moment that will revolutionize your Domino’s experience forever!

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Don’t complain about how things work when you don’t know how things work XD

Again, why is it my fault that Domino’s is taking advantage of my not knowing how their system works? The last time I ordered a pizza before this, you had to do it by phone. I don’t order pizza. So why should I be expected to know how ordering pizza over the internet works? Am I supposed to absorb the information indirectly somehow?

What exactly do you have to gain by defending corporate deceptive practices?

Godric ,

Buddy I’m not “defending deceptive corporate practices”, I’m trying to teach you how to use the deals they shove in your face so you can save money.

Domino’s isn’t “taking advantage of you not knowing how the system works” when they plaster the deals in all caps on their homepage. They want you to use the deals, and make it very easy to use the deals.

I would think there’d be less obstinate boomerism on Lemmy, but apparently not. You have eyes, you have fingers, and presumably a brain. You could have used them, you didn’t. You paid more than you had to as a result. You now have the option to learn, and not make the same mistake again.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Considering people keep insisting I do something I didn’t know was a thing I could do and berating me for not knowing it, I think getting mildly annoyed by people saying that, and the people telling me to get takeout when I can’t, is damn reasonable after dealing with people saying it for a day.

I’m sorry I don’t know what I don’t know and I’m tired of getting berated for not knowing what I don’t know as if I somehow should have known it through osmosis.

I’m not a boomer, I’m 46. I just don’t order pizza. Hence my putting that in the headline. I probably won’t order pizza again either unless something unexpected like this happens again.

itstoowet ,

I feel for you dude, the pizza should just be the fair price without having to dive into some stupid deal system. Just sell the pizza for the price of the damn pizza. The other guy sounds like a silly domino’s evangelical lmao. “I have dominos wisdom, hear my words!!”

Such a weird thing to defend their business practices, it’s not even quality pizza.

naeap ,

Hey man, just wanted to say that I'm on your side

I hate it that prices are getting somewhat hidden or I need to shop in a specific manner to get a discount.
Just tell me your fucking price and then I'll decide, if it's worth it for me.
I don't care to read or search through your website for offers. I want to order what I want and that's fucking it

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Thank you. Exactly.

DarkDreamer13 ,

But in the picture you can see CHEESEY BREAD is among the options you can choose along with pizza. So the TWO THINGS you did order would count for the TWO THINGS you need. It would therefore be cheaper and the same amount of food. You’re getting mad at people in the comments because you didn’t take the time to read, nay, even LOOK AT THE DAMN PICTURES of the deal.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

What size pizza? How many toppings?

And, yet again, I didn’t know these coupons were a thing.

TheOakTree ,

By utilizing the Choose 2 combo, the total cost (assuming same delivery cost and adjusted tax) would be about $25 dollars including a 20% tip (based on total and not subtotal, as in the picture). However, that would include a medium pizza instead of a small pizza.

It’s not a massive difference. It is definitely a meaningful difference, but it’s still pretty costly for 2 meals worth of food.

stinerman , avatar

Most people have already pointed it out, but I must say, I don’t recall the last time I ordered pizza and didn’t use a coupon.

Chozo ,

Those mailer coupons are the only reason I ever order a pizza delivery anymore. The cost of delivery fees, tips, and the food itself keeps going up and it's becoming harder to justify the purchase unless I'm getting a significant discount somehow.

I used to order pizza fairly frequently, too. Like once every 2-3 weeks or so. But it's just so expensive now, I think it's been probably 3 years since I've ordered one.

fitgse ,

Food is crazy. My wife went to jersey mikes and got a sandwich for herself. It came out to $17.50!

sunzu ,

Fastfood lost their fucking minds lol

raynethackery ,

Sending hugs my airborne cephalopod.

bitchkat ,

Next time buy her a large 1 topping and pick it up for $7.99.

Cryophilia ,

Yeah the delivery stuff was a quarter of the price at least, and depending on how they ordered it the base prices could have been inflated too.

zipzoopaboop ,

Then look at the price before confirming doofus

Burn_The_Right ,

OP is not complaining about accidentally buying something without checking the price. OP is very clearly complaining about insane inflation, which I will argue is completely manufactured by corporations, therefore warranting complaints from OP and the rest of us.

01011 , (edited )

I’m not a huge pizza person but paid $30 for a 9 inch from a pizzeria in Chicago a couple of months ago. It was tasty so I didn’t mind but it did seem quite a bit higher than the last time I had pizza.

I’d never give Domino’s that much for a pizza though, from what I recall their offerings are subpar.

state_electrician ,

The local pizza place, a restaurant, has pizza Wednesdays. Every 11" pizza for 7 Euro and you have to pick it up, so you don’t have to tip anyone. That’s the only time I order pizza.

uis ,

Inches and Euro? UK?

absentbird , avatar

I think the UK still uses pounds for money. Pizza is one of those weird things that is frequently measured in inches even in otherwise metric nations.

uis ,

Huh. In former land of victorious socialism(or at least in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus) common pizza sizes are 25/26, 30 and 40 centimeters.

samus12345 , avatar

Yup, UK never went for the Euro. Brexit foreshadowing.

state_electrician ,

No, I just felt there were more Americans in this thread and I didn’t want to upset them, so I converted 28cm into 11 inches. But I didn’t feel that converting the price would make sense, because of cost of living, so I left it in Euro.

uis ,

Ah. Makes sense. Didn’t want to scare them with units of liberté.

SpeedLimit55 ,

Dominoes has a choose any 2 or more for $6.99 each which includes medium 2 topping pizza, bread, chicken etc…. Check the coupons page next time

Kcap ,

A domino’s employee told me to use coupon code 9193 at checkout, he said it’s the best one that all the employees use. Hope it helps y’all 🤷

StaySquared ,

You are the parent of your daughter… yet she dictates to you what she eats?

There’s your problem to begin with. You know what happened when I refused to eat what my mother made? Dealt with it… by not eating anything.

Yeah yeah here comes the downvotes from non-parents and parents who don’t know how to parent.

Also, thanks Biden. The economy is doing GRRRRRREAAT!


FlyingSquid OP , (edited ) avatar

Intentionally denying food to a child is child abuse. So I hope you are a non-parent if that is how you think you should treat children.

Edit: Oh wait, I forgot, I’m the abusive parent here.

StaySquared ,

Intentionally? No… they have two options. Eat was has been made or don’t. It is THEIR decision. lmao “child abuse”. Goodness that’s weak af.

FlyingSquid OP , (edited ) avatar

How would you like it if someone said to you, eat this thing you can’t stand or go hungry? Because that’s the choice you’re giving. Eat something that makes them feel sick and disgusted or starve.

People are allowed to not like certain foods. Why do you think it’s acceptable to give any human being the choice to eat what you want them to eat or don’t eat? That’s literally how they punish prisoners. Look up nutraloaf.

StaySquared ,

If the food is literally giving them sickness, that’s one thing. Tell me, are parents in African tribes abusing their children when they give their children only two options, eat or don’t? How about parents in war torn nations? I’m not giving my kids the luxury, that’s not how many of us around the world, outside of the Western world roll.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Which African tribes?

Holyginz ,

It’s a troll. I doubt they have a kid or married based on their responses. And if they do I feel bad for them. Most of the time if the comment is overly antagonistic they just want to get a rise out of someone since their life is empty and it’s the only way they can feel a spark of enjoyment in their life. You have done literally nothing wrong here and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Thank you.

Holyginz ,

Absolutely. I am not very good at it myself, but the best way to deal with these people is to ignore them. Without attention they get bored and do other stuff. Either that or you fight their nasty by being nasty in return. But they have no shame so you kind of have to sink to their level. I will admit I do that from time to time myself to release steam, but its not great for your mental state to do it a lot. Sorry about the ton of unsolicited advice, I just hate seeing it when trolls are tormenting people about things they have no business talking about.

FarmTaco ,


LordGimp ,

A child with agency?!? Making decisions?!?? Not in MY white fright dystopia they wont!! I was abused and therefore I am entitled to abuse any child I see, because I am a child in my mind! Why would I ever address my own deficiencies when I have a political figure to scapegoat every decade or so?

StaySquared ,

I’m Latino, wife is Arab… we are not the same as you gringos. Your child has authority over you, we have authority over our children. This is the way.

Stay salty.

Holyginz ,

Children obeying you because they are afraid of being beaten isn’t having authority over them. Its abuse, but sure, fall back on racism to feel superior.

StaySquared ,

Someone should have called you out for claiming, I used, “beating” or that my children are afraid in general of me and or their mother… Instead you got upvotes… dafuq is wrong with your reading comprehension? You high? Too much my little pony?

Holyginz ,

Sure sure, keep going. You are TOTALLY getting back at me. Go on, keep trying the tough guy act. If nothing else it’s amusing.

PythagreousTitties ,

No one likes you, that’s all.

Nicoleism101 ,


madcaesar ,

You were making a good point then went batshit 🤷‍♂️

RizzRustbolt ,

8 dollars for bread and cheese is beyond “mildly” infuriating.

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