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phoenixz , in Know the difference.

Also victims of communism: anyone aged 1-99 who happens to be the wrong family, who practices wrong think, who has family members who practice wrong think, who have an opinion, who like to be different, and I can go on for a while…

People like you should maybe watch 'the chekist". Once you’re done and not crawled up in fetal position while crying maybe you can think for a little bit about what it is that you really want.

Seriously, you tankie types are nauseatingly naïeve.

Grayox OP , avatar

Rent seeking behavior is wrongthink. Being Royalty is practicing wrongthink. Communism is built on Critical Theory making criticism of society its bedrock. I dont consume propaganda, I try to stick to primary sources as close as possible and make my own.

Seriously you Capitalist Apologists are so brainwashed by literal Cold War Propaganda its pathetic.

FluffyPotato ,

The USSR had a minimum sentence of 5 years of forced labor for being gay. Being gay is also apparently wrongthink.

archomrade ,

Between 1907 and 1937, over 30 U.S. states passed compulsory sterilization.

Woops, wrong thread.

Acinonyx ,


archomrade ,

I was using the same implied argument he was, bud

Grayox OP , avatar

Advocating for Communism is not Advocating for the USSR.

FluffyPotato ,

You say that but there are numerous people in the comments defending both the USSR and Stalin.

Shyfer ,

The USSR did good things and bad things but reactionaries like to pretend it was all bad. There are hard numbers about life expectancy increasing, better life for women, research achievements, general quality of life and happiness metrics, and more that increased. There was lots of bad parts, but same in the US.

There were anti gay laws on the books for the US, and towns you couldn’t even walk in while black. Hell, there are still some sundown towns in places in the US. If you just point out that stuff, or if you lived in such a horrible area or had family who did spreading their stories, then it will just come off as a hell hole. The US does suck, but it’s not just Skid Row, the projects, lynch mobs, coups, wars, etc. Same for the USSR. There were good things we can save and build on, and bad things we need to avoid for future socialist projects.

It’s not like the first attempts for democracy went well, either. But I wouldn’t diss it in the Middle Ages and say we can only do monarchies, the pinnacle of political achievements, just because " it never succeeded. It fell in Greece and the Roman Republic and every other time it’s been tried, and has never worked ever and thus is always doomed to fail."

FluffyPotato , (edited )

My problem with people citing those metrics is that they are true for Russia itself while ignoring that a large reason for those improvements was colonialism done to the occupied regions. Industrialisation was another thing that improved those metrics but that was hardly unique to the USSR. Some of those regions may have had benefits but here in Estonia it was pretty much all around bad. After the occupation ended the quality of life here improved rapidly.

As far as examples for socialism I’d say the USSR was an all around failure but people still defend it and even Stalin who basically guaranteed it’s failure as a socialist project. In the baltic region the word communism is basically poisoned because of the USSR.

OurToothbrush ,

You need to look at the referendum to maintain the soviet union before you say shit about imperialist Russia. Non-russian SSRs were most enthusiastic about keeping the USSR around.

FluffyPotato ,

The one boycotted by 6 of the 15 territories? Or the ones that followed in each that led to them declaring independence which in turn led to the collapse of the soviet union?

The baltics were 3 of those boycotting territories and we had similar referendums for independence which, I’m pretty sure, all got over 70% support.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

The one boycotted by 6 of the 15 territories?

That’s the one, where Russians had less interest in the USSR than the participating territories.

Or the ones that followed in each that led to them declaring independence which in turn led to the collapse of the soviet union?

Sure, and not the presidential coup. Get real.

The baltics were 3 of those boycotting territories and we had similar referendums for independence which, I’m pretty sure, all got over 70% support.

And the Baltics are doing so much better now.

I’m reminded of a story of Lithuania charging holocaust survivors for fighting as partisans against the nazis in WW2. It happened in 2009. They’ve gotten more fascist since. Wonder what itd be like if the USSR was never overthrown.

FluffyPotato ,

The baltics are actually doing much better now yea, by pretty much every metric.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Yes, slightly improved metrics sure compensate for the systemic nazi rehabilitation /s

And for the overall lowering of living conditions across the former USSR /s

FluffyPotato ,

Nope, living conditions have improved massively and way less nazies here than Russia as well.

Shyfer ,

That’s been an issue in constant capitalist countries, too. That’s not an issue of communism and is an unrelated complaint.

FluffyPotato ,

Yea, I know, I’m not defending capitalism. I’m saying every attempt at communism has been fucking horrible for not just landlords and capital owners.

Shyfer ,

And a lot of attempts have also been great at raising the standards of living for the general population, as well as for economic development in a relatively quick amount of time.

FluffyPotato ,

In the USSR those improvents were for Russia, not so much for their colonised regions where they exported resources from. Industrialisation also helped but that’s not really unique to anything.

archomrade ,

The complete lack of self awareness is truly astonishing

brain_in_a_box ,

Source: it came to me in a dream

OurToothbrush ,

And socialist nations like the GDR were better on gay rights in the late 80s than capitalist nations are now.

And Cuba has the most lgbt equality of anywhere right now

And China is opening state sponsored trans Healthcare clinics, including for children

Meanwhile in the US if you’re trans you can’t live in half of the country and you’re worried about getting hatecrimed in the other half. And you have pundits of the capitalist class calling you pedophiles and “the jews of gender”

Also, gay liberation movements in the imperial core were mostly led by communists, you can’t give credit to capitalism for being forced into granting concessions.

interdimensionalmeme ,

That’s just regular authoritarian statism, tribalism and human herd behaviour.

Anyone unfortunate enough to have lived through high school knows how dangerous the little human empires are.

platypus_plumba ,

Yeha, I could also point far right authoritarian governments and say that capitalism is bad… But that would be stupid.

jkrtn ,

Somehow I assume you don’t associate capitalism with chattel slavery and apartheid. But you do associate corrupt authoritarianism with economics when it is system that you don’t like.

EchoCT ,

Slaves are e human capital. So by definition weren’t plantations capitalist?

jkrtn ,

I think they are very much capitalist. And then surely the Civil War that poors fought on plantation owners’ behalf should also be blamed on capitalism?

phoenixz ,

What is it with people here thinking that earning a wage is slavery? That requires either a complete lack of understanding what slavery or just some serious impressive mental gymnastics.

I associate corrupt authoritarianism with communism because it’s an inevitable outcome. Communism only works of you remove individual freedoms and force people into it. This, by design, requires a dictatorship. Dictatorships foster corruption because you can’t have transparency.

ganksy , in smoking avatar

Fuck they don’t. Stop paying people to destroy your health! I stopped just like that. I take care of my father in laws who smoked until he was 75. Lost his leg due to poor circulation. Lost toes on second leg. Doctor was able to squeeze out circulation in one last hardening artery in his remaining leg. Told him if he didn’t quit he would lose that too. He stopped smoking the next day. Still has that leg. We use nitro patches to keep circulation going on his foot. If he gets a sore or cut it takes months to heal.

Fuck smoking! Don’t trade your later days for today.

bolexforsoup ,

Addiction isn’t simply “deciding to stop” dude. Congrats you were one of the exceptions but have a little empathy here. This is bootstraps nonsense.

BCsven ,

It was for my dad, he smoked from 16 till about mid 40s, then one day he said I’m done with the expense of this habit and never went back. My mom kept smoking till 60 then just gave it up. For some will power is enough

bolexforsoup ,

Yes it indeed is. They are the exception.

ganksy , avatar

I do have empathy. It is a very steep hill. For some, seemingly vertical. I also care very much about people’s health (and my own). Your health is more important than the urge or habit. My point is mostly that if we had the ability to be in our future bodies to feel the effects we all know are coming, that hill would be horizontal.

Varven OP , avatar

That may have worked for you but for other people it’s not so easy nicotine is very addictive and smoking also makes you feel good it makes you rely on it mentally and physically and you don’t feel like yourself when you stop smoking also smoking is related to being social with your friends and having breaks at work witch are good for your mental health

skeezix ,

Nicotine is 7 times more addictive than heroin.

Varven OP , avatar

Yer I know it’s one of the most addictive substances but I didn’t know it was that addictive

9488fcea02a9 ,

I keep hearing how addictive nicotine is (7x more than heroin??), but in my experience, i never got addicted. Is there something wrong with my brain?

I never smoked two packs a day, but i spent at least 3 years smoking socially (2 or 3 smokes at work every day and then 2 or 3 smokes at the bar on the weekend). So around a pack a week.

But during that time, i could always just take a week or two off if i needed to. I always wanted a smoke (especially with a beer or coffee) but i could resist the urge, no problem.

At the end of the 3 years, i just quit cold turkey. I would keep smoking once in a while with a beer, but i never went back to regular smoking…

Do you only get addicted if you’re smoking a pack a day or more?

ummthatguy , in Protect yourself friends. avatar
thefrankring , avatar

I love Linkin Park but I use Linux.

And it doesn’t run .exe

So sad. :(

ummthatguy , avatar


Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long for it to come up.

thefrankring , avatar

You’re welcome!

Noodle07 ,

Something something arch

jaybone ,

I run limewire on an integrated rack of Commodore 64s.

swab148 , avatar

Sure it does, just need a little Wine!

thefrankring , avatar

Yes, but no.

dumbass , avatar

The wines for you to drink while angrily trying to get a stupid exe you only need once to work.

MonkeMischief ,

And in the end, ItDoesntEvenMat.tar

Allero ,

I tried so hard, to Linux it all

capt_wolf , in Next Gen of Viral Meme avatar
AliOski ,

Not even needed. You can open the Microsoft store to install Firefox or if winget is pre installed you can use winget.

SaltyIceteaMaker ,

Problem with the store is it encrypts the files. Ateast the last time i used it

hakunawazo , in smoking
NutWrench , in The fuk? Please help me complete this insane captcha avatar

Well clearly it’s the truck. If you don’t eat that truck right away, it’s gonna spoil.

Enkrod , in smoking avatar

I was very very lucky.

I turned 26 when I heard myself coughing like a 66 year old chainsmoker with cancerous lungs, found I was unable to run up stairs and out of breath after carrying groceries inside. I had to have a cig every morning so I would be able to have a shit at all, but if I did… that first drag sent me rushing to the bathroom, it got so bad, I had to light the first one while sitting on the loo, or i’d shit my pants.

That’s when I found myself disgusted with myself. I stopped, I simply stopped. From 38 cigarettes per day to 0. I am so happy it worked, because I am a very easily tempted personality and tend towards addiction in anything that gives my brain pleasure.

It took a year before I completely stopped coughing and two years before I could run up those stairs again, but one day I simply realized “Oh my! I’m not out of breath. What… what happened? Oh, yeah I quit smoking! Damn this feels nice!”

EssentialNPC , in The fuk? Please help me complete this insane captcha

Oh, I see your mistake. Those are Samsung fridges. Nothing has a shorter lifespan than a Samsung fridge. Since there are two they will die together to maximize the inconvenience factor, and they thus must be clicked simultaneously. That is the only way a fake Samsung fridge could mimic the frustration caused by a real one.

umbraroze , in Protect yourself friends.

Fun thing, the last time I used LimeWire was actually in Linux. So obviously I was immediately highly suspicious about .exe results. (Wouldn’t even have been able to run them anyway. Wine was far less functional back then.)

SaltyIceteaMaker , in The fuk? Please help me complete this insane captcha

Had a similar one the other day trying to log into Microsoft to play sea of thieves

It say “please click on the object that’s similar to the following silhouette’s”

It apperantly was th robo head or whatever that is

pyre ,

but to be fair, is it really a captcha if it doesn’t give you nightmares?

ours ,

They’re going to start using Voight-Kampff tests soon I bet.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , in Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources avatar

I’m gonna be honest.

The main reason I don’t like Firefox is the ui.

It’s one of those things where I’ve been using chrome for so long that switching to anything else is infuriating. Trying to learn the layout and all the features. Trying to figure out how to do things that are intuitively design on Google.

If someone made pretty much a 1 to 1 copy of Google without all the bullshit I’d use it in a heartbeat.

macgyver , avatar

Well bud, you can literally customize Firefox with css. So get to learning

silasmariner ,

shots fired! Shots fired!

chocosoldier ,

fuck it, where do i start? if spending a little bit of my time writing a css sheet results in Google losing market share i’m 1000% down.

macgyver , avatar Don’t flame me for a Reddit link lol

chocosoldier ,

not at all, thank you!

qprimed , (edited )

frantic ignoring reddit sounds

dishing out the tools to help users take back control of their lIves. hero quality.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

That’s the worst part about all of this.

I don’t even know what css is 😭

macgyver , avatar

It’s what makes HTML look fancy. You can also find something you already like

uhN0id ,

How did I never know about this? This might make me switch to Firefox sooner than planned. Thanks for sharing!

erev , avatar

You can drag and drop your toolbar, extensions, and layout.

Klear ,

This is certainly a hurdle to overcome. Google helped by changing the Chrome UI for the worse in some ways I care about, but migrating to a new browser and getting used to different UI is enough of a hassle that I’m still holding out until adblock actually stops working before I make the switch.

mub ,

I have the same problem the other way around. When I use chrome it feels like I’m using a kids browser. Slightly cutesy with too many curvy bits. Sort of like the difference between Duplo (chrome) and Lego (Firefox). Basically the same thing, but also not.

Zerush , avatar

UI in Vivaldi is unique, you can set it to simple as an old IE or to an dashboard of an Spaceshuttle and everything in between in the settings and more with CSS. Also using of more than 4000 themes, or made and share your own. You can install Chrome extensions, but most are redundant because of the own inbuild ones, or even install directly userscripts as extensions.

Mountain_Mike_420 , in smoking

It’s super hard to quit but I’ll tell you what helped me. I got altoids and every time I wanted a smoke I’d eat a mint. If I still wanted a smoke I’d eat another mint. At break I’d go out with all the smokers and I’d eat a mint. Driving home I’d eat a mint. It took a few containers of mints but I eventually got sick of mints (and cigarettes). After I quit I would still try taking a drag off a random cigarette and I absolutely hated it. Not sure if I rewired my brain or what but I was able to stay off the smokes. Good luck. You got this.

Pro tip: take your smoke money and save it in another account or a piggy bank or whatever. You will be blown away about how much your addiction was costing you.

Varven OP , (edited ) avatar

Yer i stay well away from it I’ve heard it does some pretty nasty things to you I have seen what it can do though my grandpa was a heavy smoker he died of a stroke

disguy_ovahea ,

I did the same with mixed nuts. I kept a big container in my car for stop-and-go traffic during my commute. It was the only way I made it through the first few months.

Mango ,

This sounds like excellent advice! I’ll try it!

garbagebagel , in Protect yourself friends.

Shout out to that time when I was like 11 and tried to download a lil bow wow song and my sister and I were greeted with a full screen p-in-v POV amateur porn on the family computer.

jaybone ,

And then she got stuck in the dryer?

087008001234 , in Protect yourself friends.

Localized entirely within 20 kilobytes?

jaybone ,

In this sector?

NauticalNoodle , (edited ) in Protect yourself friends.

it’s cool, I use linux now. It’s secure -mostly.

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