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Skyline969 , avatar

Linux Mint. Cinnamon. With a Windows Vista theme. It confuses and/or irritates everyone who sees it.

rovingnothing29 , avatar

What’s it called?

nehal3m ,


Melatonin ,

^ this ^

Fedegenerate ,

Linux does what Windont?

Skyline969 , avatar

Not sure but it’s by B00merang-Project. Check their site.

Melatonin ,

I was going to go Mint/Cinnamon, but now I’m going to more.

slacktoid , avatar

Nice! Not my thing but I’m glad that you can enjoy the Vista theme (I remember enjoying it when it came out)

dan , avatar

I’m using the Windows XP Bliss wallpaper on my Fedora PC at work. I’ve had a few people ask about it haha. Most of the company uses Macs.

JoMiran , avatar


umbrella , avatar

kde has some impressive windows themes that are REALLY convincing

rtxn ,
DickFiasco ,
SnotFlickerman , avatar

Possibly a perfect use of this.

Forester , avatar

Hannah Montana FTW

superkret ,

RebeccaBlackOS > Hannah Montana Linux

Forester , avatar

It’s Saturday not Friday

TheTechnician27 , avatar

So going off the chalice in the movie, the distro that will save you from judgment is the plainest one – the one with the least bloat? That tracks.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

“the cup of a carpenter coder”

Telodzrum ,

Is this going to be Arch or Debian?

marlowe221 ,

That’s just what I was going to say - that will either be Arch or Debian…

barsquid ,

More like Alpine or something else without systemd. I mean no shade (well, a bit of shade) since I’ve got Fedora myself. Alpine doesn’t even have glibc IIRC.

pimeys ,

Musl can be a bit annoying compilation target sometimes. Usually it works but I’ve debugged bugs a few times that were due to musl target.

I prefer my distro with glibc…

Forester , avatar

Can you explain why everyone hates systemd

I started and still work in rhel

barsquid ,

I think it is breaking the Unix philosophy, it is an enormous piece of code that does so many different things. My ideal is smaller components with smaller dependencies. When distros or software becomes inextricably dependent on systemd they are then beholden to whichever direction the maintainers take it.

My take on it is somewhat based on “what if.” Other people have some pragmatic discussions on security aspects if you search around.

Telodzrum ,

In 2024, having systemd is less complicated than not having it.

jollyrogue ,


dream_weasel ,


Also kudos to you for your modding last couple days.

SpacePirate ,

So… Slackware?

Crismus ,

I recently installed Manjaro. It works for my games right now

communist , avatar

I highly recommend avoiding manjaro like the plague, their team is incredibly incompetent (see: ), I say this as someone who has given people manjaro for years and regretted it, I was also their it person, manjaro regularly broke every few months and gave people a very bad taste of linux

for example, why are kernels given version numbers in packages? This caused 3 separate peoples computers to break multiple times. Everything good about manjaro comes from arch, everything bad about manjaro comes from the manjaro team.

Y’know how it’s not rolling release because they delay packages by 2 weeks? They actually do no testing in this time. How do I know this? They pushed an update that caused steam to uninstall your desktop environment. Famously covered by linus tech tips… this is something that should have easily been caught, and yet the two week window did absolutely nothing.

the truth is for manjaro there is no real usecase, there’s no set of desires that align with manjaro being the best choice for you. I am not asking you to switch away from manjaro, but I do not think we should ever recommend it to anyone, and on your next machine, I recommend trying the arch installer.

But if what you’re looking for is an easy pre-setup arch, use endeavoros

If you want something simple and up to date, use fedora kinoite

If you’re a power user and want to configure every little thing about their system, use arch or nixos

If you don’t care at all about updates and want the most rock solid system possible, debian.

JackbyDev ,

If openSUSE Slowroll wasn’t experimental I’d recommend it in place of Manjaro. It’s a rolling release with monthly releases.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

This is why you just fucking lie and say “Arch btw”

aniki ,

Or just suck it up and learn Arch and never worry about the incredibly minor differences in distros

atmur ,

For as much as Linux nerds (myself absolutely included) complain about distros like Ubuntu and Manjaro, I’d still take either one over Windows or MacOS any day.

OpenStars , avatar

Mac OSX isn’t bad… so long as you sell it your soul, and don’t want freedom in return, it’s great 👍.

I kid… mostly - it’s iOS that is horrifying, but Mac OSX is still Unix (tho not GNU), so not anywhere within leagues of Microdick.

And - possibly dumb question - couldn’t you always just run a Linux VM at near-native speed, and get the benefits of both?

nightwatch_admin ,

You can use UTM on an M1 or up Macbook and iOS/iPadOS:
It is not VirtualBox yet, but it is moving fast. And thank $deity it’s not Oracle… like VirtualBox

aniki ,

How does this work with containers?

Petter1 ,

I’d say iOS is still unix too, just rootless.

GregorGizeh ,

“always” in this case is when you have two or more gpus in your system, which limits the ability to “just” run a vm considerably.

OpenStars , (edited ) avatar

Ah, for gaming, yes Macs are not fantastic gaming machines that’s for sure.

Then again, Linux has long been known to have issues with gaming as well, especially with an Nvidia card…

Unless you use Steam, and then both work, kinda?

Still it seems like it’s Linux and Mac OSX on one side, and Microsoft left behind thousands of years in the past, except maybe for gaming where literally an old Windows running on a VM may run the widest selection of games?

But I still don’t see the logic of grouping Macs together with Windows, even for gaming.

For VMs, I expected more someone to bring up the switch to the M1 chipset, a huge setback for VMs definitely even if temporary, though I’m old enough to remember that Linux and Macs both running Intel were often easier to get things running on than Linux on Intel vs. Linux on AMD. But things definitely change over time, as to what is easiest at any given moment.

Microsoft sucks tho - now THAT’S universal. Can’t we all just get together, united in our hate for it?! (/s, or, well, actually… not!)

Edit: hey, anyone want to start like an anti-Windows or I-fucking-hate-fucking-Windows community? I’ll join it today if you do!? :-)

RmDebArc_5 , avatar

A VM doesn’t change the underlying OS collecting data from you

abfarid , avatar

Privacy and data collection-wise MacOS is fine. It’s their main selling point. Doesn’t even force updates on you. I know it’s a low bar, but damn Windows bar is at the floor at this point.

RmDebArc_5 , avatar

MacOS collects a large amount of data compared to Linux (although not even close to windows). Take a look at their tosdr page and this

abfarid , avatar

I didn’t say it’s perfect, but it’s not terrible. And I think that page is mostly about Apple services, like iCloud and stuff, not MacOS specifically. It’s not necessary to use the services.

helenslunch , (edited ) avatar

Privacy and data collection-wise MacOS is fine

At best it’s “okay but not great”.

It’s their main selling point.

The millions of people who log into Facebook on their MacBooks prove that’s not true.

abfarid , avatar

I mean, if you log in to Facebook at all, whatever MacOS collects is a drop in a bucket in comparison.

helenslunch , avatar

Yes that’s my point

aniki ,

You have no point.

helenslunch , avatar

Uhhhh I mean I’m pretty sure I did…

abfarid , avatar

I think their point is that people don’t actually buy Apple products for privacy and therefore it’s not “the main selling point”.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Yeah, that’s what network-level blocking is for.

pimeys ,

Zenarmor ftw.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

damn had not heard of that and I have so many friends fucking with OPNsense. Thanks!

OpenStars , avatar

I had to look it up (e.g.…/317371-evaluating-apples-data-c…) and damn, I didn’t know that they collected and sent THAT detailed of info!? (and perhaps they didn’t, until Big Sur)

Even so, as the other reply mentioned, it’s still leagues away from Windows at this point. But yeah, fair then that both Windows and Mac OSX are doing it, while Linux is not.

Still, if you had to pick a machine for your grandma to use, or like either Windows or Mac at work (but not Linux, though lets say that there is a terminal SSH option to Linux available from either), I would pick Mac OSX. It’s fine if others would pick Linux for the former, but I don’t think Mac OSX is a bad choice there.

While Windows… urg, is basically synonymous with being a cuss word nowadays. Witch: “a pox be upon thee - nay, moresooth, may you be cursed to only use Windows for the rest of your days!” (Onlookers: “gasp! what could anyone have done to be cursed with that bad of a punishment!? I would not wish that upon even my worst enemy!?”) hehe:-P

aniki ,

That link doesn’t say what you think it does.

OpenStars , (edited ) avatar

That Apple blocks you from running every program you put onto it until/unless it can be properly certified, and that “Big Sur can bypass any firewall restrictions the end-user attempts to create”? It’s true that it’s not nearly as bad as it may sound at first, and they even released a statement that:

We do not use data from these checks to learn what individual users are launching or running on their devices.

Notarization checks if the app contains known malware using an encrypted connection that is resilient to server failures.

These security checks have never included the user’s Apple ID or the identity of their device. To further protect privacy, we have stopped logging IP addresses associated with Developer ID certificate checks, and we will ensure that any collected IP addresses are removed from logs.

Though I also understand that if someone wants the ultimate in privacy, it’s difficult to trust such a corporate promise, especially one like Apple known to hide or lie about such things. (Edit: also… “developer ID certificate checks”, so if you don’t register with Apple as a known developer then…?)

I still use Mac OSX myself, but if someone wants to avoid that and use Linux for this reason, I’m not going to argue with them - whereas I would push back a little bit if a friend were to tell me they planned to put Windows (as the primary OS) onto a machine.

helenslunch , avatar

MacOSX is great, other than the fact that it only runs on insanely overpriced, un-upgradeable and irreparable hardware. And that you have what I would consider limited control over it.

OpenStars , avatar

Other than all that, yeah:-)


Still not comparable to Windows though, imho.

Its sins are just of a different sort - e.g. you don’t need to repair or upgrade those machines so often, bc they work so well for so long as it is, plus other than for gaming, who even upgrades machines these days to begin with?

For non-gaming, Macs are great machines. So too are Linux. While Windows sux ass no matter what. Thus that’s the dividing line, imho.

helenslunch , avatar

Well my point was that’s not a software problem, it’s a hardware problem.

OpenStars , avatar

I mean… a Mac machine will run non-Mac OSX software. Pretty much everything can run linux, with a little effort put into it:-) (unless somehow these M chips have prevented that? even if so, surely it’s only a matter of time before someone cracks that barrier)

But yeah, it’s definitely a choice. e.g., Apple does not even sell cheap Macs, whereas machines intended to run Windows can be bought all up and down the scale - though I recall at various points in time, comparing equivalently-equipped machines, Apple ones were pound-for-pound actually cheaper than their Windows equivalents. This is ofc b/c of the monopolistic practices: when you rigidly control the hardware, you are able to order in bulk, and when you order in bulk, you are able to get large discounts from the supplier!

Though surely nobody was arguing to purchase a Mac, not knowing who or what Apple is or is about? Installing Arch Linux is also known to be somewhat ah… “tricky”, so if we are comparing things like ease-of-use, the question gets back to OP’s “which distro?” And it’s all a matter of choice - what you want to get out of it, and which constraints you want to live underneath.

But anyway, we were talking about “Mac OSX”, which yeah, very much is limited to specific sets of hardware, and cannot be installed willy-nilly on any old machine, this is very much a true statement, to be paid very much attention to by anyone wanting to learn more, or use that in their purchasing / installation decisions:-). I was just saying that while Apple (& iOS) may be evil these days, Mac OSX itself kinda is great, caveat: if you can live with its restrictions, and moreover, those are MUCH less than Microsoft’s set of restrictions these days (whereas Linux has its own set of difficulties).

helenslunch , avatar

I mean… a Mac machine will run non-Mac OSX software.

Ah yes, the worst of both worlds! Wonderful!

I recall at various points in time, comparing equivalently-equipped machines, Apple ones were pound-for-pound actually cheaper than their Windows equivalents.

I don’t ever recall that…

OpenStars , avatar

I was only illustrating how Mac hardware is not identically the same as Mac software. They are tied together, yet distinct entities.

Your lack of recollection neither proves nor disproves anything at all. If you doubt me, look it up? (since surely if I did so for you, you would distrust that as well? 🤪)

I did not downvote you btw.

helenslunch , avatar

They are tied together, yet distinct entities.

Yes and no. You can run other software on Mac hardware, but not the other way around.

Your lack of recollection neither proves nor disproves anything at all.

I could say the same about your statement.

If you doubt me, look it up?

So…I should look up pricing of comparable hardware across the entirety of Apple history because you made a statement you can’t back up?

OpenStars , avatar

I never said I couldn’t back it up. I only said that if you wanted to know the answer, you could look. But ofc do whatever you please.

Or I suppose you could try to goad me yet again into doing your homework for you, and see if that works? (Surely this time, if you keep trying the same action, surely this time things will work out differently than the other time(s)?😜)

Or you could just think about how likely it is that in the entire history of computing, what are the chances that it was true at least once? Not that it matters, bc I’ve agreed with you so many times that hardware!=software and that for Macs they are tied together, and Macs are expensive, that I think we’ve both already forgotten already whatever it was we were talking about. Take the “win” already?

aniki ,

Mac is BSD, and the Darwin kernel is open source.

OpenStars , avatar

I forgot about the latter, thanks for the reminder:-).

grue ,

It’s worth noting that Apple has (for example) gone so far as to replace bash with zsh just because the GPL v3 was too copyleft for them to handle. In other words, fuck Apple.

aniki ,

That’s the point of the BSD license.

JackbyDev ,

Oh, I thought it was because zsh is better.

JackbyDev ,

The company that laid me off let me keep my Mac which was a nice parting gift. I don’t think I’d ever buy one myself. They’re just way to expensive.

abfarid , avatar

Ubuntu has Snap and ads and stuff, but I thought Manjaro was considered good. What’s wrong with it? It’s supposed to be Arch based.

atmur ,

Replied to a different comment about this:

puppycat ,

new to Linux, my first distro was and is Manjaro. what do people complain about? i love it and am glad i left windows for it :)

grue ,

It’s too “easy” for all the kiddos who tie their self-worth to their ability to follow installation instructions.

atmur ,

This website has a decent summary:

TL:DR: Repeated dumb mistakes that a (relatively) big distro like Manjaro should not be making. Haven’t heard any drama in the past year or so though, so maybe they’ve finally gotten their act together. Time will tell.

terminhell ,

679 days since the last incident.

JackbyDev ,

I feel like this incident is over blown. The weird holding back for 2 weeks without testing is a valid complaint though.

terminhell ,

Idk, it worked well for me. Been on fedora for a while now.

linearchaos , avatar

Screw that You’re all great everybody from slackware to steam deck.

Emerald ,

Slack where?

Gormadt , avatar

Slack there!

Emerald ,

Slack where?

Gormadt , avatar

Slack here!

TheRedSpade ,

Steam Deck is weird. I mean, I love it, but coming from vanilla Arch it can be frustrating at times. Discover is terrible. Luckily, Distrobox is a thing.

octopus_ink ,

That’s all well and good, but can we talk about proper use of this meme template?

beastlykings ,

Eh it works just fine 🤷‍♂️

AeonFelis ,
sorter_plainview ,

(Sorry in advance…)

Look, a meme Heimdall.

ayyy ,

I’m shocked there wasn’t a single minion or cry-laugh emoji plastered on.

hemko ,

I’m using debian btw

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

I’ve been rolling Debian more and more this year. If you’ve got solid Linux chops, it’s really great.

I also really like LMDE, it’s what I run on my Business laptop.

TheKracken ,

Just setup Mint last night and have been troubleshooting how to get everything to work. So far I’m liking it. Last thing I setup was Lutris for gaming so that’s nice.

JoMiran , avatar

Which edition of Mint?

Unbecredible ,


TheKracken ,
TheKracken ,


baguettefish ,

I’m pretty sure the question was more about linux mint (ubuntu/default) vs. linux mint debian edition, as those can confidently be called different distros. Don’t worry about it though, the issues with ubuntu are actually very small, they’re just infinitely magnified on the internet by people who care a lot about the smallest things. There are also many advantages to using ubuntu or an ubuntu derivative. Also this question can be interpreted very humorously, so maybe do that if you like.

TheKracken ,

Ah I assume Ubuntu based since I just downloaded the latest from the mint website. Still learning about Linux so not 100% sure.

baguettefish ,

If you just went with the most prominent and easily accessible download button it’ll probably be ubuntu, but as i said, despite what some might say that’s not necessarily a bad thing

Zink ,

If he got the cinnamon version, that is indeed the default Ubuntu based one. I use the same thing.

One of the biggest draws of regular Mint IMO is that it leverages the advantages and resources of Ubuntu but it removes the parts that many people don’t like.

fluxion ,

Anakin no doubt uses Oracle Linux

JackLSauce ,

I run distro, btw

SerpentPeaked ,

Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 Distro

funkajunk , avatar

Sick Emo Philips reference, bro.

RickRussell_CA , avatar

What? Why would you choose that over Baptist Church of Missouri SynodOS, you heretic?

avidamoeba , avatar


SnotFlickerman , avatar
gregor ,

Ubuntu is awesome Change my mind

BeardedGingerWonder , (edited )

Yeah, it’s fine. Haven’t had too much trouble in a good 10 odd years, once the WiFi drivers settled. Mind you I’m not fucking upgrading to 24.04 for another couple of weeks.

iopq ,

Spent a ton of time trying to install GrapheneOS because web USB doesn’t work in snap version of chrome. How about letting me install the normal deb version? Nope, can’t let the user choose

avidamoeba , avatar

I activate Ubuntu Pro

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar
avidamoeba , (edited ) avatar

💥 Free for up to 5 machines 💣

cyborganism ,

What are the benefits/features that this adds?

avidamoeba , (edited ) avatar

10 years security updates, plus security patches for community packages (instead of waiting on community patches). It’s basically the corporate support plan provided for free for up to 5 machines per account.

cyborganism ,

security patches for community packages (instead of waiting on community patches)

I’m not sure I understand that part. Is Canonical implementing the patches instead of the open source project/package developers? I’m confused.

avidamoeba , (edited ) avatar

Exactly. In Debian, the community implements security patches. In Ubuntu, Canonical implements security patches for a part of the repo (main), the community implements them for the remainder (universe). This has been the standard since Ubuntu’s inception. With Ubuntu Pro, Canonical implements security patches for the whole repo (main and universe).

Diplomjodler3 ,

I’m an unwashed Mint peasant. Tell me how inadequate I am.

Sanctus , avatar

There is nothing wrong with Mint EZ mode. I got a computer illiterate buddy with a 8 year old shittop running it like its new.

slacktoid , avatar

You’re completely adequate as you are my minty friend!

tkk13909 ,

Mint is about as uncontroversial as its popularity allows lol

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

I love Mint, it has become my workhorse distro. I use LMDE on my personal business laptop. I switched my parents from Windows 10 to Mint earlier this year, and it’s been great on their very old and low power desktop.

Cinnamon is not the prettiest or slickest DE, but damn if it ain’t the most stable DE I’ve used.

I’m a KDE fanboi myself, but when I spin up a machine that I need to just work in a super dependable way and is no muss, no fuss, I usually choose Mint with Cinnamon.

Petter1 , (edited )


Ubuntu: 😮why?

Manjaro: haven’t you managed to kill it yet?

Mint: ex windows guy?

Debian: 😃nice, how did you got to that decision?

Endeavour: 😃nice, how did you got to that decision?

Arch: 😃nice, how did you got to that decision?

Nix: 😃nice, how did you got to that decision?

OpenSUSE: 😃nice, how did you got to that decision?

slacktoid , avatar

Yeah honestly I like to know what drew people to that distro.

Disorder6069 ,

Ubuntu: was the first distro that came up… hated it and went back to windows Manjaro: tried it after Ubuntu, was great for 2 months until it broke and I swapped to arch Mint: never used it Debian: used it once for a VM because it wasn’t canonical, but it was meh Endeavour: never used it Arch: it was great and I still use it for my cheap side laptop, but I forgot to update it for a month and it broke on my main laptop and I wasn’t good enough with Linux to fix it at the time so that computer runs Nix Nix: used it after arch broke and I was paranoid with having to fix stuff… still use it on my primary computer but am frustrated with how hard it is to develop in rust on

pimeys ,

In my experience, nix works exceptionally well with Rust. Python and JavaScript are nastier, especially if the libraries use C extensions.

janAkali ,

Ubuntu: 😮why?

For a lot of people Ubuntu is the linux. Canonical is just good at marketing. For all it worth, Ubuntu is not the bad choice for average user who’s not into ricing and not bothered by bloat.

Manjaro: haven’t you managed to kill it yet?

I’ve been using Arch and Manjaro for couple years each and in my experience they both break regularly. But, for some weird reason, Arch Linux is praised, when Manjaro is shamed upon.

Mint: ex windows guy?

Aren’t we all?

Zorsith , avatar

… Fedora?

marine_mustang ,


cRazi_man ,

That’s Arch BTW

TheRedSpade ,

It’s Arch-based, but if
distro = base
Mint = Ubuntu
Ubuntu = Debian

Mint = Debian

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