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zarkanian , avatar

Don’t care, still voting Stein.

Olhonestjim ,

Then you’re a fool. Nobodies like her do not get randomly seated at Putin’s table without a reason.

zarkanian , avatar

What was the reason?

A_Random_Idiot ,
Olhonestjim ,

Maybe so. On the other hand, would a useful idiot get a seat at that table?

nyctre ,

Yes? Idiots are even easier to control than people you are blackmailing or paying off.

A_Random_Idiot ,

yep. They dont have any fear cause they dont think they’re doing anything wrong, They are just living up to the expectations of the person that they think obviously respects them and “helps” them.

A_Random_Idiot ,

you would be surprised at how far a useful idiot would go for you, all for a seat at a table and a pat on the head.

Hell, look at what Trumps done for Russia with regard towards destroying our democracy and destabilizing our country, all because Putin gave him a few puffed up words of fake praise.

Olhonestjim , (edited )

No, I think it takes a little more than that. She craves legitimacy, and he gave her a taste of it. I think she is in on it. She runs when doing so will cause the most damage.

A_Random_Idiot ,

Yes, exactly.

a pat on the head and some puffed up words.

Olhonestjim ,

You could be right. That could be all she is. I feel like she’s deeper in, but I can’t prove it. Either way, she is totally compromised and unqualified to lead this country, and her fans need to realize it before it’s too late.

zarkanian , avatar

Funny, that’s what I call people who parrot Democrat propaganda.

A_Random_Idiot ,

Really living up to that Project part of GOP, eh?

zarkanian , avatar

What makes you think that I’m part of the GOP? There are a lot of people on the left who disagree with the Democrats.

AFC1886VCC ,

Image provided completely without context.

She sat at a table with Putin once, so what? Many US and European politicians have met him and sat with him at various summits over the years. I can find an image of Biden shaking Putin’s hand and smiling. Shock!

Utterly meaningless nonsense.

Olhonestjim , (edited )

That image is the context. She has never been important. She has never held political power at any level. She is not a politician. She is no ambassador or diplomat. She’s a nobody who keeps failing to be elected only to the highest office on the planet. She isn’t an almost-Hillary, she’s a barely-not-Vermin-Supreme. She has zero legitimate business at a table with Putin.

Nobody, absolutely nobody gets seated at the same table as Putin without a damn good reason. Look who sits at his right hand; American traitor general and conspirator Micheal Flynn. The only way she got a seat with Putin’s entourage is if she gave him something for it. What did she give? Well, she siphoned votes away from Hillary at the last minute.

AFC1886VCC ,

You said it yourself, nobody gets seated at the same table as Putin without a good reason. So what is the context? When was this photo taken, where was it, and what was the event?

Olhonestjim , (edited )

What? Internet’s right in front of you and you’re unwilling to make the effort to discredit me? If you think those questions have uncomfortable answers for me, you should do the work yourself. I wonder what you’ll find?

I fail to see how your questions are all that relevant. The context is, she is a nobody, and nobodies do not get seated randomly at tables with dictators of superpowers, who have at their right hand traitor general of the same nation as the nobody.

AFC1886VCC ,

I have no idea where to look for the context, I thought you might know since you posted the image. If you can find out any information about it, feel free to share it. Otherwise, I just consider it bullshit disinformation.

Olhonestjim ,

Oh my gosh I had to Google “Putin and Jill Stein” and scroll all the way down to the first article that popped up and my fingers hurt. So. Bad.…/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n…

EvilEyedPanda ,

An administration is more than a man, Trump with absolutely 0 political experience was able to keep the country rolling, albeit making awful decisions, then the current mental state of Biden means very little. Having said that, as someone who watched my grandfather pass from Alzheimer’s, it’s really sad to see.

Facebones ,

Dems don’t have a platform or a personality without Trump to lord over anyone they don’t like, but will take Trump over moving an inch left 100/100 times

Snowclone ,

Just because you don’t listen, doesn’t mean it’s not there. You should really look into it, I’m not going to spoonfeed you, be an adult, look it up.

Facebones ,

Stay Mad, Liberal

PythagreousTitties ,

That’s seriously your response, are you four years old?

Facebones ,

Shoutout to how you’re not calling OP a child for literally the exact same statement but as soon as it’s turned around on you it’s suddenly some stupid baby saying for babies.

Libs in a nutshell.

PythagreousTitties , (edited )

What exactly was turned around on me? Do you even understand what you’re saying?

nt but as soon as it’s turned around on you it’s suddenly some stupid baby saying for babies.

You mean stupid baby sayings like Stay Mad, Liberal and Libs in a nutshell. Lmao

commie ,

ever heard the term “blue maga”?

UnderpantsWeevil OP , avatar

The fanaticism and fatalism produce some interesting parallels

drunkpostdisaster ,

I am voting against trump. Biden and establishment Dems suck. But there is literally no other option. If you don’t vote and trump wins you would be at fault every bit as his voters will be

shimdidly ,

What’s wrong with Trump, again? Cheap groceries? Cheap gas? How terrible!

drunkpostdisaster ,

How did Biden affect the prices in other countries?

shimdidly ,
drunkpostdisaster ,

Hmmm, can’t help but notice not every country is in the system.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

Have you seen what the supreme Court justices that he appointed have been doing?

They make a big stink about old supreme courts overreaching, but seem to go out of their way to grab power for themselves and their buddies 🤔

shimdidly ,

Are you talking about the Chevron decision?

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

That and snyder.
And of course, no conflict of interest there at all

SolNine ,

Assuming this isn’t an attempt at trolling, Trump ran up the deficit nearly double that of Biden. Given that the argument is generally government spending leads to inflation, how exactly would that not indicate who is more responsible for inflationary costs?

UFODivebomb ,


LANIK2000 ,

Have you read Trump’s plan for his next turn? The fucker wants to go through with hefty important taxes on EVERYTHING (that’s essentially putting sanctions on the US lol). Cheap groceries aren’t a good prediction for a Trump term. I’d suggest listening to what he’s saying. There’s more that makes me think that cheap things aren’t around the corner, the fucker has many things he wants to spend for, without any plans for increasing the budget.

Fedizen , (edited )

Trump is a liar, moron, idiot who can only appoint corrupt corporate stooges? His “NAFTA renegotiation” was a boondogle. He’s stupid enough to think a 100 billion dollar wall will keep people with 30 dollar ladders from crossing one of the largest borders in the world. But hey at least contractors will get paid.

Not enough? The current out of control housing prices are almost certainly the result of the trump tax cuts for the rich leading to investment firms like vanguard becoming bloated extra money and buying up housing.

His completely corrupt supreme court picks are dismantling laws that prevent chemical and oil companies as well as heir clients from poisoning the public by dumping chemicals in rivers’

Trump was an unmitigated disaster of a president. He is responsible for something like 3 trillion in debt increases that went almost solely to corporations. A vote for trump is simply a vote install a moron actor who played a business man for president so he can let international corporations strip this country for spare parts.

krakenfury ,

Yay, Biden isn’t at risk of losing your vote. Unfortunately, this isn’t at all remarkable. He is, however, at risk of losing independents who are/were leaning towards him.

This isn’t a big deal in places like Indiana or Maryland, but it’s a huge fucking deal in the handful of battleground states where the undecided voters will decide it for all of us.

The Vote Blue No Matter Who strategy is literally the dumbest shit and a losing one. It only targets people who are considering a protest vote, and not people who are genuinely trying to figure out who to vote for. It assumes that everyone sees the situation as clearly as you do, and that the only thing preventing a victory is if enough people don’t “fall in line”.

I will always maintain that blaming the electorate in an election for getting a bad result is like saying that the fans lost the ball game.

Excrubulent , avatar

The only thing I will say for “blue no matter who” is that the alternative - threatening to withold your vote - only works if the campaign is aftaid of losing. They aren’t. They clearly don’t care. They don’t want to govern, they want to present only a token resistance to encroaching fascism and corporate domination.

The benefit of voting the nominally-left-of-extreme-right party in is that it forces them to disappoint their base and that radicalises those people against US empire. Letting Trump win won’t accelerate that process, it will just force people to radicalise in an atmosphere of extreme oppression.

psycho_driver ,

I’m voting against Trump. Not thrilled to have a president who might have to have his Oval Office relocated to a nursing home.

MisterD ,

I don’t expect either to last 4 more years. Especially Trump.

If Trump does win and dies while destroying the world, imagine what younger dictator would follow…

drunkpostdisaster ,

He doesn’t even have a vp

PythagreousTitties ,

I’m more afraid of a smarter asshole. Trump’s the starting gun.

pubquiz ,

This is what Germany in 1929 was - without social media.

BigBananaDealer , avatar

did the image originally say trump? or is it from 2016 and said bernie? or maybe even ron paul?

TokenBoomer ,

Giving Hexbear aura. Could be shittier though, too much corn 🌽

JimVanDeventer ,

Look on the bright side: a vote for Biden is really just a vote for Kamala Harris with extra steps.

abracaDavid ,

Harris is a joke and a cop that made her name on being super hard on small criminal offenses.

She ain’t it. I mean, have you heard the weird things that she says while she’s speaking?

She’s a terrible candidate. A somehow even worse Hillary.

SkyezOpen ,

Hillary is such a smug fuck I really don’t know what Harris would have to do to make me hate her more.

maniii ,

She aggressively enforced Marijuana convictions that had a pre-dominant predisposition against her own community.

RealThunderhop , avatar

I mean she habitually lies like Hillary. She is basically an enabler for a fascist police state (extreme militarization and attacking peaceful protesters). Obvious warmonger as well (current admin has that whole genocide enabling thing happening now)

Her khive cult harasses/ed people and tries/ed to get them to commit suicide/ruin their lives. It’s been a thing for years. Fun fact is there are Hillary fans that do the same thing. They’ve not been held accountable for any of these things, and are basically a domestic terror group online. I mean there are plenty of right-wing nuts that do the same, but they get held accountable sometimes.

drunkpostdisaster ,

I am starting to think tankies part of another troll from. No way these idiots can be for real.

awwwyissss ,

Some of them are useful idiots, some are shills using LLMs to push agendas.

Decoy321 ,

There’s a lot of money in propaganda. It’s everywhere now.

Diva , avatar

Putin actually is on the record that he prefers Biden as he’s more predictable.

bender223 ,

Yeah, some ppl don’t get that you don’t have to like Biden, to vote against trump. 🤷‍♂️

ameancow ,

You mean you don’t have to like Kamala? I’m voting Kamala.

Not fond of her, but she’ll do better than Trump by leagues and miles and make history while not rocking the boat or affecting any meaningful change. Libs will love her, she’ll be a democrat party darling. I bet she gets a second term.

RatzChatsubo ,

Normally I would agree as a democrat. But I genuinely think trump is a better pick over Biden rn. That’s how bad he is

UFODivebomb ,

You are either a troll or an idiot.

RatzChatsubo ,

Just an undecided voter

LANIK2000 ,

I agree that it is heartbreaking that the democrats keep pushing candidates no one wants. But no amount of incompetence is a reason to give fascism a try. I don’t live in America, but considering they run this joint, I’d hate for it to become a shitier Russia.

Biden is definitely not fit to do anything him self, but he’s surrounded by good advisers and he actually fucking listens to them. Under his term not nearly as many horrific things happened as under trump. Trump’s an immediate menace to the world order as we know it. I find it really ironic how he claims to be pro American, but actively destroys the reasons people look up to America and let it have so much influence in the first place.

masterspace ,

Quite frankly, go outside and have someone slap you in the face and wake you the fuck up.

It’s not remotely close. Biden still has an actual solid policy agenda, Trump is a senile and decrepit badger, shitting himself and scratching at everything he sees.

RatzChatsubo ,

Idk man it’s really a hard decision this year. How can you say it’s not remotely close at this point?

masterspace ,

No, it’s not a hard decision.

You’re choosing between two old men, one of whom is an actual politician with a history of accomplishing things and running a country. The other is a mean old pervert who couldn’t run a business without committing fraud. He literally tried to cheat and destroy the system when he lost the first time.

How the fuck do you think it’s close?

RatzChatsubo ,

Nah man it’s close. I could barely tell who you were talking about in your response because they are so similar. If you think a president who can barely have a conversation is acceptable, that’s crazy

masterspace ,

Lmao, barely have a conversation? Trump literally can’t even remember what he did or said yesterday, and has literally no plan for actually improving the country in any way shape or form.

Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act which actually presents a vision for how to return manufacturing to America and restart it’s economy, while addressing climate change. Trump has no plan to address literally any of that.

You need to wake up man. They are not even in the same ballpark.

abracaDavid ,

This is some weird ass propaganda.

The best thing that Biden ever did was just to not be Trump.

Why are these memes so weirdly die-hard in the support of a man that is visibly unfit for the 4 years of presidency?

No one is actually excited about old Joe. It’s just that he’s simply not Trump.

It would be best if he steps down so that we can get a person in office that actually excites people for more than just not being the other guy.

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

I’m sure that herding behind a senile will give the Democratic Party the incentive to reconsider their corporate-oriented outlook /s

interdimensionalmeme ,

Why don’t they seal the deal with anyone younger ? Surely there’s one better young person in the USA ?

ynthrepic , avatar

The US political system has some issues. That’s why. Ask the DNC.

Tryptaminev ,

The DNC replied that you are just a secret Trump fan. The party knows what is best and you should not expect primaries and having a say. Also we have always been at war with East-Asia.

ynthrepic , avatar

Hey, at least you got a reply. 🤣

interdimensionalmeme ,

It’s first past the post plus old people wanting to vote for super old people because “they’re just like them”.

UnderpantsWeevil OP , avatar

Surely there’s one better young person in the USA ?

None of them ran. Biden’s admin and his fund raising base held enormous sway over the party at-large. As soon as he corralled the support of this tiny monied elite, everyone else had to either get in line or get marked as party pariahs and ousted for their disloyalty.

The pastiche of democracy is predicated on a primary system that can produce and sustain rival candidates. But when leadership in the party are terrified of “Russian bots” and “Leftist Antifa Agitators” undermining the general election, they circle the wagons around their incumbents and bow down to their mega-donors out of cowardice.

No rival candidates means no real primary means no one actually challenges Biden on his merits.

interdimensionalmeme ,

The primary system is obviously corrupted. The incumbent managed to shut out everyone else. This happened on both sides of this inept stupid system. Two candidates who it is painfully obvious are unfit for the job. Geriatrics clogging up the political machine stopping even retirees from having a go.

The youth backlash will eventually upend everything, since not only they are denied a voice, but they will also be made the servants of the boomers for much of the next 20 years.

ynthrepic , avatar

The best thing that Biden ever did was just to not be Trump.

He has done a lot.

The economy is booming.

It’s just that he’s simply not Trump.

I’m not sure you realize just how big of a single issue this is.

Trump is a psychopathic cult leader running a campaign of lies, defamation, and retribution. He aspires to be the US’s first authoritarian leader, and wants to turn the nation into a nuclear armed Switzerland. He wants to keep inflation high so that corporate America can continue to enrich the few at the expense of the many. He is literally telling business prices will continue to rise, while simultaneously promising the public that he will bring “Biden’s” high prices down. It’s utter madness.

Because he is “not Trump” could not be a deeper reason to vote for Biden. Especially when not voting or voting for a third party candidate effectively empowers Trump’s campaign and the many more on the right who will always vote for their team no matter what.

KermitLeFrog ,

The economy is booming

For who? The American people are struggling. Meanwhile the wealth gap is wider than it’s literally ever been and Biden is too busy bombing brown children to give a shit

ynthrepic , avatar

The perception is not quite the same as the reality.

Nevertheless, Trump is doing a better job of fueling this view and promising change, even if it’s all lip service - he doesn’t care because his followers believe everything he says.

The reality is things are better now than in 2020 for most Americans. Unemployment is very low, and wages are up. Relative to the richest of course things are only getting more distant but again, you want Trump to bring equality? Good luck with that, lol.

KermitLeFrog ,

No I want both of them to unalive, preferably as violently as possible. Unemployment is a vastly flawed metric that doesn’t account for underemployment or discouraged workers, and real wages would be significantly down if the government was accurately measuring inflation, which they’re intentionally not doing so they can continue to pretend that everything’s fine.

ynthrepic , avatar

Nobody is saying things are fine. They’re just not as bad as they could be, or as bad as might feel to a lot of middle class folks. It’s still very shit for baby though don’t get me wrong.

Not going to wish violence on Biden - he’s only improved things relative to where they were at the end of Trump’s term. But I do want him to walk off into the sunset away from the presidency.

Trump on the other hand I agree is living excrement so I’d be quite happy for him to be flushed. I don’t care about revenge though. I just want his stink gone from the world.

KermitLeFrog ,

You only say things are fine bc it doesn’t affect you personally that much. Also please stop claiming that Biden has improved anything other than AIPAC’s grip on our tax dollars.

ynthrepic , avatar

I’m sorry if you’re having a hard time, but the statistics and the Bills Biden has passed are improvements for many, even if they don’t help you personally.

Anyway, hopefully we agree we both want Trump gone, and Biden too. Given how terrible Biden was at the debate there’s a good chance now, and that will mean a better chance the democrats defeat Trump.

Then, the work begins to achieve something even better than what the Democrats have to offer. But it isn’t coming from the right-wing, that’s for sure.

vonbaronhans ,

Well, in the current economy, the statistical indicators that economists rely on are booming. GDP, etc. What folks on the left like us are saying is that those indicators are easily measurable but do not paint an accurate picture of what most Americans are experiencing. It doesn’t feel like a boom out here because, well, it ain’t.

It’s not like we’re sipping champagne, kicking it at the beach, and complaining that the guy next door has a nicer beach. We work just as hard as other generations and get a lot less to show for it.

Acknowledging that is important, but corporate politicians in either party seem like they just don’t want to anything about it.

Still voting for Biden, but yeah, not enthusiastically.

ynthrepic , (edited ) avatar

Okay, yeah nah I’m with you. I like to think that’s what I was getting at, but you said it better.

If I could vote for Biden I too, would do so without enthusiasm. Let’s hope he steps down though. I swear anyone else has a better chance at this point.

vonbaronhans ,

The only outcome that might suck even more is if Biden did step down, Kamala steps up, and she still loses. Cuz then it’s like… oh so we’re just gonna be misogynistic as a voter base now, great, thanks fellow Americans. Like, we were ready to vote for a shambling shell of an old man but not a lady with Hillary Clinton energy, okay. 🤦

ynthrepic , avatar

Hah, I didn’t want to say “except Kamala Harris” but that may be the truth after all.

On the other hand, it could be racism rather than misogyny. I have a feeling Taylor Swift would have no trouble winning. 🤣

vonbaronhans ,

That’s true, it could be racism, it could be both.

God, if Taylor Swift runs for president I’d be stunned. I mean, given the circumstances I’d vote for her, but geez Louise.

Stern , avatar

Really, if the Dems brought in someone who was like… 50 (and probably not Newsom owing to prolonged hateboner for Cali) they’d gain 10 points in the polls immediately. Whether true or not, the narrative that Biden is old and doddering is there and that debate performance did nothing to dissuade it.

TokenBoomer ,

He had a cold, okay. /s

YeetPics , avatar

“I just don’t get why people would like ‘not’ being set on fire. Like, it’s just a little fire, what are you, combustible fats wrapped in flammable organic fabrics? I guess it’s simply that it’s not being set on fire that they like. It’s so weird and frustrating.”

Tabula_stercore ,

fuck off Yanks, stop making every post about you

boatsnhos931 ,

Bloody ell fooking wankers. We will throw your shit in harbor, you better stop playing you tea sipping global citizen 😋

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