There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

TentacleKitten ,

It was 30 minutes into day 2.

I was accused of cheating on their personality quiz (honestly why?) and then was told I wasn’t to have labeled the boxes I was expressly told to label the day before…

She then had me tear out the 2 pages of notes in front of the office before she marched me out.

This was for an accounting position at a small HOA. So I feel like that was enough of an explanation. Everyone else was terrified of that woman.

Donebrach , avatar

I still do not understand how HOAs are a thing. I know why they are a thing (Karens gotta Karen) but its insane to me that people allow these weird racist and fascist little hamlets to exist governing their private property.

Zippy ,

Not exactly on topic but in the spirit of this post have a funny story. Hired a young lady recently entering the work force. She had been working about a week when we did our payroll run. This entailed printing out all the checks with pay details etc. Is done in an administrative office that is obviously kind of private. Not some place you would wake in without permission. Anyhow we started the payroll print and my manager stepped out briefly to get a coffee. When she came back this new employee was flipping thru everyone’s pay check. Of course my manager immediately asks what she is doing to which she responds ‘oh I’m just wondering what everyone is being paid’.

She honestly thought it was just fine to not only start flipping thru paperwork in the managers office but to also look over employee payroll checks. She simply had no idea and just stated what she was doing like it was just fine. Actually that was her saving grace. While we made it quite clear how inappropriate it was, being it was her first job, we chalked that down to immaturity and didn’t let her go on the spot. Had she been older that likely would have been her last day.

Mind you she only last a week longer for a myriad of other reasons. Little common sense.

HerbalGamer ,

it was just fine to not only start flipping thru paperwork in the managers office but to also look over employee payroll checks

Hey so believe it or not but she was right; people should have the right to know what their coworkers get paid. Stop pretending it’s supposed to be secret.

OutlierBlue ,

Workers should be allowed to discuss their pay if they choose. They shouldn’t be able to access peoples’ private financial information because they feel like it.

Zippy ,

Fuck no. People have the right to keep their wages secret if they want. It is up to them to disclose that at their choice only. I certainly as their boss would not disclose the hours or wages someone gets without permission. Are you for real?

HerbalGamer ,

I don’t like this weird culture of paying people different wages for the same jobs. That’s where I’m coming from.

You’re allowing them to pay you a lot less than someone who just happens to be better at corporate bullshitting

Zippy ,

Bullshit. People get various wages because typically they have different skills and some are definitely more motivated or at a different point in their careers. The new hire that is not fully trained for their job, comes with no experience and has yet to master skills should get the same wages as the person that has been there for twenty years? That is mental.

m0darn ,

I don’t like this weird culture of paying people different wages for the same jobs.

Ideally people would be paid the value of their labour. People with the same job often have different labour values. So that’s a good reason for people to have different pay for the same job. A roofer that can lay more shingles, waste less material to bad cuts, and build roofs that don’t need leak in the warranty period deserves to be paid a lot more than one that is slow, wasteful and sloppy.

But there are also bad reasons for people to get paid more for the same job. Eg Skin colour, height, corporate bullshitting, gender.

I agree compensation transparency is good but I don’t think the answer is new hires snooping on people’s pay stubs.

Firemyth ,

Sure- but it’s not something for you to be able to look at just because you want to. If I don’t want you to know something about me you don’t have the right to know.

Donebrach , avatar

You’re a fucking moron for believing this. It is literally only advantageous to the owners and investors in everyone keeping their wages secret. Obviously the activity described by OP is pretty dumb but to the larger point everyone should openly discuss how much they earn, only detriment is showing how unequal and stagnant wages are.

Sheldybear ,

I worked at a pet shop for two glorious days not knowing that I was the backup in case the boss’ nephew was accepted into his preferred college program. He was not accepted so I got the boot to make room for him on the team.

The manager doubled my first/ only paycheque because she felt bad. I’m still bitter 17 years later

Armand1 ,

Ah nepotism.

Not sure where you live, but I find it pretty wild you can fire someone without notice with no egregious misconduct.

setsneedtofeed , (edited ) avatar

I once quit on the first day of a job.

I had previously worked with industrial robots and automation. Fixing them, calibrating them, making hardware and software adjustments as needed.

I was between jobs and found a small business that seemed like it was looking to do some automation expansion. The interview was a little weird because they were kind of vague with specifics. That’s not entirely abnormal with companies that have proprietary processes or automation, though I felt they were being a little bit overly cagey.

They wouldn’t take me into the clean room, which again isn’t unheard of, if in my opinion a little overly protective.

My previous job had been partially titled “Maintenance” (as in I maintained the robots) and the small company asked quite a lot about my versatility in maintaining things. I think that makes sense for a small company to want one person do all things for a robot.

I get a call that I’m hired. On paper the job looks good. Pay is a little low but this was an in-between job.

I show up for the first day of work and one of the first things I have to sign is a 15 page front and back Non Disclosure Agreement. That’s an insane length. My previous job with a huge, established tech company was a two page NDA and they actually had a lot of different processes.

So, I sign their crazy NDA and I’m taken into the airquotes “clean room”. First thing I notice is that I’m not suiting up or even putting on a white room style jacket. I see a cup of coffee on a “clean room” work bench. This is not a clean room.

I’m walked through and out of the “clean room” and to the outside back of the building and shown some air conditioner units. Told I need to work on those to fix them, and then later in the week I’ll be cutting the grass.



I left at lunch.

Armand1 ,

Imagine having to sign an NDA to fix someone’s air conditioner.

KaiReeve ,

Back in 2007 I worked in an office that required basic MS Excel / Word competency. The office manager led her to her desk and instructed her to turn on her computer (nothing fancy, a basic workstation with a large round button).

She couldn’t figure out how to turn it on. The office manager sent her home and she never came back.

sunbeam60 ,

But she said she was amazing at KOMputers … clicking … double clicking.

fred ,

Maybe even triple clicking

OceanSoap ,

Opening emails, sending emails…

sunbeam60 ,

Maybe she could be relationship manager.

blackluster117 , avatar

Just remember, don’t search for Google on Google. I have it on good authority that this will break the internet.

Little8Lost ,

there was a joung guy like 4 years ago in the job orientation (it area)
he could not turn it on either
He called the pointy finger of the teacher “magic finger”
he never got into the it apprenticeships but likely he got into another job orientation

joe , avatar

My wife had a guy start at her company the same day she did, but he got fired that same day because for reasons no one understands he decided it would be wise to make his Teams (or whatever they used. Slack? I can’t remember) profile picture a meme that said “Epstein didn’t kill himself” or something to that effect.

It was a six figure software engineering job, too. I cannot imagine losing a job like that for such a silly, self-inflicted reason.

SpaceNoodle ,

At my last job some intern burst into Slack calling everyone “mald” for disagreeing with his sexist memes. That whole event was just a couple of hours.

DharmaCurious , avatar

Tf is mald?

Little8Lost ,

Maybe maid? But i am not the original commentor

Schmeckinger ,

Mad while balding.

Primer81 ,

I assume the intern meant malding? As in, he’s saying everyone was upset.

SpaceNoodle ,

TF is “malding?”

StalinIsMaiWaifu , avatar

Similar to “coping” and “seething”

SpaceNoodle ,

I’m curious about the etymology. It’s not in any classic lexicon.

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Mad & balding is what I understand it to be.

HellAwaits ,

You’re curious about the etymology of an urban Dictionary word?

SpaceNoodle ,

Did I stutter?

I_Has_A_Hat ,

Are you not?

Hubi ,

Apparently it’s some kind of Twitch meme.

TwinTusks ,

Damn I’m old

SpaceNoodle ,

I believe it’s supposed to be a portmanteau of “mad” and “bald,” possibly implying that we were discontent merely because of age.

HatchetHaro , avatar

The portmanteau is correct, but “malding” means that the person is balding from sheer anger.

undefined ,

It’s a slang term used as a verb usually. To mald is to be mad. He was calling them mad.

Schmeckinger ,

Mad while balding.

Amaltheamannen ,

When you are so mad you bald

bazo ,

But did he kill himself?

WiseBeginning ,

I know you’re joking, but the department of justice finished their investigation and found a whole lot of ineptitude and negligence, but no conspiracy

Link to PDF of report

Cjwii ,

I hired a woman once to work in the retail store I was managing at the time. After lunch, I noticed one of my long time employees crying in the break room. She had lost her wallet and whoever took it had wiped out her bank account at the Walmart next door. I called the manager over there and he pulled up the video and low and behold it was the new lady over there buying up gift cards. We called the police and after verifying what happened, they asked me if I wanted them to handle it quietly or to make a scene. I chose make a scene and they went into the backroom handcuffed her, told her why she was being arrested in front of everyone and marched her out. Needless to say HR agreed it should be an immediate termination.

Lewistrick ,

Wait you can choose whether you want to make a scene? That’s awesome!

Kyoyeou ,

The Theater Kid that became a cop is so happy too!

Feathercrown ,

Enter COP, left.

Exit COP and SUSPECT, right.

Nath , avatar

Why were you fired?

  • I stole a coworker’s wallet
  • I defrauded Walmart buying gift cards
  • I am very stupid

That’s an impressive trifecta.

Cjwii ,

The worst part to me was that before the girl whose wallet it was checked her bank account and saw all the charges, this lady was “helping” her look for it in the store.

blackluster117 , avatar

What a cunt.

dingus ,

I love that they asked you if you wanted a scene. I would have chose it too!

thepeople ,

If the “handle quietly” option was chosen in a movie, they would have taken the thief out the back, laid down some bubble wrap, put the silencers on their glock service pistols…

Empricorn , (edited )

I actually think that’s a little disgusting. The police are choosing Corporate Interests over simply following the evidence and upholding the Law, no matter who broke it, or where they were employed…

dingus ,

What??? The police were going to arrest this person regardless. They just asked if OP wanted attention drawn to them or not.

JackbyDev ,

Lo* and behold.

I got your back. 👍 Please take the emoji as a sign of this not being condescending.

Cjwii ,


SpeedLimit55 ,

We hired a receptionist who didn’t know how to use a computer. Couldn’t type or even use a mouse. This was at a small tech company maybe 20 years ago and she was 20 something at the time. She interviewed normally and I guess someone else wrote her resume. I don’t know if she thought she would just figure it out on the job? We did skills and typing tests after that.

EdanGrey ,

These days young people have such bad computer skills I know I’m going to put them through an excel course before they do anything else.

Little8Lost ,

In the finals of my programmer apprenticeship was a multi table excel section (on paper of course) that had a 25% weight.
What was very confusing for like everyone.
Excel makes no sense, we can make a database and use SQL or something but not excel

Deepus ,

The forst job i had was advertised as a customer service role. My thinking was itd be taking calls in the customer service department. With it being my first ever job/interview I missed all the red flags, sales were mentioned berifly but i figured it wasnt the main part of the job so itd be fine, and they even asked me about being on a phone.

Cut to my forst day and im brought into a room with roughly a dozen other new people, we are split into teams, assigned a team leader and told tp follow that person to the train staion. Turns put it was a door to door sales job. I quit before we got to the train station.

TylerDurdenJunior ,

i was once fired on my last day of work. imagine that

CaptPretentious , (edited )

I got fired before my first day. Well kind of.

So I was in college at this time and I had applied for and got hired at McDonald’s. I had previous experience working at McDonald’s in a different town. Not sure exactly what position it was anymore but something something lead I think. Anywho at the end of the ‘your hired’ talk the manager that did the hiring told me that the Christmas party was like that weekend and I should really show up to meet everybody. So despite not working a single day I show up for the Christmas party.

Well, her boss (the boss of the person who hired me) saw me and determined my hair was too long for a guy and fired me. He basically said that boys were to have essentially a 1950s men’s haircuts if they were going to work for him… At McDonald’s. I don’t remember the specific words but I remember getting the vibe that he was very homophobic and that he thought long hair was somehow gay. So I was given the ultimatum of getting a proper men’s haircut or I could be done. And despite not being gay myself I didn’t want to work for some dude who just oozed homophobia, so I peaced out and told everyone I could at the manager of that McDonald’s was a homophobic piece of shit.

For those wondering how long was my hair… It just barely touched the collar of my shirt, if it even touched. You know the ‘broke college student who can’t afford or remember when the last haircut was’ look.

SilentSilhouette ,

I work in it company that support small business. a customer of ours has an employee demographic of about 90% women they had hired a marketing guy and I was setting up his work laptop around noon after talking with him about 10 minutes and getting his desk set up I knew this guy wasn’t going to last long with him mansplaining how it was done back before Windows 95. The paperwork for his termination had already been started by 4:00 p.m.

normalmighty ,

That’s one hell of a long running sentence right there.

Ingiald ,

I’m so glad they used a period at the end

Xianshi ,

One guy during the probation period called IT saying his laptop was broke, they told him to bring it into the office. It turned out he was on another continent and didn’t bother to tell anyone. As expected he lost his job.

peter , avatar

We had this once with a guy working remotely who decided to move to Poland without telling anyone, which was not allowed in the terms of his contract nor did he have a visa to live in Poland. Only person I’ve ever heard of getting deported from Poland to the UK

SnowBunting ,

Did you ever find out why he suddenly moved to Poland? Was it cheaper?

peter , avatar

Definitely cheaper, I don’t know if that was the reason though, he was a weird dude

ikiru ,

I have a friend who was deported from India back to the US.

And I almost got deported from Canada and China back to the US.

Saigonauticon ,

This is becoming quite a thing here in Vietnam. We are starting to get quite a few undocumented migrant workers from the USA. It’s slowly becoming problematic. I expect my compliance paperwork to increase in cost and complexity if the trend continues.

Also I see them die on the roads sometimes, maybe one per year. That’s not an outcome I’d wish on them, but it’s not surprising either.

Catasaur , avatar

Why are they dying on the roads?

gamer ,

Probably either stray meteorites or cars.

Catasaur , avatar

Makes sense. I don’t know why, but I somehow read the original comment to mean that Americans were randomly dead on the side of the road, sans car. Lol

Atti ,

I read this as, “Probably either meteorites or stray cats.”

Seems legit, moving along.

Saigonauticon ,

Driving a motorcycle unsafely in mixed traffic without a license, registration, insurance, experience, or the ability to read the road signs. Saw two doing unsafe stuff on my way to work today. Not sure specifically where they are from, I didn’t stop to ask. I can infer non-compliance from the license plate types with decent accuracy though. Generally plates that say NN (foreign resident), NG (foreign organization), or LD (local enterprise) are compliant and others are not. There are a couple of exceptions beyond that, but they are quite rare.

One nearly got hit by a bus as they cut across the road at an intersection. The other was just being pushy but didn’t outright do anything that would get them killed – not really out of the ordinary, just ‘somewhat unsafe’.

P1r4nha ,

Had the same thing happen. They found out he logged into the company VPN from China.

railsdev ,

I recently went on a short trip for my wife’s surgery just over the border and did work one day remotely from another country. I used a travel router connected to the hotel WiFi but that router was running a Wireguard tunnel back to my apartment. From there I connected my work laptop to its WiFi so all the traffic out to the Internet appeared to come from home. When I connected to the company VPN on the work laptop it should’ve appeared as though I was connecting from my home country, right?

I’m pretty solid that that’s the case. I confirmed on all my other devices connected to the travel router that there were no DNS/IP leaks.

Just curious if you have anything to add.

ElderWendigo ,

Probably, but that’s not the issue from a corporate perspective. You still transported a company laptop, presumably containing company IP or other confidential information, across an international border. That’s the big sticking point with most corporations due to the rules about search and seizure of said data when crossing borders. Some companies might insist that only prepared clean (essentially empty, not just encrypted) machines can cross borders and you can download the data you need through a VPN once you reach your destination.

P1r4nha ,

Yeah, we have a country list with different security levels. The company issued laptops are only allowed in some countries, for other countries you get a special travel laptop. Not sure if China is not just entirely black-listed. Certainly just working remotely from China is a no-go. Business trips are probably okay under some conditions.

ElderWendigo ,

Yeah, even crossing (or just existing within a couple hundred miles of) a US border, even as a US citizen, you give up almost all privacy and rights against search and seizure including personal “papers” stored on any storage device to border patrol and customs agents. It’s crazy the freedoms and protections people have voted away in the name of security theater and convenience.

railsdev ,

Interesting point. Yeah, I don’t plan to do that again.

festus ,

In addition there can also be serious legal implications for a company if they have workers working in another country. Is the company now subject to the tax laws of that country because the employee visited? How about labour laws? Do their products now need to be translated into another language because the employee worked while in that jurisdiction? Etc.

P1r4nha ,

Exactly, it’s mostly a legal problem. Most often a single day, weekend or even a few weeks however are rarely a problem.

s20 ,

Well, I passed out at a warehouse because my supervisor wouldn’t let me go for a water break in 100+ degree weather, and I got fired for “loafing.”

Does that count?

blackbrook ,

Found the Amazon employee?

s20 ,

Lol no, but I can see why you’d think so.

LucasWaffyWaf OP ,

Starting this off myself, there was one fella at my current job who bought vodka at a liquor store during his lunch break, poured heaps of it into his soda from a fast food joint, and wound up getting fired when they noticed him getting drunk as hell.

That was before I started working here, but coincidentally I met him at my other job!

C4d ,

Mine is similar. Arrived, day one in a new team; this one was more high-intensity than the usual - a fast-paced and very hands-on work environment. Noticed the team leader was working in a dysfunctional and unsafe manner; seemed unsteady. As the most junior member and a newbie at that I hesitated to confront directly; thankfully I managed to find a more experienced colleague. Scene was made safe; turned out the guy was drunk as a skunk. Canned within the hour.

I’ve since learned to be stronger and more willing to confront suboptimal or dangerous performance in team members, regardless of their seniority.

That was pretty scary.

FredericChopin_ ,

Bro. I worked for a call centre way back and in training some dude did the same thing sans the soda.

Just downed a 1/2 bottle and went back to training. Suffice to say he was pretty drunk (admittedly an alcoholic, and I sympathise) and started being a bit louder. He was promptly fired.

mister_monster ,

I knew a guy who would get absolutely wrecked on his lunch break in his car, and show up early thinking he was late because he was high as a kite on hard drugs.

You couldn’t tell unless he told you. He was a top performer. Probably the only person I’ve ever met that was a well functioning drug abuser, and that’s an understatement, the guy was fucked out of his mind all the time and to everyone around him he was perfectly coherent and capable.

ParsnipWitch ,

What kind of work did he do??

mister_monster ,

Laptop repair in one of those third party warranty shops where the manufacturer ships them to get them fixed under warranty. Fucker had the best quality control numbers in the shop.

ParsnipWitch ,

That is kinda cool but sad also. I knew someone like that as well. Worked for a company were the best quality control person for boards was a functioning alcoholic. And I mean like her hands started shaking around 9 o’clock. She would drink all day long from tiny schnaps bottles hiding in her office or from her flask.

These boards were mostly for prototypes or small series, so always something new to look out for. Tiny parts mounted by hand. She would catch any error or faulty joint. But couldn’t talk straight. I never understood how that’s possible. I guess these people are better focused when drunk/high. Or just ultra pros at their jobs…

PeterPoopshit ,

I know someone like that. He’s always drinking. And always drunk. He says he’d rather kill himself than drink less. Has a fancy government that drug tests him every 5 minutes just about. He makes a lot of money though. No idea how this is even sustainable. Guess they don’t give a shit as long as you don’t smoke weed.

HerbalGamer ,

Guess they don’t give a shit as long as you don’t smoke weed.

Sad reality :(

Riven ,

Got drunk for the first time a week ago, I struggled to speak but I definitely felt hyper focused on what I was doing. In contrast I’m usually focused on what’s going on around me and have good spacial awareness. I can totally see myself doing quality control and not missing a beat.

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