There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

rozwud ,

One winter evening I got a notification about possible fraudulent charges on my credit card. I had not in fact gone to Redbox twice that day, so I told them to replace the card. I got home and really had to pee so I beelined it to the bathroom. It occurred to me that it was really cold inside for some reason, and when I got out of the bathroom I noticed the living room window was open. Then I looked around and noticed that on my way to the bathroom I had walked past a bunch of drawers and cabinets that were also open.

Luckily not much of consequence got stolen. Whoever it was probably didn’t have a car because everything that was taken was small. We had a nice TV and my ex had a nice computer that were both still there. On my end, I was missing that credit card (I had accidentally left it on my desk after making an online purchase) and my wedding and engagement rings. I was in the middle of a divorce and wasn’t going to keep them anyway, so hopefully someone else got some enjoyment out of them.

cashmaggot OP ,

Yo, that would scare the living shit out of me and I would be looking like a real psycho with whatever weapon I could make and teetering my short ass down the joint praying I don't have to come at anyone. Cause I sure as fuck would not be winning that fight. I am glad they ran off with your bs and that you guys were okay. But hot damn. I would be locking everything under the sun from that point on. We went through it once, a friend and I. They went through their window. Later a lady at the smoke shop (because I used to smoke beedis like a real sophisticated "gentleman") gave me the low-low for taking chunks of wood and putting ten pounds of screws in there. Up until that point I basically just would wedge it. Tbh though, while we ended up sleeping together (not like...sexually just we were both Scooby Doo levels of freaked out and would share my bed cause they didn't feel safe in their joint anymore). I just didn't feel the need for more than locking up and a plank. I think they just moved it cause they wanted fresh air and they got lazy with it and that's how stuff goes bad. I think about it sometimes, because I think it was the guys who lived behind us and were sweeter than pie to us. But I also once (when smoking one of my beedis like the "boss bitch" I was) saw something in the shadows and legitimately shouted "CREEPER, NO CREEPING!" Thank baby jesus that my buddies were outside with me cause it actually was a real ass creeper slinking around like a mother fucking creeper. And I think if it wasn't those dudes, it most def was that mother fucker. But either way, nasty people can get fucked.

Corno ,

I had my art stolen and combined with other stolen art by an AI image prompter. Some of my work is very personal to me and I have zero tolerance for art theives.

cashmaggot OP ,

Ngl, I stopped posting stuff pretty much as a whole because of bots and thieves and shit heads. But then again, they're gunna steal all of this (text-based) stuff and talk like a shit-eating hooker so muwahahahaha!

Sorry that they did you like that. I'm not even sure what to do in the end because even if you crop your art for litigation and ownership - who you gunna sue? It really is crazy though because I believe creative endeavors are copyright the second idea hits the "paper."

DavidDoesLemmy , avatar

Did you ever get your art back?

Jarix ,

Probably not what you were looking for but this week i had cheese curds stolen at work out of the work fridge. Could only have been 1 of 23 people. Won’t ever find out who. I can be reasonably sure it wasn’t half of them, can’t accuse anyone since im a manager and the company response is basically don’t use the fridge if you don’t want to have things stolen

Fizz , avatar

Growing up our house would get robbed often. I’d say yearly. Since I was interested in electronics they would always steal my stuff. I’d get a computer and it would get stolen. I’d get a playstation and it would get stolen. I’d get an air rifle and it would get stolen. I used to wish that they would take my sisters dollhouse or books just to even the score.

The worst part was they would trash my room every time. They would break open my cupboards and draws throw my clothes on the floor. One time they stole my playstation and gba and smashed my TV. I didn’t even live in a bad area. I lived in the poor part of a nice area. My theory was that people would come from poorer suburbs and since we didn’t have a massive wall, gate and security system we got targeted.

prettybunnys ,

dude no shit that sucks

lemann ,

That sounds horrible, literally couldn’t own anything nice without it getting stolen and your personal space getting trashed…

Fizz , avatar

It did suck and we were to poor to replace the items but at the time it wasn’t to bad because I’d just go play outside or go to a friends house after school and play on their computer or playstation.

It would be way worse today where everything is online. If someone took my computer away for a year it would heavily impact my social life.

cashmaggot OP ,

Counter craziness - have you ever thought it might be younger richer kids from your area? Cause my girlfriend got shit kicked all the time for being the "poorer" person in a stinkingly rich area. And I think some rich kids are outright psychos. Either way, it sounds fucked. Did you guys end up moving ever? Or like...getting a dog. Cause dogs get thieves to fuck off.

*** Dogs got thieves to fuck off. Idk if they do anymore.

**** p.p.s. - Knew one other person who's ma (single parent) went from a nurse of some sort to a lawyer and they leveled up like crazy income-wise. But they were also targeted because of their social standing and their whole life fell apart. They are most def not doing well, even now.

FluorideMind ,

I’m tempted to make an alt for this but whatever let’s go. Years ago when I was 14 or 15 I had an older online boyfriend buy me a vibrator. Never really got to use it as I was too inexperienced.

I had stashed it under my bed in a bag for a portable DVD player. Anyway I come home from school one day and the manual for the DVD player in sitting on my bed. I check, the bag is gone.

Nothing else of value is gone but 2 aa batteries from my Xbox controller and only one of two from the family remote. The vibrator used 3 batteries. So some freak stole my vibrator with plans of using it.

geoma , avatar

Sounds like your brother did this

FluorideMind ,

He was in prison at the time.

cashmaggot OP ,

Hookers stole my butt-plugs. Not actually hookers, but my younger gay ass siblings. And I didn't find out until much later. But I straight up told them that was fucking disgusting. Then we let it go like the song. But no!!!!!

Some people are literally so fkin trifflingiagsnakshfask!!!!

Ugh. I gotta like...clear the air. Burn some sage or something, for the both of us!

*p.s. - I def read your name not once, not twice, but three times as Florida Man =)

brygphilomena ,

I stole some beers at a party once. A friend and I weren’t feeling the vibe, took a few bottles and went somewhere else. I feel bad about it, he was a good dude and didn’t deserve that.

I got trashed at my 23rd birthday party a friend threw at her house. It was mostly people she knew, but as I was passed out someone stole my wallet.

My brother stole quite a bit from me during the height of his addiction. He’s been clean for several years now though. I’m glad I’ve got him back.

brygphilomena ,

Oh, and in elementary school when they were at the height of their popularity I had one of my holographic Charizards stolen. Dunno who took it, someone had a come up.

theparadox ,

In maybe third grade I brought my collection of x-men trading cards as part of a sort of show and tell activity. It was in a sizable three-ring binder with those 3x3 slot cars sheets. I had a number of highly valued “foil/hologram” cards. The binder was gone when I got back from lunch. I was devastated and learned to never leave anything of value not locked up if I’m not watching it.

At work we have a kitchen/break room. I’ve had shit stolen from there a lot. Utensils, cups, bowls. Wash it after lunch, put it in the drying rack, come back in an hour to get it and it’s gone. Once my department had a leftover pizza from an event donated to us. I brought in a baking sheet to reheat it in the oven for a lunch morale boost for the team because we had to work that weekend. The sheet, left in a drawer and not visible to any casual observers, was gone by Monday. That was actually the first item I’d had stolen there but I thought I was just s fluke.

I’ve literally bought upgrades and utensil sets for the kitchen (maybe people “stealing” my utensils just forgot to bring a fork, borrowed mine, and brought it home by accident?). Stuff like drying towels, soap dispensers + large refill bottles, a microwave food cover… all stolen. I’d keep getting frustrated with, for example, people leaving the sponge wet in the sink. I’d think “its been a year since I last donated something, maybe it’ll be different this time…” and I’d buy an OXO sponge holder or something and within a week it would be gone. Everyone in my office, including secretaries and cleaning staff, gets paid at least a living wage with great health benefits. Some make well over 100k. I just imagine someone making twice my salary seeing a nice soap dispenser and taking it home… lost a good bit of faith in humanity and affected me way more than it should have.

I found a solution though. Whoever was stealing this shit couldn’t deal with the shame of being reminded that they stole it. I started labeling the donated items using my organization’s acronym with a permanent marker in big visible letters. None of that’s been stolen. I was going to engrave my utensils/dishes but decided instead to look like an asshole and bring my own towel when washing my dishes, drying them immediately, and taking them back to my desk immediately.

cashmaggot OP ,

Do they still do Show and Tells? Cause I def remember this happening to me too. I think if I were a school, I'd nip it in the bud. I am not sure if it's to practice speech giving in a inoffensive way. But things that promote theft among students isn't great. Especially where there are open spaces (like backpacks just hanging out). But I wouldn't know, I haven't been in a setting like that in a long time.

This second bit hurts, because I know it can be like the Wild West in scenarios like this. I think it's because people are disgruntle but have to act is if they have one setting - "Plesant." And it probably increases if there are corporate culture rituals tucked into the workday. I think doing little things like stealing the nice stuff from the office probably is a way to act-up without getting in trouble. But also some people are probably terribly ADHD (and undiagnosed/untreated) and will walk off with things like forks and stuff because they were being total space cadets.

I think you're on the money with the last bit. People would be glueing goofy stuff to things they like all over the place when stuff started going up I think around the 10s (Maybe a little bit earlier bc of 08) so that stuff couldn't be taken without a) being easily recognized and b) being difficult to take in the first place.

Also with the "joy" of toxic-masculinity men wouldn't even dare take something so "fruity" and I know that unfortunately the sentiment is still shared with certain kinds even to this day. You seem to have found the easiest solution, which is dorm-rules =_o!

rainynight65 ,

When I started University, I used part of my small savings to buy a very nice bicycle so I could get around between uni districts.

When I moved into a shared student apartment, there was a locked bicycle room in the basement. Only resident keys would fit that lock. Nonetheless I still locked my bike separately.

The one day I forgot to do that, my bike was no longer there the next day. It pissed me off immensely because I couldn’t immediately afford a new one, and the theft really made me uncomfortable. Mostly the fact that it must have involved someone who lived in the same block.

cashmaggot OP ,

I bet you it's someone who has always gotten what they want over a person in dire need (which is what I first like to think of). It's probably someone who still does not know the meaning of the word no, even if they've heard it a hundred times. Puck dem!

TechNerdWizard42 ,

In uncivilized countries like the USA I’ve had many things stolen from my porch, from my car, even an entire car.

I now choose to spend most of my time where I can leave my valuables unwatched in public and my house door unlocked. Living in fear and around crime, adds so much stress, anxiety, and general angst to your everyday life. Life is too short to live in a terrible place

cashmaggot OP ,

Where did you end up if you're willing to share? I grew up in what was considered a pretty crime addled place, and have lived in several major cities over my lifetime but I legitimately have never had the level of issues that I have had out West. People got some real shit ass fucking head trauma going on. But I also do get the idea of - if everything in your life is shit, you burn the world around you. It just sucks, because instead of helping people out here, they throw them some food and leave them to live and die like dogs. Worst yet, when I was working directly with the homeless it always seemed like the shittiest people who were great at manipulation were the ones who got into housing programs. But I am being kind of extreme in the sense that I know one very special person who works their ass off who got housing and they are absolutely amazing. And there are a couple of people who are no-to-low drama decent folks. But a majority are total scum of the Earth shit heads.

I agree with you though. Especially on account of having gotten our place shot up by some asshole in some bull that we were not related to at all. Still fucks me up, and it's because people are lenient af out here and it's trickle-down shittyness.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

My choices are generally not popular with an American audience. There’s a lot of propaganda in the world, everyone does it, but the US is the best at it so it can be very difficult to see things outside those borders.

I live all over the world, still do. But I spent over 20 years in the US primarily. I lived in low crime, affluent areas. But the low crime is still absurdly high crime, but is normalized. I won’t share all my story but being victimized for my possessions was annoying, but not the end of the world. That’s what insurance is for. My breaking point was the second time I was almost murdered by the police for being the wrong colour in my own neighbourhood. I’m talking guns pointed at me for no reason and lots more I don’t discuss.

My primary residence is now in the Middle East. Almost immediately, most people make a confused face and the first questions are usually “why” followed by “aren’t you worried about…” and then a laundry list of manufactured issues that don’t actually exist, or exist equally where they live.

The bottom line is that my front door is unlocked and stays unlocked. When I go the park, beach, mall, restaurant, wherever I can reserve a spot by dropping my wallet or cell phone and walking away without worry. I have all the modern conveniences of the USA and more. I use an app on my phone and a fuel truck comes to me to fill up my car. Leave your keys on the windshield like everyone else and they will fill you up as you’re elsewhere. Use the app and get laundry services washed, dried, and folded with pickup from your house and drop off with tip for the cost of a cup of coffee. No tipping culture of 50%, a dollar or two is plenty. I can buy a meal in a restaurant that feeds 4 people for about $5 with apps, entrees, dessert, and tip. I can also buy a stupid gold steak for $2000. The choice is mine.

Public transport works. Food from every part of the world is minutes away. A woman can walk by themselves at 3am with no fear.

I’m currently on a holiday to a different country a few hours away. My door is still unlocked.

When I talk to Americans that have made the move they almost all say the same thing. It takes a few weeks for the constant fear and guard to start to drop. It takes about 2 years before you start to live without that burden.

Every time I am in the US it is just worse and worse. Crime, political discourse, and just general everyday anger between people in every interaction. Walking down a sidewalk or road rage or unfriendly staff, just general anger. When you’re around it constantly, you never really notice it. You only notice the extreme outbursts. But when you go somewhere that’s finally peaceful, you then become aware of the constant noise and the huge outbursts.

Only other thing I’ll mention as this is way too long already, is that the excuse of “I can’t just pack up and move” is just an easy excuse. You absolutely can. It isn’t easy. It can be isolating if you’re going by yourself. But you can. One of my grandparents fled from war with nothing but a single suitcase for 3 children and the 2 adults. Lost everything they had to get a better life and start fresh. Another grandparent immigrated with a whole ship worth of crap. My parents immigrated yet again with moving trucks. I immigrated by air and a couple suitcases filled with everything in the world I hold important.

It takes more money and privilege to immigrate with your possessions. But that’s a luxury upgrade. It isn’t a requirement.

cashmaggot OP ,

Oh yeah, no I hear you. I'm mixed and the police have fucked with me a time or two. But I am like mystery meat, so like...idk? Sometimes things are chill, sometimes things are bad. I can imagine in wealthier areas if you're not seen as a novelty you're probably a pretty easy target. Sounds like you might be mixed too, maybe not ethnically but culturally? Or maybe both, cause who the hey knows? I am going to guess part-Palestinian? On account of hearing similar stories, but then again the refugee story is pretty similar across the board. Could be Somali just as easily. Or if they're immigrating by land second go round - Viet or Korean Venezuelan. Okay, yeah no. A lot of refugee stories can come from the same pot. Ugh. Nevermind, I'm gunna stop playing guess-who of ethnicity.

I come from immigrants (both sides) too, but I have no emigrated myself. I have wandered all over the US. But I've only traveled NA as a whole. On account of being small, relatively impoverished (although I'm doing okay right now), a vagina-holder, and incredibly gay. My own country wasn't here for me, and I don't have faith in many others being there still. I agree you get it from all sides in this country, but I don't really know anywhere there's a collection of humans in which this isn't true. And collectivism is beautiful, and homogeneity can make for easier politics, but I also believe it carries some real issues too. I'd say the simplest one I've experienced in my own life is that it's very easy to be manipulated in the name of the greater good. As the child of a collectivist individual. But I will also say I think individualistic societies can be so self-centered and broken up that even the family unit can be comprised of "a group of strangers, all living under one roof as roommates." I also think there is a "forever young" sentiment that gets passed around and I have seen a lot of people never grow out of being in their late-teens/early-twenties even with dependents. And I am not saying don't have fun. But it tears me up inside when I see kids getting abused (and I was gunna go in on some of the stuff I've seen but I just waved it off because it's hard to express in a cohesive way but for sure I've seen people at the bottom work their asses off to make sure their children have better lives (and in turn-their children's children) or being totally-self absorbed drug-addicts who destroy everything around them). I also don't have children, so the only skin in the game I have here is just you know...being a humanist.

I think...the media machine is huge and I get what you're saying because America is a huge-producer of "culture." But I would argue that there's equal footing in a couple of other countries (predominantly because culture-wars are easy to spin-up in these modern times). Anddddd, like you said - every culture does it. I gave up on what any of it means. And a huge part of why I made a PieFed account was to avoid seeing so much spammy bullshit. Because I think most news articles are just chatter. And a huge reason why I wanted nothing to do with Reddit is because it was ALL bullshit. But it was also a place where people....once conversed? Sometimes you would get a little drip-feed of conversation among a sea of stupid joke-y responses. It was so fucking cringy.

But a ton of stuff is mind control. I wrote more but I just trashed it cause I hit the limit. Eh! Either way, thank you for your response. I am glad that you have found peace in your life. Because no matter where you are, it's good to find your fit.

feedum_sneedson ,

Many times! It’s shit.

cashmaggot OP ,

Yo, you're the two caution symbols person. I seen you around! He-yo! I scanned your so and such, cause I didn't know what all the symbols mean but I guess folks don't like your bluntness. Tbh I wish I could be more blunt, instead of running on like I know where I wanna get but can't figure out the right path. Blunt, and tactful. Both are good. Either way, I hope you are in a more stable and happier situation because it sounds like you've been shit kicked a lot. And that's no good, all around.

feedum_sneedson ,


cashmaggot OP ,

Yeah, no worries! Idk what all the sites mad at you for but I hope it turns around soon =)

Alexstarfire ,

Years ago my house was broken into and many things were taken, but not all the things you’d expect. They did take my PS3, laptop, and desktop but left the TV and all other electronics. Took only the Harry Potter movies from my bookcase of movies. Took a cheap anime sword. Among other odd things.

Honestly, it was mostly just inconvenient. Insurance gave me more than it was worth, even after I told them so.

However, it kinda looked like they knew what they were going for. Nothing was ransacked or anything. It wasn’t any of my current, at the time, friends but it may have been someone familiar with my place.

cashmaggot OP ,

This is going to sound janky but I wonder if the person knew you cause the very specific stuff they took. But it also sounds super paranoid and I am not trying to bring any of that into your life so scratch that and just let it go...oh shit - I see what all you say there. Yeah same though process. Probably just some asshole. Let it go~~~

Alexstarfire ,

It was a decade ago. It’s way in the past.

cashmaggot OP ,

The joys of shared housing =P!

Alexstarfire ,

I was living alone.

cashmaggot OP ,

Oh my b, I thought you were the person who was living with a couple of friends and the Harry Potter box-set was stolen among other things (a samurai sword?). The way the posts are displayed stuff is starting to merge into one giant blob. Not my favorite thing, the way stuff is nested/the reply structure. Apologies!

Alexstarfire ,

You got the stuff right. I was just living alone.

ClassifiedPancake ,

Yes, two bikes. Made me very paranoid and hate people.

cashmaggot OP ,

Did it ever get better? Or stay the same? Cause I think sometimes about the heart as I heard it from a heartbroken guy on Rumblestrip Vermont. He said when it gets broken it's like you put it in a bag and smash it. And it's like china, you can only put it together so many times before it becomes dust. But personally, I've found I am miserable if I put myself there. And instead remind myself that there is no cap on love, and that it's a wellspring that we can all draw from.

But also big hugs =(

ClassifiedPancake ,

The second one was only 2 years ago unfortunately. I don’t trust strangers at all, which is sad because I know most people are generally nice.

Stealing from other people should be punished with chopping their hands off, like the old days! (jk)

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

When I was first on my own, I was living paycheck to paycheck and only ate ramen and oatmeal at home because I couldn’t afford decent meals.

The first Christmas when I could finally afford to buy presents for friends at work, I went shopping and carefully picked a gift for each person. Nothing fancy as I was still on a tight budget, but things I thought each person would enjoy. Then I splurged and bought gift bags and decorative tissue paper.

I left them all in the back seat of my piece of shit car to bring to work the next day. I figured it would be safe in the garage in a gated apartment complex. Someone broke into my car and stole it all.

They left fingerprints on my window, so I thought the police could track them down like on TV, but the police couldn’t care less. It really deflated me.

rekabis ,

but the police couldn’t care less.

The police protect property, not people. Your property was just too insignificant for them to care about.

If you have a net worth in the many dozens of millions at minimum, they respond much better to even tiny incidents like that.

cashmaggot OP ,

I think they protect certain people. I also think there are some good cops out there. People state outright that all cops are bad cops if they are part of an institution of evil. But I existence whether I like it or not is fueling harm in other locations. And I am still buying in, soooooo.

I only say this because I have legitimately met good cops and bad cops. But I also know bad cops are fucking brutal to minorities (and sometimes even to majorities). And they are firm believers in guilty until proven innocent. But they don't fuck with a lot of shit, and have most def been terrifyingly atagonistic in some situations of my life and radically aloof in others (like say, a child being raped). So yeah. It's just something I sit around and "huh" at because I am not sure what else to do.

I will also say that crime in Seattle where they shooed out the cops went up ten fold. But that cops in Seattle are racist pigs. But shout out to that one cool cop I saw in Tacoma who was trying his best to just be a human!

Zahille7 ,

When I was in middle school, I had these really cool (imo) Nike’s that were all white except for the stitching, sole, and the trim on the tongue and the inside were a bright, almost neon green. I saw them in the store at the NEX when we were visiting my brother when he graduated boot camp, and I begged my grandpa to get them for me, and he took a or of convincing and he finally broke down and got them for me. I was so happy about those things, I wore them all the time. One Friday night, when I was at some youth thing at a local roller rink that they put on every Friday night, some bastard kid stole them! I was so upset about it, I had to use the phone at the place to call my mom and tell her what happened. I had to sit around in my socks like a jackass until my mom came to get me. I was super bummed about it for a long time; tbh I still kinda am.

Then later, also in middle school, during a school event at night during the winter, my mom’s car got broken into and her purse was stolen from inside. That was very upsetting for both of us.

cashmaggot OP ,

Legitimately I grew up thinking why you can't have nice things because some asshole always swoops in and takes them from you. I always wonder who all is out here just taking this stuff? Like, you know you've gotta still cohabitate around these people. They at some point in your life gotta look you in the eyes o_o and have that heat on them.

Eh. There's gotta be some science behind it. I wonder how much is compulsive @_!?

p.s. - I have a friend who had to lie one way or another. They told me they'd say some of the stupidest lies they could so that they could get it out of their system and talk to others normally. I wonder if thieves were out here just taking pens at banks and shizz if they wouldn't feel the need to be ganking so many people's stuff.

UKFilmNerd , avatar

Living with a friend, in the first place after moving out of our parents places. He smoked weed but that didn’t bother me. However, one night he invited in the local weed dealer and I was really concerned but he assured me it was ok.

We both worked at the same company, so came home at the same time a day or so later to find the front door was open. They smashed the small decorative window which allowed them to reach in and unlock and open the door.

I can’t remember what they stole from my friend but I lost my GameCube, controllers and all the games. Also, my first portable minidisc player and a pair of cheap earphones I used with them which I absolutely loved. The wire was like string and rarely tangled.

I had a few imported US games and I thought they might give me the edge. I rang all the local game shops to see if anyone had tried to bulk sell the lot but I was unlucky.

cashmaggot OP ,

Ugh, I am sorry. Especially on those imports, that must have cost an arm and a leg. I talked about a friend who lost everything to a drug-dealer's crappy behaviors. I also know someone who was dating someone who invited a random person from the streets to come hang with them and then all of a sudden they were freebasing in their living room. I think they're pretty lucky that things didn't go down like this down the road. Cause sketchy people do sketchy things =/

Sorry again =/

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