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FALGSConaut , avatar

Besides the obvious like surplus labour value being stolen by my boss I’ve been stolen from a couple of times. I had my car broken into once (I accidentally left it unlocked since I had a family emergency to get to), they stole my jacket and some change out of the cup holder. I didn’t really care since I had more tragic matters to deal with at the time and if they needed to steal my jacket they needed it more than me. I was/am lucky enough to have a spare so I really didn’t think much about it. They did leave a half carton of coffee creamer behind though, I was a little confused about that

xmunk ,

Yea, I was walking home late at night with my hands full and my phone in my breast pocket. Two folks on an electric scooter zoomed by and grabbed my phone.

It fucking sucked.

cashmaggot OP ,

Fuck them.


About 20 years ago, when I was in middle school, some high schoolers stole a game (Halo for xbox) from me while I was walking home. I had borrowed it from someone at school.

cashmaggot OP ,

Also fuck them.

____ ,

The value of my labor, daily.

The nominal “cost” of my healthcare, at every encounter.


cashmaggot OP ,

Yeah, that's true. I once read an essay by a dyke who was a construction worker and wondered what life would be like if people just did the work they were interested in and everyone got paid a flat rate. I'm not sure it would work, but it is something to think on.


I was a court advocate for victims of domestic violence, volunteering at the same facility that had helped me escape an extreme situation. Having noticed that there was no federal, state, local, or private list of resources for people in crisis, I approached the director to request permission to compile a comprehensive guide and make it publicly available. Although I would’ve done it for free, the director saw the need and suggested this should be a highly-paid position; she announced the job opening to everyone at the next meeting.

A woman I’d never seen before expressed interest at the meeting, so I introduced myself and offered to collaborate to make the publication a success. We were scheduled to make our presentation to the board in a month. I gathered my half of the research and negotiated with businesses to donate materials and operating expenses, so that this program would be self-sustaining. I contacted the other woman every couple days to update her on what I’d accomplished, and to gather her data. She never had anything except excuses, so I gathered her share of the data, too.

On the day of the meeting, I’d done 100% of the work, which I’d happily shared with her, and I had put together the entire presentation. I didn’t mind, because this was a valuable community service. I arrived early for the meeting and sat outside the closed boardroom, waiting for my “partner”, but she never showed up.

At precisely the agreed-upon time for our meeting to start, the boardroom door opened and my partner emerged, grinning as everyone congratulated her. Yeah. I still didn’t get it.

I was ushered in and was asked to make my presentation. I was quickly interrupted because the board wanted to see MY efforts, not the work of the other woman. They accused me of stealing her work and told me to leave.

The other woman received a hefty salary for almost a year, but she never even bothered to use my research and connections to make even one flyer. Eventually she was fired and the failed community service idea became anathema to the facility.

That fucker changed the meeting time, stole my work and all the credit for it, scammed herself into the position, took the salary from the outreach budget, and destroyed the comprehensive resource list that would have helped tens of thousands of people in crisis.

cashmaggot OP ,

a) Kudos for getting out and giving back. You took your strength and utilized it ten-fold. That's really cool.

b) Had this done twice, once with my just-desserts and once with my face on the concrete.

c) Idk if a lot of the people who were volunteering were in the same space as you but some people are just warped either by life or by the situation and it sounds like you found a real rotten one. Worst part is she's still probably out there doing it to someone else. I think it's kinda like when they say stuff like how you can't become rich without stepping on others. It takes some really skeezy characteristics to get ahead in this world, and they all seem to be the exact opposite morals promote.

Fuck that woman though, you did what you wanted to out of the good of your heart and your program could have made a big difference. Hopefully now there's another program that has floated to the surface that has taken its place and does okay. I wish you had a heart to heart with the director, but I bet you ten bucks you ended up leaving if one of the people who turned on you was her. All things aside, I'm sorry you had this happen to you. It's outright rotten.

Catsrules ,

Someone stole my car’s owner manual.

cashmaggot OP ,

But not...the car? Eh...lucky?

Catsrules ,

And nothing else, not that i had much else in the car, but i had a dashcam and like a medical kit they didn’t touch. Super weird.

cashmaggot OP ,

Had a friend say that someone broke into their car to take sunglasses and nothing else. You know...the methed out heart wants, want the methed out heart wants.

Hextubewontallowme , avatar

An umbrella…

Some fellow student named Jordan did it years ago…

I’m still pissed and wondering where wtf he lives

cashmaggot OP ,

Fuck Jordan, let's go jump his ass =P!

Hextubewontallowme , avatar

Yeah… let’s make it quick, boys : )

Lifecoach5000 ,

The was in the 90s when I was growing up. Some asshole straight up came into my parent’s house and took these expensive ass Guess shorts while I was napping. Also had my wallet and ID in there. In a few days, the ID showed back up in my mailbox. I have a feeling it was a scumbag dude I grew up with but I’ll never truly know for sure.

cashmaggot OP ,

Yo, at least you got the set back. But who the fuck does that? I hope that dude wasn't some kinda freaky ass pedophile who was coming for booty or some shit.

BugleFingers ,

I lived in an apartment complex in my early 20s. Left the car unlocked one night and someone rummaged through it. The only thing they took was my prescription sunglasses. It aggrivates me to think that the moment they tried it they realized it was a prescription and threw em out. $600 just gone to steal something absolutely useless to anyone but me.

Like bruh.

cashmaggot OP ,

Woah, I talked about someone who had their car broken open and the only thing they took was sunglasses @_. Totally, like bruh moment. I've heard people say it's easier to keep nothing in your car and keep it unlocked than to keep it locked with stuff in it. Shrugs.

Either way fk thieves!

Nemo ,

Yeah, about five minutes ago. It happens. I’d rather extend trust and sometimes be disappointed than live in paranoia.

cashmaggot OP ,


I don't know what I want to live in. Cause I have been open as a book, and gotten jacked up. Being closed off is most certainly not healthy either. And things are things. But I really wish people stayed in their lanes.

eldavi ,

my father gave me a lesson once when my bike was stolen when i was a child. he told me that they did it because they felt they had to; not because they wanted to target me and that remaining angry about it was unproductive because they will never know nor care.

i try to apply that same lesson every time someone wrongs me.

cashmaggot OP ,

That's some good stuff. Like it's on them. It's why I try not to get upset if someone's having a mood swing or something. Cause that's on them, not me. But it can be harder to practice the more toes that get stepped on.

olorin99 , avatar

Back in primary school someone stole one of my bakugan out of my bag. It was the snake trap which folded into a cylinder instead of a sphere like the normal ones. So sad.

SuspiciousCatThing ,

Ohhh that takes me back. I forgot all about those. I wasn’t really interested in them, but kids at my school were. I’d steal them from stores and trade them for stuff I actually wanted.

I always played with them a tiny bit before I’d trade them. They were pretty neat. Lots of different shapes. I have no idea how they were actually meant to be used. Hard nostalgia wave, though.

cashmaggot OP ,

Legitimately, while I write all this fuck thieves shit I will say that when I was a kid I sometimes got cheap stuff from a "friend" (who's name i sitll remember probably on account of being one of the only people around with green eyes, let alone being black with green eyes). He would always bring me stuff and trade me for things or if I had a little cash I could buy it. I later realized (much, much later) that he was stealing it from ???? but I def had a cd player from him and rocked it for like...fifteen years? So in one sense that's pretty cool, but in another it is a =(!

cashmaggot OP ,

I had Utena cards, freakin' UTENA CARDS. That someone once stole. Who wants Utena cards? At leaast way back when? Nobody but this bitch. Yet someone else took them and lord knows did what with them. But yeah, I feel this.

nivenkos ,

Yeah, had a drug dealer burgle our apartment (just an opportunistic thing, spare keys had been left outside by a friend who was moving). Fortunately no-one was in, but it sucked to have to deal with all the damage and security.

We eventually tracked them down when they sold some stuff though and they were actually arrested and we got a few things back.

It was awesome the police actually raided them. Unfortunately the new government released them as prisoners with “non-violent” offences.

cashmaggot OP ,

I had a friend who made bad life choices and while I love them, they are most def not in my life anymore. They stayed up with a dealer and smoked a bunch of shit. The dealer, who is in one of the best pictures I've ever taken in my life by the by I think bitterly, proceeded to steal everything from this person. They met up while we were on a walk, and while my buddy used to buy weed off this person they started doing harder and harder drugs. But that's all to say this fuck-face magee stole everything they could from my buddy. They no longer could do their work, which was remote. They ended up homeless and got ultra fucked (literally and figuratively) while on the streets. I had just moved away, or else I woulda helped. But who the hell knows what that woulda brought in to my life. Sigh.

But fuck drug dealers. Most of them are total fucking assholes. I am glad you got the fkers. Surprised they got off, considering what they probably had around.

p.s. - This wasn't some tab shit btw. This was smoke up a lotta stuff and then gank kinda stuff.

tektite ,

A friend in college gave me his Gameboy Advance SP and some games, and I’d collected more games over the years. I lent everything to a coworker and then I was home sick when said coworker moved away and took it all.

Could’ve left it at work, could’ve left it with a mutual friend. They were coming back for a visit so I asked if they could bring it and they accused me of not caring about them, only the gameboy, so they did not give it back then either.

It was a huge bummer because I was on THE LAST LEVEL of Pokemon Sapphire and now it’s too expensive for me to get another copy. I’d also told the guy who gave it to me originally that he could reclaim the GBA and his games if he ever felt inclined but thankfully that has not happened since I wouldn’t be able to return them now.

I’ve had other belongings stolen from me in the past but it was the accusation that trying to reclaim my property meant I did not care about the person who stole from me that really grinds my gears even now. I’d spent a lot of time trying to help them through some difficult life stuff long before I ever lent them the console.

cashmaggot OP ,

a) Co-worker is an asshole and who the hey knows what happened to your stuff but you can reach out and see if they maybe have it in a box somewhere. $12 will get you most smaller things shipped across America (pending you're here).

b) Idk where you sit on the whole retro-gaming thing. But they've got gobtones of little handheld systems that can emulate most older systems and they're loaded to the gils with games too. I don't have one (if I feel the spirit I emulate on my phone) but they look pretty nifty. I've actively looked at them and though "Hmm, that's pretty nifty!" I am just not sure how much I would play them, and I already do well enough with my phone.

c) On the tail-end - most people will be friendly first if you do reach out. They don't feel a bunch of shame about anything, especially if you were nice to them. They might just think about the good times you spent with them and reminisce. Seriously, I would consider reaching out and seeing whatsup and then ask them if they remember the DS. But also you clearly kissed it goodbye, so it is what it is. I hope you kick the tail outta the last bit of Sapphire some day =)

tektite ,

Thanks for the thoughtful reply!

This happened many years ago now and I don’t have contact info for them or much desire to find out if they’re less of an asshole now. I would’ve thought if they were interested in returning it to me they would’ve done so at my request back in the day so I imagine asking again now wouldn’t make much of a difference.

I’m not too broken up about it; a much better friend who heard the story got me a used GBA and a couple of games for my birthday a while ago so I’ve managed to rebuild some of my collection. Mostly just upset that someone who stole from me called my character into question when I requested my stuff back. It made me feel like all the time I’d spent helping them with their issues was a waste of my time seeing as they were so quick to make me responsible for their own bad behavior.

cashmaggot OP ,

Of course, no worries! I was thinking if magically they were a male (I mean 50/50 right?) that they might have the same name as when you knew them. A gal? All bets are off. Some folks are easier to track down than others. Ah, I think I missed the part where they questioned your character. You know that's some bs deflection crap.

Also your friend sounds like super dope, x100. That's awesome =)! I still don't know where you sit on things, but I will say that when I did have a gameboy (I gave it to a friend when I moved at one point in my life) I did have some kinda flash card I think? It is shaped like a cartridge and connected to my laptop via a cord (Maybe a micro, maybe a mini?) and I coudl put a handful of games on there. I know scalpers have ruined the joy of retro gaming to a point. I once went into a retro game store and could have slapped every face in that store having seen the prices games go for nowadays. I've been sticking to basically "lofi" pc gaming. Like the super amazing intergalactic fishing and Sword of the Samurai *Sugoi~! But I do wanna toss one more thing your way just in case you end up deciding to check out retro-handhelds. I actually saw one recently, because someone posted a whole thing on PieFed I believe. That had lists of handhelds and their prices on AliExpress. But this one caught my eye because it looks like an SP and can play up to Dreamcast I think. Here's the review that I watched when I looked into it. I kinda hopped around, because I don't care too much about sound or teardown or anything. Feel free to check it out if you're interested =)!

Keep gaming, and keep being sweet =)!

keepcarrot ,

I don’t think I have, but I’m always mildly irked by broke people stealing from other broke people instead of from people that can afford to replace the stolen whatever.

I used to steal food from the local big chain supermarket.

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